A I 111 In! II I lL Ik L In 1 I m ui IB iir li 11 T Former VEnnsrs F. J. Bctzold H. K. Scharrs Robt. Broyles t famous T Every year at this time we have GIVEN AWAY tickets on money prizes. This time we have added $25.00 for a second prize, ,$50.00 being the first prize. The distribution of tickets will be as before a ticket with each purchase; larger purchases in proportion. "TZnr '7'fmlT TTI? TT fTsiT T'TC I besides the tickets, we have started the ball rolling to clear up broken V7J 1 X V kJ- XV X 1 W X VO X V 2 I lines in our summer stock. After heavy selling of the past 60 days, we SOME STARTLING CLOTHING VALUES TO OFFER . . j.a.m4 t. tr ojctruMuMMivftaauim CI oth In pecials Furnishings, Etc TO TRADE W&j I AT ?ki: H 1 s XflK yis, 4 S H roKen Lines from our fine Hand-Tailored Suits, that sold for $18, $20 and $22, for a Lie viots Cassimers and Worst eds, sterling qualities, 9 that sold upto $ 1 6,jiow An Ei L Wm ti Unfinished Worsted, silk IPOPfllllT BiBJJr sel2e Iined hand-made lCgaikHJiaUcoifor8 and shoulders, guaranteed suit in every respect, made by skilled tailors, worth $16.50. at $15.00 wLiwimnMiumt matmm nuam; All Wool Homespun that sold at and others are get- ting!2.50,'goat oy W &i sn suits '9 fine linen fabrics, all sizes from 3 to 10 years, now go for 1 K f.j - mh w o ' 7 e vnxAwvaui wim am jV.. Mi aw mgKM Mtmnam Ano i- - . fj tjoys Knee .-"ants, every, pair (T&f worth 35 cents, for 5 days they wwtmuM wifw i h-4 Boys' Summer Shirts and Drawers Men's Sox, Black and Tan Men'sHandkerchiefs Cotton Flannel Gloves, good ones Men's Bib' Overalls .' go at. umiMin owj.ia.it 1 ifou Can Buy some $8.00 and $80.00 Suits for '..,.. Only a question of size 1 A 4jv' . . . rwwmifmmmlWMh mm wmpiiwiiwii m iwwa Men's 35c Suspenders Hen's! .25 Chrome Horsehide Gloves Our 1.25 line Hohair Front Shirts Men's Straw Hats Ups Scents now Hats that sold at 1.25 and 1.5 19c Jc 3c 7c 39c 19c 95c 93c m rAMstvwtHKveitAmxmim wwtwn hoes ! Shoes ! Sho 100 pairs Boys' Shoes wortn 1 .50, now . . 0 Men's Low Shoes.. . Agents for the DOUGLAS SHOE. All styes all leathers, , AT FACTORY PRICE . 98c $3.50 itmwmmii LT $1.90 REDUCTION ON ANY LIGHT-COLORED PAIR OF TROUSERS IN THE HOUSE wiwTMj'mwwa a1 ?jr or rai Lowest. r i.t .: . 4 1- . ,.:..f ....:. ... ... .... .;i.j ir.. t ... .. .. Denies, giving yuu Lucbu ivciai pnw, yuu get yuur liukuis. vve are "putting you next7' to the "Gold Coin" you can b:iy peanuts uiuuuu LicivcLs. il s uj i.u uu. w t mu nuvutisus ui i-iuls cinu euers or wnai is tsest in liens and Lsoys Wear. Pr Goods that are Warranted. New Goods for less money than junk. ices always the Th JL & & A R J? (LSl " iaj, tcss WHERE YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY lothinor rn LOL4 && : IF. J. Brennan & Co.,., 1 DEALERS IN,- -V rusrs, Ferrumest -"Toilet Articles.! Paints, Oils and Wall Paper FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLOCK. ....;....;.......;....;......;..;..:..:., X Less Than llolf Fore To St, Louis and Kktokn. The Hurluuton offers another suries of low rate excursion loSt Lotus ami return on Monda), Jnlv 11, 18 and 20, 1 ickets at ?ic) 5 for the round trip con&idcrabl) l"s th.m halt rate. Tickets arn goo i in coaches and chair cars (seats fr Tlie St. L-"its Kxposition is the most magnificent spectacle the world has oer beheld, and its Hko may not occur again in jour lifetime. Let me send ou our illustrated folder, or call on our agent for full information. L V. Wakoley, Passenger Agent, Omaha. Two Doors South of Postoftlce '1 I, . .i: .v. . . .0. ,. .. ... '?i?r.:..:..:..:..:..:..: J)iamonds, Vatclies1 T(" 60cf Jewelry, Repairing in all its Branches. o e Souvenirs Hail orders promptly attended to. " A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. HIDES HIDES HIDES IIOUGIIT AT HILLS' HAUNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PHICIi Vppoliitir.cnt ot AJmltilstratoi. SjIm f Nl'IiihsI m, I " l8 I!i. II 1 County I At "ii 1 iij c .urt. holil ut tlio mil) com t rutiUJ, in .iiul fii said count), .lulj 1 A. X) I'rOMMil, I). K 'iwiclit. count) Juilito. In tin matter t the tst.uti of Wllllum lioness, ilci-eiiM ' On luailliicnMlllliiiit tin' putlt Ion of ("oiihla .. ....... ... ...,,,,, (miiij uiiiiiiiunir.llMMl 111 Mild ostiiU' nun lie unmtul to In 1 as Utlmlu- isu.urix OrUiirett Unit August oih, A 1) iyi. at I) 0 clock .1. in., fsiisii;iiiil lorlienrim; oiiiil pe tition, when .ill iximiiih IntorustCHl in s,ill iiialter in.iv ni:enr at a count) court, to liu lit 111 in .did rm sjld count) hi it shun uauxe uliyiliu jirtijo of Ntltluuir hIiihiIiI not U Kiuutid; .mil Hint milieu of His .cn(lfiiey of N.ild lietltlouaml tlie hearing tbuieof ImrIipii t" nil IjerMiiis Interesicd In mid matter ly publlsliliiKiicopy of tills ordir In 'ini.Aii.i am'k llRiiAi.n.n uolI nensp iier printed In mikI eount for tlii((uciessiMMvuls, prior to s.dd day of hem lnir UK. M VCIIT. CoUIII) .ItldKO. (A true eon ) Ui-1. -fiiJuly Order of UcnrinK on Oiicinnl l'i oh.it e or Will. fc l'ATB i)P NHItUAsKA 1 c lto Hum' Coi'sty, (SK- At n county court, held Ht tlw count) court iiKjin, In .hiiiI for wild county, July s, A. 'reseiit. I). If Spuulit. Count) .ludire lmlioiniittui-ofiMtN oof.Martiull I'.umom utri'UKtl WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OE HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES i NDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP HjtEi). A Ml ILLS On ruadlmr and ' l0d ru)liu tlim ' Mil du) of Jul' the liiHt Kill m ,, ciascd, miiv ' i iiiouui, and 1 petition ofA S. luniwit tiled 011 tlH) I purporting to be luom ot Hie wild du ,1 uiij.,muil ..-..I...I...I i fl as the liiht will hikI Chas, E, Ford, Praeident S. K, Wakrick. Cashier A. S. Heed, K. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton., H. G. Warrick. S. K. Warrick. lefttumunt of tin Ad Muriln .". iMmnu ii ceHwd, nnd that the oxuc ntiou of said liiflru iiieiil may he rouiiultttMl mid the Hdniinlslra tioiiorsuid et-Uitc m be ktmuuhI to Mttrtlia H, I'atmore mid A.b. Il6?d us uecuuirv Onlerml. tintl .lolv 3 ill Kim ... ...... ocloeh v m., U ossIkiihI for IiouiIiik said petition mImmiiiU perMUis lutvmvled in wild last tor may aiiprorat u counn court to lie held In and for suld count), ami l,ow cnuw h the urHitr ( iMitltlioiir Kli.uiiii Ti..r i liHiiled; uiiii tlmt tioilmt of tlie piiidliiK of Ix.lu i.itilioii, and l .o luariiu- tin nf. Im trientoal! porsuiik liitn,te) tu slid tenrtor juioiiciiii ii i-.ijiy or tiusordir In I'iik Vi i.iam-i Hi kai.i) ,i i.i kl nt.wku.t., r urint eU iu said c miii y iwi three suife&kix e Mtxtk, prilM tOMIIil (in) of lnullllH t V mil) cop) i l). K Sjimi iit. I"H 3-fu-.lnlys fount) Judn. Notice to Creditor. lu Comity l ouri, Mllhhi and fin Hox Hutto count, NtihrasKu. JuK i, jwj. in the uitttteref the vut of .lolni b. lluirlies, ilo- eied TotlwciedtuirnoftliB said eiaie ou are hereby notlilid, that I Mill bit at The Count) Coart lC(Mim In Alllunce In said count), ou Hie uuh liny of DccuuiIhii, ItKIt, at 1 o'clock p. ui. loiwtiie and exaiulneall claims usiiiiiiiMinmauiniiii it -iiew or their nd Justnieiit and allownuce. Tho tlmo limited for the pivselitatlon of claims axalust said os tato is fl months, from tho lit b day of June. A, I)., IWI, and tho time limited for thu paymoiitof debt is ono )tsir from snldl 1th day of June, A. I)., 11UI W'ltnoM my hand and seal of suld County Court, this 1st day of July, UKM ,(AJlm3.cI'' " K- SPAOHT, LUbAb OountvJudKe. fpJuly h-lw LBi Aji i " .(. 'i' -!' 'C' iji 1 $ r ' I ; 1 . IV .. ( I I ' I V liji ' '" ii - INHERE is so much good' in the worst of us, And there is so much bad in the best of us, That it won't do for any of us ,to talk about the rest of us." ijs w5 o w & & vt & w'5 v'J w'5 i & fc j: j: But each should do his best to . im prove the standard of the Goods he offers for sale to the Public. v w'J vs: j 4: t ! i w: ? tf & jt s o: aim. Advancement along this line is our i ! vT. K't4?KTnTwniia'airaasRg-Vgni! rlira, F. RN ITU RE l?l 9 h- c c ' 41 J- 4- fir ! ii ! ' & A :: 2 .... YV ' ' t ' ' l t t -?