THE ALLIANCE HERALD. ALLIANCE. NEB. E RID AY, APRIL 8, 1904. I ,? tt& w Ism fit HtfC Bwf? BlBBIBBBmB Hij JF BBHBw 7 jx?Sf MJ 't i rfr . B IBwBBk BBi JBBHBiSHBflBBB.'BBMHBEiBBrlBIIB.BBB HLjuflk .Jf H B whahi 0 dBvB&blBiKBEfiiBfliSBHBnkflBBr jtBGHBHBlBHuflL BHBBheBIIv IKm kBhHH9r4tPIH89HOHBflBlBhw? 'flBflHB BBMMjfefruj5i!fl H8IJMlTOiHMPr r c BBHBHSlKBBBBlw&Bki9H BHffiHSBBRr" i!il-. hhhk')i BSHIraBBIH IBExSHuBIBBRR8BBil9BiFfdiByQiPnB9 vSF XHLJiBiMrfiB' JBHbEhIB BWBBBBHWtBflrwBiBTTHIBBBiii tB 1 i yiiyMHH 9?Vt1i& Bb vHHPvHiiBKflHffViSBEHH Pj9KuL'jB mtBL BBBSIVrHI-- wBIHBBBflBPMVIP - H JBHBJBbw" n. """B H&jkIq5 B qX IBv BraSf 'JSttJK H HHPSJKr 'vBa llSVBiffw a kbjmihE BBBhjm jK H Officers S. E. d. F FItzpatrick, S. A. Franklin. J. F. Berry, T. A. E. 4WiWW-x Officers jK2Bh rrallfligjmdia Pr 4B Hti jL'B( f JwbL ''14 3tewM4"JuRL. "iff iBBn KMwXjHBAaHHISHIHBvH IHlHHKBHAc9HHfl79ilBa!f,BBI - rHflH Ba RHB'F4HBBBBPflHHn,c,HHKvMlBmi IIHSraBBBH3 BBfiHBH rmrf B IwlBHMBBilfeiiJjM MHBHBffisrBi tVmt jDhHHBEbBhHv ls'fllHHlHBknBiBBflBHnt itdv NiBBBBBB' um$ SHHHSShBBHbbHkSke B BflBHnEBF 2fllEBauSwJH hBBbBBBwSbB SHbs IHHbISBbbbbiEBu of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. C. A. Gleason, F. A. E. C E. II. Hennan. F. H. A. Hamilton. Guide. ttireie ttft;; of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. (J Holden. S. A. E. E. C. II. Hancock, Cnaplaln. FAMOUS CLOTHING STORE. A Modern Store for Men Most Popu lar In Alliance. While young In yoars. tills concern is by far (ho most popular, up to date ilnthlitR stoic in Northwestern No luaska. TI10 progreaslve. overon the alert proprietor, Mr. Frnnkle. Is pel haps the most advanced dealer In Bents' furnishing goods In this sec tion of the country. Ills widespread methods of advertising have mnde his name a household word for miles nround. Only the ery best of stand aid goods nre allowed on the shelves of the "Famous," and the nggresslve polio of Mr. Franklo in competing with the great stores of the larger cities is most commondahlo and time 1 Ills Immense stock of goods can outfit a man or hoy from head to foot, and tho reliable "Famous" Is nble to Bhow Us customers tho best products of America's greatest manufacturers. One price to one and nil obtains there, and modern methods are used to fairly advertlso his largo and vnrlcil stock. The merchandise sold by tho "Fa mous" Is fully guaranteed, and the motto of the houso Is "We stnnd bj the public and the public stnnds b us " '1 nc methods and business acumen of tho management must bo the right ones, for seldom has a store giown so In popular esteem as this new clothing emporium, which can now bonst of tho hugest business as well as the largest and finest stock which would do credit to a city live times tho sl?e of Alliance. A visit to the establishment will convince you that our teporter has In no way ex aggerated tho facts. Tho "Famous" enjoys a large city, tallroad and ranch ttade Once a customer, always a i ustomer. seems to be tho rule rather than the exception at the "Famous " .y Dr. L. W. Bowman. Among the bus lness men of Al liance who have been accorded a largo and appre ciative practice Is Dr. L. AV. Dow man, so well and favorably known In this communi ty Dr Howman was born In Thornton, Ind , July 28, 185S. Ten years lator his patents moved to eastern Nebraska, where his father, who was also a doc tor, practiced hla profession Young Howman received his preparatory edu cation at Stanton, Nob., and In 1882 entered tho medical department of tho Iowa State University, graduat ing four years lator. Tho doctor then located in Hay Springs, Neb., and for neatly ten years successfully prac ticed medicine. In tho fall of 1895 Dr Howman came to Alliance, and is to-day one of tho best known phy sicians and surgeons in northwestern Nebraska. Ho took a post-graduate course In Chicago In 1900. During Harrison's administration and n or tion of McKinley's, tho doctor served on the United States Pension board, resigning In 1899. Fraternally Di. Howman Is a member of tho Masonic order, K. of P., Modern Woodmen, Royal Highlanders, Amoilcan Medi cal abboclation, Nebraska State Med leal society and Box Ilutte Medical society. At Hay Springs, Neb., In 1880, Dr. Howman wns united In mar ilago to Miss Mary E., Heed, to whom three daughters, Hazel, Frances and Edna, were born. The doctor Is now serving his first term as councilman of the First ward. Mrs. Dr. Blanchard, Who Taught the First School in the County. To Miss Mag gie M IiOWCTh, now Mrs H H IJ lane h a r d, of Chadron, is due b credit of hav ing taught the first public school in what lb now Hox Butte c o 11 n t y having i- o m menced ti-ailnng In S v p t m be r lssG, in (' J Johnson's Iiohm tun nub west of Hemlngford Mrs Wain haul was educated In Champlaln and I'lattsburg, N. Y , and after teach ing a few years in that state. ie moved to Albion, Neb , and soon after Joined the flood of settlers looking for homes in Box Butte (then Dawes) county, locating a homostead near Homingford. After teaching there one year, she secured a position In the Chadron schools, which she filled for three years. In tho meantime she was married to Mr. Blanchard, then superintendent of schools of Dawes county, and now a prominent dentist at Chadron. Bl amK, r - ' 1 IfjBWlP a ,iiMinBiff""rrwllfMfc FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION, AT ALLIANCE, 1903. The Grandest Ever Seen In Western Nebraska. Flower Parade a Unique Feature and one which was never excelled In the State. Many Handsomely Decorated Carriages, Views of Some Appearing Below. Head of Flower Parade Lead by Five Troops of Tenth Cavalry and Tenth Cav alry and Alliance Bands. &;n'iW;ftto;sA Queen's Chariot, tttatoW-tf- 'xSS&SBar. t - mi ' iimi'm imw - - Mesdames B. F. Gllman, E. MWWtXWyX'X ?i" BBrti "-" Tit m if riBiiim- U' 'Mu .'BBMwBhJMiM'aBBBBl lfibKHiH9REBBHBIBMHB?39liBfl Mesdames Steen, Hemingway, Betelheim and Tyson. mi(W-1WfrfrM&X'X&X Mesdames Miss Clara Phelan, Queen. MINHHlMI A. Hail, F. E. Holsten, Wheelock. Surprise and Mitchell.