:5 U Uv V f h 't f.' . - - h ify- Ciias. E Ford, President A. S. Hekd, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. U6 S. JC Warriik Cashier. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: Chas. E. Ford, A. S, Reed, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. Coal Company. Prices are pretty firmly fixed and we cannot always sell our black diamonds at the figures we would like to. But we do always see you get 2000 lbs. for a ton. RU98ELL SAGE ON BAVIN Q. ORIGINAL OF "PARADISE LOST." Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. (W HIDES HIDES HIDES ,vr7 BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP GEO. A. HILLS I'KOM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacture and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of liultdlnu Material. Capitalist U Qlad He Knows Value of a Dime. Russell Sago was chatting with a , frlond on tho subject of success. This friend remarked that ho did not re gard Mr. Sago as a wholly successful man becaiiBO ho had not boon able to rid himself of tho saving habits of his early days. Mr. Sago's friend was many years his junior and ono whom ho was solicitous about, because of his recklessness In personal expendi tures. Turning on tho Improvident ono Mr. Sage said: ' "It Is not much over a ;ear ago whon I used to hoar even elbrks In banks and brokern' office speculatlnc on what sort of an automobile It was best to purchase; oven tho big brok ers could not sleep well for speculat ing ovor tho proper horsepower for their automobiles. "What do thoy nsk one another to day?" suddenly queried Mr. Sage. "I'll tell you. Thoy ask 'Where are tho transfer points on the surface car system of vNcw York?' I toll you," that a penny saved Is a nickel mado and that a dime In the pocket Is worth more than an imaginative dol lar In tho stock exchange. This old man," ho concluded, "knows tho dlf forenco between carfare' and tho prico of an automobile, and ho can lndulgo In either ono ho wishes to without worrlmont as to who sees him do It or what is tho cost. Thoro Bccins to bo a certain element of suc cess in being fixed In that way." New York Times. ino ' Manuscript to Be Auctioned In Eng- KmtKBut nivtimmtji CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. j diamonds, Watches, VI Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs a m Repairing in all its Branches. Hail orders promptly attended to.- W. Jeweler and Optician. I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Proprietor. L. WILSON, Manager. ffltyttilttM&V&ZXXn&.VA8tt&ttJLSTgSZ5S SELL a EVERYTHING MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. KM HOLSTEFS PHARMACY.... -N. Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug1 Stores In Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully )&-. J A4X IV V lAJkA V-fc ' X- - MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE. Congressman Hepburn's Consolation for Piece of Bad Luck. Congressman Hopburn of Iowa is nearly always unlucky In drawing a soat, but of lato years ho has been ablo to retain his old scat, tho member drawing It always exchanging with him. Whon ho first entered tho houso ho drew about tho worst seat in tho lot. As he sat down thero ho was grumbling over his bad luck, when ho looked across tho hall and saw tho disconsolate fnce of tho man whom ho had beaten for tho nomination and whom ho succeeded In congress. Then he thought: "I'll bet that fellow would bo satisfied with oven this seat," and at once ceased to feol bad about his luck. land In March. One 'f the most valuable literary relics In England Is to bo auctioned off at Sotheby's in Morch, unloss It can be secured during tho Interval for either the British Museum or tho Codlolan Library. This Is tho original manuscript of the first book of Mil ton's "Paradise LoBt," In eighteen small qtnrto leaves. As tho poet had been blind for fourteen years when the epic was completed for tho printer not n stroko from these closely writ ton pages was from his hand, nnd tho tamlllar tradition that ho dictated tho poem to ono of his daughters Is not confirmed by tho ponmnnshlp, which Is maacullno In character. Tho alter native theory that tho amnnuensls was Milton's nophsw, Edward Phil- lipr, Is hardly tollable, slnco tho fact is not mentioned In tho little volumo cf memoirs published by him In 1GD-1. If Phillips had takon down tho poem lino by lino ho would probably havo claimed tho credit for It, us well bb for suggesting alterations whero tho verses needed mending. Whllo tho Identity of tho amanuensis Is n mys tery, It cannot bo doubted that this Is the original copy filed at Stationers' Hall In 1CC7, and assigned to Samuel Simmons (or Symonds) "In consider ation of tho sum of 5 In hand paid." Another pnyment of XG was mado for a second edition, and Milton's widow assigned all her rights after his death for an additional sum of JC8. Tho copyright was sold by tho printor to Brabazon Aylmcr, a bookseller, who subsequently transferred It to Jacob Tonson, and three generations of Tonsons printed numerous editions of "Paradise Lost?' nnd wero enabled by profits In trado to buy an estate In Hertfordshire. Tho manuscript was preserved In tho Tonson family as tho proof of their right to publish as many editions of the poem ns they pleased, nnd It is now In tho posses sion of William Robert Baker, n great grandson of Mary Tonson. in The Good Old Summer Time" People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdv always get at .... GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building k:..h:h..:..:..k..:..:. F. J. Brennan & Co.... ! Y Y. t Y Y DEALERS IN" Drugs, Perfumes and Toilet Articles.! - I V T T T 3 T t The Economy of Modern Methods. Tho coko used In Iron furnaces Is mado In tho most approved manner. Coal straight from the mines Is passed through a plant costing many thousands of dollars, which saves all tho volatile portion. Tho tar and ammonia are washed from tho smoke, tho latter being crystallized Into sul phate of ammonia and tho former be ing mado Into pitch and creosote. Tho gas from these ovens Is then con ducted to tho blast furnaces, where, in the process of iron making, It Is forced through molten metal. Evon then It Is not allowed to escape, but Is mado to do service In heating boil ers for generating power-producing steam. Each ton of coal thus treat ed yields 10,000 cubic feet of gas, 20 pounds of ammonia and 100 pounds of tar. Tho ammonia is used for ro frlgeratlon nnd fertilization; tho tar Is taken by roofing plants; and even the slag; tho scum of tho molten iron, is utilized In the manufacture of ce ment. About the only waste element Is the heat escaping from the cooling Ingots of Iron, and some enterprising genius may yet device a plan of Btor ago battery whereby this lost enorgy may bo used to hatch our chickens. The Scotch Sabbath. The earl of Aberdocn recently had a practical cxporionco of the grim observance of the Sabbath in Scot land. Ho arrived in Edinburgh from London at 7:110 In tho morning. Thero was not a single public conveyance in tho sUition, and, leaving his valet In charge of tho luggage, his lordship wandered out In tho raw, cold weath er, and walkod along Princes street In search of a cab, but to his dismay overy cabman was keeping tho Sab bath. Afterwards his lordship mot a milkman, delivering milk In a side street. A bargain was struck, his lordship got Into tho milk van, was driven back to tho station, whoro his hmgago was put Into tho vehicle, and then ho rodo in triumph to his club. A Few Left. After tho Hon. Cavo Johnson bad served his long and brilliant enroor In Congress and had rotired to tho quiet of private life, ho onco stopped into tho office of his nephew, Robert John son, then a young lawyer of much promise and finding tho young man engaged. In writing with a gold pen had occasion to remark upon tho ex travagance of tho rlBlng generation. "Why Is It," ho asked, "that overy young man now has his gold pen, while those of my day wero content to use their goosc-qullls?" "I suppose," replied Robert, In tho most Innocent manner possible, "It Is because thero wore moro geeso whon you were a young man." FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOOK. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper Alliance, Nebraska. 3 -HM 4AWLAA8ASAAIJLMA,M ASAtAJLAJMAAJMAJULlA S Stockmen Farmers AND We are prepared to make vou wells of any size or depth and furnis an abund ance of water for hand or wind power. Acheson & Joder rrcT??Trea'rc?vrrre?a A Child's Poser. Religiously inclined parents aro more often than not subjected to em barrassing Inquiries by their small children who have not reached an ago whero they are willing to take a the ological subtleness for granted. A question was propounded by ono child on whose religious training much caro had been expended was not only a poser, but carried with It a profound and world ' wide significance. The small boy had been trained to ask In prayers that ho should "bo made a good little boy." Ono day ho had been far from good and his mother was remonstrating with him. "God does not like llttlo boys to bo naughty," sho said. "God wants you to be good." "Then why does ho not make rao good?" fell from the baby's lips. "I ask him often enough." The Lord's Service. Forth In Thy name, O Lord, I go, My dnllv labor to pursuit: Thee, onlv Thee, resolved to know, In nl) I think, or apeak, or tlo. The tnsk Thy wlnlom hnth nmlgneil O, let mo cheerfully fulfill: In till my works Thy pretence, nnd, And prove Thy good and perfect will. Theo may I not nt my rlRht hand. Vhow eyes my lnrajt substance aeo; And labor on at Thy command. And otter all my works to Thee. Qlvo mo to bear Thy onuy yoke. And overy niomont wntcli nnd pray, And still tho things oternul look. And hasten to Thy glorloua Vuy. Knln would T still for Theo employ Whate'or Thy bounteous irruco hath given; Would run my course with even Joy, And closely walk with Theo to Heaven. Charles Wesley, Arra. King Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 13G. aoeao8'-;--''-'vx-'ooo9eeatooooooae o o A 9 9. It 9 The placing of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank - A SELECT stock or Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance. Nebraska. Whist Authority Dead. Nicholas Browso Trlst of Now Or leans, who died of heart dlseaso last week, was the highest recognized au thority in thlB country on tho game of whist. Ho served in tho Confederate army under Gen. Klrby Smith, prac ticed law subsequently, and was raised to an honorable position on the local bench. Steerage Immigration Of the steeragq Immigration, last year 233.54G were Italians, 82,343 Wero Polos, 79,347 Scandinavians, 7C.203 Ho brows, 71,782 Germans, 35.3CG Irish, 34,427 Slovak, 32,007 Crotlan-Slovenlan, 28,451 English, 27,124 Magyars and 155,550 of other nationalities. Dray and Transfer Line. W Phone 139. $5 HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrr about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store theff in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbfr them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city S. A. Miller. Mortality Among Employes. Tho annual mortality in tho United States Is: For railways, ono person killed for overy 1,052 employes; for coal minors, ono person killed for overy 744 employos; for seamen In merchant vessels, ono person killed for every 133. Sad News for Gum Chewers. The saddost news that has como put of Maine In a long tlmo Is that tho spruce gum croj) Is short. This means that chewing gum will cost more this year, or gum chowers will get less for their money. Most of the gum put up by the great chowlng gum concerns comes from the spruce trees of Malno, and tho shortnoss of the crop there fore Is of direct Interest to eyery messenger boy, typewriter girl, sales woman and cash girl who has tho gum-chowlng habit. Children Now Havo Rights. For picking up and kissing a little boy in the street a Birmingham (Eng.) man has been fined forty shill ings, or ono month's hard labor, for assault. Underground Policemen. Slnco the opening of tho London "Twopenny Tube" thero aro In tho city police forco pome constables who have to perform the wholo of their duties underground. Tholr duty Is to patrol the footways and staircases of the Bank station to prevent any broach of the peace, just as constables In tho ordinary way patrol tho streets above. They go on duty and aro ro lievod at tho samo hours as their brother officers. 9 9 a o 2 l M. K'NiniiT, Piesldunt " ... r-. .. .. .. . w. 11. umuii.v, v. rriMuiuui will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. (J. II. OONNCTT.Ousliler a 0 NKLSON JiVLICTCIIICK. INSURANCE AGENT FIRE REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford l'iro Iiihiiruiice Compiii!)-. Nurtli.AmurIcun of l'lilla'dulplila. I'liounlx of Hl(X)kljn, New York. Continental of Now York City. NltiKuru Klre Insurance Compuuy. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ixuidon Liverpool. Loudon and Globe Ins. Co. Ourmuu American Ins. Co., New York, runners uud Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hiHinlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office UpStiilrs, Pletelter Mock. Alliance, Nebraska. Makes Railway Record. The London & Northwestern rail way company has ostabllshed a record railway run. The American boat ex press, which usually runs from Liver pool to Easton without stop, was pull ed up at Crewe. Tho Journey from Crewe to London, 158 miles, was dono In exactly as many minutes, not withstanding that on two occasions speed was reduced to almost walking pace. Palace Liveiy Barn S. II. I3KSCII, Pi-op. oxi: 111.OCK WKST or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Till". Ni: .iiindkn . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the Hin.DlNG. 'Phone T2 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established 1878 i Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes Mwv I eat her and Saddlerv Hardware Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. a 9 CI m