The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1904, Image 4
Just to help business along for a limited time I start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any quantity, at o cents per pound. You will find a good price on Vigor at 10c per pkge. Two pUgs. of Gloss Starch selling rapidly at 10c lb. Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs. for a dollar. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Prunes 20 lbs.Si. To help the packing houses out a little, Iiacon at 15 cents per pound. A great manv other bargains too numerous to mention. Til CSC prices can't last long Come Early, Join the Crowd and Receive a Cordial Welcome at GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building If You Have Never Bought HARDWARE at TRY IT ONCE! You will be Pleased with the Quality and We L'-uarantee" satisfaction. No trouble to goods and quote prices. -- - --"- - --?. INflCI-SOIV FLICTCIIKR FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford l'lni Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulooulyn. Nuw York. Continental of New York Olty. Nlnitiirit Klro ltmuntHCtf Compuny. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Office Up.Slnlra. , I'lctclicr lllock. Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Established IS7S L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries Best Coffees, fi 1U( 3 8 incur J That Can't be Beat ' In Town..., , Qucenswarc, l&l' Tlnwi&e , ' S' ' Enameled ware9 CALL ON. "owrs ot 3a.Vr A. D. RODGERS. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office two blocks north of times building. Phone 258. Hours, 8 to 12 11. in., 1 :30 to 5 p. in. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.r.Tcmnt m.ock, ALLIANCE, NED. Calls unswered Telephone No. OS. from oflrfce day or night. DR. L. .W. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OHlco Over l'ostolllco, ALLIANCE. NEIL H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, llolbtcn Building, - ALLIA? 3E, NKB ;l. w. bowman, PHYSICIAN AND ' SURGEON. Office In Plrbt Xutlonul Hank block. AUl unco ,Nebrasl;:i. DRTGTvvrCOLLIN HOMEOPATH Thlrtv loars exDeriencu. Diseases of women and children and non-surgical re mqvul of j;all stqnes and euro of upeudlcl jls, peQlaltlos. Offlce flrst door wot pf O'Connor's bakery. 'Phono day or night, 119. SI cd Prices. show Liverpool, Loudon and Olobe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., Now York. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurnnco Company. Philadelphia. Underwriters. I'hoeulv Ins. Co., Hartford, Conh. Alliance, Nebraska. and Leather. Co Always Reliable. Nebraska. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE ASH ItKTAU. HANDLES TIIK Celebrated Ravenna Flour t ' At Pilkington's old stand, 'phono No. 71. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. ZBINDEN BROS,, "... . dealers in Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STKEET.. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. 1 r r. tujiui (I Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, llrlck Shop West of Alliance Natlouil Bank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, ftfoe Ifoeralb PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T, J. O'KEEFE J P. KNIEST . . . . Publisher Associate Editor Entered at the postofhee at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. K3T Titu Hkralii is the Official Publica tion of Box Unite county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING KATES: Display, per single column inch per month .50 Business locals, per line first insertion . 10 Each subsequent insertion, per line , .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, St. 50 per year in advance. HEMINGFORD. I Keith I.. Pierce. Is full v authorized to so licit subscriptions anil Jul) mil lull work mill collect and receipt for same, anil tninsact all other business In connection with his position us an accredited representative of this p:iier. F. Davison went to Alliance Tuesday. The new depot is just about complet- Win day. Delsing went to Alliance Thurs- Ladle' Wildy's,. elegant spring bonnets ut Mrs. Katulall .was in from Canton Tuesday, Kobt. Kettlcman was in front Box Wednesday. If you want a new suit see Wildy's spring stock. Miss Cora Combs left for her home in Iowa Tuesday. Miss Hcttrich is spending the week on Wildy's ranch. J. L. Ashbrook of Sioux county in town Wednesday. Thos. Killeen went to Broken was Bow Tuesday on business. School meeting occurs next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. James Hollinrake returned from low a Wednesday. , Mrs. II. II. Funk and Mrs. Sidles went to Alliance Monday to visit friends. A. B. Passwater of Grinnell, Iowa, was transacting business here Tuesday. Mrs. Mattte Olds gave a dinner to a number of her lady ftiends last Thurs day. Tom McCandless was in from his ranch north of town the first of the week. Norbcrt Fronapfcl selling goods for C. week. of Alliance is . Butlew this A. S. Enyeart lost a fine yearling calf from a wire fence cut the first of the week. Postmaster V. F. Walker is having some extensive repairing done on his residence. J. C. Osborne and wife left for Penn. Friday where they expect to make an extended visit. The new section foreman is named Gardner. We did not learn trom whence he came. Hail insurance in what I think is a reliable company tit d per cent. Write or call IC. L. I'ikiick, Agent. If you are in need of any kind of fur niture or any kind of undertaking goodb, remember Wildy's double store. Win. Hollinrake had the misfortune to lose his barn, granary and other out buildings by fire Sunday while he was gone to church. A brother of C. E. Wiltsey arrived from Iowa Wednesday. They mourn the loss of a third brother who died recently, in Iowa. Mis. H. B. Ford will leave for points east this week going by way of Craw ford where more favorable rates can be had over the Noithwestern. H. L, Buslmcll is building a very large storage cellar on his farm half a mile west of town. James Hollinrake has the contract to furnish the lumber. If you want peace with the good house-wife. buy a sack of Victor; if you want everybody happy ask Wildy for a sack of Gold Medal of Minneapolis fame. Herman Basse has given up his position here in order to reside on his homestead near Fort Robinson, on Indian creek, and has moved his effects. A wedding announcement received some time ago which we forgot to men tion was that of Miss Geneva Patrick to Paul B. Fitch at Calgary, Alberta, April an, last. Mrs. A. M. Miller and Miss Ainie Miller lett tor Illinois mesuay even ing for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rowland will keep house for A. M. until they return. Mrs. C. E. Rosenberger left for the Adveutist sanitarium at Lincoln, Thursday, and if benefitted so she can travel, will make a trip to her old home in Virginia this summer. Mrs. 1). J. O'Keefo desires to an nounce that she has made some altera tions in her dining room und will have sulllcleut force on the Fourth of July to accomodate at meals all who may present themselves on that date. Col. Allison who hails from Johnson county, Mo., is spending a few weeks in Nebr., visiting his son H. Allison who resides in the sand hills east of here and with his daughter, Mrs. Will Johnson of this place, The afternoon will be taken up by a setics of races, horse, mule, foot and uovelty and various other sports, a tug of war and at four o'clock a ball game between the Hemingford Russians and the Nonpareil Japauese. They expect to decide the fate of Port Arthur. A dance afternoon and evening will be provided. Excellent nui3ic has been engaged. The committee ate hard at work. An abundance of funds has been provided and the citt2ens here will spare no efforts to make tins a splendid occasion, and one long to be remembered. Every young fellow in this vicinity who does not bring his best girl to Hemingford the 4th of July, will deserve to lose out for its going to be a great affair, and he will lose out if he dont. A base ball game last Sunday between Dunlap and Marple resulted in the following talc of grief for the Dunlapcrs and a corresponding amt. of joy for Marpleites. Duulap 10. Mai pic 28. Ernest Rosenberger son of C. E. Rosenberger, aged fourteen, ran away from home the first cf the week and his father after tracing him to Alliance can find no further trace of him. He had been dissatisfied for some time. Martin Trout, who lived here some years ago while a boy, is visiting with H. L. Buslinell and family. Since leaving here he has developed elocu tionary gifts of the first order and is regarded by all who have heard him as having a very bright future. C. T. Eikuer of Texas, a brother of Dr. Eikner, is visiting here for a few days. He is accompanied by his wife and little son. He was here during the dry period this spring and was not prepossessed with the country, but he now expresses himself much better pleased with it. Any onccluimitig to represent my in surance agency and not having a writ ten authorization from me so to do is misrepresenting the facts. I have been informed by creditable persons that such is the ease. I will write your in surance cheaper t I11t.11 any traveling agents and in a reliable company. K. L. I'ieikk, Agent. Arrangements have been made by which we can sell tickets (steerage) from points in Norwao, Sweden and Uenmai k to llaltlinoi'e for S10 00 ocean fare and $P.8.7."i railroad fare Haiti more to Hemingford total $r1.7." from Aalberg, llergen, Copenhagen and Stockholm and many other Scandina vian points. From points in Austrian Empire (Holtemia, Hungary and Croa tia) $2 1.50 to New York ocean fare R. R. fare $10.23 to Hemingford. First State Rank, Agents. The Foui th of July will be celebrat ed in Hemingford this year. Everv one is invited to come and take part in the fun and frolic incident to Uncle Sam's natal day. The following program will offei amusement foi old and young alike and nowhere in Wes tern Nebraska can you spend the dav with 11101c satisfaction than at Heminj; ford: .MOlt.NI.V;. 1 Sl'NKIsn SALU'XU 2 FlANIX'ONX'KUT l:30to 10:00 .'I l'AKADK 10:00toll:00 i KXKItCISKS 11:00 tu 11. :w 5 OHATION-Capt. A. G. FMier 11:00 AFTKItNOON 1 llANnoOXCKUT. 2 SI'OKT.S 3 HALL OAMK . .. Flieivorkslu urenliii;. 1 .TO to-2.00 i'tK)to4:00 4:30 A jjorKi'oui display. D.i nee in bowery afternoon and evcnlt.t;. Othfi lnteieitlii tumist'im-titt. I'rlzt'n to thu ltii't'Ht dolt'K.itlon to t:iKo part In tlut p:i ratio (mm the country. Ferris Wheel stackers "can't be beah See them before buying elsewhere. CANTON. Cattle dipping is the order of the day. Covered wagons are occasionally seen moving over the prairie hunting for (40 acres of land. The business meeting held at the Baptist church the firsn of the week, to elect delegates to the Baptist asso ciation to bo held in Allianco, about the 23, resulted in the election of Mrs. Emma Clayton and Mrs. Alice Stewart rt'lio will represent Canton. Grandpa Mickey arrived here a few days ago from Gretna. Mis old friends will be glad to meet him again. Geo. E Zimmerman sold head of horses to Sheriff Reed the other day. John Curran while driving his cat tle to the dipping tank the other day, had his horse fall with him and a badly bruised leg was tho result. Lee Mood was kicked in the back a few days ago. by a mad taurus and made very sick for a few hours, but i recovered. Guy Lemon of Belmont was visiting with his cousins, Will and Evert Clay ton, Sunday. Edgar Lane from Mitchell was entertained by Esq. Broshar Suuday eve. Miss Florence Meek, from near Malinda is visiting, this week with her sister, Mrs. Con Bass. The auction sale that was to come oft at Canton the 18th, was called off by the company cleaning out tho pota toes. The Ferris Wheel stacker is on exhibi tion at the Forest Lumber company yards. Manufactured by John Hague, Alliance, Nebraska. FERRIS WHEEL HAY STACKER I can furnish you with the best stacker on the market. My machine has the most improvements, surest in its working, sim plest but superior in construction, and will give you the best satisiactton. 1 Mew I'rinciples IT IS BUILT ON New Features New Ideas The quickest acting The strongest built The shortest rope The only rebounding fork head The only stacker with but one pulley It is pronounced the best hay stacker made by all who witnessed it in operation on the Hague ranch in the fall of 1903, where the test machine handled about goo tons of hay without a break, and since that time some valuable improvements have been added. I ask you to come and judge for yourself the merits of my machine as compared with others. Call at Forest Lumber Co.'s yards and examine stacker. I wish to put my machine in the field against any other stacker made. Send for circular. John Hague, Alliancet Neb. At the World's Tair. The Hhrald is in receipt of a letter from James W. Christy of this county who has been sight seeing at the World's fair and the contents being of such interesting nature we publish the same for the benefit of our readers. Editor Hkkld: If my memory serves me rightly I almost promised to coin ply with a request from you to briefly outline the St. Louis Exposition as I saw it, and I would just say that my vocabulary is too limited to ap proach, say nothing about writing a descriptive aiticlc of its architectural beauty and varied interesting features. The fair grounds cover an area of 1240 acres constituting what is known as "Forest Park" and is beautifully em bellished with nature's own handiwork, besides being touched up and beauti fied in an artistic manner by the hand of man. There ate more than 1000 buildings on the grounds, of which there arc no two alike alike, but the princi pal educational features of the great show are confined to about fifteen mag nificent palaces, or show buildings in which the general exhibits are displayed in the most artistic manner possible. These buildings vary in size and archi tectuie, covering an area of from four to twenty acics, the agricultural build ing being the largest, and there is food for thought in everv foot of the miles of corridors in these vast structures. Theie aie only two groups of buildings on the grounds that are of permanent nature, viz, the "palaces of fine art" and the "administration group" the rest being of a temporary nature and cream color in appearance. Most of the states are represented on the grounds with buildings of their own, in some of which their principal products are dis played while others are exclusively for rest and entertainment. The visitor from Nebraska however, need not look for the Nebraska building for it is not there, but don't think for a moment that Nebraska is not represented, for sho makes an excellent showing in many lines, especially in the agricultural and horticultural buildings; don't miss them. All those who are in harmony with the thought that "the greatest study of mankind is man," will find much of in terest among the civilized and uncivil ized tribes in the section set apart for them in the southwest nart of the grounds. Not the least attraction in this section is the wild and weird dances of an uncivilized tribe of Fili pinos in their abbreviated costumes. I had nearly forgotten to refer to "the pike" in this letter, however, I am sure that any one attending the fair will not overlook so important a feature, for there is much of interest in a general way on that popular thoroughfare. In conversation with those who at tended the World's fair at Chicago, in comparing one with the other, they say that this one is far ahead of the Chica go fair in many important respects. The illuminations at night are not quite what one might expect and yet they aie very beatiful. Those whom 1 talked with that attended the exposi tion at Buffalo, N. V., claimed that its illuminations were far superior to this, but as I remember, that was their chief attraction and when we take into consid eration that they had almost unlimited power from Ningra Falls we can't wonder at their superiority. There are many places of interest in the city of St. Louis that should be visited by all those attending the ex position from our section of the country, for instance, "Shaws gardens," "Tower park," the 'Husch Brewing plant," and others. And every afternoon there are excursion boats running down the Mississippi to "Jefferson barracks," a four hours trip for the small sum of 25 cents. Now as to accommodations I would say there need be no anxiety for it seems that special efforts have been put forth along those lines. Near the Union station and out on the grounds they make a special effort to get all your sheckles but at intermediate points, extortions are not common. As to the best time to attend the fair I would say when it is the most con venient for you. There is much to be done yet before every detail is com pleted, but there is more to see there now than the brain can assimilate in many weeks. If I had it to do over again I would go just when I did. While this letter seems brief to me it may seem long to you. At present ye scribe is enjoying the exquisite pleasure of slopping around in the mud at his old home at Lineville, Iowa. James W. Christy. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style CHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Salos cried In thU and ndjoluln counties by the day or coiiimUsIon. Mxteen yuan ex perience. B&tMuctlon guaranteed. Con tracts can bo madu ut The Heiiai.u office where references to Alliance citizens will also bo given CUHItAN HltUS.. Canton Sioux county, Nub (Gross II Cross) on left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thlk'h. Underslopu ou loft ear. Horses branded J sumo 11 b cuttU on ten jiiw uiiu u uu left ehouldur. ATTORNEYS WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. OrriCE I'no.NE ISO. Heside.nck I'hose 203. R. C. NOLEA1AN, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Hoorri!. 1. 2 and 3, First National bank hujlda. Injr, Alliance, Neb. Notary lu office. E. H. Boyd, .. A.ttoiiio.v at Lmv ALLIANCE, NE11KASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMI1II P. TUTTI.E. IRA E. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St.. - ALLIANCE. NEB. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking- and . . :: Embalming1 Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker'. rirs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. For Fine Boot' and Shoe Repairing CALL ON 1. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEJi. W. M. FOSKETT Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, BY THE DAY. or 16V Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neu. ooooooo.oo 6 0 . . S TR.e.v . Ywvz. $ Fire Insurance. Hemingvokd, Nehraska. Acent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which lusureb town property only, und tho Colum bia, which Insures town und furm property and live stock. Both are reliable old line com panies Work, 0000 0 Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Barn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 wTl BPR3fcMfc&jL?5T"rBr jn N y f '11 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 i "5 ;Aikf----'-'fc.. -3