The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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14 f
Great Orators Develop Old.
The "Boy Omtor" has no placo in
biierwiii Cody's "A Solcctton from
tho World's Ore-it OrntlonB" for the
reason that orators, to bo orators, ho
says, must havo reachod advanced
years. In his own words: "Slnco
knowledge of life comes only with
experience, tho greatest orations navo
usually boen spoken when tho orator
was In mo fullness of his powora, If
not actually old. Cluuuara's groat
speeches were all spoken In his old
nge; Aiirnbenu's great speech carno al
most at tho end of his life; Domos
tnenos' greatest oration was his last;
Burke was 45 when tho first of his
great speeches was delivered, and
nearly be at the tlmo of tho speeches
impeaching Warren Hastings."
Indeed, tho only speech in Mr.
Cody'B collection delivered in tho early
life of tho orator is Orattan's, spoken
when he was 34 and "that ago can
hardly bo called youthful."
The man who wants tho earth is al
ways the first to kick when a little
dust blows In his eyes.
It Isn't the fast man who wins In
tho race for wealth.
Strong Language.
Fredericksburg, Ind., Juno 20. Rev.
Enoch P. Stevens of this placo uses
strong languago in speaking of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and ho gives good rea
cons for what he says:
"I enn't praise Dodd's Kidney Pills
too much," says Mr. Stevens. "They
have dono me so much good. I was
troubled with my kidnoys bo much
that I had to get up two or threo times
in tho night and sometimes in tho
day when starting to tho waterhouse
tho water would como from mo beforo
getting thero. Two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills cured mo entirely.
"I havo recommended Dodd's Kid
ney Pills to many peoplo and have
never yet heard of a falluro. Dodd's
Kidney Pills aro the things for kid
ney disease and rheumatism."
Dodd's KIdnoy Pills always cure
the kidneys. Good kidneys ensure
pure blood. Puro blood means good
Tell a man he shows diplomacy and
he feels ho has escaped bolng detected
in a direct He.
$100 Reward, $100.
The renders of thU paper will bo pleated to learn
that there la at lean one dreaded dlieaae that aclence
baa been able to cure In all In tagea, and that It
Catarrh, lloll'a Catarrh Curo la Uio only potltlre
cure now kno n to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a confutation! disease, reonlrea a romtltn
tlunal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Corn la taken In
ternalljr, aclinic directly upon the blood and mucoua
aurfacea of the ayatein, thereby deilroylng the
foundation of the albcaee, and RlvluK the patient
ftrcuijtli by building up the constitution and auUl
Ins nature In doing Ita work. Tho proprietors 1ito
(O much faith In lta curatlre power that they offer
Ono Hundred Dollars for any caao that It folia to
cure, hend for Hit of testimonials,
Address F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
hold by all DruKKlsta. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. '
A rough diamond is worth much pol
ished dirt.
Tho Defiance Starch Co. will fjlvo
25 ladies a round trip ticket to tho
St Louis Exposition, to fivo ladles in
each of tho following states: Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Mis
souri who will send In tho largest
number of trado marks cut from a
ten-cent, 16-ounce package of Defl
ince cold water laundry Btarch. This
means from your own home, any
whero in tho above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed
to and received by tho Deflanco
Btarch Co., Omaha, Nebr- beforo Sep
tember 1st, 1904. October nnd Novem
ber will be tho months to visit
!he Exposition. R-jmomber that Defi
ance is the only starch put up 16 oz.
(a full pound) to tho package You
get one-third more starch for the
eame money than of any other kind,
nnd Defiance never sticks to tho iron.
Tho tickets to tho Exposition will be
sent by registered mail September
5th. Starch for sale by all dealers.
To-day's worry Is tho result of yes
terday's neglect.
Moro Flexible and Lasting,
won't Klialte out or blow out; by using
Deflanco Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one-third more for same
Satan Is the father of lies and mat
rimony Is the mother of excuses.
Mr. "Wlnalow'a ?oothtnd Sjrrnp.
For children teething, softens the Bums, reduces lr
Camrsatlon, alia) a pain, cures wind collo. 2Sca bottle.
The homo of a bachelor lacks ono of
tho best modern Improvements.
I do not believe Plso's Cure for ConsumpOcm
has an equal for coughs nnd colds. Jour 1'
Uornit, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1000.
Thero is no promise of pardon for
confessing tho sons of others.
If you wish beautiful, clear, whlto clothes
use Hcd Cross Ball Blue. Large 3 oz.
package, 5 cents.
Somo women sweeten their tea with
gossip instead of sugar.
aCITC permanently cored. lo fits or nerTeaaooea arte
F 1 1 d ilrst day's us of Dr. Kllns's Oreat Htm Kettor.
or. Bend for fUEIS 88.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Vs. U- it. Kms, Ltd., til Arch Street, 1'bUadalpala, s
A wise girl is known by tho com
pany she doesn't keep.
No chromos or cheap premiums, but
n better quality and one-third more
of Defiance Starch for the same prlca
of other starches.
Solid business men aro necessarily
hard characters.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Defiance Starch
ii taking; the place of all others.
The aimless life cannot be tho end
less life.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully ererjr botlla of CABTOTtlA,
a sate and sure remedy for infanta and children,
end toe that-It
Bear the
or &ii&r
In Utt 2ar Oyer 30 Years.
f&e Kind You Hare Always Bought
Philadelphia Canary Swallowed a Sol
itaire and Died.
For pecking a valuable diamond
from nn enrrlng belonging to Mrs.
Frank Paul of 5811 Arch street, a pet
canary bird paid tho death penalty.
Mrs. Paul had placed tho bird cage
on a sitting room tablo and was en
courlnglng tho canary to warblo for
some visitors when tho little crea
turo ato the unusual repast. The ear
ring was lying on tho table nlongsldo
of tho cage and within reach of the
canary. The bird examined tho Jewel
for some time, and after arriving nt
tho conclusion that it was a worm of
somo raro species, pecked at it and
swallowed tho stono in a gulp. Tho
loss of the diamond in this manner
caused a sensation in the Paul fam
ily, and every ono plnnned out ono
schcrao after another for recovory of
tho Jewel. Tho bird was not in tho
least embarrased by the- rich diet
adopted, but while the hostess griev
ed it sang merry songs of Joy In all
tho bird languages. Finally Mrs. Paul
decided to send for a physician. She
did not wish to loso her pet, nnd still
loss her diamond, so she Intended to
ask the doctor to perform a surgical
operation on tho bird. While Mr.
Paul was on his way for the physi
cian the canary died suddenly from'
acute indigestion. Philadelphia In
quirer. THE GOAL OF ALL.
Two God's Acres Surrounded by the
Strife for Existence.
These two God's Acres, says a New
York writer, referring to St. Paul's
and Trinity churchyards In the lower
part of the metropolis, aro Just now,
in their beautiful Bpring-green dress,
with nge-brown trimmings, among tho
loveliest spots in Now York. Turn
aside, stranger, and rest there n mo
ment. Step out of the whirl of tho
Grand Canon of Broadway and cool
yourself on nn ancient tombstone.
Somo of those shades are 300 years
old. In the midst of death they are
in life, but their silent slumbers are
not disturbed by all the noise and rat
tle of the busiest street in the world,
nor by the crash-crash of the elevated
railroad, the thumping of whose
wheels causes the ground to shiver
and tho solemn vaults to echo. Fresh
tulips are peeping up. The trees are
leaping Into leaf. What a place for
reflection 1 Above, tho deep dome of
heaven. Below, the mortal remains of
immortality. On all sides north, east,
south and west tho hot struggle for
existence. The mad mob of human
miserables, crowding each other even
for breath, can look between tho pick
ets of the Iron fence and see the end
of all. The goal is in plain view.
Stop, my brother, and ask the ques
tion, "For what am I living?"
Radium and Cancer.
Dr. Darler of Paris describes a case
of cancer of tho fnco which, through
application of radium, had been ren
dered painless. Similar results have
been obtained by other noted experts.
He has also found quick and pain
killing effects of radium In certain
diseases of tho eye. The influence
of radium upon tho motor-nerve cen
ters he considers of still greater Im
portance. In two cases of nervous
spasms which occurred threo to four
times a week weak radium prepara
tions were applied to the temples for
two to three days, when the spasms
ceased. In a caso also of presump
tive inability of motion, caused by
nervous debility, radium effected a
complete cure within three days
probably, however, through sugges
tion. In actual facial paralysis of en
tirely new origin radium effected a
curo in one day.
Increased Use of Electricity.
An excellent illustration of how
electricity is superseding steam in
many quarters Is found in a contract
recently awarded by the Empire Ship
building company, of Buffalo. This
company has decided to use electric
power to pump out its floating dry
docks In the Erio basin. Tho motors
to be constructed will work the pumps
much faster than the steam engines
formerly in use, It being estimated
that tho docks can be cleared In two
and one-half hours' less time. To ac
complish this a thlrty-fivo horse power
motor will bo located on each of tho
two docks, and the electricity will bo
supplied by a cable laid along the bot
tom of the basin.
Rent Radium by Hour.
When one reads of the considerable
use that Is being made medicinally of
radium It seems hardly credible that
so much can havo been made of so
little. The amount procurable in Lon
don to-day is considerably less than a
grain. Consequently, as only a lim
ited number of medical men can have
an opportunity of utilizing this weird
chemical, It Is suggested that chem
ists should follow tho example of ono
of their number, who has obtained a
small tube containing five milli
grammes of radium bromide, and
hires It out at $2.50 an hour. This is
surely the strangest development of
modern pharmacy.
Sheep-Sorrel Pie.
Bpnt Murdock pays tribute to tho
sheep-sorrel pie, which was one of the
luxuries of primitive Kansas. It was
dried-apple pie from December until
grass, or until tho squaws came
around with wild gooseberries. But,
happy thought! With tho coming of
the Johnny-jump-up camo sheep-sorrel
and with sorghum sweetening what
lovely pies were made! Corn bread
and Missouri bacon, sorghum and
buttermilk, with a quarter section of
sheepsorrel pie to finish up. Kansas
people of this day and generation
don't know what good living is."
Is What He said.
"In a low whisper, looking; up, she until,
I nm so hungry do not turn uwny.
Give me one penny, please, to buy somi
For I have eaten nothing nil this day."
"The upturned fnco nnd whisper soft nnd
riend with a power that would not be
' denied:
And ns she spoke, her pale lips trembling
Crush'd In an Instant nil my selfish
"She sits bcslda me. In these, hnppler
With angel face, tho' stilt n child In
And when she prays, I henr thro' crnte
ful teurn.
Her thnnks to Him who shelters from
the storm."
Twenty-one years ago three little
children were suddenly bereft of
father and mother they woro friend
less and homeless; but it was only
one of tho many similar lnstnncr-s
happening cwry day only throe lit
tlo children left friendless and home
loss; that was all. But It was a cru
cial moment in at least one life. Rev.
J. G. Lemen was at that time pastor
of a largo church In Council Bluffs,
la. This man, whose heart wbb largo
enough to find a plnco for every un
fortunate one, took these children
Into his own home, where they shar
ed tho same loving, tender care that
was bestowed upon his own llttlo
ones. It was not long before he learn
ed of other children who hnd been
left to the cold mercies of a selfish
world. Moved with compassion, ho
took these, also, to his already over
crowded home. Then came tho test;
money was noeded. He had a few
thousand dollars which ho had saved
up for a rainy day He llttlo knew
what the Master had in store for
him; but he was obedient and whon
the news came that other llttlo ones
had been left alone, fatherless and
motherless, with no one to caro for
them, and the command came to take
theso also, to the ordinary man, with
his house filled to overflowing and a
large congregation looking to him to
bo fed spiritually, it would have
seemed like an Impossibility; not so,
however, with this man; it was
onough for him to know that his Mas
ter approved of it and bid him to do
it. As ho stepped out upon His
promises nnd obeyed the command to
go forward, tho way opened beforo
him, and when ho had exhausted his
own competency, never doubting but
that a way would bo opened to supply
their needB, Ho who owns tho cattle
upon a thousand hills moved upon
the hearts of His faithful subjects to
send of their substance t that these
little homeless ones might be cared
for. Larger quarters became neces
sary, and they were secured. Other
children were left homeless, and
found under his roof not only tholtor
from the storm, but a loving, tender
father, as all at tno Homo delight to
call him, and, more than this in his
sainted wife, now deceased who pre
sided over the household affairs and
was continually looking after their
From a small beginning, twenty-ono
years ngo, tho Christian Home has
grown until now about two hundred
and fifteen children nre cared for
there, and two thousand have been
placed 'In good Christian families.
The real estate consists of about
twenty-five cottages and other build
ings, all owned by an organization
which haB been formed through the ef
forts of Mr. Lemen with a view of
making It a permanent organization.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemen have been
blessed with four lovely children
three sons and ono daughter. Ail of
thom tako great delight In the work
of tho Home, and on thom, no doubt,
the mantle of their father and moth
er will fall. The oldest son is giv
ing his entire Hfo to this work also.
The scrupulous neatness and order
that pervades the entire Institution,
tho loving salutation of "Hello,
papa!" that rings out from every
quarter as he passes about the
grounds, and the remarkable execu
tive ability he displays In all the
management of the affairs of the
Home, are sufficient to Impress every
visitor that It is no ordinary man
who hns been called to this great and
noblo work. Children aro taken here
from any part of the globe, and have
tho best possible care and training.
You, my readers, wherever yon may
bo, may havo a part In this grand
work. It Is a labor of love In behalf
of all homeless, suffering children
everywhere. The children nre fre
quently adopted by Christian peoplo,
but aro never allowod to go from tho
Home excepting into Christian fami
lies who aro properly vouched for.
Tho Christian Home is non-ocarian,
but Is heartily indorsed and support
ed by all denominations. It takes child
ren from every state and it is not a
local affair, but belongs to the world.
We havo given this brief descrip
tion of the Christian Homo with the
hope that all who read it will becomo
Interested In its wolfare. If you havo
money which the Master desires you
to use for such purposes, send it to
this Home. There is no Institution
that Is more worthy of your gift than
They publish a valuable paper call
ed the Word and the Way; subscrip
tion price, only twonty-flvo conts per
year. We assure you that If you will
subscribe for It, you will get more
than your money'B worth, and we
hope you will forward at once twenty
five cents or $1 for yourself and three
friends. Volumes might be written
about this Institution did space per
mit For further Information and proper
description of the work, address
Christian Home, Council Bluffs, la.
A Friend of Homeless Children.
Self-made men and eggs are too full
of themselves to hold anything elso.
If a man bad his eoat made to hut
ton In the back, woman would never
Oldest Bell In United States.
The oldest boll In tho United States
is on oxhlbltlon In tho Now Moxlco
building of tho World's fair. Tho boll
was brought from Spain on ono of tho
.rst expeditions to Mexico by Fnther
Juan do Pndllla, ono of tho Frnnclscon
fathers who accompanied Coronado to
Now Mexico. It was hung In ono of
tho mission churches established In
ono of the noven cities of Cibolla.
From thero Is was taken to Grnn
Qulvera, where It was hung in a
church of which tho ruins aro still
vlBlble. From Grnn Qulvcrn It was
taken to Algodones, whero it has hung
in tho par'sh church over since. Fath
er Pndllla was killed by his guides
while on tho way from Gran Qulvern
to Algodones. Tho boll weighs exact
ly 198 pounds. It was baptized Ma
ria Josopfa. It was cast in tho year
A. D. 13G5, according to tho Inscription
which is cast in the bell. Tho "F"' in
tho word "Josefa" Is Inverted, and
tho letterB "S" and "E" aro transposed,
tho mlstnke evidently having been
mndo in tho mold.
The reconstruction of West Point Is
an undertaking; of Intorest to tho wholo
country; and tho result of tho changca
under way will bo a matter of nation
al pride, for It is promised that tho
now West Point in magnificence of
scnlc, titanic Inmprosslveness and fas
cinating plcturesqucness will surpass
anything that crowns the crags of tho
Rhine. Tho leading nrtlclo of tho July
Century will bo an nuthorltntlvo de
scription of "Tho Now West Point."
the first so far published on tho sub
ject, with drawings from tho nrchl
tects' plans. Tho text Is from tho pen
of Sylvester Baxter, and tho drawings,
tho frontispiece In color, havo been
made by Otto Bacher, Harry Fenn,
Bertram Goodhue, Birch Long, Jules
Gucrln and Dawson-Watson.
How About the Bait?
One of Joseph Jefferson's pot abom
inations Is a bachelor. Tho venera
ble actor believes In early marralges
nnd recently advised a group of Yalo
Juniors to marry as soon as ever tlioy
could afford It. "Bachelors why, I
have the utmost contempt for the
whole breed of thom," ho said. "Tho
older they grow tho moro concoltcd
they grow. I took one down a peg,
though, tho other day. Ho was talk
ing about this woman ho hnd known
and tuat woman ho hnd known, and
these woman, it seemed, had married.
"Why you,' I said, 'aro in danger of
getting left. Why don't you, too, get
married beforo It is too lato?' 'Oh,
said the bachelor, with a chuckle,
'thero aro still plenty of good fish
in the sen.' 'But tho bait,' said I,
'Isn't there danger of tho bait becom
ing stale7'"
Spencer In Russia.
Tolstoi in acknowledging tho re
ceipt of a copy of Herbert Spencer's
autobiography confessed that ho did
not like tho English ..philosopher he
cause ho had little heart. But that
Spencer 1b a great favorite In Russia
modern Russian literature bears am
ple witness. That very aridity of
which Tolstoi complained appeals pe
culiarly to tho feverish, materialistic
Idealism out of which nihilism Bprlngs.
Probably no slnglo philosopher hns
exerted a wider Influence on Russia,
which has not as yet produced much
in tho way of philosophy that is origi
nal. Soldier Defended His Curl.
Should Mr. Hitt bo elected vice pres
ident he will be 71 when ho takes tho
oath of ofllco and in his 72d year, ho
having been born January 1C, 1834. He
will bo the oldest man ever elected to
tho vice presidency. Elbrldgo Gerry
was 09 when ho became vice presi
dent, and Is Btlll tho oldest man on the
list of those who havo held that office.
Clinton, King, Wilson, Hendricks and
Morton had all passed the sixtieth
milestone on life's highway. The
youngest vlco president was John C.
Breckinridge, who was 30 when he
was Inaugurated.
Frank Leslie's Monthly for June.
"Then Men Who Make Presidents"
is tho title of a timely artlclo In Ixs
lie's Monthly for Juno on political
conventions past and present. The
small part tho peoplo tako In the nomi
nation and selection of Presidential
candidates is strikingly shown, and
makes interesting reading".
"The Mighty Men of Russia" Is an
other suggestlvo article on tho men
who really control affairs In Russia to
day self-made men, many of them,
who have had remarkable careers.
Thero Is an Interesting sketch of
William Nelson Cromwell, and a clear,
vivid account of tho "Fight of Josoph
W. Folk for Honesty In Missouri."
Everybody's Magazine, June, 1904.
Should the readers of a magazine
havo the opportunity to dissent from
or comment on tho articles tho pub
lication presents? Hitherto, there
has been no method of replying to
editorial opinions set forth In our
monthllos, but Everybody's, with its
usual originality, proposes that any
one who doos not agree with Its con
tributors' views shall have the oppor
tunity to set them right or approve,
as seems proper. In the new depart
ment, "Straight Talk," In the Juno is
sue of this magazlno, a number of
readers havo taken advantage of this
opportunity to crltlclso Dr. HIIHb' con
ception of a consolidated church; most
of tho writers frankly disagreo with
his viows.
Ambition Is a pipe dream preceded
by a horrible nightmare and followed
by a rude awakening when tho pipe
goes out
Uso Rod Cross Ball Blue and make thom
whito again. Largo 3 oz. package, 0 conts.
Hypnotism Can Stop Heart.
According to recent Investigations
It nppenrs probable that hypnotism
can Btop tho nctlon of a person's
heart, nnd thus cnuso death. A. Jour
net, a Frcnchmnn, reports that ho has
Increased and diminished tho number
of pulse bents nt will, nnd ns far as
ho could vonturo with safety. It Ib
said to bo also proved that circula
tion 1b curiously nffocted, oven If It
1b not quite certain that tho heart
can bo silenced.
Whon a man Is ashamed of his re
ligion ho is generally Justified In tho
Insist on Getting It.
Borne grocers pay they don't keep
Defiance Starch becnune they have a
stock In hand of 12 oz. brands, which
they know cannot be sold to a custo
mer who ban once uned thr 16 oz.
pkjj. Defiance Sturch for same money.
Finding IlawH in tho sermon 1b cos
ier than following It, any day.
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other. Defiance Cold Wn
tcr Stnrch hnB no equal In Quantity
or Qunllty 1C oz. for 10 cents. Other
brands contain only 12 02.
Almost a half million acres of tho fertile nnd
well-watcrsJ lands of the ltosolmd Indian Ilea
ervatlon, In South Dakota, will ho thrown open
to seUlementbytheaocmmcntln July. Theso
lauds aro beet reached by the Chicago ft North
Western Itallrrny's direct throiiRh lines from
Chicago to Bonestool, 8. I). All agents sell
ttckots via tide line. Special low rates.
Send for a copy of pamphlet giving full informs,
tlon as -odatco of opening and how to secure 160
acres of land at nominal cost, with full descrip
tion of tho soil, climate, timber and mineral
resources, towns, schools nnd churches, oppor
tunities for buMuess openings, railway rates,
etc., f reo ou application,
Tassengpr Irnnic Manager,
home 4ndlnlnff-room,eleeplnc-room and place where
niee are irouuie
om. clean, nrl
A9,A Wm 1 II I and w"l n aollor
JJiT23L5tall Injure anything-.
Try mem once ana
7011 lll never be
lireild fnr&Or.
lumn.n MjsuiR,
IIS D.H.Ib Itrau.
5t Clftar belter Quality than most lot Cfiare
Tour Jobber or direct from Factory. I'eorU. Jl
l uiiiiim 1 nubii 1 u lUDtnHHiT,
Our goods the beat. I'rtcei tha loveaL rromputin-
menta. DeilTery or an portrait Ruaramera eeoa
furraulofrue and aganti' prloe Hit. Addreit .
ADAK J. KHOLL ft 00., Mew Era Bids.. Ohloaf.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 261904
CUKIS WHIRF in ll&F FillK.
Beat Cough Syrup. Taates Oood.
m lime, noia tr aniimieta.
mF' ' sl'r-i' yjaitifSnTiln.itiM
CA . JtMur3Wlfyefi7'Vi3Wl
aejflSBeS etjeafifc-
as SaeiaHbvEfpTiW-zBi.KL4liia Wm'
Sa veaaaU W abM A ttfjSBmy aa eft M efissi flaViKBBwIr ear
L tjkJWs .MrL ijlJIm' ffiercftiMaS !.--sfll ae-sF K1
I I It. is the purest, cteanest starch made. I I
I I It is free of injurious chemicals. I m
II It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid I m
IS (o use starch of any kind. I
I I That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it I I
Vegetable Compound
A Woman's Remedy
For Woman's Ills.
A Largo Trial Box and book of In
structions absolutely Frco and Post
paid, enough to provo the valtto oE
Parti no U In potrdtr
form to dissolve lis
witter non-polMmoti
and farsuperlor to liquid
antiseptic containing;
alcohol which Irritates
Inilntncd aurtecca, and
ha ve no cleansing prop
erties. Tho contents
ol every box makes
more Antlieptk Rotu
tlon lotta longer
jrots further haa mora
uses In the family and
doetmoregood than any
nntl-ieptlc preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston phyjkferr,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, for Lcucorrhcca, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
Inlocaltroatmontot fomalo Ills PnxtlnnU
invnlunlilo. Usori as n Vaginal Wash vro
cliallcnco tho world to produce 1U equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in ctonnMhie
and healing power; it kills nil germs wlilcts
can so inflammation nnd iIlsclinrKco.
All lending (Irui-glfts keep I'axllno; prico.COo.
ft hoi j If yotimloeeiiot.eeml to us for It. fDon'C
takoasutiitituto thereisnotlilnnlikol'iatliio.
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