The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1904, Image 3

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Our Big 50-Cent Catalogue lo Now
For yonrs the price of our big Gen
eral Merchandise Catnlomie has been
CO cents, but we have reduced our
Rolling prices on all Kinds of goods so
far below all other houses as to In
sure almost every catalogue bringing
orders and making now customers,
and by the introduction of now paper
making machinery, new automntlo
rotary printing, folding, binding and
covering machinery wo have ho re
duced the cost of making this big
book thnt wo will now send it by mall,
post paid, free to any address on ap
plication. The big book, which heretofore was
Bold at CO cents each, and which Is
now free for the asking, Is 8xll4
Inches in size, contains thousands of
Illustrations, descriptions and prices,
Is thoroughly complete In nearly every
kind of merchandise, Including dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, fur
nishing goods, notions, millinery, car
pets, upholstering, hardware, tools,
electrical goods, guns, sporting goods,
Bowing machines, musical instru
ments, organs, pianos, furniture, baby
carriages, crockery, cutlery, stoves,
drugs, photographic goods, optical
goods, talking machines, moving pic
ture apparatus, buggies, harness, sad
dles, saddlery, watches, jewelry, sil
verware, clocks, safes, refrigerators,
tinware, everything used in tho homo,
In tho shop, in the factory and on tho
farm, and all priced at prices much
lower than wore ever offered by any
other house.
If you have one of our big cata
logues or have over seen one you
know whnt it is, tho most complete,
most up to date and lowest-priced cat
alogue ever published. If you haven't
our big catalogue don't fail to send
for one at once. If you hnVo tho big
book pleaso tell your friends and
neighbors that tho book is now free
and they can got one for tho asking.
Simply on a postal card or in a letter
say, "Send mo your Big Catalogue,"
and the bis new book, our regular GO
cent catalogue, will go to you by re
turn mail, postpaid, free with our com
pliments. Please don't forget to tell
your neighbor who hasn't tho big book
that the big BOcont book is now free
to anyone for the asking. Address
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago.
Seasonable weather is the kind that
everybody kicks about. This also ap
plies to unseasonable weather.
means careful buying of the email
things as well as the large. Paragon
Typewriter Ribbons bear the special
guarantco of tho Remington Type
writer Company. Thoy bell singly for
75 cents each. If you buy tho Para
gon Rlbuon coupon books, you get
them for G8 1-3 cents. Lots of inferior
goods cost more than that.
A New Damon and Pythtas.
From North "Wales comes the ro
mantic story of a lifelong devotion,
begun in early boyhood, between two
men, and only ending in death at tho
rlpo age of 80 years. Henry Prlco
and Robert Ellis when boys struck up
a friendship, pledging to stick to each
other until death. When young men
tbey emigrated, to Australia and lived
and worked together, como weal,
como woo, for more than fifty years.
Two years ago they both returned
to tholr nativo village of Rhosllaner
chrogog, In Wales, having amassed
considerable wealth. This week
Price and Ellis died within twenty
four hours of each other, both being
over 80 years of age.
f Mount Booker Washington.
Mrs. Hill, an artist of Tacoma,
Wash., has been commissioned by one
of tho Western railroad trunk lines
to execute for tho Louisiana Purchnso
exposition several canvases ilustra
tlve of tho scenery of Washington
state. One of the pictures represents
a lofty mountain, which for some rea
son had never received a name. Tho
artist suggested that the mountain be
christened Mount Booker Washington,
Jn honor of the principal of the Tusk
egeo institute. Her suggestion was
confirmed by tho United States geo
logical survey, and the name, Mount
Booker Washington, is now in use.
Tho picture will bo exhibited at St.
Louis this summer.
Indicate Improper Diet, Usually Due
to Coffee.
Ono of tho common symptoms of
coffee poisoning Is the bad dreams
that spoil what should be restful
sleep. A man who found tho reason
"Formerly I was a slave to cwffoe. I
was llko a morphino fiend, could not
sleep at night, would roll and toss In
my bed and when I did get to sleep
was disturbed by dreams and hobgob
bllns, would wake up with headaches
and feel bad all day, so nervous I
could not attend to business. My
writing looked llko bird tracks, I had
sour belchlngs from tho stomach, In
digestion; heartburn and palpitation
of tho heart, constipation. Irregularity
of tho kidneys, etc.
"Indeed, I began to feel I bad all
the troubles that human flesh could
suffer but when a friend advised me
to leave off coffeo I felt as if he had
Insulted me. I could not bear the
Idea, it had such a hold on me and I
refused to believe It the cause.
"But it turned out thnt no advice was
over given at a more needed time for
I finally consented to try Postum, and
with tho going of coffeo and tho com
ing of Postum all my troubles have
' gono and health has returned. I eat
and sleep well now, nerves steadied
down and I write a fair hand (as you
can see), can attend to business again
and rejoice that I am froo from tho
monster Coffee." Namo given by
Postum Co., Bnttlo Crook, Mich.
Ten days' trial of Postum in plnco
of coffee will bring sound, rostful, re
freshing sleep. There's a roason.
Look in each pkg. for tho famous
Uttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvllla-
Determined Robbers Force Bank Vault
and Fight Citizens.
CARROLL At 1 o'clock in the
morning this town was thrown Into ex
citement by an attempt to rob the
First National bank. At thnt hour tho
residents of tho upper floor of tho Mer
rill building, In which the bank Is lo
cated, wcro awakened by a loud noise
nml heard tho sound of blows, which
caused tho houso to vibrato. These
sounds were followed by nn explosion
and this by fire from a revolver. By
tho flash of tho gun the people saw
men stnndlng ns guards for tho rob
bers around tho house.
There was ono revolver In tho
building and this was fired nt ono of
tho men until tho shells were exhaust
ed, but apparently without effect, as
ho returned the Arc and continued to
shoot after tho residents of tho houso
wero without ammunition. ,
While this fusillade was in progress
tho cashier of tho bank was called up
by telophono nnd notified of tho trou
ble. He responded In bringing a num
ber of armed men, but by tho time ho
arrived tho robbers had driven away
In a wagon which stood In tho middle
of the street during tho light and In
which they are supposed to have como
to town.
Grand Army Veterans at Grand Island
Next Year.
KEARNEY At the Grand Army of
the Republic encampment hero Har
mon Brosa was elected department
commander. Other ofllccrs elected
were: Andrew Traynor, Omaha, senior
vice; Joseph Hoagland, North Platte,
junior vice; Erastus Smith, Alma,
chaplain; Dr. J. B. Ralph, Omaha,
medical director.
The nex,t encampment will bo held
at Grand sland. The encampment de
cided to hold no more state reunions,
the resolution to that effect which
had been laid over from last year pro
voking a prolonged debate, but finally
passing. The ofllccs of adjutant gen
eral and quartermaster wero oonsll
dated. Tho Womens Relief corps elected
Mrs. Mamie Cleaver of Nellgh depart
ment president; Mrs. Diana Potter,
Litchfield, senior vice; Mrs. Julia
Brown, Butte, junior vice.
Addresses State Board on Behalf of
the Pullman Company.
LINCOLN On behalf of tho Pull
man company T. H. Benton explained
his theories of taxation when the stato
board convened nt 2 o'clock. Ho was
tho only representative of tho ear con
cerns. According to the report of Secre
tary Bennett 140 car companies and
private concerns are doing business
in the state. Reports have been sub
mitted, showing the property owned
by twenty-two of th'jm.
Tho Pullman company's report was
taken up. It shows that the company
has 178 sleepers and seventy-nine tour
ist cars running through the state,
sleepers valued at $11,802.31 and tour
ist cars at $G,983.G2. The assessed
valuation of sleepers without mileage
made Is $79,219.59, and of tourist cars
$15,491.78, or 5 per cent of the actual
market valuation. This is a decrease
of nearly $20,000 on last year's valu
ation. New National Bank.
DODGE Dodgo is going to have a
national bank. The stockholders of
tho Dodge State bank have increased
tho stock to $25,000 and aro going to
reorganize and chango the namo to
i irst National bank.
Will Leave for Japan.
LINCOLN "Bryan's Jap," Yamachi
ta Yaschlchuro, who Is now in St.
Louis, expects to start for Japan May
20. He will look after n nowspaper
thero for a fow months, and then in
August he plans to accompany Tezlma,
of tho Japanese commissary depart
ment, and Prlnco Arlsgawa back to tho
United States. The announcement of
his plans was made In a letter roeolv
cd by a Lincoln friend of his, Kin
Akagl. g
Calls State Warrants.
State Treasuror Mortousen has Is
sued a call for May 14 for warrants to
tho amount of $150,000, numbered
from 99,281 to 101.017. Tho call for
such an amount was made possible by
tho county treasurers returning to tho
state treasurer all tho monoy they had
on hand tha belonged to tho perma
nent school fund. In tho temporary
school fund at this time there is $382,
000. Eurglars have of lato been operat
ing qulto freely In Lincoln,
Harlan County Protests.
LINCOLN Tho board of supervis
ors of Harlan county expects Attor
ney Goneral Prout to prevent a com
bination of the Chicago, Burlington &
Qulncy and the Kansas City & Omaha
railroad in that section of tho coun
try, it Is claimed that tho lattor lino
has been nlmost abandoned as far as.
tho train service Is concornod. Tho
linos aro almost parallel. Alma has a
poor train servico as a result of tho
assimilation nnd tho supervisors ask
Kthat a suit bo started in tho supreme
court to remedy matters.
A ladles' band Is the newest feature
of Norfolk musical ?'relos. It is just
organised and will begin businosu
nt once.
Peter Dunblcr, for years a realdont
1 of Polk county, has returned to bin
i nntlvo land, Germany, whero ho will
rosldo In tho future.
After three unsuccessful attempts
to commit suicide, Jnmes E. Mlllor,
tho young fellow arrested at Ravennn
charged with burglarizing n way car,
has nt last decided to plead guilty to
tho charge preferred against him nnd
begin his term In tho penitentiary nt
At Fremont Ed Drnnnon, nllns
Charles Wilcox, pleaded guilty in tho
district court to tho charge of steal
ing a horse from tho Star barn nnd
was hontenced to eighteen months In
tho penltentlnry. Ho was nrrested in
Omaha while in the act of attempting
to sell tho horse.
Tho interstate debnte between Kan
sas nnd Nebraska was held in tho
Normal chapel at' Peru, tho question
being- "Resolved, That tho United
States should abandon tho Monroo
doctrine." Knnsno had tho negative
side of tho question, but tho decision
was given Nebraska by tho judges
D. W. Cook last weok shipped four
carloads of fat cattle to tho Kansas
City market. Tho anininta nvcraged
1,500 pounds each, nnd It Is unques
tionably ono of tho flncst bunches of
cattlo shipped from Gage county In
some years. Isaac Palmer, n woll
known stock raiser living near Odoll,
also shlpifed 200 head to tho market.
Bartenders and gamblerB . can no
longer join the Knights of Pythlns.
At the meeting of tho grand lodge It
was voted to ndopt tho ruling of
Grand Chancellor Phillips of Laurel
nnd keep them out. All membors ad
mitted contrary to rales will be eject'
ed. Tho grand lodge will meet In
Omaha next year on tho first Tuesday
In May.
County Treasuror W. D. Wheeler
has collected more taxes in a littlo
moro than four months than was over
""previously collected In ono year In
CasB county. Ho has collected be
tween 8,000 and $9,000 in back taxes,
somo of which Jt was thought never
would bo collected. Ono farmer paid
the sum of $C00 which had been ac
cumulating on his property for many
E. L. Dougherty of York, a young
man, attempted to commit suicide by
going into his bed room nnd saturat
ing a cloth with chloroform. Lying
down on tho bod ho put It over his
face. When discovered ho was nl
most past having anything done for
him. Physicians after working with
him almost all night brought him to.
The causo for the rash act is said
to be somo love affair.
A. E. Boylan, a school teacher at
Warwick, Kan., while returning to his
homo from Hardy was stopped by two
masked men and robbed of $180. Tho
robbers threw an old coat over Boy
lan's head and ordered him to lio still
for twenty minutes. At tho expira
tion of about five minutes Boyland
thought the robbers had left and
raised up. He was promptly shot in
tho hip by one of the robbers. His
wound, while deep, Is not fatal.
Guy Andrews, son of Chancellor
Andrews of the Stato university, was
brought back to Lincoln from David
City by Sheriff Ress, ana will bo tried
before the insanity commission on a
chnrge of insanity. Andrews had
been In tho law office of Judge Field,
is well educated and had made a suc
cess of the law. For somo time ho
has been acting ns though not in his
right mind, resulting in Chancellor
Andrews filing tho Insanity complaint
ngainst him.
Tho mortgage record of Red Willow
county for tho month of April makes
a fine showing. Tho total filings ag
gregate $29,203.37; releases, $70,818.87.
The special election held In West
Point to vote on tho question of tho
iFSiianpo of bonds of $8,000 for the
enlargement of tho public school
building resulted In the bonds being
carried by a majority of 151.
Messrs. Johnson and Graham, tho
present ownors of tho Amei townsite,
are having surveys made and tho lots
in the new town will soon bo on tho
market. The business lots will bo
southeast of tho Union Pacific depot.
A report has reached Beatrice to
tho effect that Ed Kelley formerly a
resident of Beatrice, was recently
killed in Texas. Relatives of Mr. Kel
ley have made Inquiries to ascertain
tho truth of the statement, which has
not boon confirmed. In a letter to
Charles Avey of Beatrice from his
brother, William Avey. meager details
of the reported tragedy aro given,
which Indicate that Kelley came to
his death under rather peculiar cir
cumstances after tho killing of an
other man at Kelloy's homo.
Tho cadots of the State university
will hold tholr annual oncampment In
York on May 24 to 28, In tho beauti
ful York park. Tho cadets suggested
that a small purse be raibed to de
fray tholr exponses, and through tho
efforts of Mr. Mead, a university stu
dent who Hvos In York, tho necessary
amount was In a very short (Imo
The old cannon which will be In
stalled In tho city park at Fremont
will bo formorly dedicated in connec
tion with the exerclsos on decoration
Could You Use Any Kind of a Sewing
Machine nt Any Price?
If thero Is any price mi low, nny
offer so liberal that you would think
of accepting on trlnl n new hlghgrndo,
drop cabinet or upright Minnesota.
Singer, Wheeler &. Wilson, Stnndnrd,
Whlto or New Homo Sewing Machine,
cut out nnd return thin notice, nnd
you will receho by return mall, post
paid, freo of cost, the handsomest sow
ing machine cntnloguo over published.
It will nnme you pi Ices on tho Minne
sota. Singer, Wheeler &. Wilson,
Whlto, Stnndnrd and Now Homo sew
ing machines thnt will surpriso you;
we will mnko you n now nnd attract
lvo proposition, a sowing machine of
fer thnt will astonish ou.
If you cnu mnko any uso of any1
sewing machine nt any price, If nny
kind of an offer would Interest you,
don't fnll to write us nt onco (bo sure
to cut out and return this spoclnl no
tice) and got our latest book, our
latest offers, our now nnd most sur
prising proposition. Address
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.. Chicago.
Somo pcoplo burn their monoy,
others get Into society.
Ask Vorrr Dealer Tor Alton's Fnnt-I!iio,
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
Bunions, Swollen, Soro, Hot, Callous, Aching
Sweating Feet and IngrowingNails. Allen's
Foot-Easo makes new or tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe store, 25 cents. Ac
cept no substitute. Sample mailed Fnuu.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Roy, N. Y.
If you bet on tho bay tho winner Is
often a horse of another color.
Send 23 cent for Homesteaders' Gulilo
containing 48 pages of Information. Onlclul
map and full Instructions how to get a
claim on tho Rosebud reservation. Forbes
Locating Agency, Boncateel, S. D.
A sldo snow tho prolllo photo
graph. i
Lewis' "Single Binder" straight Bo
elgnr. Tho highest price 'Co cigar to tho
dealer anil the highest quality for tho
smoker. Lewis' Factory, l'eorln, 111.
A Chinese Farewell.
After Wing Chow had studied nt
Sunday school nnd become n. member
of a church, ho decorated his remarks
with Scriptural phrases, according to
Lipplncott's Mngazino. Ho grew dis
satisfied and pleaded for an Increase
of wngos. "You vely llcli woman, I
vely poor mnn," ho explained, "money
I wish you moro glvo me." Mrs. Dash
rejected tho pica, and Wing Chow ap
peared to submit. Eitt on tho follow
ing morning, when tho good woman
entered her dining room, though tho
room hnd been swept, tho table laid,
and everything In perfect order, thero
was no Wing Chow. Bonentli a plato
tho perplexed mistress found n note,
which read as follows: "You vely Hch
womnn, I vely poor man. I asko you
moro monoy; you glveo mo none. Oh,
Lamb of God! I go."
VIfjnleStIckr.ADNi)iiY nton
Won't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of
any other bluing. If your grocer docs not
keep It send 10c for sauiuis lo "'liu Iiumirv
Dlue Co., 14 Michigan Street, Clilcat'O.
i i
A crank movement tho drill In a
lunatic asylum.
Mr. V7lnIow' Bootlilnfj Syron.
For children teetnlnir, eottena tbe Ruroa, reuucci fa
flammatlon, tllajra pain, curca wind collu. 23c o battle.
Tho Patient "Doctor, I havo lost
my appetite; what shall I do?" Tho
Doctor "That's all right; you will
find it in tho bill."
Suporior quality and extra quantity
must win. This la why Defiance
Starch Is taking tho placo of all
If It was not for tho frame many a
picturo would not bo worth hanging
on tho wall.
To be a successful wife,
retain the love and admiration
of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. If
she would be all that she may,
she must guard well against the
signs of ill health. Airs. Brown
tells her story for the benefit of
all, wives and mothers.
Deaii Mns. Pinkiiam : Tjyilla 13.
Plnklium's VcffCtnblQ Compound
will make every mother well, strong,
healthy and happy. I dragged through
uine years of miberable existence, worn
out with pain and weariness. I then
noticed a statement of a woman
troubled as I was; and the wonderful
results sho had had from your Vege
table Compound, ami decided to try
what It would do for me, and used it for
three months. At the end of that
time, 1 was a different woman, tho
neighbors remarked it, and my hus
band fell in lovo with mo all over
again. I(t seemed like a newexistenco.
I had been suffering with inflamma
tion and falling of tho womb, but your
medicine cured that, and built up my
entire system, till I was indeed like a
new woman. Sincerely yours, Mns.
Ciias. F. llnowjf, 21 Cedar Terraco, Hot
Springs, Ark., Vice President Motliere
Cab. fSOOO forfit If original of about UttM
proolnj ginutatntu cannot bi (.roiucat.
Wit if )i!
W 1 l l J."?' , I
to I
-Vegetable I'rcpnraiionror As
similating lhcFooUftnttncdiila
ling UicStoinachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigcalioivCliecrful
ncss nnclItest.Conlnhis ncillier
Suum.Morplu'ne norMineral.
flmpkm Sent"
hbdhyrm rtavn:
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipo
Hon , Sour Sionuich, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .lcvcnsh
ncss nml Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
A Boston physician's dis
covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Tax
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Thousands of letters from women
firovu thnt It is tho greatest cure for
eucurrliuL-n over discovered.
Paxtine never fads to cure pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and sore eyes, because these
diseases arc all caused by inflammation
of tho mucous membrane.
ForcIenusiiiR, whitening nnd pre
serving tho lecth wo challenge the
world to product) Its equal.
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse l'axtine, andthou-
sandsoftt'Stimoniallettersprovclts value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A largo trial pnelcngound book of
Instructions absolutely free. AVrlto
The It. Paxtoa Co., Dept. 5 Boston, Muss.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 21
3&1 awis2aji$
jj; nm,
I m QtmHu . recite I iJiyx
Hidt in blh or yellow for all kinds yjDtQ 1
ofvtwork.Onletviywhtrt vil f
Look for the 3in oMht rlih tnl ra A &r
tht wmtTOWiR on tht buttons. J-W &h i
f U IIIIIIU t.VM T.I.1T. CM V rj yCJy," I
I knows how important it Ii W
to use a good starcti. Defiance
Starch Is the best starch IA
B made. It doesn't slick to IjLl
I the iron. It gives a beaut!- Ill
(ul soft glossy stiffness to the JI
M clothes.' Itwill not blister! f
w or crack the goods. It sells
m 'or '"$,"sots farther, does m
1 morc' r lnc 'acy wno '
J I irons. , Defiance Starch at all
B grocers. 16 oz. for 10 cents.
1 lOMAHA- -NtO,.
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
vm eiNTAun oranT. hcw vomr orrv.
Promoted by
Shampoos of
And light dressings
great Skin Cure and'
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff,
destroys hair parasites,
soothes irritated, itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair fol
licles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
N. B. Complete External and Internal
Treatment for every Humor from Pimples to
Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, consisting of
CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills, fixy
now be had of all Droughts for One Bollar.
Sold throojhout tht world Cutlturt Soap, tie., 01 nt
ntrnl, JOc, llrwlxnl, .Vc (In """ of ChotoLte Co.tMl
!ll!a, Mr per tUI ul Oil Drpo). I.ondon, rt Cfcutw
bouit v rtrU. i Ho dt It I'tli i Doatoo, 137 Colomboo
Av Pctltr Drug i. Cbtm Corp , Nlt I'roprlrtor.
Isod fur ' llo to rifttn, 1'iullr tod Uuutlfy sctlp, 11. ir tod lltodi."
Lawn Fence
Iron or wlrt' many Htylen,
fcrrcultkut i fliurrli.seuool,
ii'imurj iwMiltry ami ho
fence, faim sraii'u Send (or
Ctisrrricn troo srd Wire Works
Ileal Direct with
Out good! tnn let 1'rlcea the lowent. l'minpohlp
menu. I)eil ery ( aU ixirtrtiU guaranteed bend
fnr r Wlo.'im and axentt'iirTe Mit. Addrett
ADAH J. KROLL & CO , Htw Zia Dld.. Cbicate.
U1H(S WHthf in US)- UllK.
Heat Coutiti Sjrup. Taalea Good. TJlX
in nme. Nolo ry arucKiita.
Bears the
Signature )m