The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1904, Image 8
lood y Deed I s DONE Some cases need heroic treatment, and this is one of them. On account of the continued cold spring, we find we are troubled with SUlTITSS.which in the Fam ous Dictionary means too many suits. We bought liberally this springandare show ing more new, nobby suits of this season makes than ail other stores together. We hate to do it, but there is no other remedy, so we have CUT THE HEART OUT of Clothing prices. Never before in Alliance have such Clothing Values been offered. We have eclipsed all previous efforts in this sale. COME IN and see tne Goods and prices. Read on: 60 Pairs W. L. Douglas' Patent Vici Kid S hoes $3.19 A fine line of patterns of our celebrated Sterling Suits, non-breakable fronts, hand-made collars, $12.50 and $13.50 (flQ Off values, all wool fabrics, now qpjSoCjtJ Blue Serge Suits, hand-made, lined with best quality Alapaca, non-breakable, stay-there front, hand-filled colors guaranteed absolutely; we in- J0 .i f S. tended to sell them for $18.00,nov iovl'l j7qJ Pure all-wool Worsteds in grays and other new effects, tailor-made, regular fl O T EZ $18.00 values, go at - 1 & O Skeleton-lined, two-piece suits, $12.50 y EZfk .values, for JJ Two-piece suits for men, that sold for r QT $10, now going at jstJ Great Big Reductions in Trousers, all New, this sea son's goods. ,100 pairs Boys' all-wool knee pants they (fX-r are worth 75c, 65c arid 50c at J J?"v Just received a beautiful line of New Silk Ties; Prices right. All the New Styles in summer collars, Earl : Wilson, Corliss, Coon & Co. Manan's $6. Patent Corona Colt Shoe, sold at $6 from Maine to Cal. Our price on 36 O 7 E? pairs, Je 0 t2 Boys' Dress Shirts, see them, now Boys' Work Shirts A lot of small size, Boys' 35-cent Golf ti Caps 1. 1 & 19c Our new line of Youths' suits, from 6 to 20, is Fine Hats for men that sell regularly at QQsr verv complete, and the prices are verv tempting:.! $1.50, for OJC Come in and see them and get posted on Clothing Values. We are still giving a Base Ball and Bat Free with each boy's suit at $2 and upwards. J If our prices on Boys' are not lower than you can buy them, you can return them within 5 days and get your money back. A new and complete line of Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, Steamer Trunks all sizes. Men's 75cent Black Sateen Shirts now Efn go at , tjU Boys' Knee Pants, worth 35c for ten days at t 1 -,. per pair AIL Boys' Washable Suits, Sailor style, ages J-r 4 to 10, 65c values, go for ijjs SBovs' suits, worth $2.50, sizes from 3 to 71 " at, per suit jytJ Carhartt's Overalls and Jackets, the bestlil. S made, at jsJ' RA7VIOUS Clothin House f". GET A TICKET AT BOGUE'S Save Your Tickets Save Money ll OO in mr1H to the person returning the most complete calendar PHJ. MI gUlU of tickets to December 26th. 3 00 in ffffltii t0 tlie second person. Other Prizes will be offered e Hi girl Li in addition to premiums for returned tickets. Every $10 in cash tic'xjts returned will entitle you to any thing in my store to the value of 50 cents. f SPECIAL PRICES ALL NEXT WEEK TO GET YOU STARTED SAVING TICKETS DKERCHFS DO YOY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ? THINK IT OVER! BOGU I n