& mbxA$yK!ikE&RF (Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the Young Woman's Temper ance Association of Buffalo, N.Y., strongly advises all suffering women to rely, as she (fid, up on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. ' Dkab Mns. Pjnkiiaii : Your med icine is Indeed on ideal woman's medi cine, and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength. 1 Buffered misery for several years, bcinp troubled with monorrhagia. My back ached, I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep, and in such pain that I Buffered for hours before I could po to sleep again. I dreaded tho long nights as much as the weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to get relief, but, finding- that their medicine did not seem to cure me. I tried your Vegetable Compound on tho recommendation of a friend from tho East who was visiting me. " I am glad that I followed her ad vice, for every Ache and pain is gone, and not only this, but my general health is much improved. I have a fine appetite and have gained in ilesh. My earnest advice to suffering women is to put aside all other medicines and to take Lydia E. Pinltlinm's Vege table Compound." Miss Kkixis Holmes, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo, N. Y. tBOOO forfeit If original of about lit ttr pro ving stnulnentss cannot be produced. TAKE THE WABAGU TO SAINT LOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO ! MAIN ENTRANCE. Ilnscnce checked to Fair icrounda. World'n Stopovers allowed. All Agents can route you via tho WABASH. For beuu tlful World's Fair folder and all Infor mation address HARRY E. MOORI3S. Gen. Act. Pass. Uept., Omaha, Neb. EX-SOLDIERS Th Devil'. Like Be.erT.tien Land., North DikoU, toon open under bome.tca.il law. Ittgbt of entry de KrmlDeJ lijr drawing, conducted by U. B. official.-Ki-iOldien may regl.ler and Ola by agent. One perron ran act ae agent tor but one aoldler only. To meet the demand ot soldier, for agents I hat e arramod with a number of citizen In North Dakota, near tbeio landf, to act aa agent for toidter.. To pay the agent and mytelf for trouble and eipenie. there will be a charge of HMO for registration. Should the soldlerdrawa number entitling him tn tract of land, the aame agent will file for blm. locate and select hla land for a fee of Ji on. If the aoldler prefer he may. Instead ot paying tbla tU.VO, go and select his own land. Soldiers not required to par 11.10 an acre on their land until six months after their Cling. ACT PROMPTLY .i'M!? ft No time for delay. Bend 111) and your dUcharge, or certified copy thereof, and I will send jtoj firoper legal papers for your execution. I will oolc after the entire matter and see that the agent does his doty. Should you notbe registered the money will be promptly returned. Local agents wanted to whom 1 will pay. reasonable commission forserrlces. Addresa, ItOIlT. F. 1IIHKKTT, Devll'l I.ako.N.I). TUC ftJUCVEIV It'll I CD dettroysal!theflteBr IMC UAIoT ILI rVILLCn arrordsromforttoeter. feorne In dining-room, eleeplng.room and places her . nies are trouble some. Clean, neA and will not sollo Injure anything Try them once am you will neier h wlthouttheni.lfrio keptbrdealersjusa prepaid forSOp, lUUULu HilERS, lill DtS.lb BroUr,J. I, ntnans Tabules are the btit dy Eepsla medicine ever made. A undred millions of them ban I been sold In the United States Ic single year. Cooulpatlon, heart barn, sick headache, dliztnes, bad breath, sore throat, and every III nesa arl.lnir from a disordered stomach are relieved or cured by Rlpant Tabules One will generally give relief within twenty mln nles. Tbe fl re-cent package Is enough for ordlnar occasions. AH drusgliti sell them. LEWIS SINGLE SJBAIGHT&CIGAR always reliable lour joouer or direct Irom luctory, feorla, 111. It Is still a question whether thing! nro wicked because they are nice, oi nice because they are wicked. Superior quality and extra quantltj must win. This Is why Defiance Starel ib taking the place of all others. Advertising Thread. A3 an advertisement of Its thread a well-known firm has, after several attempts, connected Et""e and Asia across the Bosphorus with 1,250 yards of cotton. Swimming Harder Than Climbing. An Austrian physician. Dr. P. Muel ler, has raado experiments which dem onstrate that swimming Is harder work than mountain climbing. True Joy comes tho moro silent as it penetrates deeper, . j e -T JlBI M "follow tub PLAO." UW U 1.' JJ i i ' .-Jtti Present Day Amber Is Resin, According to tho best modern au thorities tho so-called timber found in Syria, India and Madagascar Is not amber at all, but a resin, nearly al lied to copal, which is tho product of leaf-bearing trees growing fit tho pres ent day. Truo amber Is tho reBln of aclcular trees long Blnco extinct, and thero is a good deal ot conflict among scientists as to which geological pen iod it belongs to. Flight Through Frozen North. Tho Lapland limited is perhaps tho most curious of through express trains in that it carries fewer passcngors and runs over a longer distance than any other train. This flyer leaves Stockholm, Sweden, onco a week dur ing tho summer months and runs Btralght through to Narvik, a Norwe gian harbor, within the Arctic zona. Tho distanco is 1.C3G miles. Pension Consumptives' Families. In Germany, when, a person breaks down with consumption, ho is sent to a government sanatorium, whero he is kept until ho recovers or dies. In tho meantime his family receives a weekly pension from a fund to which tho patient himself contributed when ho was In good health. By this means tho risk of spreading tho dls easo Is avoided. Perfume and Moth Preventive. A pleasant perfume and moth pre ventive is made of cloves, caraway seeds, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon and Tonka beans an ounce of each. Add as much Florentine orris root as will equal the total amount of tho other ingredients. Put together, grind into a powder and put in Httlo bags among your clothes. Time of Lighting Flash. F. II. Glow of London has calculated (ho time of a lightning flash to be one nineteenth of a. second. Ho obtained this result by means of a photograph made with a vlgratlng lens, which in dlcated the multiplo Imago taken onr tho rato of vibration of tho lens. St?mp3 Not Historically Correct. On some of tho postage stamps ot St. Kltts-Nevls, England, tho authori ties have depleted Columbus gazing Intently through a big telescope As "& "matter 'of fact, telescopes were not invented till over 100 years after Columbus was born. Peat Supply of Sweden. Sweden's supply of peat seems In exhaustible. In tho province of Norr botten alono thero nro 8,648,000 acres of moss land, and tho total quantity of peat Is estimated to equal a supply for two centuries of tho present coa! import to Sweden. Havo You a Baby? If so, nothing clso you could possibly buj would rIvo it so much pleasure and buv yourself so much worry and troublo as e Phoenix Walking Chair. Its uso will insure tho baby against bumps and bruises, afford It amusement and quickly tench It to walk alone. Tho chair is beautifully constructed costs Httlo, and no mother can afford to bt without It. A man's work is from sun to sun but a woman's work 13 never done. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption save my lfo three years ago. Mas. Tuos. Ronntss Maple Street, Norwich, N. V., Feb. 17, 1000. Spying on Prisoners Condemned. To listen to the conversation of two suspected housebreakers, the Llandudno (Wales) police placed an officer under tho bed In the cell whero tho men were confined a proceeding which Mr. Justlco Wills condemned at the trial of tho men. Those Who Have Tried It will use no other. Defiance Cold Wa ter Starch has no equal In Quantlt; or Quality 16 oz. for 10 cents. Othe brands contain only 12 oz. A bachelor's Ideal better half is i woman with money. No chromos or cheap premiums, bu a better quality and one-third mop of Defiance Starch for the came prlc of other starches. Hard for Both Sides. "It's hard for us short people," said one Httlo woman to another little woman In a Boston crowd, "wher we're In a crowd whero tho tall peo pie get all the air and we're smoth ered." "It's hard for us tall people to havo all you small peoplo filling up tho floor bo that wo haven't room to walk," retorted tho tall girl Btand' ing next her." Stone Dust Brings Death. The mortality from lung disease among miners living in Cornwall, in eluding gold minors, Is eight or ten times that of colliers and ironstone miners. Tho damage Is done by the stone dust resulting from drill worlf, which cuts tho lung tissues and en ables tho tuberclo bacillus to gain a footing. Complete Hcrfe Skeleton. Ono of tho most interesting pos sessions of the museum at the Hahne mann Medical Collego In Philadelphia Is a completo nervo skeleton made by Dr. ltufus B. Weaver, tho famous neu rologist. It Is said to bo tbe only specimen of the kjnd In tho world. Birds at Church Services. Birds nest freely In tho rafters of tho ancient parish church at Ivy church, Kent, England. During the services tho birds flit to and fro from pew to pew, and are often fed by breadcrumbs brought in tho pickets of worshipers. Japanese Education. In Japanese public schools lnstrn Hon 13 givon in hygiene and physlol ogy. A Berlin newspaper remarki that in this respect educational Japai Is ahead of Prussia. COSTUME FOR FAR NORTH. Caupor Whitney Soon Found What Was Most Valuable. CaRpor Whitney wrltos In regard to his lain tin it expedition In tho far north of Canada: "One of tho flQtfr lessons I Jenrncd was to hoop ni' fncji free from covering, and also ns clcjin sbnvcn as was possible under sirfjh circumstances. It makes mo snft now to remember tho elaborate hood arrangement which wits knitted for rac in Canada, and which then scorned to mo one of the most impor tant articles of my equipment. It covered tho entlro head, cars nnd neck, with openings only for cyos nnd mouth, and In town I had viewed It ns n great find; but I throw it away before I got within 1,000 miles of the barren grounds. Tho reason is obvi ous: My breath turned tho front of the hood Into n sheet of ice before 1 had run three miles, and as there was no flro In tho barren grounds to thaw It, of courso It was an Impossi ble thing to wenr In that region and a poor thing In any region of low tem perature. After other experiments, 1 found the simplest and most comfort able hendgoar to be my own long hair, which hung even with my Jaw, bound about Just above tho ears by n hand kerchief, and tho open hood of my caribou-skin capoto drawn forward over all." MISCHIEF BY CAPE JACKALS. Yearly Loss from These Animals Esti mated at $7,500,000. During a discussion on Jackals in tho Cape house of assembly a few days ago Mr. Rubidgo gave figures based on Intelligent and recorded ob servation of tho depredations caused by jackals. In ono year tho losses caused to his stock amounted to 10 per cent. Estimating on tho number of tho flocks in 1805, ho worked gradually up to n yearly loss 'of $7,500,000, di rectly traceable to Jacknls. With that as a basis the Capo Argus works as follows upon Mr. Rubidge's figures. "Allowing for a-loss of 5 per cent.. Instead of 10, the annual destruction of small stock would be 850,000, equal to $1,900,000. "Next there camo the estimate of loss caused to the veldt and to tho flocks by the kraallng system. If there were no Jackals tho Hocks would run free at night. Mr. Rubidgo estimated the loss from the enforced kraallng at $2,125,000. But that does not end the indictment against tho jackal, Tho kraallng system has re duced the dropping of lambs from 90 per cent, to CO per cent., and Mr. Ru bidgo estimated the loss from this cause at $2,250,000. South Africa. The Stupidest Nation. Tho wanderer leaves Corea with a feeling of having seen how the stupid est nation of created men .can also be the happiest; or, could, wcro con ditions only a trifle moro propitious By the evil star of the Coreans it has been arranged that their land Is to be the Switzerland of the far cast a territory to bo fought over forever, but ono that no nation can cither Itself possess or allow any other to hold. Corea Is tho victim of her own geographical advantages. And the Impressionist carries away with him tho picture of a people indomit ably patient, dumb with tho callous ness of despair, that yet has the se cret of happiness In Its power to ex tract joy from tho most unsatisfac tory material; a nation stunned by tho oppression of the nges out of all moral and mental vigor yet still stout, and capable, perhaps, of both a nation of sturdy, apathetic sheep whose silent Indifference beneath the driving lash of the world may some day bo found unexpectedly to have its limits or its possibilities. The Living Age. What It Meant. SGmuel J. Elder's Yalo stories arc always In demand at the reunions of tho Yalo alumni in Boston, and one which slipped by at a quiet everyday lunch recently Is particularly good. "A classmate of mine," remarked Mr. Elder, "has a particularly bright lad now in the university, in whose progress I have been a Httlo Interest ed. His father and I lunch together quite frequently, and tho father, be fore sending tho son his quarterly al lowance, always has tho boy send in an estimate of the coming three months, the expenses of which are closely figured. "A short time ago, while going over the items, the father read one which surprised him: 'Charity, $45.' "'What do you think of tho rascal. Sam? What does ho mean by that item?' "'Oh, that's tho charity that cover eth the multitude of sins,' I had to reply." Paradise for Hunters. Get a party of ten or twelve nnd charter a steamer to go down tho Colorado river for a three weeks' trip and you will havo tho hunt of your life. You never dreamed of the number and variety of water fowl. Indians, who live along the banks, can be hired for a trifle to retrieve the birds, and they will make tho average spaniel ashamed of himself. The quail that Inhabit the mesqulto forosts, a Httlo way back from the river, are there by millions. Plenty of deer of tho largo 'mule' variety aro here their antlers being only second to the elk. Tho game is thero in greater num ber nnd variety than probably exist anywhero else in tho west. There is no game law, but you must get a permit from the Mexican customs to take guns and ammunition across the line. Sunset Magazine. Bronchltlo Most Fatal Disease. Bronchitis Is tho most fatnl dlscarn In Ungland, next consumption, and then lionrt disease, pneumonia a.nt scarlatina. , frfSftj tho Flrot IrWejAor. Tho Hirst, piece of genuine moclmn Ism tho modern, world saw, a clock, was tho invention of a Moor. Origin of Cocsaok. Cossack (Kosak) is a word of Asi atic origin, moaning a highwayman od horseback. CHIEF OF POLICE SAVED. Newberry, 8. C W. H. Harris, Chief of Police, of Nowborry, says: "I suffered for a number of years with kidney complaint. Thero was a dull aching across tho small of my back that was worso at night and made tno feel mlscrablo all tho tlmo. The kidney secretions wero dark and. full of sediment, and lack of control compelled mo to rlso a number ot times during tho night. Between this annoyanco and tho backache It was Impossible for mo to get much Bleep and my health was being undermined. I tried a number of remedies, but nothing helped mo until I got Doan's Kidney Pills. Tho uso of this remedy according to directions promptly brought about n chaugc for the better. After using two boxes tho bnckacho nil left me, tho kidney secretions cleared up and tho action of tho kid neys became normal." A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Chief Har ris will be mailed to any part of tho United Stntcs. Address Foster-Mil-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all dealers; price fifty cents por box. Thero Is a Way Out. Many men say wo know what to do if wo wore nt liberty. When ono gets cornered tho ono thing not to allow is discouragement. It is use less, harmful nnd unnecessary. It is purely physical, nnd thoughtfuincss with will power prevents It. Molan choly is death to good work. It can, with few exceptions, bo rested, forced, exercised or doctored off. Earl M. Pratt. Enormous Cakes. Tho most remurknblo cakes ever made wero among tho gifts at tho Victoria jubileo celebration. Tho fin est of thoso stood thirteen feet high, weighed a quarter of a ton and cost $1,500. Another figured at tho wed ding of tho Arctic explorer, Admiral Murkhnm. On tho top was a cugar model of H. ..i. S. Alert, wedged in the center of an Iceberg. To Renovate Milan Cathedral. Tho facade of tho Milan cathedral, which was completed in great hasto in 1813 by order of Napoleon, and which has always been a blot oa tho building, is now to bo entirely reno vated. Wise Words From Seneca. If tho mind bo evil, it makes every thing elso so, too; but If It bo right and since It corrects what is wrong, and mollifies what Is hard, with mod esty and courage. Seneca. Every tlmo nn old bachelor hears a baby cry ho takes a fresh grip on his resolution to remain single. BUNCH TOGETHER Coffee Has a Curious Way of Finally Attacking Some Organ. Alls that come from coffoo aro cumulative, that Is, unless tho coffee is taken away now troubles aro con tinually appearing and tho old ones get worse. "To begin with," says a Kansan, "I was a slave to coffee Just as thou sands of others to-day; thought I could not live without drinking strong coffee every morning for breakfast And I had sick headaches that kept me in bed several days every month. Could hardly keep my food on my stomach but would vomit as long as I could throw anything up nnd when I could get hot coffee to stay on my stomach I thought I was better. "Well, two years ago this spring I was that sick with rheumatism I could not use my right arm to do any thing, had heart trouble, was iieiv ous. My nerves were all ur strung and my finger nails and t!pi wero blue as If I had a chill all tho tlmo and my face and hands yellow as a pumpkin. My doctor said it was heart disease and rheumatism and my neighbors said I had Brlght's dleeaso and was going to die. "Well, I did not know what on earth was tho matter and every morn ing would drag myself out of bed and go to breakfast, not to eat anything, but to force down some more coffee. Then in a little while I would be bo nervous, my heart would beat llko everything. "Finally one morning I told my hus band I believed coffee was the cause of this troublo and that I thought I would try Postum which I had soon advertised. Ho said 'All right' so we got Postum and although I did not like it at first I got right down to business and made It according to directions, then it was flno and tho whole family got to using It and I tell you it has worked wonders for me. Thanks to Postum in place of tho poison, coffee, I now enjoy good health, have not been in bed with sick headache for two years although I had it fqr 30 years before I began Postum and ray nerves are now strong and I havo no troublo from my heart or from the rheumatism. "I consider 1-ostum a necessary ar ticle of food on ray table. My friends who come here and tasto my Postum say it is delicious." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Get the book, "The Road to Well vlllo" in each pkg. Japanese Aaieu. Tho Jnpaneso word of pnrtlng is nof'So long" or "Soo you later." but "Sayonaro" "If It must bo so." Dogs In Funeral Cortege. At tho burial of a South London man hra slxt'dogs, drnpod in black,' 'fol lowed tho Cortege. .' Qerm of Good Cheer. Tact is tho 'art of adjusting, Jtho relationships between ourselves and others. A Trip to Colorado, Utah or California Is not complete unless It embraces tho most beautiful resorts and grand est scenery in Colorado, which aro found on tho Colorado Midland Rail way, the highest standard gaugo lino in tho world. Exceptionally low sum mer round trip rates to Colorado In terior stato points, Utah, California and tho Northwest aro offered by this line. For information address Mr. C. II. Speers, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. Every man thinks every other man has his price. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers sny they don't keep Dollnncc Starch because they linvo a Block In hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know cannot be Hold to a custo mer who lias once used the 16 oz. pkg. Defiance Starch for same money. Politics: craft and graft. "From tho cradle lo Iha baby chair"1 HAVE YOU A BABY? II so, you ought to havo a PHOENIX' WALKING GHA9R 8SL .m THri VrVAi I tjJ2W.JZZi1 mMM (rATENTED) "AN IDEAL SKLF-INSTftUCTOn." OUR PHOENIX Walking Chair holds tho child socarolr, pro venting thoso painful falls and bumps which aro so f roqnont when baby learns to walk. "BETTER THAN A NUROC." Tho chair is providotl with a ro movablo, sanitary cloth scat .which supports tho weight of tho child and prevents bow-legs and spinal troubles; it also has a tablo attach ment which onablos baby to Hud amusoment in its toys, etc., with out any attention. "As Indlsponsablo as a cradlo." It is bo constructed that it pro vents soiled clothos, oicknoss from drafts and floor germs, and is rocommendod by physicians and endorsod by both mothor and baby. Combines ploosuro nnd utility. No baby should bo without ono. u Call at yonr farnituro dcale and ask to seo ono. uAxtrrAcnmxD oslt bt PHOENIX CHAIR CO. 8HEBOYOAN. WIS. Can only bo had of your furniture dealar. SOLD BY cBair aB 1 Mr ON OUR TRADE MARJC OCT TO KNOW fT WHEN YOU SEE fT M AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT. U DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. m IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN M CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE M CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS fT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU M m ASS FOR IT. n a u :, a . . M k SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. W MANUFACTURED BY W The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., T OMAHA. NEB. ANTESEPTIO PILE CONES DRUGGISTS. Sample Free. ANTISEPTIC When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. A Thought for the Week. It you nro not honest In your buy Ing and selling you cannot bo honest in your praying. Will Have No More Barmaids. Johannesburg, llko Glasgow, has banished tho barmaid from its sa loons. JP' A man Is seldom successful wfk is diffident of himself. A man's manners shnpo his fortune. -Danish. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES To TORONTO and MONTREAL DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, - - - 9.05 P.M. Ar. TORONTO, - - - 9.10 P.M. Ar. MONTREAL,- - - 7.35 A.M. To PORTLAND Evory Monday and Thursday Lv. ST. LOUIS, - - 12.30 Noon Ar. MONTREAL, - - 7.15 P.M. (SKCOM) DAT) Ar. PORTLAND, - - (TIIIltD 1IAY) 8.05 A.M. To BOSTON DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, 9.00 A.M. 9.05 P.M. Ar BOSTON, 5.20 P.M. 9.50 A.M. For Rata: and Information, address H. E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D 1601 Fornnm Stroot, Omaha. Noil DOMINION EXHIBITION WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, JULY 26th lo AUGUST 6th THE BEST EXPOSITION OFAGRICULTURALAND INDUSTRIAL RESOUR CES OF CANADA EVER MADE. : : : : : An Aggregation of Attractions Never Before Equalled at an Exhibition of this Kind. - - Ample Accommodation for Visitors. Low Railroad Rates from all United States Points. Particulars Glvon by Canadian Government Agents or Nearest Ticket Agent. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 321904 CURE WHILE YOU PILE CONE CO., Crelo.Neb. SLEEP. L'UKtS WHtfek 111 HSf Ills. Beat Coujih Syrup. Tutu Uood. Cao I hum, oia dt arunuiL Irs WABASH Y -Sl m tutus wnut ail tist iwis. a ij Beat Coujih Syrup. Tutu Uood. Cao Eel lntfoa. Sola by aruggUu. B