The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 08, 1904, Image 7
& el Hata in Elevators. Men In Now York riro not called "cads," "bad-manncroo" nor "horrid things,' If thoy do not remove their hats whon riding In elevator cars with women. Tho question ot remotlng tno hat has been settled thero for good. In offlco bulldlngB storo3 and other public places men do not re movo their hats as a rule." Once In nwhilo a man docs, but ho has all tho earmarks of bolng from somo other city than tho metropolis. In elevator cars or hotels. If n man removes his hat when women nro present ho doesn't do it becauso it Is tho custom. Women of Now York do not expect men to removo their hats becauso of their presenco any more than it would bo expected of them In street cars. Depew's Parting of the Ways. Senator Dcrow states that when ho was 20 years old ho was elected sec retary of state, after ho had Berved in tho assembly, and that ho was of fered the position of minister to Japan with a salary of $9,000 a year and an equal amount to fit him out, but he realized that It waa tho parting of tho ways for him, and ho accepted a sal ary of ?2,000 a year from Mr. Vantler bllt as attorney, for tho Harlem rail road. It Pays to Read Newspapers. Cox, Wi., July 4. Frank M. Rus sell of this place, had Kidney Oiseaso so bad that ho could not walk. Ho tried Doctors' treatment and many dif ferent remedies, but was getting worse. He was very low. Ho read in a newspaper how DodTs Kidney Pills were curing cases ot Kidney Trouble, Blight's Disease, and Rheumatism, and thought ho would try them. Ho took two boxes, and now he Is qulto well. Ho Bays: "I can now work all day, and not feel tired. Beforo using Dodd's Kid ney Pills, I couldn't walk across tho floor." Mr. Russell's is tho most wonderful case ever known in Chippewa Coun ty. This new remedy Dodd's Kidney Fills is making somo miraculous cures in Wisconsin. Tho most precious necklace a wom an can wear is mado of tho two arms of her child meeting behind her shoul ders. FIso'sCuro for Consumption Is on lnfalliblo tocdlclno f or coughs and colds. N. "W. SAilDEJU Ocean Orove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1000. Always tell tho girl you lovo that you love her la tho same old way and in tho samo words. That is tho one occasion where originality and conse quent variety would bo extremely ill advised. FREE TO TWENTY-FIVE LADIES. Tho Defiance Starch Co. will give 25 ladles a round-trp ticket to tho St. Louis exposition to five ladles in each of tho following states: Illinois, lowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missou ri who will send in tho largest numb'er of trade marks cut from a 10-cent, 16 ounco package of Doflanco cold water laundry starch. This meanB from your own home, anywhere in tho above named states. Theso trado marks must ho mailed to and received by tho De fiance Starch Co., Omaha, Neb., before Soptcmber 1st, 1904. October and No vember will bo tho best months to visit tho exposition. Remember that Defiance is tho only starch put up 1C oz. (a full pound) to tho package. You get one-third moro starch for tho same money than of any other kind, and Defiance never sticks to tho Iron. Tho tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mail September 6th. Starch for salo by all dealers. I havo been told that every crime carries with it its penalty. True. And not Infrequently It carries that pen alty out of tho reach of Justice. Do You Want the Lowest Rates either one-way or round-trip excursion, to any point east of Chicago or St. Louis? Ask tho Erie Railroad Com pany, C55 Railway Exchange, Chicago, for complete information. Three fast trains daily from Chicago and St. Louis through to New York, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburgh and other eastern points. Stop-over without charge at Niagara falls, Cambrldgo Springs and Beautiful Chautauqua Lake. In their secret hearts tho most of men soldom forglvo their fellow man a failure, and never forglvo him a suc cess. Try One Package. If "Denance Starch" does not please rou, return it to your dealer. If It 3oes you get one-third more for the come money. It will clve you satis faction, and will not stick to tho iron. Trno friendship can afford truo knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance. TVorld'a Fair Accommodation. Reliable and reasonable accommodations; ad joins World's Fair grounds on the south side, wrlth private cato; direct from Union Station by Market street car. Wrlto for reservations. Uraud View Fraternal Hotel, St. Louis, Ma The surest way to mako ourselves agreeable to others rs ay seeming to think them so. If wo appear fully sensible to their good qualities they will not complain of tho want of them in us. Even the blind man can find his way through an open door. A man cannot make much headway if his cranium is Bwollen. If a friend pulls his watch on your funny story, cut it dnort. If fowls roll In tho dust or sand, rain is near at hand. Does Btnoko como out of a flreless chimney? Birds an fowls oiling feathers Indi cate rpln. A NEW KIND OF MISTAKE. Contributor to Funds of Church Fur nished a Surprise. "Possibly most men who handlo ?hurch collections have had oxperl once with the man who has mistaken a flvc-dollar gold plcco for a penny," said tho assistant treasurer of a Oroadway church. "I havo met the gentleman frequently myself. Some tlmos he has given rao troublo mixed with surprise, but tho last timo I had dealings with htm ho simply furnished tho surprlso minus tho trouble. Ho came to boo mo early on Monday morning. "'I attended service yesterday,' ho said. "I made a mlstako when you took up tho collection. I had a ponny and a flvc-dollar gold pieco in my pocket. I think " "Tho old gentleman stopped to take breath. Beforo he could go on I cut in impatiently. I had heard tho samo complaint beforo and thought it just as well to shut down on him before he had a chance to commit himself. " 'I think you nro mistaken,' I said. 'We had no live-dollar gold pieces in Sunday's collection.' " 'That is Just wnat 1 am trying to get nt,' said the old gentleman. 'You should havo had one. I meant to put mlno in tho basket, but I mado a mls tako and dropped in tho penny in stead. I came back this morning on purpose to give you tho five."' ON LOOKOUT FOR AUTOGRAPH. Clever Woman Had Purpose in Not Resenting Remark. Adolf Von Menzel, tho Grand Old Man of Germany, world famous as both scholar and artist, loves music and' hates women "dislikes" may be a moro accurate word. Every yeai ho goes to Kissingen for tho "cure' and to enjoy the music, and as both of theso bring tho old gentleman rather moro closely into touch with feminine society than is to his own pleasing thero aro many good stories told of what he has said and done "under provocation." One afternoon ho was seated with n friend in tho Kur Garten, listening tc a favorite march, when a couplo oi ladles seated themselves at tho next tablo and at onco started conversing in an extra loud tone. Menzel stood it for less than a mlnuto. "I wish those geese would stop cackling!" ho exclaimed to his vis-a-vis. But ono of the gceso evidently know him at least by sight, for rising and crossing to tho great man sho said, in tones that showed sho was not in tho least offended: "May t ask you to give mo that in writing?" Now York Times. Americans at Oxford. And ns I wandered I marveled that all tho strangers who accosted me (and Oxford . was full of strangers yesterday) were Americans. In the quad nt Balliol a solitary and beau tiful damsel addressed me In tho lan guage of the United States. "Can you tell mo where tho profes sor lectures?" Sho mennt tho Mastei" of Balliol. "I've Just got to hear him," she pleaded. It did not tnko long to discover that Dr. Caird was lecturing in tho hall at noon in ten minutes. "Now, do you think I can speak to nlm?" "I am quite suro you can," I replied. And, having indicated tho steps by which the Master would nscend, I left her firmly planted thereon, awaiting him. Why didn't I say I was the pro fessor at once?" London Chronicle. Bright Side of Hard Luck. Ho had been tried and found want ing. Tho office force generally agreed that ho was totally Incompetent for any duty whatsoever, nnd tho "boss' reluctantly told him that his services wero no longer required. But the clerk was of a philosophic, Hark Talpey turn of mind. Ho stood in front of the building wondering where nexr to turn, when a friend hap pened along. "What are you doing?" naked tho friend. "Nothing," was tho reply. "I Just got fired. But then," he added cheer' fully, "I am not at all sorry. They say that office is awfully close and warm In tho summer." Under the Sun. The men who havo Rono before u Have sung tho poiiks wo sIhb: Tho words of our clamorous chorus. They were heard of the undent klngr. Tho chords of tho lyro that thrill us. They were struck In tho yearn Bone by. And the arrows of death that kill us Are found where our futhers lie. The vanity sung of tho Preacher Ib vanity still to-day: ' The moan of the stricken creature lias rung in tho woods ulway. Cut the Boners are worth resinglnfr. With the change of no singlo note, And tho spoken words uro ringing As they rang In tho years remote. There is no new road to follow. Love! Nor need there ever be. For the old. with its hill nnd hollow. Love. Is enough for you nnd me, Charles Itoswell ISacon, In tho Century. Rhodes' Scholarship Scheme. Tho only Rhodes scholars at Oxford so far aro tho colonials and Germans. Tho Americans will go thero next year. Tho colonials aro said to ho a bit rough, without tho Eton polish, but a year has dono wonders with them. But tho great successes among the Rhodos scholars aro Gormans, "I be Hove," said an observant don, "that tho most capable man in tho college is a Gorman who camo horo with a Rhodes scholarship. Ho Is also. I should 3ay, the most popular man In tho college," continued tho observant don. "I think England and Germany will understand one another better if wo get a fow moro like hlra." Trof. William James of Harvard is vory popular with tho moro intelligent and studious of tho undergraduates. Whon theso young men, however, mako rash, or bold, or unbecoming as sertions ho docs not hesltato to tako them down. Not long ago a Bopho moro aired somo rather atheistical views before Prof. James. "You." tho latter said, "aro a froo thinker, I per ceive. You believe in nothing." "I only believe haw what 1 can under stand," the sophomoro ropllcd. "It coraos to tho some thing, I supposo," Bald Prof. James. A Paying Washington Industry Cascara bark peeling has becomo on actlvo industry iu Uio fprests of western Washington. Tho bark fs taken from tho barberry nnd chlttim wood trees that grow profusely In tho Grays harbor dlstricL It has a com mercial valuo of 8 cents per pound. An ordinary tree yields from GO to 100 pounds of tho drlvu bark. Whole families aro engaged In collecting tho bark and selling to dealers. Somo men mako $5 a day at tho work. En tiro sections aro contracted by eastern buyers nnd peelers engaged to supply tho bark. Thero is talk of petitioning tho legiBlaturo to crirsct' laws fcr pro serving tho trees, which aro moro val uablo than any timber grown In tho nativo forest. Tho bark is used for medicinal purposes. It is estimated that ono pound of dry bark will mako enough liquid extract to bcII for ?2 at wholesale. Clear white clothes aro a sign that tho housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Bluo. Largo 2 oz. package, C cents. Tho Brooklyn Bridge. Tho twenty-first anniversary of tho opening of tho Brooklyn brldgo took placo recently. It has been a busy placo Binco 188.1. Tho total receipts thcreform from 1883 to 1898, when the structure passed into tho posses sion of tho railroad companies, wero $17,272,890, and tho expenditures for the samo period wore $18,151,301. The railroad earnings from 1883 to 1898 were $13,734,818, and tho earnings from tho roadway in tho samo period $1,205,460. Tho Brooklyn brldgo cost in tho neighborhood of $10,000,000. 'j he cost of the structure Itself was $11,500,000, while tho cost of acquir ing real estate, etc., for tho terminals was about $4,500,000. Tho cost of tho Williamsburg bridge, tho second of tho East River bridges, will bo in tho neighborhood of $20,000,000. Tho cost of tho Williamsburg structuro will bd less than that of tho Brooklyn bridge structure, but tho expenso of acquir ing real estate for terminals nnd ap proaches was greater. First Daugerreotype in America. It is perhaps not generally known that tho earliest practical Information as to Daguerro's process of catching and holding tho figure of his camera obscuro camo to America through Prof. S. P. B. Morse. In a letter to A friend in America, to bo quoted in Abraham ogardus' "Tho Lost Art of Daugerreotype" In tho May Century, Prof. Morso tells of constructng tho first daguerreotype apparatus mado in tho United States from drawings furnished by Daguerro. "My first ef fort," Prof. Morso writes, "was on a small plato of slivered copper pro cured at a hardware store, and, de .fectlvo as tho plalo was, I obtained a good representation of tho Church of tho Messiah, then on Broadway, from a back window of tho Now York City university This ,1 bellovo to have been tho first daguetreotypo made In America." If a woman can't keep a secret she can always find somo other woman to" help. TWO STEPS The Last One Helps the First. A sick coffee drinker must tako two steps to bo rid of his troubles and get strong and well again. Tho first stop is to cut off coffeo ab solutely. That removes tho destroying ele- ,menL The next step la to tako liquid food (and that Is Postom Food Cof fee) that has in It tho elements na turo requires to change tho blood corpuscles from pale pink or whlto to rich red, and good red blood builds good strong and healthy cells In place of the broken down cells destroyed by coffee. With well boiled Postum Food Coffee to shift to, both theso stops aro easy and pleasanL The experi ence of a Georgian proves how Im portant both are. "From 1872 to tho year 1900 my wife and I had both been afflicted with sick or nervous headacho and at times we suffered untold agony. We wero coffee drinkers and did not know how to get away from it for tho habit is bard to quit. "But in 19C0 I read of a case simi lar to ours where Postum Coffeo was used In placo of the old coffee and a completo euro resulted, so I concluded to get somo and try it. "The result was, after threo days' uso of Postum in placo of tho coffeo I never had a symptom ot tho old troublo and in five months I had gained from 145 pounds to 163 pounds. "My friends asked mo almost dally what wrought tho change. My an swer always is, leaving off coffeo and drinking Postum in its place. "Wo havo many friends who havo been benefited by Postum. "Aa to whether or not I havo stated tho facts truthfully I refer you to tho Bank ot Carrollton or any busi ness firm in that city whero I have lived for many years and am well known' Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Look In each pkg. for tho famous HtUo book, "The Road to WellvIUe." He Was a Good Risk. Tho Marquis of Donegal, who died tho other day, was somo years ago mado tho subject ot an lusuranco gam ble. In 1890 somo ono took out a pol icy against tho marquis, who was thon in his seventieth year, and nn ho had no children, this looked a good thing for tho lnsuranco company, but in hlfl eighty-fifth year tho marquis married again nnd loft a son, who Ifl six months old. Tho lucky individual who took tho policy has thus, by tho payment of n singlo premium ot $C6.", rccolvcd $12,500. Hint for tho Sick Room. Novcr nsk a sick person what sho would lllco to cat or driuk. Let tho meals always bo nicely cookod and thoir exact naturo unknown till they appear. Llttlo surprises In tho way of food do much to tempt tho appetite. Results of Marriage. Every 1,000 marriages mean an In crooso to tho population of 0,500 In Russia, 4,000 In Scotland, 3,600 In Eng land, 3,000 In tho United Stntcs and 2,700 In Franco. Don't envy tho rich; they have corns on their foot tho samo as you havo. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applications, at they cannot roach tho die eased portluu of the car. Thcrr tsonljrunn way to cure dcarnrss, and that 1 by constitutional remedies. Deafness In cautod liy nn Inflamed condition uf tlio muroua HntiiK of tho Eustachian Tube When thla tubo la Inflamed you havo a rumbllnit sound or Im perfect licnrlti(r. ami when It M entirely cloicd. Deaf, neoa la tho result, and unless the Inflammation can lo taken out ami thla tuhn restored to It normal comll tlon, hearing will bo destroyed forovert nine cac out ot ten are. caused liy.Calarrli, which l notlUoj but an Inflamed condition of tho inn conn surfaces. A'e will Klvo Ono Hundred Dollars ror any can of Deafnnsi caused by catarrh) that cannot ho cured bjr Hall's Catarrh Curo. Heml for circular, free. F. J. G11ENKV & CO., Toledo, O. Bold br rrops!t, ;c. Take ilall'a Family I'llla for constipation. With pootry second-rato in quality, no ono ought to bo allowed to troublo mankind. DO TOUIt CLOTIIK8 LOOK YKI.T.OW? If so, uso Red Cross Ball Bluo. It will mako them whlto as snow. 3 02. puckngo 0 cents. Many n first-class kitchen mechanic Is mode over into a thirty-third claso actress. Is It Not Worth While if you travel, on business or pleasure, to get tho best sorvico for tho lowest rates? Ask tho Erie Railroad Com pany, 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago, for full Information. Booklets froo de scribing Summer Tours and tho Beau tiful Chautauqua Lake Region; also Cambrldgo Springs. A woman Is soldom as strict with her children as sho is with her hus band. The Best Results In Starchlnrj can bo obtained only b,y using De fiance Starch, besides getting 4 02, moro for samo money no cooking re quired. A successful man roots while his unsuccessful brother stands around and squeals. When You Buy 8tarch buy Defiance nnd get the best, 1C os. lor 10 cents. Onco used, always used. It is said that ovcry man has his price, yet lots of men give themselves away. Defiances Starch Is put up 16 ounces In a package. 10 cents. One-third more starch for the samo money. Whon horscB and cattlo stretch out their nocks and sniff tho air it will rain. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then ubo Defiance Starch, it will keep them whlto 16 oz. for 10 cents. Every timo a man goes to church ho hears a lot ot preaching that hits other men. EITC permanently cored. Wofltaornerrcntnetaaftt H 1 1 w lint dar'a tuo or Dr. Kllne'a Ureat Nerro ItMtor- Er. Rend for FltKIS S3. 00) trial bottle and treatlu, 18. U. 11. KUK,LtO,MlArcli Street, Maladglpbla, I It is up to a man to remember Sam son's fato and bo careful how ho uses his Jawbone Sensible Housekeepers "will have Defiance Starch, not alone becauso they get one-third moro for the same money, but also becauso of superior quality. A man Is bothered when called upon to givo tho dcalls of a wedding cere mony. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully eyery bottle of CA8TOTUA, a safe and euro remedy for Infanta nnd children, and aeo that It Bears tho Signature of c&&v. In Uao For Over 30 Tears. Tho Kind Yoa Uavo Always Bought. Truo wit is never bettor for travel ing through gutter mud. An empty purso fills tho faco with wrinkles. THE DAISY FLY KILLER SSSSKSMSISS uome In dining-room, tleeplue-room iral pluce when iura aro trouble oint. clean, nl and will not toll or Injure anything'. Try thf m onco and you -Mil nerer ! wlthoutthfnLlfnot keptbydfalerw.iieni prepaid for son. IIIHUM. MIIKKS, liO Dtkin, Iimiim. BrU,a,J. r. Rlpani Ttonics are Use teit djr peptla medicine ever made. A hundred milium of tbem bare been sold In tuo United Bute, lu a sIdeIo year, t'untilpa-lon, uert turn, slclc tieadacbo, uliilne", bad lircMb, rare throat, aad every 111' nets BrUtiitf (Dm a disordered tomach ara relieved or cured by Itlpsm Tabnloi. One will generally (tire relief vrltliln twenty min utes. Tbe flve-ceut packa;e Is enuugb for ordinary occasions. All druzKlsU svll tbem. ' 'Kany who formerly smoked 10! Cigars now smole LEWIS'SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHTS CIGAR four jobber or direct from Factor , Peoria, IU. w'w Lovers see only each other In tho world, Hut thoy forgot thnt tho world sees thorn. Tho mnn who is too mcok to speak in mooting gots ovor it buforo elec tion. When tho tiger is gone, tho fox Is master. If ono Ib not observing, ono soei nothing. A soft nnswer may bo a hard argument. W MCtlGSTgM SS3SC ti..-.... y RIFLE (Sb PISTOL CAR.TRI&GES. " It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that &,' they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene trating blow. This 13 the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. ALL, DEALF.R3 SKLt, WINCHESTER MAKK OF CARTRIDGES. WOW ZJQATT FORGET Don'Fforget when you order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more yellow" looking no more cracking or doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis faction or you get your money back. The co9t is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but 12 ounces. Now don't forget. It's ajt your grocers. HANUFACTURED by THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA, NEB. SOLD BY ANTISEPTIC DRUGGISTS. Sample Froo. ANTISEPTIC NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Almost a half million acres of tlio fertile and weU-waScrcllaniHof tho Itoscbnd Indian Ite. orratlon, In South Dakota, will bo thrown ojkmi' to settlement by tho Government In July. Theso lands aro host reached by tho Chicago & North Western Hallway's direct through Jlncs from Chicago to Honcstccl, B. I. All ngenta soil tickets via thla lins. Special low rates. HOW TO GET A HOME Bend fora copy of pamphlot giving full informa. tim. nn .lic n,' nnrnlnrr nnd how to SCCtire 1C0 acres ot land at nominal cost, with fulLdescrlp. tlon Of tUO SOU, Climato, urauur suh iuiui-ku resources, towns, schools and churches, oppor. tunltlos for business ojenliigs, railway rates, etc., free on application. W. B. KNISKERN, Passenger Tniflic Manager, trw CHICAGO. 1LU tfAlIlHHHKJNTfWl KkB?Jsi1 Btl I rwffl LisUorJ ljimMtCotltn Fn'4CIUr. We alis-jliuelr guarantee It to euro and prevent Oalls vr hero (.boulders. Nostupplojlhe plow, fur It does Its work wbllo tlie animal does bis. Collar and pad combined. Economical and rheap. Lasts two to (It e seasons. If yuur dealer doesn't bandle ttiem send us (1.23 and irct una prepaid to jour station. Write for circular and inemorandnni book. Ts, futn fj. tc, WiitrlM, Im, PORTRAIT AGENTS SS Our Roods tbe best, l'rlces tbo lowest- J'rompttulp raents. Delivery of all ixirualts guaranteed (Send for catalogue and afc-cnis' price list. Addrcus ADAM J. KKOIX & CO., Kow rc mit Chicago. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 281904 DestCoutfhSjrup. Taste GooO. Pm fS LUHLN nntKt AIL ILat rAlLa liM m ume. noia vj qrugguis. pi rT-wr-TO' i wg wca It's difficult to J'nd a man '.who In willing to hold tho laildor ot'sneoess whllo another nscands, IL - Occasionally n girl'marrlott a man just to hoop him from hanging areitnd tho houso ovunlngM. It Is moro pTofl tablo to Toal ono man than tonlMjnkrt.' Ono nlwnys ban time enough If ono will apply It well. Ann was nevnr ns ol no Rhe wuh painted. clothes, breaking. It PILE CONES CUBE WHILE YOU PILE CONE CO., Crolo.Neb. SLEEP. FREE to WOMEN A Largo Trial Box and book of In structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove tho v&Iao b PaxiineToHef Antiseptic FaxUne H Is pomfcr form to dissolve fa muter-- BOfi-pottonotn and tar s op erfei to I bju la antiseptic ew'tatntase alcohol which Irritates laflasied surface, sua! have no deaaslng prop erties. Tbe coatento of every box make tnoro Antiseptic Solu tion UU leaser goes further hats nikn ua In the family aad dctumoresoodtfaaoany antiseptic prcparatlou you cart buy. The formula of a noted Boston phyikJarj, and wed with .great success as a vaginal Wash, forLcucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of femalo ilia Paitlnola Invaluable Usod as a Vaginal 'Wash wo challongo tlio world to produoo its equal for thoroughness. Itlsarcvolatlonin cloanfaii; and healing powor; it bills all germs luch, causo inflammation and discharges. All leadlugdrugglsta keep Paxil no; price, GOcc a box j 11 yourdocsiiot,scnd tonsforlt. llbtrt take asubstltuto there is nothing like raatlno. Write for the Freollor of Paxtlno to-tlny. PAXTONCO., S.PopoBUjr., Boston, Mass FOUOW H PUtQ.- TAKE THE WABASH TO SAINT LOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. I llncuace checked to fair crouatl. World's Stopovers allowed. All AkciUb can route you via tho WABASH. lor beau tiful World's Valr folder nnd all Infor mation address IIAnitY 11 MOORE3. Gen. Act. Pnsu. Uopt., Omaha, Nob. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh el the stomach. vlB1 mtjl $B