to i & r K' t GOLLMAR BROS' Big New Railroad Shows Triple Circus, Elevated Stages, Roman Hip podrome, Free Horse Exhicit and Deep Sea Aquairium. A gigantic undertaking, head and shoulders above our so-called rivals. -.Mv.rViv; :.,- . . ---v,v-. "V "1 'I - - Tft"J' I SMJWS wtm m m m k. OJ ffrtH ft m iC flm'W -" .... "" nJLVt ssss it zz i&&&r' i W . s 20FUNNY OLD CLOWNS20 A multitude of Riders, Leapers, Aeronauts, gym nasts, Charioteers and everything pertaining to the circus world. Big double menagerie of all the brute creation. A herd of Big Elephants dollar Bros: $20,000 Pcaiiire-ISv'fflSE weird, man-sloytnR monster; the only one in the known world on exhibition; afternoon and evening in Gollmar Bros,', millionaire menagerie. Five Bands of Music. Three Circus rings Elevated Stages. 500 Men and Women Employed Three hundred Horses and Ponies Every morning at 10 o'clock a grand colossal parade, a mammoth free street show. 7 open dens of wild beasts 7. Ponderous marching elephants. An amazing wonderland. Ten different kinds of music; golden steam piano. A big double procession of shining armor, glittering dens, cages, band chariots, rich and rare costumes of silks and satins, tableaux, floats, comedy provokers, a perfect blaze of splend or majestically moving upon the public highway at 10 o'clock. Two performances daily, afternoon and evening. Alliance, Saturd y July 30 DOORS OPEN AT ONE AND SEVEN P. H. -"rZz&tifflm. 1 "S. 'T. M r MOM 8ttferi, snte 1 SsMw HOUSE Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of liulldlnti Material. riwn:ittCTCT3g3vw&aywvsiKa?aoa6itna CALL AND SKE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. Chas. E. Ford, President A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. 4226 S. K, Warrick, Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors Chas. E. Ford. A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton. H G. Warrick. S. K. Warrick. j 1 rlllMasy For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had .from us at reasonable price. Irv Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. AIsq' agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone Notice. Persons desiring to enter homesteads or make final proof in other land districts can do o without going to land ofllca. Addrow or call on T. .1, O'Keofo, V. S. Commis sioner for thedixtrict of Nebraska, Alliance. smMwwrM Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. J. Rowan DUALKIl IN FLOUR and FEED WllOt.KSAI.t: ANll lll'.TAlt, HAXm.He) THK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PiMdngton'b old btnnd, 'phono No. 71. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance W. M. FOSKETT -A-ia-ctioraLeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or 15 Y THE DAY. tiff Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it -with me IIemikgiord, Ni:u. - ------ - 1 I ( Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Uriel. SIioii ist of Alll-ince Xutlouiil Itank, A 11I.U1 v.Ni'ii. PHONE 400. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style OHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Chatter Hotel. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CAM; ON I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOKS of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At K. Madsen's old. stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. tAAAtAAAAAA " 1 For a Full E Line of... StapIeAN0 Fancy Groceries Best Co Ices, finslTeas, I xnnoi UUIJlllU H 10 a That Can't be Beat In Town,,,, Queensware, Twii'nro m uirr mj w and y Enameled ware CALL ON. "XOVLTS OT "Salt "BcaWnri, A. D. RODGERS. THE GAMBLING MANIA. Hcmt It Plntintnl Itxcir nt Otic Time In tin- l'rrucli Cniiltnl. SoniM of thi' old storied told of the Kninliij; tnblprt iiin linrtlly ! Itcllovint nowadnys, thmiRli llioy.nte iThtlod In siu-lt n iooI. iiiuttoi- of f.ut Rtylo by writers of the tlini ns to hnw tlmt In the elfrliteunth nml onrl.r iilnetoiMitli centuries the practice l''d u pnrt of hUli cIhss soi'IrI existence. Cnptnln (Suiiiuw iolnti'8 that. IhivIiik Icn up pointed to the stuff of Uenernl l'lcton, who was then stinting for Hi'tiMcl' (181)). he olitnlned ?l,tKX) from Hie ar my iiKcnts, "whleli." he continues, "I took with me to tRambllii)' Iioiho In St. James' annate, whete 1 imuumcU, by some wonderful accident, to win t00." With this Hum he Mitbseiiuently provided his- uecoasary onillt. When the allied inarchisl Inlo Talis after the battle of Waterloo, (Jronow found tho Palais ltoyal a hotbod of gainbllns "the very heart of Preach dissipation." "There were ttblon for nil cl:i8set4. The workman inlj;ht piny with 120 wins or tho Kcntleituin with 10,000 francs. Tho law did not prevent any class from lndtilvthiR In a vice that assisted to till the coffers of the munici pality of Paris." The IliiKlish visitors were not slow to participate In the play, one olllcer of the guards obtaining leave of absence and never ulttlng the Palais ltoyal till the lime came for his return to the regiment. Large fortunes were often lost nt gambling in thoe days, the loser dis appearing never more to be hen til of. Lord Thanet, for instance, who had an Income of RiKiO.tXH) a year, lost every farthing at play and, concludes Uro now, "1 do not remember any Instance where those who spent their time in this den did not lose all thoy possess ed." FLOWERS IN MEXICO. So I'lciitlrut Tlmt TJicj- Arc Uho.1 I'nr lircnt l'ul, Il IH'onrutltiim, As a people the Mexicans are very fond of flowers, and every village, town and city has lis place where flowers are sold, and many of the larger places have extensive flower markets. Often the (lowers brought to the market are wild hpecliueiis found In tho woods and the llelds, but all are beautiful. In many of the smaller towns and villages the public parks and the sidewalks of the streets tiro used as places for the sale of Ilowers. Everywhere they may be bought at surprisingly low prices. So plentiful are Ilowers they ore used for great public decorations. Some times whole parks and the fronts of buildings for many streets are covered with llornl decoration.? on a feast day. The Mexican love of ilowers has been Inherited from a long line of llower loving ancestors. More than a thou sand years ago the chief feature of worship among the Toltecs was the great lloral ollerlng which was made to the fair god once a year and which lasted for a whole Mexican week. Dur ing this festival one of the features was a great lloral procession, which traversed the princlpnl streets of the city to the sound of musical Instru ments. Every one In tho procession carried flowers to lay upon the altar of the god or to place upon tho steps or walls of his temple. In this procession were princes, nobles, priests and com moners. This lloral festival was an expression of tho love of nature for which the Toltecs were noted. Until they came Into contact with the Az tecs later on In history they were pure ly nature worshipers, and Ilowers and fruits formed the chief part of their offerings. So the Mexican conies by his love of tlowers honestly. IiittTiimrr lntv Ainoinr IUioUh. Among th odd habits of rooks Is the way that meitibers of tho same rookery have of Intermarrying generation after generation. The males nlwnys choose their wives from their near neighbors, and if one should be so bold as to bring homo to his rookery a bride from a distance tho other rooks will invari ably refuse to receive her and will force the pair to build some way off. In the neighborhood of big rookeries outlying nests of this kind may always be found. IIcOrIiiiii Murrlnncn. In Helgluni it Is the custom to give certificates of mnriinges in the form of little books, which also contain a num mary of the marriage laws and among n mass of other miscellaneous Informa tion directions for tho feeding and care of Infants, There are also places for entering the names and birthdays of the children of tho marriage, the au thorities considerately affording space for twelve such entries. AliTn- Soiiietliltiur AVrnnir. Clerk Please, sir, can I have a week's vacation? KmpIoyer-iWhat's wrong with you now? Clerk I'm going to get married. Employer Now, you were away a week with Influenza tinrt ten days with a sprained ankle. 1 de clare, theie's always something going wrong with you, Jones. niltn to Suit ClrciiniHtniiPOM. "How much will It cost me to get n divorce?" asked the man. "That depends," replied tho lawyer absentnilndedly. "How much have you got?" Philadelphia Ledger. Just to help business along tor a limited time 1 start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any quantity, at g cents per pound. You will find a good price on Vigor at ioc per pkge. Two pkgs. of Gloss Starch .selling rapidly at ioc lb. Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs. for'a dollar. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Prunes 20 lbs. Si. To help the packing houses out a little, Bacon at 15 cents per pound. A great manv other bargains too numerous to mention. These prices can't last long Conic Early, Join the Crowd nml Itcceho a Cordial Welcome at GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One 0 the Most Up-to-l)ato Druy Stores in Nebraska A SELECT STOCK OF Prescriptions Carefully t G Compounded r1' Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . . . a Specialty. "" " Alliance, Nebraska. Adviinlnpre siutuol, "Does her family approve of her nm- bltion to go upon tho operatic stage?" "Um or yes and no that is, they approve of her going away to sing?" Detroit Freo Press. Vntl Ilavr the Fun Afterward. Ills Mother Tommy, If you tight with little YVilllo, Walters today I shall put you to bed for two hours. Tommy Put me to bed now, ma. Ask only tho well about their bcdlth. Bacon. F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. -- --- : If You Have Never Bought j HARDWARE at x iJCiijcisjtiJtKJhc lr'&T TRY IT ONCE! You will be Pleased with the Quality and Prices. X We guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. ---- Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. IN ESSOIN ITJLSCrCIIIiJTS FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford 11 re Insuruaco Compiiny. North American of I'lilliuU'lpliln. PJitMiulv of lSIiolli, Now Yoilt. ('ontlut'iitiil of Now York City, Muslim Klio liiMiruuce Cintipiiiiy. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial I'nlon Assurance Co., lmilon Liverpool. London itnil Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins-. Co., Now York, runners anil Merchants Jns..(o , Lincoln. Columbia Fire Iiisuntnco Coinjwny. Plilliulclplilu Underwriters, I'liouiiK Ins, Co., Hartford, Conn. Office rp-Stntrs, Hotelier llluck. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Lin e. W HEN YOU CO ro I.F.AVK MlUN "on i won about wliai to 1" itli our Hor ,ii '.oocs S. A. Miller ui,i ml e churKo ol ttifii tiw-ihr in a nicM, drv nivl cool nlnce anr ji uo sfci thorn whwvr dwJ. Chhrvu .'able. Phone 139. Tim rtl.. eni-Itw A -. t l.i h iI.j ,mu . i iii . ir - -i e 3.. niiiicr. --.- !B c r rr Palace ZLjIrer S. II. DICSOII, Prop. DM", iii.ock vi"jst or Good ttiniouts, strict attention to our busiucss, Till". Ni:v ziiiNDr.N . , awl courtrpus ticatmont to all has won for us the uril.DINO. 'Phono 'i excellent patronaKc wo enjov. Trv us. eee-;--' w9o The placing- of a few dollars monthly in the S ... ALLIANCE ... I National Bank will soon enable you to buv a comfortable home. ED EJ IS r"t'0l!i fiLlM UJ&V ' IJ, I yrw m r S"jP a V. M. K.sMOiir, President .... m V II fVMllllN' V Pi-i.vldr.iit n. H.'coxNm-r.GaslilBr. n a oieo8cooociesea--'-'r'---9eeoeeee TfoWYi S,. Yvevee. o J Fire 2 0 Insurance. X Hhmikcford, NlUIRASKA. Auent for the Uuledonlun. of Hcotluiid, which lnsnrvo town property only, und the Oolum hla, which Insures town und farm property and live btook. Both am reliable old linn companies Notai'ia.1 'Work . O BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Alliance, Neb. OO000OO00AK Opposite Depot,