Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
w i X The New Pullmans. Owing largely to sanitary consldora tlons, tho Pullman company 1ms ntlopt od a new standard slcepor which lit tlo rosctnbles tho ornate cars built a few years ago. Tho new standard Is severely plain and ts devoid of all Bcroll and grill work. Insist on Getting It. Some Krocers say they don't keep J flanre Stnrch becnusc they have n stock In hand of 12 oz brands, which they know ennnot tic sold to n cuMomi'r who haH onec used the 16 uss. pnekugc. Dc Ilanco Starch for siune money. i , A woman's Idea of economy Is to have her husband shavo himself for six months so that she can get a new spring bonnet. Send 2." cents for Homesteaders' Gtildo containing 48 pages of information. Ofllcial map and full instructions how to get a clnim on tho Rosebud reservation. Forbes locating Agency, Bonestecl, S. D. An unbridled tongue goes with an unburdened brain. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; Dy uMnrj Defiance Htnrch you obtain bettor results than possible with any other brand and one-third more for same money. Leadership docs not depend wholly on leg ability. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will urely tlctroy tho t onto of smell and completely ileruneo tlio whole rvrtcm wneii entering It through the mucoim surfaced. Such articles should neicr lie icd except on prescrip tions from reputable physician, aa tho damaec hey trill do Is ten fold to the (rood ynu can potmlbly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured liy K. , I. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no nier tury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the tiluod and mucous surfaces of the system, In liujiiiK Hall's Catarrh Curo bo sure you pet tho genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Hold by DrugKlat. Price. 73c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Never make a fool of yourself tp please other fools. IVIgglcStlck launijuy ni.un Won't spill, break, freeze, nor spot clothes. Costs 10 cents and equals J0 cents worth of nny other bluing. If your grocer does not keep it send 10c for samnlo to Tho Laitndrv Blue Co., 44 Michigan Street, Chicago. Uneasy lies tho head whoso tongue lies harder. YELLOW CIAJTTCES AltE UNSIGHTLY. Keep them whlto with Red Cross Ball Blue. All grocers soil largo 2 oz. package, D cent There Is no short cut to happiness. Straighten Up Tho tnm muscular supports cf body weaken and let eo ur.der Backache I cr Lumbago. To restore, strengthen and straighten up, use St. Jacobs Oil Price 25c. and 50c. yWTfVTTyifTVfVTVTVyyygTg The Genuine TOWER'S POMNEl SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND 30LD FOR A QUARTER OF A aNTUW. LIKE ALL 25 CLOTHING. It Is made or the but rnaterialj. m black or jfdlow. full ?uiranted. and sold by reliable deilers everwhere. STICK TO THE 5IGN OF THE FISH. TOWER CANADIAN CO. LlMUd.. A J TOWER CO, ,....,, ,,... t--. , ..n.r,.nv $500 Given Away Write us or ail: un Alubnstlnci dealer (or particulars and free eauiple card of Vlie Siinltary Waif Coiitlng Deitroysdlseae Kenns and ermln. Sever rubs or scales You can apply It mil with rolil water. Beautli ul effects In white and delicate tints. Not a disease-breeding, out-of-date hot-water Klue preparation. Iluy Alalmutlno In 5-lb. packages, properly la belled.of paint, bard ware and drucdealers. "Hints on Decorating." and our Artists' Ideasfree. lUUtSTtaKCO.,Srululd,aka., ir 10J IT.urSt., S.T. WESTERN SUPPLY CO. J0DBEU8 OF PUMPS, WINDMILLS and PLUMBING MATERIAL BELTING and THRESHER SUPPLIES. PACKING and ELEVATOR REPAIRS. 120-822 H Street. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA KEEP EGGS FRESH will keep et,'BHfresh fora year at u cost of One Cent ii i-1i-vnn At nil dniif nnrl grocery Mores. Sample pkg. for lOdoz. Quincj Ego Pretervative Co., Quincr. III. LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER .STRAIGHT 5f CIGAR ' ,5,600,000 Your jobber or direct trom Factory, Peoria, II, BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. MsAiaIiHr trade (flffe i JhOrM ' f5LA.U V r NEBRASKA STATE NEWS GCHOOL MONEY OF NEBRASKA. How It Ic Divided Among the Counties. No. of County. scholar. -Adnnis T.'.tSO $ Antclopo 4,722 linnnor 2M liltitno 1T1 Iloone 4,434 llox liuttc l.rr.2 Hoyd 3.3&0 llrown 1.25a HufTnlo 7,23 Hurt 4,r27 Hutler r..G2!l Several Ara't duo. 9.341 25 ri.KG2.3n 208.03 201.43 5,223 10 1,957.78 3.94C.1S 1.475.99 9,333.01 5.332.G5 fi.G30.7iS 8.808.82 5,958 14 1,091.98 2,138.01 1.S88.2S G.490.5S 5,105.30 G.G07.20 9,245.84 2.743.4S 2.1G1.57 5.273 75 819 87 4,804.92 9,053.83 49,476.85 1.023.G5 C.439 93 4,099.32 3,438 48 4,715.39 12,418.10 1.028.37 2,126 23 24G.20 3,039.15 0,904.75 5,825 03 3.763 00 1.05S 99 1.877.GS 5,650.70 1811.12 4.986.32 6.282.09 4.813.1G 4,218.29 777 4G 1.364 09 338 08 6.905.23 Cuhs 7.478 Cctlnr ... 5.058 927 1.M5 1,603 Chase ... Cliurry . . Cheyonno Cluv .... Colfnx 4,334 Cumins M09 Custer J.S4D Dakota UnwCH . Dawson Douol .. Dixon .. 2.329 i.s:ir. 4,477 fist; 4,07'J Dnilfto T.CifJ Dotlirln 42.002 Dundy Rfi'j l'Mllmnro r,467 Franklin 3.4SO Frontier 2.9 1U Ftirnns 4,003 OitRe 10,542 (liullold 873 Gosper l.fcOti Grunt 2i! tsreeloy 2,fifc0 linii r.,3s Ilainllton 4,0 tr. Iliulun 3,lr Hayes S'J Hltcheoek 1.&94 Holt 4,707 Hooker 15S Hownrd 4.233 Jefferson n,333 Joliuson -J.OiiO Kearney 3,r.8l Keith n0 Keya l'alia 1.1BS Kltnl)itll 287 Knox r.,h02 Lnnrnster 22.072 Lincoln 3.933 I.oKan 345 liOiip HS2 Mndlson G.290 Mcl'licmon 112 Merrick 3,127 Nance 2,914 Nemaha f,049 NuekollM 4.3G2 Otoe 7,188 Pawnee 4,221 Perkins &07 Phelps 3.G45 Pierce 3,444 Platte C.538 Polk 4,027 Itetl Willow 3,414 HIchnrdHon 6,089 Hock 1.14G Saline C.f,79 Sarpy 3,127 Saunders 8,077 Kcott'.i niurr 1.141 Seward 5,043 26,000.02 4,632.94 406.40 G85.5S 7,409.40 131.93 3.6S3.50 3,432.59 5,947.54 5,139.46 8,467.21 4,972.19 597.23 4.175.89 4,056.91 7,701.53 4.743.6G 4,021. 5T 7,879.40 1,349.95 7,807 62 3.683 50 9,514.42 1.344.0G G.C47.25 2,182.77 3,158.12 703.25 3,220.56 G.232.G1 243.84 2,480.80 3,411.39 5,420.99 4,443.28 4,741.31 568.96 7.401.1G Sheridan 1,853 2,fiSl 597 2,734 5,291 207 Sherman Sioux ... Stanton . Thayer . Thomas . Thurston 2.10G 2.89G Valley Washington 4.G02 Wayne 3,772 "Webster 4.025 Wheeler 483 York G.2S3 Total 370,317 $443,288.14 P::ilroad Man Commits Suicide. LINCOLN. D. W. Slsson. a Bur lington fireman, Bhot himself in tho head and died at St. Elizabeth's hos pital. Before the tragedy Slsson hud a talk with Mb landlady, Mrs J V Barnum, at 1221 P street, tho import of which she refused to toll, and then talked out onto the back porch, drew his revolver and fired, the ball enter ing l he rlfiht tcmnlc. When the no lice arrived Mrs. Barnum was on the point of hysterics, and refused to gie a reason for the man's act. though it was intimated by roomers at tho house that Slsson was in lovo with Mrs. Barnum, who Is a widow. Slsson was about 25 years old, unmarried and has been In Lincoln about three years. Ho had a good reputation. Demand for Horses. NORTH PLATTE. This city is be coming quite a stopping placo for horse buyers from Chicago. St. Louis and other large cities of tho cast, and so carefully has the horse stock been culled over that a first-class horse is hard to find. Tho horse crop of late years has not been very prolific, but now that horses are n paying product, the ranchers of this section are getting small bands. Frost Did Little Damage. NORTH PLATTE. The frost which hns visited this section two or threo nights lately did but slight damage. Fortunately tho night of tho heaviest freeze there was 'a slight wind blow ing, which prevented "Old Jack" from nipping so seriously as ho would have done under other conditions. Confess to Murdock Robbery. PLATTSMOUTH. Sheriff McBride returned from Missouri Valley, la., bringing with him two prisoners who havo confessed to robbing the store of A. J. Tool of Murdock. They gave their names as Frank Labori and Frank Smith. Calls State Warrants. State Treasurer Mortessen has is sued a call for : i warrants to ho nmount of $50 O'.n for May 27. ThU will include wanv.uti up to No. 101, Young's Victim Is Dead. NEBRASKA CITY. James Botts, the colored man who was shot by Jesso Young, another colored man, died from tho effects of his woundg. The assailant is in Jail. Fire at Normal School. FREMONT. Flro at the normal school caused considerable oxcitomont In tho northern part of tho city. An electric wire In tho attic sot a blaze to some matorial and when one of tho Iroys went up to ring tho boll ho found the rooms filled with smoke. An alarm was turned in nnd tho Fromont ftro department responded, but before Us arrival President Cleramons of tho school and sonio of tho students had extinguished tho flamos by carrying water from the laboratory. NEWS IN BRIEF. Rev. Haskins will preach tho memo rial sermon nt Falls Citv. Tho Round Grove Telephone com pany, to operate In Shonnnn and Cus tor counties, has been organized at Litchfield. Tho romninn of Brnkoman Georgo R. Snyder, who was killed In tho McCook yards, were taken to Lincoln for Interment. State Fish Commissioner O'Brien has placed 500,000 pike, 2,000 channel cnt and 500 crapplos in Crystnl lnko, Dakota county. Amos E. Gantt of Falls City says ho heard Sir Henry M. Stanley pro poso inarrlnzo to an Omnha actress while u resident of thnt city. Contrary to first expectations, Jack Monroe, who attempted Btilcldo nt North Platte, is improving nnd tho physicians now express the opinion that he will recover. When G. Frnnzen of Plattsmouth visited his tailoring establishment the other morning ho discovered that four .suit patterns, two pants patterns and a new suit of clothes had been tnken, At Columbus tho Jury in tho caso of tho stato against Carl Smith re turned a verdict of guilty nfter being out less than an hour. Smith wns convicted of stcallns a tram and bug gy belonging to F. J. Seines, March IC. He was nr rested about a month later at Exeter. Neb. Robert Davis of Beatrico ha3 re turned from Oregon, bringing with him two bear cubs about seven weeks old, which he captured thirty-five miles west of Albany. Ho was at tacked by the mother bear and nfter a desporato encounter with tho mil mal he succeeded in killing it with an ax. Frank Rowe, a man of 35 years of age, was arraigned before County Judgo Louis Doward at West Point on tho charge of statutory assAult on the person of tho 13-year-old daughter of Fred Eggcrt, a farmer living threo miles east of that city. Tho defend ant offered no defense and was bound over to tho district court. Judge Jessen has Issued a peremp tory writ of mandamus against tho members of tho board of irustees of " - "lllage of Greenwood, requiring them to conveno In special session and forthwith revoke tho snloon li cense granted to Peter A. Smith. The order also rccuires them to closo tho saloon until the matter can bo de cided at tho next term of court. St. Patrick's Catholic church of Mc Cook was formally dedicated, Rt. Rev Thomas Bonacum of Lincoln officiat ing, asis8tcd by Rov. D. Fitzgerald ot Grafton, Rev. L. W. Winzoll of Horn don, Kas.; Rov. J. W. Glenn of At wood, Kas., an'1 Rov. J. ,T. Loughrnn. the local pastor. Bishop Bonacum also preached the sermon on tho oc casion nnd Father Fitzgerald conduct ed high mass. John King and Georgo Svears pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny In district court at Beatrico and will bo sentenced scon. They havo: been In tho county Jail for eight monthB awaiting trial on tho charge of robbing W. T. B. Simpson, a trav eling salesman for tho Morton-Gregg-son Packing company of Nebraska City, at the Burlington depot in Beat rico on September 13, 1903. Dr. E. W. Bullard. an old settler in Pawnee county, was burled last week, tho services being conducted by tho Masons, of which ho was an honored member. Ho was an arm:' surgeon during tho rebellion, and soon after being discharged ho located in tho southeast part of Pawneo county, and has spent most of his subsequent lifo in that vicinity, living, however, a part of tho time in DC3 Moines, la., nnd Toneka. Kas. Fallo City now has a pavilion for stock sales. Crist Thomas, a resident of Saun ders county across tho river from Fremont, was made tho victim of an by two tramps. Ho was doing Eomo work in a field nnd loft his lunch r.nd water Jug under a tree. When he returned ho saw tho two strangers eating anl drlng from his bottle. In t espouse to a demand to know what they were doing on his farm, ono of tho tramps mndo nn insulting remnrk A fight resulted and Thomas was bad ly worsted. Expert T. C. Cannon, who has been employed by tho county board of su pervisors of Washington county to check up tho county officers, has handed in his report on tho county treasuror covering tho past four years llo finds that tho ex-treasurer still owes tho county $29.95, and also finds a number of alleged irregularities for tho attention of tho county board, among them beinz a caso where the C St. P., M. & O. railroad paid In nearly $7,000 of tho taxes on tho 29th of January, 1902. and on the books the money was credited as comlna Jn during the fiscal year 1901. J. D. Har.son of John Hall won in tho ncadomy preliminary debate and they will renroacnt tho Crete ncadomy at Franklin In a debato with Franklin ncadomy. The Judgos wore Profoss I ors Brown. Bennett and Jlllson. Two populist conventions wore de cjded on by tho populist control com mittee. Tho delegate convention will be hold in Fremont on tho second Tuesday in Juno and national dole gatofj will oo choson for tho Spring field conontion on July 4. Tho nom inating convention will bo held in Lincoln July. 17. sociEnw ! In Society. A woman In society is obliged tokcep lato hours. Site must attend receptions nnd balls. Shu seldom allows herself a quiet evening nt home. Her whole tlmo is taken up in keeping engage ments or entertaining in her own home. Her system becomes completely run down ns a consequence. Sho soon finds herself in a condition known as sys temic catarrh. This lias also been called catarrhal nervousness. If every society woman could know tho value of Peruna at such a time, if they could realize tho invigorating, strengthening effecit th nt Peruna would have, ho"f much misery could be avoided. Letters from society women all over tho United States testify to tho fact that Peruna is tho tonic for a run down, depleted nervous system. 44&&Q&i&&&W4G&QQQQfrQ&tQtyi4'i&&'&V&WeQW,P&Q&iWWW canned Veil Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Ham Are Among the Many Tempting Luncheon Send (or our booklet "How Libby, McNeill 34K$$WtSJ443M$y$H$$ SOLD BY LJILJ 1 THERES-NO USE ARGUING I Dc&incc Stirth b (fxrtry ban Studa ex&u. H H h'ithct j Hundred wdl Ut&fioM.) rTmfBU) j Try It one jrouruH.' C" WuB H pit guttuAu utbfirttao or moftfy Utk, rVTSvoT H You can't tost. Bifefci j DcfUnee Stirch b ttsduttr free from, cfiar&ik Rr5')t H ItautatiucIothejIoolbeautiUanJwfflixrfitfuxin. HKra&VtfXf H Get B of your racer. r7JBrJSBi&f$ffl9lL H 't6 oerces for, 10 cerroatIih,d loor thinly JjSIWtfjL H fou get of taj other brioi, tuKsfraS-rvKv') I THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., BlllI ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES DRUGGISTS. Sample Free. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO., Crete, Neb. Tirod, Norvous, Aching, Trom bling, Slooploss, Bloodless. Pc-ru-na Renovates, Regulates, Re stores. A Pretty New York Woman's Recovery tho Talk of Her Numorous Friends. Mrs. .1. K. Finn, 85 East High street, Buffalo, H. Y writes: Peruna Mcdlclnu Co., Columbus, Ohio. Qcntlcmcn: "A few jcor nflo had to give tip social Ufa entirely, ai my health tens completely broken down. The doctor advised a complete rest (or a year. As this was out of the ijtirs Hon for a time, I began to look for some other means of restoring my health. "I had often heard of Peruna as an excellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to sec what it icould do for vie, and it certainly took hold of my system and rejuvenated me, and in less than two months I was in perfect health, and now when I feci worn out or tired a dose or two of Peruna is all that 1 need." Mrs. J. K. Finn. . Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Elkton, Ohio, writes: "I owe my health and life to Peruna. Wo rarely call in a physician, in fact It has been years slnco 1 have taken any other medlulnu than yours. I am afraid of drugs, and although I hnvo been sick many time 1 hnvo taken only your medicines. They aro wonderful indeed. Wo havo a very largo house and enter tain a' great deal and I do all my own work, thanks to Peruna." Mrs. J. W. Reynolds. Free Treatment for Women. Any woman wishing to bo plnced on tho list of Dr. Hartman's patients for freo homo treatment and advice should immediately send name anil symptoms, duration of dlscaso and treatment already tried. Directions for tho first mouths treatment will bo promptly mailed free of chnrge. No freo medi cine will bo supplied by the doctor, but nil necessary directions will bo furnished. Read what tho above ladies novo to say of Peruna as a curo for these cases. Address Dr. IJartinan, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Luncheons Llbby's Natural Flavor Foods arc U. S. Government inspected, perfectly packed foods, and are ready to serve at a moment's notice. Loaf, Boneless Chicken, Ox Tongues Meats. Ask Your Grocer for Them. to Make Good Thine to Eat." & Libby, Chicago CURE WHILE YOU SLEEP. ATM mm 01 Torturing Disfieurine Humors Use Every child born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Scalp, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfigu ration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and pros perity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflict ed children to acquaint them selves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz. : the CUTICURA Treatment, con sisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentlo, anointings with CUTICURA1 Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Cures made in childhood aro speedy, permanent and eco nomical. Sold thronthout th world. Cutltara Rop, Me.. Olni mini, Mc., HtMlTint, Me. (in lorra of Chocoi.i. Catud Mill, SSc. r ililof GO). IJtpoUi l-ondon, 17 boum B". I'trli, A Rut d. It Ili I lloftoo, 117 Colara Iroi At., rotttr I)nig k Chin, Corp.. Boll rroprlitor. VUiod (or "How to Our. Tortarlof, Ulififartag Dumori from Ictncy 19 A .' FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of In structions absolutely Freo and Post paid, enough to prove the value 08 PaxtineToilet Antiseptic raxtlne U In powder form to dUsolve la water non-polsonona ndfarauperlorto liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which IrrlUtea Inflamed surfaces, and have no cleansing prop erties. The content of every box makes more Antlieptic Solu tion laiU longer goes further has mora uses In tho family and does more good than any antiseptic preparaUoa you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, PelvicCatarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local trcatmontof. female ills Paxtlneia invaluable. Ukcd as a Vaginal Wash tro challooRO tho world to prtxluco its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in clcanslnp and healing power; it kills all genns trhicu caitBO inflammation and discharges. All leAillngdrugslats keep Paxtlno; price, 50c. ftlmx; If yours does not, send tousfor it. Ion't talto a eulistltuto there Is nothing llko Paxtlno. Write for tho Freo Hor of Pnxtlne to-day. k FAXT0N CO., 5. Fope Bid?., Boston. Kas Looking for a Home? Then why not keep In view the fact that tho farming lands of Western Canada are sufficient to support a population of 50.CO0.00O or over? The Immigration for the past six years has been phenomenal. FREE Homestead Lands eailly arcestlblc, while other lands may be pnr cliaitd from hallway and Land Companies. Tho train and crazine lands ot Wet tern Canada are tho best on ihc continent, producing the best train, and catt.'e (fed on Krass alone) ready for market. Markets, Schools, Itnlltruys nnd ull other comlltloim make Wcsttiru Cunuda uu envi able spot for tlm settler. Write to Superintendent Itnmlerailon,Ottawa.Can ada. fur a descriptive Atlas, and other information, or to the authorized Canadian Government Asent W. V, Dennett, efll New York Lite Uuilditux. Omaha, Neb. WELL BRBLLINQ MAGHBNERY. l'OUTAIII.K and drill any depth, by Mtm or honte powtr. d3 lHlTKItENT STVtES. I We challenge competition. Sn rvr In Ill.ilr.i.J tilUij IU.4, KKI.1.V Jk TANEVHIIX CO. l'hilnul HUf At ulrliu, laws. aifcfcMsMaliJirfrl L'UP.fS WHlhf Alt flSf AlfS. Deu Cough byrup. Tattes Good. Vf In limp, rioln hv-(lruircrlitji. I tro asaaTy"-enrrfaffff lu jy IS ant nyassssvassaaakL f'mWti0 t. aB 111 & rtii. , lUhrd IX us; -5T?7