ft i i'i ? i I 41 f I 1c w. MVtfff HffRra, Per PHHHQPTatmd Osscn 1 ftSfiV tlnlans. -I if? l36 '''"' European jLfMfJpooplcB, namely, II IL Greeks, gypslos, iliir Swedes, Germans. i IJJJP C a u c a b 1 a n h, namely, GeorglatiB, Lcsghl, KistiB and tAlTAtZiVSAir Tchorkess. Finnish people, noventeen divisions. Jows. Tartar peoples, nlno divisions. MongolH, ton (HvIhIoiib, including the AIiiub or "Hniry Kurlles," and all other people of oriental blood In Si beria and in the Pnclllc provinces. Based on the last general census of the cmplro, tho present estimated nu merical atrongth of tho principal di visions of population Is as follows: Slavonic people, including tho Poles, Sorvlans ami Bulgarians, 90,000,000; Tartars, including tho Uabegs and eight other divisions, 10,000,000; Cau casian races, 7,000,000; Turkestan nnd Trans-Caspian people, 5,000,000; Jows, 1, 500,000; Roumanians, including tho Karakalpak and Sorbs,, 4,000,000; Lcsghl, Georgians and Ossentlnlnns, 3,500,000; Armenians and other Iran ian races, 2,100,000; Germans, 1,300, 000; Mongolians, Including tho Alnus, or "Hairy Kurlles," and nil other peo ple of orlontal blood, 1.000,000; Swedes, 300,000; Gypsies, Persians, Kurds and SartB, 270,000; Samoyodes, 30,000; all other races, about 1,00,000. In 1899, beforo Russia had advanced to occupy Mongolia and Manchuria, Vladimir Holstrcm of tho St. Peters burg Vledomoatl wroto tho follow ing for tho New York Independent: "Tho groat czar of Moscow, Ivan tho Terrible, who nearly 150 years before Peter tho Great had sketched out tor that Russian reformer his plan of action, fought Swcdon and Poland In the west and subdued tho Tartar kingdoms of Kaznn and Astrakhan In the cast. The name of Russia rang throughout tho whole of Asia, and her chief princes and tho khan of Siberia voluntarily acknowledge tho Biiprora ncy of Russia, sending ambassadors to Moscow and paying tribute to tho czar. . . . "After tho conquest of tho Tnrtar kingdom of Kazan, In 1552, tho suprem acy of Russia was acknowledged by tho numerous tribes of Bashkirs dwel ling eastward of tho Volga and form ing a link with tho tribes toward tho Aral sea. Russia's possession of west ern Siberia was nssured to her In leas than halt a century. In tho same uondorful way Russia's progress across Siberia to tho very Bhores of tho Pacltlc was accomplished in llttlo more than 50 years. "About 1G04 Russia entered Into a mutually binding agreement with a powerful Mongolian khan of southern Siberia to keep open access to China. Soon afterward, In 1C19, tho emperor of China sent his first ombnssy to Russia. In 1C38 tea was first intro duced into Europo (In this matter Russia was beforo England). During the next twenty years all tho regions to tho north and northwest of Siberia, all its northern river system nnd tho Arctic coast were explorod. "A Cossack expedition, 730 strong, dispatched from Yakutsk, reached tho rhor Amur, and following Its course, discovered, in 1C43, tho straits of Tar tary and tho sea of Okhotsk. Now tho wholo of Siberia was in Russia's bands; everywhere, on tho principal rivers, up to the Arctic circle and be yond It, and tho natives acknowledged Russian supremacy and paid tril-ute. "A"n adventurous trader from Ya kutsk conceived tho Idea of opon'.ng for Russia tho region about tho Amur and tho Shllka rlvors. and gathering togethor a following of 150 men with two cannons, accomplished In somo two yenrs tho task. This took place pW .. i urn .. i- ,i . Til and I kingdoms uo Asiatic continent 7y broken up, yot con- with various tribes of tho Entlnucd through the scv- In, eighteenth and well on Into Inetcenth century, tho Kaznks vlng more trouble. These Knzaks nro of Turkic (not Osmanll) origin nnd nro nearly related to tho Cos sacks, on tho ono hand nnd tho Rus slnn Kirghiz tribes on tho other. "Tholr power was finally broken when In tho second half of tho pres ent century tho Russians subdued Turkestan, conquered tho Khanato of Khiva, took Tashkent and Samark and nnd brought under their sway tho khnnntca cf Bokhara and Kokan, thereby rounding out their posses sions in central Asia. "There was no special plan adopt ed for this wonderful progress through two continents. It devclopod ltsolf under tho pressuro of clrcum- stances nnd tho Influence of that host of guides Instinct. Cossacks, traders and Bottlers spread over tho plains of Siberia nnd tho stoppes of centrnl Asia by way of that rlvpr system which 1b Siberia's greatest opportu nity and her best chanco for tho at tainment of a wondorful degree of prosperity. Tho ultimate object of this expansion was that Russia wns always seeking for an outlet to the open sea. "During thoso hundred years Rus sia has devoted herself to developing tho lncxlmustlblo natural wealth of Slboria, but as yet with no great suc cess, comparatively Bpeaklng. Wo are now In possession of a great oraplro which extends from tho Ural moun tains to tho far East and covers an area of nearly 5,312,000 square miles, I. o., about forty-four times as large ns Great Britain and Ireland. But it must bo borno In mind that these fig- uios are merely approximate. The population of Siberia Includes many thousnnds of Catholics, Protestants nnd Jews, nnd a greater number still of Mahometans and heathens. "Russia's Asiatic possessions have a splendid future beforo them. Tho country Is well known to abound In' mineral wealth. In tho old days of undeveloped communications nnd a primitive state of Industry tho trade of Siberia with Russia amounted to somo $(50,000,000 to $70,000,000 annu ally. "Practically, all tho towns of Si beria aro trading centers, but, after Vladivostok and Irkutsk, this is espe cially tho case, In western Siberia. It Is only now thnt, thanks to tho rail way, Siberia Is coming Into close ma terial conduct with European Russia. Tho natives, numbering nearly 2,000, 000, the Russians, Poles, Finns nnd Germans enjoy tho advantages of mil scums, BChools and theaters built for their instruction; Tomsk prides Itself on Its university. In short, Siberia is in full swing nnd only needs more energetic men and moro of tho creative forco of capital to at tain to a marvel ous development of her possibili ties In tho spheres of trade and In dustry. "Tho conclu sions wo have ar rived at are that In the past Russlr has r e n d e r o t enormous service to mankind In keeping in check the barbarians of Asia, and finally, through incessant strife, by break ing up their empires; that Russia's expansion In Asia was and is an In stinctive movement boding peace, It Is a natural peaceful .development, which besides Russia Is to bo found in two moro cases only China and tho United States; that It is useless to opposo Russia in Asia and groatly preferable to asaoclato onesolf with her In hor policy; obstacles may bo raised in Russia's path at all points, but tho force of circumstances will in the long run sweep them all away." Him j TAMTAH Nine Gored Walklna Skirt. o walking skirt that flares with v'ect freedom about tho feet yet is ug over the hips Is a favorite of tho eason and Is likely to retain all Its vogue for a long tlmo to come, Inas much ns It Is eminently graceful nnd becoming ns well as comfortable In tho case of tho model each altcrnato goro Is different, tho front, center sldo nnd back gores being plain whllo tho Intervening ones nro mado In two sections each, tho lower portions be ing box, plaited. All materials suit- Design by May Manton. able for street wear and heavy enough to be mado in tailor stylo aro appropriate, linen, tho moro substan tial veilings, cheviot and all tho fa miliar cloth, taffetas and tho like, but tho original Is mado of brown canvas veiling stitched with cortlcolll silk and trimmed with bands of silk head ed by fancy braid. Tho skirt is cut in nine gores. Thoso at sldo front and sldo back aro mado with plain upper and box plaited lower portions and at tho edge of each plain goro Is a narrow plait which conceals tho seam. Tho quantity of material required for tho medium size 1b 10 yards 21 inches wide, 84 yards 27 Inches wide or 4 ynrds 44 Inches wide, with 2 yards each of Bilk banding and braid to trim as illustrated. Silken Gown Supreme. Tho silken gown reigns supremo for almost all occasions; but for tho for mal gown for vleltlng, dinner and reception purposes there Is absolute ly nothing which can tako its place. And tho way In which tho real laces, thoso of bold and well-raised designs, aro used to supplement tho richness of the silk, Is not by any menns tho least of their attractions. A recent gown shows tho new radium satin mossallno a white shot with faint yellow, pale pink and hint of mauvo In different lights combined with a heavy mesh polnto Arabo In tho now yellowish tint which blends so softly with white. Tho corsage, which fas tens In tho back, la of tho laco with an overlaid yoke of tho radium satin, this llkowlse furnishing tho very full puff sleeve, which Is met at the elbow by a laco cuff. The present fancy for panel effects 1b neon In tho front de sign of lace, where tho panel Is split to admit the tiny yoke of satin. The fit over tho hips la attained with dart shaped tucks, and tho bouffantry at tho foot Is cleverly maintained with a group of lingerie and silk rullles sowed Inside tho skirt at the foot. Blouse or Shirt Waist. Box plaited effects aro exceeding!;! fashlonnblo and any combination ot thoso of full length with shorter tucks Is suro to mnko a satisfactory waUt. Tho full length plaits givo tho cng lines that always aro deslrablo whllo tho shorter tucks provide be coming fulness. This very excel lent model Is adapted to a wldo range of materials but Is shown In whlto mercerized madras, tho collar and cuffs being of tho material fin ished with fancy stitches, Tho back ns illustrated is blousod slightly over ..bo belt but can be drawn down snugly whenever pre ferred. Tho waist consists of tho fitting lin ing, fronts and back and Is fitted by means of shoulder and under-arm seams. Tho effect of tho box plaits is obtained by wldo tucks which aro turned ono outward and one Inward in each group and tho closing is maria invisibly at tho center front. Tho sleeves aro wldo ind full below tho elbows, but tucked to fit snugly above nnd aro finished with straight cuffs. Tho novel stock Is a feature nnd it adapted not to this waist alone, but also to tho separato ones which are always In demand. The quantity of material required for tho medium steo is 6V1- yards 21 Inches wide, 4 yards 27 inches wldo or 3S yards 44 inchos wide. A Delicious Dessert. Whipped cream with a fig border makes a delicious finishing touch to a luncheon or dinner. Tho only dif ficult part Is tho making of the bor der. Here i the slmploet mot hod: Put .i pound of figs, cut up very small Into a .stowing pan with ono pint of u liter. ', 'liiucts of loaf mWmm Nlne-Gorcd Walking Skirt a General Favorite Shirt Waist with Box Plaited Effect Recipe for Casser ole of Lamb and Rice. sugar and a little lemon rind. Cook In tho oven for two hours. Rub this through a slevo (removing the lemon rind), and add to it half an ounco of gelatine. As it begins to cool stir in a quarter of a gill of cream. Have rendy , border mold, masked with Jolly and decorated with chopped almonds and pistachios, fill it with tho fig puree, and place on Ice to set. Whip half a gill of cream and sweet en It to taste. Turn out tho mold In a cold dish and fill tho center with cream. Girl's Dress. Slmplo frocks are always smart for llttlo girls and those of tho ono piece sort, or mado with waist and skirt in one, nro peculiarly well liked for play tlmo and school wear. This one includes a big sailor collar, which is always becoming to childish figures, and can bo mado from a variety of materials, being quite appropriate to slmplo wools as well as linen and cotton fabrics, but as shown tho ma terial Is bluo linen chambray, tho col lar and shield of whlto with trim ming of bluo nnd whlto braid. Tho dress Is mado with fronts and backs and shaped by means of shoulder and un-der-arm seams. Tho box plaits aro laid for Its entire length and at each under-arm scam aro additional Invert ed plaits in the skirt that provide tho necessary fulness. The neck Is fin ished with tho collar and tho shield Is attached beneath, the right side be ing stitched permanently, tho left but toned Into place. Tho sleeves aro tucked to form box plaits to tho el bows and form full puffs below and aro gathered Into straight cuffs. Tho quantity of material required for tho medium size (8 years) is 5 yards 27 inches wide, 4 yards 32 Inches wide or 3 yards 44 , Inches wide, with -i yard of contrasting material 27 Inches wide for collar, cuffs and shield and 4 yards of braid to trim as Illustrated. Milk kept In a shallow basin will remain sweet for a longer tlmo than If kept In n deep jug. If a tablospoonful of pnraflln bo added to the pall of hot water used for washing tiles it will both cleanse and brighten them. A fine wntorproof blacking for shoes is made by mixing by heat one half pound of tallow, one-eighth pound of beeswax, one gill of ncatsfoot oil. with ono-quarter of an ounco of lamp black. FOR WEE Slmplo llttlo frccks made with cpaulettos always aro becoming to In white. This one is full bolow a prettily shaped yoke and Includes rc wuo ohlldron and aro shown In attractive colored fabrics as well as vide. fll slwsvw The. model i? I iWk s--i lwAr-yii J - n X' " "-v Jl wn If a button is sowed over a pin laid crosswise over tho holes there will be less strain on tho material and the button will stay on longer, espe cially If tho garment is laundered fre quently. For a quick hot application remove tho chimney from a lighted lamp, slip Into an old Btocklng and apply to tho pain. If steam Is required wrap a damp warm pleco of flannel abdut tho chimney. To wash a corset romove tho steels, then lay tho corset on n table or board and scrub with a stiff brush, using a lather made of whlto soap. Rinse beneath a tap with cold water, pull straight, and allow to drv. The Strawberry Tint. Ono of tho prettiest new colors pro duced this season Is reminiscent of tho old fashioned "crushed strawberry" tint. In silk voile It is quite irresisti ble, and it makes the most charming frocks." One suit that looked extreme ly well consisted of a cloth skirt plait ed Into a quaintly shaped hip yoke, and a knitted Jersey coat, both of this lovely rosy pink color; both coat and skirt matched exactly and tho effect was charming. Gooseberry Sauce. Allow half pound of brown sugar to pound of fruit. Cook tho fruit until perfectly tender, then add tho sugai and cook twenty minutes. Just as they are finished cooking add a table spoonful of brandy for each pound of fruit, and Into each Jar put a pleco of thin lemon rind. oadoir Confidences Fringe remains. Panel effects are noted. Puffings figure on sheer frocks. Whole laco dresses arc In high fa vor. Pastilles of velvot aro by no means "out." Laco coats are lovely In cream color. , , Embroidery of all rich sorts Is In vogue. "Boleros and ctons aro too becoming to part with. - Draped girdles, trim and snug, are as good as over. Dotted Swisses aro stand-bys for summer dresses. Sheer white India linen is both pretty and useful. Cascado bunches of small flowers aro lovely on hats. Grass-green tulle and bluets wero seen on a hat recently. Linen In tho natural color Is to bo In as high favor as ever. Shawl-like shoulder wraps aro among tho graceful features. TOTS. mado of Persian lawn with yoke of tucking, epaulettes and banding of embroidery. To make tho dross for a child of two years of age will be re quired 2 yards of material 27 or 2 yards 32 inches wide, with yard of tucking, 4 yards of Insertion and 1 ynrd of ombroldery 4 inches wldo. . nSpHj Rings Returned, but Fees Never. "Somo girls aro addicted to tho habit of returning tholr engagement rings after tho break," remarked tho Observer of Events and Things, "but no minister that wo ever heard of thought for a rainuto of giving back tho marriage feo." 8ummere at Lake George. George Cary Eggleston, tho well known novelist and man of letters.) is spending the summer at Lako George, whero his home Is noxt tho former home and library of his brother, tho lato Edward Eggleston. Bamboo Good for Scaffolding. Tho French consul at Batavla rec ommends bamboo aB a flno material for constructing builders' scaffolding. Its power of resistance Is very great and It will not rot, but becomes stronger with age. Work for a God. To mnko somo nook of creation a llttlo fruit-fuller, better; to make somo human hearts a llttlo wiser, manfuller, happier, moro blessed, less accursed! It is work for a god.- Carlylo. Arriving at a Verdict. Kushcqua, Pa., Aug. 1. (Special) In this section of Pennsylvania thero l.i a growing belief that for such Kid ney Diseases as Rheumatism and Lame Back there is only ono suro euro nnd that Is Dodd's Kidney Pills. This belief grows from such cases as that of Mrs. M. L. Daviaon of this place. Sho tells tho story herself as follows: "I have Buffered from Rheumatism for thirty years and find that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done mo moro good than any medlclno I havo ever taken. I was nlso bothered with Lamo Back nnd I can only say that my back hasn't bothered mo slnco I took Dodd's Kidney Pills." Considering that Mrs. Davison only took two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, the result would bo considered won derful If It wero not that others aro reporting similar results dally. Kushe qua is fast arriving at a verdict that "Dodd's Kidney Pills aro tho ono Buro euro for i:heumatlsm." Anomalous as It may seem, It Is sweot to suffer when tho suffering Is for those wo love. $100 Reward, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to team (bat tbere It at lean one dreaded disease tbat science lis beea ablo to cure In all its stages, and tbat U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, require! n constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting dlrectlr upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and string tbe patient strength by building up tbe cunttitutlun and insist ing natnre In doing Its work. The proprietors hao so much faith In Its curative powers that they oSer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso tbat It fall to cure. fe-:nd for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all DrugKlsts, 70c. j Take Hall's Family rills for consMpaUoc ' s A fast young man Is apt to be slow about getting away from a bar. FREE TO TWENTY-FIVE LADIES. The Defiance Starch Co. will give 25 Indies a round-trp ticket to tho St Louis exposition to fivo ladles In each of the following states: Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missou ri who will Bend in tho largest number of trade marks cut from a 10-ccnt, 16 ounco package of Defiance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own homo, anywhere In tho abovo named states. These trado marks must bo mailed to and received by tho De fiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nob., beforo September 1st, 1904. October and No vember will bo tho best months to visit the exposition. Remember that Dcflanco is tho only starch put up 10 oz. (a full pound) to tho package. You get one-third moro starch for tho same money than of any other kind, and Dcflanco never sticks to tho Iron. Tho tickets to tho exposition will bo sent by registered mall September 5th. Starch for salo by all dealers. If you are looking for a man with brains, call on a butcher. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than poslble with any other brand and one-third more for same money. Thero is such a tiling as carrying your thanks too far. Mm. ITInglotr's Soothing Syrnp. Tor rblldrcn teething, softens tbe gurus, reduces ftj. nomination, tllays pala, cures wind collu. Uc a botUe. The well man soon forgets tho sick man's promises. CITO poraa-nently cured. No fits or nerrcasness arte ri I ilnt day's me of Dr. Kline's Oreat NerTB Hutor Br. Rend for Fit Eli 83. OO trial bottle and treatise. Us. 11. U. Kuxs,Ltd.,fM Arch Street, I'hlladelphla, r It's awful slow work getting popu lar with your wife's relatives. Important to Mothors. Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTOkIA, a safo nnd suro remedy for Infants nnd children, and eeo that it Bean the Signature of jf&&K In Uso For Over 30 Yeara. Tao Kind Yon Havo Always Bought Even a man who will tako a tip on a horse race and bet on It Is seldom rash enough to ask a man to dlnnor without first consulting his wlfo about It. Now York Press. It's mighty good practlco to bo in Iovo with a woman you can't marry, because It has already happened to her. After looking upon the wlno when it is red many a bookkeeper loses. his balance. Happy is tho man who works pro vided ho doesn't work the wrong party. When a man bogins to tako whisky la a medicine ho soon becomes a chronic invalid. A jT V i kfr i