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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
4ttL or u& fc P - fr " Ciias. E Ford, President S. K. Warrick. Cashier. A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 ) 1 R KCTO R Chas. K. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. JHHlf! For that small repairing wc have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying", fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv ierKs tumoers Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 a v a S9 toai to. HIDES HIDES HIDES BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP GEO. A. HILLS MOM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best, of every thing in the line of Building Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. J"") iamonds, Watches, W Gold Jewelry, . Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches.- flail orders promptly attended to.- Al. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most Up-to-Date Drug1 -Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully 1 Gt, v wj.j.j.jy v. u.j.vivi.- ("ontcst Notice, r. P. Und UIHce. AUIiincc. Nob., May , IP0I A Mtlllclctit content tUlldiult linvlnt: been filed In tills olllen by U forge A. I'omlrlcli, con testant. mjaliiKt limuoMeml entry No 3L made September ST. I WO. for the koihIhkim quarter M-ctlon 11, townships north, roimn 4 west, hy Proiik Winding cuiitestco. in which It NbIUwhI that said Prank WnthliiK lint nut lono any work or made miy Improvement) on wild land im required by luw nnd bus aban doned mi hi laud (or over six month Just past nnil tlmt sulil aliened abM-nce from Hip said l ml mis not tlm to his I'liiiiloynii'iit In the iirniy. nuvy or murine corps of tlio Mutes iisn titivate soldier, nlllcer M'liniiut or murine iluriint tlio war with .Spain or durlti liny other wnr In which tlio I'nlti'il suites limy le ciiKiitfed, s-abl purlieu are hereby uotl llcil to appear, n sponil and offer ei Idence toui'bliiK siild -ullcKiUlou nt 10 "'clock n 111. on AiiRiit 11. lWl, In-fore Hih lleulMer ami Hecelvernt the I'nlted states Land Ollliclli Alliance. Nebruskii. The said contestant bavins. Inn proper nf lldlivlt. llled Mil H. limi. net forth facts which show iliwt lifter duedlllKcnee personal seixlce of the notice cim not be made, it ii hereby or deied mid dbected thai such notice lie nlveli bMlm-nml proper imblloHtloii. fp May 27 Ultri'K Vn.cox. HejtlMej Contest Notice. U. S. IjhhI Olllce. Alliance, Neb., Mny , iwl. A sufficient content nllldnvlt Imvlii): been llleil In this office by John KliiNellii.eoiitestnut, Kicnlnst lloniosteiiil entry No. :vl 1. made. I one 11. 11W, for mt xonuiwoM quiiiicr seeiiun H, tonnshtpM north, mnpe 4t M-t by Uriel. II. Solleii contestee, in which it is alleged Hint sulil Kilck II.N'lleil liaHiilHiiidumsl sulil home stead for more than six nimitiis Inst prtHtnnd thnt crtlili'leKHl niisnce fiuiii the sHld hind ii iioi il e in Inn employment In the tinny, n.iii or tiitiiine coips of ihe t'lilleil Slnteniis u prlVAto soldier, oillcer seiiniiin or murine during the uiirwllh .Spuln or during any other war In which thn rinted states may be en gaged, stud nirtlcs are hereby iintlllsl to ap neiir. rvsiiond tuiil oiler evidence touciilngsniil ulleKlitioii nt 111 o'clock il. in. on August II. 1WI, before the Kegister nnd lbfelver nt the I'liitoil SMntes l.iiifit Ofllce 111 Alliance. Nebruskii. ... The said contestant having. Inn proper uf fliuivit. llled May 21. 1001, set forth fuel-, which show tlml tiftcriltieililllgenco personul sen leu of tliis notice can not be innile. It Is hereby ordeied nnil i4lrnjteil thut micIi notice be Riven by duo and piopor publication. tpMu 'J7 ii,lCK'lici,t, HcKlstur. Contest Notice U S. Lund Onieu, Alllunro. Nob., May 2.'.. 1WI. A Milllclent contest allidavlt liavltiK been lil til In tills oltico by John Klnscllu, eoutestutit, iiRiilnst lloiiiesteiulentrj No. IWl.'. nnulo .lu 'j, IRK), for the northeast ipiurter soctiou 14, touiislilp'Js, runeo -l" west, by .lumun Howard, contestee. In which it Is alleged that hald JumoH Uowuril has abandoned said homestead for moro than six months lust past ami thul said alleged iibeonco from tlio Mild land wuh not duo to hlsomplyinent In tho iirniy, navy or marine corps of tho United States us u private Holdlor, ollicer. wsunan or marliio durliiK tho war with Spain or ilurlmr any other war in which thu United Btatcs may be eiiKiiped, wild parties are hereby untitled to appear, renpoml undolTer evidence louchliiK said iillcutitinii at lOo'clwk u. m.. on AtiKust II. 11H)I, before tlio KeRlster and Koceller at tho I'nlted States Land Olllco In Alliance, Nebraska. That wild contestant hiivlin;, in a projHT iillldnvlt, llled May 4, 1W4. net forth facts which show that after due dillKoncu pensonal snrvlce of this notice cannot bu made, it Ik ordered and directed that such notice bunion by duo iiml proper publication, fp May gr lumen Wn.cox. ItwUter. The Bankrupt SALE STILL. ON I z3?IHsrlttrsBXxxmalxvA&MMxz:tmIcrnrl.J?u aaummLJuiaKsaaimwii m WAiawi I Oier 1000 rars Shoes LEFT TO SELL AT ?nts on too cJolloi SO oe j.'iB83;tJzau.tii)i3Gaaeiauug5Htwi'a.ljjNjjSHaaiiri Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Hox Hutto comity, Nebraska, April 30, ltt)4 In tho matter of thu estate of Lawrence ltutler, deceased. To tho creditors of said estate: You are hereby notlllrd. that 1 will sit at the County Court ltoom In Alliance in said county, on the 7th da of November, re celvu and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tho time limited for thu pres entation of claltim UKiilusl said estutu Is six mouths, from the 30th day of April, A I). 1P04, and thetlmu Ibelted for pujmeut of debts Is one year from said 30th day of April, 1W4. Witness my haiul and tho seal of said county court, this 30th day of April, llK)4. t p May U-4w. U. K. Si-aciit. County Jmlito. FUR HATS WOOL HATS CLOTH HATS STRAW HATS All for Men, Boys, Children and Ladies Remember, Everything Goes in Hats at One-half Price CTiLyagortggia.'TirCTrrrc B'liJtiw rjareaag gagggaaaBC-qgasfciLw w wxt ''''HI "'"(MS TSK1 see JDS o m'jini& ummer Dress Goods Consisting of Lawns, Dimities, White Goods, Percales, Cotton Suitings, Calicoes and Chambras Laces and Embroideries of All Kinds SLOOO WORTH OR UMMER UNDERWEAR ON SALE FOR HEN, BOYS, LADIES AND CHILDREN Sheriff's Sulc. No. 1551 Hy virtue of an order of salu issued by tho clerk of th) district court of Hox liutte coun ty, Nebruskii, upon u decree rennereil uy sniu court in favor of Mary E. Heed plaintiff, anil against V H.LuiinliiKtrusicoet.uI defendants. 1 will oiler on thelst day of June, A. D. !!H)4, at hi o'o ock a. in. on said day. nt tho west front duorof tho court bouso In Alllanco. In said county, sell ths following described real estate, -o wit: Southeast quarter tcctiHii 14, townshln 20, north rainro U, nest sixth priiiclpai iiivrldlan, In l)o Iluttu county. Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bid. tor for ash, losat Is j s.iid orilni-of sale. In liu siliuof .Vi7 mill Interest, costs and aecr 1 t costs s.ioiect to nil an -ultl tu.xes. 1KA ltl.Kn. Shell sulil Count Win. Mitchell, Attorney for Plain'!1. V P May go Shci'lfrs Snlc. No. 1551. lly vlrtuo of an outer of sale Issued by tho clerk of the district com t of Jtox Hutto coun-, uikjii u decree tenuereu oy sain couit In favor of .Mary K. Heed pluliitllT, and uguliist . It. Lannlng trustee et, al, defendants. I IU, on theSlstdayof June A. I). l'.Wt, at 10 o'clock u, in. on ald duy, al the front door of the conrt'houso lu Alliance, lu said county, sell the following descrllied real estate, to-wlt: Thn southwest ipiarier of section 5, In town shl)U7. north of range 47. west of tho sixth principal mcrldlnu, In Hox Hutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of S3-U0 and Interest, costs and ucciulng costs snbiect to all unpaid taxes. iua uki:d. Sheriff of said County. William Mitchtll. Attorney for Plaintiff. Noa's Wz Time TO SAVE MONEY Everything Goes at Bankrupt Prices! Come and See for Yourself and I will Show You FREDMOLLRING, Manager of Sale A SELECT STOCK OF .Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . . , u. ijcuait.. fp May 20 P. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line. Sheriff's Snlc. No. 1552. Hy vlrtc of an order of sile Issued by the elnrl.- nf thn district court of Hox Iluttu coun ty, Nebraska, upon n decreo iciideicd by said court lu fntorof Mary B. Keixl, tilalutllf, nnd DKiiliiKt W II. l.annlin,', Trustee et. al, defendants, 1 will on the 'Jlst dayof.luiie A. D. 1WJ, ut tOo'rlook a. in. on sal if day. at the west front door of the court house lu Allt- tnee. In said county, sell thu lollowuij; de scribed real estate, to-wlt: Tlio southwi-st .uiarter. seetlon 10. In town- felitp Srt. north of runKo 47, west sixth prlndiial inerutibti, in liox iiuuoi ouiiiy, .eorusKU, ai public auction to thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale lu the sum of JlliliOnnd interest, cosis unil accruing costt subject to nil uniiald taxes. 1KA ui:ki). SherltV of said county. WlLUAU MITCH EM Ati"- for Plaintiff. fp May 20 AAAAAAAj For a Full Line of... AND Staple Fancy Groceries Best Coffees, FI Guy Lockwood GHADlATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OP EMIIA1.MING Funeral Director and limbalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Cxpcrt l.ndy Attcndnnt .. Alliance, Neb, ATTOHNByf. DR. L. W. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN AND SUKCjEON Ofllco over Postofllco, ALLIANCE. NEH. H. H. Belhvood, PHYSICIAN nd Phone 139. w HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worr) about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge of them; storq then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbir them wherever desirea. Charges reasonaoie. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartfoid Fire Insuranco Company. North American of Philadelphia. Plioonlx of lllooklyn. New York. Continental of Now York City. Nlauaia FIro Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. Partners and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia FIro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoeul. Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. ' Office L'p-Stnlrs, I'lctclicr lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Palace Livery Baxri S. II. DICSCII, Prop. one iiLOCic WEST of , Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NEW zniNDEN . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the Ufli.niNG. "Phone 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Sheriff's Sole. 155(1 Hy virtue of an order of wale Issued by the clerk of the district court of Hox liutte county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by Mild court In favor of II. U. ."Shepherd, plain tiff, and uuaiust Thomas A. Davidson ami Mrs, l)u Vinson, nis w ue, asiicuiiiiani. 1 win, on thoyistday of ,ltine.,A. I). 1IWI. ut 10 o'clock a. m. 011 Mild day, at the west front door of the court house In Alliance, lu Mild county, sell the following dcseilleo real estate, to wlt: Noit Invest quarter section 10, township !N, north, raiitfo 4'J, west, lu Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to hatlsfy aald order of bale. In the sum of ij.3! and Interests, costs and accruing costs subject to nil unpaid taxes, IUA 11EEO. Sheriff of bald Oounty. William Mitchell. Att o rney for Plnlntlir f p May SO Order Por IlcuriiiR For .settlement Of Account. STATE OF NEHHAfiKA 1 . JlOX ItOTTK OlINTV, )'" - At a county court, held at the county court room, lu and for said county, Muy 13, A. D.TlUOl. Prcnout, 1). K. SpacUt. oiintv Juilce In the mutter of extato of .lohu Samuel Hughes, deceased. On readlim and IIIIiik the petition of Mary 1'i-aucon Hughes, prayini; that udmlnlstrutlnu of said estate may bu grunted to her ns ad ministratrix. Ordered, that June 1th, A. U. 1001. at nine o'clock 11, in.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all portoiis Interested In bald matter may appear at u county court to be held lu and for said county, and bhow cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that uoiico of the peudlng of bald petition, and the hearlnu thereof, bu (liven to all persons interesul in said matter hy publishing u .copy of this order lu The Am.ianckHkhai.d a ueekly newspapor print ed In said county, for three successive weeks', prior to said day of hearing. (A true copy) D. K.Si'acht, n (tjeall 3w-fp-May 13 County Jiuh;e. Snno.1 mv i That Can't be Beat In Town.... Queens ware, Tinware ttna Enameled ware CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. W1LLIAH MITCHELl ATTORNEY AT LIVW. ALLIANCL. OrFICB PlIOSK 1W). . . NEBRASKA. l.KSinENCK PllO.NP.S03. R. C. NOLEJttAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Koonis 1, S and 3, First National bank build big, Alliance, Neb. Notary lu olllce. L. A. BERRY, SURGEON. Ilolbfcil Illltl.llt'.e, AI.LIA." )I L. NV. BOWMAN. PHYSICIAN ano SUhuEuN. NEH Uilli'u It alien .Si'lira I il-l kn. .Illl'll'll llllU Irn All! VTTTTTyyTtTVTTTTtTllXTfTy J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WIIOLHSALK AND HKTAIL ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. E. H. Boyd, Attorney nt In-w For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -CALL ON I. D. NICHOLS At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. ALLIANCE, Collections given SMITH I'. TUTTLK. NHDKASKA. Prompt Attention. IUA K. TABU. HA.MlI.i:S T1IK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At rilkliigton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. Ranch For Lease. Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land, four miles east of Bridgeport, For par ticulars see M. II. Hagerty, Alliance, or John Hagerty, Bridgeport. Auction. I will sell at public auction for cash at the Checkered livery barn in Alliance, Saturday, May 28, at 1 o'clock p. m., three cows and two calves, three steers, one single harness and other articles. VM. KlTTKLMAN. G. Zurn, Auctioneer. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., ALLIANCE. NEB. J. E. MOORE, M. D. I'LI'TCIIEIt "LOCK, ALLIANCi:. N1JIJ. Calls answered Tulojiliono No. OS, from ofllco day or ult;bt. DR. Q. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty jenrs experience. Dlsoases of nomenuud oblldren and non-surKlcal re moval of gall stones and cure of upondlci tls, specialties. Oftlce ilrst door west of O'Connor's bakery. Z 'Plione day or night, 111). JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Olllce two blocks north of TUues building, Pbone 256, Hours', 8 to 12 a. in.. 1 :30 to 5 p. ra. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of . Fit and Style. . CHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & 'Phone No. 5. WOOD Alliance, Nebraska.