m j i "Tr ( I l.i 'M LOG n HOUSE; Nothing in more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We bin only of the best manufacturers and htve can assure vou the bet of every thing in the line of llulldlnu Material. mti-'-mt'airtiitTt;rw-wfxMwaT CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. MFni i1 mi" i T iti"jiwi For that small repairing' we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. 1 ry flft- g TKS- Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 I OlHil iiim rim j II or It r llnrJstriiRRlo I odgo No 04.J Met overv Sunday .ifternoon at z B -11 hall Visiting brothers wrlrogie J. A. Di'vmnu, V. M. M. Hahqravrs. Sc'y. mn.u. llKiiit.v.iiiKit Alllttnce CHftte Nu in mti vry MvHd nd fowrtli Thursday evening In V. u. VV. Ilnll. VlMUiiKOlHnimm eimtfullv tuvlttxl. K P. Wootn. 0. l.mnv, stv L. P. L. O. T. M.-Meeti every" tlrst nml third Kri ilny at Hindu Unit VlslUn MnacnlirHM eol tHully Invited. Mu. It ,t. Ilirry.oi.n, L. C. Mits. An.nih Yiii'.vt, K. K. Di Lumber 3 Coal Co Stock and Stockmen, j Stockmen: It will pay yon to advertise yonr brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. Ncbrnsku Mock (irower s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modlsett. president, Uuslivlllo; H. M. Hampton, vice-president. Alliance; K. M Soarle Jr.. secretary-treasurer, Oj:nlal)a. K.'.eeullvo committee L. P. Myers, Lena; It. It. Kincald. lllnliuin; Join) Drcntiau, Alliance;.!. It. YuuUosklrk, Alliance; L. K. Lowe, Hjniuils; John M. Ailums Potter; 11. M. Allen, Ames; 11. Linen, Lotlgepule; Evert Khlml, Orlando; i:. C. Harris, (iitidron; L. V. Hlekoll, Kimball; lioboit Graham, Al liance; .lohn Conway, Dunning; ,1. II. Cook, Agate; A. S. Heed. Alliance. MOSLLIt .t TCI.LY, Jess, Neb. Stock branded as sbown on cut on either side. Also J-O on eith er side. i it w in ii i jj ." wi and raiiKO 43. fj WM. O'MAIiA Moomaw. Neb. Cattle branded Catholic cross on rlcht hip Horses brandnd same on rlht sliouldei. Kaneh on S. W. of section ;t0, 'Jfl, 45 and adjacent range II. A safeRB.siiniB n i z3frJj&&&t'iTJ I I DILLINU. Ho llutte, Nel. Cattle branded as Denton left hip, also with the bar oPt instead of under brand. Also on loft side K'nchnwVj section IT, III IOMlsllll range to. HPjS II ALLIhON Lakeside, Neb Cattle branded N oi ight hip. ltangc In Twp, SO. range 45, Sher- dati county. Canton. Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cross) on left side. Also 1 1 1 oil left thigh. Under slope on left car. Horses lira ruled n.uuu ill utillio nil v loft Jaw and u on yH? I 5 4-R vvnnw itiio. STOKM LAICL KANCII. KOUKKTOHAIIAM, Cleiiiun, Neb As In cut on right or left hip; loft ear propped. Horses branded O on left jaw. V. MAHIN, Ileinlugford, .Neli Cattle branded flying borseshot) on left hip. as In rut. Home ranch see. 5-'J7-5i. Horo ranch in VO-ll.. C in i .ios NKitrn, FjSV " Mi,lln,,a' Ncl)- 't g On left side. V IfM on left side ' ' ' v '? apsSaffla Less llton Hnlf I'nrc To St, Louis and Uriukn. Tho Hurlinton offers another series of low rate excursions toSt. Louis and return on Mondays, Jttlv n, 18 and 20. Tickets at S19.15 for the round trip considerably less than half rate. Tickets are good in coaches and chair cars (seats free). The St. Louis Exposition is the most magnificent spectaclo .the sorld has ever beheld, and its like may not occur again in yuur lifetime. Let me send you our illustrated folder, or call on our agent for, full information. L. V. Wakeley. Passenger Agent, Omaha. ' A . A A AiJI .t..A.a. For a Full Z AND Line of... Staple Fancy Groceries Best Co lecs, l Finest Ik l 9 V....n.n.i I' nnm 3 That Can't be Deal j in Town,.., Queensware, Tinware ana Enameled ware 4 CALL ON. "DcaVuui, A. D. RODGERS. T. .1. DOWII. K"ii ni. Mglg&telE Alliance, Kob. ;i S connected any place on luft side, ICaugo on head of Pino Creek, Sheridan bounty roiNT-or-nocKs iiancii. JOHN O'KF.Kri: & .ONs. Alliance, Neb. Cattle branded OK on left side: also otc mid ok on left side. MMBMMla.MH Hi f K IKi 1 XV jT- KCHILL BKO.S.. Sciilll, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27, range 45,Shurldan county. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD ' Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. F. M. WALLACE DJIAY LTNJS Moving Household Furniture f and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing call on 1. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of (he best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At K. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. A I.on-lcnl Deduction. BrlRlit Hoy I'm a chip of the old block, ain't I, pa? Fond Parent Yes, my son. ttrlght Boy An' yott'ro tho bond of the family, nln't you, pn? Fond Parent Yes, tuy son. Bright Boy Then you're n blockhead, ain't you, pa? Pittsburg Press. The Verdlrt.' Miss Breezy Well. Mr. Ilarkawny, now that you liavts Inspected tne thor oughly, what have you to say? Mr. H. All I can say, Miss Breezy, la, "I nunc, I saw, you conquered." Brook lyn Life. . An nxcollptit Mf'iimrj-. Illcks lje's very charitable, isn't ho? Wicks-Who? Plucher? Hiclw-Yes. Ho says h always remembers tho poor. WIeks-AVell, tlmt'n nil. It's n matter of memory. - Philadelphia Lodger. The Summer Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying'. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. PUNS AND PIOMOT10N5. Clerks men Wli Ills e fern IlPtTftrfi e,l l'nr "TlieJp l'ne'it.usnes. C'nii. n Melville ie II.... .bent 1'PO motbn to n pu.i. j,,h n i. ...ion jour iml. Vh t..i In Jiil .' Uutlicy, who knew ir. ln.v.lle -U. i irttiy to remember tli.it hw .'UvH. .11 :t. .. e v .m Dnvlil. hnd n v h ... t 1 . jo.sal lie reerhed u letter itintii.iii.tK ""'y tln words, "Uirtl. itme:ub . iMv.d." The euil'H reply wuu 11.1 U- tt-rno and Scrip Until: "Thou art the muni . Perhaps the enrlleut lnMftuee of ee clofllnHtleal promotion won by a pun Is Unit of curate named .Itwpph, who was prompted by Swift to take this test for 11 beinimi ptenelud In St. Put rick's cathedral, Dublin, lieforo the viceroy, "Iluthir," the Duke of Or- mouil. "Yet did not the chief ltuilor remeniber .loseph, lint forji.tt him." The llev. Dr. Mountain, who was the son of a beggar, owetl nearly every step of his successive promotions In great part to his fucetlousncHS and won the last step yf nil by a single Jest. When be was consulted as bishop of Durham by (Soorgo II. its to the tit- test person to till the vacant nrchloiils copal see of York he replied: "Mir, lmdst thou rallb as a grain of tnuslard seed thou wouldst oy to this Moun tain (dramatically striking his breast), 'Be thou removed and cast into this sea (see).'" That George II. should so understand and appreciate the Joke as to accept Us suggestion Is perhaps tho strangest part of the story. Apropos of puns, promotion nml tho sco of York, hero Is u good story cf a living given by an archbishop of York in "reward for an Impertinent personal pun. The archbishop, Sir William Duwes, entertained his clergy at din ner shortly after the death of his wife, Mary, who appears to have been a teg ular Mrs. I'roudlu at once to his grace and to the diocese. At dinner the arch bishop apologized, with a sigh, for things not being In the apple pie order that prevtlled when ids dear, dead wife, Mary, was alive. Being himself an inveterate punster, lie added, with a sad shake of Ills head, "She, indeed.wns Mate PaclRcum!" A cttrntu who knew too well whnt a tartar the deceased lady was rejoined, "Aye, my lord, but she wus Ilrst Mare Mortuuin!" and was absolutely and Immediately rewatdetl by the archbishop for this Impertinent pun with a living of X"i0 a year. f.frfftJrrsittytrjrf Just to help business along for a limited time I start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any .quantity, at 9 cents per pound. You will find a good price on Vigor at 10c per pkge. Two plcgs. of Gloss Starch'selling rapidly at 10c lb. Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs. for a dollar. Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday's, Prunes 20 lbs. Si. To help the packing houses out a little, Hacon at 15 cents per pound. A' great manv other bargains too numerous to mention. These prices can't last long Come Enrly, Join fhc Croyytl and llccchc a Cordial Welcome at GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building -- -- - i W. M. FOSKETT Will Cry Sales in This, and Adjoining Counties. .. . t On OOSIMISSIOitf, or I BY THE DAY. t tSS" Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop- 4 CUJ, list 11 Willi Illtt T HnMtXGPOKD, Neu. ! --- -- v How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style OHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. Contractor mid Builder, Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Ilrlck Plioo West of Alll.mee National Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400," J. Rowan 1)13 A LEU IN FLOTJR and FEED WIIOLRSAI.r. AND ItBTAII, HAMU.KS T1IK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pi'.kington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Dnte Drug Stores In Nebraska. SELECT STOCK OF Prescriptions Carefully j as Compounded - . Vatches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . . a Specialty . rr rr ye Alliance, Nebraska. F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. I'np For n. Ijtllle Orphan. Some yenrs npo one of tho charltr.ble societies of Iowu sent a number of orphans to one of the townsi of the state for attribution nniong childless people. The dlBtrlbutlon aroused much interest in tho village As the orphans were being given to those who wanted to adopt children a little 'resident of the town ran up to Iter mother and said: "Oh, mamma, I wish you would take a little orphan gliii" "Hut, my dear," replied the mother, "I have you. What do 1 want with an orphan V" "I know you have me," Bald the lit tle girl, "but you might want to have a funeral, and you could use the little orphan girl Instead of me." You Have Never Bought HARDWARE at NEWBERRTS? TRY IT ONCE! You will be Pleased with the Quality and Prices. We -'guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. I f V "TT-IT"f '! '"! "'"I T---?"y v -i.-u. u.i -Ji-J vv o.cjgjA a. ---- 5& ------- -- Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, established Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Ms l LeatherandSaddlerv Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. in idt-wois irjuic'roinaic FIRE I-NSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS TWE FOLLOWING IN8UI1ANOE COMPANIES. A Itojiil Cloel:. There are nearly 2."0 cloclis at Wind sor castle and about 170 In Hucklng- luun palace. One of the most interest ing of those at Windsor Is In a gilt metal case given by Henry VIII. to Anne Doleyn on the morning of Uielr wedding. It 1 ten indies high and is engraved with the royal arms of Eng- j land quartered with those of France. Tho lead weights tire engraved with true lovers' knots and "II. A. Dleu ct Mon Droit" at the base. This clock, which at one time became the property of Horace Wnlpole, was bought by Queen Victoria. It has survived four centuries, but four years only marked the duration of the royal love of Hen ry and Anne Holeyn. Hartford Kiro Insurance Company. North American of I'lillnilelpblu. Phoenix nflllooklyn. Now York, roiillncntul of Now Yoik City. Mngum Hire Insurance Company. New York Underwriters. New York, Commercial Union Assuraticu Co., Ixmdou Liverpool. London anil Globe Ins Co. (.oriniui American Ins. Co., New York, runners and Merchants Ins, Co., Lincoln. Columbia Klro Insurance Compniiy. Philadelphia Underwriters. 1 PlioenU Ins, Co., Hartford, Conn. Office fp.Stnlrs, I'lctcbcr Mock. Alliance, Nebraska.1 How Holt 11 nil Trent Pauper. There are few ablebodled paupers In , Holland. A tract of public hind con taining 5,000 acres Is divided Into six model farms, to one of which the per soit"applylng for public relief is sent. Here he Is taught agriculture and is1 subsequently permitted to rent a small farm for himself. Holland also has a forced labor colony, to which vagrants are sent to do farm and other work, wholher they like It or not. A I.oiik I.lveti like. In the museum at Mannheim there was a skeleton of a pike which meas ured nineteen feet and had 11 ring around it with this Inscription in Greek: "I am the fish which was first of all put into the lake by the hands of the governor of the universe, Frederick II., the nth of October, 12H0." The fish, having Been caught In 1197, was '-'07 years'old. London Standard. Mndc Snre nf the I'lmt IleiiulNlte. Hetty So Maud Is engaged? Well, I'm sorry for tho man. She doesn't know tho llrst thing about keeping house. Heasle Oh, yes, she does! Het tyI'd like to know what. Hesslo The llrst thing Is to get it man to keep house for, Harper's Huzar. In ScrlmiN Trouble. "She's in a frightful dilemma." "How so?" "Why, Ji.tk proposed to her last night nml insists upon having an an swer before hho will have time to loam whether Tom intends to pro pose." Chicago Post. Dray and Transfer Line. 4 w Phone 139. w HEN YOU GO I'O l.l'.AVK TOWN .'fin t .orrr about uli.it to do with your HoumI ri Woodt S. A. Miller will Mko charge of than, "ore thee in a nice, dr and cool place and p; and sbfi them whorevei leirt:il. Clian m -iMinable. The only sprint; dra line in the citv. 5. .4. Miller. Palace Livery oxr. ni.ncK wi:sr op tiii: Nr.w zniNDr.N ... Ill'Il.lilNC. 'Phone 72 7 "Jl!? $ 1 ... ,l' Q, Ja rx Good turnouts, btrict attention to our liusiness, and courteous treatment to all has won for us tho excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. eooaeoaooaeoGo.:--'-;-'8oaoeesooGBesc0ee " The placingf of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank o will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. 9 1 M. ICsiOliT, President .... W. II. CnilHIN-. V I'n.sllli.til O. II. Co.VMrrr.Casblor. ? o98oooe-x-yVr--8 klfaMMMVMMABMHBnWK -mt J Jill t 6a m v3 9P,v( B W ft-Slli' u w m Sure Cure. Corseta I wish there was some way to make him stop buying expenslvo presents. Mae You might marry him. Cleveland Leader. It is a wise man who knows his own business, and it is a wiser man who thoroughly attends to It. Wayland. 000000rC00 Fire Insurance. HF.MlrJCrOKD, Nebraska. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE HARRY, Proprietress Aireut tor the Culudonlun.of rcouuuu, wiueu insure!, iowu property only, and tlio t'oluiu lila, whleli Insures town and farm property and llru htock. Itolli are ruliabluold lino companies Notaiiul VVorlc- 1 0 0OK001fOK000 Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb.