The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 15, 1904, Image 3

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mi ?" .
Sometimes women
drift into n condition
of "half invalid." Con
tinual languor, nil
tired out, run down,
backache, nerves shat
tered, headache, terri
ble lmtn, no appetite,
poor digestion. In nine
cases out of ten it's be
cause the liidnoys fall
to do their work of
filtering the poisonous
system waste from tho
blood. The kidneys
are weak and need tho
strenKthenlnir liehi of
Doan's Kidney Pills. Road how theso
pills repair a weakened physical con
dition when this condition is caused
by sick kidneys:
Mrs. Sadie Mettles of 394 V. 4th
Ave.. Columbus, Ohio, says: "Prior to
tho year 1S98 I suffered considerably
from backache, pain In tho head, lan
guor and depression and weakness of
tho action of tho kidneys. The pain
was always worso in the morning, and
I felt miserable. 1 was induced to
procure a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
and I began their use." They proved
prompt and effective. Thuy cured mo
and there has been no return of the
trouble since taking them. I owe all
tho credit to Doan's Kidney Mils."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
,ney medicine which cured Mrs. Met
tles will be mailed on application to
nny part of the United States. Ad
dress Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50
cents per box.
That which is within one's grasp,
yet unobtainable, makes our greatest
Uso Red Cros Bnll Uluo and mako them
white again. Largo 2 oz. paclcugj, 5 oeuts.
Few men can argue about religion
nnd keep cpol.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Defiance
Starch is taking the place of all
One way to dodge the divorce courts
is to stay single.
SIr. VTiiisiow'H pootlilnt; rnp.
For children tcelulriK, eof tens the Rtiroj, reduce te
Exmuiatiuu, ollaj c pain, curco wind cullu. j&c a bntlo.
If a man is satisfied with one meal
a day ho can afford to write poetry.
n baa
SS4.0G, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50
"W.L. Douglas shoes
nre worn by more
men than any other
make. The reason
is, they hold their
longer, and havo
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
Sold EveruXUere.
I.uolt Tor mint,' nntl luiri on Ixilliiin.
Douglm mums Cnronu 'ii1ihIii, iiildi In
rv.irvw liircx'oiiroili'il tolintliellneM l'litont
lntliorotroluTil. FastCo or Eyelets tiled.
Shots tivitmll,:'. rrnli extra. Write for Catnlou.
W. JL. DOUGLAS, Uroclctou, Miu.
IM okcikjU f 0YVft
filtllif LATHING linn U 7)
Made n bladi or yellow for all kmdi
or w worn, un ie cverywncrc y
Look for the 5rfn cMht FIsIimJ rl
Uie rume TOWER en the fcuttora. a
Ttwit cnum f Tt0T
Looking for a Home?
Then why not keep In vlow the
fact thct too forming lands of
are sufficient to support a population of 50KK) 000
or over? Tho immigration for the pan tu years
has been phenomenal,
FREE lomostoad Unds
easily accessible, while other lands majr be par
chased from Railway and Land Companies. The
grain and cranns lane, of Weft, rn Canada are tho
best on tho continent, producing the best train,
and cattle (fed on crass alone) ready for market.
Markets, Hcliools, lUUxviij anil nil other
conditions nmke Weitvrn C'uiiiulu un enl
ublo spot for tho HCttler.
Write to Superintendent lmmlsraticn.Otawa,Can
ada. for a desciiptne Alias and other information.
or to the authorized Canadian Go eminent Aeem
W. V. Hcnnett, 601 New York Lifo Dulidins.
Omaha, NeD.
STBA1GIII5CIGAR always reliable
iour JouLer or a'reil lrum t-mtury feorla, 111
A Bad
l v n
i nntii wk.; AiiwtH
. i ., -.. mm
f irysw n l t . v.
'At-1 -.lib .
r" 7-hjg'"?'
Wh;n one wakes up achlne from head to foct, and with
the flesh U, iei to tho touch, when
soreness and arainess
makes every motlin cf tho body palrful, the surest
and quickest way out cf the trouble is to usa
St. Jacobs Oil
promptly, It wirms, rcliies, cures. Price, 25c. and BOc
t esni xsMHir&Trzma
Kites as Scapegoats.
Everybody Knows tho fondness of
tho Adult Chinese for Ulto flying. Tho
Korean, howevor puts this pastime to
a use altogether novel. When tho
time of Kod resolutlotiB comes n round
at the new year tho Korean writos
on n kite all his faults, "Kvll disposi
tion, impatlonce, bad words, Btroet
lights," etc. "It was so dark," sa3
ono American residing In Korea, re
lating such an Instance, thnt no klto
could bo seen, but when ho had mn
tho string out to Its full loiiRth ho
cut It and let it ro, Imagining that so
he had rid himself of his enemies and
could foojMn the now year with now
A California senator, who recently
returned to his home from a Kuropoan
tour, has been telling a story of bis
ndvonturcs which redounds to tho
credit of tho London bus conductor.
On a very rainy day, tho senator got
into an omnibus. Very soon he no
ticed thnt drops of water were patter
ing down upon his head from the roof.
At thnt moment tho conductor ontered
to collect tho fares. "What's the mat
.or with the roof?" said tho damp sen
ator; "does it do this always?" "No,
sir," replied tho sensible conductor;
"only when it rains."
Prophet Joseph Smith, of tho Mor
mon church, sayB that for a man to
llvo with but ono wife, Is as bad as
to be an Infidel, as polygamy was com
manded by God direct. If a man has
a wife, and alio objects direct to n
Bocond, or a third, she will bo de
stroyed. Now will tho woman bo good?
Death Is one thing that never falls
to come to tho man who waits.
It Is the interest of every member
INSURANCE CO. to help it along.
Tho Company belongs to the members.
Tho officers are their servants. Ench
member Is only liable for bis sharo of
losses and expenses, according to tho
amount of Insurance ho carries.
Members are assessed at tho end
of two j cars, after the Insurance wns
first written upon all their policies
for the time Insured, and assessment
follows every two years.
We havo paid our members over
5G0.000 in losses. Cannot you help
some of jour neighbors to its bene
fits? K. R. STOUKKER, Sec'y.,
South Omaha, Nebr.
A woman's Idea of mutual pleasure
Is to spend tho money her husband
earns by tho sweat of his brow.
To tho housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with tho new
things 6f ovcryday uso in tho market
aud who is reasonably satisfied with
the old, we would suggest that a trial
of Defiance Cold Water Starch bo
msdo at once. Not alone becnuso it
is guaranteed by tho manufacturers
to bo superior to any other brand,
but becauso each 10c package con
tains 1G ozs., while all tho other kinds
contain but 12 ozs. It Is safo to say
that the lady who once uses Doflanco
Starch will use no other. Quality
nnd quantity must win.
How many things ono could do if
conditions wero different!
lTnntl Tower Hay Frcss S2S.OO.
Greatest, Flmplest, best invention of
the uge. A boy can make regulnr
sized Hxl8x48 In. bales like fun. nnd
two boys can bale three tons per day
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosse, Wis., with 5c stamps for mailing-,
nnd get their big catnlog, fully de
scribing this great Hay Press, so also
hundreds of tools and thousands of va
rieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds.
(W. N. U.)
"Sardou represents a distinct typo
of the drama which ho originated,"
said a pupil" In Brander Matthews'
dramatic literature class at Columbia
university. "What description of that
type do you offer?" asked Professor
Matthews. "Theatrical plays closely
packed with intorest mark the Sardine
drama," replied tho young man,
promptly and earnestly. "Young man,"
laughed tho professor, "with a can
opener you may yet evolve tho great
American play."
No chromos or cheap premiums,
but a better quality and one-third
more of Defiance Starch for tho same
prico of other starches.
At an "at home" a young man came
in and made his way to tho hostess,
greeting her and npologzlng for his
lateness. "Awfully glad to soo you,
Mr. Blank," said the hostess; "so good
of you to come. But where Is your
brother?" "I am commissioned to
tender his regrets. You see, wo nro
so busy just now that is is impossible
for both of us to get away, so wo
tossed up to see wlilch of us should
come." "How nice! Such an original
Idea. And you won?" "No," said the
young man, absently, "I lost."
Waiting for chances is apt to pro
duce indifference to opoprtunlty.
Complaints Pouring In fromv Nebraska
Policy Holders.
LINCOLN Complaints from Ne
braska policy holders havo been pour
ing Into tho office of Deputy Auditor
Pierce at it lively rato during tho Inst
few days and as a result ho has de
clared war on wildcat concerns.
Theso nro companlos not authorized
to do business In the state Thoy
solicit polkios by mall and their
tempting offers havo led many farm
ors to "nlte."
Mr. Pierce has notified the public
In it stntement that tho Mercnntllo
Flro Insurance compnny of Chlcngo,
which has been Hooding tho state
with circulars, is not authorized to do
business In Nebraska. Tho American
Underwriters of Chicago Is In tho
same shape j also R. A. Potter & Co.
of Chicago, and tho Union Flro of
Chicago. None of thoso companies
aro authorized to solicit In Nebraska
or Illinois. Tho following other com
panies aro not authorized to do busi
ness In this state: Security Flro of
Chicago and the Flremon's Flro of
Policies In "wildcat" companies are
void in Nebraska, but a policy In nn
unauthorized Insurance company,
which has compiled with tho provi
sions of tho Insurance brokerngo sec
tion of me laws, may bo recovcrod on.
None of the companie's named havo
complied with either tho Insuranco
or brokerngo sections of tho law, con
sequently their policies nro void un
der tho statute, which reads as fol
lows: "All flro Insuranco policies Issued
to residents of this stato or upon
property situated in whole or In part
in this stato by companies, corpora
tions, associations, partnerships or
persons who have not complied with
tho laws of tho state, unless procur
ed under nnd by tho provisions of
this act, aro hereby dcclarod void."
Hunter Gets Six Months In the Peni
tentiary. NEBRASKA CITY John L. Hup
ter, who was nrreBtod and brought
back hero from Carbon, la., charged
with wife desertion, wns taken beforo
Judge Jesson nnd plended guilty. Ho
could not give bond for the support of
his wife and children, so ho wns sen
tenced to the penitentiary for six
months. This Is tho first conviction
In this county for this crime, nlthough
it is tho second case that has been
in the courts hero.
Tho county assessor has returned
nearly all of the schedules to his dep
uties In the country precincts to bo
corrected and tho value of live stock
Promised to Be Good.
DAKOTA CITY Upon promise to
tho court that he would provide for
his wifo and family and bo a good
and true husband, tho enho ngalnst
William Salisbury In Judge Elmers
court was continued for thirty days
and Snllsbury was released from cus
tody on his own recognizance In tho
sum of $200. Salisbury was arrested
nnd placed in jail on complaint of his
wifo that ho had failed to maintain
and support herself nnd their children
and that ho had wilfully abandoned
Sustained the Demurrer.
LINCOLN Tho district court has
sustained the demurrers of tho state
in the Boyd county land cases. Tho
attorneys for tho settlers Immediately
asked leave to file amended petitions,
and this was granted. Attorney Gen
eral Prout has returned from Boyd
county. The cases now go over to the
next session.
Relieve Discharged Soldiers of Eighty
Dollars and Decamp.
was robbed of ?80 near this city on
the Missouri Pacific passenger due
hero at 12:10. Jennings and two oth
er men wero In a game of cards and
when thoy drew near this city ono
of tho men covered Jennings with a
gun while tho other relieved him of
$80. Tho man with the gun kept Jen
nings covered till the other was safely
off tho train and then he, too, took
to the woods. Jennings stopped off
nnd reported tho matter to tho author
ities, but so far tho police havo been
unable to find tho robbers.
Blo Fire Cr.-ckera Barred.
GRAND ISLAND At tho meeting
of tho city, council an ordlnanco pro
hibiting tho snlo of flro crackers of
groator dimensions than three inches
in length nnd half nn inch in dlametor
tho sale of dynamite canes or other
dynamite exploding contrivances, and
of. blank cartridge pistols, was passed
on Its first reading.
Carl Markow Drowned.
LINCOLN Word has boon rocolv
ed by tho Lincoln relatives that Carl
Markow, second mate of a trans-Pacific
ocoan merchantman, was drown
ed in tho harbor of Snn Francisco.
Few details of tho accident havo as
yet been learned. M. Markow was
well known in Lincoln, having visited
In this city at sav'oral difforont times.
Two brothers and two slstors of tho
drowned man are roeldents of this
place. Mr. Markow had oxpoctod to
visited his Lincoln relatives during
this spring.
Fnrmers nbout Waverly havo doalll
ed to build nn elevator.
Fairfield chtingod from dry to wot
at tho recent Flection.
If deputy iiHpBont In Lnncnstor
county do not list property at full
cash value they will lose tholr Jobs.
W. J. Wllleford's residence nt To
bias was destroyed by lire. Tho loss
was nbout $1,300, partlnlly covored
by Insuranco.
The contract has been let on the
new system of water work which
will bo constructed In Spencer, nnd
work will begin Immediately
The State Board of Public Utnds
and Buildings a few days ngo awarded
the contract for tho erection of tho
hospital at Mllford to II. T. Ward of
Tecumseh, for $18,600.
A two-headed sheep Is tho latest ac
qulsltlon to tho museum of frcakl.ih
animals In northern Nebraska It
camo to Norfolk' from Emerlck and Is
being prepared for mounting.
Detail pinna of tho normal school
to be erected nt Kearney aro on exhi
bition nt the office of Stnto Suporln
tondent Fowler. Bids for tho erection
of tho school will bo opened April 20.
Mrs. Sarah L. Blnlr, ulster of Ezra
Rogers of Auburn, dropped tlend at
the homo of her nophow, Alvn Rog
ers. Sho wns In her usunl health,
having walked from tho homo of her
Tho town of Auburn Is much
wrought up over the sudden disap
pearance of Robert Watson, who has
loft a wifo destitute. A saloon busi
ness which ho hnd Is in tho hands
of creditors.
A prnlrlo flro started In tho eastern
part of McPherson county nnd driven
by a hard winft swept tho country for
thirty miles, nenrly to tho North
Platto river. No casualties havo yet
been reported.
Sunday evening snw tho closo of a
five weeks' series of successful evan
gelistic meetings In Norfolk under the
leadership of Rev. Mllford II. Lyon
of Chicago nnd his singer, Mr. Coul
ter, resulting In 450 converts. ,
Deputy county assessors in Lancas
ter must list property nt full value.
So announced County Assessor Miller.
Ho called a meeting to Investigate
tho reports that tho officials wero
following the methods of last yoar.
William T. Tuiiey, the Grand Is
Innd man who was sentenced to sev
enteen yenrs In the penitentiary for
murder In tho second degree, was
granted a stay of sentence pending a
hearing on his appeal from tho lower
Heroic offortH on tho part of Ster
ling's flro brigade and a heavy rain
saved Sterling from what might have
been total destruction by flro. As it
was, four store buildings nnd most of
the contents were destroyed, entailing
a loss of nenrly $15,000.
A petition Is being circulated by
tho W. C. T. U. In Grand Island nsk
Ing tho city nuthorltles to havo all
screens removed from saloons, to
closo up promptly at 12 o'clock each
night and to removo 'offensive signs
from tho windows nnd doorways.
Tho Burlington bridgo, nearly a
mllo long, spanning tho Platto river
between Grand Island and Phillips
was found to be on flro. Section men
from Grand Island and Aurora wero
sent and short boforo noon got tho
lire under control, with tho aid of
Pnyson, youngest son of John T.
Marshall, was seriously Injured on
tho head with a baseball bat at tho
school grounds In Panama. Ho was
carried to tho office of Dr. Was, who
made an examination and found tho
skull to bo fractured. An operation
was performed on tho head with good
F. J. McGce of Fremont, Ralph Osh
ton of O'Nell and Milton N. Dodds of
Omaha have been appointed railway
mall clerks.
Jano Abbott, librarian at tho Fre
mont library, has boon elected libra
rian of tho Public library at South
Omaha and will probably enter upon
her duties at that place soon. Miss
Abbott has mado a specialty of library
work for many years and was at ono
tlmo acting librarian of the North
Carolina State library.
Edward A. Rolmors died at tho
Sioux Falls (S. D.) ponttcntlnry last
week. The Relmers, father aud son,
wero sentenced to five years in tho
Sioux Falls prison by tho United
States court for wrecking tho First
National bank of Nollgh, Nob., tho
elder Reimer, "C. A.," bolng tho pres
ident of the bunk and the son tho as
sistant cashier.
Alarmed by tho numerous capitol
fires, Ropresontatlvo Swoozy of Webs
ter county will havo a bill to present
to tho next legislature to appropriate
$125,000 for a flro-proof wing to tho
stnto house. This will bo used as a
library and storago room for state rec
ords. Lylle Landred and Charlos Montzer
of Schuyler havo boon fined $5 and
cost each for falling eye-sight. Thoy
killed u couple of quail under tho Im
probslon that they wore ducks, and
wero urretitoU by Deputy Game War
don Hunger Tho trial was boforo
Judge Allen of Schuyler.
Tho Grand Island Board of Educa
tion, following the Intention of tho
stato luw that appliances outside of
oxtarior flro oscapaK and ladders bo
provided, ono to ovory twonty-flvo
person occupying buildings of two
f-torles or more, has purchased six
Hro escapes that will bo put up.
' A prominent Southern ladv. Mrs. M
Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn.. tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain
ful and irregular periods by the use of
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Diun Mits. PimciiAsr: -Gratitutlo compels mo to acknowledge the
groat mont of your Vccotnblo Compound. 1 havo suffered for four ycara
with irregular and painful monstruation, also dizziness, pains in tho back
and lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded tho timo to coma which
would only mean suffering to mo.
" Bettor health is all I wanted, and euro if possible. r,vHa E. Plnk
liam's Vogotnblo Compound brought mo health and liappincsa in a
few short months. I feel hko another person now. My aches and pains
havo loft mq. Lifo seems now aud sweet to me, and everything seems
pleasant and easy.
"Six bottles brought mo health, and was worth mora than montha
under tho doctor's caro. which really did not benefit mo at all. I am sat
isfied tlioro i3 no medicino so good for sick women as your Vegetable
Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical
help." Mas. B. A. Blanohaud, l'ja Broad St, Nashville, Tennu
When women aro troubled with irregular, suppressed or nalnf ul menstrua.-
tlonti weakness, loucorrhica, displacement or ulceration of tho womb, thafc
bearing-down feolln;f, inflammation of tho ovnrics, backache, bloating (or
flatulence), general debility, Indigestion, and nervous prostration, or aro bcMst
.bii duvu nyjuiJluuis
nltudc. excitability.
Wtm9 tKti1
JhHrBOy p
r wx i ,
"V'V " ' M Ml
nf 1.AI11.
good that I purchased another, and tho rosult was so satisfactory that I
bought six moro bottles, and am now feeling like a new woman. I shall
novpr bo without it. I hopo that my testimonial will convince women
that your Vegetable Compound is tho greatest medicino in tho world
for falluig of tho womb or any other femalo complaints." Mns. Mat
Codt, 2C00 Birch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
'' Remember, every woman is cordially invited to -write to 3Ire.
rinkbam if there Is anything about her symptoms flbo docs not
understand. Her address is Lynn, Mass., lior advice is free and
Cuoorlully given to overy ailing woman who asks for It.
k satisfaction' or "money back. Mr
v7'' ?m .rttfffPyB'
uurpiKMiHint1 wt rr-iT in rti, iroupiujp
mem JleiHerjrof ml portriltiKuaMntu'd, Hfml
lainjiifi uint r lit f rrt -i oU Iorc.itiairuc dure
AUAII 7. KKOLL-CO.. Kew Era tuildinj, tOict-
M-.- ra TY. A. I t. 1 .M M.R'.I. BDrVlAfc..
Ueat Couch Sirup, 'i tutu libud.
Vu Em
in timo. n id by tlrutrt:let.
irritability, nervousness.
sleeplessness, melancholy,
" want-tO-bolofUlilnnn" fr
' au-gono " and
hopelessness, they fchoultl remember thero is ono
trtpil imfl fntn rpmwlw T.i'lffk It1
Vegetable Compound at once removes Mich
troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicino, for
you need tho best.
A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured I
in Philadelphia.
"Deaii Mns. Pinkham: I havo been
ourcu oi sovero femalo troubles by
tho uso of Lydia E. Pinldiam'e
Vegetable Compound. I wa3
iiuuuy jenny iu givo up, nuc seeing1
nilvnrHsntiinnf - . T niirnlmcml vnn lofli
.ylrwl iotr.s nv.1 .4- ltl . .. a. ...L.
M-ill rv wfrit limtiv Mtvlnn
'orcfcli.i m ciiurcli.tu liouU
ru-teiy ixmliry anu liojr
(cmi', li m cau hcml lur
Ctumpion Iron pi Wrc Herts
W N. U., Omaha.
No. 161904
CURBS catarrh of the stomach.
V-rfri3tu JCrl