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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
THE ALLIANCE HERALDiRFPIHRF QF JAPS T. J. O'Kcefo, Publlfcher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. I News in Brief Representative Baker of Now York declares members of congress wno hnvc passes arc prejudiced in favor of llio railroads, Tlio Iioubo of representatives ngrecs to nn appropriation of J100.000 for tlio uro of tho Chicago underground nys (cm to trnnspoit tlio mulls. Eraklne Hewitt, son of tlio lato Abrnm t. Hawitt or Now York, lias announced his Intention to onter nc tlvo politics In New Jersey., Eighteen Minneapolis Hour mills, owing to tlio poor condition of tho Hour trade, have shut down induu nltoly. A thousand people nro out of orlc. Senators Kornhor and Dick confer red In tho r.enato ehnmhor after tho latter was sworn In nnd their cordial attltudu prosngoB a truce In tho party light In Ohio. Tho sennto committee on military affairs authorized n favorable report on a hill to appropriate $50,000 for the improvement of tho Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Charles M. Tnft of Cincinnati, broth; or of Secretary Tnft, la believed to bo tho purchaser of Corot's "Le Solr" and Diaz's "Kontalnblcau," sold at Now York for $110,000. Representative Denton of Missouri will have his "way nnd tho npproprln tlon of $00,000 to build n new "bnrn" for the White liouso will not be made at this session of congress. Tho Turltlsh army under Shaklr Pa sha haH surrounded 10,000 Albanians at Dabntcpe, Macedonia, and more Turkish troops arc to bo sent to his aid. Negotiations nro continuing for peace. William 13. Curtis writes of tho pal ace nt Delhi, tho most mngnlflccnt ever built in tho world, and describes tho vandalism that has leveled sovernl of the halls and Is making wny with others. A member of the Jnpnncso liouso of representatives is accused of being a paid agent of Russia, and his news paper In Tokio, which has published attacks on tho nation's policy, is sup pressed. George Carnegie, proprietor of Dun ?eness, onco of tlio home of General Nathaniel Greene, nnd a nephow of Andrew Carnegio, hns announced his "amlhlacy for tho Georgia sennto on tho democratic ticket. Tho liouso committee on merchant mnrlno nnd fisheries authorized n fa vorable report on tho Frye bill extend ing tho coastwise laws" of tho United dfnteB to tho Philippine Islands July 1, 1905, without nnfcndmont. A correspondent of tho London Dally Mall at Chlnnampo writes that every landing placo along tho northern const of Korea has been taken by tho Jap anese and a big movement of troops is planned us soon ns tho lco breaks. Information reaching Pnrls benrs out tho reports that tlio Jnpnnoso doslro to rotiro Frcnclnnnd other foreign (unoiionarles serving In Korea. The chango is not likely to brln out n protest during tho period of tho war. In tho trial of Senator Burton in St. Louis n letter was read, purporting to havo been written by tho senator, In which It Is stated that ho had made inquiries at tho postofllco department rolativo to tho Ulalto Grain companv'a onso. Among tho pnssongors on tho North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wll liolm dor Grosso, which arrived from Bremen, Southampton and Cherbourg, was Charles M. Schwab, formor pros dent of tho United States Steel corpo ration. A special to tho Llttlo Rock (Ark.) Gazette from Dowltt, Arkansas coun ty, says livo negroes, who had been arrested as a result of raco troubles at SL Charles, worn taken from tho guards by a crowd of men and shot to death. Tho sennto committee on foreign re lations authorized a favorablo report on tho treaty between tho United States and Franco extending all exist ing treaties with Franco to Tunis and all other French possessions and pro tectorates,. A pathetic message came to the state department from United States Consul Feo at Bombay, India, nnd ad dressed to Assistant Secretary Loom is us follows: "Daughter dead plague: wlfo attacked." Mr. Fee Is a native of Ohio and was appointed in 1899. A cnblo dispatch was received from Colonel Lout woln, tho governor of Gor. man Southwest Africa, announcing that a fight occurred at Omatako mountain, March 1C, which resulted in tho HereroB being roriulsod with tho loss of ten men killed. The German loss was two men killed and two wounded. The Iowa house committee on con stitutional amendments rocommonded 'he submission of a constitutional amendment to the voters to make a drainage law possible, Tho action of tho committee is equivalent to tho passage of tho measuro by botn houses. W. D. Ballnntyne," ex-lnspoctor of customs at Manilla, P. I., lias boon ac quitted by Judge Ambler on a charge jf conspiracy to do fraud tho customs by furthering theUlogal ontry of non exempt Chinese, 'Ho was tried upon a similar charge In January last and acquitted. , t ATTEMPT TO BOTTLE UP PORT ARTHUR HARBOR. RUSSIANS FRUSTRATE THE PLAN Desperate Fire Opened by the Shore Batteries and, Varahlps Japanese Five Ships are Supported by a Number of Torpedo Boats. ST. PETERSBURG. Under cover of darkness VIco Admlrnl Togo made another desperate attempt to bottle up tho Russian float Iu Port Arthur, but ho failed again, nnd when, after daylight, VIco Admlrnl Makaroff stoamed out to give battle, tho Jnpn noso commnndcr refused tho chal lenge nnd sailed away. Tlio Japanoso practically repeated tho tactics of Fobruary 24, by Bending in four flroslilps, preceded by a tor pedo boat flotilla with tho exception that tho flreshbs tins tlnio wore armed with HotchklsB guns for the purposo of keeping off tho Russian torpedo boat dostrccrs. The enemy's nttempt wns discover ed by means of the shoro scacrhllghts and n heavy flro was opened from tho batteries nnd from two gunboats which wero gunrdhig tlio cntranco to tho harbor. Tho Russian torpedo bont destroyer Stiini was outside on scouting duty and tho dash nnd nervo of Its commnndcr, Lieutenant Krlnt kin!, Is chiefly duo to tho comploto defeat of tho plans of tho Jnpanese. IIo nt onco mado straight for tho on coming Bhlps, under n hall of fire from tho Ilotchklss guns, nnd tor pedocd the leading ship. Three of tho ships wero Bhclled nnd piled up on the shoro under Golden Hill and ono under tho lighthouse. Tho Stilnl then engaged the entlro six torpedo bonis of the enemy, coming out from n terrific light with seven killed nnd tho commander nnd twelve of Its complement wouiuled, but on tho Jnpnnoso sldo only ono boat's crow was saved. In nddltlon, accord ing to unolllclal reports, It Is belloved that tho Jupauoso lost, two torpedo boats. Tho Japanese cruisers which sup ported tho nttnek exchanged shots with tho ba'tterlcs, and then drew off. nftcr which Admiral Makaroff took a steam launch and examined tho llrcshlps. An hour later tho Japanese torpedo ilotllln, followed by Vice Ad miral Togo's fleet, enmo up from n southerly direction. Just nt daybreak VIco Admiral. Mnknroff, with his fleet, snlled out to cngnge tho enemy, "but nfter tho ships and batteries had fired a few long-dlstanco shots VIco Ad mlrnl Togo decided to decline the is Hiio nnd disappeared to tho south ward. Tho rows of t tho rcpulBO of Vice Admiral Togo's sevdnd nttempt to block Port Arthur- created much re joicing in tho Russian capitnl and among all clnsses tho gallantry of thC subject, cf high praise; but nbovc nil tho moral effect of -Vice Admiral Maknrorf's willingness to engage the enemy, showing that ho considered himself strong enough to fight, pro duced a splendid Impression. GOVERNMENT MAKING HEADWAY, i Revolutionary Contest In San Domin go Is Losing Ground. WASHINGTON Information re ceived nt tjie Navy department from Admiral Wise at Qulantnnnmo Indi cates that the Morales government is making headway In tho revolution ary contest in San Domingo, tho ad miral reporting that it is now In pos sesion of nil tho ports of tho island except the small ono of Monto Cristl. This news wns brought to Guautana mo by tho commanding officers of tho Hartford and tho Yankee, which havo returned to that placo from San Domingan. Two Million Dollars for the Poor. ST. PAUL. Minn. By tho filing or tho' report of tho npprnlsers appoint ed by the probate court to ascertain tho vnluo of tho estato of tho late Fanny S. Wilder of St. Paul, it Is an nounced today that tho entire Wilder estnto, coupled with that Vrs. E. V. Appleby, n ' daughter, amounting to ubout f'J.OOO.OOO, is to bo used for the poor of St. Paul, Independently of any other charity. Mine Under Fortress. ST, PETERSBURG. A report from Vladivostok snys that a mlno has been discovered under tho fortress with wires leading to a Chinese house in tho town. Russian Torpedo Boat Sunk. ST. 'PETERSBURG. It is stated that one Russian torpedo boat was sunk In tho engagement at Port Ar thur this morning, but It Is thought tho vessel can lie refloated. I am here in tho world to sorvo and to think of others and not myself. i Dr. Horlou. Report Original Package Bill. WASHINGTON. Tho liouso com mittee on tho judiciary on Friday nu thnrlzed a favorablo report on tho Hepburn and Dolliver bill, granting tho states police powor ovor "original packages" of intoxicating liquor com ing Into their borders us interstate commorce. An amendment was adopt ed stipulating that the bill should not apply to parsons receiving Interstate shipments of liquor for tholr own personal use. Hearings on the bill have been made during the Inst six weeks. PERSONS RIDING ON PAS8ES. Railroads Not Liable for Damages to Deadheads. WASHINGTON Tho United States supremo court ngain docided Hint per sons traveling on railroads may not secure dnmngo in cno of accident when they rldo on passes, nnd tho de cision went to the extent of applying tho principle to such passengers as wero not familiar with tho contract usually printed on tho backs of the passes. Tho caso decided was that of John D. Bocrlng and his wife, Mearling Bocrlng, ngalnst tho Chesapeake Beach Railroad company. Mrs. Bocr lng was injured n nn nccldent on the road while traveling on a pass Issued to herself nnd her husband, containing tho usual stipulation of ex emption from damage. It was urged that sho had not been mado aware of tho stipulation, and that oven If not Labio on general principles, the com pany must bo bo on account of her Ig norance. Tho cThirt did not accept this view. YOUNG CORBETT IS LOSER. James Brltt Is Given the Decision In the Twentieth Round. SAN FRANCISCO. JameB Brltt of California wns given tho decision over William Rothwell, better known ns "Young Corbott," of Colorado, In a twenty-round contest at Woodwnrd's pavilion Friday night. In tho seven teenth round Corbctl's advantage was apparent; but In that round Brltt ral lied and rained right nnd left blows on various portions of Corbctt's anatomy, forcing the champion to clinch to save himself. Tho styleB of tho two boxers were entirely different. Brltt fought for tho body most of tho time, while Cor bott devoted his attention to tho bond, fnco nnd jaw. Brltt weighed Just 129 pounds, but Corbett's weight was not mado public, though It Is understood ho was at least a pound and a hair below tho agreed weight 130 pounds. TURKEY AGREES TO THE PLAN. Reaches Understanding with Austria ac to Police Force. LONDON According to tho dis patches received from Constantinople, tho porto nnd tlio Austro-Russlan em bassies have reached an agreement In regard to tho organization of the Mnecdonina gendarmerie under Euro pean olllcers, so It is believed it will not be long bofore tno reform scheme for Macedonln, agreed upon by tho em perors of Russia and Austria nt their meeting nt Muorzteg, Syria, last year, In support of which Austria has been alleged to bo mobilizing troops, will bo in full operation. In an interview nt Sofia, March 24, T3orls Sarafoff, tho Macedonian leader, said his party intended to await the result of an Introduction of tho re forms before launching a fresh in surrection. COMBES WILL HOLD HIS PLACE. French Premier Says He Has No In tention of Resigning. PARIS In tho course of an inter v;ow Primo Minister Combes denied iho reports that he will immediately rotiro from tho premiership as a. re sult of tho recent cabinet reverses. M.. Combes snys ho recognizes tliat tho situation of the ministry is delicate, but that so far ns ho Is concerned, ho proposes to pursue to the end tho work ho has undertaken without dovinting a halr'B breadth from tho course ho planned. This stntement Is interpreted nB ap plying to tho work In connection with the pending law for tho supression of tlio teaching orders, which probably will bo passed in n fortnight,' when tho premier main work will have been ac complished. Nationalists Win Victory. DUBLIN. Tlio nationalist? in the SL Stevens Green division of Dublin elected Lawrence Waldron to fill tho vacancy in tho House of Commons caused by tho death of James McCann by a majority of C20 over tho unionist candidate. Wr. Waldron Is a wealthy stock broker. While- ho was not nn official nationalist candidate, he is pledged to support homo rule and the proposal to establish n Catholic uni versity in Dublin and to onposo the present financial relations between Ireland and Groat Britain. Rudolph Wants Same Burial. ST. LOUIS The body of George Collins, who was executed at Union, Mo. Friday, for tho murder of Detect tlvo Charlos J. Schumacher, was bur led there In tho Catholic cometcry according to Catholic rites, performed by tho village priest. When William Rudolph, Collins' partner, In tho jail hero nwaitlng oxecutlon on May 13. was told of the disposal of Collins' body, he said: "I want tho same ser vices by that priost and I want to bo burled by tho sldo of George." Death from Bubonic Plague, JOHANNESBURG. Up to dato the totul number of deaths from bubonic plague' is forty-two white and forty colored persons. President Will Touch Button. WASHINGTON. Although Presl dont Roosevelt cannot attend the opening of tho Louisiana Purchase ex position, he nevertheless will bo n participant in tho oxorclses. He has consented to press tho button at the White house which will start the ma chinery of the exposition. This cere mony will take placo at 1 o'clock (eastern standard tlmo) on April 30. Tho doals havo not been worked out yet, but they will bo In a few days. The president probably will send mes sage of congratulation. REPORT IS FILED MERCHANT MARINE AND FISH ERIES QUESTION. THE PROPOSEDSEHATE BILL It Is Scored In the Minority Report of the House Committee Passage of Measure Would Result in Holding Up the Government. WASHINGTON Representative Stovons (Minn.) filed the favorable re port authorized by tho liouso commit tee on merchant marine and fisheries o an amended sennto bill "to require tho employment of vessels of tho Uni ted States for public purposes." Tho bill requires .all government supplies transported by sea to bo car ried in vessels either owned by tho government or flying tho American flag. Tho report bases the necessity for tho bill on the ground that It never Is safo to depend on foreigners for tho flefenso of our own country. It nays that tho United States now owns thirteen passenger and freight transports, and that should those be inadequate for' tho necessary trans portation of government supplies and troops, ships flying tho American fag only may be used In nddltlon; that tho government cannot expect Ameri can Bhlps to bo available In an emer gency. The views of the minority of tho committee, prepared by Representa tive Lucking (Mich.) and signed by Representatives Spight, Goulden, Mc Dormott and Lucking, declare tho bill to be a step in the policy of subsidis ing our merchant marine, for which for seven y.earB the most active, per sistent, influential and unblushing lob by has been hounding the life out of both branches of congress.- Tho re port says that outside of the goods transported In vessels owned by the government there was paid In freights for such cnrrylng In the year 1901, $4,523,954, and that "this carrying is dono principally to the Philippines, and, like the major portion of all our war nnd naval expenditures of tho present dny, has been rendered nec essary by the ill-advised subjugation and retention of those islands." Tho report saya tho bill is n most narefaced misappropriation of public mouoyn, and adds: "Of the seventeen vessels now en gaged in this trafllc on the Pacific, all aro manned exclusively, (except offi cers) b Chinese sailors, who work for about ono-third or ono-fourth tlio wages that American sailors receive, so that tho American sailors havo neon completely supplanted by these Chinese In tho very Pacific ocean companies who are pressing tho I ill nnd who are, in part, to get its gratu ities." Tho report concludes that "In somo respects tms bill Is worse than any pronounced subsidy measuro which has been advocated In congress, be cause it gives an absolute monopoly to a few corporations and individuals who may, nnd probably will, form a combine and hold Up the government for all It will stand." GALES SWEEP ILLINOIS. Several Are Killed and Many Injured at Indiana Harbor. CHICAGO. Ono of tho most se vere storms this city has known in years passed over Chicago Thursday night. Great damage wa3 dono in the suburbs to tho south of tho city, nnd considerable loss was sustained by the people living to tho north of tho city proper. Tho storm did not strlko the business portion in Its greatest force. Tho storm In tho vicinity of Indiana Harbor was ono of tho most severe ever known there. Threo peoplo aro known to bo dead, several aro fatally hurt, and at midnight sovernl others were reported missing and they may bo buried in the ruins of their homes. A two-story brick building known as tho Barker building was blown down and a number of peoplo who had sought shelter there were buried in tho ruins. German Consul Gives Counsel. YIN KOW Tho German consul from Tien Tsln, at a meeting of Ger man citizens, counselled all residents of that nationality that they remained at Now Chwang at their own risk and that in event of lqss of property re covery was doubtful; also that In tho event that Russia was defeated tho recovery of losses would only bo after a long time, but if Japan was defeated recovery would bo sooner. British residents will protest ngalnst tho ab sence of'n warship from Now Chwang. Death Pleases Officials. WASHINGTON. Secretary Taft nnd tho ofllcials of the Yar depart ment openly oxpross their gratifica tion at tho news of tho death of Ma carlo Saky, the so-called president of the Philippine republic. Saky secured his freedom under the amnesty procla mation and fled to the mountains with a. small force of kindred spirits and sinco has mado considerable trouble by attacking small villages and unpro tected expeditions. Remarkable Marksmanship. WASHINGTON In n private letter received at tho navy department from an ollicor on board tho Kearsarge, tho following remarkanlo record mado by mat battloship In her target practice, just comploted at Ponsacola, is given: Ono thlrteon-inch gun made Bix hits out of seven shots in fivo minutes and twonty sejeonds. An eight-inch gun made ten hits out of ten shots in five minutes and twenty seconds, and a five-Inch gun mado eighteen hits out of eighteen shots in two minutes. A NEBRASKAN8 CITIZENSHIP. Lost Papero and State Court Can't Restore His Rights. WASHINGTON .The supremo court of tho United Stntes, in 'an opinion, by Justice Brown. nfQrmed the finding of the court of clnims in the caso of Charles Gagnon against the United Stntes nnd the SJoux and -heyenno Indians, an Indian depreda .Ion case, involving tho question as o whethor a common law court hns 'urlsdlctlon ip enter n judgment of inturallzation In a case In which It h alleged that naturalization papcrB Ad been granted thirty-three yeara .go, but of which no record remained. Tho point was decided in tho nega tive. Gagnon, claiming to havo lost lis naturalization papers, applied to ho district court in Richardson coun ty Nebraska, where ho claimed to Javo been nntttrallzed in 18C3, to do ?lare"him a naturalized citizen. This he court did, notwithstanding no rec ird of tho former proceeding was 'ound. i'ho court hold this process o be irregular and refused to nllow .ho clnlm. WILL MOVE UNITED STATES SHIP Admiral Cooper Thinks New Chwang No Place for the Helena. WASHINGTON. To Admiral Coop er, In command of tho naval forces on the Asiatic station, has been left the decision of tho question whether or not the Helena or somo other United Stntes naval vessel Is to be kept at New Chwanj ns requested by American interests there. The Navy department has been in formed by Admiral Cooper that ho has decided that the conditions aro not such nB to warrant him in detain ing tho Helena nt New Chwang. If the town is attacked by the Japanese navy the Helena would bo in the lino of lire, and no neutral ship has n right thcro if it can get away. Tho Navy department has cabled him to withdraw the ship, nnd It probably will leave New Chwang for Shanghai and start for Manila within the pres ent week If the Ice continues to soften as rapidly ns expected. TO INTERCEPT JAP SHIPS. Rumor Regarding Russia's Vladivostok Fleet. PARIS The Echo Do Paris corre spondent at St. Petersburg says It is rumored In naval circles there that Cuptaln Peitzonstein's Vladivostok squadron hns been ordered to'overtnke, nl; a certain point on the Pacific, tho battleship and two cruisers bought from Chill by Japan and return witli them to Vladivostok. The correspondent says, it is ru mored that Emperor William of Ger many lias refused to accept three cruis ers built at Kiel and Stettin, on the ground that they did not conform to tho terms of the contract, and Hint Russia is negotiating for their pur chase. Tlio Russian general staff, tho cor respondent says, estimates that tho number of Japanese troops landed in Korea does not exceed 75,000. MANY RUSSIANS COMMIT SUICIDE Several Officers at Port Arthur Suc cumb to Strain of Bombardment. NEW YORK News has been re ceived from Port Arthur that several ofllcors of tho garrison, under the strain caused by tho bombardment, havo committed suicide, says n World dlspntch from Shnnghal. The total number of casualties In tho town to date Is 205. Marquis Ito has held n largo recep tion, which was attended by tho for eign legation ofllcials, cables tho Seoul correspondent of tho Times. Ho ex pressed tho belief that under Japan ese guidance Corea will advance com mercially and Intellectually, It being Japan's intention so to use its influ ence that the Coreans will never ro gret their connection with it. Tlio marquis will return to Japan March 25. GET FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. Canal Commission Meets and Receives Letter from President. WASHINGTON. Preliminary work was begun by the Isthmian canal com mission. Tho first full meeting of tho commission was held in tho offices ol Admiral Walker, tho chairman. The session resolved itself Into an informal discussion of various featurea of the preliminary work and of preparations for tho first visit of tho commission to Panama. President Roosevelt en tertained the members of tho commls sion and Secretary Taft at luncheon During tho luncheon there was a gen eral discussion of various phases ol tho canal quostlon. General instructions to the member of the commission woro contained in a letter- from President Roosovelt U tho commission, under . dato o March S. Spring Weather In Manchuria. ST. PETERSBURG General Line vltch has telegraphed to tho general staff that there Is no sickness among tho Russian troops. They are all In splendid health. Spring weather pre vails In Manchuria. Coming to St. Louis Fair. LONDON. A meeting of the com mltteo of arrangements for a visit oi tho municipal ofllclnls of tho United Kingdom to St. Louis, of which Lore Clyveden is chairman, was held in tbi chambers of the lords. Sir Thomas Pile, mayor of Dublin, reported thai somo hundreds of officials had applicu for particulars regarding the arrange monts. The committee finally ap proved tho program. The party wir leave England May 1, and will visit New York, Washington, St. Louis Toronto and other cities. S100 Reward, $100. Tte reader, of thla MP" WW V? "''!!l,t?Jf,V? that there ! at least -no dreaded tllsea-o that science, has been able lo cure In nil It. IW. "I '&" Catarrh. Halla Cal arm t uro M the -miy P,' cure now kno n to the medkal fraierolty. " twin a constitutional disease, "wnirM "' tlnnal treatment. Hall'a Catarrh law t " J": tcrnally. ai-Uni: directly upon the blood "d n"H" snrfaria of the system, therety dti'rojInR 'Ue foundation of the disease, aud kMou the PJl trttmth liy lmndlDB up the constitution ami V) 1UK nature In diiln Ito work. The pn.prlewrs ri fo much faith In lt curatlte power that thej.' tine Hundred Hollars for any case that It Zain i cure. Send for list of tetlmonlali. Addrt-M F. .1. OIKS FY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold lv all I)rilKKlt".T8f. Take flaira Family I'llU for conUlpaUon. ' It is no sign tnnt a man is riding; to heaven because he is driving others there. Storekeepers report that tho extra quantity, together with tho Buportor quality of Defiance Starch makes it next to impossible to bcII any other brand. Tho elevator boy Is poorly paid when ono considers tho fool questions ho is asked. r.Ira. Y Inslcm's Hootlilnc Syrtip. For children teethlnp, softens the k"TO, reduces to fiaruinatlvu, alia) a pain, curca wind collu. SSco bottle. Don't Bit down anil wait for some thing to turn up; turn up your sleeves nnd get busy. Stops tlio Cough mitl Works Oft" tho Coltl Laxative BrouioQuiu'uoTablotii. PrlcoSoc That which is useless (cannot bo harmless. CITC permanently cured. ofHornera:Infn.fte, r I i O Urt day use or Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerr KMtop. er. " Pend rr FIIRK SS.OO trial bottle and tn-atlse. UU.IUU.KLO.E, Ltd., SSI Arch Street, J-oUcielpola, l Dogs and porous plasters aro fre quently attached to mankind. All crcnmerlcs uso butter color. Why not do ns they do uso JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR. Tho reformer never thinks it neces sary to practice on liimself. DON'T UPOII. YODIl CLOTtlES. Uso Rod Cross Bnll Blue nnd keep thera white as bnow. All grocers. &o. a package. Lived on Milk and Sugar. Emlle Brazeau, who recently died at Montreal, while n child was medically placed upon n milk and sugar diet, and this lie coutlnued unchanged to his death, presumably from choice. Ills dnily rations were throe pints ot milk and ono pound of sugar. Al though solid food wns thus a thing unknown to him ho Is said to havo boon physically robust rjid suffered from no Illness until tho attack of croup which ultimately proved fatal. Venom Collecting as a Business. For a risky and exciting and profit able mode of earning n livelihood, a new Australian Industry enn bo confi dently recommended. It is tho collec tion of snake venorr, a substanco that, like radium, Is valued by tho grain. A pound of It Is said to be worth $25, 000. It Is in native demand by chem ists. It Is obtained from threo spn cles the death adder, tho brown ad der and the tiger snake. The reptiles must, bo' caught uninjured, and It goes without saying that the industry "de mands considerable knowledge nnd skill iu capture." Tiger snakoB arc the best, for they carry mott venom Snakes aro still numorouc in the Aus tralian bush. A Wonderful Discover. Broadland, S. D.. Marcli 1'S Qult& a sensation has been created hero by the publication of tho story of G. W. Gray who, after a special treatment for threo months was prostrate and. helpless and given up to die with Brlght's Disease. Brlght's Disease has always been considered incurable, but evidently from tho story told by Mr. Gray, there Is a remedy which will cure it even in the most advanced stages. This Is what he saya: "I was helpless as a little babe. My wife and I senrched everything and. read everything we could find about Brlght's Disease, hoping that 1 would bo able to find a remedy. After many failures my wife Insisted that I should try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I praise God for the day when I decided to do so for thb remedv met every phase of my case and In a short tinio I was able to get out of bod and aBer a few weeks treatment I was n strong, well man. Dodd'.s Kidney Pills saved my life." i A remedy that will cure Brlght's Disease will cure any lesser Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills are cer tainly tho most wondorful discovery which modern medical research has given to tho world. Political clubs nre used chiefly to put opposing candidates out of business. I For Rheumatism S Neuralgia Sprains m Lutnbarjo Bruises A 2 BacKache Soreness A S Sciatica Stiffness X A Vze tho eld rellifclo remedy ( St Jacobs Oil! S Price, 25c. and 50c "W i - ,i m Vi x