The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 03, 1904, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
' j
The Spring Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying1.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
2 In Alliance 16-30 of every month. 2
Office over The Famous
'Phone 391. s
Buffets, China Closets
Sideboards, Bookcases
Extension Tables
Being closed out at cost at
B. F. Lockwood Co.
Everything from kitchen to parlor,
going at cost prices. Lockwood's
A beautiful set of Blue dishes, gold
lined. Former price $20.00 now selling
at Si 2. 50 Lockwood's.
Lockwood's are selling out every
thing at cost.
B. F. Lockwood Co's.
At the next regular meeting of the Roy
al Highlanders will occur the semi-election
of officers. There will also be two new
rnembers admitted, after which the ladies
will serve refreshments. Let all the mem
bers turn out for a good time.
Clearing Sale.
Emporium Millinery store everything
must go regardless of price. Sale begin
ning Monday June 6th, lasting until stock
is reduced. $20 pattern hats for S15 S12
pattern hats for $7, Sio for $6. Children's
hats from 50c up. Nice dress hats for
ladies from Si. 25 to S3. Come early
before the stock is picked over.
Miss Mangan.
Dr. Cook, eye and . ear specialist of
Lincoln, will be at Dr. Bellwood's office
June 11.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Dr. Koons, dentist,
Norton block.
Office upstairs
For Sale About forty head horses some
of which are splendid drivers. Simon
For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull.
Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Harold 13. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Zehrang will do all kinds of sewing
and guarantees satisfaction. Located first
door west of Lockwoods.'
The NeW Homestead Law
provides: (a) That the homestead rights
shall embrace 640 acres of land; (b) that
those who had taken a homestead may
take another to complete said area; (c)
that those now holding and residing upon a
homestead have first right to their share of
vacant land joining.
We are prepared to assist in finding de
sirable locations and, also to furnish re
liable information as to how to secure the
land you want. See J. P. Hazard, surveyor
and land attorney. Office on second floor
of court house. 21-tf.
Ferris Wheel stackers can't be beat. See
them before buying elsewhere.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Strayed Or .Stolen.
Monday night, May 30th, one buckskin
horse, weight about 1050. branded T5
connected; one bright bay, white hind feet
no brand. Liberal reward for information.
Address G. L. Miller, Alliance, Neb,
For Sale Cheap Refrigerator, good as
new. Phone 388.
For storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co -.
Drink Coors Golden Deer for nourish
ment and health. Wra. King, agent,
For Sale My horse, good single or
double driver or saddler. Also runabout
and harness. Mrs. G. L. Fernald, 603
Laramie ave.
Northwestern Stockgrowers' Association Holds Its
Annual Meeting in This City.
Many Visitors from Abroad in Attendance, and Alliance
Bids Hearty Welcome to All.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Stock Growers' association convened
in this city yesterday afternoon. The
attendance was excellent. A special
car of stock men arrived ft 0111 South
Omaha on 41. This delegation num
bered thirty-eight. They wore badges
and other insignas of the occasion in
dicating where they were bound lor and
the occasion of their trip to Alliance.
They were met at the depot by the
local committee and brass hand, and
escorted up town, where they were en
tertained and made to feel at home.
The South Omaha contingent was ac
companied by the Mendelssohn Male
Quartette, which added to the pleasure
of the trip with excellent music. In
fact it can be said that this is one of the
finest vocal quartets that ever appeared
in this city. The badges worn by the
South Omaha contingent were of red
with letters in gold bronze, which read
as follows: "Ve Believe in Alliance
Burlington Route South Omaha
Let Us Pull Together." Besides the
special car from South Omaha, the
train brought in visiting cattlemen f rotp
all along the line and as if by magic
,the population of Alliance increased
marvclously. It was a grand sight to
witness the great crowd as it marched
from the depot to the principal part of
town. The only thing to interfere with
the demonstration was the down pour
of rain. But the very fact that the
flood gates of heaven were let open was
the occasion of rejoicing and the peo
ple onlv praised the good Lord the
more. One cow puncher from the sand
hills, in his desire to show his apprecia
tion and being at a loss as just how to
express himself for the good the rain
was doing, threw his hat in the air
and shouted, "Hurrah for God."
The committee on arrangements had
left nothing undone and the program
'.vps carried practically as first arranged.
The meeting was called to order yes.
terday afternoon at the opera house,
by R. M. Hampton, who afterward ad
dressed the large audience at consider
able length of time in 'a well prepared
and equally well presented speech. We
feel that Mr. Hampton's address is
worth publishing in full and Tun Her
ald has arranged to do this next week,
when it will be able to give the matter
the time and space it deserves.
Capt. W. R. Akers gave the address
of welcome and in his usual happy
mood entertained his hearers with top
ics of interests and the good to be de
rived from this association. He also
referred to the laud conditions of west
ern Nebraska and incidentally put in a
good word for the Kinkaid hill, which
he thought was a good thing-for himself
at least. The captain's wit was appre
ciated for the receiver at the land office
was applauded vociferously.
S. P. Delatour of Lewellyn respond
ed to the address of welcome and
thanked all for the kindness shown to
the visitors and the generous disposi
tion exercised to make the meeting one
long to he remembered. Mr. Delatour
is a man of wide experience and deep
thought and his icsponse was worthy
of , thorough consideration. In the
course of his talk the speaker dealt!)
with facts that concerned every cattle
man and land owner in this section. He
spoke at length on the iniquitious prac
tice of the railway companies of this
section in increasing rates of shipment
which was nothing short of a robbery
from the cattle shippers of Nebraska
and at the same time reduced the ship
ping services of the roads to a condi
tion that has never been equaled.
Everything was being done by those
corporations to block the progress of
the one enterprise that made this terri
tory of any value to the railroads. Mr.
Delatour also paid his respects to the
new land bill affecting this district
the Kinkaid measure. He did not look
with favor on this new order of things
and was of the opinion that it would
prove a detriment instead of a blessing.
In fact, it was nothing but a political
ruse, that should have been consigned
to a premature grave. At first it was
looked upon as a huge joke, hut unfor
tunately the joke had gone too tar. The
Kindaid homestead bill would he the
decoying of an army of huugrv land
seekers to this section only to result in
disapoiutment and misery that once
marked the history of western Nebras
ka. The cattle industry would ho
interrupted and instead of Mr. Kinkaid
helping his constituents out of the fence
trouble he had only placed another
stumbling block in their way. Of
course from a olitical standpoint and
as far as Col. Akers was concerned
there was a benefit to be derived at the
time being, but the bill was far from
being the least benefit to the locality.
At the conclusion of Mr. Delatour's
address, Secretary Searls read his
leport, whjch was concisely mid plain
ly stated. It received the endorsement
of the members.
Mr. Talbot, the well known stock
inspector, read a statement, showing
the benefits that have been derived
through the office which he represents.
The fact was clearly demonstrated that
the cattle owner and his brand is well
protected through this safeguard and
were it not for the energy exerted to
protect them through the inspector
they may cxp'-ricncc unaccountable
and serious losses.
An address on the South Omaha
market by Bruce McCullough threw
considerable light on the condition of
affairs where the western cattle finally
sec their finish. While the market at
present is not encouraging there is
every reason to believe that things will
soon take a turn and prices advance.
During the afternoon meeting the
program was interspersed with vocal
and instrumental music by local talent
and also by the Mcndclssojin quartette,
making the entertainment a most inter
esting one.
The evening session began at 8
o'clock, R. M. Hampton calling the
meeting to order. The audience was
nearly as large as in the afternoon and
in fact standing room was at a pre
mium. Though it continued to rain
all the time, even the ladies were
present and the audience was such as
one would expect to see only at an
entertainment of a different character.
R. M. Hampton introduced Prof. E. A.
Burnett ot the state experimental farm,
who spoke of the experiences and
results of that iusitutiou in relation to
grass, grain, stock, etc., which in his
judgement would thrive best in this
section of the state. While the speak
er admitted that his knowledge of the
subject was derived from a source that
could not be considered the most prac
tical yet he was of the opinion that
some benefit might be derived from the
points he put forth.
Mr. Burnett was followed by Dr. A.
T. Peters, veterinarian of the state
university who gave a talk on the care
and management of live stock which
proved very interesting and instructive.
The musical numbers added to the
pleasure of the evening's entertainment
and those who so kindly lent their
assistance in this respect have the
thanks of not only the association but
all who were present.
There was hope that the weather
man would drive the rain away long
enough this afternoon to permit of the
outdoor sports that were scheduled to
take place a'ld which the hoys looked
forward to with great anticipation, but
all hopes were dashed to pieces, for it
continues to rain as it only rains in
Iowa ten months in the year. So the
whole thing has been called off and in
its place the people will content them
selves by going to the opera house and
hearing Hon. M. P. Kinkaid's expla
nation of the new homestead bill that
bears his'name.
The two days' meeting of the Neb
raska Stock Growers' will conclude to
night with a grand bail at the opera
house, where no doubt a large crowd
will gather to participate in the pleas
ures of tripping the light fantastic toe
until the small hours of the morning.
In conclusion, it can be said that
this meeting was a grand success in
every sense. The rain was tho only
thing that stood in the way of complete
enjoyment hut rather than register a
kick against the weather conditions as
pleasure let us all Tie thankful for the
great benefits that -vill result from the
life inspiring down pour - of the past
two days.
Following is the list of delegates in
attendance at the Northwestern Stock
groweis' meeting:
Tho American Commission C- . .' Howmi
X. K. Acker .t Co .'. v . . . . S. .1. Acker
Geo. Aihwns X Frederick Co ,..J. T. Frederick
Jirnlimnl X (MriH'iitor . H. CariMintor
Chi. Ilurke A Co Geo. Hurku
Clay. KohlntOtt&Co MiiSu,,,,,
Alien Pmlly A: Co. : V. IMCIiib
(iioal Wustern Coinmlslon Co.... j j,- .JjJ
Greur. Mills & Co 1 J). Darby
JmikxHi, Hlasiim A Co AiuoiBnytlt'r
McCIirtul lvM.lvoiit.HJkConi.Co.' ' v,i" '15jJ
XjuA liuohitiittu Co A. G. IIucImiumi
Oumhn r.lvo Flock Com, Go. .. .X. It. Hryvm
L. 15. ltotwrtt & Co U. O. Mel'lmll
ItoMiilitiiiiii IlrOM. .t "o i- ' Il'Kworht-'ll
i(UMiiiMumiiroa.A.-,i JJuinonUuruH
I'ruuorbinUli Draper Smith
SiwiKiir, I.liKlliuru A Co At Wagoner
Wood Ilro it. Hoth
irulon Slot Yards Co K'.&Woh,,u
C. L.'1'rlbot, IiisiHKjuir (J, I Tulbot
Journal StoukiiKin HrucMcCulloch
Tim Twentieth Ccutury Karmur.ltoy MoIColvIe
Livestock Kxi'liiiiiKL' .. J. M. Guild
II. L. Curnentur, Lincoln J. I. IIIksIw.
XV, II. Cheek, I H A , II. &. M V li Cheek
Mendelssohn Kale Outiirtot -I) II. Wheeler.
J. M Guild, J. II Smms, C 8 Huverstock
Scalded to Death.
A terrible accident occured at Kdgomont
last Sunday morning, at about 9 o'clock,
in which Fireman D, B. Aultz lost his life,
and Engineer Kobcrt Freeland was severe
ly scalded. Just as the train, freight No.
4O, was pulling into tho town an arch tuba
in the engine became inpared and permit
ted the escape of steam and boiling water.
Fireman Aultr ignorant of tho danger that
confronted 1 nn, threw open the door to
the fire box, wherein the defective arch
was located, and immediately there was a
rush ol steam and water that completely
enveloped him and tho engineer. It was
like a plunge into a vat of boiling water
and the unfortunate men had not a mom
ent to escape. Aultz, though overcome
had presence of mind enough and leaped
to the ground where ho' writhed' in such
agony that It was heartrending to those
who tried to alleviate his condition. Ho
was made as comfortable as possible and
at once taken to the hospital at JlotSprings,
where he could receive the best treatment.
At first it was thought that he would re
cover, but the scalding proved to much
and he died Monday morning, after hours'
of intense pain. Mrs. Aultz, who resides
in this city, was with her husband when
death resulted and the scene was almost
more than she could bear. The sudden
ness of his death and the tragic nturc
thereof was indeed painful to the wife who
saw in her husband a man of exceptional
merit and honor. Besides the bereaved
two children are left to mourn his death.
The remains were conveyed to Ravenna,
the old home, where tho burial took place
Wednesday under the direction of tho
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, a
large delegation of whom attended from
this place. C. F. Gleason of the order
went to Hot Springs and had charge of
affairs, conveying the body (o this city and
looking after the welfare of the deceased's
family in the time of their trials. Which
is one of the most prominent and import
ant features of this grand order.
The injuries of Engineer Freeland are
as yet very painful and it will be some timo"
before he will fully recover. He was taken
to the hospital at the Springs and is re
ceiving every care necessary. Mrs. Free
land is with her husband and will remain
until he is able to return home to this city.
Appropriately Observed.
Decoration Day was properly observed
in this city and the deeds and valor of the
soldier boys who stood for the Union flag
preservation of the nation were recognized
in a manner appropriate to the occasion.
The ladies, and members of the fast dis
integrating order of the grand army of 'Ci,
together with loyal citizens from all walks
of life met at the M. E. church at one
o'clock, where appropriate services were
held. The church was beautifully deco
rated with the tlowers of spring and the
red, white and blue added to the adorn
ment. A well selected choir sang hymns
and other selections of a national char
acter that inspired the hearts of the large
crowd, and the feeling of brotherlv ties and
national pride prevailed as the speakers,
Messrs. Akers and Tuttle reviewed the
history that brought the audience together
to pay due homage to the soldiers who now
numbered with the dead. It was a demon
stration that proved the existence of tho
true American spirit, and so long as this is
apparent in the lives of the people so long
can we rest assured that our country is
After the services at the church, the line
of march was taken up and the throng of
men, women and children repaired to the
cemetery where the rites of the grand army
over tho graves of the dead heroes con
cluded the observance of the day. The city
was elaborately decorated and from almost
every housetop was displayed the stars and
stripes at half mast.
A large number of Alliance people went
to Hemingford to observe the day. Among
them was Postmaster 'fash who by the
way was one of tho speakers. The obser
vance of Memorial day was even more
elaborate than that at the county seat and
the procession to the cemetery was a large
and impDsing incident. The report of the
doings will be found in the Hemingford
correspondence, in another column.
Closing Exercises.
The concluding exercises of the high school
graduating class Friday night was as large
ly attended as that of the proceeding night.
The principal feature of the occasion was
the talk made by Hon. N. K. Griggs of
Lincoln on National Character which was
illustrated by song. Mr. Griggs is a force
full speaker and has a thorough knowledge
of music and the musical character of na
tions. His rendition of the German, French,
English and American national airs was
interesting and the audience was intensely
captivated with his emotional oratory,
which at times was tragical and again sen
timental. Superintendent Bartz followed with a
short address to the scholars in which he
charged them to hold to that which
they had learned and to go into the world
with the determination to so live that their
lives would be an honor not only to them
selves and their teachers but to their par
ents and the city of Alliance at large who
are heartily interested in their future well
fare. The honor of conferring the diplomas
fell to Robert Noleman, who in a few well
choson words presented each scholar with
a diploma neatly bound in the colors of the
class purple and gold.
The invocation by Rev, H. P. V. Bogue
and the Benediction by Rev. Otto Roehig
characterized the religious features of the
closing exorcises.
Death of Mrs. Barrett.
After a lingering illness of several
months, Mrs. Barrett died at the homo of
her daughter, Mrs.,". B. Hancock, in West
Lawn, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The
decease has been a resident of Oklahoma
until a month ago, when she came here
with her daughter in hope that the change
would prove beneficial, but in this she was
dissapointed, her decline being rapid from
tho time she arrived. Tho disorder was of
the stomach, which refused to mend under
tho best of care and medical attention.
Mrs. Barrett was well advanced in age, be
ing seventy yenrs old.
Tho funeral occured Tuesday afternoon
from tho home in West Lawn and inter
ment took place in Greenwood cemetery.
Those present from nbroad were two sons
from Denver, Mrs. Reynolds and husband
of Udgemont and another daughter, Mrs.
Halm, of Oklahoma who came last week
and was present at hor mother's death.
Rev. Jeffers of the Baptist church per
formed tho funeral services assisted by a
choir who sang appropriated and beautiful
selections, that touched tho hearts of nil
present. The loss of this good old lady
was keenly felt by the children who showed
a deep allection for their mother, but it
must be remembered that she had lived
life's allottud time and donth only brought
to her a new life that is eternal and which
abides forever.
A Victory For Alliance.
The base ball season is upon us and the
Alliance team has won its first victory,
which took place at Broken Bow last Sat
urday afternoon. The scoro 6 to 3 shows
that the game was very interesting and
well played. Tho homo team has had lit
tle practice together, but the individual
strength of each player is what won tho
game. Tho Alliance players and those
who went down to witness the game
returned Sunday on 42. Following is
the scoro and names of those who made up
the battery:
Shank pitcher
Morris third base
Nicola! catcher
Wiker second base
Bullock short stop
Baum first base
Evans left field
Ellis center field
Nichols right field
Alliance 300001 1 10 5
Broken Bow 1 o o o o o 1 o 1 3
AllianceShank and Nicolai.
Broken Bow Benjamin and
Struck out By Shank 12, by
Benjamin 11.
Among tho stockmen from a distance
in attendance are the following:
Ilnrttutt Itlcliard, Ellsworth
V. O. Comstot'k, "
John Olcuicr. r.ynntiN
K f Myers,
ATDhvIh, "
II 11 Ashley '
Geo. JUTiiylor, llcmlnufunl
John Armstrong
Itoliert Curry "
!' A Nueluml, Diinlnn
II C frVlltllT "
II A Allison, Lakeside
C II Tally "
.1 1 PuttUoii , '
J C Horry, Heno
Mr. Wilson "4 . .
A II Mcl.iiuulilln, Manhunt
I'urnmn Hi-other
J II Cook, Amite
CH Irluii.jitfKintiliiir
C A I'ovur. Uiwn ' ...
John Muraruk. Canton
II Y Ankeny, Mumoul
n.IHclilll. Luella ' ' -
A It Morilst'tt, lluilivlllu , .
CIiiih IliChce, v
1 lielutour, Lnwollyn
Uen Peliitoiir '
Y W Clark, Harrison
OUMillluy. Irving
TGHurk. IlrlilKupurt
It LI sen, I.ixluepolo
Alliance has a dog that is a grofessional
base ball player and he would rather play
ball all day than to eat. Vliis canine is the
property of Al Wiker. From morning
till night this dog will play ball, and he's
no scrub either. He can fill the position
as short stop, catch flics and run bases
with the best of players, and it is seldom a
ball passes him. He has a way of cach
ing high flics that is original and makes
him a sure player. When the batter
knocks a skyscraper the dog runs direct'v
to the spot where the ball strikes and
catches it in his mouth on the first bound,
then he scoots to the home plate and three
times in five A player is put out. The do
has only one shortcoming to make him an
all-around player. He can't bat; nature
never intended him for that, for he has a
bob tail as short as a hod carrier's r ipe.
It's uothing but a stump and the dog
couldn't find the ball in a thousand years
with a bat that stubbv. His dogship seems
to regret this matter keenly, for he is o
ambitious to make a record on the diamond.
If there was only something, hay like a hair
grower, that would have a tendency to
lengthen the tail, it would be the making
of a ball player that money couldn't buy
and Al Wiker wouldn't have to work any
more, for the dog would bo a member of
the league the minuto his tail grew long
enough. But you may believe it or not,
that dog actually knows how to register a
vigorous kick against the umpire, and if
that aint the best indication of a good ball
player we give it up. He will bark and
snap every time there is any monkey wo'k
or fumbling with the ball when a garo is
on. Al Wiker certainly has a wondert il
base ball prodigy in that canine of hi.
Marritsd at the Catholic church in this
city Wednesday morning, Kev. Father
Galvin officiating, Mr. Joseph Riley and
Miss Jennie Etder, who came her recently
from Kansas. Mr. itiley is employe! in
the manufacturing department of tho New
berry establishment and i- of frugal in
dustry and oue of Alliance bet yeung
men. The bride is a lady of excellent
character who will make a worthy help
mate for the husband she has taken, and
Tin: Herald wishes the fullest measure of
connubial blessings upon the newly mar
ried couple.
The attention of our readers is directed
to Mr. Bogue's ad in another column in
which he offers customers tomething tis
good as cash It is worth investigating
The Famous 'clothing store has a new
story to tell the trade about summer gar
ments that will be of interest. We like to
call the attention of the patrons of this well
known institution to the bargains that are
being offered from time to time and the ad
in this issue offers inducements worth con
sideration. The children ol the communion and con
firmation class, recently had at the Church
of the Holy Rosary enjoyed a picnic south
of town last Monday, under the care of
Mosdames M. Nolan and Elliott and Miss
Coslella. The little ones were delighted
with the out-door vacation in the country
and returned home In the evening feeling
that thoy had a picnic in every sense tho
wprd implies.
The timely showers of rain that have
fallen this week have stimulated vegetation
and nature's landscape is beautiful to be
hold. If there is a grander sight under tho
sun today than tho Iwautiful green table
land of Box Butte county we have never
witnessed it. There is mnch talk about
the beauties of far off California, but we 11
put this section of Nebraska ngainst tho
best of it. In tho words of Col. Kctchum.
we will "Stand up for Nebraska' every day
in tho week.
Two of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy s
children have been quite sick the past week
as a result of the measles and for n whilo
tho symptoms were alarming to tho doctor,
but prompt attention warded off sorious
results and the little ones are no.v in con
valescent condition.
Mrs. A. E. Pearson arrived in tho city
last Tuesday and remained over night on
her way to Lead City, where she will visit
relatives. Like a great many others who
have resided in Alliance, Mrs. Pearson
would perfcr this place even to thsv stato
capital, whore the weather is damp and
the potatoes damper.
Mrs. C. W. Whetstone, accompanlid by
Miss Bornico and Master Homer, left
Tuesday morning for Sioux City, Iowa,
whero they expect to spend tho summer
returning in the fall, when Mr. Whetstone
has found a location here.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Neeland of Dunlap
are visiting friends in tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Fennor of Dunlap
drove down from their ranch yesterday.
Attorney W, G. Simonson arrived yes
terday from Denver.
' The Ladies Catholic club meets with
Mrs. W. M. Morris next Wednesdav
Mrs. Thos. Beck and daughter Elsfc
Darling arrived Wednesday from Cali
fornia to spend the summer with her
son George Darling.
Representative Frank Curric of
Dawes county is in nttendanco n,t tho
Btocksmeus' meeting.
F. L. Crone and I, T. Cox, Btock
solicitors for rhc Burlington, and Julian
Lever solicitor for the Northwestern,
are in attendance at the stockmen's
1 cau furnish you with the best stacker
on the market. My machine has the most
improvements, surest in its working, simp
lest but superior in conatrui.lra, and -will
give you the best of satislnctior,.
1 Now Principles
If IS BUILT ON J New 1'V.atures
1 New Idoas
The ouickest acting
'fhe strongest built
'1 he shortest rope
'fhe only rebounding fork head
The only stacker with but one pulley
It is pronounced tho best hay stacker
made by all who witnessed it in operation
on the Hague ranch in the fall of 1903,
whero the test machine handled .tboul 900
tons of hay without a break, and since that
time some valuable improvements have
been added
I ask you to come and judge for yourself
the merits of my machine as compared
with others. Call at Forest Lumber Co.'s
yards and examine stacker.
I wish to put my machine in the field
against any other stacker made. '
Send for circular John IIaouk,
Alliance, Neb.
t i
I Get the habit
Get the tickets I
Shey are as good
as CASH.
they go with every
j No lottery
Everybody gets them T
j Everybody reaps the T