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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
'A A' 's. kvv "X- Ciias. E Ford, President A. S. Rked, R. NJ. Hampton, Vice Presidents. I First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Read, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. 4226 Also agents for Nebr. Central e-yNvs,. HiSi Tk a q vi n a liierKS Lumper HIDES HIDES HIDES BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP I .iK!!Hi3s6jir S W J- 1 i fcs m . ?W I Vk 1 A.1' lSJ' "-T 2t0- l7w Forest Lumber Company, J") iamonds, U Souvenirs . Repairing in all its Branches. A7. O. Barnes, Jeweler and' Optician. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... - Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully igt.. a select Compounded STOCK op Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. ,. F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Dray and Transfer Line. w them The only spring Phone 139. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hart foul 1'lro InsuraiiQe Company. North American of piilladclphin. I'lioenlx of Hlookljn, 'ew York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Fire Insurance Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., London ' Office Up-Stnlrs, rictchcr !Uock. Palace Livery Bain S. II. DESCH, Prop. one HI.OCK wkst or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NLW ziiin'Dkn . , amj courteous treatment to all has won for us the m'li.niNG. 'Phono' 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. S. K. WARRtcK. Cashier G. HaMfton, Ass't Cashier. For that small repairing" we have the fixings, Hoards for sidewalk laying",- fencing - and the like, can be' had from us at reasonable price. , - Try . ' - i n H cr vr v a. itt x o Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE GEO. A. HILLS FKOM TO HOUSE Nothing is moro interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of liulldlna Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 i M Watches, Gold Jewelry, . Hail orders promptly attended to. Alliance, Nebraska. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worn about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shit wherever desired. Charges reasonable, dray line in the city. 5. A. Miller. Liverpool, Loudon and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., Now York. Tamers' and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hoenlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. Contest Notice I S. taml I'lllio. AlllHlico, Nob., Mny "5, MM. A ulllctent contest iitllduvli liiwinc boon llUil In tlilmtlk'ol UcorK A. IVnilrli'li, con instant, Hh'itliiKt llotiicstmil entry No 3f7l, muili' September 27, IftW, for tlu ututtumst qimrtur stfUtmll, township north, rnnito 4t u-st. by Krnnk WMhlnjr ronicstt'c. In ulitiMi It Is nllcxHl that "mill Trunk m lilutt lias not tloni1 imy work or tnoili' ittiy liiiprnvriiieiiti on said lutiil an rex ul red by law anil Iihs ali.Mi ulutu'tl Mild IiuhI for over six month Just pnst .Hid tlmt snlil ullt'KQil ubM'iu-o from Hip Mild Unci wus not duo lo Ids cinployiiu'iil III tho nrm.nHvy or murine rorps of tho Untied Mntfs an prUalo Mildlur, olllcur t-eiumin or iiiiirliKMhirlns the war with ypnln or ilnrltitf anj other rr In wlilrli the United Suites my lte ciuhfpM, Mild parties nre horulij nott (K'tl u appear, and offer evhleiiee (olalitiiK said ulleyiillnn nt 10 'cliK'K A In. on AuuKsi ii, Inn, before the lioulsu'r imd Hecolwriu tin' I nlted States IJind Oflli-e In AlllntHM. Nebraska. Tliu said I'tniHwtant liuvlnp. In a propel af IWavlt. tiled mh 34, 1WI. ! forth fnctH which show 1 lint Hfti duo illllitcm't' iwriiml iwrrlcn of tlio not nt- t'jin not lit1 iiimiIp, l, hurelij or ilorwl mid (ilrtcteil that snt.'li nutlru Ik hIvwi Iw (fin and proper pnlitk'Mtinii. fjijliv s? winvKyii.rx. Uvfbrtor. Contest Notle. l. s. Imd Ollli'p. Alliance, Ni-b . May 35. IMI. A nulflclfiit ronU'xt Hllldnrlt lmlnit Iwun nam lllotl lit tills (ifHco l)S .lohii KliiM'lla. coatcslaiit. Hflwlnnt Ilninustuml untr) No. 3511 tnude JuiHi ft. IW0, for th"' oiilhvu'M (iiartfr m'l'Ikhi 11. tw Msmp 8s north, raiijH4lu-t I'V Urlfk II. o.!eii oonU-sii'o. In hIiii-Ii It is ul lined tlmt s.ild Krltk II t-i'lli'li IinMibiindiMiiHlKatdlioiiii' stiHid for morn tlmil six iimntnh lust pant and that ontil till t;"(l ribRCiu'fc from the said Iniul t.i- uoi it '.' lo Ins vniplo mi'tit In the army, v or marine corpi uf ilu- rnltis.1 Slatijsrts a prltatu soldier, oltlcer seiiinuu or niaitno ditniiK tlio war with Spain nr ihiilnit Htiy other war in nliti'h tho rutted States may 1h en K.iifsl, said ptrtlesHre hereby uotlflisl to itp pi ar, reniiotid and offer utidenee touchlnit said itilt'gattoii lit. Id o'oliH'k a, in. on Anxust 11 1WI, before the lh'Kbter ami l'reelver nt the Ihiitisl Mates I,:iml Oillco Hi Alliance. Nebta-fkit. 'I liesuiilcontosliuit lmvhiit, In a propnr af lldavlt, llled May 'i, 11U, set fortll fuets uhleh show tlmt afteriluodilllKctieo peional service of this liollee can not be made, It is hereby ordeied and rltrectrd that mh'Ii notice be ulven by due and propoi publleattoii Hi Mat "J7 ItitiTE U'it.i'ov. liegUter. Contest Notice U S. LamlUnicu, Allluiire. Neb., May 25. 1W4 A sullli'letit contest iitiidatlt hatltm deen filed In this oitioo by .lohn Kltisxlla, contcstaut, against lliiinesteti(leiill) No. 'Ml. nmile July ", linw, for the northeast quarter setlon 14, townshiti ln, rant;e4li ttest, liy.lumi'B ilottard. contestce, In tthieh It Is nlleed that mild James Howard hnsiib.iiiil(ine,lalil hr.tiiCDtead for moro than si months last pant and that said allegoU abhonce from the Mild land wax not due to Ids emplynient In the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private M)lillur, olheer. seaman or marine duilnu the ttnr ttlth (Spain or durinu any other war In which tlio United btatos may be encased, said parties are hereby notltlcd to njipear. respond and otfor et Idenco loiii'liliiK said allegation at lOn'ultH'k n. ui., on August 11, H)I, beforu the llPKlster and Kecelter nt the United States Laud Uttice l'i Alliance, Nebraska. That Maid contestant huvltitf, in n proper aHidatit, tiled May 4. 1Pi4. set forth facts tthich show that after dtiu dillnence perHOtial service of this notice Canniit be made, it in ordered and directed that tmch notice be kIvpii by due and proper puiiiicntion. fp May! Iliiucr. Wilcox H'(rU Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Ho llutto county, Nebraska. April 30, IW4 In the matter of the estate of Lawrence Hutler, deceaseil. To the cicdltors of said estate! You are hereby notllled, that 1 will sit at the County Court ltoom fu Alliance In said county, mi the "th daj of November, re celt o and examine nil claims against said estate, with n view to their adjustment and allowance. Tito time limited for the pres entation of clalmx iiKalnst said estate W six months, from the Wthday of Apt 11, A I). 1P0 1, and thotlmu llielleil for pamtnt of debtk Is one year from said 30th day of April, 1WI. Ittiess my hntid and the seal of said county court, tills 30th day of April, IP0I. I'p Mtiy0-4w. II. K. Spacht. County .Inline. Shcrlfr's Hulc. No. 1551 lly virtue of an order of salu issued by the clerk of th district court of ltox Jlutle coun ty. NpbrasUa, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of Mary V.. Heed plulntfiT, and against V. H. I. aunlnn trustee defendants, 1 will offer on the Ist day of June, A. U. lWt. ut 1 u'u ouk it. m. on said day. at the west front door of the court house in Alliance. In said county, sell th? following described real estate, o wit: t-outheast qtiaitcr ncctlan 14, township a), north rmiKo 4s, west sixth rlticlial merhltan. In Ilox Uutte county. Nebriska, at public auction to the hlitlu st bluuer for cash, to sat Is said oriler of pale. In t li sum of 55.17 and Interest, costs and nivr .vi costs sublect to ailun aid taxes. UtA KI.I.H. Shell sala Count Win. Mitchell. Attorney for. I'laln'l". UP Mav20 Shcrlfrs Sale. No. 1551. Ily virtue of an order of nale Issued bj- the clerk of the district court of ltox lliitteeouu tvNebraska, itiwii n decieo rendered by said couit In favor of .Mary II. Jteed plalntlir, and iiKitlust .W. II. I.annluK trustie et, :il, defendants. I will, on thciMstduvnf June A. D. l!Wi. at 10 o'clock u. m.on Htildday, nt the west front door of the court house In Alliance, In said county, snll the following doscrllied real estate, to-tvlt: Thesouthwestiiuiuter of section 5, In town shlpL7. north of rauo 4. west of the sixth principal meridian, In ltox llutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of salo In the sum of 3S.40 and interest, costs uuil iiccrulni; costs sublect to all unpaid taxes. IKA iti:i:i), Sheriff of said County. William Mitch km.. Attorney for I'lalntlff. fp May SO Sheriff Snlc. No. 1552. Uy vlrto of an order of lie Issued by the clerk of ttio district" court of IJox Hutto coun ty, Nnbruska, uon a decree rendered by said court in fatorof Mary E. Keed, nlalntllf, and against W. II. LuunlUK, Trustee et- nl, defendants, 1 will on the 21st day of June A. 1). lt04. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day. at the west front door or tlio court Poimolu Alli ance. In said county, sell the following de scribed real eetnte, to-wlt; The southwest .iiarter. section 10. In town ship -'s, north of raiiKo 47, west sixth principal meridian, In Ilox Hutto County. Nebraska, at public uuction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In th3 sum of $.'-'!) and interest, costs nod accruing costc subject to till unpaid taxes. lit A KEKU. SherllTof said county. WlLIJAM MITCIIKI.L. Attn-"- for lMulntitr. fp May SO Sheriffs Sale. 1550 11 r virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of Uox llutto county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of li. U. Shepherd, plaln tlir, mid against Thomas A. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, his wife, as defendants. 1 will, on tho Slst day of June. A. I). ltXU. nt 10 o'clock a. m. on said duy, at tlio west front door of the court house In Alliance, In said county, sell tho following described real ustate, to tvlt: Northwest quarter section 10, township jjt), north, range 4!', west, in Ilox llutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho highest Itlilfliiw fit midli tn' unll nwl nm 9 until In the gum of 51. :U and Interests, costs and accruing costs subject to nil unpaid taxes, IUA nUKI). Sheriff of said ttauuty. William Mitchell. Attorney for I'lalntllf fp May SO Order Tor Hearing Tor Settlement Of Account. STATE OI' NEWIASICA i kll UOX IIUTTK Ol'NTY, i ' Ala countv court, held at the count v court room, In and for ssild county, May 13, A. D..HOI. Present, I). K.FpncIit, ouuty Judge In the matter of estate of John Samuel Hughes, deceused. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Frances Hughes, praying that administration of saldestatu may bu grunted to her us ad ministratrix. Ordered, that Juno 4th, A. D. 1904. at nine o'clock u. in., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear ut a county couit to bo held In and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should nut bo granted; and that uoiico of the pending of said petition, and tlio hearing thereof, bo given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a .copy of this order In Tub weekly nowspa per print ed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. (A true copy) I). K.Spacht, lea!J 3H-fl-May 13 County Judge. HEMINGFORD. ikelth L. Pierce U fully authorliod to so Urlt subscriptions and Job work and collect und receipt for same, and (mustn't, nil other business in connection with his position ns " accredited representative of this pHjer.l Cliiis Hanson wits in town .Wotlnos day. I.ndtes' uU'irant vitrlnr bonnets nt WHdjV,. Mi9. Shottlor wont to AlHniiflo Vod nosdny. v . A. II. l'isrco In (Hunting liin liottso this ttook. . C.oo. Tnylor dipped enttlurtt Siililer's Tuosdny. If.vouWitntn tuv biilt so WMhly's sprinjr to!k. A)e Mulrlimtl cmae tin from Alli ance Monday. A fullnsflortinontof buggy and spring wagon tops nt H. 1. JohiiBon's. If j on wsint lo build wjo Wildy for lumber, posts., lath nud Hblnfflen. " Mrs. MuCnndlots uns in town Sun day to nttmul Momoiinl sorvicM. John Kuhn iK chief cnrpcnlor in the construction of C. J. Wildy'snew bum. Hi neat Olilng tvout tlnough on 4ft Thursday evening on his way lo Alli ance. Work hag commenced on n now dopot bote; tpiilo a gang of moil being at wotk. 1 W. II. Corbtn and C. II. Connotl wcie Alliance visitors to Ilciuingford Monday. Kail Fosstroin was quite seriously injuicd by being kicked by a horse last Monday. Win. Evans was in from Lawn pie cinct to attend Memorial c.tccrcises Monday. Miss Combs came up from Alliance Monday and is visiting her sister Mrs. E. G. Kolnnd. Ira E. Tash and family drove up from Alliance Monday to spend Memorial day with friends. Miss Mabel Phillips and Miss Marion Lotspcich of Alliance were the guests of Mrs. II. E. Sherwood this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmannud Miss Edith Swan came up from Alliance Sunday and tteie entertained by Mrs. C. T, Davison. If you arc in need of nny kind of fur niture or any kind of, undertaking goods, remember Wildy's double store Mippllcs them better and cheaper than elsewhere. J. C. McCorkloand wife accompanied by Miss Inicc and Norman spent Sun day and Monday here visiting fiiends and attending the Memorial services. If you want peace with the good house-wife, buy a sack of Victor; If you want everybody huppy nsk Wildy for a sa,ck of Hold Medal of Minneapolis fume. At a special meeting held by the citi zens of Hemingford it was decided to celebrate the Fourth. A good sum of money has been contributed and a big time is expected. A very fine missionary dinner was served at tho home pf Mrs, Sherwood Monday at which about ninety persons dined netting the ladies a very nice sum for their treasury. Eugene Kendrick's little baby which has been in the cure ot Mrs. Win. Fosket for some weeks was taken out to the ranch Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. Fosket. Mrs. Kendrick has re turned from Hot Springs considerably benefited. Several fine looking young couples were in from the Canton neighborhood Monday. The reporter did not learn quite all their names so refrains from publishing the list. So many couples will no doubt lead to ' icsults" as the matrimonial papers say. Dr. F. O. Reynolds, representing the Dr. Allamn Hospital Co., of Atcbinson, Kansas, and a couple of medical stu dents were here soliciting business the first of the week. They contracted to treat quite a number of people. Mr. Reynolds stated that he was consider ing locating at Marsland and-practicing medicine there and that if le did so he would put in a drug stock. He was accompanied by his wife and little boy. Being at a small expense, I can write your fire, lightning, wind and hail in surance cheaper than any traveling agents who have to keep a team and pay hotel bills etc. If you want in surance I can give you a better rate than any body on the same class a'rticle. I want a chance on all this business in the country ttibutary to Hemingford and I propose to make it an induce ment, for you to patronize me. I also writcMife, accident, health and plate glass insurance. K. L. Pierce. Decoration Day was appropriately observed here this year. The program consisted of songs, solos and speeches. The decorations were splendid and each old soldier was provided with a badge and boquet by Mrs. D. Millett. Carrie Riislmell sang a beautiful selection and did nicely, it being more that ordinarily difficult piece. Susie Davison also sang. Susie has a very sweet voice, of unusual quality and tone, and the old soldiers and all are always pleased to listen to her. Mr. Barry and Mr. Bur leigh each spoke for a few minutes and their remarks were greeted with hearty applause. Ira E. Tash the principal speaker tfas somewhat belated but ar rived in time to make a sympathetic and appropriate address. The old soldiers always recopnize in Mr. Tash a staunch friend and 'consequently listened to him with pleasure. After noon services in the cemetery completed the program. An unusually large crowd were present all day. Ranch for Lease. Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land, four miles east of Briogeport. For par ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or John Hagerty, Bridgeport. The Ferris Wheel stacker is on exhibi tion at the Forest Lumber company yards. Manufactured by John Hague, Alliance, Nebraska. (( In The Good Old People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best'seldcted stock in the west, Prompt attention and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdv always gqt at t GRAHAM'S' GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building vvvvv F. J. Brennan & Co, DEALERS IN Drags, P i ! X and 1 01 let Paints, Oils and Wall Paper T?TcacuWowa CavcvAVvi Gomowcrlcr. FIRST DANK NATIONAL LOCK. I ..j..k-:- 0; fLSJLSLA8AMJUSAAAAAi5At 1 HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! S LAWN HOWERS. GASOLINE 5J STOVES and REFRIGERATORS 3 Good Line to Select From Prices Right We can attend to your Plumbing wants promptly and satisfactorily. Yours for your money's worth. 1 Ache son rercYSTirrfvnvvsTTOffircraT Fhe placing of a few dollars monthly in the . I ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank will soon enable you to buv a comfortable home. 1 M. Knioiit, President .... J W. It. noiuilN, V. Proficient - , It O. II, CoNNKTT.Oushlor. et)t0fl)X - ' MARSLAND. Mrs. Chccvcr has been on the tick list the past week. Carl Zolliman has gone to Sheridan 011 a pleasure trip. C. H. Kichoy has been cjriving a few days for Stock Solicitor Crone. QMiss Anna Niece has gone to Alliance to remain until after normal and insti tute. I'. L. Wilson is traveling for an Omaha firm, selling grocery supplies to ranchmen. Miss Eva Hlanchard, of Chadron, finished a term of school in Dist. 61, last week, and has gone home. Mr. Hirchu of Lusk has moved his family to the ranch he has recently purchased of Snow and Moreen. Misses Helen and Mabel Phillips and Miss Lotspcich, of Alliance, are visitors at N. S. Poole's this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harner have a new baby girl at their house, and C. G. Hallibaugh's are rejoicing over a son who arrived a few days ago. ' Postmaster Snow and S. E. Uyers are among those who contributed work in thePrcsbyterian potato patch, and they will no doubt receive credit in the J. Sullinberger went to Chadron Tuesday to take in the assessor's books for Leonard and Evergreen precincts. He was accompanied by his son Day ton. Will Shultz, of Morril, came up after his cattle,' which bad been win tered in this vicinity. Ho reports everything prosperous in the Platte valley. Mrs. C.'II. Iiion and children and Miss Laura Lane, sister os Mrs. Iron, were visiting their friends in this place over Sunday. Ranch work is prosper ous with them this year, increase being large. Quite a number visited the cemetery on Decoration day to fix up and place flowers on the graves of their loved ones, and to look after the graves of those whose relativos have gone from the community. Rev. Shriver has instituted a plan through which he hopes to paint and repair the Presbyterian church this fall. E. A. Mcogy donated the use of five acres ot land, and old and young, saint and sinner, have been planting it to I spuds this week. Every one seems Summer Time" .:..;..:..:..j..:...:...:...H.:..xft.;.,j.:H:.;:.--j5.:. I i errumes; 1 vu -;' V Alliance, Nebraska. AAASAJMAAAStAJLtAJL & Joder - M - a0)00eus999 interested in that potato patch and hopes for a big yield. Dayton Sullcnberger of the first spelling clabs und Linn Snow, of the second took tin ptuus fo: head marks gamed during ties n"i ! fnr. "The fin nut reci'i,f.i 'i w... ..i.MTiption tu ilii; Voutlin t.oiii, i.uik .. itu 1. iter a b m.. . l'lu- lJr.i,.i.iuc Cms '! Mt :heir 1'iUf.t. 1:1. nriit feiveit .''.:! . May nt-xl Sni ntluy t-tmii.. t,:i it 1- iiopcd the uuiiihfi ii b.-iiMr .!. u and tno iitt-nJani'c m :! r m'-i m .1 the ,ii 1 ' s' I' I . . Ill M'-l nisi cuii'l!. iii.'ki r w,i si !i. Mimj AdUiu 1 1. it 1 -inoiit'i s term of tcb.. . mi 1'iiday last and 1.. 3 1 a nine .s place 1 Sioux teaches of Miss county to visit her bister in Lusk. It was the iutrt ,., . Harris Miss Hlanchard and Aims Lucile Wilson, to have a picnic tor their pupils on Friday but the rain prevented. ArticI fk ji-fT Jh 11 yv VV Ijiljl i.Ijll Sim Xlrf rtt S UlUILriil I ilOiiKs For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing call, ox 1. D.JMICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Mad.sen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. ATTOUNBYB. WlLLIAfl M1TCHELI ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. - NEBRASKA. Omen Piionk lfcO. KusiDf.Nct: Phone 303. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooriif 1, 2 und 3, First National buuk build lug, Alllunce, Nob. Notary lnotllce. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office In I'irst National Bank block. AUI anco Nebraska. i