The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 03, 1904, Image 3

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A prominent club woman.
Mrs. Danforth, of St. Joseph,
Mich., tells how she was cured
of falling of the womb and its
accompanying pains and misery
byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
" Deau Mns. Piseiiau: Llfo looks
dark indeed when n woman fools that
her strength is fading away and sho has
uo hopes of ever being restored. Such
was my feeling a few months ago when
I was advised that my poor health was
caused by prolapsus or falling' of tlio
womb. The words sounded like a
knell to me, I felt that my sun had set ;
but Lydia E. Plnkham's "Vege
table Compound came to mo as an
elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces
and built mo up until my good health
returned to me. For four mouths I
took the medicine daily, and each doso
added health and strength. I am so
thankful for thehelp I obtained through
its use." Mna. Florence Danfobth,
1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich.
$5000 forfeit If otlalnal of aiouo letter proving
genuineness cannot be produced.
"Women would save timo and
much, sickness if they would
write to Mrs. Pinkliam for advice
ns soon as any distressing symp
toms appear. It is free, ana has
put thousands of women on the
r&lit road to recovery.
--- -
The Sanative, Antiseptic,
Cleansing, Purifying,
, and Beautifying
, Properties of
Assisted by CUTlCURft
Ointment, the great
Skin Cure, are of
For preserving:, purifying', and
beautifying: the skin, for cleansing:
the scalp of crusts, scales, and
dandruff, and the stopping: of fall
ing hair, for softening, whitening",
and soothing red, rough, and sore
hands, for baby rashes and cha
fings, in the form of baths for annoying-
irritations, ulcerations, and
inflammations of women, and
many sanative, antiseptic pur
poses which readily suggest them
selves, as well as for all purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nursery,
CURA Ointment are priceless.
Sold throorhaut tht world. Cuttcurs 8otp. -CHnU
Bi.aL 40c.. HMol.rot, We. (In form .1 Chocoltt. Court
MmTe. p.r ll of Wt. Depotll !o.doii. Ch.rllt
koi a. I Psrlt. t Ku. d U rlj i Hollo., 137 Columbus
Ave. 1'oBtf Druf Cbem. Corp., Sol. Proprietors.
aW Snd lor " Low to Preserve, Purify, and IlesuUtr "
No woman over sixteen ought to
try to "movq" her relatives by tears.
AeU Yonr Dealer For Allen's Foot-Caao,
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching
SweatingFeetandlngrowingNails. Allen's
Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. Ac
cept no substitute. Sample mailed Fkek.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Our victories depend on how wo
tako our defeats.
Air. "tTlnelnw'a noothlnsr Syrup.
For children teething, softens the sums, reduces to
flmmsU0Q,elUjspln, cures wind coliu. 2Jce bottle.
Tho curso cannot get beyond Calvary.
Tlio quoon of IJngland liaa a Tavor
lto teapot of which she Is very fond
and which Is In frequent uso nt Sand
rlnghnm. It Is In tho shnno of n bar
rel of wine, with n s:out old Dutch
man sitting astride. Ills cap serves
for n lid, and a gold tap lets out tho
Defiance Starch
fhould bs In every household, none no
Kootl, besides 4 ox, more for 10 ccntii than
any other brnnd of cold water stnrch.
A money spendthrift Is a moral suicide.
riso's Curo for Consumption is an Infalltbla
rncdlclno for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuki
Ocean aroro, N. J., Feb. IT, 100GL
Giving happiness is tho only sccrot
of getting It.
All Up to Date Housekeepers
use Dellance Cold Water Stnrch, bocauso
It Is better, and 4 oz. more of It for same
It Is tho opportunity wo mnko that
makes us.
The Best Results In Starching
can be obtained only by using Detlanco
Stnrch, besides KettlriK oz rnoro for
sumo money no cooking required.
Hotter a deluded enthusiasm than a
dead heart.
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance iind get the best. 1R or. for
10 cents. Onco used, nlwnys used.
Homo-made yokes nro always heav
iest. IVIgrjIc-StlcIt i.AUxnRY nun:
Won't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents nntl equals 20 cents worth of
any other blnlnp. If your grocer does not
keep it send 10c for samtilo to Tlio Laundry
Blue Co., 14 Michigan Street, Chicago.
Some families keep a servant girl
and several of her relations.
Lewfe' "Single Binder-" straight 6o
cigar. Made by hand of ripe, thoroughly
cured tobacco, which Insures a rich, satis
fying smoke. You pay 10c for cigars not
so good. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Nothing spoils the life like living
for tho spoils.
Our Big 50-Cent Catalogue Is Now
For years tho price of our big Gen
eral Merchandise Catalogue has been
BO cents, but wo have reduced our
celling prices on all kinds of goods so
far below all other houses as to in
sure almost every cataloguo bringing
orders and making new customers,
and by the Introduction of now paper
making machinery, new automatic
rotary printing, folding, binding and
covering machinery we have so re
duced the cost of making this big
book that wo will now send it by mall,
post paid, free to any address on ap
plication. Tho big book, which heretofore was
sold at 50 cents each, and which is
now free for the asking, Is 8xll
Inches in size, contains thousands of
Illustrations, descriptions and prices,
Is thoroughly complete in nearly every
kind of merchandise, including dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, fur
nishing goods, notions, millinery, .car
pets, upholstering, hardware, tools,
electrical good?, guns, sporting goods,
sewing machines, musical instru
ments, organs, pianos, furniture, baby
carriages, crockery, cutlery, stoves,
drugs, photographic goods, optical
goods, talking machines, moving pic
ture apparatus, buggies, harness, sad
dles, saddlery, watches, Jewelry, sil
verware, clocks, safes, refrigerators,
tinware, everything used in tho home,
in the shop, in the factory and on tho
farm, and all priced at prices much
lower than were ever offered by any
pther house.
" If you have one of our big cata
logues or have over seen one you
know what It Is, tho most complete,
most up to date and lowest-priced cat
alogue over published. If you haven't
our big catalogue don't fail to send
for one at once. If you have the big
book please tell your friends and
neighbors that the book is now free
and they can get one for the asking.
Simply on a postal card or in a letter
say, "Send mo your Big Catalogue,"
and the big new book, our regular 60
cent catalogue, will go to you by re
turn mail, postpaid, free with our com
pliments. Please don't forget to tell
your neighbor who hasn't tho big book
that the big BO-cent book Is now free
to anyone for tho asking. Address
How we all dislike tho child that
has its own way, and is Impudent!
All of us need a great deal of train
ing. free to Twenty-five Ladies.
Tho Defiance Starch Co. will give
25 ladles a round trip ticket to the
St. Louis Exposition, to five ladies
In each of tho following states: Illi
nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri wh will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent, lG-ounce package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home, any
where in tho above named states.
Theso trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September
1st, 1004. October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition. Remember that Defiance
is the only starch put up 1G oz. (a
full pound) to the package. You get
one-third moro starch for the eamo
money than of any other kind, and
Defiance never sticks to tho iron.
The tickets to the Exposition will bo
sent by registered mall September
Bt.i. Starch for sale by all dealers.
Wo have noticed that when women
go to a world'B fair they have more
boasting to do about how little it
cost them than about what they saw
whle there.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA,
a safe and turo remedy for Infants and children,
and tee tnat it
Bears the
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
The Kind Yon IXaye Always Bought,
Dcnkelman Workman Drowned In
Eight Feet of Wnter.
BENKELMAN J. O. Jeppson,
while doing some repair work nt tho
top of u cistern which ho hnd built
for C. C. Barr n few months previous,
lost his life. Ho had tied n board on
tho end of a lariat rope, which ho
hung to tho cistern Just below tho
platform and upon which ho was work
ing, when tho rope gave way, letting
him fall In about eight feet of water.
As ho was working alone, no one
knows just when the nccldent hap
pened, but as his watch Btopped at
$8:45, that is supposed to bo tho tlmo.
He was first missed when Mr. Bnrr'n
little girl wont out to seo him work,
nnd not finding him there Informed
her mother of his nbsence. Mrs. Barr
wont to tho cistern and noticing tho
rope hanging, looked In and saw Mr.
Jeppson's pencil floating upon tho
water. Sho notified a couple of tho
neighbors nt once, who, upon Investi
gation, found tho body nt tho bottom
of the cistern and succeeded In re
covering it. It was 0:10 when tho
body was brought out and llfo was'
Mr. Jeppson wns a mason by trade,
a hard-working man and although In
close circumstances wns cheerful nnd
highly enthused over the prospect for
plenty of work at good wages for tho
The Mystery Cleared Up.
FREMONT Tho mystery surround
ing tho disappearance of Mrs. Mary
LyonB and children who left Fuller
ton on April 15 for Walla Walla,
Wash., and wore lost to the husband
nnd other relatives niter coming as
far as Fremont has been Bolved. A
letter Just rccolved by Sheriff Bau
man from Mr. LyonB conveys tho In
formation that tho missing ones are
in South Dakota, and that they wont
thero direct from Fremont. It is pre
sumed that tho woman wants to es
tablish resldenco In the northern
state and there, procure a dlvorco.
Lyons says ho got his Information
from an attorney who Is In tho em
ploy of Mrs. Ogdcn, the woman was
with tho others when Uiey left Ful
lerton. Mrs. Ogdcn Is now In Wash
ington state.
Deputy Warden In Trouble.
LINCOLN A deputy game warden,
James Reed, has been nrrested at
Pender, Neb., charged with using Im
proper language before a party, tho
members of which were: William
Cordes, W. Moyer, Ben Bucklop and
Mrs. Bucklop. Reed found a selno In
a lake near Pender, and nrrested
John Potershogen. II. Grosswodo and
Richard Blntgcn, who were fishing
near the seine. Tho men paid a fine
of ?81 nnd costs, and now charge Reed
with highway robbery, alleging that
ho compelled them to glvo him $15 as
surety for their appearance at the
Arrested as a Suspect.
KEARNEY A man has been ar
rested at tho stock yards In Shclton
nnd Identified by Charles Carpenter
as tho ono who went through his pock
ets and took his monoy whilo another
man covered him with a revolver early
Sunday morning. Tho man was
brought here today by Sheriff Sam
mons, and will be given a hearing to
morrow. He protests his innocenco
and says he will be able to prove an
Condemns the Vinegar.
LINCOLN Six barrels of vinegar,
alleged to havo been colored, has been
condemned by Food Commissioner
Thompson. It was shipped from St.
Louis to Theodore Schruender of Ne
braska City.
Crops Doing Fine.
SIDNEY Choyenne county receiv
ed another fine rain last week. Tho
ground was already in good condition
from former rains and the rough soak
ing received last night will put tho
grass In excellent condition for weeks
to come. The grass and crop outlook
Is very fine.
Drowned at Alma.
ALMA Stanley Farr. oldest son of
William Farr, was drowned while
swimming In tho Pralrlo Dog creek. A
companion endeavored to rescue him,
but failed.
Pays Clerk's Shortage.
LINCOLN J. M. Gilbert, export ac
countant employed to examine the
books in the office of the county treas- j
urer, has tiled his report which shows
that Edgar Waugh, a former clerk In
the cfllce, is a defaulter to tho amount
of $4,371.85. As soon as the report
was filed William McLaughlin, treas
urer at the timo of tho defalcation, nt
once gave to the county commission
era his check for tho amount of tho
Hastings Has Building Boom.
HASTINGS Hastings Is having
the most substantial growth in tho
history of tho city. New residences
and buildings are going up all ovor i
tho city, and, In addition, there aro at
number of public buildings nearlngi
completion. .
Cut Off an Arm. I
HEBRON Whilo helping to start a
now steam thresher, Archy Maxon ac
cldently caught his arm between a '
bolt and a cog wheal cutting the arm t
completely oft above the elbow, 1
Tlio Fraternal Llfo association or
ganized n lodge nt Falls City Friday
night wtlh about sovonty-llvo mem
berB. A. C. Albright, past supremo
senior nnd ono of tho founders of tho
order, wns present nnd presided.
F. A. Redfleld, nu old gentleman
who has lived in Crnb Orchard for
years, has been brought before tho
board of insnno commissioners of tho
county, ndjudged Insane nnd taken to
tho Lincoln asylum for treatment.
Upon tho chargo of vagrnncy, Mrs.
Katherlno Reed has been nrrested at
Fort Crook, taken before Judge Sloano
and given a flue of $5 nnd costs. Uu
ablo to ralso tho amount, Mrs. Recti
was taken to Omaha, whero sho will
pay l'cr flno out In tho Douglas county
Chadron Is having a lnrgo and
healthy growth thlB spring. More
now residences than for many yearsj
and of tho bettor class, with modern
improvements are bolng built, whllt
tho whole city, under tho ncttvo ad
ministration of Mayor Allen G. Fish'
er, is donning Its spring nppnrel and
bld3 fair to becomo the city bonutlfu
of northwest Nebraska.
Eight students In science at th
state university havo been elected U
tho society of Sigma XI. They are:
L. W. Chaac, J. B. Dnvlson, Alvli)
Koyser, R. E. Noyes, W. D. Plerrce
F. J. Prlchanl, E. L. Thomas and Mnr
tin War. Tho society Jis .devoted
to scientific Inquiry nnd its member
nro chosen for distinction In Bomt
such branch In university work.
Heart-broken nnd ill nt her home
in Beatrice because of tho shock at
tending the sulcldo of her son, Wil
liam D. Sisson, which occurred In Lin
coln, Mrs. Mnry D. Sisson, a widow,
attempted suicide with a revolver
which sho had In her room. She
was frustrated In carrying out her
designs by soveral friends, who wore
with her at the tlmo sho secured the
The "best kept lawn," originated
by one of tho real estate dealers of
Falls City, Is fast growing In favor.
Tho contest begins Juno 1 and
closes September 1. Tho number ol
prizes havo not yet boon docldcd on,
but It Is given, out that tho first prize
will bo cash and will bo sufficient tc
pay nil expenses to the St. Louis fair
All owners nnd renters of property
up to tho value of $3,000 can enter.
A North Platto "dispatch says:
With tho warm days of spring are
coming quite a multitude of grass
hoppers, though tho opinion is ox
pressed by farmers that they will not
bo numerous ns Ihoy boy.been for
tho last threo or four years. They
claim tho climatic conditions have
not been favorablo to tho hatching of
theso posts, though tho reasoning by
which they arrivo at this conclusion le
not known.
Charles Carpenter, a section hand
and son of F. M. Carpenter, a section
foreman, was making tho regulni
morning trip over tho track about o
mile west of Shelton, when ho wni
stopped by four tramps and asked fo:
some matches, which ho felt In his
pocket for, when ono of tho men pro
duced a good-sized revolver and point
ed It at him and told his to glvo up
his money, which ho rcluctnntly did,
$1.40 being all tho cash he had.
Whether the gamo law Is entitled
to tho credit or whethor tho diligence
and productiveness of tho fowl them
selves aro responsible certain It Is
that thero aro thousands and tens of
thousands of pralrlo chickens nest
ing In tho sand hills this season, says
a North Platto dispatch. They aro as
thick as bees on a white clover patch
and if this year's hatching is abun
dant tho farmers will bo asking to
havo tho law repealed or modified tc
protect their crops from being do
Mrs. C. A. Lyons, tho Fulleiton wo
man who inystorIoii8ly disappeared
from her homo under circumstances
which were rather suspicious and who
was last seen In F-emont, has been
located In South Dakota. She left
her home a few weeks ago, ostensibly
to go to Walla Walla, Wash. As she
did not go thero her husband became
anxious about her and after tracing
her to Fremont lost track of her on
tlroly. Sho claims to have gone tc
South Dakota for tho purposa of tak
Ing up soma government land.
Mrs. Georgo Smith nas through
tho finding of tho Omaha district
court of Sarpy county regained pos
session of her two daughters, Grace
and Clara Oliver. Some four years
ago Mrs. Smith obtained a divorce
from her husband, T. T. Oliver, and
received tho two children, but her
former husband, questioning the le
gality of tho divorce, made an ap
pearance thero nbout two years ago
and secured tho children. Proceed
ing were commenced In court with
the result that Mrs. Smith has at
last won out and tho children are
Potor Llacls, a Greek railroad labor
er, was shot near Lodge Polo by F. D.
Curan, a Union Pacific brakeman. Ho
was one of a party who was trying to
stoal a ride on tho train.
Friends In Humboldt havo received
word of the recent death of Captain
Robert Clark Larabertson, for thirteen
years a rcsldont of that place, and
cashier of tho Fanners' and Mer,
chants' bank of that city, which oc
curred at Carlisle, Pa. Tho captajn
was well known In Humboldt, but
left for the east nearly twenty years
Recommends Pe-ru-na
For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble.
Ex-Senator M. C. Butler.
If you do not derlvo prompt nnd satis
factory results from tho uso of Pcruna,
writo nt onco to Dr. Ilartmnu, plvliifr a
full btntement of your case, anil ho will
bo pleased to glvo you his valuable ntl
vlco grntis.
Address Dr. Tlurtman, President of
Tho llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men:
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes.
See that our name is on the shoes you buy.
Uniricaec checked (o World'
Kttlr Krounda.
Stopovern allowed. All Airents can
route you via tlio WAIIA81I. Kor iieiiu
tlfttl World'B Fair folder and all infor
mation addrcHH
Gen. Ant. I'ubh. Dcpt.. Omalia, Nob.
They are settled and settling on the Grain end
Gratloz Lands, and are prosperous and satisfied.
Sir Wilfred Laurler recently said; "A new star
baa risen on the boriton, and it Is toward it that
every Immigrant who leaves the land of his ances
tors to come and seek a home for himself now
turns bis gaze" Canada. There is
1 Room for Millions.
I'ltEi: Homesteads Riven avrar. Schools,
Cliureuce, Kallwujs, Markets. CUtuuto,
everything to be desired.
For a descriptive Atlas and other Information,
apply to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa, Can
ada, or authorized Canadian Government Atent
W. V. llennett. 801 New York Llfo Uuildlnr.
Omaha, Neb.
Deal Direct with
and Save Hone v.
Our goods the best. Trices the lowest. I'rouipublp
menu. Deltrery of all portraits guaranteed beud
fur catalogue and ageats'piire list. Aildrei.
ADAH i. KKOU. ft CO., Hsw lira Side., Chicago,
"oS'Si. Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U Omaha.
No. 231904.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Catarrh of tho Stomach is Gcnoralty
Called Dyspopsla Something to
Produce Artificial Digestion
is Generally Taken.
Hence. Pepsin, Pancreatln and a Host
of Other Digestive Remedies
Has Been Invented.
Theso Remedies Do Not Reach tho
Seat of tho Dilficully, Which
is Really Catarrh.
EX. U. fl. Senator M. C. Ttutlcr from
South Carolina, wns Senator from
that State for two terms. Jn a
recent letter to Tho Pcruna Mcdiclno
Co., from Washington, I). C, snyB:
' can recommend Pcruna for dys
pepala nnd stomach trouble. I have
been using your medicine tor n short
period nnd I feet very much relieved.
It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine be
sides a good tonic "- At. C. Butler.
Tho only rntlonnl way to curo dys
pepsia Is to remove the catarrh. Pcruna
vim'H catarrh. Poruna docs not produco
nrtlilelnl digestion. It cureH catarrh
nnd loaves tliUHtomnch to perform diges
tion in a natural way. This Is vnstly
better unil safer than resorting to arti
ficial methods or narcotics.
Pcruna has cured mure cases of dys-
fiepsla than till other remedies com
lined, nlmply becauRo It cures catarrh
wherever located. If catarrh Is located
In tho head, Poruna cures it. If catarrh
has fastened ithelf In tho throat or
bronchial tubes, Pcrnna cures It. When
catarrh becomes settled in tho stomach,
Pcruna euros it, ns well In this locntion
as in any other.
Pcruna Is not simply a remedy for
dyspepsia. Pcruna is a catarrh remedy.
Pcruna cures dyspepsia because it is
generally dependent upon catarrh.
& CO.
Manufactured la
THE ONLY PAINTS mndo o!1jr for tlili
Wettern climate. Tbcy mind It Ilka the
rnllo thai won't come oft thoy ttar.knd
leauuir jour nomo wnue lacjr prcioci u irom
the wether. Write uifnruame of nearUMrent.
Bud gel ipeclnl color ilcilttn wlt'jout cott.
Lincoln, Nebr.
PILE CONE CO., Crete, Neb.
Put your fin
ger on'our
trade mark. Tell your
dealer you want the best
starch your money can buy.
Insist on having the best,
It Is 16 ounces for 10 cents.
No premiums, but one
pound, of the very best
starch made. We put all
our money In the starch.
It needs no cooking.
It Is absolutely pure.
It gives satisfaction or
money back.
Lutrori Htnui Ctttoi TfflrJ Crilir.
We absolutely guarantee It to
cure and prevent Galls or bora
8nouldcrs. Nostopplng the plow,
fur It does Its work wblle tbe
animal dues bis. Collar and pad
combined. Economical and
cheap. Lasts two to fl I o seasona.
If your dealer doesn't bandlo
inein send us ll.'iS and get odd
prepaid to your station. TV. -lte fur
circular and memorandum book.
Tfc . HIV. Co., WstwlM, !.
Lawn Fence
Iron or wire, many atylen,
forrealdcnct'.churcli school,
cemetery! poultry and bog
fence; firm gates. Send for
CtunirloQ Iron aad Wirt Work)
ltd LUHS WhUif All (ISF flllS.
H Best Cougb. Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
In lima, riold br dnimrlsts. I