9 ' I f THE WEAK SPOT. A -weak, aching back tolls of sick hldnoys. It aches when you work. It aches when you try to rest. It throbs in change n b 1 o weather. Urinary troubles ndd to your mis ery. No rest, no comfort, until the kidneys arc well. Cure them with Doan's Kid ney Pills. Mrs. W. M. Dau scher, of 25 Wa ter, St, Bradford, Pa., says: "I had an almost con tinuous pain in the small of the back. My ankles, feet, hands and almost my wholo body wero bloated. I was lan guid and the kidney secretions were profuse. Physicians told me I had diabetes in Its worst form, and I fear ed I would never recover. Doan's Kid ney Pills cured mo In 189C, and I have been well ever since." A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mrs. Dan Bcher will be mailed to any part of tho United States. Address Fostcr-Mll-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all doalers, price DO cents per box. Tho man who never crosses a bridge until he gets to it sometimes fails to cross it when ho reaches the river. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ttOi LOCAL APPLICATIONS, lhy cannot lesch the feat of tho disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constl .utlonl disease, and In order to cure It you mutt take nternul remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, and acta directly on the, blood and mucous turfstees. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medl tine. It was prescribed by tine of the best physicians ti this country (or years and Is a regular prescription. It la composed of the best tonics known, combined rlth the best blood purifiers, actlnc directly on the tiucous surface. Trie perfect combination of the wo ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re lulta In curing catarrh. Send fur testimonials, free. ,.,,.. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Toledo, O Bold by Drurclsts, price 15c. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. After n girl has been married about three weeks she returns to earth. A Trip to Colorado, Utah or California is not complete unless it embraces the most beautiful resorts and grand est scenery in Golorado, which are found on tho. Colorado Midland Rail way, the highest standard gauge lino in the worldw Exceptionally low sum mer round trip rates to Colorado in terior stato points, Utah, California and the Northwest aro offered by this line. For information address Mr. C. II. Speers, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Cola Everything depends on comparisons to the worm tho tortoise is a reck less chauffeur for speed. Do You Want the Lowest Rates either one-way or round-trip excursion, to any point east of Chicago or St. Louis? Ask the Erie Railroad Com pany, 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago, for complete Information, Three fast trains dally from Chicago and St Louis through to New York, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburgh and other eastern points. Stop-over without charge at Niagara Falls, Cambridge Springs and Beautiful Chautauqua Lake. Recognizes Geologist. The Academy of Sciences of Parl3 has elected Prof. Barrols of Lille, to fill tho vacancy left in the section of mineralogy by tho death of the illus trious Fouque. This recognition of tho claims of ono of the most distinguish ed geologists of the present day will bo welcomed far and wide. TMso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure. J. "VV. O'Uriek, 322 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 1X). When Wrestlers Oiled Bodies. In Grecian and Roman wrestling bouts the bodies and limbs of the wrestlers were plentifully anointed with oil and grease. The object of this was to prevent a hold being se cured by an opponent. Modern ar ticles of agreement, however, state explicitly that no oil or grease Bhall be used. CITCJ permanently cured. No (Its or nerrensnesa afte sv 1 1 d hr t day's use of Dr. Kline's Great rierre Kestor. S-. Rend tor Hit K 13 ssS.OO trial bottlo and treatise. B. it. u. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch Street, l'hllodelptU.l'a Immensity of Alaska. Few people reallzo tho immensity of the area of Alaska. With its 577.390 square miles, It Is larger than tho three largest states In the Union, name ly, Texas, California and Montana, the total area of which is only 570,220 square miles. You never hear any cne complain about "Defiance Starch." There Is none to equal It In quality and quantity, 16 ounces. 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. It Is easier to secure a unanimous decision that a bad thing Is bad than that a good thing is good. Ddfl.tnce Starch Is guaranteed biggest nnd best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. When a woman falls In love, has she met with an accident? THE UAISY FLY KILLER JloruYroinfort to"erj borne In dining-room, sleeping-room and places vhert . mes are irouuio I some. Clean, neal "Vst9 Y9. vKaLJ&S&i'SH nd will not sol 1 01 , K-TsVl Jr&HSS&CjFM Injure anything it j uirin once ana you will never lis without thnn.Ifnot kcrtbrdraltr.Benl prepaid for 200. iuhulii scums, It Uaktll, sir..,, ArMtlja, M. I. LEWIS: SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHT Bt CIGAR E5,600,000 Your Jobber or direct from Factory, I'oorU. ILL PORTRAIT AGENT8I; i Deal Street vita I Manufacturer a I anl Bate Uobst. Durfroods tbe best. Prices the lowest. I'romptsbln. menu. Oellrery or ail voriraus gmranieeu. cena for catalogue and agentsrpr(ce list. Address AJJAM J. K&OLL k CO., Hew Era Sldf., Colearo, lilt jj'i' ' ' "g I. V, , Slf7jmm TT MmmmM Hvp4ftFvY?!Ev:jflsH 9KMBMUntWsBIBBiHK LIGHT TURNED ON. Why Judge Parker Sent the Famous Telegram. ESOPUS, N, Y. Light was thrown on tho history of the now famous Par ker telegram nnd the reply to It matlo by tho democratic convention at St. Louis by a close friend of Judge Par ker, who declined to allow the use of his name. "When Judge Parker retired at 9:45 Friday night," said this mnn, "ho did not know anything at all about tho financial side of tho platform, which had been pgreed upon, more than was outlined in tho very brief bulletins telephoned from Kingston. When in formed by tho Associated Press cor respondent, at G:C0 a. in., of the bare fact of his nomination, he knew no more, nnd tho first real knowledge ho had of the action of tho convention on the financial plank In tho platform waB when ho read tho New York morning papers. Immediately after breakfast, that is to say, a little after D o'clock, ho started for a horseback ride. Just before mounting his horse a telegram was handed him, giving a concise outline of tho platform. From tho moment of his reading of that tele gram It was noticed that ho was very much preoccupied, and as he rode off his head was bowed as If in deep thought. "About 10:30 o'clock he rode up to tho railroad station, asked for tele grams and received qulto a bunch of them. I happen to know that ncno of them gave him tho Information ho wanted. He chatted with the report ers for awhile, and it was afterward iccallcd that some of his questions Jo them betrayed tho fact of his lack "of first-hand knowledge of the conven tion's action. Ho waited about the station, almost Irresolute In bearing, for fully ten minutes, and then sud denly galloped back toward Rosemont. An hour afterward his famous tele gram was filed with tho operator, and tho remarkable series of events was under way. "That night while the convention tossed nnd billowed with the senautlon he had produced, he did not go early to bed. as ho hnd done the night be fore, although the local celebration In his honor ceased and tho people dis persed as carry as 10:15 p. in. Ho sat up until after 3 a. in. closely watching tho bulletins, and made no move to ward retiring until after the action of. i no convention on nis telegram was made plain to him. As he proceeded, the sympathy of tils audience for the man who had lost much of tho power ho had held, ad miration for his power as an orator, and beneath it all that liking for tho man that endures In so many hearts was manifest and contributed toward tho great silence of respect with which he was heard. Although ho did not mention names, Mr. Bryan's address was manifestly directed against Judge Parker, whom he characterized as the candidate of plutocracy. When he closed by sec onding tho nomination of Senator Cockrell of Missouri, ho was greeted with rapturous cheers from tho startled supporters of that candidate. His address occupied forty-seven minutes, and at Its finish even his well tested physical strength was far gone. PAUL KRUGERP ASSES AWAY. Former President of the Transvaal Republic Dies In Switzerland. CLAREXS, Switzerland. Paul Kru ger, former president of ho Transvaal republic, died here at 3 o'clock Thurs day morning from pneumonia and su pervening heart weakness. Mr. Kru ger lost consciousness Monday. His daughter and son-in-law were with him at the time of his death. He had been out only once since his arrival here, at the beginning of last month. The ex-presldent's body was em balmed, and this afternoon the re mains will bo placed in a vault pend ing funeral arrangements. Application will be mado to the British govern ment to transport thb remains to the Transvaal. In the meantime they will be temporarily Interred hero. Mr. Kruger, who was staying at the Villa Du Dolchet, had been gradually failing for a long time, but he was able to attend to affairs, read and receive visits until Saturday. A change for tho vorso set In on Sunday. He be came unconscious Monday and remain ed so until his death. HIGH HONORFOR AN AMERICAN Secretary Hay Will Be Given Grand Cross of Legion of Honor. PARIS The most Important an nouncement of tho forthcoming list ol decorations following tho French na tlonal holiday will be that of Presldenl Loubet conferring the grand cross ol the Ieglon of Honor upon Secretary Hay. Tho grand cross Is the hlgest grade p.nd Is given only to personages the government desires to signally honor An official said it was cvldenco ol Foreign Minister Delcasse's high re gard for Mr. Hay's conduct of foreign affair? during tho last flvo years. This nas constantly strengthened Franco merican relations, tho latest beinp American recognition of French para mount authority in Morocco under the Franco-British arrangement. Bey of Tunis at Paris. ' PARIS Tho bey of Tunis arrived aero. He was accorded military hon jrs, received a notable popular rectp ion an visited President Loubet at he Elyseo palace, where they had a ong nnd cordial exchange of friendly icntiments. Tho boy will bo the uest of honor at a garden party. Tho flslt of tho bey to Paris Is significant 3f the strengthening of tho French protectorate over Tunis and the tie elopmont of tho governmental policy )f building up the French North Afrl ran empire. FREE TO TWENTY-FIVE LADIES. Tho Defiance Starch Co. will gho 25 ladles a round-trp ticket to tho St Louts exposition to flvo ladles In each of, tho following stntes: Illinois, lown, Nebraska, Kansas and Missou ri who will send In tho largest number of tratlo marks cut from a 10-cent, 1G ounco package of Deflanco cold water laundry starch. This menns from your own home, nnywhero in tho nbovo named states. These trade marks must ho mailed to nnd received by tho De llanco Stnrch Co., Omaha, Neb., before September 1st, 1904. October nnd No vember will bo tho best months to visit tho exposition. Remember thnt Defiance is tho only starch put up 1G oz. (a full pound) to the package. You get one-third more starch for tho same money than of any other kind, and Defiance never sticks to tho Iron. The tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mall September 5tb. Starch for sale by all dealers. Women's Imperfections are known only to their dressmakers. The nnuenbeck Animal Paradise and Trained Animal Circus on the 1'ikc nt St. Louis attracts great crowds every tiav. There arc wild beasts, lions, leop ards, pumas, hyenas, boars and tlKcra roaming In their native Jungle together with domesticated animals In perfect har mony. The Hagcnbcck trainers present the most thrilllnK performances of per fect animal training dally In the steel cage of tho huge arena. You should not fall to see It. It Is the grcatoat attrac tion at tho World's Fair. Umbrellas nnd friends aro seldom around in the hour of need. Insist on Gottlng It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defluncc Starch. This is because thc have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 os in n package, which they won't be able to sell Mrs, because Defiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 10 c. Instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Deflanco Btarch. Requires no cooking. "Laugh and the world laughs with you." And It also laughs at you and thereafter refuses to tako you se riously. Grain-Eating Songsters. Fine voices, It 1b said, are seldom found in a country where fish or meat diet provails. Those Italians who cat the most fish (thoso of Naples and Genoa) have few fine singers among them. The sweet voices aro found in the Irish women of tho country, nnd not of tho towns. Norway is not a country of singers, because they eat too much fish; but Sweden is a coun try of grain and song. Carnivorous birds croak; grain-eating birds sing. Where Most Wheels Go Around. Thero Is no plnco in the world whero the wagon or enrt traffic Is equal to that of Nowchwang. During tho win ter months, when tho roads aro firmly frozen, there aro not lees than 2,000 carts, each carrying two tons per day, coming to tho port, each drawn by from four to seven mules or ponies; some of theso carts are from thirty to forty days on the road In order to reach the market. f Longest Convention. Tho longest convention In our polit ical history was tho Democratic na tional convention which met at Charleston, S. C, In 1SC0. At the end of ten days It had accomplished noth ing, nnd adjourned to meet In Balti more. Even when tho majority of the delegates reconvened In the last named city they needed four days to nominate Stephen A. Douglas. BACK LICK Settled the Case With Her. Many great discoveries have been mado by accident and things better than gold mines have been found in this way, for example when even the accidental discovery that coffee is the real cause of one'fi sickness proves of most tremendous value because it lo cates tho cause and tho person has then a chance to get well. "For over 25 years," says a Missouri woman, "I suffered untold agonies in my stomach and even tho best phy sicians disagreed as to the cause with out giving me any permanent help, different ones saying it was gastritis, Indigestion, neuralgia, etc., so I dragged along from year toear, al ways half sick, until flnal!yT gave up all hopes of ever being well again. "When taking dinner with a friend ono day she said she bad a new drink which turned out to be Postum and I liked it so well I told her I thought I would stop coffee for awhile and use it, which I did. "So -for three months we had Pos tum In place of coffee without ever having one of my old spells but was always healthy and vigorous. "Husband kept saying he was con vinced It was coffee that caused those spells, but even then I wouldn't be lieve it until one day wo got out of Postum and as wo lived two miles from town I thought to use the coffee we bad in the house. "Tho result of a week's use of cof fee again was that I had another ter rible spell of agony and distress, prov ing that it was tho coffee and nothing else. That settled it and I said good byo to Coffee forever and since then Postum alone has been our hot meal time drink. "My friend: all say I am looking worlds better and my comploxlon is much improved. All tho other mem bers of our family havo beon benefit ed, too, by Postum in placo of the old drink, coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek. Mich. Ten days trial of Postum In place of coffeo or tea is the wiso thing for every coffeo drinker, Such a trial tells the exact truth often where cof feo Is not suspected. Look in each pkg. for tho famous litUo book. "The Road to Wcllville." r-BS:., Mi.,,1 lim.WMillMlili tfw .,5sr WAmLLLUlXJ as aswsn .AYegclaMc Prepuraiionror As similating thcFoodandllcguIa- ting theStoiBQChs and Bowels or Promotes Digcstion.Chcerfur ncssartdTlc&.Conlnlns neither Opium,Morpliiac norXiucral. Kox "Nauc otic . yatve ofoujirSiKVEtmosn Mix Smut AputSntt MnrtonShJh&i Ihmn7irrar: A perfect Remedy rorConsllpn Tlon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss nnd Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW "YORK. EXACT COPV OF WRARBER. SOLO BY ANTISEPTIC DRUGGISTS. Sample Free. ANTISEPTIC THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES To TORONTO and MONTREAL DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS, - - 9.05 P.M. Ar. TORONTO, - - 9.10 P.M. Ar. MONTREAL,- - - 7.35 A.M. To PORTLAND Every Monday and Thursday Lv. ST. LOUIS, - 12.30 Noon Ar. MONTREAL, . - - 7.15 P.M. (fCCOND DAT) Ar. PORTLAND, - 8.05 A.M. (TllIltD WAT) To BOSTON DAILY Lv.ST.LOUIS, 9.00 A.M. 9.05 P.M. r BOSTON, 5.20 P.M. 9.50 A.M. For Rales and Information, address H. E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., 1601 Fornorr, Street, Omaha, Neb BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. Ivr SLuaws aH sB I THERES NO USE ARGUING I B I Dt&nec Stardb k & wy bat &ta suits. Wt It's a (act jLaahHssv Hundred will tottrf to s) rHHB H Try U ooe rountlL mmstR H We guarantee titkfirtfrin er mxotjbiuSu 4nx-1 H You can't lose. WsWmHC) H Defiance Starch b'afcsotutcr free Erssn. rfiiraWfi JLr5fw!kr SH fsslstsVsKnHHsH H Umjdrthckrtbatxxu IH Get tt o( your grocer. yrlmE&iSUlBi H $6 ounces fot SO ccrtf-ootthJfd mart tfaa lA JSSltSpSftfjm H you get ci .107 otaWfcrtnsL.( flMflRnflBCFffH BpBBBKyytfOTKj!TtBsBMCMHI. sssssHsHBsBHSssBs9sBs9ssissslssM jssl WAdASH j 1 "i" 1 ' fcsQw CASTOR!. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Hon jp UOG For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMi otsrraun siosstvuir. new your crrr. PILE CONES CURR WHILE YOU SLEEP. PILE CONE CO., Crete, Neb. FREE to WOMEN A Largo Trial Box and book of In structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove tbe value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Faxtlne U In powder form to dissolve la water non-polsonou ndtariuperlortollquld antlstptlca contalnlne alcohol which Irritates Inflamed surfaces, and ba vc no cJeanting prop erties. The contents ol every box make more Antiseptic Solu tionlasts longer goes further has more uiM In tbe family and dot more good than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vagina Wash, for Leucorrhrxa, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local troatraentof fercale ills Paztino Is invaluable. Utcd as a Vaginal Wash we challenge tho world to produco its equal foi" thoroughness. Itlsarovolatlon in cleansing and healing power; it kills all genus which causo inllaminatlon ami discharges. All leading druggists keep 1 "ax tine; price, EOc. alox; If )rmrsrtoes not, send tousfor It. Don't take a substitute there Is nothing like l'axtlne. "Write for the Frs-ollox of l'axtlne totlny. 4. PAXTON CO., 5, Fopo Bid?.. Boston. Mass. WESTERN SUPPLY CO. JOBBERS OF PUMPS, WINDMILLS and PLUMBING MATERIAL BELTINU nnd THRESHER SUPPLIES. PACKING and ELEVAIO.t REPAIRS. 820-822 N Street LINCOLN. NEBRASKA W. N. U., Omaha. Na. 301904 wuo wntut au tut iaiio. yi M Best Couga Brnip. Tastes CKkjO. Use fm VrM Id tlma. italA hv druimlita. IH 0 fV zy.r M W S mm m MA ' I J III9 "From Ibo cradle to the baby chair" HAVE YOU A BABY? II so, you ought to have a PHOENIX WALKING GHAIR (PATENTXD) "AN IDEAL SELrMNSTRUOTOIt." QUR PIIOENIX Walldng Chair " holds tho child Boourolr, pre venting thoso painful falls and bumps which aro so frequent when baby loams to walk. "BETTER THAN A NURSE." Tho chair is provided with a ro xnorablo, sanitary cloth Beat,which supports tho weight of tho child and prevents bowlegs and spinal troubles; it also has a tablo attach ment which enables baby to find amnsemont in its toys, etc., with out any attention. "As indlsponsablo as s cradle." It is bo constructed that it pro vonts Bollod clothos.nlcknoso fiora drafts and floor gems, and Is rccommoudod by physicians and, ondorsod by both mot her nnd baby. Combines ploasuro nnd utility. No baby should bo without ouo. Call nt your furnltaro dealer and ask to bco ono. PHTMi MAHUrACTtniED OSLT BT PHOENIX CHAIR CO. aiiRRnvnm. win. m Can only be had of your furniture dealer. J WnHomnHHr I SMI I SIMM II ! ir ,! Sll asssj NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Almost half million acrosof the fertile nud well-wa.:r3J land of the Boebuil Indian Kes crvatlon, In South Dakota, will bo thrown open to settlement by tho Oovcrnmont In July. Theso lands aro best reached by the Chicago & North western Italltray'a direct through lines from Chicago to UoDostecl, S. 1). All agents sell tickets via tuts Una. Special low rates. HOW TO GET A HOME Sen-Hora copy of pamphlet ghlng full Informa tion aa .odatco of opening and how to secure ICO acres of land at nominal cost, with full descrip tion of tho sot), climate, timber and mineral rosources, towns, schools and churches, oppor tunities for business openings, railway rates, etc., free on application. W. B. KNISKERN, rassonger Tronic Manager, snr CUICAGU. ILL DOMINION EXHIBITION WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, JULY 26th to AUGUST 6th THE BEST EXPOSITION. OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL RESOUR CES OF CANADA EVER MADE. : : : : : An Aggregation of Attractions Never Before Equalled at an Exhibition of this Kind. - - Ample Accommodation for Visitors. Low Railroad Rates from all United States Points. Particulars Qlvon by Canadian Government Agents orJVearestTicket Agent. "FOLLOW TWst FLAB." TAKE THE WABASH SAINT LOU IS ' THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. UosKtiKc rhreUrd to l'ulr icruuudit. World's Stopovers allowed. All akoiUs can route voi vlu the WAHASH Kor beau tiful World's Kalr folder nnd all Infor mation address HARRY K. MOOItKS. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb. EHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtl T I f J SsWWsaasBBBBBBBBBaalaBH MBaM aW " .iiBaaaaaaaaaiMaasaaaaaaaaiWaaaa! HlBtjBBwIaPBlsRniXaBBBBBBBKnisBlf wBr IIIIL