The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1904, Image 1
'fr-4' H?oY wh St ft to lite1 torlcal society The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of the City and County, Largest Circu lation of any Ah Uancc Paper, VOLUME XI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1904, NUMBER 15 n X - - . . . ., . I, n .. EA S TER ; i A full supply of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Strawberries, Tomatoes, etc. Let us have your trade. Get your order in early. Call phone 56. Alliance Grocery Co. rR. IX&IA.3ISI2, DBITTIST I 2 In Alliance 16-300! every month. Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391. eceoee0o0 Call at the Midway. Ablcy A, Wilson handle the onl t'nlon .Mndc Jlcer in town. fl-tf. Matting and linoleum at B. F. Lock wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." For Sale A No. 1 milk cow. Inquire at this office. Our spring line of carpetsand rugs are here. Call and see them. B. F. Lock wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." Rowan's for flour, rye and graham. Specialties in lace curtains, portieres and couch covers at B. F. Lockwood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull. Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec. 1-27-48. For Sale Ciicap National cash reg ister No. 47 with tape; used one year. Apply at this office. A large assortment of automobile go-carts and baby carriages at B. -F. Lockwood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." Residence for Sule. Brand new 5-room house, bath room, pantry and cellar. Two porches. Fin ished throughout in hardwood. Price $1,600. i-tf R. B. Hamilton. Furniture and all house furnishings from "kitchen to parlor" sold on easy pay ments. B. F. Lockwood Co. "Kitchen to parlor." ' Ranch For Lease. Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land, four miles east of Bridgeport. For par ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or John Hagerty, Bridgeport. Carpet Weaving. I am prepared to do all kimds of carpet weaving. Leave orders at residence three blocks east of Alliance National Bank, or Star Restaurant. J. V. Johnson. For Sale Black English Shire stal lion, four years old next June; weight 1425. He is a splendid animal, An drew Tschacher, Lawn, Neb., resi dence 7 miles south of Lawn. For Sale Cheap One of the most desir able corner residence lots in this city, In quire at this office. , Men! If you want your spring suits to fit, see Bogue. Fit guaran teed. We1! Latest in Ladies Neckwear. Latest in Men's Neckwear. What's Easter without anew TIE SEE BOGUE'S OF INTEREST TO TAX-PAYERS Complete Statement of the City's Financial Condition A Year of Prosperity. READ AND REFLECT Prom I'lnnncial Depression and .Misrule the Present Administration of Alliance Liquidates All Indebtedness and Urines Law and Order Out of Chaos. CITV WARRANTS NOW RUDUUMAHLU To the voters of tho city Tin: Unit ald desires to present a few facts that are of vital interest to all. There has been concocted a scheme to make a change in the city's administration. This attempt comes ti'om an clement that only seeks an excuse on the ground that they want reform and a better code of morals. Reform is generally used as a war cry by disappointed soreheads. What kind of reform did the Sexton and Kridlebaugh administrations give Alliance? The same old trick was tried for Akerslast year, and now its on deck again. Alliance wants good business methods and will get them. As many of the would-be reformers live 111 glass houses they are liable to get damaged if they talk much about good morals. But what we wish the public to know is the standing of Alliance today as compared ten months ago, when Mayor Buechscnstciu and the present council took hold of the affairs of the city. There is an old saying that figures never lie and we present a compiled list of receipts and expenditures that every tax-payer will concede is a complete indorsement of the present administra tion from a financial standpoint. When Mr. Bucchscnstein took the office of mayor the city was in debt to the amount of $4,408.76 in outstanding warrants, $874.58 cash dn hand, leav ing a total indebtedness of $3,624. 14 TJIIS HAS ALL BEEN PAID IN EULL. And this is not all, Mr. Tax payer. There is in the city treasury the sum of $526.25, making a net gain of $4,150.39, with no outstanding war rants. Is this not conclusive evidence of the executive ability of the present administration? Then why listen to the foolish cries of the Times and Grip for a change? In order that the voters ot Alliance may obtain a complete understanding of the condition of the city's finance, Tun Hukald publishes the following statistics as copied from the municipal records: May 5, 1903, when the present adminis tration took hold the city had unpaid war rants to the amount of S 4,49376 Cash on hand 874.58 Total indebtedness S 3,624.14 RKCEIPTS. Money received and collected from May 5, 1903, to March 29, 1904: Water Commissioner paid in..$ 5,515.90 Miscellaneous Poll and Dog tax 3,312,92 Received from CountyTreasurer 1,971.15 Occupation Tax collected ... 5,344.85 Police Fines 1,844.90 Received for License 3,50000 Money on hand Mays 874.58 Total S 22,364.30 PAID OUT. Old Outstanding Warrants $ 4,498.76 Paid to School Fund 4,960.60 Officers Salaries 2,285.80 For Garbage and Health 15305 General expense 835.84 Street Sprinkler , 398.32 Water and Pump Well Expense 2,540.95 Crcssings, Street and Alley work 1,252.34 Pumping Water and Light.... 2,663.19 Fire Department and Miscella neous 2,249.20 Balance on hand '. . . . 526.25 Total $22,364.30 Dut TkrHslrnigiTlfM. Her sleeves are 1830, And her skirt is '61. "" Her tresses in the manner Of Louis Quinze are clone. Her hat is quaint Colonial, Her brooch is pure antique, Her belt is 1850. Hut when you hear her speak You do not wonder more. Her dress is many periods But her slang is 1904. lo the Ladies of Alliance. I am now desirably located in the Sears building and am prepared to please. my many customers in ladies' tailoring and dressmaking, as you know my past exper ience will warrant the same, I therefore extend to you an invitation as I am pos itive I can please you. Thanking you for past favors, I am Yours truly, Makv MAYOR Bl'KCIISENSTKIN The man who assisted in redeeming the Citv of Alliance from moral and financial degredation. Read his reeorc in this issue. Facts that Speak for Themselves. The tax-payers and other voters of Al liance are asked to investigate the work done during tho past year, under the pres ent administration, for the benefit of the lown. Over 1,248 yards of new sidewalk have been built at a cost of from $1,800 to $1,900. This does not include repair work on old sidewalks, which were in a dilapi dated condition when the present adminis tration took hold. The city has also been benefited by the laying of 1,682 feet of new crossing during the past year, also C02 feet of tiling at a cost of $1.10 per foot. Let the people of Alliance study this mat ter and decide for themselves as to whether the present administration has not done its duty. Just compare these public im provements with those of previous admin istrations Mr. Voterandyouwillagiec that there is no room for criticism. And why not let the good work go on under tho pros cut efficient management? To the Other World. County Clerk Smyser returned last Fit day from Shawnee. Oklahoma, where he was called on account of Ilia fatal illness of his mother who died seven hours after his arrival on the 18th inst. The deceased had arrived at the age ol seventy years. She was rational almost, to the last and recog nized her son as soon as he stepped to her bedside. The meeting was most pathetic and the event smoothed the path of the good old lady on that long journey to humanity's final resting place. In speaking of the deceased, the Sullivan (111.) Herald says, "Mrs. Ellen Robinson Smyser died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles. Johnson at Shawnee, Okla., Friday, March 18. Funeral services were last Sunday afternoon, burial at Shawnee, Okla. Mrs. Smyser was the wife of Wil liam Smyser of Whitley, who has been dead over twenty years. Of her large family only three children survive her; Samuel M. Smyser vt Alliance, Neb , Mrs. Lucetta Smyser. Bethel, Ohio, and Mrs. Isaphoenia Johnson of Shawnee, Okla. Mrs. Smyser was born and raised on Sand creek. After her marriage to Mr. Smyser they lived in Whitly township in the vicinity of the Smy ser church until twelve years ago she moved to Mattoon, when her daughter, Mrs, Char les Johnson went to Shawnee, Okla. she went to live with her. and has been there except the summer of 1902 she visited her Moultrie county friends. Mrs. Smyser was known asa benevolent, charitable, Christian lady, always ready to visit and care for the sick and needy. ' District Court. The April term of distric: court will con vene in this city April 18. The docket is unusually small and the session will there for consume but a few days. There are fifty cases in all docketed, of which only two are criminal, thus proving that Box BUtte county and especially Alliance is in a healthy state morally and not requiring the assistance of the new reformer, St. Ellis. Four couples have tired of domes tic felicity and petition the court for legal separations. Twenty-one foreclosures arc docketed and seven appeals petitioned. Following is a list of jurors for the com ing session of district court. A. F. Haldridge W. A. Coleman Barney Halbur R. Garett' Matt Beaumont Henry Shimek Emil Rockey H. P. Sweezey William James T. L. Hopkins, Sr. S. R. Burk Claude Humphry Mike Butler Robert Curry F. E. Hamblin W. M. Fosket Richard Bevan Leonard Boyer J. M. Wanek Adolph Nikont Joe Carey J. W, Gaddls H. B. Slater Ole J. Moe Resolutions. The following resolutions of condolence wis-e adopted by the Ladies Aid society of the M. E. church. Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has seen fit to bring bereavement to our sister, Mrs. Shrewsbury, by taking her beloved daugh ter, Margaret, be it Resolved, 1 hat the members of the so ciety extend their sympathy in this hour of sorrow, and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions bo sent to the family, be published in the papers, and also recorded in our minutes. Mkm J. F n.BMis. Miss A. E. Lore, Mrs. F, W. Irimi, Mrs. Zehrung will do all kinds of sewing and guarantees satisfaction. Located first door west of Lockwoods.' Special services were held at the Catholic church yesterday Holy Thursday. This day commemorates the institution of the Most Blessed Sacrament by our Devine Savior at tho last supper Tho miracle of transformation whereby mankind was per mitted lo partake ot the food of eternnl life Was a significant illustration of Christ's love for fallen man. Yet how lightly wo treat the most important gift the human mind is capable of comprehending. Poor mnn would rather feed upon husks with swine or chase phantom light ratjier than accept this sacred act that means so much for his eter nal welfare. The services referred to in cluded adoration oUhe Blessed Sacrament. The Sacred Host was elevated on high nnd conveyed to the beautifully decorated shrine preceded by little girls who strew the way with flowers and foliage. During the day the church was visited by marty people who wished to show their appreciation for the gift bestowed upon mankind by the Mnn of Sorrow , soon 10 be betrayed by the very creature in whoso behalf He performed this miracle. Ralph V. Brown, the 6-year-old bon of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown who reside on Yellowstone avenue, died last Monday after a short illness.' The lad was born in Republic county, Kansas, May 23, 1897. and was therefore 6 years. ia month nnd 5 days old. The funeral occurred at the hoiue ot the parcuts Tuesday, at 1 30 p. m. nnd (he remains interred In Greenwood oemetery. Rev. Ray officiated. A fire Wednesday started by a spark from a locomotive on tho Northwestern track distroyed about 35 tops of hay in stock on the A. C. Jones ranch, north of town, and two large straw stacks on the Fred Mncomber ranch, besides burning over considerable pasture and meadow land there TTnd, on toward Whitney, Crawford Bulletin. ,w Geo. W. Perry of the Sheridan Post wasallKKALD caller last Wednesday on his return home from Rawlins, where ho has business interests, By the way, the Post shows evidence of prosperity nnd thrift. The plant will soon be moved to a home of its own and a new Cranston cylin der press will be enstallcd. The Degreu of Honor ladies and their husbands, and young ladies and sweet hearts are cordially invited to attend tire long talked of banquet given by the defeated side of the contest. This great (?) spread will be at the A. O. U . W. hall on Mon day night April 4, at 7 o'clock sharp. The spring season has arrived and with it the feathery tribe from the 'far south. Alliance nimrodshave taken down the shot guns and limbered the retrivers for active campaign against the feathry emigrants and the result will doubtless be many casualties among the geese and ducks. Dr. Bellwood was. summoned to Rushville Monday to testify in the murder trial of Dennis Wooford whe killed James Rinehart on the Spade ranch Sunday, Dec. 6, by strikeng him over the head with a scantling. Dr. Bellwood attended the murdered man who died in his office shortly after the act. Rev. Dr. Clark is home from his trip to Little Rock, where he went several weeks ago for the benefit of his health. The re sult proved beneficial to the revcrened geatleman, judging from his personal ap pearance. Felix Stewart, who has been suffering with rheumatism for several months, -was taken to Hot Springs, S. D.,last Saturday, where he is convalescing under the heal1 ing properties of that watering place. Felix is accompanied by his family. The report of the condition of the First State Bank of Hemiagford appears in to day's issue and as usual, shows that relia ble Institution to be in a flourishing condi tion. ,-w F. M, Raymond, accompanied by Mrs. Raymond, returned home from Waterloo, Iowa, Tuesday, where the former went to be at the bedside of his mother who was seriously ill and died while he was there. "People who have the real interest of Al liance at heart, will be wise to support the reform ticket" and give St, Ellis the city printing' J Harry Paup returned from Denver last Tuesday where he has been for some time under medical treatment, which has proven most satisfactory. Mrs. Wm. Gibson, of Washington, ar rived Monday of last week for a visit with Mrs. J. A. Sheldon, of Box Butte. She will remain a couple of weeks. James Connelly, the suspected murder of Henry Miller, will have a preliminary hear ing baturday, April 9. Nothing new has developed in the case since our last issue. James Kirk, who has been assisting at The First National bank since its reorgan ization, has gone to Broken Bow, where he will be employed in the bank at that place Beginning next Sunday, services at the Catholic church will be at 8 and 10 a. m. in place o,9 and 1030. Hans P. Larson, who lives near Reno, has an Ad. in this issue in reference to a blood ed stallion he has for sale, etc. AN ELABORATE SPECIAL EDITION. (Dinner ltentilillcnn.) The United States Colortypc com pnny and the Williamson Hnffncr En graving company nic engaged in the work of getting out nn industrial edi tion for the Ai.i.ianok (Neb.), IIiuiald, which will undoubtedly bens handsome an edition as was ever issued by a news paper outside of the metropolitan class. It will contain ti write up of that sec tion of the country, with 200 haH-'tone illustrations of the city, ranches and individuals. Every out is the finest that cnu be made, and the cover will be done in four colors, showing a beautiful western scene. The edition will contain twenty pages, and will be piintcd 011 hook paper. It has a splendid adver tising patronage. Alliance is about 200 miles northeast of Denver, on the main line of the Bui llngton. It has ti population of '5,000 people, nifd is said to he the best business town of its size in the stntc. M. C. Church Notes. On Saturday night Dr.Mahood will speak on "Popular Amusements..;1 'Bo sure and hear this. SUNDAY'S I'ROGRAM. ' 11 a. m. Dr. Mahood will preach on "Heaven, or the Christian's Triumph and Crown ." 3 p. m. meeting for men (boys 15 yonnsof age may come). Subject, "Sowing nnd Reaping." 7:30 big revival rally. This will bo a great meeting. , There will be a special meeting for, men only, at theM. E. church Sunday aftcmoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Mahood will 'speak on Spwing and Reaping." Tickets oL ad mission are free and can be secured at the news stand at the postolficc. It will greatly pay every man in Alliance tq attend this service even if you go lo no other during the revival. Another item that it is not ont of place to mention and which is appreciated by the community is the fact that under the pres ent administration the merchants 'ate not compelled to go down into their pockets to pay for strcetsprinkling, which was the case under former administrations. Resides paying the other fellows' debts. Mayor Buechsenstein had money enough left to pay this bill and St. ' Ellis and Editor Broome received the benefits of this, con venience. Why don't these reformers kick about this, too? Two great meetings next Sunday evening at 7'30,'ono will be held at-the United Pres byterian church for all young people under 20 years of age. Rev. J. M. Tibbett will speak at the service. The other will be a meeting for all over 20 years. Dr. Mahood will speak at this service, It is announced that passenger trains Nos, 43 and '44 will be abandoned. It would then only remain7 for the Burlington to take up the track to make the matter complete. We don't believe it will do any such thing, and the trouble is that there are too many people running the company's business. At a recent meeting of the Royal High landers appropriate and sympathetic reso lutions were passed in reference to the great loss sustained by Mrs. Shrowsbury in the death of her beloved daughter Margaret . Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood ot Hemiugford were county-seat visitors the first of the week. Miss Cora Reese, who has concluded a term of school near Canton, has returned home. Mrs. Sarah Dugger of Alliance was a passenger for Scottsbluff, Wednesday. Bayard Transcript. F. W. Hucke of Hcmingford . was trans acting business in Alliance the fore part of the week, Mr. and Mrs Coffee have gone to their ranch home near Merriman, where they will reside premanently. The Alliance Grocery Co. calls attention to their new advertisement regarding fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. Dr. Miller, of Alliance, came in Monday morning and drove out to the Wilson ranch, on Lawrence Fork. Bridgeport Blade. Turkey and ice cream at Steen's cafe, Sunday dinner. Emil Oldag of Hemingford was an Alli ance visitor Tuesday". Editor Broome of the Grip was a Craw ford visitor last Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. A. Kirk are rejoicing. over the arrival of a daughter last night. Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Hucke of Hemfng ford were Alliance visitors yesterday. Alfred Vaughn of Berea was in town yes terday and made this office a pleasant call. The Winter Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on .provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of 10 ceuts per line first insertion nnd 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion, Advertisers should remember that Tub Hun ald's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Dr Allen, dentist, opera house, 1 Old papers for sale at this office. Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work. Sears building. 'Phono 213. Sec F. E. Reddish for loans on real es tate. Dr. Koons, dentist, Office upstairs Norton block. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co 70 cents for spuds at C.J. Wildy's, Hem ingford. Fresh Jersey milk cow for sale, C. J Wildy, Hemingford. Forest Lumbor Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. See Humphrey for picture framing", up holstering and furniture repairing. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C, Huhpiirv.,.. 7-to-tf Notice I will not be responsidlo for any debts contracted by my wifo Winni fred E. King. Wm. Kino. . Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician nnd surgeon, office and residence 31 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb;. Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per manently located in the Sears building, first door west of Blackburn's store. For storm windows and doors sec Geo. Gadsby. For Sale- A quarter section of land, ten miles northwest of Alliance; good house," stable, granary, etc. Will sell stock on tho place if , desired. Pete Wcinel, Alliance, Neb. - I.OHQK nini'rTnijv. ltovAi llioiu.AMieits Alliance Castle No. fl meets very nocoihI ami fourth Thursduy evening In W. O. W. Hull. VUltlnjr Oliinsmcn eordlullv Invited. K. P. Woods, J. W. I.eihy, See')-. , U l i;. O. T. M. Meets overy first and third Frr d'iy at Etudo Hall, VIMtlng Mncc'bot) col dlully Invited. JIus. K. J. flKToi.u, L. C. .Mus, Annik Yount, U. K. 11. Ol' H. T.-lInrdstniBRle Lodge, No. tt'Z Meets every Sunday afternoon at 2., Eagle hall. Visiting brothers welcome J. A. Dunniho. W. M. M. Hargraves, Sec'y, 1 r r T land Night I STEEN'S CAFE SHORT ORDERS it AT ALL HOURS.