The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 15, 1904, Image 3

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St. Louis and Return Via Wabash
Railroad, $8.50.
Sold July 18th nnd 25th, good re
turning 7 days from dato of salo. Cor
respondingly low rate nppllea from
your station. Tho WABASH Ib the
ONLY lino that lands passengers at
main entrance of tho World's fair
grounds. All agents can sell you
through ticket and route you via tho
Wabash, Insist on tho agent doing so.
Train Schedule.
Leave Omaha Union station 7:45 a.
m., Council Bluffs 8 a. m.; arrive
World's Fair station 7:35 p. m.; St.
Louis Union station 7:50 p. m. Leavo
Omaha 0:30 p. m., Council Bluffs
6:45 p m.; arrive World's Fair station
7 a. m., St. Louis Union station 7)15
a. m. dally.
GREATLY reduced rates on sale
during tho summer months to many
points In tho east and southeast. For
all information call at Wabash city
office, 1C01 Farnam stheet, or address
hash R. R., Omaha, Neb.
Facts In tho case twelve bottles
of beer.
Do You Want the Lowest Ratea
cither ono-way or round-trip excursion,
to any point east of Chicago or SL
Louis? Ask the Erie Railroad Com
pany, 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago,
for completo Information. Three fast
trains dally from Chicago and St.
Louis through to New York, Boston,
Buffalo, Pittsburgh and other eastern
points. Stop-over without charge at
Niagara Falls, Cambridge Springs and
Beautiful Chautauqua Lake.
Plso's Curo Is tho best medicine wo ever used
for all affections of tho throat nnd lungs. Vt'il.
O. Endslbt, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, UC0.
Bats flying late In tho evening Indi
cate fair weather. Bats who squeffk
flying tell of rain tomorrow.
Do Your Feet Acho and Burn?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feci Eay. Cures
Swollen, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns nnd
Bunions. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores, 2.rc Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Kino, when they assemblo at ono
end of a field with their tails to wind
ward, often indicate rain or wind.
Send Millions to Greece.
Tho amount of money annually re
ceived In Greeco from Greek emi
grants to tho United States la assum
ing proportions that have attracted
tho attention of tho Greek govern
ment, bankers and public Greek of
ficials estimate that over $1,930,501.93
thus reached Greeco during 1903.
To Remove Warts.
To removo a wart pour on it a diop
of vinegar and then cover It with as
much carbonate of soda as the vine
Bar will absorb. Keep It on ten min
utes and repeat tho application twi'co
or three times dally. In a few days
tho wart generally drops off, leaving
only a tiny whlto mark.
Imitation Chocolate.
Testimony In an English court
showed that there is no chocolate In
cheap "chocolate" candy. A substi
tute consisting of an extract of cocoa
nut oil is used for tho "cream" and
the outsldo is made from tho ground
husks of tho cocoa bean, sugar and
Wife for Six Shillings.
Wives In Tanganyika aro consid
ered a luxury, and even In Zululand
they cost from 30 to 160; but on
the Tanganyika Plateau one can bo
had for five or six goats. One goat
equals 8d to Is, thereforo ono wife
equals 6s at the most.
Had To Switch.
Even the most careful person Is apt
to get on tho wrong track regarding
food sometimes and has to switch
When tho right food Is selected tho
host of ails that come from improper
food and drink disappear, even where
tho trouble has been of lifelong stand
ing. "From a child I was never strong
and bad a capricious appetito and I
was allowed to eat whatever I fancied
rich cake, highly seasoned food, hot
biscuit, etc. so It was not surprising
that my digestion was soon out of
order and at tho ago of twenty-three I
was on tho vergo of nervous prostra
tion. I had no appetite and as I had
been losing strength (because I didn't
get nourishment in my daily food to
repair tho wear and tear on body and
brain) I had no reserve force to fall
back on, lost flesh rapidly and no med
icine helped me.
"Then it was a wise physician or
dered Grape-Nuts and cream and saw
to it that I gave this food (new to me)
a proper trial and it showed be knew
what ho was about, because I got bet
ter by bounds from tho very first
That was in Uie summer and by win
ter I was In better health than ever
before in my life, had gained In flesh
and weight and felt like a new person
altogether In mind as well as body,
all duo to nourishing and completely
digestible food, Grape-NutB.
"This happened three years ago and
never since then have I had any but
perfect health, for I stick to my
Grape-Nuts food and. cream and still
think It delicious. I eat it every day.
I never tire of this food and I can en
Joy a saucer of Grape-Nuts and cream
when nothing else satisfies my appe
tite and it's surprising how sustained
and strong a small saucerful will
make one feel for hours." Name giv
en by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
True food that carries one along and
"there's a reason." Grape-Nuts 10
days proves big things.
Get the little. book, "The Road to
Wellville," in each pkg.
Live Stock Trades
CATTLE Tho run nnn moderate nnd
besides over one-half of tho receipts ar
rived direct from Knrmai City. Condi
tions continue favorable to shippers nnd,
conslndcrnblo Improvement in the mar
ket Is noted. Tho market on beef steers
was ngaln stronger, with the supply very
limited. The trade has gradually Im
proved slnco Wednesday nnd today
prices nro fully luffSOo 'hluher on handy
grades in tho last thrco days. Tho mar
ket has nsvuimcd n irood healthy tono
nnd tho movement Is qulto satlsfnctory
ngaln. Corn-fed cows nnd hellfers are
scarco nnd prices hold up well on nil fnt
suff. Prices nro hlfrher on fed stock, but
there nro few on sale. Ornss cows nnd
helfert) If Rood nro selling well, but can
ning grades and medium cows nnd hell
ers are uncertain sellers according to
supply tho demand. In tho feeder divi
sion trndo Is slack, betlde-a only n very
modernto number nro coming nt present.
Top'henvy feeders ure In fair request nt
current quotation?, but outsldo of these
the demand Is uncertain. Prices for some
days show no material change.
HOC5S Huyera continued bearish ugaln
with a prety liberal number on sale.
Chicago nlso reported a weak trade, with
receipts nbovo estimates, nnd other con
ditions wero more or less against sellers.
Opening bids nnd sules were pretty close
to Be lower, with a, few toppy loads
Bhowlng rather less decline, while, on
tho other hand, coarso packers and In
ferior light offerings wero more or less
neglected nnd Hales of t'hls dais showed
tho full decline of tho market. Sales of
good hogs wero lnrgeiy nt JS.lSUo.lT'i.
SHnEP Quotations for grdss sheep
nnd lambs: Good to choice yearling?,
$4.:;ft4.M; fair to good yearling. $3 5Mj
4.25: good to cholco wethers, Jl.00tM.23;
fair to good wethers. J1.5OJf4.O0: good to
choice ewes. JIt.50fr3.kO; fair to good ewea,
J3.2303.5O; good to choice lambs, J5.C0
6.73; fulr to good Inmbs, J5.00JJ5 50.
CATTIn-Hecelpts, 2,000 head. Includ
ing 800 southerns; market, steady; na
tive steers, Jl.251j6.40; southern steers,
J3.00-35.00; southern cows, J3.0OQ3.T5; na
tive cows nnd hilfer., J2.O0fl5.25; Block
ers nnd feeders, J75fj4.75; bulls, $2.50
4.25; calves. J2.504.75; western fed
oowh, J2.25W4.C0.
HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market,
steady; bulk of sales, J5.2505.33; heavy,
J5.30g5.40; packers, J5.25Q5.35; .pigs nnd
lights, J4.50fJ5.3t).
SHEEP Receipts, 1.000 head; market,
uteady; muttons, J3.505.00; lambs, J4.D0
&6 50; range wethers, J3.75QI.50; ewes,
Sentences St. Louis Boodler.
ST. LOUIS Edmund Bersch, who
pleaded guilty two weeks ago to ac
cepting a bribe In connection with
the passage of tho city lighting bill
as receiving a share of the ?47,500
distributed among nineteen members
of the house of delegates, was sen
tenced by Judge McDonald of tho St.
Louis criminal court to two years Im
prisonment In tho penitentiary. This
Is the minimum sentence. Bersch is
tho first of tho former members of tho
house of delegates under indictment
to plead guilty.
Norge Survivors Reach Land.
GLASGOW, Scotland Another boat
with Norgo survivors, eleven passen
gers, eight sailors and one child, has
reached Shetland Islands. This boat,
which was in charge of the second
mato of tho Norge, was eight days on
the open sea. The party rowed tho
entire distance to the Islands. All on
board wero much exhausted and un
able to stand when they landed. Tho
Shetland Islands were sighted by tho
boat on Wednesday last.
Makes First Annual Report.
NEW YORK The first annual re
port of tho International Mercantile
Marino compeny, made public Friday,
shows tho gross voyage earnings as
$29,077,350; miscellaneous earnings,
$1.350,GG4; total. ?31,037.420; gross ex
pense. $27,030,898; net, $4,000,522:
clmrges, $3,045,227: surplus earnings,
$355,295; surplus Insuranco account,
$1,442,502; total surplus for tho year,
.. Moors Dlsrrm German Minister. ,,
TANGIER Tho German minister,
who had been threatened by Moors and
consequently kept a revolver handy In
his bedroom, found tho weapon miss
ing when he retired Thursday night.
Strange Moors had been seen about
the legation during the evening.
Troops wero summoned to search for
suspects, but their efforts have been
Swallow Mall6 Acceptance.
HARRISBURG, Pa. Silas C. Swal
low has mailed a brief letter to Na
tional Chairman Stewart at Chicago,
advising him of his acceptance of tho
nomination for president by the prohi
bition national convention at Indian
apolis June 30.
Capture jap Prov-ons.
VLADIVOSTOK A large Japanese
schooner laden with provisions ha?
been brought Into port. Russian, tor
pedo boats have destroyed a number
of other Japanese sailing crafts, load
ed with food, clqng tho coast of Ja
pan. rMelfvWts te President.
OYSTER BAY-rGovornor Odell. ac
companied by William Barnes, chair
man of the state executive commit
tee of New York, arrived hore to have
a conference with President Roose
velt on tho political situation In Now
York. Thoy refused to discuss their
visit or what it related to. Governor
Odoll said, however, that the reports
published that President Roosevolt
would name the republican candidate
for govornor of New York not only
were untrue, but they wero "simply
Doubles Its Population.
Fow persons havo any Idea of the
extraordinary manner In which the
population of Europo has Increased
during tho last century. According to
statisticians, this population has more
than doubled itself from 18S0 to 1900.
To this increase tho Latin nations of
tho west and southwest contributed
tho least, and tho greatost growth was
in tho cast, whero tho people havo not
yet becomo thoroughly saturated with
tho ideas of modern civilization.
Mountain Slckneso.
D. W. Freshfield, who ascended ML
Kangeherjunga with a party of
friends, states that those persons who
Buffered from mountain sickness wore
most affected between 15,000 and 1C,
COO feet, and that thero was no In
crcaso of symptoms up to 20,000 feet
Her Whipping Position.
A young woman applicant for a
school In a Kansas town was asked to
answer tho question: "What la your
position upon whipping chlldion?"
And her roply vraa: "My usual posi
tion Is on a chair, with tho chlW held
firmly across my knee, faco down
ward." Sho got tho school.
Remarkable Cure of Dropsy by Dodd'a
Kidney Pills.
Sedgwick, Ark., July 11. Tho caso
of W. S. Taylor's Httlo son is looked
upon by thoso Interested In medical
matters as ono of tho most wonderful
on record. In this connection his
father makes tho following statement:
"Last September, my little boy had
Dropsy; his feet and limbs wero
swollen to such an extent that ho
could not walk nor put his shoes on.
Tho treatment that tho doctors wero
giving him seemed to do him no good
and two or threo pooplo said his days
wero short, even tho doctors, two of
tho best in the country told mo ho
would not get bettor. I stopped their
medicine and at onco sent for Dodd'a
Kidney Pills. I gave him threo Pills
a day, ono morning, noon nnd night
for eight days; at tho end of tho
eighth day tho swelling was all gone,
but to give tho medlclno justice, I
gavo him eleven moro Pills. I used
thlrty-flvo Pills In all nnd ho was en
tirely cured. I consider your medlclno
saved my child's life. When tho thlrty-flvo
Pills wore given him, ho could
run, dance and sing, whereas before
he was an invalid In his mother's anna
from morning until night''
Dogs making holes In tho ground,
eating grass In tho morning, or refus
ing meat, aro said to lndlcato coming
rain. Colonel Dunwoody.
A Trip to Colorado, Utah or California
is not complete unless it embraces
the most beautiful resorts and grand
est scenery In Colorado, which are
found on tho Colorado Midland Rail
way, the highest standard gauge lino
In tho world. Exceptionally low sum
mer round trip rates to Colorado In
terior state points, Utah, California
and the Northwest are offered by this
line. For Information address Mr. C.
H. Speers, General Passenger Agent,
Denver, Colo.
A white-haired lover Is an example
of undycing affection.
Is It Not Worth Whllo
If you travel, on business or pteosure,
to get tho best service for tho lowest
rates? Ask the Erie Railroad Com
pany, 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago,
for full Information. Booklets free do
scribing Summer Tours and the Beau
tiful Chautauqua Lako Region; also
Cambridge Springs.
Is tho man in tho moon Btuck up?
He looks on ordinary mortals.
Don't you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
nny other. Is put up 16 ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds?
Tho homeopathic doctor doesn't
want to tako his fee in small doses.
Many who formerly smoked lOo cigars,
now smoke IjcwW "Single Binder" straight
5c cignr, The best combination of tho best
tobaccos. Lowte' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Dealers Bay thnt ns soon an a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it Is Im
possible to sell them nny other cold
water starch. It can be used cold or
Every door has a Jamb, but the
small boy prefers tho pantry door
Hundreds of dealers say the nxtra
quantity nnd superior quality of De
fiance Starch Is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say they can
not Bell any other starch.
Tho Inch-worm Is not tho only ono
that's always under foot.
Horses, as well as other domestic
animals, foretell tho coming of rain
by starting moro than ordinary and
appearing In other respects restless
and uneasy.
Ask your grocer about Advona' Cof
fee and tho spelling contest. There's
money in it.
A brilliant opening lifting tho cor
ner of a Jewel case.
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes It
next to Impossible to sell any other
Tho "belle" might hi truth bo called
a "ting" loader.
Important to Mothers.
Examine- carefully every bottle of CA8TOWA,
a tafo and sore remedy for infants and children.
ana tee tn&t It
Bears the
' &&&&&
Elcoaturo i
la Uto For Orcr 30 Years.
The Kind You Rare Alwaja flonjM.
Browning's Wonderful Sight'.
At dinner nt tho Royal Academy,
Alma Tadcmn gavo a curious account
of Robort Browning's sight, maintain
ing that with one eyo ho could read
tho i umber of a picture at tho end of
a loi g gallery: whllo with tho other,
without srtlflclnl assistance, ho could
wrlto an odo of Horace on a piece of
paper of thb slso of a three-penny
Capt. Marryat's Opinion.
At a comparatively recent period
Capt Marryat of tho British navy, tho
eolobrated nautical author, wroto in
ono of his novels: "What a mlno of
wealth must Ho entangled among Its
rocks or remain suspended In tho un
fatholnabk) gulf, where tho compress
ed fluid Is equal In gravity to that
which It cnclrclesi"
Petersburg to Port Arthur.
Tho total dlstanco from St. Peters
burg to Port Arthur by tho Russian
Trans-Siberian railway nnd tho Rus
sian lines In Manchuria Is 5,913 miles,
or practically twice the dlstanco from
Now York to San Francisco.
otat or Omo, Citt or Tolido.I .
Frank J. CnaxaY make, oath ttiit ho ! renter
Eariner or the firm ot F. J. Ciiknky 4. Co.. cluing
u.tne.a In (tie Cltr of Toledo, County and State
afore.atil, ami that tald firm will pay the autn of
ONK lU'NDKKl) 1)01.1, AU8 Mr each and eterr
rate of l atarrii that cannot bo cured by the uia of
Hall's Cataruu CtT.E.
Sworn to before me and aitbacrlbcd lu tny pre..
ence, till. 6th day of December, A. ft. 8fi.
i i A. W. UI.KASON.
I li. I Not-art fenuc.
II nil' Catarrh Cure It taken Internally anil tela
directly on the blood arid tnucoua turfacea of tho
eyitem. Send for tr.tlmnntal. free.
F. J. Clir.NKY CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all I)ruf?g1tt. tic.
Tako llall'a Family l'llla forcomtlpatlon.
Even tho houso painter puts on an
extra coat this weather.
Tho Defiance Starch Co. will glvo
25 ladles a round-trp ticket to tho St.
Louis exposition to flvo ladles In
each of tho following states: Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missou
ri who will send In tho largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10-cent, 1C
ounce package of Defiance cold water
laundry starch. This means from your
own homo, anywhere In tho nbovo
named states, Theso trade mnrltB must
bo mailed to and received by tho De
fiance Starch Co., Omaha, Neb., beforo
September 1st, 1904. October and No
vember will bo the best months to
visit tho exposition. Remember thnt
Defiance Ib tho only starch put up 10
oz. (n full pound) to tho package
You got one-third moro starch for tho
same money than ot any other kind,
and Deflanco never BtlckB to tho Iron.
Tho tickets to tho exposition will bo
sent by registered mall September 5th.
Starch for salo by all dealers.
Out of tho mouths of babies first
Ono of tho most Interesting oxhlbiU
among tho many of all kinds at tho Louisi
ana Purchase. Exposition In St. Louis is
that of tho Winchester Repeating Arms
Company, of Now Haven, Conn., manu
facturers of ropoatlng rifles and shotguns
and all kinds of ammunition. Tho exhibit
was in readiness and was opened on tho
first day of tho fair, a fact thnt clearly
illustrates tho cnterprlso and up-to-dato
methods of tho company behind it. It la
tho aim of tho Winchester ltepoatlng Arms
Company to show at their exhibit tho high
development which they havo reached In
tho mnklng of guns and ammunition, and
ono needs only to see- tho exhibit to roalUo
how near to perfection that development
has como. Thero can bo soen tho now auto
matic repeating rlflo, all kinds of shotguns,
tho modern smokolons powder shotgun
shells and riflo cartridges; In fact every
thing that can interest tho devotees ot
hunting and trap and targot shooting.
Don't fall to boo tho exhibit at tho Manu
facturers and Fish and Game Buildings.
It's well worth your whllo.
An organization of dentists would
not exactly bo called a gas company.
This Will Intorett Mothers.
Mother Gray's Swoet Powders for Chil
dren, used by Mother Gray, a nurso in
Children's Homo, New York, Curo Fever
ishncss. Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders,
rnovo nnd rcgulato tho bowels and destroy
Worms. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Samplo
FREE. Addncss A. S. Olmsted, LoRoy.N. Y.
If codes crow late and early clap
ping their wings occasionally, rain Is
'We make the price'
Direct to users
Standard 1 fc
Averagelencth, 111
500 feet to the pound -
Free on board cars Chicago, In 50-lb. flat
bales. Net cash with order.
Vire or Write.
Quick Shipment Safe Delivery
All this year's twine made from
very best quality of hemp In one of
the largest twine mills in the U.S.
Our Guarantee
If upon receipt you da ncl find our twine to be as
amooth. even and aa pood In every way aa any
twtne of the same kind made you may return at
our expense and wa will refund your money.
ALSO. II after receMnr, you find (or any reason,
you will not need all you ordered we will accept
the return of every Full Bale and refund you
the price you paid, If twine la returned promptly.
IMontfJomery Ward yCo.
Michigan Avenue
Madison and Washington Streets
Wleale. Stick LAUNDRY ItLUE 1
won't .Din. break, freeie nor anot clothea.
Ccu lc. and equal. 30c. vortb of any otter bluing
pmammmmmmmsBmBsmssmmsmmsmsmttmamammmfiimmsmif mfmtS'KAt
The World's
Catarrh Remedy
Should Be in Every
Pe -
used any
too arug
ffr&ttl.rS1&.ztkiHJarr i uuinmna vik JijMr
ZfcftaSTv, iMataMeaHt
ajk. vvT ujUn SSrfleaaaaaaaaaaaaaat'
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men:
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes.
See that our name is on the shoes you buy,
For Laundry Use amr
Bond lOo for pnokago to urucer
THE HANDY ILUEINQ BOOK CO., 87 E, Lake St Chicago Or Druggist
Cottage City
World's Fair
St. Louis
Oct tho linblt. Drink Advona. Cof
fco, 2-lb. alr-tlRlit can. Cost you 50
cents. Nothing bettor. Auk your gro
cer about the spelling contest. Thero'i
money In It.
Somo stingy people think tho pock
et is tho only placo for a pockotbook.
If you don't get the blgRCBt and beat
It'B your own fault. Defiance Starch
Ih for pale everywhere nnd there Is
positively nothing to enual It in qual
ity or quantity.
Lv. ST. LOUIS, - - 9.05 P.M.
Ar. TORONTO, - - - 9.10 P.M.
Ar. MOliTREAL,- - - 7.35 A.M.
Every Monday and Thursday
Lv. ST. LOUIS, - - 12.30 Noon
Ar. MONTREAL, - - 7.15 P.M.
Ar. PORTLAND, - - - 8.05 A.M.
Lv. ST. LOUIS, 9.00 A.M. 9.05 P.M.
Ar BOSTON, 5.20 P.M. 9.50 A.M.
For Rates and Information, address
H. E. MOORES, G. A. P. D
1601 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb
Almost a Iislf million acres of tho fertile and
well-watcr-a lands of tho P.osebud Indian lies
ervatlon, In South Dakota, will bo thrown open
to settlement by the Got eminent In July. These
lands are boot reached by the Chicago & North
western Hallway's direct through lines from
Chicago to Ilonesteel, S. I). All agents sell
tickets via tuls Una. Special low rates.
Send for 3 cony 01 pamphlet giving full Informa.
tlon a3.oUuUc o? opening and how to secure ICO
acres ot land at nominal cost, with full descrip
tion of tho soil, climate, timber and mineral
resources, towns, schools and churches, oppor
tunities for business openings, railway rates,
etc., I rco on application.
Passenirer Tr.Ullo Manager,
uffl.'?.4..wThompson'8 Eya Wator
W. N. U Omaha.
No. 291904
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
w yS -JA -? fc
ru - na Contains
No Narcotics.
reason why Perttin has found
permanent use in bo many hornet la
that It contains no narcotics of any kind
Peruna la perfectly harmless. It can bo
length ot time without acquiring
W11KN you Tialt the Worll'a fair Hop at Uottace City Hotel er
furnuhtd cottate Oool and Coiy Koama Capacity 000-Flrat
elaaa betel accoromocaUona One block from OUre BU World'a Fair
Car and main entrance- Beautiful view of the (rounda and Ita grand
illumlnatlona. $1.00 per day and up. Addrtaa,
WKHOHAWT'B COTTAOE CO.. 8689 Waterman Are., St. tenia.
Evcry.'housewlfe gloats;
over finely starched
inen ''and, white goods.
Conceit is justifiable
'after using Defiance
Starch. It gives a
stiff, glossy white-'
fias to the clothes
and does not rot
them. It is abso
lutely pure. It is
the most economical
because it goes
farthest, does 'more
and costs less than
others. To be had of all
grocers at 16 oz.
for toe.
Uuskiicf checked to World's
Fair Krouud.
Stopovers allowed. All ARents fan
route you vlii the WAHASH Kor beau
tiful World'H Fair folder and all Infor
mation nddrcKa HAnitY K MOOIU.S,
Gen, ABt Pass Dept . Omaha Neb.
Deal Street with
Manufacturer a
ani Save If ontr.
Ourcood. thetxit. Frlce. the lowest Prompt.tilp.
menu. Delivery of a 1 portrait. KuaraoieeU beoj
fur catalogue and afc'eutr price Hit. Aldren
ADAH J. KS0LL & CO., H.w ra BUr.. Cldeaco.
I CUUtH WKfhF All HSf fallK.
Beat Couaa Brrup. Tauea Good. Vt
in lima, csoia or arofrgiate.