The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1904, Image 7

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Classical Example of Cheek.
Surely It will remain a clnsslcal ex
ample of "cheek" that la described In
the following story, told by tho Coun
try Gentlenum: One of tho English
.generals, during tho Boer war, hav
ing secured a turkey, asked hj
friends to dinner When tho day
camo tho bird has disappeared. It
was traced to the quarters of tho
naval brigade, and a young midship
man owned to having 'pinched" it.
Tho infuriated general exhausted his
vocabulary In abuse- of this delin
quent, who replied; "I'm very sorry,
sir! But you wouldn't havo liked it.
Wo tried to get our teeth through it,
but It was so tough wo had to throw
It away. If I'd known you would havo
taken It so much to heart I'd havo got
tho carpenter to mnko you another."
Sensible Housekeepers
will havo Defiance Starch, not alono
because they get ouo-thlrd moro for
tho same money, but also becauso of
Buperior quality.
A Don's Fidelity.
Last week a gamekeeper named
Henry Osmond In the employ of Lord
Falmouth was fatally shot in a poach
ing affray at tho Tregothnan Woods.
Tho evidence shows that Osmond
must huva died betwoen G:P.O and t
o'clock on Tuesday evening, January
2G. Ills body was not discovered un
til 5 o'clock on tho following Wed
nesday afternoon. All these hours,
during which It rained pitilessly, a
retriever puppy remained Immovable
by tho side of tho her dead master
and In her fierco affection would not
allow the search party to touch tho
body. At last Is was Bocured and
fastened to a tree, but tho faithful
animal gnawed through tho ropo and
returned to Its guardianship of the
Sailer's Earliest Cane.
Another new thing. Can be cut six
times during a season and sprouts
again with lightning rapidity. Next to
Salzer's Tcoslnte It will make more
green fodder than anything else; cheap
as dirt and grows everywhere.
Of Salzer's Renovator Grass Mixture,
Just the thing for dying out pasture
and meadows, Mr. E. Rappold, East
Park. Ga writes, "I sowed Salzer's
Grass Mlxturo on soil 'so poor two men
could not raise a fuss on It,' and in
forty-one days after sowing I had the
grandest stand of grass In the county.
Salzer's Grass Mixtures Bprout quick
ly and produce enormously." 100,000
ban els choice Seed Potatoes,
Here is a winner, a prodigy, a mar
vel, enormously proline, strong,
healthy, vigorous, producing In thirty
Btates from 1E0 to 300 bu. per acre. You
had best sow a lot of It, Mr. Farmer,
In 1904, and In tho fall sell It to youi
neighbors at $1 a bu. for seed.
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosse. Wis., and receive in return
their big catalog and lots of farm seed
oamples free. (W. N. U.)
Some Rich Germans.
Tho richest citizen of Berlin has
an income of $704,000 a year. If he
realizes 5 per cent on his investment
a tremendous interest in Germany
his fortune is about ?14,000.000.
Tne next richest man has $12,500,000.
There are thirteen millionaires be
tween 55.000.00J and 10,000,000,
thirty-three jbetweon $2,500,000 and
$5,000,000, and 021 between half a
million and $2,500,000. Tho number
of those whoso fortunes are over $14,
000 is 53,800, and less than that sum,
378,484. All of these pay an income
tax. Tho population of is 2,
000,000. A million and a half pay no
. income tax.
Wigfl!eStIck laundry ntun
Won't spill, break, frcczo nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of
nny other bluing. If your grocer docs not
keep It send lOcforsamplo to Tho Laundry
Blue Co., 14 Michigan dtrcot, Chicago.
His Last Request.
Representative Maddox of Georgia,
who is soon to retire from congress,
has received this letter from a con
stituent: "Dear Mister Kongressman:
Sum timo ago I writ you asking if
their wero anny thing tho guvment
could do to make a flghtin' wife be
havo herself. I ain't heard from you
and things is no better. Will you
please let mo know how I can get
one of them big pizen snakes from
Afrlky. I havo always voted for you
and this is mlty little to ask of you,
specially when a man's wife is always
a-peckln on him."
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Deflanco Starch it la im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can be used cold
or boiled.
Nicholas Turns Composer.
According to a Belgian paper, tho
czar is among tho composers. It is
stated that a soiree in tho winter
palace several works irom tho im
perial pen wero performed, among
them ono entitled "Tho Song of
Peace." This stands in three sec
tions, tho first of which depicts tho
turmoil cf battle, while the second
suggests the stricken field, covered
with dead and wounded. Tho third
Invokes retribution upon those who
aro respsonslblo for such horrors.
Another work is written in honor of
the saints of the Orthodox church.
Use the best. That's vtby they boy Red
Crow Ball Blue. At loading grocors, & cents.
As tho wlso man knows he Is a fool
he Is mlserablo; the fool imagines ho
is wlso and is happy.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
Tour Jobber er direct from Factory, I'eorU, 111
Report that the Japanese Have Sunk '
Seven Merchant Steamers In the
Harbor Demand in Connection
With Manchuria.
LONDON Tho Dally Telegraph
published a dispatch from its Toklo
correspondent, which says:
"On tho night of March 22 the Jap
anese fleet renewed the attempt to
bottlo up Port Arthur. Sixteen war
ships escorted seven merchant steam
ers to tho mouth of tho harbor and
under cover of tho bombardment tho
steamers were ran In and sunk In do
fclred positions. Three hundred Jap
anese offlcois and bluejackets volun
teered for the duty. An official re
port Is expected this esenlng."
Tho Dally Telegraph's circumstan
tial report from tho Toklo correspond
ent that Japan sUccocedcd in bottling
up Port Arthur on the night of March
22 ir, not confirmed from any other
quarter. Tho special dispatches to
tho other morning papers announce
no new developments, but throw a few
sidelights on tho operations.
Tho Standard's Tien Tsln corre
spondent says that Viceroy Alexleff
renewed his demand for tho with
drawal of all Chiriese officers end sol
diers from Manchuria on tho ground
that It would be Impossible to conduct
tho war properly.
Tho Dally Mail's correspondents
give from Japanese sources some de
tails of the condition of Port Arthur,
which wero gathered during a recent
visit of a Chinese Junk, there. It Is
assorted that a boom had been placed
across thoentranco to tho roadstead,
which was alive with mines, so de
fective and so carclesbly laid as to
equally endanger both Russian and
Japanese vessels. Tho damaged Rus
sian warships, those reports say, wero
repaired with such haste that It Is
dangerous for them to leave their an
chorage. Eight battleships and ciuls
ers and ten torpedo boat destroyers
aro now uninjured and often leave the
r harbor, but never go far from tho
Japanese naval officers praise the
quality of tho Russian torpedo boat
destroyers, which, they confers, havo
done excellent work,, but they declare
that tho Russian shells are badly
fused and fall to explode, except when
thoy strike direct upon armor, and
that their charges of guncotton aro in
sufficient to cause serious damage.
The Dally Mall's Shan Hal Kwan
correspondent says that tho JapanosG
aro secretly engaging Chinese to act
as irregular corps.
"Buffalo Bill" Testifies that His Wife
Tried to Poison Him.
DENVER. Colonel William F.
Cody ("Buffalo Bill") made a depo
sition before a notary in this city
Wednesday in the action for divorce
which he has begun In Big Horn coun
ty. Wyoming. Colonel Cody will sail
for Europe shortly and will be absent
from tho country when his suit Is
tried. In tho proceedings today Colo
nel Cody was interrogated by his own
attorney and was subjected to an ex
amination by counsel for Mrs. Cody.
"Mrs, Cody tried to poison me three
years ago," the colonel testified. "She
had frequently threatened to do it.
Wo were visiting in Rochester, N. Y
during the holidays of 1900, and the
day after Christmas 1 was ill. I sup
posed tho turkey and plum pudding
did not agree with mo. Sho said sho
would fix mo up. She pretended to
give me medicine. It was poison. It
almost finished me for I was uncon
scious for some time. I think it must
havo been an overdose, for it made
mo vomit, and I suppose this saved
my life."
Colonel Cody related many in
stances of his wife's having humili
ated him, at his "former homo" in
North Platte by her conduct toward
Bermuda Lilies Arc Coming.
NEW YORK. Tho first Btoamshlp
load of Easter lilies has arrived from
Bermuda. This consignment was
mainly for the far west and as soon
as the vessel docked, express vans
transferred the flowers to tho railroad
station and they wero started to their
destinations. There were thousands
of rratos in the cargo, requiring the
most dollcate handling. It is expected
that more of tho flowers will be
brought north this jear than over before.
Making Investigations Into Its Opera
tions. WASHINGTON The department of
coimnerco and Jnbor, through tho bu
reau of corporations, la making au
Investigation Into tho operations of
tho beef trust. A part of tho Investi
gation Is being conducted in accord-
aneo with a resolution passed by tho
houso of represontatlxes rccontly.
Prior to tho adoption ot the resolution,
tho department, through its regular
channels, had collected certain Infor
mation concoinlng tho beef trust. Tho
resolution which was drafted by Hop
rescntatUo Martin of South Dakota,
requested tho department officials to
ascertain, If possible, tho cause of tho
difference In pi Ice between beef on tho
hoof and dressed 'beef. It was pointed
out that western stJcliiutMi believed
that thoy wero being discriminated
against by tho and that tho
markets of tho count! y wero being
manipulated to tholr detriment.
Neither Secretary Cortelyou nor
Commissioner Garfield of tho bureau
of corporations will discuss tho Inves
tigation in any way. It is made per
fectly clear, however, that this Inves
tigation, as well as all others conduct
ed by that department, will bo mndo
by the officials of tho department
themselves, without assistance; that
tho department will not stoop to tletcc
tlvo work In the conduct of tho In
quiry and that tho proceedings will bo
devoid of any spectacular features.
There will ho no public hearings and
publicity will bo avoided so far as pos
sible. Tho pending Investigation Is being
conducted by Commissioner Garfield,
under tho direction of Secretary Cor
telyou. Beyond that fact, practically
nothing is obtainable. Whether tho
results of the investigation aro to bo
made public at its conclusion will de
pend entirely on President Roosevelt,
Alaskans who have been in Washing
ton all winter pressing the claims of
that territory for remedial legislation
fear now that con;iess will adjourn
without according tholr claims tho at
tention which In their opinion ,tHey
warrant. They have feon tho president
during the winter in the Interest of tho
legislation thoy nro seeking and today
several of thtfm called at the Whlto
Houso again.
Cattle Raiser's Permitted to Show Al
leged Discrimination.
WASHINGTON Tho interstcto
commerce commission on Monday an
nounced its decision in the case ot tho
Cattlo Raisers' association of Kansas,
complainant, and the Chicago Live
stock exchange, Intervener, against
tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy and
olher railroads entering Chicago. Tho
Commission holds that the statute of
limitations does not apply to the suit
of tho members of tho association :or
damages and defines tho proceduro to
bo followed in procuring reparation
through the commission.
Tho complainant and the intervenor
are given leave to show to what ter
ritory the through rate reduction of
189G npplled, and if it appears that
there was territory to which such re
duction did not apply and from which
no reduction has been made, defend
ants will bo allowed to show, slnco
conditions may havo changed feubse
quont to tho making of tho original
oi'der, that tho through rate from that
territory is reasonable and just, not
withstanding tho ndditlon of tho ter
minal chargo of $2 per ear In Chicago.
Lobby Falls to Kill Measure In the
Iowa House.
DES MOINES, la. Tho houso of
reprcsentathes passed tho hanking
bill, which permits tho state to de
posit its money at Interest, by a voto
of 05 to 15. Thoro was a strong lob
by -of bankers working ngalnst tho
measure. It Is belloed it will go
through t!ie senate with little opposi
tion. Tho hill to raise tho compensation
of county supervisors was killed by
tho house by a decisive voto. Tho
outlook is that none of the measures
asking for an increase in the salary
of county officers will go through both
houses at this session,
Kansans Ask Big Appropriation,
WASHINGTON. A largo delegation
of Kansans, comprising senators, rep
resentatives and prominent citizens of
tho stnto called at tho War depart
ment nnd wore heard at length by
General MackonJo, chief of engineers,
upon tho poni.ig proportion to
stralghton out and change the course
of tho Kaw river with a vlow to tho
prevention of a repetition of the flood
which engulfad part of Kansas City
and other Kansas towns. Tho dele
gation "wants $1,000,000 to begin work.
ftlfl ADb'ttlTC CyifHATTli....
iu Hfrt narrifiifUBftiEu-
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From
Extreme Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and
Nervousness What They Need Is
Pe-ru-na, the Great Tonic
Miss Bertha M Rush, 5435 Klncnrdo
street, Pittsburg, Pa., Superintendent
Junior Society of Metliodlst Protestant
Church and lending Soprano of tho
choir, writes: "WordB cannot describe
my thankfulness to you for Poruna. I
was a sufferer from systemic catarrh
for years and was In a very much run
down condition. 1 was extremely nor
oua and had tho most foolish fears
over nothing. I wns thin and ema
"My physician advised me to leave
this climate, but as it was not con
venient to "do so at this timo, I took
tho advice of t friend to uso a bottlo
of Perunn. I took it faithfully and
when the first bottlo was gone I felt
so much better that 1 bought six moro
and took them faithfully, after which
I looked llko a new woman.
"I gained In flesh, my nppetlto re
turned and all my old symptoms hnd
disappeared. I am moro than thnnk
ful to Perunn." Miss Boithn M. Rush.
Everybody is Tired Spring
Weather Does It Every One
Should Be Cautious.
Depression of tho nervous syBtom at
tho approach of spring Is tin cause.
General lassitude, dull, heavy sensa
tions, continual tired feeling, with ir
regular nppetlto, and sometimes loss
of sleep. Poruna moots every indica
tion and proves itself to ho perfectly
adapted to all their arlcd peculiari
ties. Poruna Invigorates tho Bystem,
rejuvenates tho" feelings, restores tho
normal appetite and produces regular
That tired feeling wjnch Is tho nat
ural result of tho depressing effect of
warm weather immediately after tho
Invigorating cold of winter, quietly
disappears whoa Poruna Is tnken.
Thousands nro dany testifying to Its
priceless benefit.
Mrs. H. Kassatt, 1301) West 13th
street, Dos Moines, la., writes: "I nm
happy to givo my endorsement for
your valuable medicine, Poruna, as I
consider it a valuable medicine to take
when tho system is run down from
overwork. About two years ago I felt
that I must tako a long rest as I had
been unable to work for over a month
and could not regain my strength. I
could not sleep at night and wns In
a very nervous, high strung, condition.
I decided to try what Peruna would do
to build up my strength, and am
pleased to say that I began to lmprovo
very shortly, and In loss than two
months I was able to take up my
work, and felt better than I havo for
years. I tako It now twlco a car and
.find thnt It keeps mo in perfect
health." Mrs. Knssatt was for over
ten years tho manager of a plant fur
nishing ladles' wear and employing
hundreds of women.
Ho gives but an empty hand who
withholds his heart.
Hundreds of dealers say thd extra
quantity and superior quality of Do
flanco Starch is fast taking placo of
all other brands. Others say they
cannot sell any other starch,
Though tho world may owo all of
us a living, only a fow aro preferred
Teoslnt and Ilillloit Dollar Gran.
Tho two greatest fodder plants on
tarth, one good for 14 tons hay and the
other 80 tons green fodder per acre.
Grows everywhere, so doeB Vlctorln
Rape, yielding 00,000 lbs. sheep and
swlne food per acre.
John A. Salcer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., and receive In return their big
catalog and Iota of farm seed samples.
iW. N. U.)
Ho who will not bo a servant can
not bo a ralnt.
Given Awa
Write us or ask nn
Alabiutlfie dealer for
full particulars and Tree sample card of
Destroys disease germs and vermin.
Never rubs or scales. You can apply it
mix with cold water. licautiful effects
on walls and in white nnd delicate tints.
NOT a 'disease-breeding, out-of-date
hot-water glue preparation. KaUo-
mines bearing fanciful names and
mixed with hot water are 6tuclc on with
clue, which rots, nourishing germs of
lue. which rots, nourishing germs of
eadly diseases and rubbing and seal-
ueauiy u
Ing, spoiling walls, clothing end furni
kg. lure, iiuy aibdbsiiqo in u id.
re. iiuy Alabastlne in f lb. d
properly labelled, of paint, hardware
mm urug ucaiers. ieauei et lints,
Hints on Dccoratlnir," and our artist!.1
ideas free. AUBXSIIVE CO, Cm CiiUi, Hick.,
if IM liter St, M.
Yu VI hU riN
Tie Ut vtitttii, billed Kwtmafd
sat y-jeven yen eApawfice &k wax
TOWER'i ikkcaOKbuiirbti
farac the worM ever Thy tit rcfe in
fciatk coellpwfar oil Mi cf tt work,
wtfewryfcrnert tew$"K 3IGN OP
1 THE rlJH i cuorarfwl to etvi
Itfoctlcn. All retoN dttleo xil them.
7T'i cwyjx cduiittiiosaiiauR
ill mm
1 ' mmfmmwmwr m mniiiii i n, nw p w mi i .
B-MsMMiJivWisaifciiiun; n iimmammSmMtii
Miss Rush Suffered with Systemic Cntarrh Was Ner
vous, Had No Appetite, Grew Thin and Emaciated. She
Now Looks Like a Now Woman After & Course of Pc-ru-na.
Tired, Nervous Women.'
There are thousands of them every
where A fow bottles of Perunn would
do them untold benefit. As a tonic
and nerve Invigorator It has no equal,
It builds up tho nerves, it givcB
ntrongth to the circulation and at
onco restores tho uppetito and diges
tion. No fepblo woman should bo
without Peruna.
Lincoln. Nebraska
! o
I o
German Coacti. g
English Shire 2
: l-rnnh flr..ft O
gj muui vmi o
fi Jnrt DnMlinr O
tuu uciyuii. o
Th LARGEST lmPertr el FIRST- o
CLASS tailior o 3i concern In Jill tl- X
FROM. Ot arriving in L'ncolu ult th if Frm ttKet car w) 1 h rum directly 10 5
our bam, Coinc and t ut or writ n
Lg. Dm. Tl 5 A I. Millhun, flcr q
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
B mn ii ii i B
H OdLutec Surdi b &1k nrjr best Sureh taufa. ra
B It's stick MaBL.
Hundredj viS testify to K. r JBDH!
B Try tt one youndL o.J9F7liLw
H Vt gturtntec HHjfartlaa or aoaty lj 4r)?fe-&1
H You cin't lose. Btw,strflPlf
H DctUnee Surch b'atsoluuly bu fnmTdiSktSt. JBil&SeanjL
B UmotrithdouSnbc&UiuUlulindwfflootratthaa Kfymj&i&flm
B Grt it of your grocer. .ffiffflrjMJEffii
B IS oanca for 10 cttnfr-otM-thlrd aasrt f Jjlfgftnk
B fou et of any other Irani, ihmxpifwh
B ' flHniiffff
- i m .,,. ,,rn aWmkn(&mfr,TCYxm
r .
w ivtfifiXH 'ff Wf. r
If you do not receive prompt and
ratlsfactory results from the use ots
Peruna, write at once to Ur. Mart-
man, glvlnga full statement ot your i
case, ana lie will be picasea to give
you Ms valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hart man, President
of the nartman Sanitarium. Co
lumbus, Ohio,
l'OKTMlI.K an I drill any eyib,
by ktcam (ir horse power.
43 llri:i(KNT STYLES
Vt'ti ihnltvngft cuwpe-ttllon.
Sea far t rr IUo.lrlrd ((librae K-
Ibctluut HI,. uU-.lm, law.
T)al Direct will)
,Ddoaye jaoney
Ourguoditheliet. I'r e lie net l'romni alilp
inenta. UeliTeri of avl ,("' fk'Mranieoii Llezaut
amplPiDilY' 1' fnn e nu fnr "fan me Aridren
ADAH 1. KKOLL-CO New l.-a Building-, CaicifO.
LUKfcb Whtri Alt USt AILS.
if licit
licit i.ougn &rruu. irtr tioou.
In time, tfu
.Mil 1
4 Kttab
l llihrd
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:T drtiKKlatH. rcf
ffiLi flfr 1 II ,' '.I', HClB