The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1904, Image 4

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    4. ItMM, i 4i.Wi(4l(MI 1
"In The Good Old Summer Time"
People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and so. they will
the whole year through because he carries the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is what customers like
and what thdv always get at . . ' .
'Phone 5O Corbin Building
:: !-; 'ys :-?-:h-
IF. J. Brennan & Co....
Drugs, Perfumesf
"'" Toilet Articles.!
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
Alliance, Nebraska.
hacpi haqpi mncnii:
1 A r 4 JL-4 . JVA-Ji 4 i i IVcM
Good Line to Select From Prices Right
We can attend to your Plumbing wants
promptly and satisfactorily.
your money's worth.
Acheson & Joder
vsraT vrYrrisTa vsvirr sYTTiV0Tr?73Trr?TiV
The placing of a few
dollars monthly in the
... ALLIANCE ...
National Bank
. will soon enable you to
buy a comfortable home.
I M. Kniuiit, President
O. II.
President .
OCNN LTT.Cushlor.
aS6ce.0899ee w"-ye0ea9a0t)a0a.00.e
Lee Card of Cliadron was in town
Tuosday night.
Ilumphcrv Kendrich is laid up with
the rheumatism.
Rev. Shrivcr organized a choir after'
services Sunday night.
Mrs. Carrie Evans is very much af
flicted with rheumatism.
Wm. Thomas and family have moved
into the H. II. Miller house.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mctlin are rejoic
ing" ovor the arrival of a baby girl.
Mrs. Poarl Gregg is able to be out
again and is spending a week at the
parental home.
S. V TuttSc of Alliance was up
Thuihday liansaoting legal business
for Mrs. Mary Hughes.
Eugene Kendric has gone to Hot
Springs to remain a fortnight with his
wife who is in the hospital there.
The Shclton buys from Pine Kidgs
arc bringing considerable lumber to
this place lor Iiycrs & Zimmerman.
Mr. Davis, the Beatrice creamery
man is in this place and vicinity look
ing after the interests of the companv.
H. G. lutnnan and sous arc dipping
cattle this week. They have a new
heating aparatus which is sold by New
berry of Alliance.
Mrs. Criglcr anJ daughter Ha were
down from Hough Saturday. The lat
ter has just returned from the eastern
patt of the state.
A largo party was given at Ben Mil
ler's home last Friday night in honor
of the Millham young people who ex
pect to leave for Wisconsin soon.
Mrs. Robert Thomas who came up
fiom the valley to attend the funeral of
her brotner John Hughes accompanied
her brother Thomas Hughes to Denver.
Miss Speasc, who has been teaching
a private school at Octave Harris'
came down on Saturday and took 41
Sunday for her home north of Crawford.
We hear this lady gave good satisfac
tion as a teacher.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hack of Evergreen
died Fiiday and was buried Sundoy in
the Maisland cemetery. She was C8
years old and had been afflicted with
paralysis for four yeais and since
Christmas had been entirely helpless.
She leaves o husband and several cliil
drcn to mourn her loss. The large and
sympathizing company of neighbors
anil friojjds who wctp present at her
burial was evidence of the high esteem
in which she was held. Rev. Shrivcr
preached the funeral discourse at the
home on Sunday at 10 a. in.
On another page of this issue of The
Herald will be found a map giving a de
scription of the lands subject to the home
stead law under the Kinkaid bill. The law
regulating the same is also printed in full
and should be preserved for reference by
those interested.
Hartford l'lio Insurance Compiui).
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix urillookln, Now York.
Continental of New York City.
Niagara I'iro Insurance. Company.
Now York Underwriters, Now York.
Commercial Union Assuruucu Ho., London
Office I'p.Stnlri,
l'lctchcr lllocK.
Liverpool. London uud G!olo Ins. Co.
German Amurlcun Ins. Co.. Now York,
runners nnd Merchants Ins. Co , Lincoln.
Columbia Tiro Insurance. Company.
Philadelphia Underw rlters.
Phoenix Ins. Co., Hurl ford. Conn.
Alliance, Nebraska.
IE3 a-1 sue e
oni: iii.ociv wlst or
Tin: NEW .MM)i:x. ,
HCILDING. '1'Iiono 7 J
Livery Bain
Good turnouts, sttict attention to our business,
and couiteous tteatment to all has won for us the
excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us.
Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co
Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs,
Cow and Horse Hide Robes,
Leather and Saddlery Hardware
L. C. BURNETT, M'gr.
Nebraska City. Nebraska.
Notice to Creditors.
In county Court, within ami for llox Hutte
counts. Nebraska. April SO, 1W1 In tlie
mutter of the estate of Lawrence Hutler,
di'ceused. To the creditors of Miltl estate;
You urn horoby notified, that 1 will kit lit
the County Court ltoom In Alliance In said
county, mi the 7th da) of November, re
ceho mid examine all claims against suid
estate, with at lew to tlielr Adjustment and
allow 11111,-0. The time limited for the pres
entation of clatiiiH against Mild estate is six
mouths, from the 30th day of April, A I. 1004.
and the-tlme limited for pa) men t tit debts Is
ft ,
ft ww
ii Vl I MVtt i'"
ft i tji j
ft W -A .
5 I Y U
. J V
ft m n
ft 1L LJlh
ft I h It 'l3
Y -- -- II W i V
Make your purchases at DARLING'S
FURNITURE STORE, where you get value
received for money paid out.
i i v v si si si .' : tS si si si si
Just now we are showing some ex
cellent values in new and nobby patterns
in iron beds, mattresses and springs in
many kinds and at prices to suit you.
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
We have in a big stock of linoleumns
and mattings, showing all new patterns,
and have a larger line of carpets than ever
before. Our carpets are all sewed by
electric machinery, making a stronger and
better seam than hand sewing. See our
floor coverings before buying; ours is a
well selected stock.
ox Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEB.
The First State Bank,
ciiauti:ij NO. (CIS.
Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at
the close of business May 14, 1904.
Uiiins and dlsconnls
Oxerdrafls.secuied and unsecured .
furniture uud fixtures
Cuirente-xpeusenuud taxes paid..
Duo from national, state nnd pri
vate hnuUsund bunkers. ,;3,t)ll 'M
Cash 2,NM!.lt
Total , JW.mhS
Cnidiul Ktock paid in
surplus f itml
Uiiiihideil prollts
Individual deposits mliji'ctto cluck
Tune fwrtlllentax of depodt VM.1U
Cashier chocks outsiuud
ius H1W
COUJ.TY OK Ho HUTTI", ) -I.Keith
L. I'ierce.CBshior ofthnalxi named
h.iuk, do (-oh'innl swear Wmttlio uhoo etute
inent Is correct and n true copy of the repoit
mnde to the State llanklni,' board.
Kliiii 1. 1'ir.iiCE, Cashier.
II. it. GltEEX, t Ulr0C'0ri-
Snbserlbed and noru to before me this IlUh
day of May HKM
V. A. IIl', Notary Public.
on your from bald .totli iluy of A lull, 1IWL
Miineos my nsnu ami mo seu 01
countv court, this rwth dnv of Anrll. liVU
l'pMu)6-iw. I). K Si'aciit, County . I udi;e
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court within and for Ilox liutte
county, Nebraska, April 10. 1004. in the
matter of the estate of Henry 11. Miller, de
ceased To the creditors of the bald estate
You uro hereby notified, that 1 will nil at.
The County Court. ltoom lu Alllaucu In said
county, on the 20th flay of October, ltOl, at 1
o'clock p. m, to receive and exitmlueull claims
uealnst bald ratato with u view of their ad
justment and allowance. The time limited
for the presentation of claims atcalnst bald es
tate Is 0 months, from the lt'th day of April,
A. D., 1101, and the time limited for tho
iiaymenl of debts Is 0110 jear from said 13tU
day of April. A. D.. 10W. , m
WUnee my hand aud beal of said Coutlty
Court, this 10th day of April, 1004. . m
A true copy) V. K. 8PA0HT.
HEAL County Judge.
tV Apr. 224w
Sheriffs Snlc.
No. 1551
Ily virtue of unonlorof ale Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of ltox Hutte coun-
tyNebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court In favor of llurj E. lte'd
plalutltf, aud against W II. LanuuiK
trustvs et, al, defeuduuts, I will, on
theSlst fluj of June A. D. 1004, at 10 o'clock a,
in 011 tatd da) . at tho west front door of tho
court house In Alliance. In said county, sell
the following descrilwtl real estate, to-wlt:
The southwest ipiutler of section 5, lu town
sldp'.T. north of raiiRo 47 west of the sixth
principal meridian. In Ilox Hutte county, Ne
braska, at public auction to tho highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of salo lu
the sum of Mis 40 aud Interest, costs unit
accruing costs sublcct to till unpaid taxes.
i ft a in:i:u,
SherllT of said County,
William MiTcitn.1..
Attorney lor Plnlmlff. fi May 30
, 111 .- 1 T 1 1 tftnm.w.-. ,. - -, . . r .-, 1 1
-IN:, o. Ion want
11 " T!y )
e mmtma:j,A r ?x ht -
JHfi kHHBRP'v r 1 ft
wWFa1 Uln.
IMA mUMhim,
'Sty I" S lf A
, 3,228 71) X.-J Ti ll
f Ah 9
flfl.333 W tSOi &
J i
u facts
Our Spring and Sum
mer Clothing
Public Sale.
The Hox Butte Creek Creamery Co.,
of Box Butte, Nebraska, will sell at
public auction on May 25, 1904, at
z o'clock p. m., the skimming station
consisting of building, machinery aud
fixtures; building to be sold separate.
Terms, cash. M. A, Browh
5.6.3W S" vv.
.sheriff's Sale.
No. 1551
Hy virtue of tin order of salo issued by the
clerk of th) district court of llox Hutto coun
ty. Nebraska, upon 11 decree rendered by said
court In favor of Mary E. Heed plaintiff, and
against .II.Launlugtrusteu defendants,
1 will offer ou thu2lst day of June, A. D, 1001,
atluococku. m. on said day. at tho west
front door of the court house In Alliance, In
said county, sell tlu following described real
estate, to wit:
Southeast quarter Fectlnu 14. township 20.
north range 4s, west sluh principal meridian,
In llo Hutte county, Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder fori ash, to sat
1st j said order of sale, lu tho sum of 55.27 unu
interest, costs and aecr, iiu costs sublect to
ail unpaid taes.
,, ... , bheii 1 1 aniil count)
to. Mitchell.
Attorney for Plaintiff. V P May 20
aracna bm oot s BMBiM.imcjija
is worthy the attention of all
buyers, as the clothes we sell
speak for themselves. Our
word for this, or your own
eyes will tell. If you look
at our windows you will see
the best for the money ever
offered. We have a large
stock and must sell it.
1 1 HTM
Sheriff's Sule.
No. 1555.
By vlrtc of an order of si Ie Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Ilox Hutte coun
ty Ncbruska, uKn a dtvioe rendered by said
court in faiorof Mnrj E Hood 1 lulntUT, and
aguliist W II. Limning. Trustee ut. al,
defendants, 1 will on the 2lst day or June
A. I). 1004. at 10 o'clocl a. ui. tin said day. at
the west front dour of the court house In Alll
unce. lu said count), sell the following de
cerned roul fs-tate, to-wit:
The southwest luartur, suction 10. In town
ship SS. north of ruugo 47. west sixth principal
meridian, in llox Hutte ikiuntr. Nebraska, at
public auction to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said older of sale lathe butn of
fK.2Uaud iuterost, costs uud accruing costs
subject to all uupuld taxes.
SherlU of Mild county.
Attcfsj for Plaintiff fpMay 20
To the Patrons of the City Water Depart
ment of Alliuncc.
In view of the recent action taken by
the city council looking to such improve
ment of the water supply as will obviate
whatever seeming justification that may
have been in the past for the unauthorized
using of water for sprinkling lawns etc.
I deem it well to call your attention to the
following sections ot the city ordinances,
and ask that you assist in consuming what
water supply we have by refraining from
the use of water improper hours and the
use of lawn hose without the regulative
nozzle or sprinkler.
He it ordained by tho major and council of tho
t hy of Alliance, Nebraska, as follows:
fvctlon 1 That the rules, regulations and
water rates hercluufter named shall Iks cou
sidi red an part of the contract with eory per
son, compuii) or corporation who Is supplied
with water through tho water works of tho
city, and every such person, compaii) or cor
poration hy taking water shall be eonsldeied
mill held to consent to lie bound thereby; and
w hen an) of them are violated, or such others
as the said city lommlvdouer may hereafter
adopt, tho water shall be cut off from the
building or place of such violation, even
though two or moro parties may receive vvatwr
through the same pliie, and shull not lie let pu
Hguiu except by order of the water commis
sioner, nnd on payment of the expenses of
shutting It off aud turning It on, and uion
sucli otlier terms us me saiu couuuissiumT
shall determine and a sutlsfactorv understand
ing with the jiart), that no further cause for
complaint shall arise; and in case of vlolatlou
the water comm'bsiouer shall have the right to
declare any paj ment made for the water by
tho person committing such violation, to tie
forfeited, and the samo thereupon shall bo
forfeited. , ,. .,
Sec. "J Said section 2 of suid ordinance
shall bo us follows:
Huso for bprlnkllng yards, gardens, streets
aud sidewalks shall bo used only, from tho
tlrst day of April to thoflrstday of November;
for sprinkling yards und gardens shall only
used betw ecu tho hours of 7 and 8 a. ni.,
and from (Ho 8 p. m (mountain standard
time) and for sprinkling streets and stduwalks
between the hours of 0 aud 8 o'oloek a, m. and
5 and p. ni (mountain standard time). If
allowed to run at other hours, tho water will
lie cut Ml without previous notice, and It must
be confined ton fair application for those pur
IHises, without oxceostve uud unreasonable use,
aud to tho promises of tlie purty In sprink
ling streets each consumer must conllne them
selves tooutt-half of tho width of tho street.
Ihe hours above named shall not apply to
those using meters who may use water at tiny
time. , , . .
Ses. 4. Any person being convicted of
vlolutliiguuy ot lie provisions of this ordin
ance shall bo fined lu nny sum not less than
One Dollar, nor moro than One Handled Dol
lars and shall pa tho coats of prosecution
and stand committed to tlin count) jull until
such hues and costs are paid
By direction of city council, in future the
provisions of the forgoing ordinances will
be enforced in all cases that come to the
knowledge of the undersigned, either by
personal observation or reliable informa
tion otherwise obtained. This is not a
threat but the plain duty of your water
commissioner. Able Hill.
Notice of .Meeting of Count) Com
missioners. Olilco of County Clerk, AUIunce, Nob.. May 10,
Public notice is hereby given that tho
county commissioners of Hox Hutto county,
Nubruskn, will meet lu special sosslou ou
Prlday, May 27. lfOl. for the purpose of con
sidering a iHilltlou (or a proposal public ldsh
wuy running along tho west side of tho right
of way of the Grand Island und Wyoming
Central ltallroad, leading from Alliance to
Heuilugford, together with all remonstrances
against the luyicg out of the same and all
ulalms for damages by reason of such laying
out of said proiRised road aud also tho rejiort
of tho appraisers appointed to estimate the
damages resulting to the land owners along
said proposed road S, U. Smyseu.
County Clerk.
by tho
of tho district court of Hox Hutto
, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
uurt In favor of II. L Miepherd, plaln
id against Thomas A. Davidson und Mrs.
Sheriff's Sule.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued
clerk of tho district court of Hox
said cour
Davidson, his wife, as defendants. I will, on
tho 21st d.i) of June. A D lOOi. at 1!) o'clock
a. m. ou said day, at tho west front door of
tho court house lu Alliance, In Mild county,
sell the following doscilbed real estate, to
w If.
Noithwest iiuarter miction 10, township 20,
niirih. range 4't, west, hi Hox Itntl- county,
Nehinsk-i. at public auction to ihe I Ighcst
bidder f r cash, to satlst) said order of sale.
iniiiesiiaioi ai..t; ami interests, cost nud
ucciuliu costs subject to nil unpaid taxes.
, , , -herllt of sxld County
William Mltche 1.
Attorney forPl.iliitlir fpMay't)
Order Tor Hearing Tor Settlement Of
Hox HuTTi fi rxrv, 1 St''
At a county toiirt. held ,u tho county couit
room in ami for said count), JU) 13, A.
Present, P. IC. Spacht. ounty Judge
In the matter of estuto of John Samuel
Hughes, deceased.
Ou reading aud tiling the petition of M.iry
I ranees Hughes, praj udminlstrutlou
of said estate may bo grunted to her as ad
ministratrix Ordered, that Juno 4th. A. D. 1904, at nine
ti clock a. m , Is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons Interested in said
jnat tr may appear ut a county court to bo
held in and for suid county, uud show cause
why the prayor of petitioner should not lie
granted; and that notice of tho pending of
said petition, und the hearing thereof, bo
glj en to all persons Interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In Tub
ALLtAMJE Ukrald u weekly newspaper print
ed lu said county, for tlireo successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
1 a true copy.)
IfrealJ iw-fp-i
May 13
D. K.Spacht.
County Judge.