DANGEROUS NEQLECT. It'a the noslPPt of Imclumlio. sldoarlip, pain In thn lilii or loins that Anally prostrates tlio strongest body. Tho kidnoy warnings aro serious thoy tell you that they nro unable to filter tho body's waste and poison from tho blood tho Bevvem " aro clogged and Impurities nro running wild to Im pregnate nerves, heart, brain and every organ of tho body with din ease elements. Dean's Cldney Pills arc quick to Hoolho and nt rtuigthon sick kldnoys and help them .rue tho Bystoin from ikjIhoii Head jow valuable thoy are, even in cases of long standing. I.. C Lovoll of -tlfi North First St., Hpoknno, Wash., Bays: "I havo had Iron bio from my kidneys for the past fn year". It was caused by a strain to which t paid llttlo attention. Utit in 1 neglected tho trouble It became worn'o and worso until any strain or n flight cold was Hiiro to bo followed by Bojrcro pain across my back. Then Lho action of thu kidnoy secretions bo muio doranged and I wan caused much annoyance bosidos loss of sleep. HoanVt Kidnoy Pills tvero brought to my notlco and after taking them a Hhort tlmo tholr good offect was ap li.trout. All tho pain was removed from my back and tho kidney secre tions bocamo normal. Doan's Kidnoy J'IIIh do all that Is claimed for them." A FRF.H TItlAL of thla great rem edy which curod Mr, I x) veil will bo mailed on application to any part of lho United States. Address Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by nil druggists, prlco 50 cents per hot. It Is a mighty fortunate lovo whoso iltb tldo rovoalH no mud Hals. It rfii't necessary to label a gentleman. MnlliorClrny'aBtvoetl'oiTtttini for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nursa In tho Children's Homo in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Dad Stomach, Tfiithiog 'Disorders, move and regulate tho Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Addrcs3A,S.OImsted.LoRoy,N.Y. Thoro la considerable of the tyrant about tho woman who U engaged. I urn sure Ptno's Cure tor Consumption Bared my tiro throe years uso. Mrs. Tiios. Ronuufs, Maplo"Stroot, Norwich, N. Y Fob. 17, 1900. Tho consumption specialist fills his coffers at the expense of his coughcrs. When Your Grocer Bays ho tloai not havo Dollanco Starch, you mar m sure bo la afraid to ttoop it until hid dock of 111 oz. package aro sold. Defiance Hturoh is not only bettor than any other Cold Wator Btarcb. but contains 10 oz. to tho utcknge and sous for same uionoy as 113 on, frauds, Whfcii a mnn places rellanco' on a woman's Judgment ho Is apt to go to u man to havo it continued. Many who formerly smoked lOo cigars now smoko Lowls' "Sluglo Hinder" straight So. 1 .owls' Factory, PeorU,U'.v It )h a. wlso hen that gets 'In tho smart act. Tolstoi's Outdoor Life. Still vigorous nt tho age of 75 pours, Count Loo Tolstoi noarly ov ory day either takes a rldo on bis fttvorlto horse, goos for a walk under tho linden troes with bla daughter, Alexandra, or In company with his sroat wolfhound, trnmpH over tho liroad acres of tho famous estate of Ymiaya Polyana. Tolstoi has long been an ardent out-of-doors man; In narly llfo a lutrdlo rider of no mean ncrompllshmcnt, a hunter and an ath I He, In later years a pedestrian to whom twelve miles n day was an av trago walk ami to whom a day In tho saddlo was as nothing. Description of Japanese. MIhb Bird, In her book entitled 'Unbeaten Tracks In Japan," publish oil noarly twenty-five years ago, do Bcrlbod tho men she, saw as "small, uly, kindly looking, shriveled, banty logged, rouud-shouldered, concave ehsled, pin-looking beings," whilo tho women "aro, aa a rule, small, and vory small." Russtaus, however, who havo had occasion to see the Jtpanese do not ngreo with Mies Bird. That Acid TroubJe. Colusa, Cal., April 18th. Much has boon said and wrltteu recently about Uric Acltl In tho system; what caused It and how to get rid of It. It la known to bo tho first cause of Rheu matism aud many other diseases and baa theroforo received a great deal of attention from medical men. Mr. I F. Moultou of this placo claims that he has solved tho prob lem of how to got this uctd out of tho Hyiiteni. lie says: "I bad this acid trouble myself for years. At times the Kidney secre tions would bo very profuse and at other times scant, but the acid was always my greatest trouble. Medicine failed to euro me till at lata 1 beard of a remedy called Dodd'a Kidney Pills and after taking a box I soetnod to be entirely cured. However, It camo back on me and this time I took sovoral boxes, with the result that I wan complotoly and permanently cured. This waa threo years ago and I have not had a single symptom of tbo acid troublo sluco. I am 75 years of age and I am well as ever I was." No woman with a grain of sense ever lots a mau gather from ber ro marks that bis character o flora au Intricacies to hor comprehension. I if Aiwv INVBNTIONL Hot Water for the Dlohes. How to keep tho dishwater hot Is a problom which interests a largo por tion of tho 'women of the land qulto aB much as how to run tho govern ment nnd some of tho other prob lems which women havo taken up lntoly. Cold dishwater Is and always has been ono of tho trials which worn nn bns to bear at frcquont Intervals, sometimes bocauso a neighbor comes to call whom sho cannot take Into tho kitchen while she Is doing hor work and sometimes because tho baby needs attention or somotblng else hap pons to iako up her time. To put tho pnn on tho stovo means scalding hot water and possibly damaged crockery nnd china when film returns, und to leavo It in tho Blnk means cold water nnd nil tho grease hardened and stuck fant to tho dishes. That is to say, Ibis has been the Btntc of affairs previously, but now there Is a dlshpan which seems to havo the fnculty of keeping tho wator nt Just nbout tho proper temperature when tho dlshpan happens to be loft full of unwnshed dlshos for a half hour or so. This plan Is provided with n wldo flange around thu edgo which elevates tho bottom from tho hot sur face of tho Btovo sufficiently to pre vont the water from reaching tho boiling point. It will nlso bo scon that thoro l a doublo compartment Insldo the plan, ono spaco being util ized for tho rinsing water and tho other for that In which tho dishes aro washed. It Is possible to draw tho wator off from either compartment without lifting the heavy pan, a fau cet bolng provided for this purpose. It might also bo posslblo to utlllzo this dlshpan in conjunction with a New Dlshpan Solves Problem, small alcohol lamp, which would bo located in tho center of tho pan and wnrm tho water in both compart ments, tlniH doing away with tho necessity of starting tip tbo flro to heat water for this purpose. Virginia A. Cnsscll of Snake Creole, Vn.((l3 tho inventor. i Military Education Science. In tbo course of tho discussion which is now going on in England over tho place of science In military education, ono fact has been Insisted upon by every pleader for more sci ence, namely, that tho defect of class ical education as well In military and naval mattcra as In the other profes sions Is as muchjjn tbo mental habits It produces as in thu knowledge which it fails to impart. It not only furnlBhcs tho student with nn outlook on the world, based on the science of the year 1 II. C, but it equips him with Intellectual tools, beautifully ornamented, nnd of grcnt artistic perfection, but as hopelessly Inadequate to tho needs of modern llfo as aro now tho bow and arrow In wnrfare. The claims of a quack or tho "revolutionary discovery" un earthed by an imaginative roportor, seem to tho classicist as Inherently probablo and fnr more Interesting than tho carefully worded .announce mont of a great scientist. There Is no difference In probability, so far as ho can sec, regarding tho truth of tho announcement that a South American traveler bus discovered a bush pro ducing worms as rrult, nnd tho claim of an Indian doctor that mosquito bites cause malaria. Ho accepts statements as facts, be cause some great man lias made them. Ho is n believer In, nnd stu dent of, words rather than things, It Is this attitude of mind, this confus ing of facts und fancies, that forms the heaviest Indictment against the classical school.. Electricity In Japan. According to the Ixindon Electrical Engineer, there Is a great activity In tho utilization of electricity in Japan for lighting, power and traction pur poses. Ono city plnns to develop 10,. 000-horsepower by using tho power of tho Tama river, Power stations will be erected nt three points. Electric traction systems nro bolng installed at various points, ono or these, twen ty miles In longth. now bolng built. The power plant for this road la In. course of erection, and will havo an output of 540-horsepower. Minced Horse Meat. It is stated that a government com mittee has been appointed in Paris to Investigate tho uso of raw horse flesh in tho treatment of tuberculosis nnd other dlseasos. On tho committee aro, among other well-known men, Prof. Debovo, doan of tho Paris fac ulty of medicine, and Prof. Bnnior of tho voterlnary school at Alfort. The roasons for tho Inquiry nro not aa yet clear, but may perhaps transpire when the report of the commltteo Is published. Energy of Radium. , 'A chunk of coal releases, during combustion, onough energy to lift It self about 2,000 miles, or, say, from Now York to Manila. Hut a chunk of radium emanation yields without any combustion an amount of enregy In tbo process of Its evolutlou that would lift It not only to tho sun but to tho orbit of tho planet Neptune, tho outaldo fence post of the solar sys tem, and which Is about thirty times farther from the sun than earth is. Work and purpose is the moral of f-very heroic life. W. H. D. Adams. rwmt&rMMmM HOU8E OF SIX ROOM8. Well Arranged Structure at Compara tively Small Cost. An excellent plan for a six-room hottso Is shown in tho accompanying Bkctches. Tho rooms nro of good size, and tho plan Is exceptionally well ar ranged, being very compact and eco nomical. The cellar stairs go down from tho kitchen under tbo main front stairs; there le an outside entrance on tho landing at tho ground level. Tho exterior la vory neat and satisfying, and tho houao is a popular one. It Is woll finished In natural woods throughout. Tho dimensions aro as follows: Width, 31 fcot C Inches; longth, Including veranda, 41 feet 6 Inches. Colling heights: Basement, 7 feet; first story, 9 feet C Inches; sec- ond story, 9 feet. Cost. Including plumbing and furnnco heat, $2,400 to $2,000. Feeding Bran; Curing a Kicker. A. S. 1. "What is tho best method of feeding bran to milch cows? What is tho best method of curing a heifer of kicking whilo she Is belnsr milked? Many dairymen prefer to feed bran In the form of mash, but feeding ox porlmonts prove that there Is little or no udvantago In adding water over feeding It dry. A very good u&o can bo made of bran by mixing It with en nllage, pulped roots or cut hay. If fed with cut hay It Is well to moisten tho mixture so that tho bran will adhere to tho coarser food nnd not be blown out of the margin or inhaled by tho animals. 2. A good way to euro a kicking cow 13 to attach a short chain, with a ring In the end to tho rack or stanchion frame; put a hook In oach ond of a ropo and a ring eighteen inches from one end. Put tho ropo mound the left bind leg nbovo tho hock and hook it in tho ring and draw the leg forward until tho foot Is raised from tbo lloor and hook It In tho chain. Do not put tho ropo below the hock, for she can then knock tho bucket over by swinging her foot. A cow ennnot kick with this tacklo on her and she will soon glvo up trying. She should bo handled quietly. Fertilizer For Clover. E. A. V. I wish to enrich a piece of land and cannot obtnln yard ma nure; would It bo better to apply ar tificial fertilizer or to grow clover aati plough the crop under? If the land Is sufficiently rich to grow a fair crop of clover we should assuredly ndvlso the course you speak of to Improve It. The first cutting ol clover may be mado Into hay, turning tho second growth under at tho close of the season. If, however, tho soil is very poor and tho growth of clover will, unaided, bo but thin and meager, it would certainly be profltablo to np ply a sufficiency of a suitable fertilizer to give the clover a good start. For this purpose, nothing could be better than wood ashes, say, at the rate of 25 to no bushels per acre, lightly ploughed untlor; or, better still, har rowed in Just beforo seeding. A good substitute for wood ashes could bo mado as follows: Muriate of potash, 190 lbs.; superphosphate, 300 lbs.; ap plied at tho rate of, say, 200 to 300 lbs. per acre. As a green crop for plowing under, probably the best will be found to bo common red clover, sown at the rato of 8 to 10 lbs. per acre. Improving a Pasture. W. W. H. I huvo a now pasture In which there Is a strip where the sqed Ing did not catch well. Could I scat ter somo more seed on this In tho spring ns to havo It fit for pasturo by tho 25th or Juno? If so. what would be .the best kind of grass .to use? You can hardly havo much or a pasturo by tho 25th or June, but you can pick up your pasturo as you sug gest by broadcasting more seed over the vacant strip. If tho seed Is sown as tho frost Is coming out of the ground, it will bo sufficiently covered without harrowing; but, if tho ground Is very heavy and It is impossible to do so, a stroke with a light harrow beforo seeding, followed with a roller afterwards, will cause tho ' seed lo start at once. For permanently Improv ing your pasture, I should mnko a mix ture for this bare strip In tho follow ing proportion por ncro: Timothy, 12 lbs.; Rod Clovor, S lbs.; Hungarian grass or Gorman millet, 10 lbs, Tho timothy and clovor will pormnno.nly improve the pasture, and the mlllot, which Is an annuaf, will glvo a crop tho first year. Burning Bone. A. A. O. Good "raw" bono contains about 22 por cont of phosphoric acid and almost 4 por cont of nitrogen. In the burning of bono all tho nitrogen Is lost. Valuing this nitrogen at 100 per pound, tho loss in burning would be $8 per ton of bono. In addition to this loss of nitrogen (among tho most essontlal constituents of plant food) wo have also 'the destruction of tho orgaulc matter of tho bono In burning. It Is thla organic matter (other than tho fat of tho bone) that promotes, by Its fermentation, tho disintegration and decomposition of tho bone in tie Ball, without which, of course. It is of no value as a fertilizer. TICKLE GRASS BY- BYRON WILLIAMS Entertaining a Whlpper-Snapper. Polonlus was right, abstractedly, when he said worth alono makes the man; but, if alive to-day, would ho daro say that worth alono makes tho woman. Every successful business man realizes that clothes outer largoly into thu successes and failures of to day, and dress accordingly. Women long ago learned this truth and havo llttlo respect for Polonlous nnd his ante-date philosophy. Recently somo very expensive and lavishly furnished apartments were erected In a well-known western city. Two ladles, eminently respectable and possessed of means, being in that neighborhood, decided to call and in vestigate. Unfortunately they had been on a long constitutional through tho parks and wore plain costumes. Including short skirts. They walked brusquely up to tho building and en tered tho agent's office. That Indi vidual was absent, but his understudy, a young male thing, with an inflated Idea of his own responsibility, eyed thom critically and with an overbear ing manner endeavored to impress them with the enormous rentals placed on tho apartments. It was more ovldent than pleasing to the vis itors that they wero being "sized up" as entirely too "cheap" to bo worthy of consideration. Much disgusted and more Indignant, they withdrew to tho street. It was Byron who said: 'Sweet I" nevcjige eiicelully to wo men " The very next day there drove up to the building a handsome equipage, from which alighted two fashionably dressed women. Tho sunlight sparkled on their Jewels and they bore them selves with the unmistakable air of good breeding and plenty. The agent, smirking and smiling, begged to show the ladles the apartments, but" they Insisted, strangely, on the assistant be ing their escort. That individual, fawning and bowing and feeling much elated at their marked preference, led tho way. Then began ono of the most strenu ous experiences of a whipper-snapper. From apartment to apartment they urged him, up stairs nnd down stairs, 1 through a modern city apartment of miles of stairway. At eacjh landing they found many grievous faults with the Inferiority of the building. They were exceptionally outspoken In their criticisms and oven took occa sion to sink the shaft of venom into tho humiliated assistant. At last, after having taken almost two hours of tho young man's time, ho was not over-polltely informed they wouldn't think of living In such a shoddy, unpretentious and mediocre structure. "Have you nothing better to show us? Something worth, say, two or three times as much and several times nicer arranged and more ele gantly equipped?" they demanued. "b see we have been misled by the adver tlsmcnt, but yesterday when we were here the prospects seemed better for some really modern and acceptable flats." About this time the truth began to dawn In the much-muddled mind of tho whipper-snapper, but before he could nssume a retaliating air, the ladles, their noses elevated and their faces locked with disdainful rigidity, swept grandly out past the bewildered agent to their carrlngo. "Home! they cried in chorus. They had been avenged. PltOVINO IT We would liko to tako the accom plishments of some people ror grant ed. The proor Is too much. 4 4 fc There's a heap or difference In folks. One or our neighbors thinks tho city Just dreadful, nnd too dirty ror humau habitat. She makes herseir mlserablo brooding over tho disadvantages or a residence In such a Sodom. Another neighbor is happy and slugs nt her work. "Oh, I guess there's cleaner places, but somehow I Just can't help being happy!" We like to visit with tho sunshiny woman, but we cringo every time wo hoar our wife announce tho intended visit of the other. Fun ny, isn't it? 4 4 Beatrico Fairfax says intoxication among women is growing. Boys, It's time for us to doclaro "the lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine." 4 t It is the oxponso wo did not have figured in tho expenso account that makes the balanco on tho wrong side J of tho ledger of life. ISHp Xtt -.-' TICKLE GRASS BT BYRON WILLIAMS Hey Rube. The ad. was black nnd catchy. It queried for a clerk To tnko a snap and bold It, with very llttlo workl The country youth, delighted, HtralRbt to the city wrote. He mum received Instructions to send a Kreenhack note. " 'TIh hut to cover postage and show your Rood Intent." 'Twns tliim the nnxwet- stated In lan- RUnKo eloquent. The reuben Rrlpped hli pencil nnd scrib bled this reply: "Come out itexl HprltiR. In April, and brliiR your roil and Hv. The nshliiR I5 JiiMt pplendld nud suckers run in llockxt Come out nnil ro ii-nlilnR. I'm yours truly, Snocks." A lady elephant never travels with out a trunk. & & & People who think thoy have made tbo mistake or their lives should bo ware. There are just as big llsh Jn the sea as ever have bocn caught. & & & It Is hard lines to bo compelled to spend that new-spring suit money tor an operation for appendicitis. Suggestion for correspondence school "How to catch suckers; taught by mail. Bite now." "KAY. IS MY' FIRST AVIFK INSIDE?" A Knnsas man does not want to zo to heaven for fear of meeting his first wife-there. A correspondent writes to know if there Is any way to make a woman stop taking. Sure! If' chloroform doesn't work, git a ax! & & & Beating a drum lias Its drawbacks. i & & When a man kisses a girl right on the mouth, she can not screnm if she wants to. and by the time she can scream, she usually doesn't want to. The Sure Enough Charm. Hunt up the IlHlilliics ami sort out the hooks; The Hiiclcerx lire running the riffles of brookK. Get town the llHlipolo nnd 'match them for leiiRtli; ruwiiHl this Htrlnncr.s nnd test them for Htrengtli. DIr with u pitch-fork out back of the shed. Where aiiRleworma flourish In rich, earthy bed. Then hie nway, angler, to fisherman's fate 1 And nl way lemcmbcr to S'PIT ON YOL'It HAITI & & Filinl piety is one of the strongest trails of the Corean character. A son must wait upon his father and if tbo father be-sent to prison the child will stay on guard outside, awaiting tho freedom or the parent. The houses ot the Coreans aro poor ly constructed ot wood and clay, thatched with straw. There are no chairs and tho people squat upon the ground. The general poverty or tho poor people Is marked. & & A Snap. I wish wlfo'H pa wiih officer In far away Co run. For 'tlK the custom there. I'm told, Throughout the reign or era. For lilm to care for all bin kin. No ooiii does his time beRln Tlinn relatlven comrnemo to call. He wniilCM and bows and feeds them all! the itEscrrcrt i.oosknb. A man was saved from death by a brave lad who received twonty-flvo cents for his kindness. After all, a man Is worth only thu price ho sets on his own head. S- Sometimes the evident lack of tho milk of human kindness prompts ono to wonder If tlio kind old cow Is not dry. iiiKXVX (WH i s5f- OuKU "8 ". f free to Twenty-five Ladies. The Defiance Starch Co. will glya 25 ladles a round trip ticket to tho St. Iritis Exposition, to five ladles In each of tho following states: Illi nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send In tho largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent, lG-ounco package of Dc3onco cold wator laundry starch. This means from your own homo, any where in the nbovo named states. These trade marks must be mailed to and received by tho Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nobr., boforo September 1st, 1904. October and November will bo tho best months to visit tbo Exposition. Remember that Denanco Is the only starch put up 16 oz. (a full pound) to tho package. You get one-third more starch for the samo monoy than of nny other kind, and Defiance norer sticks to tbo Iron. Tho tickets to the Exposition will bo sont by registered mall September 5th. Starch for salo by all dealora. Fortune never dlsnppolnts tho man who knows he will fall. Aik Tonr Dealer For Allen's root-Bat, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen'a Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores', 25 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Frbk. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N.Y. It Is Interesting to know, In con-, nectlon with Mr. Jerome's legal and legislative campaign against gambling, that Monto Carlo Is not only doing a business, the annual profitB from which aro about $G,000,000, but It la keeping abreast of tho times, by add ing bridge, baccarat and poker to tho attractions which help to separate players at tho resort from their mon. ey. However, Monto Carlo has no "lid" and no Jeromes. Thoso Who Have Tried It will use no other. Doflnnco Cold Water Starch bas no equal la Quantity or Qual ity 1G oz. for 10 cents. Other brands con tain only 13 oz. Miss Bird, In her book entitled "Un beaten Tracks In Japan," published nearly twenty-five years ago, described tho men she saw as "small, ugly, kind ly looking, shriveled, banty-legged, round-shouldered, concave-chested, pin looking beings," while tho women "aro as a rulo small and very small." Rus sians, however, who havo had occa sion to seo tho Japanese, do not agree With Miss Bird. Deputy; Sheriff David Dean of Taun ton, Mass., has a pair or handcuffs with a history. Thoy were presented to him by Major JoneB In 1873, when the latter was at the head of tho state police. Since that time, the sher iff says, they havo been on the wrists of every man on trlnl for murder or manslaughter in Plymouth county. ' Tho postmaster at Nails, IndA bas resigned because he found It next to Impossible to live within his salary, which is $19 a year. Which all goes to prove that tho cost of living Is In creasing. Kansas Is loyal, If nothing else. A Sunday school teacher at Kansas City asked her class where Christ was born, and about half tho children re plied in chorus, "In Kansas." Rugs piled upon carpets, three cur tains to a window, and sixteen non touchable pillows to a couch, are not among tho sins of the bachelor girl. The uncluttered house Is hers. Tho Man of Sorrows was not much of a man for sighs. CAME FROM COFFEE. A Case Where the Taking of Morphine Began With Coffee. "For 15 years," says a young Ohio woman, "I was a great sufferer from stomach, heart and liver trouble. For tho last 10 years the suffering was terrible; it would bo Impossible to describe it. During the last thrco years I had convulsions from which tho only relief was the use of mor phine. "I had several physicians, nearly all of whom advised me to stop drink ing tea and coffee, but aB I could take only liquid foods I felt I could not live without coffee. I continued drink ing It until I becamo almost insane,, my mind was affected, whilo my whole nervous system was a completo wreck. I suffered day and night from thirst and ns water would only make me sick I kept on trying different drinks until a friend asked mo to try Postum Food Coffee. "I did so but it was some time bo foro I waa benefited by the change, my system was so filled with coffee poison. It was not long, however, be fore I could ent all kinds of foods and drink all the cold water I wanted and which my system demands. It is now 8 years I havo drank nothing but Pos tum for breakfast and supper and tho result bas been that in place of being an Invalid with my mind affected I am now strong, sturdy, happy and healthy. "I have a very delicate daughter who has been greatly benefited by drinking Postum, also a strong boy, who would rather go without food for his breakfast than his Postum. So much depends on tho proper cooking of Postum for unless it is boiled tho proper length of tlmo people will ba disappointed in it. Those in the habit ot drinkiug strong coffee should make the Postum very strong at first In ordar to get a strong coffee taste." Name given by Postum Co., Battlt Creek. Mich. Look in each package for the Tarn eus little book, "The Road to WelV vllle." s r ft