t i i t 9 t If v k ? rTfcJtIC: HnDR1'1" Advantage of These ) Q A V I Nfl HOMP I IV C A Q H i No C,lin Music but New No ld She,fworn Goods.. CUiVltr flEKJu ( Low Prices and Carry the f &f V IIM-I- I lUlUC 11I WOl 1 Goods at Cut Prices Old Goods are Dear at any Price K DE3 j&. ID &- ZT 3D BEPLB GOT 12c .. tt...inf ( IJU) O UIIU v - , wear i9c ; . IJIU 11IU wu nils 50c , Mcns'bifoOver- nlU 10c lrmTTtTTTTTT'r'HVII'T Huys 3 pr. f you Lijie t0 tfear tfie uery. Musical, Metallic Melody of the Mighty Dollar You Can't Afford to Miss These Bargains : socks 25c - for Mens' Mule skin Gloves ' t 39c coou w e i i Gloves iyc Hnv a ' liiinn j .... )ants, nil sizes 95c ; Hoys' suits Unheard of Prices on New Goods ,-.v--.--".-."---N-v,bV------,vr.----, .W-W.-.W.' ,wv.v-.' the FAMOUS Clothing House i 307 Box Butte Ave. 2 Doors South of Postoffice --""' '--.- 1 4 "TTT"TTTT"TTVTTTTrrVT 1 NewSpringi904 Merchandise at less money than others ask for OLD GOODS """Silkole Sox 3 , ior 25c $1.50 for Mens' Pants 25c Hoys' Pants CLOTHING For Men and Young Men We are showing the handsomest line of Spring1 Suits we have ever shown you. Every new weave 75C ClOUl IS Ul Olir bLUUK. for Union made A FZfrr hrkUtnfr bib Overalls r -' "" v rr "& of MENS1 Suits at from tip A QS $1.75 for Mens' $2.50 shoes TO fc $3.50 I for Douglas? when w patent leathctsj; faulty. H20 00 k-W Jr 9ezsgEim These goods are nnstirpasscd for style, fit and wearing qualities. onr money back c guarantee 1111 artirle that proves New Clothing New Hats New Shoes New Gloves New Collars New Shirts New Caps New Underwear New Trousers New Ties "VQc axe a$exvs favWvc T-es T?o Carhatt's Douglass Hanan Stetson Earl &Wilson Elgin Lion Tiger Perfection Hawes Morgan, Medicott American Hosiery Morley Sterling See the Goods CorllbS, Coon iV Co'b New Collar. , AAAi.AAAAAfl.AAAA.tA MAAtAAAiAAi,AAttAi a.a.,.,.,.a..a,..j.a.aaa,.a.a.a.a. If you miss this sale you will pay more V 19c 50c 69c Silk Embioid- All wool double Mens' fast col ered Snspon- knee and seat ors Madras ders. pants for boys Shirts 25C for new 50c neckties Hoys' Not folk I SI. 00 all wool blue fm. 30384o c -5 ct iwnlst in Mcns' $3.50 I pants 1 I Ml W Ill WW W T --;-"- - 25c 25c MENS handtailored SUITS All fabrics Shape-retaining front guar anteed 4o stylesyour choice $0 $2.oo for 32.50 Hats $3.50 Douglas Shoes $1.75 Marine Calf Shoes 69c Satinc Shirts, fast colors 39c lor work Shirts V 1 39c 3 for Fleeced i Underwear 6 50c for fast black Uir dorw car AAAAAA 1 $1.00 Mens' fi n hats Think of it. for J a White Shiit $1.25 for Silk stiipol Boys' good f.mcy sox E wearing shoes 5c Big Handkerchief No 'st ole! goods No rusty prices How About That New Suit or Overcoat For tho Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style OHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. oooc4oooq HCaVWv . "PVftVBfc' 0 v " " " " ' ... Fire . Insurance. HUMIfJOrOKD, Neukaska. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q, GADSBY, Uriel; Shop West of Allliinco N'utlo..ul Hank, Alllunoo, Null. PHONE 400, , k For a Full - Line of... AND Staple Fancy Groceries Fi J SBDCnOP F M 3 0 0 0 8 4t Aire lit fur tho Ciilednnliin. of a Soutluiut, which tnsiirvs town Y 11. T 0 -x 0 jiropiuty only, mid tho Colum lil, wlitoh Insures town unit fiirm tirouurtv ami lho stooW. Hulli iiro rclliiblo 0I1I llnu com- lIUIlll'S 0 OOO0OOY0000 Notni'ial Work,. That Can't De Beat In Town..u" Queensware, lt Tinware flnd Enameled ware CALL ON. oxt5 far 5aVv A. D. RODGERS. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, etc .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. - 0r---- W. M. FOSKETT A-ia.otiori.eer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me HBMiNGroRD, Ned. A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Salus crloil In this mid luljolnlji.; counllus liy tliu day or commission, SI i.-on jours ot iwrlom'o. Hntlsfuctlon rui untood. Con Uacts can bo iniulo at Ti UriiAi.n olllco whero ruteronuos to Alllui 'o citizens will also bo ltn. Hurry DuuniiiR O. K Gilbert Dunning & Gilbert Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets, Mimics, etc. Music furnished for Putties, Receptions, and other social gatherings. Alliance, Neb. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture ' and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance RENO. btt'ITZKK-llKKKY. At the home of the btide's parents, Mi. and Mrs. J. C. Berry, of Antioch. April 20, Miss Fanny L. Beiryand Mr. Royal V. Switzet uete united in mar liage by Rev. J. FI. Embrec, of Hem ingford. The wedding was n pretty home one attended by the relatives and friends to the number of eighty. The bride was tastefully attired in a gown of white silk crepe de chine ttunincd in lace and chiffon and cat tied a splendid boquet of brides toscs and ferns. The groom was atfued in conventional style. Miss Nellie 15crry, sister of th bride, d "ssed in a becoming costume of pink s mull acU'U as imuesmaui anil Air. Will or C. Moulton of Seward stood as best in. in to the gtooin. Rev. Embrce used a very pietty ceremony at high noon and tho newly wedded couple then received the congratulations and best wishes of their many ftiends. The ceremony was followed by a banquet at which Mr. and Mrs. Suitzer presided. Both the young people are well known in this part of the state, Miss Fanny having lived here the gt eater patt of her life. She graduated from the Chad ion academy in '97 and has since been a very successful teacher in this part of the state. She will be greatly missed from this neighborhood. Mr. Switzer was educated at Lincoln and Omaha and for several years was employed at those places. He now has a good posi tion with the B. & M. R. R. in Omaha and where they will be at home to their friends at 3305 Burt street after May 1. They received ma' t'oautiful presents of silverware, en ......s, linen, china, pictures and otiier .soful articles. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Olmsted of Broken Bow, Mr. and Mrs. M.. E. Smith of Omaha, Mis. M. E. Harmston of Fly annis, Lucile Wilson of Marslaud and many Alliance telatives and friends weto those from a distance who, attend ed the wedding. MARSLAND. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board , Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. on Ben Worley is the mail carrier the Agate toutc at this time. A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lemon recently. Sheriff Biidsall was down from Chad ron Friday on official business. Mrs. John Kay was down from the ranch Tuesday doing some trading. Dr. Hartwoll was down fiom Craw ford Friday to visit Grandpa Lemons. Tho time for leaving this place with the Lawn mail has been changed to 3 p. in. With this change the people oil the South Table will receive their mail from the east the same day it at lives. Messrs. I'. G. Cooper and Jake Hatjanft of Crawford weie in town on Saturday. Mr. Hogle of Crawford was down Monday to engage pasture for his cat tle at E. T. Gregg's. Miss Lucile Wilson returned from Alliance Sunday having spent several days at her home. Mrs. Ingstrom returned from Dead wood leccntly and was taken to the ranch by C. H. Richoy. Mrs, Chailcs Clark spent last week at the home of her daughter' Mrs. C. Cheney of Sioux county. Mr. Spencer of Alliance is in this vicinity in the inteiest of the Empite Cieam Scpctator company. E. E. Squibb went to Craw foul Sat urday taking a load of fat hogs to market for J. Sullcnbcrger. A large number from this place at tended the entertainment at Belmont Friday evening and report a good-time. G. Drumoud of near Crawford has moved on to the old Hollibaugti la'nch northeast of town, to take charge of the same. Mr. Millhous' sale last Saturday was well attended but nothing sold. The stock was in.poor condition and people did not bid well. E. A. Kcndtick'wcut to Hot Spiiugs Saturday having received word that Mrs. Kendrick, who' is being treated at the Catholic hospital at that place, was worse. The Dramatic club desire a good at tendance at their entertainment Satur day "evening, May 7, at tho school house. Please remember that the 15 cents admission charged for adults is to add some new books to the library. The selection of books will be from the best of authors and suitable for chil dren of all ages. Give these young people a good house and they will feel repaid for their labor. Guy Lock wood GKADI'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OP i:.MHAI..MING - . Funeral Director and Embalmer Puones Office 214. Res 205 I'.xpcrt l.iuly Attendant .. AlllaTlGe, Nel), FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB.' Sheriff's Sale. Uy vlrtuoof un, ordor of milo ivuul by the clurk of Hih district court ot Hox lluttoi-ouii-ty, Nebraska, upon 11 tlocm rendered by wild court lu fikyor of ClmilugJ. Hcnjiimin. plaln tltl. and URiiliist Murzoll Lrf'Iort, defendant, I wlllolToron tholidduv of Muv. A. 1). 1V01. ut Iju'c ock u. ui. on Mild day. tit the vtvsl front door ot U10 rouit house in Alliance, In Mid county, bull the following di'M-rlU-d nuil ostatc. to wit: bout Invest, quarter tectUn 10. township 3). north runue 44, west Mxtti principal murldlun, in Jtox lltttto county, Nubftvsku, ut public miction to the highest biddor forou.sli, to &at Isty biild order of Mile. In tho sum of f K5.00 mid Interest, owt.s and accr Ins costs subject to ull iniutiUt taxes. ika nnfin. Shell 4 1 said County YV. Q aimonson. Attorney for l'lalutllV. K I April 1 Ww. James, ATTOItNEYS. Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. . Nebraska. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. 'PHONE 105. WT.ST SIIIK MAIN STKHET.. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking- and . . :: Embalming- Company Calls suswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 2G9. W1LLIAH MlTCHELll ATTORNEY AT LtW. ALLIANCE, - - . NEBRASKA. OrriCE Phone 180. Residence I'iionk203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, '2 unci 3, First Nutlon.il bunk build 2 Ing, Alliance, Neb. Notary in otllcc. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. E. H. Boyd, AiiiH'uoy ut. Irv .. Al.LIANCi:, NHDKASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH l TIITTLK. IKA E. TASII. TUTTLE & TASI1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North .Main St., ALLIANCE. NEIL J. E. MOORE, M. D. i'i.r.T:iu:u iii.ock, ALLIANCE, NEIL Culls answered from otlico day or night. Telephone No. 62. br6rwrcLXiNr HOMEOPATH x Thirty joars experience). Diseases of women and children and nun-surKlc.il re moval of sail stoueA and euro of apendlui tls, spoclnltlcs. Oflleo llrst door west uf O'Connor's bakery. Z 'Phono day or night, 111". H?TiLTT3e7livvo PHYSICIAN AND ' SURGEON. Moisten llulldlnc, - ALLIAT JE, NEIt L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in First National Hank block. AUI ance Nebraska. uljaTfreyT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office two blocks north ot Time!, bulldlnir. Phone 258, n Hours', 8 to is a. in.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. . TLvirTiDWADs" J PHYSICIAN AND SfKnEON Office o or I'ostonico. AJjLIANCE, NEIL DrTXlRrTaigartrDrvCsI Is prepared to treatanyand all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention, to dentistry All work, guaranteed Barn North of Palace Livery, Pho 101 s ' Lv-