The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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    ritnto HI torlml Society j
Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any AU
11 mice Paper.
Have you tried
Up To Date
Best In town at price.
Call an see us. We want
your trade. A full and
complete line of
always on hand.
Alliance Grocery Co.
0 mlmmf mUmJ J- -L. .. M mt-
In Alliance 1C-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phone 391.
Of B. F. Lockwood Co.'s Large Stock
of Furniture and Furnishings.
We began Monday, May 16,' 1904,
to close out our entire stock of furni
ture and house furnishings. We fully
realize that this is going to be quite an
undertaking to dispose of this large stock
of goods in such a short time Our time
being limited it is going to make us do
some red hot selling in the next few weeks
Profits wn are not after. What we want is
to sell the goods and get just barely the
cost out of them.
These goods have got to be sold and
cash prices will do the business.
Come, see and satisfy yourselves that we
are anxious to dispose of this stock.
Remember, we begin May iG, 1904.
B. F. Lockwood Co.
Dr. Cook, eye and ear specialist of
Lincoln, will be at Dr. Bellwood's office
June 11.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for sale at this office.
, Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Drink Coors Golden Beer for nourish
ment and health. Wm. King, agent.
For Sale About forty head horses some
of which are splendid drivers. Simon
Spry.' ;
For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull.
Jos. Manion, Alliance, residence, Sec.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf
For Sale Cheap Refrigerator, good as
new. Phone 388.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Zehrung will do all kinds of sewing
and guarantees satisfaction. Located first
door west of Lockvvoods.'
For Sale Cheap li H. P. Fairbanks
gasoline engine, in good condition.
Apply at this office.
I will sell at public auction for cash at
the Checkered livery barn in Alliance,
Saturday, May 28, at 1 o'clock p. m., three
cow and two calves, three steers, one
single harness and other articlos,
Wm. Kittelman.
G. Zurn, Auctioneer.
The Spring Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Republican County Convention.
The republican county convention
wns hold at thu court house Saturday.
C. K. Clougli acted aB chairman and H.
F. Gilman secretary. The convention
was a tame nffnii tame ltcnuse it was
one sided. The Pholtui faction was not
in evidence and weie shut off of the
delegations to the various conventions.
Nonpareil pteoinct had no representa
tion, owing to the inabiliU of our old
friend Uncle Zeke Mabm to attend.
Neither was Lawn the banner rcpub
lican precinct of the county in ovS'
dence. Can it be that such republican
war horses as our friends, Wanck,
Ford and the Ball family have lost their
patriotism? And even old Snake Creek
precinct did not respond to roll call.
The committee on resolutions, com
posed of R. M. Hampton, G. W. Clark
and T. L, Hopkins, jr., endorsed the
administration of President Roosevelt,
Governor Mickey, Congressman Kin
kaid and favored the nomination of E.
J. Burket for United States senator, H.
M. Scarle for state auditor and V. II.
Bartz for state supetintendent of schools
The resolutions were adopted by the
convention without opposition.
The next in order was the election of
six delegates to the state convention,
Lnine persons being nominated, yiz: R.
M. Hampton, V. H. Corbin, V.
R. Akcrs, F. E. Reddish, B. K Gil
man, A. M. Miller, II. J. Ellis, C. J.
Wildy and T. J. Poole. The six first
named v ere elected.
The following poisons were elected
delegates by acclamation:
Rcpiesentative convention J. S.
Gtrdes, H. R. Green, C. J. Wildy, D.
W. Butler, R. M. Hampton, C. E.
Senatorial convention F. E. Red
dish, G. G. Hampton, Geo. V. Clark,
W. H. Swan, D. W. Hughes, C. E.
L. F. Smith was nominated for com
missioner of the Third district and B.
F. Gilman for county attorney. Neither
of the gentlemen sought the nomina
tion, in fact it required much urging to
pursuade either to accept. Probably
they were prompted in their desire to
decline the nominations by their sound
judgment and foresight which tells them
that tins will be another off year for re
publicans in Box Butte county. The
old adage holds good in this case that
"Some men seek honor, others have it
thrust upon them."
W. H. Corbin, W. H. Ward and W.
H. Swan were appointed as a committee
to fill any vacancy which might occur.
W. H. Corbin was reelected chairman
f the county central committee.
Publicly Censured.
The republicans of Alliance were pleased
and much gratified" at the position" the
"Grip" took in its last weeks issue on the
manner of holding the republican pri
maries. The Grip comes out in a strong,
neat article and publicly censures C. C.
Barker and Stanley Ray, committeeman
for their respective precincts, for calling
the primaries at such an unseasonable
hour as 7 o'clock p. m.; the old line repub
licans and others as well, were at a loss
to know just why this was done, until the
Grip explained that it was for the purpose
of keeping the railroad boys from being
present. If that was the purpose, as the
Grip suggests, it was certainly reprehen
sible and worthy of the censure the Grip
gave it. The Grip says-
"The fact of having called a 'caucus at
and hour when all railroad men were at
supper is evidence that the premeditated
scheme for packing the caucus and shutting
them out was successfully carried out.
Republicans opposed to packed caucusses
and the stiffiing of opposition, denounced
the work of the caucus in unmeasured
It was generally supposed, among re
publicans that the job was put up in the
Grip office, as one of the committeemen
involved is employed there, but we were
glad to learn that we were mistaken, and
we are also glad to know that the rotten
nolitics nracticed bv those with whom the
editor of the Grip has always trained has
at last turned his stomach, made him see
the evils of their ways, and turn his back
on these evil practicos which he has here
tofore openely advocated, and now that
this state of affairs has come about, and
the editor of the Grip has reformed we are
all, with one accord willing to admit that
the world is growing better, and we pre
dict for him a brilliant future.
A Republican.
Takes Exceptions.
Ellis, in Tuesday's Times, takes excep
tions to certain features of the county con
vention proceedures. It is safe tosay that
had Ellis and his crowd manipilated the
caucuses, as they had been planning for
weeks to do, that Ellis would have gone to
several comentions with a smile on each
cheek and a dimple in his chin, and with
votes in his pockets for machine politics.
We are willing to leave it to any fair
minded republican as to whether our effort
and aim has not ever been to better the
the condition and position of the republi
can party and eliminate trickery and cor
ruption from holding first place in its de
liberations. When there are two factions
in any party, as we are sorry to say there
are in the republican party of Box Butte
county, not even an editor can very grace
fully straddle the fence, and be eminently
sure of dropping on the right side at the
right moment, and how Ellis cnu expect
to play horse with both sides, all the time,
and do the driving at that, we are unable
to see. That "one Butler and one Red
dish" referred to in the Times are for
purer politics, the interests of the republi
can party and above all for "the greatest
good for the greatest number" and their
every political move has been to that end,
. "One Butler"
Printer Wanted.
A competent, reliable printer can find a
permanent position at good wages at this
office; no booze fighter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton, who have
been enjoying an extended trip through
the woit arrived homo lmt Saturday morn
ing much benefited and highly ploasod
with the beauties of the home-land. While
away they visited Los Angeles and other
points in southern California famous for
beauty and healthful climate, enjoying the
fruits and flowers that are abundant there.
Passing northward they visited the large
cities in Oregon, Washington, loritnna
and Wyoming whoso future prospects for
business activity arc unrivaled at present.
The trip was made doubly pleasant by
meeting many old friends who have settled
in these western states and renewing
acquaintance with them. Mr. Norton is
of the opinion that Alliance is keeping up
with the other western towns in progress
nnd improvement.
The Old l-olks' Concert," given in the,
opera nouse unaer ine management 01 mo
ladies of the First Presbyterian church
Wednesday night, was an entire success,
the audience being well pleased with the
program given. The children numbering
forty were attired in the costumes of Wash
ington's day, the quaint, old fashioned
gowns of the little ladies and handsomu
suits of ve gentlemen made a beautiful
picture. The program consisted of cho
ruses, solos, ducts and recitations, all old
time music and well rendered. During an
intermission the children marched in cou
ples down from the stage, through the
aisles and back to their phces led by Max
Wilcox and Vera Albro. The entertain
ment was worthy of high praise, each and
every one of the children performing well.
The Women's Missionary sooiety of the
United Presbyterian church gave a fare
well reception to Mrs. Geo. W. Duncan,
at the home of Mrs. W. L Acheson last
Friday afternoon. 'A goodly number wore
present. The time was very pleasantly
spent in conversation nnd in discussing a
bountiful repast. Before leaving the ladies,
in token of their esteem and appreciation
presented Mrs Duncan with a beautiful set
of tablelinen. In the evening Misses
Alice and Nell Acheson gave a party in
honor of Mist Edna Duncan, who, in com
pany with her mother took their departure
for their future home at Fort Morgan,
Colo,, Saturday morning. They will be
greatly missed.
Judge and Mrs. Spacht drove to the
home of A. S. Gerdes near Marple last
Tuesday where the judge pronounced the
words that joined the lives of Mr. Henry
Marasek and Miss Mary Mrachek, daugh
ter of one of Box Butte's pioneers. The
ceremony was performed at 2 o'clock wit
nessed by many friends of the young couple.
A brother and sister of the groom came
down from Wyoming to be present at the
wedding. The groom is a resident of
Vy6ming and the bride a young lady well
known in the north part of the county.
May success and happiness attend them
in their'futurc life.
Mrs. Frohnapfel was injured in a run
away near Hemingford last Saturday.
Word was at once sent to her husband who
hurried to her side, The lady had started
to drive to this city with her little girl
when the horse became unmanageable and
ran away Mrs. Ftohnapfel and the little
one were thrown from the vehicle, the
former being dragged a distance of a few
rods, sustaining slight injuries. It was
feared for a time that she was more seri
ously hurt but fortunately this was not the
case and the folks returned the same
Walter R. Kent was in from his ranch,
twenty-two miles northeast in Sheridan
county a couple of days this week. A
postoffice to be named Long Lake will soon
be established at his place which will
prove a great convenience to about
thirty families. The office, with a tri
weekly service, will be supplied from Alli
ance, Mr. Kent recently returned from
Wisconsin, whore he. disposed of a car of
horses, While there he enjoyed a visit
with Will Dempsey. formerly of this
The Junior class, of the High school
gave a reception Wednesday night in honor
of the Seniors, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Hamilton. The house was dec
orated in the colors of the two classes min
gled with the dark green of many potted
plants giving a beautiful effect The even
ing was spent socially with musical selec
tions by several members from both
Decoration day will soon be hare and
the annual event observed in a nationnl
way, as usual, throughout the land, not
only by the comrades who still live in the
fleib, but by countless others who wish to
pay tribute to the heroes who have passd
beyond the grave. Let the citizens of Al
liance join in the public spirit and observ
ance Monday, May 30.
The V. S. H. club was entertained last
Saturday by Marie Dismer and Florence
Leech, and to say the youngsters had a
high time is putting it mild They sang,
played games, and had lots of good things
to cat and to bring on the toothache, but
they didn't care for that 'cause their mamas
could take care of their aches and pains
after they had so much fan.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. I. D.
Kaley Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gillespie, of Lake
side, wore Alliance visitors vosterday.
Bpn Swsnson was in from his ranch at
Mud Springs a couple of dnys this week.
The Catholic Ladies' society will meet
with Mrs. D. Lnndrigan Wednesday, May
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 1). New returned Mon
day from their visit at Hay Springs and
Rev. J. A. Scnmahorn went ovor to the
old home at Gordon Monday for a visit of
a few days.
M. A, Shay's children are down with the
measles. The little girl was very ill but is
now improving.
The attention of Tim Hkrai.ii readers
is called to the advertisement of W. W.
Norton in this issue.
C. T, Davidson, of Hemingford, spent
Wednesday and Thursday in the city hav
ing dental work done.
E. C. McCormick, representing the
china and glassware houso of W. A. Maurer,
Council Bluffs, is in thecity.
Miss Alice Ryckman is again nt her old
place in the telephone office after a visit
with her mother in IMoomington,
Mrs. S. V. Dunt'on, of Atchinson, Kan.,
arrived Wednesday, and will spend a few
weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Reardon.
E. J. Barry went to Lead, S. D., yester
day to attend a meeting of the stock
holders of the Hidden Treasure mining
A handsoTie new sign adornes the front
of the Famous clothing store, which guides
the buyer on the right road to that popular
k A girl was born at the homo of Harry
Dunning Tuesday morning. The mother's
condition was critical but she is now re
ported better.
Next Saturday is notion day at Bogue's
store. Big display and special prices arc
the inducements that will pack this popu
lar trading place.
W. E. Spencer, who is representing the
Hygeia separator company left Monday
for a trip to Chadron, Hay Springs nnd
other towns on the Elkhorn.
Mrs. Geo. Fernald was numbered with
the sick a couple of days this week. We
expect her illness was caused by 'he news
that she was a grandmother.
Tho band boys desire to thank Miss
"Babe" Hill and Herb. Pardee for the
valuable assistance rendered by them in
the concert giveu last Week for the benefit
of tho band.
The baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Garrison died Tuesday. Services were
held at the home in the evening and the
remains taken to Burlington, Iowa, for in
terment, by the parents.
J. W. Christy left, this morning, for St.
Louis to see the Exposition, after which he
will goto Lyonville, .Iowa, to pay his aged
parents a visit. Mr. Christy expects to be
gone about a month.
"Dad" Johnson is fitting up the old "Red
Light" building in tip top shape for a bil
liard and pool room. He will move his
tables from the basement of the Zhinden
block to the new quarters.
Editor Ellis, accompanied by his wife
and child, went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs.
Ellis will teceive medical attention while
there and visit relatives for a few weeks.
Rev. G. C, Jeffers, editor of the Baptist
Herald, has charge of the editorial work
on the Times during the editor's absence.
There was something doing in masonic
circles last Saturday evening, when three
"lambs' were initiated into the mysteries
of the order. After the trials-and tribula
tions attending this work the members re
paired to the Steen Cafe, where an elegant
supper awaited them.
Seventy soldiers from Columbus, Ohio,
barracks passed through Alliance Wednes
day on 41 enroute to Sheridan, Wyo.,
where they will join the nth infantry.
They were provided with rations and not
allowed to leave the cars. An officer and
instructor were in charge.
Prof. J. R. Wiley of Denver, a logical,
interesting nnd instructive temperance
lecturer will deliver a lecture entitled
"Liconse vs. Saloon" at the M. E. church
Tuesday uvening, May 24. Admission free.
Let no one interested in the cause of tem
perance fail to hear this lecture.
Methodist Church Notes.
Ladies Aid society will meet next Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. J. Zbinden at
2 p. m.
Epwortl ,eague prayer meeting will be
hold next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Place of meeting will be annpunced at
church next Sunday.
Services will be held at the church as
follows Sunday school 10 a. m. Preach
ing morning at 11 o'clock and 8 p. m.
JunlorLeague at 3; Epworth League 7 p.m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30
o clock.' All are invited to attend these 1
A Week of Religious Tcrvor.
The mission in progress at the Church
of the Holy Rosary this week is largely
attended and the services and sermons aro
of great interest to all who attend. Bishop
Keane of Cheyenne arrived in time to be
gin the religious work Sunday Each day
of the week there is tho offering up of the
holy mass at 5 30 in the morning after
which Bishop Kuane delivers interesting
sermons on subjects of Christian faith and
man's duties nnd obligations to his Creator.
In the evening thoro are devotional cxer
cisos --recitation of the rosary, sermon and
benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
There aro many questions asked bearing
on Catholic doctrine and faith nnd these
are answered in n kindly, conscientious
and clear manner by his grace. He is a
man of great learning and the years of do
votion nnd duties in the ministry are
plainly visible in his contenancc, which
reflects the peaceful character of the soul.
Father Galvin is being assisted in thu
misston by visiting priests and nothing is
being overlooked to awaken religious
fervor and the advancement of Christ's
holy cause in this city and vicinity.
Confirmation services will take place
next Sunday and the mission will conclude
on that dav.
The Ten-Mile Race.
A large crowd was presont nt the roller
skating rink last night to witness the ten
milo race. The contest was red hot from
start to finish and the largo crowd showed
their keen interest by applauding tho con
testants as they flew around the track with
the velocity of the wind. A Blackburn
added new laurels to his record ns a
champion skater by dofcating Henry Bloom,
Clyde Badglcy, Frarik Burrls and Ted
Fielding in a ten-mile race. Bl.tckburj
made the distance in 20 minutes nnd 42
seconds including one stop. The boys
gave the winner a lively chase for his
monoy, but he was there with tho goods
in timo to win out. They hnd each two
and a half miles to make against Black
burn's 10 miles.
H. A. ArmficUl, well known to many
people of this county when ho was book
keeper for Mike Elmore and also for a
while cashier of the Bank of Commerce nt
Hemingford, is now connected with the
First National bank at San Diego, Cal.
He writes us as follows
"I learn from our friends John Pilking
ton nnd Boa Noleman, who paid me n
visit while in this 'neck of tho woods,'
that you recently issued an illustrated edi
tion which is acknowledged by all to be
the finest ever published in Nebraska. I
desiro to congratulate you on this enter
prise and enclose herewith 25c for which
please send me a copy. Kindest regards
to all the boys and self."
Levi Rubottomleft Saturday for New).. " . . rrnuifnrH
visiting relatives and old-lime friends.
Mr. Rnbottom had not visited his former
home for many years, but having recently
leased his ranch he is now free to enjoy a
Will Crissman of Hastings, is in the city
visiting his sister, Mrs. H. C. Armstrong,
and will leave Sunday with the family for
Sheridan. From there Mr. Criswell will
make a trip to the Pacific coast on a pleas
ure trip, returning by way of Denver.
T. J. Hufty, one of our most pop
ular ranchmen, is a severe sufferer with
rheumatism and it was found necessary to
take him to Hot Springs, S. D , last Suu
day for treatment. He was accompanied
by his sister, Miss Olive.
J. B. Miller and family returned to Alli
ance Tuesday. Mrs. Miller and children
have been visiting relatives in Iowa whilu
"Jack" was doing business for the Bankers'
Life Insurance company in northeastern
Mrs. John Kinsclla was down from
Hemingford during the week attending the
mission at the Catholic church. Mrs. Dan
O'Keefe is also in attendance at these de
votional exercises from that place.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Colvin were here from
their ranch west of Hemingford Tuesday.
They made The Herald a visit and Mr.
Colvin renewed his subscription to the
official paper.
Water Commissioner Hill publishes the
laws in regard to the use of city water,
which will be found is this issue. Users
of city water must regulate themselves
Engineer Fred Allen is spending a f.v
days with relatives at Columbus and par
ticipating in a statu contest of marksmen
as a representative of the Alliance Gun
Mr nnd Mrs, Herman Schultnlbur from
nanr'IIemingford went iu town Monday.
Mrs. Schultalber is suffering with rheuma
tism and came here for traatmant.
William and James Hollinrake accom
panied by the former's daughter Agnes,
of Hemingford, were in the city Tuesday
and Wednesday.
J. B. White, who has been visiting his
daughter, Mo.. A. T. Hammingvvay, left
Sunday morning for his home at Kansas
Frank Gilleran was summoned to Grand
Island Monday to see a relative who is
very ill in a hospital of that eity,
Mrs. C. Olds and Miss Alwilda Ctiurch
came down from Hemingford Wednesday
returning the same day.
! Saturday
X We have a
J, srtrong Hue df
in order to get you
started we
make big cuts
in all staples
hair pins and ornaments
and all kinds of pins
pocketbooks, jewelry
Just come in!
s .
F, J. Bctzold went to Crawford yester
day for a short stay.
The Marsland and Canton correspond
ence was crowded out this week for lack of
Mr3. Estollo Upton left today for Min
tare, to take a position in the depot there
and finish learning telegraphy,'
Wm. King loft last Sunday for an ox
tended trip in the west nnd expects to bo
gone for some tiino.
Col, Wtsner, of the Bayard Transcript,
stopped in Alllancs yesterday on his return
from the republican convention, whore he
went as a delegate from Cheyenne county,
J. D. Miller, a Chicago attorney, aud an
old-time Iowa friend of Judge Berry, was
the guest of his honor yesterday, Mr.
Miller was on his return from a western
Miss Anna Wills accompanied her moth
er homo from Denver yesterday and will
visit here till Sunday. Miss Wills is now
holding a good position as a stenographer
in Denvsr.
- C Armelrnnrt nrxmn rlmun finm Qlijr.
today. His family will go to Sheridan
next week, but Henry says lie expects to
be In Alliance often this year.
Engineer 'Gone Parks sprained an ankle
Sunday while doing nn acrobatic feat in a
ball game. However we are pleased to
note that he is able to get around with the
aid of a crutch and his beat girl,
A. D. Hutchison has set a pace in
chicken raising that will be hard to beat.
Out of 50 eggs ho secured 48 chicks. Of
course this was by the incubator process,
which is fast putting tho mother hen out
of business.
Passenger train No. 42 was derailed
last Monday night about three miles west
of Moorcroft. George Carpenter of Cody
was killed. He attempted to jump out of
the car window, crushing his skull. A
number of others were injured but not
seriously. The train did not reach this
city till six o'clock in the evening.
In the mention made of the students'
reception last Monday cvening'in honor of,
Miss Irene F.lliot, who won second honors
in the dramatic class at the state elocu
tionary contest, The Herald credited the
12th grade iustead of the nth with the hon
ors of the reception. At any rate, the
whole school is Jubilant over the victory
sustained in the person of Miss Elliot.
Several mining (speculators of this city
are interested in the following item of re
cent date taken from a Guernsey paper
"C. L Drake and O. L. Viucent drove in
from the Silver Glance min, in the Musk
rat district, Sunday morning. They claim
they have uncovered a huge body of low
grade ore, and that they have some Den
ver smelter men interested and stand a
mighty good show of getting a $40,000
smaltar erected at the mine in the immed
iate future. One of the smelter men, M
W. Loomis had been on the ground for
four days aud pronounced the outlook
1 very flattering."
Democratic County Convention.
A convention of the voters of the demo
cratic party of Box Butte county will be
held at the court house in Alliance Satur
day, May 28, 1904, for the purpose of
electing six delegates to attend the state,
representative, senatorial and congressional
conventions. Wm.. Mitchell, Chairman.
The New Homestead Law
provides (a) That the homestead rights
shall embrace 640 acres of land, (b) that
those who had taken a homostead may
take another to complete said area; (c)
that those now holding and residing upon a
homestead have first right to their share of
vacant land joining.
Wo are prepared to assist in findipg de
sirable locations and, also to furnish re
liable information as to how to secure the
land you want. See J, P. Hazard, surveyor
and land attorney. Office on second floor
of court house. 21-tf.