) 1 Zhc Iberalb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T, J. O'KUEFK Publisher D, KN1EST Associate Editor rfntorcd nt tli poitofllee nt Alliance, Nohrnska, for transmission through (he mails, as second-claw matter. Thk IlBtiALii i the Ofilolal PutiUon tion oElJoi Butte comity nnd It olrrtla tion is nearly twl .-e that of any olher Al liance jwper AiyV'ERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch par month , 5 Business local Sj pur line first inwrtion . to Each itulolucnt insurtion, per Hud .05 LorrI noticos at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. ItKMOCItATIC NATION.ll. TICKET, I'or I'nrtMulit, ALTON l. PAHKEK ot Ntw York For Vice President. ' HKNltV C lAVlf West VimlniM. OK.M00UAT it: COIN I V I Il'Kl.T. I'or Coiiiitv Attornfj, WM. MITCHELL, lVr Comity OoininNirioiiPr, (Plrtl)lrtrlt't) A C. .lUHNHON. FUSION IN THE COUNTY A Strong Ticket Nominated mid llnr inony Prevails. Box Hullo cotmly democrats tintl populists will go hntttl in lmtul through tliu coming campaign nnd will hnvu an opportunity to lojoice over their good judgment next November. At the democratic and people's party conven tions held at the com t house hist Snttir day tho parlies ngtcod to nnile lor the common good of nil voters. At (he democratic convention Judge Berry was elected chnirninn nnd Win. Mitchell secretary. On motion the delegates present wore entitled to cast the entire vote of their precinct. A committee on resolutions, including James Devlin, T. U O'Kcefe nnd V. McCoy, was selected and brought in resolutions endotsing a fusion of the democratic and (people's parties in the state for the destruction of the iniquitous railway oppression that exists, also condemna tion of Gov. Mickey's administration in favor of these corporations. Tlte com mittee also endorsed the official actions of the county officials, all of which were icceivcd by the convention with cheers. The chair also appointed Dr. Lee Edwards a committee of one to wait on tho people's party convention and as certain their desire regarding the pro posed fusion and also to mako notifica tion of the nomination of Wm. Mitchell for county attorney, which was done by acclamation, on motion made by S. M. Smy'ser. The report as given by Com mitteeman Edwards was accepted by tho populists also the resolutions as passed in the democratic convention, For the office of county commissioner theie weie two names presented by the democrats, namely, J, W. Wchn and Virgil Putman. Tho other convention had in the meantime placed in nomi nation A. C. Johnson of this city and A. D. Rodgers reported the same to the democratic convention with the de sire that their candidate receive the undoiscmcut Mr. Mitchell received in the people's party convention. A bal lot was taken and Mr. Johnson received a majority of the votes and was there foie declared the nominee. On motion, the democrats proceeded to elect delegates to the state conven tion, which icsulted as follows: Win. Mitchell, Robert Graham, H. II. Funk, T.J. O'Kcofe, James Devlin, J. B. Kniest. On motion, Win. MitcheU was ie- elected county chairman and T. J. O'Kcofo secretary tor the ensuing year. At the people's party ho.uliiiwkitets things were 1 mining smoothly ami the work of the convention was of short duration but the inteicst taken by the delegates proved conclusively that they had thewellfare of the party at heart. Geo. W, Loer of Nonpareil pre cinct was elected chairman and A. D. Rodgers sccretarv. The work of en dorsing Wm. Mitchell for couuty attor ney was completed with cheers by the delogatos and the nomination of A. C. Johnson was carried with the same en thusiastic spirit. Tho resolutions as adopted by the democrats in loforence to the necessity of fusion in both county and state met the hearty ap proval of the delegatus of he people's party. Ira Reed was re-elcctod chair man of the county contral committee. Tho endorsement of Wm. Mitchell for attorney demonstrated the good judgment of the convention. In his capacity as county attorney ho has made for himself an excollont reputa tion and it is a common expression that he should be re-elected to the office Mr. Mitchell has paid strict attention to the interests of the tax payers and also to the law and order of the county and he has demonstrated his ability in eccuring the conviction of evil doers nnd tlioce who have been guilt c transgressions of the laws Tht3 is the kind of material required in a western 11. .1 .1.. ... 1 county especially, where tlicre is a tendency to override ordei . But one attempt nt outlaw in sufficient for a , criminal under Mitchell's prosoetition. The nomitratioii of A. C. Johnson for coiiiintoelonar of the first district wai also a comuiondabla mov. sMf. John son is one of Alliance's mot profcttesivc citizens and an old rosident. He is thoroughly capable of filling the por tion for the good 0 the county and will, if elected, distinguish his conservative judgment and food business ability. Thin Candidate will poll a lnrgo voto from tho ranks of the opposition for he millibars his friends not by pmty lines but bj his personal popttlntity, for everyone who is acquainted with "Dad" Johnson has a good word for him. The conventions mado no mistake in the nomination of these candidates. The people party selected the fol lowing delegates to the state convention: Ira D. Reed, H. H. Funk, A. D. Rod gets, Virgil Pntinan, A. S. Reed. Kichaid Bevan. NAMES OF NUMBERS. Why TwHvc-Iw CnIIiil n Uotcn nnil Twenty u beore. "Dozen" is from tho French don rjilno, a collection of articles generally numbered together. It is used In the Herefordshire poimiH, 1200, nnd shows French for the first time encroaching upon English numerals. This enshrines a great liiHtorleul fact, for from 1121X) to 1US0 It vvuw the custom to look to France nn loader of till Europe in art, chivalry, fcslilon. war nnd learning. "Hcore" for twenty came Into the lan guage nearly at the sume time, but was not exclusively French. It comes fron.' tli j An; lo-i'axon scor, the loot of i.he..r. t..:i 0, jimt, ami moans to cut. Our i.:.iM.i.crs, to avoid tho difficulty of largo mi.i hors, used to keep ac counts by cutting notches In a stick, culled ii tjliy, ami after twenty such notches tlnv cut oil" the tally, which thus bocamo n "score." These were used In England for keeping the ex chequer uccounts, even to the begin ning of tho nineteenth century. A cricket score was onco spoken of as so many notches, and the rind of pork is scored. Tho word Is first used in a poem called "Tho Bestiary" and In "Cursor Mundl." London Answers. PAPER MAKING MACHINES. Tlicr Were InvrutoJ liy Lonla Holi er!, 11 Younf Krcucliinan. Tho Inventor of machinery for paper making, as distinguished from mere pulping machines, was Louis Robert, a clerk In the, omploynuut of Messrs. Dldot of the Ehhouiics paper mills, near Paris. In 17US he completed a small model for a continuous web of paper on an endless wire cloth, to which rotary motion wus applied. Con tinuous length was thus secured, though at lirrft tho width was only that of mi ordinary piece of tape. A machine soon followed producing a width of twenty-four Inches, for which Robert had a patent from tho French government and a reward of 8,000 franc. Messra. Dldot bought this patent and tho machines, and la 1801 Induced u well known English firm Iourdrlnuler to take It up. llelped by a clover young mechanic named Donkln of Dartford paper mills they so Improved Uto machinery that a Fourdrlnnler machine Is still the practical equipment of every pnper making establishment the world over. Loudon Globe. Unulretl Ileils. There Is a story told of tho eminent Dr. Abernethy, who was as blunt as ho was learned. Ho was called to prescribe for on old lady In falling health, who prided herself upon being and who looked the very pink of neat ness. Her dress was spotless and her cap Immaculate, and her friends spoke of her us that "sweet old lady." After much questioning, which was almost Impertinent, and a careful diagnosis of the case the doctor said grullly, "Madnmv you nro ill becauso of filth." Of course she was horrified, but he went on, "Your bed Is not properly aired, and In consequence yon are be ing slowly poisoned to death." Commissioners' Proceedings. Alliance, Neb., July o, 1904. Boaid of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present, J. W. Wchn, chairman, Geo. W. Loer niembei, and S M. Smyser, clerk. County Treasmer's leport for tho first half of the year of 1904 examined and approved. The balance remaining in the general fund at end of Juno 1904 of $844. 30 ordered transferred to account of levy of 1904 and the following balances re maining in the funds mention wero or dered transferred to the county general t fund of 1904, o-wit: Bridge fund ?jt3 00 Road " 32 45 County seat fund ,..,,,.. 149 Poll tax fund 16S 00 Poor farm fuud 169 47 Jail fund 170 20 Advertising fund 45 30 $979 97 The following claims wore allowed: C. A. Posvar, for tax orronoously deducted from claim So 70. H. H. Belluood, county physician ?55 00. Board adjourned sine die. J. W. Wbhn, Chairman. S. M. SiivsuR. Clerk. Read Geo. Darling's announcement on page 3 of this issue. HEMINGFORD. u'-itKuiiscriptions ami Jcii wjrk nnd i-niil- t audrc - iMpt for snrni', nml tntniK't nil otlur 0usinp'sinvmnictloii with hwpositi.m us an -reuiti-i h-pinuiiu-ufii.H Pir L. C. Hwxl was in town Tuesday. . I. r l I. t . tlT'rt l ft lilt ft It I t , lt t 1-1 U. Bernard Fendrich was in town Mon day. James Kennedy was in town Satur day. Mrs. Rustin went to Marsland Wed nesday. Willie Wnlkof was quite ill tho last of the wedk. A. D. McCandlos returned to Wy mote Friday. H. R. Grtton and faulty wont to Alli ance Saturday. Audtow Tsclinchor. was in from Wiiitan's Monday. V. R. Ilorncall took in the circus at Alliance Saturday. M. I. L. Everett is riding a flue new coaster brake bicycle. Jacob Stalheber was an Alliance vis itor tho last of the woek. A. II. Pieiceaud wifowcic tho guests of T. L. Hopkins Sunday. Judge Sanders of Sidney spent a few bonis in Humingford Thursday. 1 August Yost of Scotia. Neb., is visit ing with James Cti'iy and family. James Holliniake and wife enter tained H. II. Pierce and wife last Sun day. G. W. Hatch toturnod to Lead Monday aftot" a brief visit with friends here. Mrs. Met man Schultnlbers is very ill with iheumatism and is unable to ob tain any relief. John Montague of Willow Ctcek is visiting his brother James Montague of Dunlap this, week. H. H. Funk went to Alliance on business connected with the seeing of the cit cur, Satm day. A. B. Canfield of Bennett, who is bete buying noises was laid up Mon day with the neuralgia.. C. E. Caldcr and James Mcintosh of Alliance were in town Monday being on their way to Marsland. Quite a bad hail storm followed the shower Tuesday afternoon doing con siderable damage to all crops in this vicinity. Henrv Brus moved from the Mitchell ranch in Dawes county to his home stead in Liberty precinct the first of the week. John. J. Smith returned from his trip to Thermopolis, Wyo., Tuesday, wheie he has been greatly benefited by the hot springs. lid Mabiit writes that he got through w ith the horses O. K. and that they have sold them. Ed and his father are at Canton, III., their old home. Norbert Frohnapfel went to Alliance Saturday and will have his household goods and his stock moved up at once, his building being nearly completed. J. B. Steinhoff of Beaver Crossing, Neb., 3old a pair ot ponies to Earl Fosket Wednesday, out of a bunch he is taking to the eastern patt of the state. C. J. Wildy has put in a full line of furniture and undertaking goods on second floor, having secured a com petent embalmer and hearse when ever desired. A. F. Miller was in from Dunlap the first of the week and stated that thete was an excellent rain at his place Mon day and that his crops would turn out fairly well in spite of the dry weather. Mike Tschacher, while boat riding at Dunlap the first of the week had the misfortune to lose a pocket book con taining about S30. It is probably re posing in the bottom of the Niobraia. Strayed Between Box Butte post office and Hemingford since May 1, one two-year-old w bite faced roan steer branded K on tight jaw. Liberal re ward paid by Robert Kcttleman or C. J. Wildv. Hail insurance. Reasonable equit able and safe. It pays to insure. Let me explain the plan and you will be suited. Under the new law hail in surance is a much better and safer thing than formerly. Fire and lightn ing insurance at very low rates. K. L. Pierce, Agent. After four weeks of dry weather, broken only by .1 couple of light show ers, this, locality received a good soak ing Tuesday afternoon. Monday a good rain fell in the vicinity of Dunlap and Tuesday moining a tine shower of about twenty minutes duration tell le- I tweon lifie and Maryland. Alex Hoiriis of St. Paul, Minn., is toaching an oxcellent denominational school for the Scandinavian Lutheran cluuch at their church southeast of hero. An excellent lecture was de livered by Rev. George of St. Louis, on Sabbath school topics Wednesday evening. The convention on tho same date was also excellent. The Columbia Fire Insurance com pany have paid Robt. Curry in full for his loss of the two-year-old colt by liKhning recently.1 The kind of fire and lightuing iusuranco want is the kind that pays its losses promptly in cash. When in the notion to insure remember I utn the Columbia agent. K. L. I'iukce. E. L. Everett has undertaken au other business venture in the shape of the barber shop and pool room at Marsland. He has engaged Ole Hedge cock to run it for him and will devote his time as heretofore to his lapidly in creasing trade in Hemingford. Mr, Hedfcccock has worked at the barber trade during his absence from Homing ford which haBbeen for several months. He stands well in this comim.tiiH and should do well in Marsland. mSrslaSd. Mr. Gray, the traveling man was in town Tuesday. George Richev is taking in the sights at Laramie, Wyo. Carl Tollman came down from Wyoming last waok. L. Snow and daughter Ava wete Alli anco visitors lecently. Mrs. A. H. McLaughlin is veiy sick. I Dr. Hartwoll m attendance Mrs. J. O. Bennett returned fiom a visit with her husband at Mystic Fri day. Mr. Vincent, late of Valentine is otir now operator, Mrs. Gregory having to signed. Robeit Westloy of Alliance, son of Rev. Wostley was a visitor at J. Sul lenbergei 's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Cheney are made happy ovor the arrival Of a daughter at their home. Mrs. L. Snow is having a viaitoi in the pei son of her little gianddaughtcr Rognia Ciamer of Alliance. George Hatch came down fiom Lead, S. D., Monday night and went down to his much 011 the Runuiningwatei'. An agent for the Acme Implement company was taking an inventory of their stock laving around town, Sun day. ; Mr. Ellswoith, who was very sick for some time, recovered sufficiently to accompany his son back to Hubbell, Neb. A. Hodge of Crawford passed through till" place 011 his way to Alliance Mon day, and stopped at the Commercial for a shoit visit with Thomas Lytic, an old-time friend. Miss Addie Harris, who taught the school in this place last school year who went up to Lusk at the close of the tctni for a visit with her sister, stopped off here Friday night remain ing till Sunday night visiting friends. She was on her way to Lincoln and Semi-Annual Report iivi.a.m'i; -IA.V 0, two! rt'.Mis State taxen Hclioul luml lease County uencrol fiinu. . Hrlilixo tuml Itoait " Well " Comity scut (iiuil Poll tax - Poor farm " .latl " Advertising ' Protest " City of Alliance Alliiuici! water bond.... electric Unlit.. . " sidewalk UeraliiKforil village water bon 1. School district rund.... (iciicrul Mjlioot " ..... bcliool IkhiiI ' .... IlleliHUliuot " School Judxiiif nt " S.VU TO 1,111 Ml XT. -'4 or. :v 27 :;. 1KIUJ -'OS 14 U'OT Tl SW 50 KM 77 H91 OJ UI3 H 70 M ---' ll 111 i; s u 7,tWU II llii UJ :i,wr os IS I'S ' 5 4 SI8.5W5 40 In the above statement the sum of $3,889.67 transferred from various county funds to the County General Fund is included in receipts of General Fund and in dis bursements of other funds. Total balance fl4.(51 67 Total cominUsloiis 840 69 Redemption money on hand 69 30 415,501 m State of Nebraska, 1 Box Butte county, ) "," I, C. W. Brennan, treasurer of Boii Butte county, Nebraska, do solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct statement of all monies received and paid out by me from January 7, 1904, to June 30, 1904, and balance on hand July 1, 1904, as shown by the records of this office. C. V. Brennan, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to by said C. t . .4 A 6 4 . i .4 4 t it "l ' t il ! P c $f m UloWJUiu ONE-FOURTH OFF the regular all - These are no old, out-of-style goods or past decade we offer, but all new and up-to-date goods. You will find this a genu ine monev-saving shoe SALE f This sale closes Saturday I night, Aug. 20th, 1904, at I The Alliance i JteiT'No Goods Charged or will stop at the Al'iancv nurmal for a few davs. While gone Miss Harris1 engaged for the coming school vear in Sioux countv at the advanced waes ot S55 P?r month and board included. She) also took advantage of the land grab and secured a section of land in Sioux county, which happens to be in such a valuable locality as to 1e in demand fot lange and he contracted to rent th? grass the coming year at one bun dled dollais, and en 11 get that cotitin ouolv. She loft workmon on tho ground erecting a house and breaking sod. For pluck and onergy we'll put up the Nebraska school teacher. Mrs. H. L. Richard1!! and sou Harley loft lor Laramie, Wyo., Thurs day last after a two months visit in this placo. Little Harley who was called "every body's baby" is sorely missed by the whole village. C. H. Richey has plnced the Com mercial hotel in the hands of an exper ienced workman. S. J. Evans, an ar tistic painter and wall decorator is now busy in the building and it will soon be a thing of beauty and joy to the travel ing public. How agieeable it must be to the trnvelinfi man, away from home tired with travel and wenrv with busi ness to find botiio one interested enough in theii behalf to fix up a ifice cozy homelike place for them, just such as the Commeicial is fast becoming. Wc ate glad to learn through the daily newspapers that a former Dawes county boy lgs come into notoriety and is now downcast hobnobing with such noted men as Parker, Hill and Belmont. We tefer to John G. Mahcr who with out a doubt took his first steps in popu larity when he delivered a 4th of July oration at the first celebration ever held Marsland. That was an occasion never to be forgotten by tho older inhabitants. When John Lucas toasted an ox whole, and Col. William Evans read the Declaiation of Independence, and Jewel Wheeler acted as master of ceremonies and marshal of the day and got so angry because the choir wouldn't march in the ptocession that he felt con strained to use some scripture language. It's our Maher that's now in the swim, "and we'll all feel gay when Johny comes marching home." Buy at wholesale, "Crex" matting now 35 cents per yard, others sell it at 50 cents per yard.- Geo. Darling. of County Treasurer. DISIIUHSE MENTS COrtMIllON 11AI.V:CES JULY 1, ll4 Sl.lMD 05 1,144 30 ii,73 :w l.OtN (17 1M 70 3 13 I.0OI 00 :;s6 13 :iso 52 46 K0 4i 1'7 l,3i9 24 I.IW W 54 07 31 S3 7.1XW in 2MZ 4(i "-"J IX) XI 1 a) 5103 25 II 44 4)7 05 SI.7S5 W 229 02 S4I 30 413 00 32 4V A 4i KWOO 19 47 170 SI 25 30 31 77 435 15 2.0-M W 15 67 $ P03 31 II.UII 73 1.OTH 07 473 4'. 5 35 Si 3!t 1,041 W 44 80 42: P7 X.M 00 5J0 7 1,541 3d 105 IS 2: 10 140 33 10.414 39 2.034 Hi 730 57 100 65 IV 15 1 10 s s 2 70 5,0"2 01 ! 43 '3,0-a 42 111 31 0 G-S ' 65 37 &U.243 12 ft!7.3tS 115 imo 01 J 14,051 67 l'lr.it National B ink Alliance National Haul...... First Stute Bank frlscnl Awncv .,54t 7rt . 5.20S 3D . 1.3S3 70 W 47 School orders...... 5,739 95 Cash In vault , 5s9 3fl $15,501 Ot) V, Brennan this 30th day of July, 1904. S. M. Smvser, County Clerk. 9 t C 0 t. t. l l i. lr t t -I 4 ' "t ' ' l n f iii i l - iji l ? ii ' . tT iL T,T i & 4i . '. ' ' ? ft rlr -t' ft ft ft ft :ft ft !r 'V the - season prices. Cash Shoe Stor Sent on Approval at this Sale. ml 1 1 r"u 9 1 R ' I Trtjctjr ATT0HN1.V WiLLIAH MITCH ELI ATTORNEY AT LYi. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Orncr. Piioxe 1x0. ltr.sinr.NCE PiioniOB. RTcTrOLl5MAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' - Itoorai 1. 2 and 3, llr.t National liBiik build lug, Alliance, Nub. Notary tuolllce. E. H. Boyd, .. A.f toino;- :ii X-.11-VV .. ALLIANCE, MIBKASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. iTXT$ERR ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH P. TCTTLE. Ilt.V E. TASH. TUTTLE & TASI1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St.. - ALLIANCE. NEB. Guy Lock wood . . fiWAIlt ATK CHICAGO SCHOOL OI' K.MIIAI.MING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Hpcrt I.ndy Attendant .. Alliance, Neb, JULIA V. FREY, C3TEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OHIce two Murl.i. north of Tluiih building, Phone 25. Hours, s to 12 a, ui.. I u"0 to 5 l. m. J. E. MOORE, M. D. rLirrcnr.it ni.och. ALLIANCE, NLII. Cali answered Telephone No. 02. from ofllce day or night. DR. L. V. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN Ofllce over J'ostofllce, AND SUKGEON ALLIANCE. NK H. H. Bell wood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Holstcn Iluildlng. - ALLIA? DE, NKB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office In First National Bank block. All! anoe Nebraska. DRrGrwTcoTLJNS HOMEOPATH Thirty jears experience. Diseases of women and children and non-surgical re moval of gnll stones nnd enre of apenillct tls, .specialties. Oltlce first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'Phone day or night, 119. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and dovv. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Barn Xorth of Palace Liverv. 'Pho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour s Feed. "Home tt Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.... . 'PHONE 103. VI ST1 ' -IDE MAL i.r. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls susvvered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 269. .J a i A ifs -VIS ,