The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 25, 1904, Image 5
t. h . J: I Chas. E. Ford, President A. S. Herd, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. (4226 First ' National ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. S. K, Warrick, Cashier. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. Bank, Capital, $50,000. Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. Colorado Coal. We have a new lot of Canon City Coal that v sells like hot cakes because it is The Best. Forest Lumber Co. P Phone No. 73. Coal Company. Prices are pretty firmly fixed and we cannot always sell our black, diamonds at the figures we would like to. But we do always see you get 2000 lbs. for a ton. CANTON. Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. yiamonds, Watches, U Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches. Hail orders promptly attended to.- A7. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Proprietor. P. L. WILSON, Manager. RANCH SUPPLY STORE ELL e EVERYTHING MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. JL HOISTEFS PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drujj Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully i4e-, mS U14XUV tLXXVf.4." -isffi) SELECT stock or Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . T. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Chas. W. Lockwood returned lioinc from Alliance Monday. Quite n number of our citizens were trading in Lawn Monday. diaries Moravck was visiting with Arthur HasB Sunday evening. Emmet Johnson, four miles north of Canton, is on the sick list this week. The fine, dry, warm weather is good for our farmer ranchmen who arc going ahead with their seeding. Misses Pearl, Myrtle and Edith Hro shar were entertained at tea Sunday evening by Mrs. V. A Randall. Mr. Meek, from near Malinda, was in these parts Tuesday and made his sister, Mrs. Con. Bass, a short visit. Frank Hcvans of Nonpareil precinct was in this vicinity Tuesday gathering some horses which Joe Kapur had been wintering for him. Miss Cora Reese Icjft Sunday for Al liance for a shoi t visit among friends. We sue soiry to loose Miss Reese from our midst and from our Sunday school. Notice to Noii-Kc.sldcnt Defendants. To Henry C. llolTtnun mid Mrs. llotTmun. lirst ri-til mi mo unknown, wife of defendant. Henry C. llotlniaii.iion-rosideiitdefcndantN! Noticu Is hereby given t lint on tho.Mh diiy of Mnrcli, 1001. pluiiilHT filed lier petition In tint dlstrlet court of llox Hutte roiinty, Nebraska, wherein V. II. 1, mining, trustee. Thomus Fralim. Is'iicflclary of V. 11. Limiting, trustee, defendant, V. H, Lauulng, llunry C Hoffman mid Mrs. Hodman, tlrst real name uiiknon, wlfo of defeniliiiit, Henry ('. llofTiimn, were tnado defendants, tlio object mid pruyer of wlilcli Mild pel Itlciii is to foreclotti a tux lien based iihiii u certlllcalo of tax sale dated Jan uary 3. 1IKK, for tlio delliiiueul tuxes fur tho jeiiis ls.)T, ihBS. 1MH. IHUO, andsuhsciiueiil taxes paid by plaintiff for lliu jfarH 1W1 and 1W-, wlilcli cortlllcnto of tax sale was Issued by tlio treasurer of llox Hutto county, Nebraska, upon tho followiuK described real estate, situated In tlio county of llox Hutte, Mateof Nehinska, to-wit: Soutlieust (uarter of .section U, In tOHlislilpUH. range 4s. Tboiiuiount claimed by platutllT upon said tux lien Is tlin sum of 3I ."", of which stun ifl.77 Is for attorney's fee, with Interest thereon as pro lded by law from tlio 1st day of March, 1IX)1, tho prayer of said petition is for a decreo declaring tint aforesaid atnount. together with Interest thoreon mid costs, to Ihi a Hist and paramount Hen uiiou tho aforesaid real estate and that su'd real estato may Ixj sold under an order of the court to satisfy tho same, ami that said defendants bo forever barred and fore closed of nil interest or claim In unci to said real cittalo or any part thereof. You arc required to nnswer said petition on or before the isth day of April, UH)1 SlAitv ft. Hukii, I'lalntiir. Hy m, Mitchell, her Attorney fp Mch. II Notice to Non-Hcsldcnt Defendants. ToTliomiiN A. Davidson find Mrs. Davidson, llrst nnmo unknown, wife of defendant, Thomas A. Davidson, non-resident defend ants Notion Is hereby given that on tho 10th day of March, iwi, 11. I' Shepherd, plaintiff, filed his tKttltlim In the dlstrlet court of llox Hutto county. Nebraska, wherein Thomas A. David son mid Mr-. Davidson, llrst name unknown, wlfnof defrndaut, Thomas A. Davidson, were made defendants, the object nnd prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose two lax liens bused on two oertlllcntus of tux sale dated boptemhert, IWKund February 1, HOI, respec tively for the delinquent taxes for tho yearn l"tii.l,slUMnlind for subsequent taxes paid by plaintiff forthe jear.s HOT, IWisand IIOU. which certlilcates of tax sale were Issued hv tlio treasurer of llox Ilutto county, Nohiaska, up on the following described real estato situat ed In thu county of llox Hutte. sttn o' Ne braska, to-wit' Tho northwest quarter of section It), tu of range 411. The umoiint claimed hy plulnlilf upon satd tax lien Is the sum of i3.7!i. of which sum $0.70 Is for attorney's fee, with Interest there on us provided by law lnm tho sthdiiy or March IDOL the prayer of sutd petition Is for iidccrctuifClnrltiKtho aforesaid amount, to gether with Interest thereon ami costs, to bo a llrst and paramount lieu upon tho ufurn-atd real estatu and that sutd real ostute may Ihi sold under an oider of thu court to satisfy the wiuie, and that said defendants bo forever liarred and foreclosed of all Intercut or claim in and tiisuld reul estate or any part thereof, You are required to answer said petition on or before tho ISth day of April 1W01. II. V Shmmikiiii l'liilntlfT. Hy William Mitohkll bis Attorney. Mch II Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line. 4&& W Phone 139. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store their in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbi them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Notice to Non-Kcsident Defcndunts To John V. Hock. Mrs. Hock, llrst real nauiu unknown, wlfo of defendant, John V. Hock, iiuu-rusiueiii. uuiemiaiiiH: Notice Ih hereby Klven that on the 5tli day of March, 1WI, plalntlir, tiled her petition In the district court of Hox Hutte county, Nebraska, wherein Tho .McKlnley-I-annliiB .Loan and Trust company, V. 11 Oarnahan, receiver of Tho McKiiiley-l.iinniiiK l.oan mid Trust com pany, John V. Hock, Mrs. Hock, llrst real name unknown, wifo of defendant, John W. Hock, were made defendants, tho object aud prayer of wlilcli satd petition is to foreclose u tux Hen based utiun a ceitltlcate of tux sain dated January 3, L for thu delinquent tuxes for tho years ls7. lbM. 1MW, IB00. and subse quent taxes paid by plaiiitllf for tho yours 1K)I una uv., which ccrtiucato or tux sulo was issued by the treasurer of Hox Ilutto county. Nebraska, upon the following described real estate, situated In tho county of Hox Hutte, otatuof Nebra-ka, to-wlt: Southwest quarter of sections, in township 27, rungo 47. The amount claimed by plaintiff upon satd tax Hen is tba sum of 37.9--', of which sum, $5 00. is for attorney's feo, with Interostthereon as luw from thu 1st duy of March, 10UJ, thu prayer of said petition l for a decree doclurliiK tho aforesaid amount, together with Uterest thereon und costs, to bo u tlrst and purumount Hon upon the aforesaid real estate and thtit ald real estate nmy lie sold under an ordorof tliecouit to satis y the name, und that said defendant-, he forever and fore closed of all Interest or cluim In and to said real ostute or uny part thereof. You are rwiuired to unswor uald neililon mi or before tho 18th day of April, 1901. A1AIIT r- KKEU, ri.U.NTJI-K. Hy Win. Mitchell, her Attorney. lp.Mch II Notice. In county court of Hox Hutte county, Ne braska, I). K. Spai'ht, county Judge. James (Iraliam, pluiiitilT, ) vs. A. A. Ltithy, defoiulant. ) A. A. Iiiithy, Hon-renldcut defendant, will take notice that 011 1'ohruary tl, IWl, I). K. Htetcht, county Judj;o in mid for Ho Hutte county, Nebraska. Issued an order of iittueh nient for tho sum of USX), In an action peud lnir before him, wherein Janies (Iraham is plalntlir and A. A. I.utliy ilefeiidant, that property of tho ilefendaiit, coiislsttiiK of mono) in hands of 'hlcai;o, HurlliiKton -(,'uiucy Hallway company, has been attached under said onlor buhl cause was continued to the Ui day of Mm eh. 1W1, at 1 o'clock p m. Jamks tliiAll.VM, l'laliitlrr. Hy his Attorney, Win, Mitchell fpa-l Huhllc Notice. In tho district coutt of Ho Hutto coiliuy, Nebraska. Myrtle How man, I'lalntiir vs. Clyde Hoivinau, defendant. n 11 Ml in lit I tt ui tit nti tuiti viiklilitttt jliifiitifliitif III VIJ1IU IIIIII IIIUH) IIWM I V-IIVIIV lV'l(llltlllf iiu are hereby untitled that on tho loth day of March 1WI, Myrtle Howman, plaintiff, tiled a petit Ion against you In tho district court of Hox Ilutto county, Nebraska, thu object and prnjerof which uro to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you huvo wilfully abandoned thu plaint itf, without koimI cause, for tho tf-rm of two yeurs last past, and for the cum and custod of tho child of plaintiff and defendant. Hluiicho II. Howinau. You aru required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho ltuh day of April 1001. Mviiti.k How-man, I'laintifp Hy Wllllain Mitchell, her Attorney, Mch II "In The Good Old Summer Time )) rrocenes People bought their Staple and Fancy at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdv always get at .... GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O Corbin Building MHK"K',M: F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS i f. 1 t95 Notice to N'oii-ltesldcut Defcudunts. Tu It. H. Hullurd, Mrs. Dullard, tlr.t uauio 'un known, wlfo of tho defendant, U. U. Ital ia id, Huruey Met 'alto. Mia Mi-Cube, tlrst natnu unknown, wlfo of defendant, Harney MeUube, Tluunas II11IIK, iioii-resldeut ile feuuuuts Notice is hereby irlvm that on the ,"ith day) of Murch, 1934, Mary K. Heed, plaintiff. Hied her petition In tho district court of Hox Hutte county, Nebraska, wherein W. 11. I, alining, trustes, Thomas Krahui, benf flt'Ury of W. 11. I-unnliiK, trustee, defendant, W. II. I-annlin;, It. II. Uallard, Mrs. Italian!, llrst namo un known, wife of defendunt. It. U. Mallard, Harney McCube, Mrs. McUubp, llrst name un known, wlfo of defendant, Harney McCabe, Thomas llollis, were made defendants, the object und prajer of which said petition is to forecloso a tax lieu bused upon u certificate or tax sals dated January 3, IWi-J, for tho delin quent taxes for thu jeurs lsti.1. lsftl, IKK), ami subseiluent tax paid by plalntlir for tho jears 1001 mid 1P., which certificate of tax sale was issued by the treasurer of Hox Ilutto county, Nebruska, iiimui the rollowlnsr ilescrlbed real estate, situated In thu county of Hox Hutte, statu of Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest quarter of section 10, In township 'JH, of rariKe 17. The amount claimed by plaiiitllT ux)n s,ald tux I km is the sum of :tl,in!, of whhli sum 13.77 is for uttoriihj'n feo, with interest thereon as provided by biw from the 1st day of March, J001. tho prajcr of said petition is for a decree deelurliiK the aforesaid amount, togcl her with interest thereon and costs, to bo a first mid paramount lien upon the aforesaid real estate and that wild real estate may bo sold under mi order or tho court to satisfy the same, and that said defendants he forever barred mid fore closed of all iutorct or claim lu and to said real estate or an pai t thereof You are required to answer said petition on or before the sth day of April. 1IKJ1. MAltV K. Iti.Ki) l'lalntllf. Hy Win. Mitchell, her Atuirnu v fp Mch. 11 Notice of election. Notlco Is hereby ulven, that oil Tuesday, tho firth day of April A. D. 1001, an election will bo held In tho city of Alliance, lu Hox Hutte county, Nebraska, for city ollleers as follows: Mayor. flty (ilerk. City Treasurer. (Jlty HiiKlueer. Duo councilman for First Ward, Alliance. Unucounclluian for Second Ward, Alliance. Also nn election for members of tlio School Hoard of District No. (I or llox Hutto county (embrncliiK tho city of Alliance) will bo held ut the same time and plucu for tho election of threo members of said Inmrd, one to till va cancy and two for thu regular term. 1'nllliiK places will bo open In thu First Ward lu thu Woodman hall ou Montana street, and lu thu Second Ward lu tho Uity Uouucll cham ber on Hox Ilutto iivenuo, and polls will lie open from 0 o'clock 11. 111. until 7 o'clock p. 111. (mountain time.) Jab. II. II. IIewktt, City Clerk. t T T T Y X X J T 3 t V :!: T T H..H.HWX'H''XWM4.H.-H Drugs, Perfumes Toilet Articles. FIRST NATIONAL ANK BLOCK. and Paints, Oils and Wall Paper Alliance, Nebraska. s s Farmers and Stockmen M We are prepared to make you wells of any size or depth and furnis an abund ance of water for hand or wind power. Acheson & Joder ?rTrrrrrrrrT)vw?Yrrrir?SY Notice to Redeem. To Isaac Holt, the known and unknown heirs of Isaac Holt, deceased: You and each of you uro hereby notified that on the ith day or July, IKK!, C. ('.Stevens pur chased ut tax salu the southeast quarter of section Hi In township '25 of ratiKM 5-, in Hox Hutto cdtinty, Nebraska. That said land was tuxed lu tho name of Isaac Holt, and that said purchase of tax sale of said laud was made for years 1SU7. 1SUH, 18U9 and 11XX) and that subsequent tuxes have been paid on said land by C. O. Stevens for the eur IW1 mid HW. ''hut the time for redemption of the ufore.sald laud will explruou thullllliduy or July, 'Mi. Dated, Alffaiicu Nebraska, this 13th day of Murch, HUM. f p-Mch. ih (!. C. Htkvkna. lliirry Dunnlnu O. L. Gilbert Dunning & Gilbert Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets, Mimics, etc. Music furnished for Parties, Receptions, and other social gatherings. Alliance, Neb. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. Est ray One small tlire-year-old bluck steer, weight about 050 pounds estrayed from our ranch about the first of last August. Ho bore the brund P"l on rlpbt hip. Anyone locating this I I unlinal pleuse notify me and re ceive ruward. Oillino linos. 2t-3 p. O. address, Hox Hutte, Neb. HERE IS A BARGAIN For 30 Days Only. IN ALLIANCE. The finely finished property formerly owned by Jos. P. Lynch, located three blocks west of the court house. It is mod ern throughout. Higbt rooms, electric lights, heated by furnace, has bath room, closets, pantry, and a cellar all bricked in fine shape. Darn for horse, cow and buggy. Front yard set to olue grass and trees. Has brown stone and wood walks. Gas-pipe fence for enclosure. Two full corner lots, southeast front, property new. Will sell this property for cash, or take part cash, balance in cattle or horses. For information correspondwith J. H. EDMISTEN, Lincoln, Neb. Shci if rs Sale. No. 1501. Hy virtue of uu order of salu Issued by the clerk of the district court of Hox Hutto coun ty Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said court lu favor of Tho Ulrurd Trust Com puny, a coriKiratlou orKUiiled under the laws of tho statu of I'ennsylvanla, plalntlir, and agalnstltosa .lamia and the unknown heirs of Joseph uJandn. deceased, defendants, I wlll.on tlio ISthduy of April A. D. lWOi, at 10 o'clock u. ra. onaaidday, at tho west front door of thu court hoaso lu Alliance. In said county, sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Th northeast quarter of section 87. In town ship 27. north of rango 53. west 01 U10 sixth principal meridian, In Hox Hutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, to Batlsfy said order of alo Jn thu sum of H.OQ3.44 and Interest, costa and accruing costs sublect to all unpaid taxes. I It A HEED. . Sheriff of said County. T. Q. Bimonbon, Attorney for Hlulutlff. fp Mc 11 Sheriff's Sole. No. JMI. Hyvlrto' of an order of sile issued by tho clerk of thu district court of Hox Ilutto coun ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by said court lu fuvorof T. M. l.awler. plulntlff. und against A.J. Hubcock, Mrs. Habcoek. first namo unknown, wlfo of defendant. A. J.Hab cock defendants, I will on th 2th dayof April A. 1). 11104, at 10 o'clock a. in. on said day. ut tho west front door of thu court house In Alll ance, in said county, sell tho following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The nortliwest quurter. section 10, In town ship 25. north of range 4s, west sixth principal meridian, in Hox Hutte County, Nobrusku, ut public auction to thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sulo In the sum of $05 00 and interest, costs und accruing costs subject to ull uiiald tuxes. IHA HEKI). Sheriff of said county. William witchei.i. Attorney for I'laliitltl fp Mch H Notice 10 Redeem. To William L. Dutchcr: You anil each of you lire hereby untitled that on the li'th day or July, lfttJ, (J.U Stevens pur chased at tax sale, the soutlieust quurtcr of section lO.ln township '.'4. rangu53 in HoxjHuttu county, Nebraska. That suU land was taxed Inthenameo WtllliiuiLi.Dutcher.und thut said purchase of tux sale of said land was mudo for thu yeurs 18W and 1U00 und that subso iiuvnt taxes huvo been puld on said 'and by U. O, Htevens for thu years 1001 and IDiU. That tho time for thu redemption of aforesaid laud will expire on the 12th day of July, 11)04. Dated Alliance, Nebruska, this 15th day of Murch, ll4. t p-Mch. is 0. O. Btbvk.ns. Notice. TV Anton .Melcholr, W. II. (Juruuhaiiuud Mc-Klnlcy-iaiinitig Ii.m aud Trust company: Vou mid each of you are hereby uotilled that on the Pth duy of July KKK. Y. L. Jewell pur chased at lux sale, the southwcil quarter sec tion II, township t'T laugH 5J, Hox Ilutto county, Nebraska, l'hsrf said laud was taxed Inlhenumnof Anton Vclchoir and thut said purchasuat tax tale ot naid land was mude for the years 1MW, ISUS and HXW. and that sub enuent tuxes have been paid on said land by said W. L. Jewell for the years tiUI nud IWU. lhat said W. U Jewell has assigned alt Ills in terest in aud to said tax crtlllcalc and said de lin(iiientuiidsubs(ueiittaxes paid theieunder to l''. It. Davison who is now tho owner und holder thereof. That the time fur redemp tion of above deseilbed bind will expire on thu Dili or July 1(104 Dated Allluiice, Nebraska, March IK, IP0I. Mehlsiiw F.H.Davison. Am King Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 136. ---"- The placing of a few dollars monthly in the J ... ALLIANCE ... 1 National Bank e o a will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. M. Knioiit, President W. II. CJoituiM, V. President . 0. II. CONNETT.Cashler. jBI EjJJ CJJ Tw sU4 ryfllii vKH L bank book vui itr Notice. Company mid Jumos U. To I'lilon Trust Smith: Vou und each of you uro hereby notified thut oil the Hth day of July UKr.', . I,. Jewell pur chased ut tax sale, thu southeast quarter of section 10, township -.T. range &'. Hox Hutte county, Nebraska. That sain land wus taxed In thu nmiiK of James (S. Smith and I'ulou Trust Company and that said purchase at tux Mile of said land was uiado for thu year 1000, aud that subsequent tuxes have been paid ou said land by said W.I, Jewell for the years 1U0I and 1WJ. That tlio snid W I,. Jewell lias assigned all his Interests In and tothu said tax certllicatuandsJld (lelliKiiiFiit and suhse iitieut taxes paid thereunder to F. H Davison who is now the owner and holder thereof. Thut thu time for redemption of llinalxivo described laud wilt expire on thiHUh ot July, 1U01. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, March Isth 11)04, Mch. ih-3w V. II. Davison. Administrate '9 Notice. Stale of Nebraska, I fM Hox Hutte County. ) At acaunty court, hcldat the fnunty court room, III und for said county, March 18, A. D. 1W4. Present, D. K. Spacht. county judge. In thu matter of thu estate of Henry II. Miller, deceased. On reading aud tiling the petition of Annlo Lelth, praying that udrnlnUtratlon of said es tuto may be granted to her as administratrix. Ordered that April 15th, A. 1). 1U04, ut 1 o'clock p. in., isussigned for heating said pe tition, when ull persons Interested in said matter may appear ut a county court to bo held 111 uud for said county, aud show cause why thu pruyu: of iwtltloner should not bo grunted: and that notice of tho iiendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof, 1x3 given to all persons Interested tu said matter by puiiiisiuug u copy 01 tins order 111 the ai.i.i anok Herald, u weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of liearlnt;. I) K. tli'ACHT, County Judge, (A true copy ) I ska l.J fp.Mch.25. 0ee096S9909-x;w0eceoceeo60e FIRE IS' ICLSOIN FLICTCIIER INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford I'Iro Insuiaiico Company. North American ot l'hlladelphiu. I'hoeulx of Hlooldyn. New York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Flio Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ixiudon Liverpool. London uud Globe Ins. Co. German Ainerlcun Ins. Co., New York. Gunners und Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hoenlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office Up-Stnlrs, I'Ictchcr Hlock. Alliance, Nebraska. 15 3 X 33. Palace Livery S. K. DESCH, Prop. ONE hlock WEST of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NEW zhinden . , an(j courteous treatment to all has won for us tho HCII.DING. 'Hhonc 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. Estrayed From tho Ullllug ranch on or about tlio sec ond duy of Decumbur lust a bright bay gelding work horse, white face, branded T 011 Jaw. Anyone locating auulnial and notifying us will Uo promptly rowarded. Hehmen Vmet. a-3l 1. O. addross, Hox Hutte, Neb. Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established 1878 Dealers In Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. e