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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1904)
i EafiHB lili via I r 1 " ' MEtegS- ..iff For that small repairing we have the fixings, Hoards1 for sidewalk laying, fencinjg- and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. lrv v Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. -& Loan Asso. Phone 22 HIDES HIDES HIDES NOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES OLD TIME COOKERY. ONE DOOR SOUTH OP 7" A f-M 1 1 I 2 ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP 3iZiJ. I. lILL FROM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of tlulldlnz Material. 1 1 in inn 1 1 lima i ii hi i mi iiiiiwh mi) CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. ; SJWJUIWIXSA4X&SAS5A.J HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! 3 LAWN HOWERS. GASOLINE 2 STOVES and REFRIGERATORS S Good Line to Select From Prices Right 2 I: ! We can attend to your Plumbing, wants promptly and satisfactorily. Yoirs for Your monev's worth. I Acheson & Joder? 3 iamonds, .Watches, U Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs . , Hail orders promptly attended to. AI. O. Barnes. Jeweler and Optician. Repairing in all its Branches. 9 l-W'WWWWWMW-JHKM'WWW F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN" Drugs, Perfumes nd Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper . "PTBS&vvftows CarewW ConvpovuvvVetV. Sv FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. Alliance, Nebraska, y ::k:-:-h-:- Carton neclppn Tlint AVrrc In tine In the Fifteenth Century, An old volume, tho "Noble Holso ot Cookry, ITor n L'rynce Hou.-ssoldo or cny other Kstittcly IIoussoltU" written nbout tin your 1407, contains ninny rare ainJ eurlotiH recipes In use In those clnyB not only for oidlnnry illslies, but those to be eaten on fast mul Hull days. It 18 curious in rending thii cookery book to Und that there the same bird, beaBtH and Italics, the same courses and sometimes the same names to dishes ns In a modern one, but, al though the names are often the same, tho Ingredients anil the preparation are very different. For Instance, their "blnnche munge" was composed of lamprey or other llsh, and their cus tards contained fresh pork minced sTi-in!!. Here is one recipe from the book: "To make mon amy take and boll cows' cream and when it Is boiled set it aside nnd let it cool. Then take cow curds and press out the whey; then bruise tficm In a mortar and cnot them in the pot to the cream nnd boll together. Put thereto sugar, honey nnd may but ter, color it up with BiilTroti and in the setting down put in yolks of eggs well beaten nnd do awny the strain and let the potago be standing; then arrange it in dishes and plant therein tlowers of violets nnd serve It." Some of the recipes In this (pinlnt old book were Intended specially for a "lorde's" table. Tor Instance, a pike was to be served whole to "a lorde," but cut In pieces for the "commonalte." Cabbages were to be thickened with grated bread for ordinary people, but served with yolks of eggs for a "lorde." The dishes at this time used at table were either gold or sliver for great oc casions nnd wooden trenchers and plat ters for ordinary use. It wns not till the time of Queen Ellznheth thnt plates of metal nnd enrthenwurc began to be generally used instead of wood. Contest Notice U S. Land Otllre, Alliance Nib.. May IV IPOI A contest nlliduvlt limltiK be.-u filed In Mik otlii'c by .loll II KihsHIh. contestant, ttculiist llntimsvadciitrj No. ail made .Inly 35. IIKW. for tho northeast iitmrti i ftoetionll, uwtiliii .n nmrv tti w.M, bv Jm.n.. Uiiunul, con test re in winch .It li nllcseii thnt Mild James Ih'vMinl liniiilMiii'loiHM -ant Ik meitcul for more tiiau six months lust pict unit tutu Sallllllletlrd Ub.l'lICO flulll til" -II. I 11111 V!i nut ttiit-1 hisouititytuent In tin' winy, nut or murliit corps of lUvliiittilPi.iirs ns i private poldlcr, ii'iicur, snininu or niitiln lu t toe war ntlh Npalu or during mi)- otluv war In which tin- t'nltul Mali inn) is-ci.tfitjfd, said iurtlMaii- hereliy uolli.tsl to i,iHNr icxpniid lilld(uVl-i Wdetiuelouchllli.' stiiil allegation nt tOo'cils'k.i in. (Hi A:.tiut 11 IWI. oefore t'l. ItcKlstcr .iml liecolier nt lh ITnltcd SlaW-i I.iiihI Hillce t-i AINmimv, Nebraska.. That "mil coutivtiiut lwvlmf. Ill n proior ullldiiMi. HUM Miiy i iimi. t forth fiirti nhicli sli.nv tlint utter dun illlbtonro iiorinml ocrvlce of thU noliru ciuiniit ho iniide. it 1h ordered and din ctd Hint miioIi iiotlcii ho clTen .by duo and proper imtillciitlon. rp Miy .i iiiutk iia'ox. iiiii'r. Just to help business along for a limited time I start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any quantity, at g cents per pound. . , ; You will find a good price on Vigor at ioc per pkge. Two pkgs. of Gloss Starch selling rapidlv at ioc'ilb; Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs for a dollar A , m --'-'-''-'e S The placing of a few S dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... i National Bank m ' will soon enable you to . Duvacomiortaoienome. fc wfct."ifciT7Tmii fn, w) ulft 111 Ivy hi illit" fc'i1'1 "RinS Br 1 1 fflJI" i" - Wll I k ISIJI i . ?! V M TfvfiltlT Priw;l(1nr V. if. ConniN, v, I'rosldent Cfik- T O. 11. CONNmT.Ortbhtur. ' i oeo8csooaaooooasose'--'-ooc9O90eeeeuoaoa8oeoaeu Palace Livery Bam S. II. OlC.CII, Xi-i. oni: HLOCK wrST or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, TJIU NEW ziiindkn . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the uuil.niNG. ihonc T2 axcellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. WILLS IN ENGLAND. IntercatlnK UnpiimcntN Tlint Are on Fill- In Somerset House. In Uie heart of London, facing on one side the famous thoroughfare known as Uie Strand ami on the other looking on the Thames, will be found Somerset House, once a private palace, but now devoted to various departuientH of the inland revenue of Great Britain. Perhaps the most interesting govern ment department in Somerset House is Uint devoted to tho llling of wills, nnd, as in I. 3 lit be supposed, the collection is immense, varied and extraordlunry. ranging from the will of Shnkespcare himself (containing practically tho only known autograph of the world renown ed poet) right down to mere curiosities in wills, such us those carved on the lid of a desk or contained within secret cabinets or escritoires. Here for '2o cents one may inspect the will of any British person. There are wills leaving Immense sums to cats and dogs; wills written in human blood. But the most interesting one has quite n romantic history. It is the will of a British olllclal who died In Cairo of the plague. Before his denth he took c.tre to prepare ids will upon parchment procured from tho skin of a freshly killed goat, but us he bundled this skin himself it wus thought lat"r on thnt the will might have the power of transmitting the dreadful plague from which its writer died. Acco'dlngly, after having been passed fron hand to hand with some what disastrous results in tho way of plague and death, the will was put into a bottle of spirits. Arrived at Somer set House, the will was read to the next of kin and deposited among the ar chives of the department. Kansas City Independent. Contest Not lev. t. S. J.11111I Ofileo. Alllnncu. Neb.. Mny S.V liMt. A MlllU-Uwit contest ntlldnrlt limhitf l't n I Hied in tliK office lis- John Klinxdln. cout-slnul, .....liikl Ho 1. ..tat.. ml iml.l. V.. 1l , ...Kit.! In... I 0. HHK). foi 1 1 it- MiutliwcM ipiurtcr section II, townships north, rntiae 40 wct. Iiv Uriel. II. Solicit coiili,ti'll In which tt Is nllejiiMl thnt Mild l'.rlcl. II.Scllcu linMitmiidoiicdstdillidiiic stcml for more than six months- lust pnot and that riiidiillojtcd tiliMMiee from thv suld hunt iiiih not due tii lit employment In the unity. tnivy or 'iiurlnc corps of iho t'nlted Stales s 11 prlvat" soldier, otllcer seiiinuii or nnirltic ihirnm the war Willi Sniilu or iltiiiiiKimy other 11ir In which the tinted ytutts amy 0o en KiiKt'd, wild p.-mlcn nro hereby nollllisl to n il licit r, rcsiiond Mild otter evidence toncliliijrsuld ulliH!itlon lit III o'clocU 11 tn. on AtlttUxt It 1WI, before the HcKlster nnd ltvcelvt'rnt the t'nlted Mnto.s Lund oniro In Alliance. Nebraska. The Mild contestant liuvlnp. tn n proper tif Ihlarit, tiled May 4, IIMI, set forlli facts which .show tlint nfterthiodllllk'Piioo persoiml hervlcc of this notice can not ho ninde, It is hereby articled and ttln-stril that such notice be Klven by due nnd proper publication. rpMnyu liitrrc Iteslster. Contest Notice. l P. Land Olllce. Alliance. Neb., May '.'5, 1001. A sntllcteiit contest ullldiivlt hnvini: been II led in this olllce by ( cut-go A. t'ciidrtcli. con testant, uifnlnst lloniesteild entry No 3771. inmle SeptemlHT 27, 11W, for tint southeaM ipmrter section II, towuslilp"s north. mniff4ii west, by I'nink Wutlilin; Contest ee, in which It Is alleged that said Knink Wathlnc lias not done nn work or made any Improvements on suld land iih reipilrcd by law and has almn duiieil said land tot-over six mouth Just past and that said utleKcd absence from the. Mild Und was not due to his employment In the nrniy. navy or murine corps of the United States as a private. Milliter, olllcer r-cutimu or murine (InrlniT the war with Spain or ilurlns it tty other war In which tho t'nlted States may tie ciutaircd, snta parties are iicreny unti tled to appear, respond und offer evidence touchltiK said alienation at 10 o'clock a. to. on August 11. before the Keglster und Receiver at tho t'nlted states Laud Olllce In Alliance. Nebraska. 'I he. said contestant bavin):. In u proper uf lldavlt. tiled May -.'4, 1R14, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal sort Ice or tho nut Ice can not be lunile, tt If hereby or dered ntiil directed that such notice tw lven by due and jiroper ntlbllcatiou. f p Muy 27 JlltltCK V l i.eox. lleglster. Publtc Notice. Hi the dlitrlct court ot Hex Untie county, Nebraska, Juste Wlms, I'lalntltl. vs. .IiiuiCB Wlms. Defendant. To Junius Wlms. non-testdent defendant: you are hereby notllled that on tho pith day of .1 lino HVU,.losle Wlms, plalntltl, tiled n peti tion upilnst you In the district court of I tux llulte county. NVbriiKku the object and prayer of thlcli are to obtain u divorce, from you' on the ground t lint you lumi wilfully abaiidoneit the plulntin without good cause for tho term of two joum lust past, forcruulty mid for grossly, wantonly and cruelly refus ing, neglecting nnd falling to support and maintain the plalntta". Von nro required to uuswersald petition on or beforn Moudny the 2jth da of July 11K1I. JOsir. Wins. IMaliitltr. Ily William Mttchutl. her Attornoy. Juno 17-4 Mondays, Wednesdays and lYidays, Prunes 20 lb! To help the packing houses out a little, Bacon at "i's cents per pound. A tj-cat many other bargains top numerous to mention. These prices can't last long, Cpmc Early, Join the Crowd and Receive a Cordial Welcome ai ' GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Builditlgl. '.j HOLSTBN'S PHARMACY.... IsOuoof the Most Up-to-l)ate Drug Stores in Nebraska. -1" Prescriptions Carefully i , uompounaea -s?. s Watches and Daimonds. Fiiie Watch Repairing . . a Specialty. tt tt r r.u - A SELECT STOCK or :.& HOLSTEy, Proprietor. i' Alliance, Nebraska. rTTTTTT,.- - - -,- - - - - - j - - - -, , , r -r t -. r -r - -w t rtv -r -V If You Have Never Bought HARDWARE at TRY IT ONCE! ,v You will be Pleased with the Quality and ' Prices, t We guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show 1 1 goous ana quote prices. . , . ., O mCm ULsT JJ 7v" ZBtjMa.i - i pi '. we the she Vnj- to Avoid Annoyance. "I utulei-Ktunil," lie said, "that are reported to be engaged." "I believe borne one has taken liberty ot KtiirtiiiK such n rumor," replied. "Well, don't you think it would be eueler to make the rumor true than to go to the trouble and annoyance of de nying it?" he suggested. "Ferhupa you are right," she admit ted. "Such denluls are always ineffec tive in addition to being more or less distressing." Chicago Post. Shcrlfr Snlc. No. HtlV tty virtue of an order funic hsued by the elerkof thedlMrlct eourt'of llox tlutto comity. Nohrusku, uMin a deereo rendered by said court in favor of Hobort Aluleron, l'lalutlfl. ami uKHlnst Tlio Amerlcuii Loan mill Trust coninuuy. The American Investment coinpiny of IJneolu, Nebraska, V. K. Uroiler und John Doe. ilefetidants. 1 will, on the. lptli day of July A. 1) , iimi. iiti0oVIK-k n. m. on ial(l day, at tliu wot frontdoor of tho court liouau In Alliance, In said county.sell tho following described real e.stnte. to-wlt: Tlio northeast ijuarter of wctlon Xi. In tiiwiiOiln-'s. north of run CO 51. west ofMxth lirinciliiil tncruiian. hi mix iniiio eoniuy, .se liraHlia, ut nubile auction to the lilitheM bid der for, to satisfy mid order nt Mile, lit Himiof tTO.lW and interest, cost mid accruing costs cubjtvt to all unpaid ttiAus Hia Ui:i:i,Mieilll'of ShIiI t'ounty. It. I'. (illmuti, Atuirue for riatntltr, JunulT Sheriff's Snlc. ily virtue of uu order of t-alo Ihsuod by the clerk of the district court of llox lluttecnunty. Nebraska, uikjii n ilecn-o icniJurcd by paid court In favor of T. M. Uiiwlor, plnlntltf, and iC'alust llerliurt M. AnderMiu, Alvlno Ander son, wife of defendant, llorbert M. Amltu-Min, and lintilel Itlchey, defenduuts. I will, on the l'.'th day of July, IWll. ut 10 o'clock u. in. on said das, ut the west front door of tho court house lu Alliance, in said county, sell the fol lowlinsdescrllicd real estate, to-wlt: t outliwest (tuiriur of section I, township 55, north riiiko IS est Otlt . in. in Hox ltuttc county, Nebrusku, nt public auction to the hhihcst bidder for cash, to satisfy said orderof sale, tn the bum of $70.10 and Interest, rostn and ueeruliiK costs subject to nil unpaid taxes. I ha Ukkh, Mieillf or bnlii County. Vl'M. .MITCIIKMn Attorney for IMulntllT. fp Junr 10 Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware L. C. BURNETT, M; Nebraska City. Nebraska. gr. . Alvra-sr ' Reliable.. I l ji.' I. M. HOLLII3AUGI1, Proprietor. L. WILSON, -Manager RANCH SUPPLY STORE j I K V- A Modem Drlton. Like the traditional Hnglishmnn, Ar thur Stanley, dean of Westminster, wore home from his first visit to Amer ica an expression of amazement which only time could efface. Ho was at once beset by Interviewers, says tlio author of "Out of the Past," who ask ed the usual questions. "What was the tiling which most im pressed you in America?" wns ono of these. Without a moment's hesitation Dean Stanley replied: "My own Ignorance." Notice to Dctt-ndnnt. To I. ', Karuest, llrst iiiiino Unknown defuudaiit. You will take notice that on tho 14th day of Mav lflOI. The ridullty ileal Kstato una Loan ! Co. commenced un action In thn comity court ! o! lioxjtutto county, Nebraska, niruln-rf you to ' recover on ono proinidory note, that an order iof attachment was Issued ujfiitnst pu in wild action under which money tn the. po-csHlou of Uiei lUCUKOKuriltiKloii null wuiucy ituiiroau c-o. wun attucliod by garnishment. That oald caiiso has been continued to July 11, 1P04. ut which tlmo you nro requlrcil to uppcur and (Wend ild action. .Iunel7-:i 1'ldellty ileal Kutatcand Ixian Co. EVEMYTIi .! Kit . & NG fVA V MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. NI5LSON Xfjt.i.-JH'I ! 10 1 1 i'j'l'-J FIRE INSU'RANCE A G Y iCT REPRESENTS THE FOLlOn'lNG INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. North American of I'liUiulclphla. Phoenix of llUxiklyn, New York. Contlncutnl of New York City. Niagara l-'lro Iusuruncu Campaoy. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial I'nton Assurance Co., Indon lver,id. Imdon und ttobp lji' A,.'." i-rninii American Ins. Co., N- A'f rj1"', ii . ifftij-oin. I Iv t. I'unners und Merclmnts Ins. I Columbia l-'lru Insurance Corno riilliidelphlu Underwriters. PhiH'tilx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn tWice I'p.Stulrs. Fletcher lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. A II oral Cotaptluic Mgr. do Nosinund, ifKfflbtehop-.of TouIoukc, when iireachinB'.otTawln the private chapel of IxulaQfe0St the thread of his dlscoursoiWKho had to remain silent for somoftfme. The king came to his lordship's relief with this gfacoful remark: "I am very glad, my lord, that you are giving me a little time to digest all the good tilings contained lu the former part of your sermon." Iluir She Took It. Harry Here is a conundrum: When is two an odd nnd lucky number? Ce lla You know I never can glioma conun drums. Harry When two aro made one. Colin Ob, Harry! This is so sud den! Town Topics. Life is the finest of tlio fine arts. It has to be loarned with lifelong pn tionce, and tho year of our pilgrlmngo are nil too short to mnster it tri umphantly. Drutnmond. I'ubltc Notice In tho district court of llox Itutto county, Nebrusku. Maud Kuncy. l'iutntirf vs. Kdward Itiinuy, Defendant. To Edward Itaucy. non-resident defendant l you are hereby untitled that on tho loth day of June. Maud ltaner 1WI, plaintiff, tiled u iictltlouaKutust you In the (lUirlct court of llox Itutto county, Nebraska, Mm object, nnd prujerof which aiu to obtain a divorce from you on tho ground that you liuvu wilfully alnudoueU tlio plaintiff, without K(sh1 cause, for the term of two yearn lust past. You uro required to answer said petition on or lieforo Monday, the iitli day ot July liHJI. Mack Kakhv. I'laliuliT. Ily yv'llllttiu Mitchell, her Attorney, Juno 17-1 Appointment of Administrator. SttiKof ebruskn CH Iiox Jlutte Cotiuty i At a county court, held at Hie -utility uaurt iouiii. in and for (.aid county, June SI, A. I). l!M I'runeut, I). Iv. Spxclit. county Judua, In the in.itlur of the ontuU) of Mlchual U. .lucoby, docuukvd. Uu loudluitaud tllhiK the patltlon of Suniuet W. Jucolty. praying that ailujInUtrutlon of suld tmtii to muviH-Ki iiutwl to hlin as udtulif tstrator. urdoicl that July IHh, A. I). 1KM, at 9 o'clock u. ru., is asklKut-il for hear inte hh11 m t it Ion. when all perrons iniertUi in wihl mattvr'uiay appear at a comity court to he held in und fur Mild county, and show cause why the praye; of iwiltlonur should not lie Uruntod: and that uotiot) of tint uandMicy of Mild Dutltlon and the lioarlnif ttiwroof, ImkIiwi to all purMina InUrosted lu Mild tuattor by pulilUhtnK a copy of this order in Tun Al.l.l-am.-k llHr.Ai.o. a wciukly nowNimpur printed In aid county, forthruosuwusMvo ok, prior to said day of liuurlntf. I) K. si'aciit, o unty Judtto. (Atruogopy.) Ibi-M.1 fp Juno HI. Dray and Transfer Line. w eft HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship tnem wnerever aesirea. charges reasonable. Phone 139. The only spring dray line in the city S. A. Miller. Ciias. E, Ford, President A. S. Rkkd, R. M. Hampton, Vico Presidents. 4226 S. K. Warrick. Cashier G. Hampton. Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Chas. U. Ford, A. S. Reed. R. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors. M Hampton, II G. Warrick. S. K. Warricfi. Application for Unionist's l'crmlt. Nqttcv Is hereby Riven that II. II. funk has tiled his petition With the hoard of vllliiHo trustee of the village of IleuiiiiKford, Ne braska, for a permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal purposes on lot t, block 19. in the village of JlWi.tiiKford, Nub., for Him emtutuK yoar. fp J illy I II, II. Applicant. Notice of Dissolution. Notice U hereby kIvuii that the firm of rJayder & Jlurtoun, computed of J. A. Harder ami J, I'. HartMiii, la this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Suydsr nttlrlujr. J. P. HurUMHiassuuiqi. ull dubuowiti and all ac counts are payable to him. Dated Jun it, IWI. J. F. IlAnwox. J. A. ri.svomi. Notice to Creditors. , In county Court, within aud for Hot Untto oouuiy. Nebniska. July i, lftM, , Ju . tho mutter of the estate of Joliu S. nu(,'hcs (ItoccHwd. To the creditors of said estate: You uro hereby notified, tliat 1 iWll lt at the County Court Itooni In Alll,aaii, lit said county, on the loth day of Docembe?, UVl.toro culve and bmuiiIuu nil claims u;,'a!iit hiUit Ostate, with a viuw to their adjustmeut and allowance. The time limited Mr tho- pres entation of claims uKainst said osttito ti six luonths, from tho llth day of June, A. D, IWI, and the tlmo limited for payment of debts Is ono your from said llth duy of June, itJOi, Wltnuss my hand and tho soul ot bald county court, this t st duy of July, 1W4. I'w July 1-1 w. U. K. Spacut, County, Judsu.