J. THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. J. O'Kcefo, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEDRA9KA. Henry It. Crothors, rniihlcr of tho San Francisco Evening Bulletin, died after nn oporntlon for nppondleltls. Reuben a. lovlnggood wns born in a log cabin and Is now president of Sam Houston collogo at Austin, Tox. Glenn Brown lias been elected nn lunorary corresponding member of tho ttoyal lnstltnto of Urltlsh Architects. Clnrk H. Sampson, ono of tho most prominent citizens of St. Ixnils, died iftor n year's illnesH from compllca ;ions of rnoumatlam and Brlght's dls ic.se. i.iu latest rcporta from St. Johns, S. 1, say tho seals captured up to tho present number 250,000, which wili irobably bo increased to 300,000 dur ing April. William N. Armstrong, a member of the cabinet of Kalakaua, tho last king 3f Hawaii, has written nn nccount of a Journey nrouud tho world with his royal mastor. A special from Miles City, "Mont., says: Fully two-thlrdB of tho resi dences and business portion of Miles City are submerged by tho flood wat ers of Tonguo river. Sir William Vornon Harcourt, who has just announced his Intention tc rctiro from public life, is ono of tho few men to whom King Edward vain ly offored n peerage. Tho war department hns refused tho application of Colonel Chnrlcs H. Heyl of tho Inspector general's department to bo transferred tfe tho retired list ttftor thirty years' service. Owing to a refusal of tho bosses to tho ncmnnd for nn eight-hour work day Instead of nlno hours, and 30 cents per hour, 300 carpenters went on strike nt Dubuque, Iowa. A circular Is out announcing tho ap pointment of John E. Utt ns eene'ral agent of tho Rock Island at Omaha. Mr. Utt Is In Chicago conferring with tho high officials of tho road. At Evansvllle, Ind., Philip Veatch, chnrgod with having taken part in tho July riot In this city, wns lined $50 and costs in tho circuit court. Veatch Is ono of tho best known young men in tho city. At Greenville, S. C, in tho stato cir cuit court, Mrs. Susan L. Franklin of Nowborry, S. C, obtained a verdict for J25.000 dnmngos In a suit against tho Southern railway, half of tho amount sued for. Walter Westlake, who with his young wlfo had been living for Boveral days at a hotel in Indianapolis. Ind.. wa3 arrested on a ehargo of hnvlng passed worthless chocks drawn on n Salt Lako City bnuk. Secretary Taft has mndo nn adverse report on the bill which provides for 'ho promotion to a major genomlcy on 'ho retired list of Brigadier General Hcorgo M. Sternberg, retired, formerly surgeon general of tho army. There wera 12,749 deaths in tho stato of Now York In tho month of February, an nverngo of 440 deaths per day. One, thousand eight hundred and twenty of this number died of pneu monia, nn unprecedented number. Tho namo of J. Clark Sprout, a for mer editor of tho now defunct Grand Uaplds liilich.) Democrat, charged With conspiracy in tho Lako Michigan water deal, hns been added to tho in formation against tho other respond ents. A favorahlo report was authorized on tho bill granting statehood to Okla homa nnd Indian Territory under tho namo of Okalhoma, nnd Arizona and New Mexico under tho nnmo of Ariz ono, by tho house commltteo on terri tories. At Tronton, N. J tho United States Stool corporation, through Its counsol, filed 'n tno court of chancery a de murrer to tho bill of Alfred Stevens of Newark, who sued tho corporation bocauso of Us passing of dividends on tho common stock. At tho Union Pnclflc railway office" In New York ft was said that tho re lort roceivod from tho west to tho effect that A. L. Mohlor had boon made presldont of tho Union Pacific was In correct. E. II. Harrlman Is president of tho Union Pnclflc. A report received nt tho nnvy de partment from tho New York nnvy yard nnnouncos that about eighty days will bo required In tho repairs to be mnde on tho Illinois, which wns In jured In the collision between that ves sel nnd the Missouri. Rev. John Gordon, formerly presl den tof Tabor college, Iowa, on April 1st was formally Inaugurated presldont of Howard unlvorslty, of Washington. Tho principal featuro was a public mooting at night nt tho First Congre gational church, when the keyB of tho university and tho chart or of tho in stitution wore formally turned over to Dr. Gordon. Lloutennnt Commaudor Edgnr Town send Wnrburton, chlof englneor of tho battleship Maine, now In Pensacola harbor, committed suicldo in his cabin on board thnt vessel. A bullet from a revolvor was sent crashing through the brain and (loath resulted within forty minutes aftorword. Traffic officials of the western roads havo decided to refuse tho request of tho live stock associations for tho re sumption of passes to live stock ship pers. It was held that no state has the right to pass a law requiring a railroad to give something for noth--1ng. Brief Telegrams THE CANAL BILL THE MEASURE TO BE GIVEN AT TENT"V, THIS WEEK. APPROPRIATIONS ALSO GOME UP Swayne Impeachment 'Resolution to Be the Feature of the House Die cusslon to Take Placo on Various Bills In Both Branches. WASHINGTON The early part of tho present week will bo dovoted to tho postofflco' npproprlatlon bill and when thnt moksuro Is disposed of tho Panama cannl bill will bo taken up. Tho canal bill will bo among tho few measures other than appropria tion bills which will receive attention beforo tho final adjournment session. It Is expected thnt tho measure will bo debated nt somo length, and It Is expected that amendments to It will be offored by senators on both sides of tho chamber. It la expected that by tho time the canal bill shall bo disposed of tho sundry civil bill will hnvo been reported from tho commit tee, whereupon It will bo considered. During tho week there will bo dis cussion of vnriouB other bills, Includ ing tho bill for the protection of tho presldont, iln which Mr. Hoar will speaK on Monday; tho pure food bill, on which Mr. Heyburn will speak Tuesday, and tho Chinese exclusion bill, which will be discussed on Wed nesday by Mr. Patterson. Thursday will be dovoted to eulogies on the lato Senator Hanna. Tho Swayno impeachment resolu tion will bo tho feature of tho pro cecedlngs In the house. Legislation for tho District of Columbia will hnvo the right Qf wny. part of Monday and tho balance of tho day will be utilized for tho passage of bills under suspen sion of the rules. Tuesday nnd Wed ncsdny tho conference report on tho District of Columbia npproprlatlon bill, to which tho Bcnato has made amendments, will take precedence, and tho military ncademy bill will bo dis posed of during this time, as will con ference reports on several minor houso bills. Thursdny the Swayne Impeachment enso will bo cnlled up. nnd present indications nro thnt debate on this subject will consume tho balanco of tho week. The report of the McCall Investiga tion commltteo is looked for tho lat ter part of tho week. OPPOSE ARBITRATION TREATY. Irish Protest Against Any Alliance with England. CLEVELAND, O, The Irish nation allsts of this city havo adopted strong resolutions protesting against nn r.r bltrntlon treaty between tho United States of America nnd Grent Drltnln. Tin vlows of Georgo Washington rol ntlve to tho dnngor of nlllnnces with torolgn powers 1b cited and tho opin ion Is expressed that puch a treaty be tween the United StatoB nnd Groat Ilrltaln would be nn undeslrablo con dition to tho other European powers and would tend to disrupt and do-str-y tho friendly relations that now exist between tho United Stntcs and those countries. A copy of tho pro test will bo sent to Senators Forakor nnd Dick. CHLOROFORMED PASSENGERS. Pickpocket Arrested on a Rock Island Train. DES MOINES, la. Ono or tho most original pickpockets over to opoiato In tho west was captured on a Rock Island passenger trnln near Centor vlllo. With a rag nnd cotton wound around his forefinger, ns though St were injured, ho saturated it with chloroform and Bat down by tho side of n drowsy passenger. Opening a paper bo beenmc Interested In n story and soon worked his linger near enough his victim to cause an unnat ural stupor. Ho had victimized sev eral passengers when arrested by de tectlvos. In his grip was found knock out drops and other professional ma terial. Sugar Factory Moves West. BINGHAMPTON. N. Y. Tho work of dlsmnntllng tho BInghampton beet sugar factory, which Is to bo removed to Blackfoot. Bingham county, Idaho, will be begun within a few dnys. The chango Is made because It has been difficult to persuade tho farmers In this locality to raise enough beets to successfully operate tho plant. Tho Idaho soil nnd climate nro well adapt ed to beet culture and farmors there are eager to make contracts to raise enough to supply tho fnctory. Orders Cannon from England. PARIS. Tho St. Petersburg corre spondent of tho Figaro says that Rus sia has ordorod 250 cannon in Eng land for the Manchurian army. Ho adds that tho Tenth and Seventeenth army corps will not start for tho seat of war before tho end of tho month. Pink rish for Yellow Men. SEATTLE. Wash. Tho Seattle Trado Register says that ordors havo boon placed with local dealers in tho last few days for 225,000 cases of Alaska pink salmon for shipment to Japan for use by tho army, Tho im monso purchase will go forward by the Shawmut, sailing Saturday, while each following ship will take somo. Tho Trade Roglstor also says that 75. 000 cases have boon purchased by Ja pan In San Francisco nnd thnt large purchases have also been made In Vancouver, B. O. RIOTS ARE FEARED. Russia Is Taking Every Precaution to Avoid Trouble Easter Week, ST. PETEIISDUHG. Reports re celved by the ministry of tho Interior indicate that tho precautionary meas ures taken to prevont nntl-JewlBh dis turbances during Easter week, when the Ignorant nro easily aroused to a sort of religious frenzy against the Jews bv tho dissemination of false stories regarding "blood atonement," will result In tho nvoldance of trouble. In splto of the precautions It Is fear ed there may bo rlotlnggs, but tho authorities may bo rolled upon to sup press these with a strong hand. Tho following telegram was received today from Odessa: "Reports of anti-Jewish disturb ances, which are always common nt Easter time, causo moro uneasiness this year than usual because of oc currences of last year. The authori ties hnvo confidence in Governor Eld hardt, who is in charge of the city and who is an energetic nnd humane man, ns well ns in Hnron Knulbers, commnnder of the troops In southom Russln. Under tho circumstances nny serious dlsturbnnces nro considered impossible. Tho nowspnpers hnve printed warn lngs nnd the city is placarded with warnings that all who disturb tho peaco will bo severely punished. RUSSIANS SAY IT WAS A VICTORY- Claim that Japanese Suffered Heavy Loss In Latest Fight. ' ST. PETERSBURG Tho following semi-official dispatch has been receiv ed from Llao Yang: In the, first encounter with tho Jap anese in northern Corea, which was crowned with victory for tho Russian arms, tho enemy's losses wero ten times tlloso of the Russians Accord ing to Corean reports tho Japanese burled fifty men, while 120 wounded wero removed with tho help of 500 Co reans to the headquarters of tho Jap aneso main force. The confusion of tho Jnpaneso was so great that they raised two Red Cross flags In token of surrender. Throughout their war with China tho Jnpaneso never show ed themselves so distracted. Tho peo ple hero are in high spirits over the news of tho first brilliant fight In Co rea. PROMISE JAPS WARM RECEPTION Preparations to Circumvent Attempt to Bottle Up Port Arthur. PORT ARTHUR. Preparations havo been made to give the Japnneso a warm reception In case they again attempt to block tho harbor. Vice Admiral Togo was right In surmising that Vice Admiral Mnkaroft Is respon sible for tho chnngo In Russian tac tics and tho Inspiration of Russian seamen. A SIgnnlmnn named Aronkonw), who, during tho bombardment of Vlad ivostok, remained at a small signal stntlon on Askold Island near tho one my'a ships nnd wired information of tho movements of tho enemy to the fortress hns been decorated with tho cross of St. George. FOOD SUPPLY OF PORT ARTHUR. Japanese Refugee Says There Is Enough for One Month. NEW YORK A Japanese morchant who loft Port Arthur in ono of tho many Chlneso junks which nro now driving n profltnblo trade supplying Port Arthur with foodstuffs, estimates that tho food supply is sufficient for ono month, sayB a Wei Hal Wei dis patch to tho Times. Ho nsscrts thnt tho gnrrlson does not exceed 10,000, excluding tho nnvnl strength. Work on damaged vessels is pro gressing diligently. In tho bombard ment of March 10, 90 per cent of tho Japanoso projectiles burst. Thero wero threo small fires as a result, but no serious conflagrations. Casualties In a Skirmish. SEOUL. A report has reached hero that GO Japanese and 100 Cossacks wero killed and wounded In n skirmish that occurred between Anju nnd Chong Ju. Mnrquts Ito, upon tnklng his de pnrturo yesterday, submitted to tho government somo suggestions for Cor ean reform. Tho emperor hns ap pointed Yl Chi YIng, a former minis ter of foreign nffnlra, as a Bpeclal em bassador to bear presents to the Jap anese emperor and return tho 'compli ment of Marquis Ito's visit to Corea. Holds Societies Unlawful. DETROIT, Mich. In a swooping decision, handed down on Mondny by Judgo Brooke of tho Wnyno circuit court, tho Rlvcrsldo club and Plumb ing exchnnfco of this city, nn organiza tion of plumbers against which pro ceedings wero brought by Prosocutor Hunt on the ground that they woro organized to fix prlcos and Btllle com petition, woro restrained from contin uing business, which tho court holds to bo "an unlawful enterprise inimical to the public welfare." Princess Edward Passes Away. B13RLIN. Princoss Edward of Saxo Welmnr died hero Sundny of acute pneumonia. Turkey Will Exhibit. WASHINGTON. According to dis patch received hero it is learned that tho Counsol of mlulstors for Turkey hns unanimously approved tho propo sition for nn exhibit nt the St. Louis Exposition. A great number of na stives are pormltted to partake in tho oxhlblt. Religious sorvlcoa of tho Is lamic faith will bo held at tho Mosquo of Omar, which Is an oxact represent ation of tho most colobratod mosque of Constantinople. Tho export of tho wator from tho Jordan lias beon authorized. EXPRESS HELD UP CAR BLOWN OPEN AND THE MES SENGER KILLED. MASKED MEMJO THE WORK Engineer Compelled to Carry Them ' Away Dynamite Used In tho De struction Contents of the Car Are Taken. vACRAMENTO, Cal. Three mask ed men held up tho Oregon express, south bound on tho Southern Pacific railroad at Copley, near Keswick, kill ed W. J. ONelll, tho express messen ger, nnd carried oft tho contents of tho expresB box. The train. is known as No. 15, nnd stopped nt Copley, a small station, for wnter. As tho train camo to a standstill three men jump ed on and cut tho train In two, tnk Ing the engine nnd express car down tho track n short distance. They stopped tho engine nnd demnnded thnt Messenger O'Neill open tho express car. Ho refused, whereupon they blow up the express car with dyna mite nnd deliberately killed O'Neill by shooting him through the head. Tho bandits then robbed tho car of Its con tents, but It is not known ho much they obtained. After robbing the express car the men cut tho car loose and, getting on the engine, compelled Engineer Joe sink to go ahead. When near Kes wick tho men dropped off the engine and disappeared in tho night with their plunder. REDDING, Cal. It is evident that tho three armed men who held up tho Oregon express nnd attempted to rob It at Copley Vero novices. They took humnn llfo without provocation nnd tho methods they employed to open tho fcafes were so crude that they gain ed but littlo plunder. Tho particulars of the robbery were obtained when tho train, minus tho express car, reached Redding. When the train pulled Into Copley the high waymen emerged from tho brush. They first encountered n trnmp, who was attempting to steal n ride. He was Jabbed in the ribs with a riflo inuzzie nnd mnde to enter tho smoker. Meanwhile one of tho robbers knock ed on the door of tho express car. W. J. O'Neill, tho Wells-Fargo mes senger, nsked him somo question. Tho reply was evidently satisfactory, be cause O'Neill slid the door back about eighteen inches, when a riflo bullet was sent through his body. It pass ed near his heart and tho messenger fell back dead. O'Neill was not arm ed. Ho evidently believed from what he wns told thnt the knock camo from n member of the trnln crew. NO LONGER NEED OF DELAY. President and Attorney General Talk Over Canal. WASHINGTON President Roose velt mid Attorney General Knox had a conference subsequent to tho re ceipt o. tho Information that tho gov ernment of Colombia had lost Its suit In tho French courts against the now Panama eanal company, and that now thero was no longer nny reason for de lay In tho transfer of tho company's concessions and property to tho Uni ted States. They discussed carefully the facts of tho situation. At the conclusion of the Interview Attorney General Knox announced that thero now was no moro reason for de lay than might bo occasioned by tho transfer of a title to a twenty-foot lot In Washington. Tho attorney general added that tho action of the French court had dispos ed of tho last legal obstacle In tho way of the transfer of tho canal com pany's property. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. President Decides Upon the 'Appoint ment of Judge Baxter. WASHINGTON. Tho long fight ov er tho displacement of United Stntcs Attorney W. S. Summers of Nebraska is ended. Tho President will nppolnt Judgo Irving W. Baxter of Omaha to the position. The appointment is ex pected to go to tho Senate Friday. The appointment of Judge Baxter was settled on at tho White Houso In a conference between tho president and Senntors Milliard and Dietrich, and D. E. Thompson. The two senators and Mr. Thompson agreed upon Judgo Baxter, and so assured tho president. Tho term of District Attorney Sum mers has been out for two years, but ho has hold on, regardless of this. Situation Is Appalling. PETERSBURG, Ind. Tho flood sit uation in this country Is appalling. White rlv'er, abovo here. Is thirteen miles wide In places and twenty feet deep In tho chnnnel. Pntokn river, which flows through tho country's cen ter, Is threo miles wide for nearly forty miles. Fnrms. nre under wnter, bridges nnd fonces nro gone, tho soil wnshed nway nnd much stock drowned. Tho loss now renchos $250, 000. Tho whent is ruined. It is fear ed thero will be two moro feet of water. Delegates From Philippines. MANILA. Tho Republlcann and Democrats hero aro organizing to el ect dolegatos to tho national conven tion. They will urge the adoption of legiblatlou favorable to tho Philippine Islands. Bubonic Plague In India. BOMBAY. Tho latest available bu bonic plague returns for tho whola of India for the week ondlng March 1, show tho appalling mortality of 40, 527, an Increase over those of the pre ceding week. MATTERS AT NATIONAL CAPITAL. Miscellaneous News and Notes from Scat of Government. WASHINGTON Representative Doarmond on Wednesday Introduced a resolution providing "that tho speaker appoint five members of the house o fully investigate the post olllco de partment and report to tho house nt as early a date as may bo practicable; that said committee shnll be authoriz ed to Bit during the sessions of tho houso and if necessary during the va cation when congress is not in ses sion; that tho committee shall havo full pfiwer to send for personB and papers nnd the investigation hereby ordered Biall bo directed especially to clearing tho innocent from a shadow Df unmerited suspicion, to uncovering Uio Inefficient, careless and offending, to make recommendations for the cor rection of abuses, to tho end that Jus tice may bo done to individuals and thnt tho service mny bo Improved for tho benefit of the public." President Roosevelt and Representa tive Hull, chairman of tho military af fairs commi'iee of tho houso, discuss ed the bill which provides a higher rank for tho army chaplain. It is urg ed that sufficient provision is not made in tho present law for awarding army chaplains for meritorious service. During tho Spanish-American war sev eral chaplains were recommended for gallant services but it was impossi ble to glvo them the reward. The war department favors legislation to Increaso tho rank and pay of chap lains. Senator Hoar proposed an amend ment to tho rules of the senate con cerning impeachment so far as they rcquiro all proceedings to bo before the ccnato Itself. The purpose Is, to shorten the proceedings and make them more convenient to tho senate. All cases shnll be referred to a com mittee of nine senators to be appoint ed by the speaker, who shall pro ceed to take the testimony on both sides and report the same to the sen ate. Representative Dayton of West Vir ginia Introduced a bill amending the laws regulating tho personnel of the navy. The bill requires all olllcers of the navy, except those of the medical corps and chaplains, to be graduates of Annapoli3. Senator Dillingham Introduced a bill to amend the immigration act of 1903. It permits aliens to pass in continu ous transit from one point in foreign contiguous territory to nnother point In foreign contiguous territory through the United States without payment of head tax. Aliens having onco paid tho head tax may pass through for eign contiguous territory in continu ous transit. NO LONGER NEED OF DELAY. President nnd Attorney General Talk Over Canal. WASHINGTON President Roosc-. volt nnd Attorney General Knox had a conference subsequent to tho re ceipt o. tho Information that the gov ernment of Colombia had lost Its suit in the French' courts against tho new Panama canal company, and that now there was no longer any reason for de lay In the transfer of tho company's concessions and property to tho Uni ted States. They discussed carefully the facts of the situation. At the conclusion of the Interview Attorney General Knox announced that there now wns no more reason for de lay than might be occasioned by tho transfer of a title to a twenty-foot lot In Washington. Tho attorney general added that the action of tho French court had dispos ed of tho last legal obstacle In tho way of tho transfer of the canal com pany's property. GOVERNMENT MAKING HEADWAY. Revolutionary Contest In San Domin go Ic Losing Ground. WASHINGTON Information re ceived at the Navy department from Admiral Wise at Gulantanamo Indi cates that tho Morales government is making headway In the revolution ary contest In San Domingo, tho nd miral reporting that it is now in pos sesion of all tho ports of the Island except the small one of Monto Cristl. This news was brought to Guantana mo by the commanding officers of tho Hartford and tho Yankee, which have returned to that placo from San Domingan. Wood Concedes Victory. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Returns havo been received from seventy-one out of seventy-five counties and they show that Governor Jefferson Davis carried flfty-thrco and Judge" Wood eighteen counties in the democratic stato primaries last Saturday. The counties carried by Governor Davis aro entitled to 302 delegates in the stato convention. The number neces sary to nominate is 222, Judge Wood has conceded that on tho face of the returns he has not enough counties to win tho nomination, but will contest. . Boer Leader Wants Peace. KRUGERSDORP. Genoral Delurey tlte former Boer commandor, address ing a congress of farmors on Wed nesday, said that ho regretted tho forthcoming representation of scenes of tho Boor war at tho St. Louis Ex position, which he said would bo a shameful production. General Delarey said that ho wished to bring to the no tice of- the world tho fact that the Boors had abandoned all thoughts of vlndlctlvenoss towards Groat Britain and that now It was their privileg to work In peaco. Free to Twenty-Five Ladles. The Defiance Starch Co. will give 25 ladles a round trip ticket to tho St. Louis Exposition, to flvo ladles In each of the following states: Illi nois, Iowa. Nebraska, Kansa3 and Missouri who will send In the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent, IG-ounco package of Deflanc'o cold water laundry starch. This means from your own homo, any where in tho above named states. These trade marks must be mailed to and received by tho Deflanco Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., beforo September 1st, 1904. October and November will bo the best months to visit tho Exposition. Remember that Defiance is tho only starch put up 10 oz. (a. full pound) to tno pacitage. iou gut one-third more starch for the samt money than of nny other kind, and Deflanco never sticks to tho iron. Tho tickets to tho Exposition will bo sent by registered mall September 5th. Starch lor Balo by nil denlors. Women of the world never usc'hnrsh expressions when condemning their rivalc. Like the savage, tlioy hurl ele gant arrows, ornamented with feathers of purple and azure, but with poisoned, points. Cliamfort. It's funnv how much more extrava gant It seems to tako your own sister to n 25-cent lecture than nn old school chum to a chnmpagne dinner. New York Press. A year of matrimony often gives poor littlo Cupid a bade case of paint er's colic. But even poor Matrlmony may not be as bad as painted. Women who wish they could swear wonder whv men laugh at them. The frontispiece of the April St. Nicholas Is a half-tone reproduction, from a Copley print of "Dorothy," as winsome a little lass ns ever snt for her picture. Tho original portraiL was by Lydla Field Emmett. Temple Bailey's stories always please youifg readers, and "The General's Easter Box" is seasonable and cheery, well worth tho second reading it is sure to have. Anne McQueen's "A Work oC Art" is a quaint story of n quaint, littlo mnldcn of long ago, a tale good enough' to be true. Every girl and boy, of whatever age, will be intensely interested in the two Robinson Cru soe articles, "Tho Author of , 'Robinson Crusoe'," by W. B. Northrop, and "Robinson Crusoe's Island Two Hun dred Years Later," by Francis Arnold Collins. Some people seems nlwnys sure they nro right nnd then do the other thing. Am I in favor of expansion? Every thing that grows expands. See how thi Stato Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of South Omaha has grown. Jan. 1, 189G wo had $ 50,215.00- " " 1897 wo had 438,850.00- " " 1898 v-o hnd.... " " 1899 wo had.... '" " 1900 wo had ' " 1901 wo had.... " " 1902 wo had " " 1903 wo had " " 1904 wo had 2,090,165.00 4.22 1,375.0(1 7.53S 973.00 10,413,809.00 18.416.3S8.32. Don't you think you would like to belong to a livo Company liko this? Write tho Secretary, B. R. Stouffer, South Omaha. Nebr. There is no merit In sacrifice do void of service. The brilliant manner In which the publishers of Everybody's Magazine havo handled tho subject of the St. Louis exposition affords a clew to tho success of the publication. Tho April number opens with nn article on "Tho Greatest World's Fair," and the two men most able to do the subject jus tice have treated It. David R. Francis president of tho exposition company, furnishes the text, nnd Vernon Howe, Bailey, the distinguished young artist, has done tho illustrations. One is told and shown In the most interesting way just what to expect nt St. Louis in Mny, nnd tho prospect is amazing. Lessons nre for our learning rather thnn our liking. For 81.es Money Order. The John A. Sulzer Seed Co., LS. Crosse. Wis., mall postpaid 15 trees, consisting: of Apricots. Apples, Crabs, Cherries, Plums, Pem-hcs and Pears, Just the thing for a city or country garden, Including the great Blsmark Apple, all hardy Wisconsin stock, ara sent you free upon receipt of $1.G5. AND roil 10c XXII TUIS NOTICE. you get sufllclent peed of Celery, Car rot. Cabbage, Onion. Lettuce. Radisb and Flower Seeds to furnish bushel of choice flowers and lots of vegetables for a biff family, together with our great plant and seed catalog.CW. N. U., A little vim in religion is worth a lot of vision. Try One Package. ' If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, return it to your dealer. If It does you get ono-third more for the same money. It will give you satlsfnctlon, nnd will not stick to tho iron. No good is found in n difficulty by tho man who crawls nrouud it. You never hear nny one complain about "Deflanco Starch." There is nono to equal it in quality nnd quan tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. Kindness is bom of our som-o of kinship to all. PIbo's Curo cannot bo too hlsnly spofcen of s ncouRh curc.-J. W. O'Uiukn, IS Tblnl Aa., H., iUnneapolU, Minn., Jan. 0, 1S00, Hoart keeping is tho secret of happy housekeeping. Try me Just once nnn I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. The hypersensitive are apt to ba wholly selfish. 1 tfc 4 V 6 . i - A