The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 27, 1904, Image 4

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Iain furnish you Midi the bent stacker
on tlie market. My mnchine lias the moot
improvement, utirext in its working, simp
lost but superior in construction, nnd will
flive you the bunt ot aalisinction.
t Now Principle!
IT IS BUILT ON- Now I-'oHttirwi
f Now Idea
Tim quickest acting
Tlw stronRast built
Th shortest rop
Tim only ralwundinK fork bond
The only stacker with but one pulley
It if pronounced the boit liny stacker
mads by nil who witnessed it in operation
on the Hague ranch in the fall of 1903,
where the tent machine bundled about 900
ton of hay without n bronl:, and since dint
time some valuable improvements luivo
bean added.
1 ask you to cotno and judge for yoursulf
tliu merits of mv mnchinu as compared
with others Call at tforost Lumber Co, '9
yards and examine stacker.
I wish to put my machine in the field
against any other stacker made
Send for circular. John Hague,
Allinnce, Neb.
Democratic County Convention.
A convention of the voters ot the demo
cratic parly of Dox Hutte county will bo
held nt the court house in Alliance Satur
day, May 28, 190.1, for the purpose of
electing .six delegates to attend the state,
representative; senatorial and congressional
conventions, Wm.Mitciiull, Chairman.
M. E. Church Notes.
Ladies Aid will moot next Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock as usual, Place of
meeting will bo announced nt the church
next Sunday,
Hpworth League business and social
meeting will be held at the residence of I,
0. Hill next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
All young people are cordially invited.
Services will be hold at the church next
Sunday as follows. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Junior League nt 2:30 p, tn. Kpworth
Lcaguo at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening 8 p. m. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
The board of county commissioners is in
session today.
Dr. lr. M. Knight spent the greater part
of the week in Denver.
Mim Olive Montgomery (s visiting Al
liance friends this weak.
The Social Hour club will meet next
Friday with Mrs. I.. R. Dewey.
Mrs. F. D. Reynolds will entertain the
Kensington noxt Fridny afternoon.
lCd McConnell, the genial hotel man of
Lakeside, was an Alliance visitor Saturday.
Robert Ralston returned Saturday from
n short visit with bis parents nt Cedar
--w - -- -"V
Since M. A. Hnrr was relieved from the
city nmrsliaUliip Al Wiker has beeu acting
in that capacity.
J. A. Hunter, the well known rnncher
on the Runnlngwatar north of Ilomingford
is in the city today.
Wm. King and F. C. Wilson returned
the first of the week from a trip to Wyom
ing and Montnnn,
S. C. Reck went to Rushvillo Wednes
day to submit a bid on the now court bouse
to be built this summer.
Miss Mary Bushncll of Ilomingford
came down to attend the commencement
exercises and is visiting friends,
Frank Ankeny, the genial ranchman and
mayor of Mumper, was circulating among
his Alliance friends Wednesday.
Miss Alice Longstreet arrived today from
Farmer, N. Y., and will spend the sum
with her sister Mrs. G. C. Jeffers.
G. L. Taylor one of the most substantial
stockmen in the northwest part of the
county, transacted business at the county
capitol yesterday.
G. W. Perry of the Sheridan Post made
this office n pleasant visit Wednesday. Mr.
Perry was enroute home from Rawlins
where ho attended the rcpullican state con
vention. Tho quarterly statement of the Hem
ingford State Hank appears in this issue.
Tho statement appeared last week but
owing to a typographical error is reprinted
correctly this week.
"In The Good Old Summer Time"
People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and so they will
the whole- year through because- he carries -the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is what customers like
and what thdv always get at ....
'Phone 5O '
Corbin Building
l7 I t? aCk' tr n & A 1 -
'' & eJ m9 a 111 OL 1 1 Al. J a
.5. i -1
Drugs, Perfumes
Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
Attorney Fanning of Crawford was in
the city yesterday having just returned
from the Worley ranch with Mrs. Fanning
who has been caring for her mother since
being injured a few weeks ago. Mr. Fan
ning informed Tub Herald man that
Mrs. Worley's condition was very critical
but she is now inproved and when suffi
ciently recovered she will make complaint
against Mr. Thompson, whom she alleges
is responsible for her Injury, and the case
will be prosecuted to the "bitter end."
(Kolth L. I'lorei' Is fully nutliurUod to so
licit bUbscrl)tlons and Jofi wurk and tvilloct
nnd rwislt for same, and transact all other
busings In wmiwilnn with lii position its an
nccredlti'cl ri'iircM'tilallvc of IIiIh dbjkt.J
Tiik HuiiAM) Ik pleAsed to notice this
week tho marriage of Dr. William Tur
ner Hiknor and Miss Alwilda Cnmille
Church nt the Congregational church
on Wednesday evening, May 25, lttol.
It being thu tlrst wedding in a church
sinuo that of Rev. Wunderlich and Miss
Wolilers and every one in tho immedi
ate vicinity having beeu Invited it was
looked forward to with much more
than ordinary interest The church
was brilliantly lighted and quite beauti
ful and elaboratu decorations had been
arranged The bridal couple inarched
up the aisle to thestrainsof the beauti
ful Lohengrin march jilayed by Miss
McCorklo, preceded by two little girls,
Lizzie Walker nnd Gertrude Olds, and
(Ilndy.s lturleigh carrying the ring on a
white satin pillow. A beautiful arch
hail been constructed entwined with
ivy and bearing culla lily bells. The
ilower girls carried white carnations
and thu brides brides roses. The bride
was attired in a costume of white em
broidered St. Gall swlss, with cream
satin girdle nnd collar nnd long tulle
veil. The solemn and impressive ring
ceremony of tho M. B. church was used,
Kev. C. II. Burleigh pronouncing the
invstie words that made them man and
wife. Following the ceremony in the
church which was crowded to its full
cupaelty even though the weather was
inclement, a reception was held at the
home of tho groom, where about 200
met the newly wedded couple and
viewed the presents.aftervvards partuk
ing of a fine lunch. Miss Church is an
accomplished and beautiful voutitr ladv
of marked intellectual attainments and
will grace the pleasant homo Dr. Elk
ner has fitted for her. Dr. Eikner is a
skillful and well to do physician, and
while his residence here has not been
long he numbers his friends by the
hundred and his practice extends over
n very wide territory. The niuuy cost
ly and beautiful presents giver, with so
much heartiness and good will attest
how appreciative tho people are of his
skill and earnest efforts In their illness
and also the regard with which ho nnd
his young bride are known to all.
A 16ng list of the presents is omitted
for tho reason that copy was not re
ceived till press day and time was too
short to set tho type Ed
Ladies' elegant spring bonnets ut
Ifyouwnntn new suit see Wildv's
spring stock.
Geo. Gregg was down from Marsland
Mrs. A. D. Millett visited
Alliance this week.
Ed Loomis and Wm. Culver were in
from Box Hutte Friday.
Rupert walker is helping II. II. Pierce
In the ereamery at present.
Mr. and MrsIra Ueed were up from
Alliance the last of the week.
A (till assortment of buggy and spring
wagon tops at 13. E. Johnson's.
If you want to build see Wlldy for
lumber, posts, lath and shingles.
Some of tho younger boys are perfect
ng a martial band for Decoration day.
F. E. Olds came down from Chadron
Monday and attended the Eikner wed
ding. B, 0. Curtis went to Hay Springs to
visit for a few days with his sister
1'harmncist llowman's wife.
A large number of Alliance people
expect to come to Ilemlngford tho 30th
for the observation of Memorial day.
Alliance, Nebraska, t
I - .
Good Line to Select From Prices Right
VI 1 KtWl . y-yt
ITI t$J 7
111- LiW- -7
Make your purchases at DARLING'S
FURNITURE STORE, where you get value
received for money paid out.
st v : v'i & S si j sfi 0: .:
Just now we are showing some ex
cellent values in new 'and nobby patterns
in iron beds, mattresses and springs in
many kinds and at prices to suit you.
I?: V1 . . Ci V iS V w V vt vi
We have in a big stock of linoleumns
and mattings, showing all new patterns,
and have a larger line of carpets than ever
before. Our carpets are all sewed by
electric machinery, making a stronger and
better seam than hand sewing. See our
floor coverings' before buying; ours is a
well selected stock.
304 Box Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEB.
INi, rs- Ton want the Facte
We can attend to your Plumbing' wants
promptly and satisfactorily. Yours for
your money's worth.
Acheson & Joden
yyfct'yryyyryYYYyyiyyyyyyyyy iryyyyr&rrrysirA vs mm
The placing of a few
dollars monthly in the
g ... ALLIANCE ...
National Bank
S will soon enable you to
2 buy a comfortable home.
V. M. KsnaiiT, President ....
2 W. H. OOKUIN, V. Prostdout .
O. 11. CONNETT.CuSlller,
Mrs. II. U. Oillesplo of Lakeside vis
ited from Saturduy until Tuesday with
Miss lturleigh, going from here to Key
stone to spend a short time.
Some representatives of a St. Joseph,
Mo., Medical company are working
this territory. One of them is accom
panied by lifs wife and little son.
If you wnti t peace with tho good
house-wife, buy a sack of Victor; if you
want everybody happy ask Wlldy for a
sackofliold Medal of Minneapolis fame.
If you are iu need of any kind of fur
niture or any kind of undertaking
goods, remember Wildy's double store
supplies them better und cheaper than
K. L. Pierce went to Alliance Wed
nesday to attend the Group 8 meeting
ot the Nebraska Hankers association.
U. II. Funk assisted in the bank dur
ing his absence.
There was a very pleasant surprise
party on Miss Delia Reed Inst Friday at
the home of tho Misses Foskot A large
number were present and a enjoyable
evening was spent.
On Monday May 30, there will be an
appropriate observunco of Decoration
day. There will bo speakers from
abroad and drills etc., by little children.
Services iu the cemetery In the after
noon. Mrs. Leoru Uustin and Miss Inice
McCorklo and Miss Leo Itustin came up
from Alliance Wednesday to attend the
Church-Eikner wedding. Miss Lee
Rustin will remain in this vicinity sev
eral weeks visiting her rouny friends.
It is reported by a gentleman named
ltelew, residing in Pine Ridge that the
flno frnmu house of A. II. Kraut, a
sheep ranchman living about half way
from here to Chadron burned down
Monday having been struck by Hghtu
ing. Come to the Memorial services at the
Congregational church next Sunday.
Services are for all who have friends
or relatives who have gone before aud
not for the old soldiors only, though
services will include them and they
will be seated together. Chairman of
Our, Spring and Sum
mer Clothing
is worthy the attention of all
buyers, as the clothes we sell
speak for themselves. Our
word for this, or your own
eyes will tell. If "you look
at our windows you will see
the best for the money ever
offered. We have a large
stock and must sell it.
School closes this week. Tho princi
pal, Mr, Clark will return to Chadron.
Miss Delia Reed, as a reward of faith
ful work goes to a better position in
Alliance. Miss Hopkins whose work
has been very satisfactory will no
doubt be retained, if she will accept,
for the coming year.
Rev. lturleigh, wife and little daugh
ter returned from their coast trip Sat
urday. They were at San Francisco
and Los Angeles having attended the
National Methodist Conference and be
sides having seen many of the sights
and industries for which California is
noted. They returned much pleased
and benefited by their trip.
C .1. Wlldy has seeded down a lawn
nnd made himself a tine garden inclos
ing both with a tight board fence. He
is also building a big barn on the lots
in tho rear of store. These things are
evidences of prosperity and it looks liko
Mr. Wildy hud mude up his mind to
quit "camping" here and make this his
home. All such improvements help the
town by giving it a more creditable ap
pearance. CANTON
Geo. E. Zimmerman was iu Alli
ance Saturday.
C. W. Lockwood is making weekly
visits to the I'ino Ridge now.
J. W. Broshar and Mrs. V. A. Ran
dall were trading in Hetningford Monday.
Some of the ranchmen have been
loosing young cattle from what is sup
posed to be black leg.
Emmet Johnson lost a couple of his
horses recently and may loose the third
one soon from distemper.
Mrs. Doc Randall was entertained at
the Canton Milliner's Bazar Tuesday,
Mrs. Broshar proprietress.
Otis Bass was down from his ranch
on the river a few days ago, looking up
iiis well digger, in the person of R. L.
The high price paid for spuds has
been a detriment to some of our people
as they have sold off and planted so
close that they are now getting hungry
for "Murphy's.
Quite a number of our people are on
the sick list this week, Doc Randall has
been ailing for several days, also some
of John Mickey's family and Mrs. J.
W. Broshar was taken sick while at
Sunday school Suuday.
The telephone meeting that was hold
at Canton Saturday afternoon was well
attendod and some eloquent speeches
were made on the subject. The de
cision was to get out the poles and have
them ready for fall work. The route is
to angle from Canton along the mail
route to Joe Kaper's ranch then east
along the section line between C.
Klemke and Nikont brothers and so on.
The First State Bank,
Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at
the close of business May 14, 1904.
Iannis una intromits
Ovi'r.!'i-iiri"(linl niiMriiVi-il '
lurnlturuundtlMiin-. ..
Ourient nxpeiiMiHiiwl t.ixos ualVl "
Due from nutloiml, btato anU lii-l-v.itu
Kink!) ami li.iuUur. .53,011 y
1 "s" 2,).io
. tlH.Tii
. .XW.rt)
Capital BtockixiM in
uruiuh iunn
U uui tiled proiitv
. 1.IM.00
Individual doi,oits huhWit t'u cwi.-''
Ti'mo 'cVrt'lllmt of ;toI.o;-rS.',t.S3
Cashier's eluvU oiu,tiiiid-
l0K 4-U.50
COUNTY Of llox llOTTE ' f 8H-
u1Vtrlu,?ii.,ftnktff1us8b3."' th r",,,,rt
ArrT. KEmi " 1'iHUCE, Cashier.
II. It. OitKieS-.f director.
dayorMl,blliV'aSWOrnt0,Jofore mo tnls WH
m - A. noiiLEw, Notary Public.
The Ferris Wheel stacker is on exhibi
tion at the Forest Lumber company yams
N."SS.Bred by Joha Ha,?ue' AU'a"