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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1904)
. Stock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. (JNcbronkn Stock (Jrowcr u Assoclntlon. J (Int'oriomt(Ml ) fiA. M.ModlMJtt, president, Kttslnlllo; U. M. Htimpttnv vJco-lirosldHiil, Alliance; K. M Bonrlo'Jr., lecrctiiry.trwisuror, Ognlnllu P Executive committee -i I'. Myers Lena; II. "it. Klhimld, llliulmm; .Mm llronniui, Xtlltiic;JIt. Viinlioikirk, Alliance,! H. i:. jiouc, Hiimilhi Jul in M. Adams, Potter; It. M. AtlCn. Aninsj It. IJooo. I.oilK'l)ilui Kvert Jlldrcs-I, Orlando; P.. O. Harrlx, Ohndron; h. tt. ISIckoll, Kimball; Hobort aniliiini, Al liance; John t'onway, Dunning; ' M. I'oolt, AgntojA. H. Heed. Alliance. MOSM'.lt&TUl.tiV, Jess Neb Clock branded ns uhowti fin out on eltbersldo, rUIu. Township !M nnd rnn 4'l. HC'IIIM IIHOS., Solilll. Neb. Cut tlo branded nu rlsht HiIkIi or XV on rlfilit .side. Town sill 11 27, rtiiiKO J.V'hci Iclnu county. t VTM. O'MAKA Moduli w, Nub. Citttlu branded Catholic eross on rlolitlilp. llot'MH llllltUlfd S!(nn on rigid hUouUTui. jtuiiiiii on s. v itSg l of Hietlon 3d, CSUSiiuU adjacent range -j II. D1LMNG. Hon lluttf. Nob rattle branded tin 11 out on u-ri hip, nbo with ibe bur -over Instead of under binnil Alsooulcft side H'nohinv1 -SCCUOI1 ll, ma In tmnslilr ruiiKO 41- ii jilii'slde. Nob. Alil.lSO.N Unttle lir.indod K ot Wglit hip. Jlnniio In Twp. 2 riipgu 45, Slier dttn county. 1 .: ITKHAN IlKOS"., Oiinton. S.oux county, Nob, (Cross II Cross) on'leftHtdo. Alwi Ulou left jiiigii. ndemlopo in loft ear. llor.scs br.iiKlo.1 name iih cut U i on leftjuw mill u on lettMiouldor. hLJ KTOltM LAKK UANl'll, HOIinUTaUAIIAM, CJjiutintNclK An In elit. nn right iy loft hip; left ear cropped. Horse branded 0 cix left Jaw, E .MA1U.N, llouiluufonl, Noli. Cuttlo branded flying horseshoe on loft hip, us In rut. Home much mv. i-'.'T-W). Horse much hi Stl-tli. JOS. Nnui'I), MiUhulu, Nob. On left side. N on loft sldo 3, It. Norud. Alliance, Nob. :t 5 oouiuH'tod imy pliico on left bldo. Hhiiko on hood of 1'lne I'rook, Shorldun :ounty. l'OINT-or-HOCKS KANUII. JOHN O'tvJUy'K A. SONS. Allliineu, Neb. Cnttlo liriiuded OK on loft side: nlso oj( nnd Tik on left kldf. Notice to Creditors. ,'ountv Court, witliln atiil fur 11. .r ll.m.. county, Nebr.isli.i July , tM. In tlm ; inlter of tho osiuii. of John H HiikI.i!,, do ictsueil To.tlioorcsJItorsoftliB said lulo . You ute herbby iiotititsl. tbut I will U t The County Court ltui in Atllanoo In sahl CoUnty. on llie lPtli day of Doreuitwr. 1IVM. at 1 o'clock p. m. to mi-h c and exmniuoull olaiins aRninst said ostalo wltn u view of tlioir ud tustinont und ullouau -o. Tlio tlmo hinltod for the presentation of claims axaluht Mild os tuto li, 0 inoutlis, from tho llth day of June. A. I)., 1901. and tho tlmo limited for tlm payment of debu Is one jenr from kiild 11th day of June, A. I)., 1904. r,VV'ltnesnir band nnd seal of said Counti (,Ourt. tills Jhl day of July, 10CH. ' Jiy.cPy " K- 8PAOHT, BEAUl Count Judge. fp'July fi-4w iC.Yiir. If ' p ft y o J (Mii-c i & J sESup (fWia?'"i y"n i, rt Bill I m jmzfsffitirJ'M -t I I 1 AfS "il-T-TrVilrnT ifrm"ali ffi& , m it. .-k pJfiwS'Mz '4gr. ' Mil T J DOW I). i' v -tt$L)sa&nW R WikJLSflPiM.W- IV I ''"'Pnfl' - "ffrMlfl T" 1 In I AN IDEAL FISH. MoTinwk Clnilm Are Clrnopfnl, Stlm nml KlcKiuit Crrntares. There nru In fame clonr. cold Htronras of the north cvrtnln UhIi known locally ns "Molinwk clinli." Those lisli nro the lilvul f.sli In f-hiiin.' ninl color- grace ful, film. ia-,iiiii on ttr.rcH. pure silver except on the (IoihuI rltle, whloli Ib the tint of oxidized Hllver. They fire ten der nioulliod nnd remind me somewhat of the Kiiiyliiiif. nltliotiKli they hnvo not the great durwil fin nor the fragile mouth of that IIhIi. They often Inhnlilt trout wntern, find I hnve nn Idea that trout feed on the smaller ones, al though I have, no absolute proof that this la true. I know, however, that pickerel, iminkulluiiRC and black bnsH strlko nt them eagerly. These flnh rise to a lly nfid are often quite itB gnmy its grayling. Often and often I hnve struck them In trout wa ter and have found them Interesting llghteiH when tackle la light and water cold and swift. Animals and birds apponr to be very fond of them, or at least are often seen eating them, perhaps because they mny be easier to catch than trout Where Mohawk chubs are, herons and king fishers congregate. The only time I ever saw nu o si prey In that region was once when whipping that stream. The ohprey dashed down within n rod of me and seized n Mohawk chub that must liavo weighed a pound at least, bearing him tip out of the pool and away across acres of swamp toward the distant forest. nobert V. Cham bers In Harper's Weekly. BUCHAREST. The Cnnllnl of Rntimiiiiln In n Sort of Mliilutiirc I'lirndtdc. Though all IJucharest Is modern, wo find the old eastern methods of mer cantile construction little open cup boards lining the road, dealers squat ting among their wares, literally nt tho receipt of custom, for they make no effort to Invito it, nnd the various trades huddlo togother, hcienn nrmory of rude pottery, richest green and rich est red; there an arsenal of thick leathern sandals, a heavy patch of burnt umber; yonder an avenue of blnck sheepskin caps sot out upon brass elands, In nppoaranco like peasants' heads after a massacre. Out in tho streets arc high hillocks of golden grain, pyramids of pumpkins and blaz ing piles of scarlet chillies. At Inter vals llttlo congregations wait with laughing philosophy until they shall bo hired builders with their hods, la borers with their spades, all with tho emblems of their toll. Huehntost may bo summed up us n city of pleasures nnd palaces, a metropolis of perpetual carnival, a tomplo of boisterous Jovial ity. Her engaging people combine the color, tho grace and the hospitable In stincts of the east with tho comfort nnd convenience of the west. Every instant spent among them yields n quintessence of life and joy and warmth and color. A small Paris In deed? Nay; 'tis n little paradise. Her bert Vivian in Saturday Uuview. Ant Colonic. An nut nest or colony arises from eggs laid by one or more "queens." The developing young are tended by the sexless neuters, or "workers." The maggots, or larval nnlfc. are fed by them, often nourished out of the nurses' months, and are us carefully watched In respect of the temperature and other conditions of the nurseries as are infantile human beings. When full development occurs the pupne change Into ants, which arc either winged or wingless. The lnttcr are the "neuters," or workers. They may de velop big Jawfe and appear ns the "sol diers" of tho colony. Those which niv winged are the founders of now colo nies. They are of both sexes and they produce the eggs whence tho new gen erations will be evolved. I'arcliaNc of WIvcu. Wives are still obtained by purchase in some parts of Russia. In tho dis trict of Kamyshin, on tho Volga, for example, this is practically the only way In which marriages arc brought nbout. The price of a pretty girl from a well to do family ranges from $100 to $200, and In special cases a much higher sum is obtained. In the vil lages tho lowest price is about J?2fi. It is customary for the fathers of tho In tending brido and bridegroom to hag gle for a long time over tho price to be pnld for tho lady. A y .ung farmer whoso father cannot nffo. . to pay for u wife for him need not Ink of get ting married. Jaiwiii In the Klshlli Onturjr. As early as tho eighth century a university had already been establish ed In Japan that Included such modern divisions as schools of medicine, ethics, mathematics and history, und porno of tho text books employed nt that remote period dealt with hucIi subjects as the diseases of women, materia medien and voteriunry surgery, types of text books which appear to have been unknown In European countries until about 1,000 years later. VnreiiMonnble Conductor, Conductor .You ought to have known bettor than to get oft tho car in, that way. You should always step forward In leaving a car. Passenger (who has picked himself up) Rut, my dear sir, I wasn't going that wuy; I live on thp stroot wo have Just passed. Boston Transcript. One Way. Madge Did you tell her she was older than you? Marjorlc Oh, no; that wouldn't bo polite. . But whenever wo meet In a car I offer her my seat Town Topics. If you seek to make ono rich, study not to Increase his stores, but to di minish his dealres. Seneca. A ROYAL FEATHER CLOAK. Knlntmun Con Id nit Wrnr It, mid IIU (li'oom DlnRrnrcd Iv. Wlirn King of Huwnll vis ited JipH!i ninny years rM t.e was very ntixlous to exhibit to the Japanese his famous royal fenther iioak. It did not lot 1; well draped o r the regu lar costume of the king, whloli was based on Iluropiiwi u.oJils. It was out of the question to wear it drnped o'er brown cuticle, ns was the ancient f onion. Finally It was de cided to let Hubert, one of bis nttend mts, wear It. William X. Armstrong, the king's attorney guncral, said: "This additional yorvioe delighted Robert, who now, according to n confidential statement made to his Japanese nt temlnnt, was 'keeper of tho royal stand ard,' 'groom of the feather cloak' and 'valet in ordinary.' While in the Im perial car, on the way to Tokyo, the king's Rult hnd suddenly seen Robert, Bitting in state In tiie luggage car. dressed In a silk hat, white gloves anJ with the gorgeous royal cloak hanging over bin shoulder, the tableau being completed by u group of Japanese at tendants who were standing before him lost In ndmlratlon." But Robert was scarcely equal to the dignity that was his. In bis capacity of valet ho preceded the parly to the palace as signed to them, and discovered there nbundnnce of wines nnd spirits, which ho consumed until they nnived. llo was found asleep in the king's bed chamber with the silk bat far down over his head anil the gorgeous cloak askew on his shoulders. He was at once deposed from his olllce of 'groom of the feather cloak.' " AN ODD PROCESSION. Tlnr Worm Tlint Trnvcl In a IjOiik Scrpcnttlkc MnRM. The sclara. of the genus tipulx, n tiny wormllke creature which Is found In the forests of Norway and Hungary during the month of July or early in August, gather in huge numbers pre paratory to migrating in search of food or for a change of conditions. When setting out on this Journey, they stick themselves together by means of some glutinous mutter nnd form n huge ser pontllLo inns, often reaching n length of between forty and llf ty feet and sev eral inches in tlilckmw. As the solum Is only on nu average of nbout three thirty-seconds of an Inch In length, with no appreciable breadth whatever, tho number required to form a continu ous line of the size nbove mentioned Is incalculable. Their pate Is of course very slow, and upon meeting an obstacle, such ns a utlch or stone, they cither writhe over or around It, sometimes breaking Into two bodies for the purpose. A cele brated French naturalist says that If I tho rear portion of this snakellke pro J cession be brought into contact with I the front part the insects will keep ' moving round In that circle for hours, never seeming to realize that tlie are getting no further on their Journey. If tho portions bo broken In two, the pro cession will unite In a short time. When j the peasant meets one of these proces sions, he will lay some obstacle In front j of It. If it passes over it, it is a good om'en. TIic JniicuirM- SlecM Llo if. The Japs have a quaint standard of perfection b. which they assess cjinlnu merits. Titus the sleeve nog has or ought to luue live cardinal "points7 the "butterfly head," In which the color marking lepresents a butterfly, tho white blaze on nose and forehead forming the body, and tho rest of the face and ears tho wings; the sacred "V" found in the wedge shape of the I laze running up the forehead; In the liter of this sacred V n isolated clr- i of color, which typifies the "bump of !. wlodge;" the "vulture feet" re qu'i .uiiple feathering, as the fring ing lir..' t technically called, and lastly the tightly cuHed, profusely feathered tall symbolical of the sacred flower of Japan, the chry santhemum. IVliut Converted Illiu. This story regarding u converted bar barian Is told in the English papers: A negro clergyman was entertained nt tea by the president of a college. The guest, who came from west Africa, re tailed some particulars of his early life, when n ludy asked him how he became a Chrlstlau. "Tho story of Jezebel converted me," he answered. "You know, we are told the dogs did not touch the palms of her hands. Well, that convinced me of the truth of tho narrative, for we never eat the palms of the hands In my country. They ure too bitter." Altitude nnd Voice. Generally speaking, races living nt high altitudes hnvo weaker and more highly pitched voir -? than those living in regions where nply of oxygen is more plent'f ins In America among tho I" . i living on the pla teau between . 'i i.inges of tho Andes nt nn elevation of from 10,000 to 14,000 feet the men hnvo voices like women nnd women like children, and their singing is n shrill monotone. Hadn't Seen III111. The Vicar Did you seo a pedestrian pnss this way a few minutes ago? Farm Hand No, sir. I've been workln' on this tutor patch more'n n nower, nnd notter thing has passed 'cept n solitary man. nn lie wiis trampln on foot. London Telegraph. SliiKulnr Creature. "And so, Peter, you spell women with nn 'n?' " said the teacher, cor recting aa exercise. "Please, sir," wns the reply, "my papa told mamma only yesterday that women were singular beluBs." Men blush less for their crimes than for their weaknesses and vanity. Id Bruyere. s kt A &'.' 44 , of And there is so of us, That it won't do tip. t t ' ? :i:t i aim. t. .. ' .a ' :: t .('. ! 0' 9' !i? Guy Lock wood OKAMWTK CHICAGO SCHOOL OP i:.MIl. I.MING Funeral Director and Kmbalmer Phones Olftce 214. Res 205 Cxpert l.ndy Attendant.. Alliance, Neb, JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ollice .o blocls not tb of 1 lines ImUdlnu, Phono 23S. Hours, fi to IS 11. nr 1 :30 to 5 p. m. J. E. MOORE, M. D. I'lXTCIIKIt lll.OCK, ALLIANCE. Sl.ll. Culls answered from nlllco day or night. Telephone No. IS. DR. L. W. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN AN'Il Sl'KGEOK Ollloomor I'ostollloo. ALMANtT. NKII. H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Moisten llulldinc. - ALI.IA7 JK, NEB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OIHco In I'll st National Hank block. Alll unco Nebraska. HOMKOPATH Thlity 0arw experience. Diseases of women ninl children and mm-MirU'iil re moval of Kail stones and euro of apondlci tls, bpeclahlos. Olllce llrst door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'Phone day or uiclit, I in. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking- and . . :: Embalming Company Calls buswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 2G9. - UiaaBCariVaaiaHriVf I OtlH TTHRE is so "much good in the us, much bad in the best for any of Us about the rest of us." .: vt fcst ut ot wt & vtf ! i5 wt j s w But each should do his best to im prove the standard of the Goods he offers for sale to the Public, x: K : w: wt v v wt w vt j wt vt & : Advancement along this line IHXESXXSSS&BI Geo. Dar-IIn, . FURNITURE r - For a Full Line of... StapIeAND Fancy Groceries Best Coffees, 53 nor That Can't be Beat In Town.... Queenswaret Tinware atui Enameled ware CALL ON. "oviY5 far "SaVr A. D. RODGERS. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED W110I.KSALK 'AND IIKTAII. HANW.KS TIIK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilhiiigton's old .stand, 'phone No. 71. Ww. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD a Phonc No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty, . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. Siipe worst to talk is our ' ' r. i ' '! fir 4 Ai. t -t A4. '' ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN., FlounPeed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It PHONE 105. vi:st siui: main STltEET nonrnii UWIVI tt Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, lJrlolc fcliop Wost of Alliance Nutlouiil Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style OHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. A. . NEW, AUCTIONEER. SaUis, cried In this, and adjolului; countk's by tho day or commUslou. Sixteen yours, tix perioncc. Satisfaction Kuiirunteed. Con tracts can Iks inado ut TliK IhniAl.i) olllco where references to Alliance cltUens. will all) bo iilren. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CAM, on 1. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At) R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Kictory. r j- m 'J n '. IV '