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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
' vwjwMviijvwjwwwywt DARKEST RUSSIA 11Y II. OH ATT AN DONNELMT. Copyright, 1896. by Street 4; Smith, All rights roserved. ?flAoJbi''l'Ml'N CHAPTER III. Continued. "Is there no person with whom you aro acquainted who Is familiar with English literature, and who " "To bo sure. My secretary, Hen Ivan Barosky. If you care " "It will give mo great pleasure, and I thank you from tho bottom of my lieart, madame, for your kindness." The baroness touched a silver call bell, which stood on a tablo near. A servant entered. "Say to Herr Baros ky I wish to seo him here." "Pardon, madame, but Herr Ba rosky left tho houso an hour ago, say ing If he were asked for that ha would soon return." "How unfortunate," began the baro ness. "I" "If I might bo given tho permission to wait and to glance through these lirlceless, trensures," suggested tho pro cessor as ho cast a wistful look at tho well-filled shelves. "By all means," said tho baroness, and rising she said that she would send Herr Barosky to him on his re turn, and then withdrew. Making a low bow, expressive of Ills gratitude, the professor stood until tho door had closed, and then a start ling change took place. Instead of the alow, deliberate movements of the old scholar, Michael Radaloff, with a Tjleam of triumpli In his eye, once more was tho nlert and actlvo agent of police. Going tiptoe to tho door with catlike motion, ho listened for a mo ment, and then with rapid movements ho proceeded to a desk which stood In tho apartment, and producing a bunch of skeleton keys soon had Its contents at his disposal. A hurried examina tion of one paper after another follow ed. Tho face of tho searcher was a study. Eagerness, disappointment, anxiety, anticipation one expression after another chased itself across tho earnest face. Suddenly he uttered an exclamation A secret drawer had rowarded his search. He grasped the papers tho re ceptacle contained. A great flush of joy passed over his lace! The drawer was speedily closed. Another moment, and all tho docu ments In tho desk were rearranged as iiearly as possible in their former order all but two tho two found in tho secret drawer, guarded by the concealed spring. , Then the lock was locked. Radaloff, drawing himself erect, stood for a moment llko some con queror who had won a great victory, and as a great flash of exultation lighted up the sallow face, he exclaim ed, "By Holy Nicholas, tho gamo is mlno!" CHAPTER IV. The Student of the Polytechnique. Five minutes later, a young man, apparently of some two or threo and twenty years, of singularly easy and graceful bearing, entered tho room. " The learned professor was too deep ly engrossed in an examination of a superb copy of Schiller to notlco his entrance, and his eyes were only lift ed from the page when the young man spoke. "Is this Herr Professor Kaso vitch?' , The "Herr Professor" was deeply embarrassed. He arose and apologiz ed for his preoccupation. Mr. Barosky, with a glance at the card he held In his hand, said in a pleasant tone, "Pray be seated." Radaloff took in every feature of tho young man before him. Then ho picked up tho volumo of Tennyson and said: "Knowing tho reputation of tho Baroness von Rhineberg as a connoisseur In works of this kind, and being in need of money, I wished to dispose of this book." "Tho baroness explained to me," said the young man, and began an ex amination of tho work. Whllo ho is thus engaged lot us get hotter acquainted with tho young man who has just been Introduced. He Is destined to play no small part In the drama of "Darkest Russia," and it is well that we should know who and what he Is at the start. About fifteen years beforo our story opens $iero lived in St. Petersburg a fariious teacher of music, named Michael Barusky. He was a man of hrilllant attainments, having traveled much throughout Europe, and having a wide acquaintance among some of the loading musicians of tho principal cities of tho continent. An offer, through an English nobleman of high rank, who was his ndmlror, induced Barosky to visit London, where ho speedily became known as ono of tho great masters, and where on more fWHEEs ' . S WOT'" than ono occasion ho had been "com manded" to play beforo the queen. This signal recognition of his abilities opened his career under tho most flat tering auspices, and Michael Barosky, within a year after his arrival at tho English capital, found himself well ad vanced on the highroad to famo unci fortune. Within twelve months after his first arrival ho sent for his wife Alexandrlno and his two children Ivnn, a boy of eight years, and tho bright-eyed little Ildn, who was two years younger determined to make his homo permanently In London. Sovcral years of peace,, prosperity and happiness wont by. Then there came a change, as all things human change during tho fourth year of his llfo In England an event occurred which forever darkened tho life of Michael Barosky. Alexandrine, his young and beautiful wife, caught a severe cold. It developed rapidly, and In splto of all that tho highest medi cal science could suggest, sho sank rapidly, and In less than a fortnight died In tho arms of her agonized hus band. Michael Bnrosky and his motherless children embarked with tho remains of tho beloved wife and mother for Russia, and Alexandrlno was laid to rest in tho little village of Felrof, where she was born. Two days after tho funeral Michael Barosky was stricken down by illness, and for wocks hovered between llfo and death. His recovery began at last, but life brought no Joy to tho strlckon man, for ho was blind! In this hapless state he again return ed to St. Petersburg. Tho loving kind ness and tender solicitude of Ivan and Ilda softened tho cruel blow that had thus befallen him. But even this con solation was not of long duration. In the archives of tho secret police of St. Petersburg were certain re ports of conversations overheard In Barosky's houso in London of threats against tho czar, of conspira cies, of revolutionary schemes dis cussed and projected. It was not pre tended that Michael Barosky himself was responsible for theso utterances. But ho had harbored beneath his roof those who had spoken and who were enemies of tho state, and to this ex tent was partlcops crimlnis. So It was, that ono eventful even ing, as Michael Barosky sat listening to his little Ilda playing on the violin, there was a violent knocking at tho door. It was opened by Ivan. Another moment, and there entered an officer accompanied by four soldiers. Going up to tho blind man, the ofilcer, plac ing his hand on his shoulder, said: "Michael Barosky, 1 arrest you In the name of tho czar!" All tho demands for a statement of tho crime of which ho stood accused were denied, and five minutes later tho unfortunate father was torn from tho grasp of his children, who with cries and shrieks clung to him in very agony of childish despair. In less than an hour tho gates of the great Petropaulovsk prison had closed behind him, and Michael Baros ky was dead to tho world. Beforo leaving London Michael Ba- rosky had deposited a very largo sum of money, the results of his brilliant professional career. This money had been made payable by exchange on the great banking house of Von Rhine berg, Strauss & Co. After waiting for somo time, and receiving no word from their blind client, tho bnnkers Instituted a search for him. Then came tho Intelligence of his arrest. In his earlier days Michael Barosky had been the teacher of the children of tho Banker Strauss, who entertain ed for him a high regard, and so it was but natural that on hearing of the mlsfortuno of their fathor that the care for the children whoso fortuno he had In his keeping. Tho result was that Ivan, the boy, now about ap proaching his twelfth year, was placed in an excellent private school, and tho Utile Ilda received a warm placo in the banker's family. Ivan proved hlmsolf an earnest student, and at the time when wo first meet him he was ono of tho most brilliant graduates of tho St. Petersburg Polytechnlque. It was whllo In the homo of Banker Strauss that tho Baroness von Rhineberg first met him, and it was at hor desire that he had engaged to translate Into Rus sian some English books. He rapid ly gained the respect and esteem and confidence of tho baroness, and at tho time when he enters upon our horizon, was trusted with the direction of her correspondence. Ilda Barosky, at tho time when her father had been so ruthlessly torn from his children, had just entered her tenth year. Tho cruel separation had mado a profound impression upon her. She had been her father's idol and, since the death of the beloved Alexandrine, his heart-strings twined themselves moro than ever around his motherless little daughter. Early In llfo Ilda had given evidence of the possession of musical talent of a high order, and as soon as she was able to hold an Instrument her father had begun giving her Instructions on tho violin. Tho result was that she was now something of a musical prodigy, and Banker Strauss took caro that the child's musical gifts should bo carefully fostored and developed. Ilda began her career as 'a student at the Conservatoire soon after her father's arrest, and it was not long until her talonts attracted attontlon. The re sult was that, even before she gradu ated sho was frequently given oppor tunities of displaying her talents be foro many brilliant assemblages of tho Russian aristocracy. It wns whllo hero that Ilda Barosky formed the acquaintance of a follow student, Anna Dorskl, and tho friendship of tho young girls ripened Into a tender affection for each other, Ilda took up her home In tho Dorskl'fi houso and for years lived ns ono of tho fam ily. Anna's father, like tho father of Ilda, was an eminent musician, and when any spec'nlly elaborate feto or celebration wus given In St. Peters burg, it wns considered Incomplete unless tho muslcnl arrangements were directed by M. Dorskl. Wo have thus given In brief, an out line of Michael Barosky and his fain lly, nnd will now return to Ivan and M. Radaloff, and follow their conver sation. Radaloff, whllo Ivan hurriedly 3lnncod through the book, sat watch ing him with Intonso" Interest, but there was no indication of It In tho appearance ho presented when Ivnn raising his eyes from tho book mot those of tho supposed professor. "This book," snld Ivan, "whllo a volume of Tennyson, Is Incomplete In tho fact that several works nro not Included." "I wns not aware of It." "Tho baroness, I think, said thai you received It as a present from o friend In Englnnd." "From Professor Muller of Oxford.' "Indeed." There was something Id tho intonation of tho word that put Radaloff on his guard in a moment. He felt that in some way, he know not what, ho had made a blunder, and ho waited with anxiety tho discovery of the particular point in which he had erred. "May I ask if the Professor Mullir of Oxford Is In St. Petersburg at pres ent?" "Oh. no, In Englnnd; at Oxford at the university." "But ho has been here, in Russia." "Perhaps not lately to my knowl edge w met in .Berlin last" "Then the book was Bent to you from England." "Pardon me, I think I nlready men tioned that," Radaloff said, with somo Impatience. Ho felt sure he was being cross-exnmlned for tomo pur pose ho could not fathom. Did Ivan suspect him? What if ho had over seen him beforo and had penetrated the disguise! (To be continued.) THE FINE WAS REMITTED. Lawyer's Assurance Saved Him From Deserved Punishment. Representative Henry of Texas, dis cussing the Cockran-Dalzell incident in tho House, was telling how Thomas Fannin Smith of Texas was accus tomed to bullyrag tho Judges beforo whom no practiced. "Does counsel think this court is a fool?" asked the judge of Smith after a particularly boastful statement that had been mado by counsel. "I should not like to nnswer your honor's question, and would bo glad to bo excused," Smith answered, "as I might subject myself to contempt of court." "You nro fined $10 for contempt," the judge answered. With a great display or bills Smith paid tho fine to tho clerk, nt tho tamo time muttering: "Anyhow, It is $10 moro than tho court can show." "You nro fined $50 additional for contempt," the court ordorod, and as Smith did not havo this amount he was to raise it beforo tho next clay or go to Jail. "Your honor," ho finally said, "In view of all tho circumstances, I am convinced your honor was joking about that $50 fine, and I move that it be remitted." Smith's assuranco was so grcnt that tho judge remitted the $50 fine. New York World. Atrocities In the Congo Region. In an account of a Journoy made last year In tho Congo Free State tho Rev. A. E. Scrivener, of tho Baptist Missionary Society, of England, thus comments on the treatment of tho natives by the agents pf tho State: "It all seomed so foolish to kill tho people off In the wholesale way 'in which it has been dono in this lako district because they would not bring In sufficient rubber to satisfy tho whlto men and now hero is an empty country nnd a very much diminished output of rubber as tho Inevitable con sequence." 'Pastor Changes Faith. Rev. William T. Brown, formerly tho pastor of Plymouth Congregation al church at Rochester, N. Y., who created such dissatisfaction by his so cialistic sormons somo four years ago, that ho was compellocf to leave tho pulpit, has united with tho Unitarians nnd assumed tho pastorate of the Church of Our Father at East Boston, Mass. A Rosebud Luncheon. At an attractive spring brldosmnld luncheon tho color sliomo wns roso pink and green. An embroidered cen terpiece with a border of pink roses was laid on tho highly polished ma hogany table, nnd on this n tall, cut glass flower vase filled with an lm monso bunch of pink bridesmaid roses. Near each corner of tho table wero slender glass vnses with tho samo roses, and thoso smaller vases wero connected with tho center-pleco by long strenmers of sinllax. Tho placo doylies wero rose-shaped with an open-work design. At each place was a full-blown paper rose, re vealing within Its leaves salted al monds; each placo card had a most natural looking paper rosebud tied to ono corner by a bow of pink bnby ribbon. Llttlo Bllver bonbonnlores held pink and green candles. Tho rose-bud Idea wns carried out as far as possible throughout tho various courses. Tho china had roso decorations. Even the Roupercnm of salmon was pink. Tho punch, which followed tho bird course, was served In llttlo pink crepe paper boxes, sur rounded by wreaths of small pink roses. The lco cream wns In tho form of pink roses laid on a stem and bud of tissue paper. Tho cakes wero covered with pink and green Icing. I New Laces and New Collars. With tho wnshablo shirt waist suit there Is worn tho wldo folded girdle of silk. And thero Is worn tho wide silk sailor collar, nnd there aro the deep Bilk cuffs, which can be pulled on at will, adjusted and fastened with small pins. When thus finished tho suit has a certain dressy air which It would not otherwise have. Tho popular laces Include all tho laces that come from tho looms, for thero Is no such thing as an unfash ionable lace. Particularly aro tho nov elty laces In style, whllo the Valen ciennes laces In these revlvnl days are particularly well liked. Llttlo Val ruffles are almost a necessity with the thin gown. Tho other laces much worn nro Aloncon nnd Swiss laces. Irish laces aro also seen In profu sion, nnd for drossy gowns there Is an nrrangement of black Chnntllly, over which Is set crenm guipure with very telling effect. Blouse or Shirt Waist. ThlB shirt waist will be found moBt excellent for all tho walstlngs of tho season, cotton, linen, silk and wool and is as smart as It Is simple, besides suiting stout figures welT there being no greater mistnko oxtant than that such aro at their best in plain waists. Tho wide tucks at tho front that glvo ample fulness below tho stltchlngs, and the broad box plait at tho center aro both new and ilo slrablo And com bine most sntjsfac- factorlly with tho plain back. Tho model Is made of cheviot, whlto with lines oi nine, anu is worn with a blue linen stock. But this Inst can bo anything one may prefer, or can bo omitted altogether In favor of ribbon tied in a big bow, although It really Is admirablo both for this Bpcclal waist and ns n model for the odd ones of which thero never can bo too many. Tho waist Is mado with fronts and back, that are fitted by means of shoulder and under-arm seams and Is gathered at the waist line, the back being drawn down smoothly, tho fronts mndo to blouso over the bolt. Tho sleeves aro the accepted ones of tho season and nro finished with straight cuffs and tho shapod stock finishes the nock. Tho quantity of material required for tho medium size Is ii yards 21 Inchos wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide or 2 yards 44 Inches wide with V yard of any width for stock. Jewelry In Smart Styles. Pretty pieces of Jewelry in smart styles shown in the best department shops are brooches In bird design, poacocks, Bwnns and Hying storks, not large and In natural colors. Whllo these do not rank with tho high-priced jewelry, they nro clovorly mado and not inexpensive. In tho fine Jewelry a beautiful spray of diamonds for tho corsage Is a clus ter of violets. This spray Is somo live or six inchos long, tho flowers and leaves set solidly with tho jewels and the stems slender threads of plat inum. In rings where tho broad effect is desired, lines of stones aro sot across tho back of tho ring, those three or five deep, according to tho slzo of tho stones. Diamonds aro most often used In this way. Frocks of Val Lace Rumored. Allovor valonclonnos is to bo used n good deal for tho moro expensive summer gowns, It Is rumored. A couple of exceedingly lovely frocks of this exquisite mntorlal seen the other day help to confirm the rumor. They wero not Inexpensive gowns, or ones that would iar copying in very chenp goods; but tho woman who ex pects to cntertnln during tho country houso sonBon or to dress well nt tho seashoro hotel will bo Interested. Tho Bklits of tho two frocks scon wero formed by a succession of deep flouncoB of tho nllovor laco. Tho sleoves, which wero close-fitting on tho shoulder and upper arm, wero merged at tho elbow in a scarf drap ery of tho laco deep enough to cover the hnnd. Misses' Collarles8 Jacket. Tho collnrless Jacket mnrks tho senson for young girls ns well nB for grown folk nnd no bettor model is shown than this ono with scams that extend to the shoulders at front nnd bnck. Tho stylish ono which served ns a model for tho drawing 1b mado of tan colored cloth with hnnd Ings of fancy braid and hnndBomo penrl buttons ovor laid with gold, but nil tho materials used for JackotB suit the model equally well, Tho mandolin sleeves aro now and fashion able but plain f.nes can bo substituted and aro always In vogue. Tho Jncket consists of fronts nnd side-fronts, bnck and Bldo-backs, with double undcr-arm gores that allow of careful and successful fitting. Tho mnudolln sleoves aro made In ono piece, but tho plain ones consist of uppers nnd tinders In regulation coat style. Tho quantity of material required for tho medium slzo (14 years) Is 3 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 yards 44 Inchos wldo or 1 yards 52 Inches wide. To Freshen Kid Slippers. An economical woman has discov ered another little way to make tho most of what sho has. Whlto or colored kid slippers often become shabby In appearanco becauso tho kid has been peeled off tho heels. If tho slippers are otherwlBO In good condition tho IiccIb enn bo mado to look like new by cutting from tho top of nn old glovo of tho samo color a' pleco -of kid largo enough to Btrctch unci paste about tho lieol. Tho upper edge can bo securely pushed under' tho solo of tho shoo nnd neatly trimmed at tho bottom. If not worn until perfectly dry tho result Is most satisfactory. Hints for New Gowns. One of tho lovollost shirt walBts of tho Beason wns made of champagne colored mull. It was trimmed with Ivory white laco and piped with pearl whlto bands. A deep girdle of opal yellow chiffon vclvot confined tho waist. They say thoro was never so many new colors as this year. And, not only nro thero innuy now colors from which to pick, but thero aro many re vived tones. Among the Bhades which aro cither now' or revived aro opal yellow, pansy purple, orchid purplo nnd tho now dark pink. Theso tpnes suggest a groat deal in tho lino of harmony. Useful String Bag. Keep a string bag. It will bo found most useful In the kitchen. It should bo hung up In somo special placo and all pieces of string that como tied nround parcels should be put In It. String Is constantly required and It is far better to know exactly whcro to find a piece than to bo obliged to hunt about and wasto tlmo in searching for this necessity. Misses' Skirt. Full skirts that fall In soft grace ful folds appear to gain In favor day by day and aro peculiarly becoming to young girls. This one can bo gath ered at tho upper edge to form puff shirrlngfl, or onco only and joined to a contrasting yoke, but in cither case, tho fullness is made to form box plaits at the lower edge. The model 1b mado of em broidered batlsto with a band of heavy laco applique but all tho pretty soft stuffs, silk, wool, cotton and linen aro equally appropriate. Tho shirred yoko Is much liked and Is always pretty when the figuro is slondcr but when, as often is tho case In young girls, addi tional bulk at tho belt is to be avoided, tho plain yoko made of laco or of other fancy material i3 to be proforred. Tho skirt Is cut in ono circular piece, straight lengths of tho material being sowed togothor to glvo the nocossary width, and when shirred is arranged ovor tho foundation that also servos for tho plain yoko when shir rings are not used. Tho quantity of matorlal roqulred for tho modlum slzo is C yards 21 Inches wide, G yards 27 inchos wldo or 2Vi yards 44 inchos wldo with 4', yards of applique and yard of all over lace when yoke Is used. YiWVjiO Convinced at Last. Tommy Smokln' cigarettes Is dead suro to hurt yer. Jimmy G'onl Whcro did ycr git dat notion? Tommy From pop. Jimmy Awl ho wuz Jlst strlngln yer. Tommy No, ho wasn't strlngln' mo; ho wuz Btrnppln' mo. Dnt's how I known it hurts. Catholic Standard and TImo3. . A Long-Felt Want. "This," snld tho dealer, "Is a won derful thing; tho vory latest. It's an alarm clock with a phonograph at tached." "Ah! tho phonograph yells 'Got up!' I suppose" "Oh, no; you only turn on tha phonograph when you go too bod. It slngB lullabies to you and puts you to sleep." Swept the Deck. Guyomoff I bought a tray of dia monds for BO cents yesterday. Japalak Sny, you tako my advlco and stop hitting tho plpo beforo It's everlastingly too late. Guyomoff It's straight goods. I not only got tho tray of diamonds, but tho other 51 cards in tho deck, also. Preparing for tho Worst. Miss Prim O, I Just know you nro going to take this dlmo and got ter ribly lntoxlcatod. Rummy Robinson Yor, do, mum. Don yor might hand ovor a dollar, so I can tako n Turkish bath an' straight on up afterward. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Doesn't Like to Guess. Protty Daughtor I'd rather marry tho worst man on earth than tho best ono. Horrified mother Good grncjousl Aro you crazy? Protty Daughtor Not necessarily. You see, I'd know then right from tho start what I was up against and wouldn't bo kept guessing. High Finance. "He's a splendid financlor, thoy sny." "Yes, indeed. Why, ho can manipu late tho assets of a corporation in which you aro Interested so cleverly that you. cpntluuo to Joel grateful toward him when you wako up and find you havo lost ovorythlng." Possible Explanation. "Ignoranco," remarked young Snp head, "they say is bliss." "That," replied Miss Caustlquo," "accountB for It, I Imagine" "Accounts for what?" queried tho youth. "Your apparent bllssfulness," sho replied. A Boomerang. Strlngem What kind of a cigar do you prefer? WItlcus A dark cigar with a light end. See? Strlngem That's all right, too; but when you'ro smoking it Is light ut both ends. Disturbing Peace "Did your daughter's musical train ing cost you much money?" "Sure. Why, tho next-door neigh bors havo sued mo for damages." Juvenile Theory. "Nellie," said a mother to her 5-year-old daughtor, "what's tho reason you and your little brothor can't get along without quarreling?" "I don't know, mamma," replied the small miss, "unloss It's 'causo I tako after you nnd ho takes after papa." Russia and Japan. "It Is a sort of a bric-a-brac war, isn't it?" "Fur rugs and bric-a-brac, you might say." Indianapolis Journal. Partial Eclipse. Ernie And did you hide your face when ho kissed you? Bollo Well, I had on automobllo goggles. at 1?4A I