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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mit ww m wwwwwMii Guy Lockwood . . GlitADlATK CHICAGO KCIIOOI 01' KMIULMIXG .-.-. Funeral Director nntl Kmbalmer Phonos Office 214. Hos 205 Expert l.njy Aticnanm ,. AlllQnce, Neb, V tgfeta&Hto,. ttfv'JS&au 5w. tZ-,4- W "At; S 1 ' For ATTOIINKYH. S3' Wt MEN WILLIAH MITCHELL 31 . !' : If stem -: 7 IE THEFAMOUSl'THPriK'AT AlllgllT PAYS I wd BE HLUr L. H I m m m hII I Now M 1 , R W$H? W& Hi I PC m, r. MS I More IH A I D H K IT I El Bm I HK I 1 B I Than in fSrkfick I B H H El KHHh H H E! H B U W3 HI VPIVPI IHI Him L KkB . Ksll IMV H IH 1U Bi Sh H IM IS HEMja VM m H 1 " 1 P' Tra.dc H - I si FAMOUS. H njRSHHBHHHHnHHHHHBBHBflBHBH 8 . ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. OrricurnojcBlM). . NEBRASKA. ItmiMiNr-r. rnosr.203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTOHNCY AT LAW. Rooms 1, Sand 3, I'lrM. National bunk build hip, Alliance, Nub. Notary Itiolllce. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. "irTlTBoyd, .. At loi'iioy nt I-.U-W ALLIANCE, NKIIKASKA. Collections Riven Prompt Attention. SMITH V. TOTTI.E. I HA E. TAHII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Muln St.. - AI.UANCE. NEH. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.KTUIKIt III.OCK, ALLIANCE, ni:i. Cults answered from ofllco 1ny or night. Tclcphonu No. it.'. DRrGTwrcoLXfisS HOMEOPATH Thirty )oarn experience. DUcusos of women ami children and lmn-Hurglcal ro nmvnl of gall stoiiri and ciun of iioiidlel- tli, bpeclnUluH. (Mice first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'Phono day or night, nil. FrTnBenwoodr PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. llolHtcn llnlldlnc - AL-MA7 3K, NKIt L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. onion In First, Nntlonnl Hunk block. All! unco Nebraska. juuavTfrey; C 8TEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Ofllco two blocks north of Times building, I'honu H. Hours, 8 to 12 11. 111.. 1 :.10 to 5 p. in. "DRnrvvTEDARDS IMIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Officii owr PoNtolllcu, ALLIANCE. NKll. DrTXlVTagga In prepared to irtMitnnyand nil diseases It nown to tlio horhe untl cow. Special uUcntioti to dentistry. All work guaranteed Uarn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 sis ? kMMMbMAkrr.rjfi ttaa . kmrmF BSfiKKWcyt'K: jSm&mtm Sffllffi ,!." l. 1 i L V , tix"-t.ti I lave; your disc harrows sharpened with this power sharpener, which rolls out the steel instead of cutting' it away, thus making the disc larger and compress ing the steel, making it more tough and durable, thus keeping the disc in shape. Prices, 20, 22 and 25 cents for 16-18 and 20 in. discs. Freight paid one way from Alliance and Marsland. Will be ready for busi ness about Monday, March " CLARK OLDS & Co. IIKMINPI-OIU), NKIt. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms in firing the first gun of the Spring Campaign we wish to announce, that in spite of the great advance in all kinds of manufactured goods that we placed our orders early and for this Season our customers will escape the advance,, OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS THE NEWEST AND BY FAR THE LARGEST AND BS PRICED THE LOWEST. Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb, J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WltOI.l'.SAI.K AM) ItKTAII. STSfi'-imWutTJiSAr, . .mw-a. Wy .11 1 .......I .....'.yrr-?Tyh.v':rT-L3j'jrg; NEWoSUITS! NEW TOP COATS! NEW TROUSERS! NEW HATS! NEW SHOES! NEW SHIRTS! NEW NECKWEAR! NEW GLOVES! IV'J'J" OmSnl If liUffl I f m TUT 1 -y'-i '.m-w"!' SS3S. Clothing n IIAMH.KS Till! Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. QADSBY, Itrlek Shop We.t of Alllunco Natlcul Hank, Alliance, Nub. PHONE 400. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phono 269. Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pllkliigton'R old stand, 'pllono No. 71. For a Full Line of... Staple and Fancy Groceries Best Co fees, finest Teas, Now is the time to buy that flow Black Wor sted suit for faster regular 12.50 value for. . Fine Black Unfinished WorstedregularlG.BO f value with the stamp I of Spring W0A on " every line of them at 50 Men's Suits brokm lines all sizes in tlm lot but not all size of every style at 1-2, 1-3 aid 1-4 oriainal prices to closeoutquickJy Men's Trousers hran new styles from S5.00 down to $1.50. Niinoi pini1 i ThatCan'lbeDeat In Town.,,, ftl S Queens waret Tinware nd Enameled ware i OALL ON- A. D. RODGERS. : Alliance Candy (Jo. :: I Manufacturing Confectiona ries both wholesale and re tail. We ask the pihlic to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. OUR MOTTOl "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" rzrr:rrzzrzi Owned by W. IS. Hubbell X Son, is a coal black thoroughbred Percheron horse, six yeais old, weighs 1700 lbs. Is of fine style and splendid action. Pedigree can be seen at any time at the Hubbell ranch. Will make the season at the ranch, 15 miles west of Alliance. Is guaranteed a sure foal getter. TERMS: S10.00 to ensure a living colt. Mares from a discunce may he left for feeding without extra charge. Owner of stallion will not be rcsKniblo for any acci dent that may happen, but will use every precaution to avoid the same. W. B. Hubbell 2 Son. 100 pairs light weight Corduroy pants non ripping kind 1 49 Furnishings Lion Brand still bosom shirts 79c regular $1.25 values Well made work shirts. 50c Black Saline shirts. 50o Men's 50c Silk Neckwear in 25c four-in-hailds 50 dozen Black and Tan sox . 05c 50 dozen extra quality sox Qrj 3 pairs for 25d 1 lot of light wool mixed sox fj greatest bargain beautiful line of new -"fl mixed suiting fine fit- 111 ! t r nniln nil TTr"l O . t uiiiy nilll3 till JJM. U-U 00 The great Carhartt Gauntlet ,00 Glove made of Chrome tan ned full stock horse hide . . . Boys Brownie Overalls for 9c ages 3-4-5-6 only A big line of new Spring soft 50c Dress Shirts Hats SKoes We havo over 100 new styles a.nd prices In Men's Hcadwoar. The largest o.nd finest stock in town. Black Graceos White " Fedoras, dandies. . . . , Big lot of tourist hats . . . The great II AWES Hat. SE.00 LOO 8.50 1.00 3,00 Full line of the celebrated John B Stetsons. Shoes ?y SKoes 475 Hanan's $0. 00 Patent eolt skins at Full line of Douglas' celc- X JQ brated shoes Our $2.50 Marine Calf go at 195 Great line of Valley Caltflft Shoes &yJ Boys knee pants big sizes 19c All our 50, 05 and 75c C Boys wool knee pants. . TC Don't fail to call acrid inspect our la.rge line of the newest, snap piest jp-to-the-minute Clothing. We give you a. money guarantee with all oir siits at $10.00 and upwards. This guar antee is backed by aTwo Million Dollar concern who makes them. The Famous Mm House Agents for Carhartt's Railroad work clothes. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE. 000OV Ok 00000 A y n a. xvevm x. rvevee. , Fire Insurance. Hemingford, Nedraska. 0 0 ft V 0OOO0OO00O Aneut for tlio Culedonlun. of Scotland, which Insures town property only, unci the Colum bia, which Ingres town ana furui uix.purty unil live btook. Itoth ure rullubleuld line com-punk's Notarial 'Work.. C e W. M. FOSKETT .uLCtiorLeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. 3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neii. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? OHAS. BRUCKNER FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADETO KKl'AlRlNoTwPEOIALTY. OltDKKS CAT.LF.U KOK AND UELIVEKEU R. MADSEN, SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. ZBINDEN BROS,, . DEALERS IN Flour i Peed. "Home Comfort' ' Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WKST SIDE MAIN STREET.. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. Phone, No. 35C. ALLIANCE, NEB. WW. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD Phone Io. 5. Alliance Nebraska. A. I). NEW. AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this, and adjoining counties by the day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. Satisfaction (juarantced. Con tracts can be made at The Hkuai.d billc where references to Alllanco cltUenh will also bo Riven. sV y t