The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1904, Image 3

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    V 11
1 r.
Tho Deflnnco Starch Co. will glvo
25 ladles a round-trp ticket to tho St.
Louis exposition to flvo ladloB In
each of the following states: Illinois,
lown, Nebraska, Kansas and Mlssou
ri who will send in the largest number
of trade marks cut frrm a 10-ccnt, 1G
ounco uackano of Doflanco cold water
laundry starch. This means from your
own home, anywhere In tho abovo
named states. These trade marks must
)e mailed to and received by tho De
fiance Starch Co., Omaha, Neb., before
Sontombcr 1st, 1904. October and No
vember will be the best months to
visit the exposition. Remember that
Defiance is the only starch put up 1C
oz. (n full pound) to the package.
You get one-third more starch for the
same monoy than of any other kind,
and Defiance never stlckB to tho iron.
Tho tickets to the exposition will bo
sent by registered mail September Dth.
Starch for sale by all dealers.
The Strenuous Life.
What It means to he a "club man"
may bo Illustrated by mentioning tho
clubs of which Ashel P. Fitch, who
died last month in New York was a
membor. He had membership in tho
Metropolitan, tho Manhattan, New
York Yacht, Lawyers, Germanla,
Ardslcy, St. Nicholas, Press, Arlon,
Licdcrkranz and the Metropolitan
Club of Washington. In addition ho
was president of the Franklin County
Society, a membor of tho Metropoli
tan Museum of Art, SonB of the Revo
lution, New England Society, Military
Order of Foreign Wars, New York Ge
nealogical and Biographical Society,
Municipal Art Society, the Chamber
of Commerce and the Dunlap Society.
Ho was also a director in a number
of banks nnd other largo corpora
dons. Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This Is because the
have a stock on hand of other brands
containing only 12 oz In a package,
which they won't be able to sell flrst.
because Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the 8amo money.
Do you want 16 c. instead of 12 oz.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking.
Uncle Sam's Heavy Guns.
At Sandy Hook are United States
ordnance proving-grounds, where Un
cle Sam doe3 heavy training for war
Firing lately from big guns has been
tremendously heavy, tho detonntlons
being severe enough to shake the
I earth clear up to Staten Island, a
distance of fifteen miles. On the
lower shore of Long Island and nt
pomo places, along the Jersey shore
houses shako and dishes and other
articles aro broken, windows aro
cracked, and there is a general
Bmash-up, when tho big guns aro
fired. It Is a disagreeable reminder of
war. Shots aro fired at sea and when
Ihey explode in the water the ocean
Is for a few seconds dotted here and
thoro with geyser fountains.
Do You Want the Lowest Rates
cither one-way or round-trip excursion,
to any point oast of Chicago or St.
Louis? Ask tho Erie Railroad Com
pany, BC5 Railway Exchange, Chicago,
(for complete information. Three fast
trains dally from Chicago and St.
Louis through to Now York, Boston,
Buffalo, Pittsburgh and other eastern
points. Stop-over without charge at
Niagara Foils, Cambridge Springs and
Beautiful Chautauqua Lake.
Men who aro advertising that they
walk with tho devil now will bo anx
ious to prove an alibi some day.
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be
cause It is better, and 4 oz. more of It
for same money.
Whllo tho pessimist sees only the
thorns on the rose tho optimist sees
only tho roso on the thorns.
Vegetable Compound
A Woman's Remedy
For Woman's Ills.
Ilaccnge checked to
Knlr around.
' Stopovers nllowed. All Agents can
routo you via the WABASH For beau
tlful World'H Fair folder and all Infor
mation address
Gen. Agt. Pass Dept., Omuha, Neb.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Philippine Waste, Guarded by Death
Dealing Gases.
Thoro is a Doath valloy In tho Phil
ippines ns woll as in tho United
States. It is situated In tho island of
Mindanno and although for many
years it has been known to contain
iarge quantities of gold tho trensuro
has been lying unclaimed becaueo of
the refusal of tho natives to go after
it. At last this famed and feared
valley has bceh compelled to glvo up
tho rich treasure which for ages It has
successfully guarded by its pall of
death-dealing gases. This valloy, which
true to Us name, has dealt death to
many a vqnturesomo searcher for tho
precious metal, is located In the
mountnln fastnesses of tho island and
according to tho theories of tho scien
tists it Is tho crater of what was
onco a great nnd violent volcano. Vol
canic gnseB of a most poisonous nn
turo still rise from tho depths of tho
valley and hang over it like a pall,
never passing away, and many natives
who havo attempted to go down into
tho vajley from tho mountains say
that never before has any mnn who
ventured Into Its unknown depths re
turned to tell of Its secrets. The dis
tance across tho valloy is only a few
miles, but tho bottom of It Is constant
ly concealed from view by tho dense
cloud of poisonous vnpor overhanging
The Everlasting Round.
When Christmas holidays aro o'er
I ship my empty pocket
And vows to save 1 Straightway score
Upon my mentnl docket.
I settle down; my halnnco grows,
By sacrifice expanded
For Knster clothes and flowers It goes,
And I onco moro am stranded.
A second tlmo I think thnt now
I'm done with wild expenses,
And register anew my vow
To patch my -gaping fences.
I live within a sober law,
Alt llttlo pleasures flouting
And every last red cent I draw
To meet my summer's outing.
Hotel and other sundries paid,
I'm home, completely ousted.
To muse, with feelings sore dlsmnyea,
On talents to me trusted.
But now I will save every groat!
I'll Knock oft nil this bumming
And suddenly I get a. note
Which says that Nell Is coming!
When Nell has gone the time we've had
With opcrn, drlvo nnd party
A bank nccount 1 have, egad!
Still far from halo nnd hearty.
And. while I swear, with steadfast mind,
That nothing elso shall queer me.
And try ngaln alnsi'l find
That Christmas looms n-ncnr me!
France and Old-Age Pensions.
Tho British consul at Calais tells,
In his annual report, of an effort to
deal with old-ago pensions. Twenty
three yonrs ago M. ChateluB formed a
society, tho rules of membership bo
ing a monthly payment of a franc, all
tho funds to bo Invested, nnd at the
end of twenty years tho Interest on
capital to bo equally divided among
members, and In each succeeding year
thoso who had been members for
twenty years to receive their equal
sharo of this interest. Tho present
rate of pension Is 14 8s. per year.
The membership now stands" at 347,
951, with a capital of over a million
and a half pounds. London Answers.
Had the Client Safe.
A leading London lawyer says that
when ho was a briefless barrister ho
went ono afternoon to read In tho In
ner Temple library. He had not been
thero long when his small errand boy
appeared, greatly excited and breath
less from running. "If you please,
sir." tho boy gasped, "a gentleman is
waiting for you at tho chambers with a
brief. Ho can't get out, sir. I've
locked him In." Together the barrls
ter and tho boy hurried back to tho
chambers and tho gentlomnn with a
brief, who was amused at his capture,
afterward became a most valuable
Brotherly Criticism.
Zoltan Doohme, Mmo. Nordlca's bus
band, has an amusing way of putting
tilings. On one occasion ho was speak
ing of tho vocalization of tho well
known singer Van Dyck, and profes
sional leniency vanished In tho criti
cal sarcasm: "With mos' tenors, they
sing along a false note, an' you say,
'Oh!' Mr. Doehmo frowned and
winced. But with Mr. Van Decck ho
sing along, an' sing along, an' onco in
a while ho strike a true note, an' you
say, 'Oh!'" And Mr.Doehme's smile
of pleased surprise called forth a
round of laughter.
Uncle Sam's Big Checks.
Undo Sam haB paid big bills abroad
boforo now, but this Panama payment
tops them all. Six years ago ho paid
Spain $20,000,000 on account of the
Philippines, but tho amount was sent
in four warrants of ?5,000,000 each.
Provlous to that tho most historical
warrants wero $8,000,000 issued to
Russia in payment for Alaska In 1868
and $5,500,000 paid England for
awards in Halifax fishing Infringe
ments. .
Investment Aided Church.
Two of the prominent and influen
tial members of tho Fort Fairfield,
Maine, Congregational church last fall
Invested quite a sum of money In po
tatoes, privately vowing that, If they
mado a profit, that profit should bo
given to their church. Tho amount
mado was over $900, and tho pastor
mado the cheering announcement that
that amount had been received from
tho transaction by tho church.
Vicar and Workman.
Tho vicar of a colliery district In
Leicestershire, England, has Just ac
complished the remnrkablo feat of re
storing, mainly by his own manual
labor, his dilapidated church. Since
February, 1901, tho vicar has labored
as a workman all the woek and preach
ed to his people on the Sundays. Ho
has worked at tho church almost
alone, tho only assistance being a fev
days bv ono man
Healthy kldncyt
take from th
blood every 24
hours 500 grains
of Impure, puts
otioua matter'
mure than enongh
to ravine death.
Weakened kidneys
leave this wnsto
in the blood, and
you nro soon sick.
To get well, onro
the kidneys with
Donti b Kidney
l'llls. the great
kidney specific.
Mrs. J. I. Bowles of US Coro St.,
Durham, N. C, Buys: "I was sick
and bedfast tor over nlno months, and
the doctor who nttendc.l me said un
less I Bubmlttcd to an operation tot
gravel I would never be well. I would
not consent to that and so continued
to suffer. My back was so weak 1
could not stand or walk, and It aches
constantly. Tho first day after I be
gan using Doan's Kidney Pills I felt
relief, and i a short tlmo I was up
and mound tho samo as ever, freo
from backache."
A FREE i'HIAL of this great kldnoy
mctllclno which cured Mrs. Bowles
will be mailed to any part of tho
United States. Address Foster-Mil
burn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Sold by all
dealers; prlco 50 cents per box.
Ono trouble with the oldest inhabi
tant Is that ho rememhers too many
Incidents of his boyhood days that
never happened. .
How's This ?
We Oder One Hundred Dollars ltewnrd for amy
cao nt Catarrh (bat caunol be cared by Hail'i
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENKT & CO., Toledo. O.
Wp, the underalKned. liae known F. J. Cheney
forthelaat 15 yean, and belters tilm perfectly hon
orable In all uualncaa Iran. action and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by hla firm.
Wauiino, KiN.vas ft Marvin.
Wholesale llnuitlate, Toledo, O.
tail's Catarrh Ctiro la taken liiierfinllr, acting
directly upon tho blood and miicou lurfacea of tba
ij'.tcm. Teattmoulali ami free, l'rlco ,5 ccuta per
bottle. Sold bv nil mumtsti.
Talc Haifa Family l'llla for conitlpatton.
Baptism for the Dead.
Under tho caption "The Vitality of
Mormonlsm," Ray Stannard Baker
writes, Irv tho Juno Century:
"Another device which holds tho
people to the church Is tho curious
doctrine of baptism for the dead. It
Is believed that tho living may, by
being baptized, savo their relatives
who havb gono before. A man goes
to the templo and is solemnly im
mersed for his grandfather, who died
out of the faith; the grandfather's
name Is duly entered In tho book of
records; the graudson contributes a
fee, and comes tho next day to bo bap
tized for his grandmother, ana so on.
As tho result of this faith tho Mor
mons havo delved moro deeply Into
their genealogy, perhaps, 'than any
other class of Americans. I know of
several cases in which Mormons havo
gone to England on purpose to trace
out their genealogical tree, bringing
back long UMs of their ancestors, in
some cases going back to tho time of
William the Conqueror. On their re
turn to Utah they begin the proces3
of baptism, a dip for each ancestor."
Everybody's Magazine, July, 1904.
Tho most sensational feature any
American magazine has captured In
years is Thomas W. Lawson's "Fren
zied Finance, tho Story of Amalgamat
ed Copper," which begins In tho July
Issue of Everybody's Magazine. Mr.
Lawson xwas ono of tho organizers of
that gigantic corporation, and ho
knows exactly what happened to the
millions that were lost through its
manipulation. His nrst article is an
announcement of distinctly dramatic
Interest and promises revelations of
tho highest importance to every ono
In tho country. Ho frankly states
that his purpose In telling tho story
Is to set himself right with the thou
sands of Investors who, through his
Instrumentality, put their money Into
Amalgamated and have been plunder
ed., "A Day with Hudson Maxim."
Following tho plan which St. Nich
olas has carried out for several
months, tho July Issue will have an
Instructive artlclo designed to pre
sent valuable factB In a way entertain-
lug to both young and old. "A Day
With Hudson Maxim" is tho title of.
Joseph H. Adams' sketch, which will
tell many interesting details of tho
great Inventor's llfo and work. Hud
eon Maxim's residence Is in Brooklyn,
whero a visitor llnds him as much at
home among his high explosives us
his cook In her kitchen. Mr. Adams
tells, among other things, or being In
vited to lunch on Welsh rarebit cook
ed In a chaling dish over a lamp lin
ed with not alcohol, but nitrogly
cerin. Is It Not Worth While
If you travel, on business or pleasure,
to get ,the best service for tho lowest
rates? Ask tho Erio Railroad Com
pany, C5F. Railway Exchange, Chicago,
for full information. Booklets free de
scribing-Summer TourB and tho Beau
tiful Chautauqua Lake Region; also
Cambrldco Springs.
Tho joys of today and tho griefs of
today will bo hand in hand at tho
setting of the sun.
Expensive Agricultural Experience.
Senator Stewart cf Nevada hns also
learned that farming at least fnncy
farming, with tho owner giving no
personal attention to tho buslnoss
docs not pay, and his largo estate of
COO acres In Virginia, which cost him
5110,000, has boon sold to Judge Yeo
mans, of (ho Intorstato commorco
commission for $30 000.
By tho tlmo a man thoroughly un
derstands tho ways of a woman, ho
Is so old that ho doesn't care anything
ubout them.
How Dowlo Left Australia.
Elijah Dowlo's departure trom Adr
ilaido South Australia, was a strangely
sacred and subterranean business. In
stead of going on board the Mongolia
from Iargs bny, like nn ordinary hit
man ho announced that his ptncu of
embarkation would bo kept n dark
secret. Thon, while tho crowd haunt
ed tho Jottlcs of (Slenieg, Semaphore,
Iwirgs, and ven Henley beach, ho
sneaked down to out-of-the-way
sleepy, Brighton, where a launch
cabin and declined to como out until
tho crowd on tho deck of tho Mongolia
had finlshod kissing Its departing
friends and gono ashoip. At tho Inst
raomont the terrified prophet fled up
tho Mongolia's gangway hh If tho tlovll
waB behind him with a Btlnpot and al
most broko his neck getting Into the
cabin out of sight. It didn't look
at all llko tho departuro of a prophet.
1 am sum Plso's Cure for Consumption Mvcd
my llfo threo yours ui?o. -Mas. Titos. lioiuitNx,
Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, ltJ0.
What Our Territory Coat.
Tho cost of the acquisition of vast
territory by tho United Slates la giv
en in tho following list: Louisiana,
$15,000,000; Florida. $5,000,000; Tex
as, $18,500,000, California and New
Mexico, $15,000,000; Arizona. $10,000,
000; Alaska. $7,250,000; Philippine is
lands, $20,000,000; Panama canal,
$40,000,000; Panama Canal strip, $10,
000,000; total, $140,750,000. In addi
tion, tho United States when It nn
noxed Hawaii assumed a debt of $4,
$30.00 per M. Lewis' "SInglo Binder,"
straight So cigar, costs moro than other
brands, hut this price nlvcs tho dealer a fair
Erouc- and tno smoker n better ciuar.
owls' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Liberty's Torch a Candle.
Tho great bronzo statue of Liberty
In New York harbor Is always nn Im
pressive flguro by day, but at night
It doos not llvo up to Is reputation
for "enlightening tho world." At dusk
every evening a Blckly blue light be
gins to appear in tho great black
torch, and when night seta in this
light takes Its place with tho other
harbor lights, a llttlo high up, but
not a bit more brilliant than tho rost.
It might bo easily taken for a lantern
on tho masthead of a ahln.
Do Your Foot Acho and Burn?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a nowdcr for tho feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feci Easy. CurcslgQUJ
owoucn, i-i. ot, owcauuu rt-oi, orun uiiu
Bunions. At nil Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LcRoj', N. Y.
Ho who
hath eaten salt drlnkcth
Why It Is the Best
to because mado by nn entirely differ
ent process. Defiance Starch Is un
like any other, better and one-third
more for 10 cunts.
A man is good when ho Is old.
Promotes DigcslionXhecrfu
nessandKest.coniains nei liter
Opium.Morpliine norIiicral.
IrKfJiM Sad'
Jlpfiennint - .,
Jit CatancbSe&a
htntuyrwt nrrar.
AperTecl Remedy forConsllpn
Tlcm, Sour Sloinach.Diarrhoca
Wornts .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ness And Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
I it-ia aWfeSJaavWfBaMifarf A ,
IAa I if If 1 A 1
I -AgelablePrcpnralionrorAs-
sluulatingUicFoodandReguIa- H
I lipgcStoinachSQPdBowlsof &
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men:
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others In Women's and Children's Shoes.
See that our name t's on the shoes you buy.
Wlaale.stlck launduy m.UE
Won't apui. break, freeze nor apot clotlict.
,Coau loc. ul equala sue. worth nt uj other clulst
kmmMJEmmmJKSS nmi tiWS rftri
A Well Known Canadian Lady Sends
Letter of Endorsement to Po-ru-na.
Miss Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden
Road, Halifax, N. 8., writes: Havlng
uscd Perunn f or Indigestion and stomach
trouble and to build up a broken down
system with tho very best results, I am
pleased to state my cxpcrlcnco with thta
excellent medicine. I find been troubled
with stomach trotiulo and poor diges
tion for homo years, and although I
tried many remedies and dieting, noth
ing seemed to rcstoro my health until I
used Peruna. In three months I hod
entirely recovered my health and
Btrcngth." Mary Burns.
- S
Blanche Grey, nr
For Laundry Uso Gmrmr
Bond lOo for paokogo to ''
THE HANDY ILUEINQ BOOK CO., 87 E. Lake St.. Chicago Or Druggist
Deal Direct with
Manufacture ra
Our KOodattio beat. Prlcea tho lowoat. rromplililp-
tnenu. Delivery or an poriraua guarantee), ncnu
for cauilngus am agenta prloo Hat. Aililreaa .
ADAM J. IUIOLL & CO., Mew Era Bldf.. Chlcsfo.
re'VA.. Thompson's Ey WatM
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 271904
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
me cwmtauh mourznt. tirwToaa cm.
& CO.
Manufactured In
UjHtS tVtllkf All list f All S
)kJ Beat Coiuti e;ruu. Tuica Good. Cm
FrJ la tlmft. riola br drusstata.
Bears the
Signature m
a Bk
fV rfv
AT ms
fft '
Suggestions by Dr. Hartman. How
to Combat tho Nervous Depression
Incident to Warm Weather.
Nervousness is very common among"
women. This condition in duo to
nmomio ncrvo centers. Tho ncrvo ccn
ters nro tho reservoir for iervo vitality.
Thcso centers become bloodless or tho
want of proper nutrition.
This condition Is especially notlcenblo
during tho warm season. .Every sum
mer an army of invalids aro produced u
a direct result of weak nervous systems.
This could easily bo ovcrcomo by tho
uso of Fcmna. Poruna strikes nt tho
root of tho troublo by correcting tho
digestion. Perfect digestion furnishes
increased nutrition for tho ncrvo cen
ters. Perfectly digested f ood gives thcso
reservoirs of llfo a vitality which cre
ates strong, steady nerves, and In thin
manner fortifies and nourishca life.
society woman of Memphis, Tcnn., iu a
recent letter from 174 Alabama street,
writes: "To a Bociety woman whoso
nervous forco Is often taxed to tho
utmost from lack of rest and Irregular
meals, know of nothing which iaotao
much benefit as Perunn. I took It a
few months ago when I fcltiny strength
giving way, nnd it soon mado itaell
manifest In giving me new strength
and health." Miss Blanche Qrcy
Pc-ru-na Contains Na Narcotics.
Ono rcnaon why Peruna has found
fiermnncntuso In ho many homes is that,
t contains no narcotic of nny hind. Pe
runa Is perfectly harmless. It can bo
used any length of time without acquir
ing a drug habit. Perunn docs not pro
duco temporary results. It In perma
nent in lt effect.
It has no bad effect upon tho Bjstcra,
and gradually eliminates catarrh by re
moving tho cause of catarrh. Thcro
aro a multitude of homes Whero Peruna
has been used off and on for twenty
years. Such a thing could not bo pos
Biblo if Peruna contained any drugs of
a narcotic nature.
At this season of tho year wo aro
peculiarly liable to iuUammations of tho
stomach and boWels. It is tho part of
wisdom to learn how to cut tbcm Bhort
nnd in the casist and quickest manner.
Poruna does this by iw peculiar power
over all forms of catarrhal troubles.
PILE CONE CO., Crete, Nob.
Almost a totf million acres of tho fcrtllo an
well-waujrU jam of tho Kosebud Jodlan Kes
orvatlon, lu South Dakota, will bo thrown open
to settlement by the do eminent In July. Thcsa
lands aro bos reached by the Chicago &Nort)i
VVestern llnU-rrzj'a direct through lines Irom
Chlcago to Uoaestecl, 8. D. Ml agents sol)
tickets via tnls hu J. Special low rates.
Seal for ?. ;opoi pamphlet glvtns hul Inform,
tlon aa ,q latca o opening and how o tocuro 16Q
acres of land at nomlual cost, with full dosertu
tloa of tho soil, climate, Umber and mineral
resources, tow us, schools aud cmueiies,oppoit
tunltles for business openluBS, railway rate
etc., free on application.
Passencer Tralllo Manacer,
m We woold teach tho kdy m
I Lesson number one. M
I Starch is anextraotioa Mf
I of wheat used to s'tif B
1 fen clothca when K
1 'laundered, Most m
atarchea in time K
1 'will rot the JM
goods they Jp
1 are rued to F -i,
1 M Senanee SttlrcM
1 W is absolutely pure.
Q M It gives new life to
I W linen. It gives satis&o'
Jp tion or money back. It
jF sella 16 ounces for 10 cent
JR at all grocers. It is the
1 1 OMAHA - - MB..