1 &JJ&..'& .A a ;A ik- &-H&;:&-&r-. Strife icA r& A 'A A '& ritefSfe'SL- A SK 4t -6fe :3fe ?2feiteg8& IW, I ml - - - - - - - . . - - -- -- - - - MniiHnrnii n iTiinni u nnrniii numut a m ukum -onuM. MP Saturday, July 2, Special Sale on Wash Goods AND EVERY ARTICLE IN DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT JUST A FEW ARTICLES ARE MENTIONED BELOW. Read On: BatZHMW ME Five hundred yards French Ging hams, fast colors, and must be sold. For Saturday only, worth 12c per yard, at At 7c per yard Ladies' Summer Skirts in Pique and Crash For this sale $1.75 each LAWNS LAWNS 30in. wide and fast colors Good value at 12c. For this Special Sale Only 7c per yard LADIES' CORSETS Black, White and Drab' While they last. For Saturday special, only 39 cents ffitHHHHMHHMnnHHHMI LadiesMJnion Suits Low neck and no sleeves Well worth 50c each For this sale 39c each Ladies' White Summer Vests worth 20c each. For this sale, Two for 25 cents LADIES' SHOES Ladies' Shoes for this Special Sale worth $2.50 For $1.50 per Pair SPECIAL PRICES made on all our Muslin Under wear. Ask to see it. 36-in. wide PERCALE for this One Day Sale, Only 7c per ard Only 10 yards to customer Ladies9 Shirt Waists While they last. Hade from the best Percale and Madras. Only 25 and 29c. 300 yards more of FINE PIQUE left and will sell it wnile sell it while it lasts for i2c per yard Ladies' Wrappers Lawn, Percale and Prints, all fast colors, and all worth $1.50. For this Sale, Only 98c Each Remember, the Last Saturday before the Fourth-One Day Only At RUMER's DEPARTMENT STORE-Alliance 'nEHBjHJH 1 CyI m C IEi I I xTJHKC FT 4 1 i ' " & lpS T5B f For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 HIDES HIDES HIDES BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP 4Aw'WAr'WW'W''W'W''w-' i GEO. A. HILLS KHOM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of Bufldlns Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company, a HOSE! HOSE! HOSE ! $ LAWN HOWERS. GASOLINE S J STOVES and REFRIGERATORS Good Line to Select From Prices Right We can attend to your Plumbing wants promptly and satisfactorily,' Yours for your money's worth. Public Notice, in thu district court of Hox Hut to county, Nebraska, , Joslo Wlins, l'luliitltr, vs. .1 times Winis, I'efcndnnt. To James Wlms. ncm-iesldcnt defendant: you aro licreby notified that on thu ICtli day of J mid IBM. .Iiislu Wiuis, plaint III, tiled a .ntl tlou against joti In tlio district court of Itux ltultu county, Nebraska, tliu object and pnier of which aro to obtain a divorce from you uu thu ground that you have wilfully abandoned the pl.'ilntltf uithuut irood causa for the term of tivo jc-rs hint imsi, forcruelty and tor Krosly. w intnnly anil cruelly refus ing. ncijieoUiiii mill failing- to support mid maintain tlm plalutllT. You arc! loiulrcd to answer Mild petition on or befor Mnndnj the 25th day of .luly HKH. Josik Wims, I'lalntlir. Ily William Mltcholf. her Attorney. .Inim IT-4 Sheriff Sale. N. 1405. Hy virtue of an oidert f sale Ixsued by the clorKof tliuiltstrlet couitof llox lluttucoillity. NcbiiisUu, upon a deoteo renden d by N.ild court In favor of Itobert Anderson. IMaliitilT. and iiKalust 'llio American l.oitn and Trust compitiiy, The Anierieuu investment company of Lincoln, .rbtaskii, ('. K. Orozlor and .lolin Doe. defendants. 1 will, on the 10th day of .Inly A 1) , liwi. at 10 o'clock a.m. on said dav. at the west tront door of the court limine In Alliance, In said county, sell the following dtscilbcd real estate, lo-ult; The northeast quarter of section a. In -township '.'ri, north of rqiiKofil, west ufMxth principal meriuuiu, in ltox iiiuie county, ,c limHkn, ut public auction to tlm highest bid der for cash, to satisfy t.ad order of sale, In Contest Notice. U. S. ivnd Olllee, Alliance, Ntu., Muy i', 11KH. A sullleleiit contest nllldavlt havlnt; lieen Hied 111 this oflleo by John ICInsellu. contestant, against llomesteail entry No. Xill. uiaduJuiiu 11, HHXi. for the southwest ipiarter section it, township 28 north, rntiKO 4!) west, by Krlck 11. Sellcu cont(stef. In which It Is iillcxcdj that said ICrlcli H Mellon Imsiilmndonedsuldlioiiie stcad for more thau six mouths last pant ami that wild aUcwd absence from the said land was not duo to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the I'ullcd States a n private soldier, otticer seaman or murine durum tlio war with HnaitiorduiliiKHiiy other war lit which the I'luted States may Ik en KUKhI, said parties are hereby notlllisl to ap pear, respond ami oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m. on August 11 I00J, before the Ueulster and ll'velver at -the I'nited States Land Offlce In Alliance, Nebraska. Thu said contestant having. In a proper af fidavit. Hied .Mayn't, mil, set forth facts which show that aftcrduodilllL'piieu personal service of this notice can not be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be Klvcn by due and proper publication f p May 37 llttt'CE Wilcox, lleglster. Acheson & Joderl T?YrrrrTrr-TSTriTriTrr8TrYrrtf 5 Contest Notice. U. S. Ijind Olllco. Alliance. Neb., May Jj, IPOi. A sulllctcnt contest nllldavlt havlnir been filed in this otiice by UeorKO A. I'endrlcli, con testant, iiKaliist llomesteail entry No 'I77J,. made September a7, llHKt, for the southeast quarter section 11, township -js north, raujfo 411 west, by Traiik Wallilng contest eu, in wliich ItlsalleKUl that said Kriink WuthltiK lias not done any work or made any Impinveiuents uu .said iiiiiii u required by law ituu lias nimn BUmofsTO.OJ and Interest, cost and atcrulnj,'. '""e saiu lanii ror over six montlm jtist past IIaCS I (iwi mil, mini iiiiviii tu,-,ui-u iium iiiu wim costs Hiiblect to all unpaid taxes 1HA KKlui.sneriu ot Jsiiii i.ouniy. U. I". Oilman, Attorney for l'lalutltl . June 1 Contcst.Notice U. H. Land Olllee, Allliuiee. Neb., May 25. UX)1 A sullleleiit contest uthdavlt lmlnn In-'eu filed lu this olliet) by John ICIusella, contestant, aualiist Homestead cutrj No. '.'MX. made July 25, 1W0, for tlio northeast iiuirto-r section If, township 2X, raliKO 40 west, by .lamen Howard, contest'!'. In which it Is alleged that said .lumen Howard has abandoned said homehteud for uioro tlnm st. months last past and that said alleged abeonco from the said land was nut due to hisemiilymciit lu the army, navy or marine, corps of tuw United States ns a private soldier, ollicer. seaman or marine, during the war with Hpalu or during any other war in which the United Mates may be engaged, said parties are hereby notified to appear, rcHpoud and offer m Idcnre touching said alienation at 10 o'clock a. in., en August 11, 1101. beforo the Keglstcr hud KcceUer at the t'nlteil States Land Ufllce in Alliance, Nebraska. That said contestant having, in a proper utHdavit, tiled May 21, 1!WJ. set forth facts which show that after duo diligence iieraonal service of this notice cannot ho made, it is ordered and directed that such notice, bo given by due and proper publication, fp May ST ilitucK Yiu;ox. Heglster. land was not duu to his employment lu the army, navy or miirtuu corps of the United States as n private soldier, ollicer seam. in or marine during the war with Hpalu or during any other war lu 'which the United .States limy be engaged, said patties aiu hereby noti fied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation nt 10 o'clock it. in. on August 11, l'.KJt, before the Heglster and IteceUer at the United States Land Olllcoln Alliance, Nebrasku. Thu said contestant having, lu it proper af fidavit, tiled May 24, ltl'f, set forth facts which show that after duo diligence personal service of the notice can not bo made, It Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice lx vlveu by due and proper publication. fpMuyST Uiutce Wn.cox, Heglster. Appointment of Administrator. Stateof Nebraska, ) BS Hox Ilutte County ) At aenunly court, held at tlio nuuty court) room, in anil rnr salt! couuty, June 31. A. u. 1904. Present, I). K. Spaelit, county Judge, lu the mutter of the estate of Mlchcul L. Jacoby, deceased. On reading and filing tlio petition of Samuel W. Jacoby, praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to Uim as admin istrator. Ordoted that July Pth, A. 1. tSOJj at 0 o'clock a. n., is usslgiasl for bearing said pe tition, when all portions interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in mid for said county, and show cause why the prayo; of Mtltluucr should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof, lie given to all persona Interested lu said matter by publishing u copy of this order in 'i'liK Ai.t.l akc'k lIi:tiAi,u, a weekly newspaper print! In said county, for three successive fteoks, prior to said day of hearing. I) Iv.niMCIlT, utility Judge. (A true copy.) HKAI.1 fpJuno24. Notice to Defendant. To 1. ('. Karnest, first name uaktiouu defendant. You will take notice that on the 14th day of Muy 1901, Thu Fidelity Heal Kstute and Loan Uo. commeucel un action In thu county court o: Hox Itutlu county, Nebriiku, against you to recover oil one promlsoi y note, that nn order of attachment was issued against jou lu said action under which money in the ocslon of the Chicago Hurliugtoii and Qulucy Itallroad co. wiuattuchnd by garnishment. That said cause, has been continued to July 11, 1004, ut which time you aro required to appear and defend said action. .1unel7-:i Fidelity Heal Katato and Loan Co. I . For Sale Cheap Refrigerator, good as new. Phone 388, Guy Lockwood or Glt.UlU.ni'. CHICAGO SCHOOl K.M11AI..MING - Funeral Director and Umbalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert l.udy Attendant.. Alliance, Neb. Public Notice. In the district court ot Hon Ilutte county, Nebraska. Maud Itaney. 1'lalntilT s. Kdward Itaney, Defendant. To Kdwyrd Itaney. non-resident defendant: you uru hereby uolltied that on the loth day ot June, Maud Itaney HOI, plaintiff, tiled a petition against you In the district court of llox ilutte county, Nebrasku, the object and prnerof wldcli are to obtain a divorce from you 011 t be giound that Jim liavu wilfully aliandouiKt the plajntlff, without good cause, for the term of two years last past. You are reiiulicd to answer said petition on or beforo Monday, the 2otti day of July 1U04. llAt'li Hankt, rialutltr, lly William Mitchell, her Attorney, June 17-4 .Shcrirrt sale. 1KU lly virtue of un order of sale Issaod by the clerk of the district court of Hox Ilutte county, Nuhrusku, upon a decree rcudereil by said court In favor of T. M, l.awler, plalutllT, and against Herbert Alt' Anderson, Al vino Ander son, wifnof defoudaiit, ilcrlxrt M. Anderson, and Daniel Hlehey, defendants. I will, oil the 12th day of July, 10ul. at Id o'clock a. in on said day, at the west front dour ot the court house in Alliance, in said county, suit the fol lowing described real usttlta, to-wlt: touthwost ipuirtor of section 1, township 2ft, north raugo 4S wuot Utb p. m. In Hox ilutte couuty, Nubrasku, at public auction to the highest bidder for eah, to satisfy said order of Wllo, in thu sum of TlU0 and luterost, cost und accruing cuUis,uUcet to all unpaid taxos. lit a HtJtiu, rTliurltf of bald County. Wm. Mituiihi.u Attorney for Plaintiff. fp June 10 "D iamonds, Watchesy Gold Jewelry, . Souvenirs . Repairing in all its Hail orders promptly Branches. -vm, attended to.- - ' A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician ;..khk:..h..:: i F. J. Brennan ,& Co.... I DEALERS IN Drugs, Perfumesf -"Toilet Articles,! f. Paints, Oils and Wal Paper J 5 'arnskt BNLAJriAL Alliance, Nebraskr.. J EOLSTEN'S PHAEMACY Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug1 Stores in Nebraska y A SELECT 'r Prescriptions Carefully i . Oompoiinded. ss stock or Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. P. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. riWW The placing- of a faw dollars monthhf in the I ... ALLIANCE ... NationaI Bank will soon onable you to lK buyacomiortablehome. e o , to, IV.MUIIl, IVQIUUII, ... Ij. I W. H. Oo h 11 in. V. President Vt J 0. II. CONMJTT.Cushlor. vyi e Palace Lively Barn S. II. DESOII, l'l-op. ' om: 111.OCK wist of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: nbw lUNUiiN , , ami courteous treatment to all has won for us the ut'ii.oiNG. "Phono 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. ( VI