XV I It r.r fr i Forest Lumber Company. UMkJJMi J-i.il..'-. -fl Dierks Also agents for Nebr. Central tock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in "Western Ne braska. Ncbraskn Stock Grower s Association. (Incorporated,) A.M. Modlsett, president, Itushvllle: R. M. Hampton, vice-president, AUIuncc; K. M Searlc Jr.. secretary-treasurer, Oulalla. Executive committee E. I. Jlyers, Lena; R. R. Klncald, UlnRham; John Urcniiau, AlliancejJ. R. Viinlloskirlc, Alliance; E. E. Lowe, Hjaunls; John M. Adams, I'otter; R. M. Allen. Ames; R. Llsco, Lodgepole; Evert Eldred, Orlando; V. C. Harris, Clmdron; L. W. Dlckoll, ICImball; Robert Qrahnm, Al liance; John Connay, Dunning; J. II. Cook. Agate; A. S. Heed, Alliance. MOSLER & TULLY, Jess, Neb. Stock branded an shown on cut on either side. Also J-O on eith er side. Township 28. and range 43. CURRAN RROS, Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cross) on left side. Also lllon left thigh. Underslope on left ear. Horseh branded same as cattU on left Jaw and u on left shoulder. STORM LAKE RANCH, ROIIERT GRAHAM, Clemun, Neb. As In cut on light or left hip; left par cioppcd.. Horses branded () on left J.iw. ' K MA1HN. Hemlngford. Neb. Cattle branded Hying horseshoe on left hip. as In cut. Homo ranch ms -.'i-".'7-W. Horse ranch in 'Jt)-4'.i. Mallnda, Neb. On left side N on left Mde J. R. Nernd. Alliance. Neb. 3 5 connected any place on loft side. Range on head of l'iue 'reek, hhorldau ounty I'OINT-or-ROCKS RAM II. JOUN 0"KEi:rjJ A SONS Alliance, Neb. Cattle bmuded OK on left side: also 3K and "ok on left side. K'liii.L ui:o-j.. Schlll, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27, range 4,,ShorIdan county. 'Lumb t I j 3& ft M m tea 2jfn Qot'Hj i'fiXlft&Wm APJWWl!ft!!fcVA Afr2 sp51iJtfe JOS. NERUI) T. J I)U I), jNSy "i i ' "" ' tr- in -lJ . Gr nil i gSPFffilt0 IokTI && g XV jT ! KOM TO house: Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We bu only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure jou the best of every thing in the line of Uulldlnti 'Intcrltil. CALL AND SEli fS OUR PRICES ARK RIGHT PHONE 73 For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv er i Coa Hid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 WM. O'MAHA Mooteaw.Neb. -Cattle brandod Outhollc cros on tight hip Horst-s bninilpi same on right shouldet Itauch on s. H of section 30, 2U, ."nmliiIJiicciit range H. A. IHLLINU. Ho Unite, Nob. Cattlo branded as I) cut on left hi), also with the liar over Instead of under brand. Also on left side R'neli n w Vi section 17. In township range 48. H A. ALLISON Lakeside, Neb, Cattle branded N on 'ight hip. Range In Twp. 20, range 45, Sher- dan county. For a Full Line of... Staple And Fancy Groceries Best Cote, rn as, s f Sopor Flours, That Can't be Beat In Town..,, , Queenswaref Tinware ZgL 07 Enameled ware CALL ON. TjeaYvcvq, A. D, RODGERS. 1 Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Youngs grocery. Alliance For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CALL, ON I. D . N 1CHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the beet manufacture a'nd at pricos that will suit. Call and examina the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south dl Cigar Factory, 1 Co J la a Si&il? m m&hY$mf-l- &3LJ!z&6Jsdf. f-N- mmwm "2 ill l K r llnTatniRRlo I oJec No 012 I Mi H eierv Sumlav ihorr on at i I tl h 1 1 n 1 1 intirtir 1irnflwr tutrnmp ' I. A. DlNMM., S. M. M Haroravks, Sec. Uoi vt. It Kim, v.tiinii Allium- CSMlii N'tfc 4 mputt Miry .homl int fourth Thutsflity evening In V. () V. Hull. VlMUiiKUIniiiinon oordlallv Invited. K V. Wool. 0. W. I.muv. 1 1. O. T. M.-Meou. pvury llt-st and tlitttl Pit day at Hirl Hall. Vlsltliis Mnornbcei col (Hally Invited. Mti. K. .t IIktzomi. L. I'. Mits A.NME Ym t, It. K. PSSRTime Tabfie WC Mtea Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SA LT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOl'IS, SAN FKAXCISCO, and all points east and all tlnts west and south. Tu.w.ss Lr.Avi. Asroi.t.ows, Mountain Timi:: No. 41 Passenger dully. Dendw sd. Hillings, nil puiuts north and , Vst . I9:.vn.in. No. 42 Vassonger dally. Lincoln, Omaha. Chicago and all points cast , 2:4ra.in. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver ogden.siilt Luke, .ui 1'ran clvo and all Interuiedlato points, depai Is at 2:l"a.m. No. 30-J Passenger dully from Denver and all Intermediate points, .. ";'" at . . . . ll:4Q-i.iii. No. eQjDilly, eeep Hunilay. for points south and west, de- .. A,I'' ... L'sJO a. m No. 301 Dully, except .Sunday, from south and west, arrives... . 4:0p.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any jioliit In the ("tilted t-tatesor Canada. Tor lufoimatlon. time tables and tickets call on or wrlto to L. S. Suir. Agent, or L. Wakii-uv, (Jen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. The Summer Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying-. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. W. M. FOSKETT -u.ctiora-eer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. C"3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingi'ord, Nkd. I How About That New Suit or Overcoat Tor the Spring Season ? Wc stand back of Fit and Style CHAS: BRUCKNER First doot south Charter Hotel. racior ana doi Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Ilrlck Shop West of Alllanco Nattc.al Rank, Alliance, Nub. PHONE 400. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE AMI ItBTAIL HANDLBS THK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilkinijton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. THE QAMBLINC Ilnvr H'rintiMiMl llnolf In the 1'reneli C So i, of Uio old atOiU. i1.l I v V- KdimiiK mhjiij i.i. i iiim.i Q8ease nowndnyi!. tiiotMli tho . a,nl dlg.n Hitrli a fool n.nttor or i 1pHon nnd wrltPiN of tl.c tin o ,,m pi siionll Mj tltO flKIUPIIwl AIMi en ( centnrieH tlio jirnfio fn i.ii of lilgh cln Moclnl nxIs.njuiOjPf ,' (ii-ouow iilutw that, liHvluf 'racclia'n IKiltttMl to the utitff of (iemr.tia clock, who wan thru starting for I (1810), ho ohtnlnod if 1,000 from my amenta, "which," ho conUm. tool; with me to a tinmhlhig hoir . , St. .lames' iunro, where 1 inmik' hy Mime wonderful aceldent, to 1500." With this Mini he mibHciniein provided his iioceswtry outfit. Vhen the allies marched Into 1'arts after the Imttle of Waterloo, (Jronnw found the 1'alnln lloyal a hotbed of Rumbling "the very heart of Trench dissipation." "Theie wete tables for nil elasse.s. The workman might piny with '.JO sous or the Kentleninn with 10,000 francs. The law did not prevent any class from IikIuIkIhk In it vice that assisted to till the coif era of the munici pality of I'arls." The niifiliah visitors were not slow to pattloipate In the play, one olllcor of the KtmnlH vbtalnlni; leave of absence and never tpiittlnK the Palais ltoyul till the time ettine for his return to the icgimcnl. Large fortunes weie often lost nt gnmbllng In those days, the losers dis appearing never moie to be heard of. Lord Thanet, for Instance, who had an Income of !?2."0,000 a year, lost every fnrthius at play anil, conclude.') tiro now, "I do not remember any Instance whete tho.se who spent their time In this den did not lot-o all they possess ed." FLOWERS IN MEXICO. So rlontUiil Tlin Tlu-y Art- UimmI 1'or l.rent l'ulille Deeoriilliins, As a jtoople the Mexicans mo very fond of Dowers, and every village, town and city has Its placo where llowers are sold, and many of the larger places have extensive llower markets. Often the (lowers brought to the market are wild spooltnons found In the woods and tho Holds, but all aro beautiful. In many of the smaller towns and villages the public parks and the sidewalks of tho streets ore used as places for the sale of dowers. Everywhere they may be bought at surprisingly low prices. So plentiful are llowers they are used for great public decorations. Some times whole parks and the fronts of buildings for many streets are covered with tloral decorations on a feast day. The Mexican love of llowers has been Inherited fiom a long Hue of llower loving ancestors. More than a thou sand years ago the chief feature of worship among the Toltecs was the great lloral offering which was made to the fair god once a year nnd which lasted for n whole Mexican week. Dur ing this festival one of the features was a great floral procession, which traversed the principal streets of the city to the sound of musical Instru ments. Every ono In the procession carried flowers to lay upon the nltur of the god or to place upon the steps or walls of his temple. Iu this procession were prlncps, nobles, priests and com moners. This lloral festival was un expression of the love of nature for which the Toltecs wero noted. Until they came Into conflict with the Az tecs later on In history they were pure ly nature worshipers, and flowers and fruits formed the chief part of their offerings. So the Mexican conies by his love of flowers honestly. Intf rninrrylni; AnioiiK Ilookri. Among th odd habits of rooks Is the way that members of the same rookery have of Intermarrying generation nftcr generation. The males always choose their wives from their near neighbors, and If one should be so bold as to bring home to his rookery a bride from a distance the other rooks will Invari ably refuse to receive her and will force the pair to build some way off. In the neighborhood of big rookeries outlying nests of this kind may always be found. IlelKliiiii MurrluBe. In Belgium it is the custom to give certificates of marrlagesln the form of little books, which also conUtin a sum mary of the marriage laws and among a mass of other miscellaneous Informa tion directions for tho feeding nnd care of Infants. There are albo places for entering the names and birthdays of the children of the marriage, tho au thorities considerately affording space for twelve such entries. Alwnyn Somellilnic WrnitK. Clerk, Please, sir. con I have a week's vacation? Employer What's wrong with you now? Clerk I'm going to get married. Employer Now, you wero away a week with Influenza nnd ten days with a sprained ankle. I de clare, there's always something going wrong with you, Jones. Hills li. Suit eit-riiinxtnnceN. "How much will it cost me to get a divorce?" asked tho man. "That depends," ropllod the lawyer absentmlndedly. "How much have you got?" Philadelphia Ledger. Ail mm tiiKB Mutual. "Docs her family approve of her am bition to go imon the operatic stage?" "Urn er yen and no that is, they approve of her going away to sing?" Detroit Free Press. AVonlil llnve the Kim Afterward. Ills Mother Tommy, if you light with little Willie Walters today I shall put you to bed for two hours. Tommy Put mo to bed now, ma. Ask only tho well about their health, Bacon. Japanese Adieu. Tho Jnpaneso word of partlnc 13 nof'Ho long" or "Soo you later." but "Sayonaro" "If It must bo so." s Dogs In Funeral Cortege. At tho bural of a South London man hrs sixf'dogs, drapod In blac)tf6l' lowed tho tortegc. Germ of Good Cheer. Tact Is tho vart of adjusting, tho rolntlonshlpa between ourselves nnd others. A Trip to Colorado, Utah or California Is not couiploto unless It ombrucoB tho most beautiful resorts and grand- i scenery In Colorado, which aro on tho Colorado Midland Hall- "J A "heBt standard gaugo lino 11 U lJU JL laitlonnlly low sum- o Colorado In- ',. California U One .d lhf Mores in i Mr c Prescriptions Oarefu ' OompouncLecl. - - Watches and Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. r. . HOLSTEN, Proprietor, -- - -- f : If You Have Never Bought HARDWARE at NEWBERRY'S? il TRY IT You will be Pleased with We guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. C . jtu. iTE-'sBIEIKE'-Sr. J Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Established 1379 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska 1VE3IL.SON JPLICXCIIHJR FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE POLLOWINO INSURANCE COMPANIES. lltrtfonl Fire Insurance Comimii, North Auierlchn of Philadelphia,, Phoenix of Ulookljn. New York. Continental of New York City. Muslim Fire Insurance Compuay. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Absur.iuce Co , London Office Up-Stalrs, I'lctuhcr ltlock. Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139. Palace Livery B a r n IS. II. 13IOsOII, Prop. oni: jilock wr..vr. or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: ni:v zihndi.n . , aI)li courteous treatment to all has won for us the lit il. DING, 'phone 7J excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. s09oeaoeooee-' '- The placing- of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. o , e C. M Knight, President .... W II. Counix. V. President O. II. CONNBTr.C.jshlur. 0 e o oee9ioososeooe .- t TK.eW &. Yxzxzz. I 0 Fire 6 Insurance. 2 HfcMISGI'OKD, N'kbraska. Aeunt for the CuludonlHii. (rf Scotland, which lnnuro'. towii property only, and tho Colum bia, which Instil os town und farm property und live stocks Iioth ure reliable old Hue com pan las Notai'lal Work . 0 M 00OJfO000000 A Thought for the Week. If you nro not honeit In your buy lng nnd Rolling you cannot bo honest In your praying. Will Have No More Barmaids. Johannesburg, llko Glasgow, has banished tho barmaid from Its sa loons. 4? A man Is eoldpm successful wBoT fa dlffldont of lilmself. A man's manners shnpo his fortune. -Danish. -THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES To TORONTO and MONTREAL DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, 1" TTOR0HT0, 9.05 P.M. 9.10 P.M. 7.35 A.M. 7ncL DaimoW Jffcr- , "" Alliance, Nebraska. Jj! ---- ------ --- . ONCE! the Qualitv and Prices. I iw. WABflSn t-i&aL- -((-- and Leather. Co Always Reliable. City. Nebraska. Liverpool. London mid Olohe In. Co. Gertium American Ins. Co.. New York. I'lii-mcn, nnd Merchants Ins. Co. , Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwrlton. Phoenix Ins. Co.. Hartford, Conu. Alliance, Nebraska. m a r iiiii iou i..u n .v.. v. i ijw.n von t uorry J about what to do with your floustt id Hoods S. A. Miller will mh charge ol then scorr their gg in a nice, drv and cool place and jr.'' -md 3bJf " them wherever dmired, Crmrym -onable. The only sprint; dra line in the citv S, A. AH Her. ccioooooo08sa 9 KAm f Wf --ooooseoeeoeee BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms I 8ANk.eoOKl w S i'!llif : 'y.'.y m Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb,