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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
1 HOT AND WRECKING PRICES ! ww ww"wvAWYWWfli ".". vn.1 i..r.-.'".".w,rt"Wi ArUK InC iTlVjlN 1 I! Vjr lVYv--vv-vv-.vw-.vv-.-w-vv-rt.-srtvw.v-.-w-.-bV-wv--."-" munisuss FjuiajMSSsa 12c Hoys' Under wear A New Line of We have about 30 pairs California Cassimere Pants worth $6.00 to close out "at Stlkotc Sox 3 for 25c & 3ve FAMOUS Boys Clothing; and Caps ? 19c Hrownic Over tills $1.50 for Mens' Pants m v.; GlotHii7 House $3.85 f f m S " 50c Men's bibOver-alls 10c H u y s 3 pr. socks 25c for Mens' Mule skin Gloves 39c good Welt Gloves 75c for Union innlu bib Overalls 19c Hojs' kneo pants, nil sizes 95c Uos' suits $1.75 for Men's 52. 50 sboes MMMMMMMMH 7c Canton Flannel gloves 75c New Silk Stripe Shirts raESE3X5TCSJE2Zn2a2 a Base Ball and Bat FREE with every Boy's Suit from $2.00 up. Clothing;-- for Hen and Young Hen. We are showing the handsomest line of Spring- Suits we have ever shown you. Ever)' new weave and cloth is in our stock. All Wool Suits .50 Black Worsteds in New Styles and Cut, guaranteed colors and make 9.85 A line that we intended to sell at $18.00, for $15.00 1 land-made. Tbese goods are unsurpassed for Stlye, Fit and Wearing Qualities. Your money back when we guarantee an article that pioves faulty. 19c Silk Hinbroid' crcd Suspen ders 50c All wool double knee and seat pants for boys 307 Box Butte Ave. Two Doors South of Postoffice This Is the Way They are Made. li if i,ZZl Sterling" ClotbC0 'DBcncbcvrailoced. WM BMHItH JI'll!IIIMIMirlltJWWimi flerfs hand tailored Suits all fabrics, shape- retaining front,guarant'd. 40 styles, your choice at 25c Hoys' Pants miMiiwxMnmum r AiMriMtmia AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN GOODS: Carhartt's Douglass Ha nan Stetson Karl & Wilson Elgin Lion 1 lger Perfection I (awes Morgan Medicott American Hosiery Morley Sterling $2.00 for $2.50 Hats $3.50 Douglas Shoes $1.75 Marine Calf Shoes G9c Satine I Shirts, fast colois UHnwnnnwiHM 39c for w ork Shirts ' BRccraron for the Suit EEESKBEXQBaES GZEMKSIirefe- 69c Men's fast col ors Madias Shirts 25c for new 50c neckties $3.50 Boys' Norfolk all wool blue serges $1.00 for 30 3S 40 waists in Men's pants $1.00 M e n s' fi n e hats 39c H for Fleeced Mi Underwear H 50c B for fast jH 25c I 25c $1.25 25c 19c B for Silk stripe Boys' Rood for Boys Boys' Work Hj fancy sox wearing shoes Caps Shirts Hj M Think of it, for a White Shirt DAYS AT RUMER'S IO SUMMER CLOTHING SUMMER HATS SUMMER SHIRTS A GREAT BIG S A L E ! s""kl SUMMER UNDERWEAR MACKINTOSHES TRUNKS and VALISES It will Pay You to See the Suits We are Selling for $4.50, $6.00 $8.50 & $10 These Suits are Worth to You $7.50, Si 0.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Our Entire Line of Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Silk and Percale Shirts go at $1.00 All Our Men's 75c Dress and Work Shirts We Sell at 50 CdltS Men's 50, 7, $1.00 and $1.20 Underwear, Sale Prices, 35, 50, 75, $10 SHOHHE!fiaKKQHaECaSUlS&2SESZ2 We will You a $5 Shoe for $3.75, $ Shoe for $2.75, 3.oo Shoe for 2.50 msaxrTHmnxmtmmaKBmmuiivjxK.iaMiMijstifaBm. We want to sell all our Mackintoshes before the rainy season is over. You need them now and we sell a $10 Mackintosh for $6, a $7.50 Mackintosh for $5. Cheaper Goods, $2.50 and $3.5, but they are good, serviceable ones. Speaking about TRUNKS. We have a lot of them we do not want. If you, need one at all, we will make the price about half what they will ask you elsewhere. Special prices on Grips, Valises and Telescopes. ; -MiMHian Agqrg.'m?iTOi:egrfriiaa:gr; !trzaiiri"-nxzuaEx-zKzssfrKAXKjwztEzzzzjz2x WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE Our Prices on Dry Goods, Clothing1, Shoes and Groceries will please ou j, ge-W. O. RUMER "V mrvymryrvwwrvwyrirvwT nrYTtvrTTTVYT'rTTVYTTTTTTVyi vVvvy,rA.yAvvA Contractor aud Builder. Humphry T : i c 11 1 " Undertaking and . w.i, ,i nif ' Embalming Company Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, llrlck Shop ' llsuk, AUIat PHONE 400. llrlck Shop Wtwt of AllUin-c Nut!o..ul llsuk, Alliance, Nut). F. m. WALLACE DilAY LINE Maying Household Furniture - and Trunks a specialty . . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. Calls snserod promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, . L'ndertaKor. ' Tlrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residancc phone 269, FRED BRENNAN ZBINDEN BROS,, . DFALKRS IN Plour 1 Feed, "Home ic Comfort" Flour Ik Our Loador. Try It PHONE 105. wi5st sidij main stkkkt Plumbing, Steam and hot wator Hontiug. 'Phone, No". 356. ' ALLIANCE, NEB. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat any aud all diseases known to the horse aud cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Barn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NE13RARKA. I W. M. FOSKETT I u-ctiorxeer Will Cry Sales in This and I Adjoining Counties.... I On COMMISSICDN, or BY THE DAY. s 00000OK?00OA o- ta Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hp.mingi'oki), Nbii. 0 0 0 Hr.MIriGFORD, -K Fire Insurance. -1C 0 o- NnilKASKA. -IC 0 AkuiH for tlin iviodonlmi. of Scotland, which Insure tou V" nropuru; only, mid tho Colum- iilu. wltlcli Iiibiiros town mid O- farm propurty und lUo stock. X- IJotli uro lollableold line com- X 1:iiiH - y- I Many II111111I111; I). U. Gilbert Dunning & Gilbert Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets, Mimics, etc. Music furnished for Parties, Receptions, and other social gatherings. Alliance, Neb. Notai'in.1 X77-vt A- 000 0000000 A. I). NEW, AUCTIONEER. Salos cried In this and adjoining countlw. b tlio day or commllon. Sixteen years, ox parlance. Batlsfuetion Kuuranteed. Con tracts can bo made at The Hkkalu ofllc where roforeuces to Alliance cltUons will alsolk) Riven f 4 m . r - JP. A rt ,-v c