The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 18, 1904, Image 6

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s '
Chas. E. Ford, President
A. S. Rkkd, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents.
First National
S. K. Warrick. Cashier.
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
Capital, $50,000.
Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R.
Surplus and Profits, $20,000
M Hampton,
H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick.
Colorado Coal.
have a
new lot of Canon City
like hot cakes because
The Best.
Coal that
it is
Forest Lumber Co.
'Phone No. 73.
Coffee Sc Dowel
Notice to Non-Kesldcnt Defendant.
To Henry C HolTmuu nnd Mrs. llolTninn, first
rcul nnme titikiiowii. wife of defendant.
Henry C. Hoffman, non-resident defendants:
Notice Is hereby given that on Hie 3th rtny of
March, 1P0I. plaintiff filed her petition In the
district court of Hox Hutto comity, Nehru-ika.
wherein W. II. Lnnulng, trustee, Tliouint
Frahtn, Uneflclury of V. II. Luiuilug, trustee,
defendant. V. H. Lntinlng, Unary O. Hoffman
and Mrs. itoffmnii, first real iiiimn unknown,
wife of defendant, Henrx t Hoffman, worn
made defendants, thti object nuil prayer of
which said petition Is to foreclose a tux lien
based upon a certificate ot tax sato dated .Iim
unry 3. 1002, for tlio dellmiuent taxes for tho
yearn 1S07, IHUS. lwn. 1000, and subsequent taxes
paid by plaintiff for the years UWt and 1P02,
which certificate of tax sale was Issued by tlio
treasuror of Hon Hutto county, Nebraska, Upon
the fallowing dcserlliod real estate. Minuted
In the. county of Hox Hutto, state of Nebraska,
to-wits Southeast Munrter of section It, In
township 28. range 4s.
The amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tux Hen Is the sum of M 57. of which sum
W.77 Is for attorney's fee. with Interest thereon
as provided by law from thn 1st day of March,
1IXU, tlio prayer of said petition Is for a decroo
declaring tho aforexnld amouiiU tOKether with
Interest thereon and costs, to 1st n first and
paraiiiiiuut lien upon tho aforesaid real estate
and that said real estate may bo sold under an
order of the court to satisfy tlinsamc, and that
said defendants Ik) forovur Iwirred and fore
closed of till interest or claim In and to said
real estate or any imrt thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 18th day of April, HH)4.
MauvK. llr.Kli. IMalntltr,
Hy Wm Mitchell, her Attorney fp Mcli. II
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands.
. . ZFeuaacLlsr Trstde Solicited.
Goods Delivered to anv part of the cltv. Come and fJs.
1 Phone 206
Coal Company.
Prices are pretty firmly fixed
and we cannot always sell our
black diamonds at the figures
we would like to. But we do
always see you get 2000 lbs.
for a ton.
FjMtK --k. "vi.
-Pi fc vSm&&
Daniel Myers made n trip to tho
"Hub" recently.
Mrs. G. M. Hanks made n flying trip
to Alliance Inst week.
G. M. Hanks litis gone cast to visit
his friends and relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kicstcr entertained n
few friends last Sunday.
Alex Ross visited Alliance Friday
and Saturday on business.
A Colorado horso buyer was in this
vicinity buying horses last week.
Miss Lena Thompson has returned
to Box Hutto nnd resumed her school
duties after an absence of two weeks.
The social at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. lodcnco was a grand success.
Those from n distance were lSinll Hockey
nnd Miss Susie Hopkins of Hcmingford
nnd Miss Lizzie Shaw of Alliance.
Notice to N'on-Hcsldent Defendants.
To John V. Nock. Mis. Hock, first real name.
unknown, wife of defendant,. lobu V. Hock,
non-resident defendants
Notice Is hereby given that on tho Mb day of
March, 1WI, plaintiff, filed her petition in tlio
district court of Hox Hutte county, Nebraska.
wherein 1 fin Mchliilfy-Latiuiiig Loan and
Trust company, V. 11. Curnohun, receiver of
Tlio Aiciviuicy-i.uiining iwin and Trust com
pany, John W. Hock, Mrs. Hock, first real
name, unknown, wife of defendant. John W.
Hock, were madu defendants, the object nnd
prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose
a tax Hon based upon a cettlllcntu of tax sale,
dated January .1. UK!, for tho delinquent taxes
for tlio years 1817. 1B0, 1SW, 1000. and subse
qtient taxes paid by plaintiff for tlio years I IV) I
and 1002, which certificate, of tax salu was
Issued by tho treasurer of Hox Hutto county.
Nebroska. uikjii tlio following described real
estate, situated In tho county of Hox Huttc,
stuto of Nebraska, to-wlt: Southwest quarter
of section 5. In township 27, ran no 47.
The amount claimed by plulntlft upon said
tax Hen is the sum of 37.1h. of which sum,
$5.00, is for attorney's f en, with Intercstthercon
as provided by law from the 1st day of March,
1004, tboprnyerof said petition is for a dvcreo
declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with
Interest thereon and costs, to no u first and
paramount lien uiMin tlio aforesaid real cstatn
and that said real estate may bo sold under an
order of tho court to satisfy the xaino, and that
said defendants bu forever barred and fore
closed of all Interest or claim In and to said
real estate or any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the mil day ot April, 1HU4.
Hy Win. Mitchell, her Attorney. fpMcli. 11
s, r'tJffJ4tfjrrf
"In The Good Old Summer Time"
People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and so they will
the whole year through because he carries the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is what customers like
and what thdv always get at .
'Phone 5O
Corbin Building
Dierks' Lumber I Coal Co.
) iamorids, Watches,
Gold Jewelry,
. Souvenirs
Notice to Non-Hcsldcnt Defendants.
To Thomas A. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson,
first tiamo unknown, wife of defendant.
Thomas A. Davidson, uon-residcut defend
ants Notice Is hereby gl von that on tho 10th day
of March, 1001. H. H. Hhopliord, plaintllf, filed
his etltlon In tlio district court of Hot Hutto
county. Nebraska, whoroln Thomas A. David
son nnd Mm. Davidson, llrnt nutuo unknown,
wife ot defendant, Thomas A. Davidson, were,
mudo defendants, the object and prayer of
which .said petition Is to foreclose two tnx lions
based on two certificates of tnx snlo dated
Beptcmbor 1, 1WW. nnd February 1, 1P0I, respec
tively for tho delinquent taxes for tlio years
INM.lttflMsW and for subsequent taxes paid by
plaintiff for tho years 1807, lSWutid 1H00, which
certltlcatiis of tax snlo were Issued by the
treasurer of Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, up
on the following described real estate, situat
ed In tho county of Hox Hutto, style of Ne
braska, to-wlt: Tlio northwest quarter of
section 10. In towiihlp2U, of ranno 411.
Tho amount claimed by plaintllf upon said
tax Hen is thu sum bf tSXT. of which sum $0.70
Is for attorney's fee, with Interest there
on as provided by law from thn Hth day of
March IU04. thn prayer of said petition Is for
a decree declaring the aforesaid amount, to
gether with Interest thereon and costs, to bo
a first nnd paramount lien upon tho ufoitsald
real estate nnd that wild real estnto may bo
sold under an ordor of tho court to satisfy tho
snuie, and that said defendants bo forever
liar red and foreclosed of all Interest or claim
In and t. said real estate or any part thereof,
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho iHtli day of April 1'JOI.
It. H. SliM'HF.iili. Plaintiff.
Hy Wil. i.iam Mitchki.i. his Attorney. Mch II
F. J. Brennan & Co....
Drugs, Perfumes
nd Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
Alliance, Nebraska.
Repairing in all its
Branches. -
flail orders promptly
attended to.-
YA. O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician.
Is One. of tho Most Up-to-Date Drug
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Carefully Gi,
Oomt)otinded s
Watches and Daimonds.
Fine Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Notice to Non-Resident Dcfcnduuts.
To It. Ht Hal lard. Mrs. llallard, first name, un
known, wife of tho defendant, U. it. Hal
lard. Uiimoy McCalie. Mrs. .McCabo. first
namo unknown, wife of defendant. Harney
McCabo, Thomas llollls, non-resident de
fendants: Notice is hereby given that on tho 5th day of
March, UWt, Mary K. Iteod, plnlntltr, filed her
petition In tho district court of Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska, wherein V. II. LunnliiK,
trususj, i nomas iratini, itcueiiciiiry or w. n.
l.annluK, trustee, defendant, V. Ii. tannlnx,
It. It. Hallaid, Mrs. llallard, llrst namo un
known, wife of defendant. H. U, Uallard,
Harney McCalie, Mrs. McUiitie. first namo un
known, wife ot defendant, Iiaruey McCalie,
Thomas HoIIIh, were mado Uofendaiits, tho
object and prayer of which said petition Is to
foreclose u tux lien based upon a certificate ot
tax sale dated January X 1W for the delin
quent taxes tor tho years lfcttj. 1M4, 1P0O, and
subsequent tax paid by plaintiff for thu years
1901 and liny, which ccrtlficato of tax sale was
Issued by thu treasurer of Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska, upon tho following described real
estate,' situated in tho county of Hox Hutto,
state of Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest quarter
. .. .!... , n I.. ,..h...lIiI.. iki ..ff ....... ,?
Ill ni'Ullifll JU, III niwiianiii r, ui imiuuii.
The amount cluimed by plalntlll UK)ii said
tux lien is the sum of S31.&U, of which sum
J3.77 19 for attorney's fee, with interest thereon
us provided by law from tho 1st day of March,
1WM, tho praer ot said petition Is for a decrca
declurlifK the aforesaid amount, together with
Interest thereon and costs, to tie a first and
paramount lieu upon tho aforesaid real estate
and that said real estate may Is) old under an
order of tho court to satisfy tlmsame.aiid that
said defendants hu forever barred and fore
closed of all ImeiMHt or c.iilin In nnd to said
real estate or an) part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or lieforu the 1Mb day of April. JIX1J.
MaiiY !:. Kkbii, I'lnliillir.
Hy Win. Mltcholl, her Attorne y fp Men. II
lion J Notice to l-niid Owncis.
(Itoud No. 4il.)
To Whom It My Concekn:
tiio commissioner apKiutei to lay out u
road lietwuen ilemlneford and Alliance. In
Hox Unite county. Nebraska, bus reKrted In
favor of the road as follows:
From the point where tho west lino of
the rlk'ht ot way of Hie (Jrund (sland and
WvomitiK I'untral ltullway I'ompiiuy Un
tcrsects thu secllou Hnu iMitween sec
tion H and IT of township 27, motto 49 V.,
si.utliward alonu said riBlito way and ot tho
rejrular wldtli of M feet, exrept as herein men
tioned. Heelnnins at n ixilnMHtfl feet north
ward from tho olnt where tho railroad cross
es tlio township line, tho south lino ot section
31, ot township U7, raiiKO 40, tho west lino
of said road Is made tuniiKlo westward a dis
tance ot too feet, nt which point It Is ina feet
from tho center of tho railroad truck. Thence
It extends southward parallel to tho railroad
1350 feet. Thence southward ton feet to a
)K)lntS50feet from thu center of tho railroad,
Thence 400 feol parallel to tho railroad.
Thenco 400 feet to u point ut thu regular dis
tance of 110 feet from center of railroad. At
u K)lnt 4000 feet southward. from the crossing
ot tho township line above mentioned and 011
the southwest quarter of section -, ot town
ship 2rt, ruiiK'o4l said west line of thu road
angles westward 550 feet to 11 ioInt 100 feet
from tho center of tlio railroad. Thence 400
feet to a point 110 feet from thu center of rail
road. At u draw in section 15, township 25, ruiiio
48, suld road is mudo to vary westward to 11
point 2A4 feet from center ot railroad, und 011
the N. W. iiunrtcrof section 20 of same town
ship und rungo, said road Is extended to it line
150 feet west of center of railroad for u dis
tance of7 4 feet. Built road terminating ut
lino between section 20 nnd 35 of township 5,
ranged, and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must bo (lied In the county
clerk's office on or before noon of the 7th day
of May, A. D., 1904, or said road will bo estab
llshed without reference thereto.
y. M. Smiseii,
4t-fp Feb 20 Ckiunty Olerk.
Sheriff's Sale.
No. 1504.
Hy virtue of unorder of sale issued by the
clerk ot the district court or Hox Huttc coun
ty Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said
court in furor of The Glrard Triut Com
pany, a corporation organized under the laws
or tno statu or t'ennnyivnnia.
against HosaJanda and the
AlAtAAtAtAtAARAAtALtJtlltA&a AMAAAtAt4AAtJl,t.ftlMAt S
Farmers and Stockmen
to county court of Hox Unite county,
hrasku, I). K. Spncht. county Judge,
.lames Graham, plaintiff,
vs. V
A. A. I.uthy, defendant. )
A. A. Luthr. uon-rcHldent defendant.
tnku notice that on February II. IPOi. I).
Bimelit. county Judge In und for Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska, issued an order of attach
ment tor tiiu sum 01 mn..ij, in an action penn
ing beforo him, wherein .lames Urnhatn Is
plaintllf and A. A. I.uthy defendant, that
property of tho defendant, consisting ot
money. In hands of Chicago, Hurlliigton &
(juiucy llailwuy comtiany, has been attached
under said order, bald can so was continued
to tho 25lh day of March, ltwi, ut 1 o'clock p.m.
lAMKS UllAIIAM, i'lalntlft.
Hy his Attorney, Win, Mitchell. f p !l-l
Public Notice.
In the district court of Hox Hutto county,
Myrtle Howniim, l'liilntlir.
, vs.
Clyde Uowmiui.llefendant.
to Clyde llowmuu.non resident defendant,
ynu are hereby notllled that on tho loth day of
March IU04, Myrtlo Uowmiin, pluintlff, filed a
petition against you In tho district court of
I lor Hutto eotintv. Nebraska, tho object and
prayer of which lire to obtain a divorce from
you on thu ground that you have wilfully
abandoned the plaintllf. without good cause,
for the term or two years lust past, ami ror
the cum and custody of tho child of plaintiff
and defendant. Uluncho il. Howmail. You uru
requited to answer said petition on or beforo
Monday tho Isth day of April 1104.
Hy William Mitchell, her Attorney, Mch 11
We are prepared to make you wells of
any size or depth and furnis an abund
ance of water for hand or wind
Acheson & Joder
Notice of IClcctlon.
Notice Is hereby given, that 011 Tuesday, tho
fifth day of April A. 1). ll04, an election will
1m) held In the city of Alliance, In Hox Hutto
co"',t, Nebraska, for cltv ofllcers as follows:
City Clerk.
City Treasurer.
City Knglnecr.
Ono councilman for First Ward, Alliance.
One councilman fur Second Ward, Alliance.
Also an election for members of tlio School
Hoard of District No. U or Hox Hutto county
'(embracing tho city of Alliance) will Ih held
at the same time and place for tho election of
three mombers of said hoard, one to till va
cancy and two for the regulurterm.
Polling places will lw open In tlio FlrstWard
In thu Woodman hall on Montana street, and
In the Second Wart I In tho City Council cham
ber on Hox Hutto avenue, and polls will 1m
open from ! o'clock u. m. until 7 o'clock p. m.
(mountain time.)
JA8. H. U. Hkwktt, Olty Clerk.
Am King
Schjitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer
W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must
be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck
of each bottle.
Family and Mail Order Trade solicited
Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 136.
Notice to iicdectn.
To Isaac Holt, the known and unknown heirs
of Isaac Holt, deceased:
You and each of you u re hereby notified that
on the 12th day of July, IlKXi, C. C. Stevens pur
chased at tux sale the southeust quarter of
section 32,1n township 25 ut range 52, In Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska. That wild land wus
taxed in tho name of Isaac Holt, und that
said purchase of tax sale ot said land wus
mudo for years 1807, 1WM, lSW and 1P00 and that
subsequent tuxes have been paid on said land
by C. C. Stevens for tho years 1001 und 1002.
That the time for redemption ot the uforesald
land will expire on tho 12th day of July, 1104.
Dated, A II Unco Nebraska, this 15th day ot
Mureh, 1104. f p-Mch. 1H 0. C. bTEVKHS.
Dray and
Transfer Line.
about what to do with your Household Goods
S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then
in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbi
them wherever desired. Charges reasonable.
The only spring dray line in the city.
Phone 139.
S. A. Mi Her.
Marry Dunning
(. L. Gilbert
Dunning & Gilbert
Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets,
Mimics, etc. . Music furnished for
Parties, Receptions, and other
social gatherings. Alliance, Neb.
FroveM of Welding Aluminum.
A firm of Hanau, Qermarvy, has ruo
Meded In welding asmte sot , bout
the use of any metal, solder or ciL
Mo seam caa be dsteetsd, and the weld,
ed pieces can resist blows and tern
peraturo variations as well as It ther
were no Joint' The process Is a &
erst one.
lilultttlfP tinrl
unknown heirs of, la.rt,l fll1llu.iul tuf ....ft .. ... J T .sill ...
the 12th duy of Anrll A. D. 1004. at 10 o'clock a.
m. on said day. at thu west front door of tho
court house In Alliance, In said county, sell
tho roilowlng described real estate, to-wlt:
The northeast uuurtcr of section 27, In town
ship 27. north of rungo 52. west Of tho sixth
principal meridian, In Hox nutto county, Ne
hrasku, at public uuctlon to the highest bid
der for cash, to butlsfy mid ardor of sale In
thu sum of Lutein and Interest, costs and
accruing costs suhlcct to till unpaid taxes.
I ft A HEKU.
Sheriff of suld County.
. u. niHONSO.V.
Attorney for I'lalQtlh. fp Mc 11
Shcrlfrs Sale.
No. 1MI.
Hy virtu of unorder of salu Issued by tlio
clerk ot tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by suld
court in fuvorof T. 11. l.uwlcr, idulntltr, and
against A, J. llubcock, Mrs. Hancock, first
name unknown, wife of defendant. A. .I.Hah
cock defendants, I will on tho 12th dayot April
A. I). 1U04, ut 10 o'clock a. in. on said duy. ut
tlio west front door ot tho court bouno In Alli
ance, In said connty, sell thu following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter, section 10. in town
ship 25. north of rungu4S, west sixth principal
meridian, In Hox Hutte County. Nebraska, nt
public uuctlon to tho highest bidder for cash,
U) satisfy suld order ot sale In tho sum ot
$05 00 und interest, costs und accruing costs
subject touli unpaid tuxes.
hcrlirof said county.
Wii.t iiu uimuvti.
Notice to Redeem
To William L. Dutchor:
You und each of you ure hereby notified Unit
on tho 12th day of July, 1002, 0.U. Slovens pur
chased at tux ulo, tlio southeast uuurtcr of
section township 24, range 52 in Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska. That sal J land was tuxed
Intheiiameo WllllamUUutc-her.and that said
purchase of tax sale ot suld lund was made for
the years 1KU9 and 1900 und that subse
quent taxes have been paid on suld land by C.
U. Stevens for tho years 1001 and 1002. That
the time for th redemption of aforesaid land
will expire on the 12th day ot July, 1S4.
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of
March, IP04. f p-Mch. lfl O. O. Htkvicns.
To Anton Melcholr, V. II
Curnuhanund Mc-
Ivlnlev-Liinninir Iounund Trust comnunv:
You and each ot you are hereby notified that
on the Uth duy of July 1002, W. L. Jewell pur
chased ut tax sale, the southwest quarter sec-
ss, uux unite
The placing of a few
dollars monthly in the
I ... ALLIANCE ...
National Bank
will soon enable you to
buy a comfortable home.
5 V. M. Knioht, President
V. H. OouniN. V. President .
O. II. CONNBTT.Oushler.
Hartford Fire Insurance Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Hlooklyn, New York.
Continental of New York City.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
New York Underwriters, New York,
Commercial Union Assurance Co., London
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
Fanners and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln.
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
I'liocnlx las. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Office L'p-Stalrs,
Fletcher IUock.
Alliance, Nebraska.
mt ran;
ThsO Ml
fld 1
tlnn 11. townshln
county. Nebraska. Thau suld land was tuxed
lullieuameot Anton jueicuoir aim inai bam
purchase at tax salu ot said lund was made
for the yeurs 1308,1899 and 1000. undthut sub
senuent taxes have leen paid on said land by
suld W.L. Jewell for the years 10J1 and 100J.
That said V. L. Jewell bus unsigned all his in
terest in and to said tax certificate and suld de
linquent and subsequent taxes paid thereunder
to I.'. Ii. Davison who is now the owner und
holder thereof. That the time fur redemp
tion of above described lund will expiro on
the 9th of July 1004.
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, March 1H. 1004.
Mch IH 3w F. H. Davison.
alaco Livery
S. H. DESCH, Prop.
To Union
and .lame Q.
You und each of you uru hereby notified that
on the Uth duy of July 1002, W. L. Jewell pur
chased at tux sale, tho southeust quarter of
section 10, township 27, range &2. Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska. That said lund win tuxed
In tho namo ot James (1. Smith and Union
Trust Company and that suld purchase uttux
sale of said land was madu for the year
1000, and that sulhcqueut taxes have been
paid on said land by said W.L, Jewell for tho
year 1001 und Wi. That thu said W. L. Jewell
hus assigned ull his Interests In and to thu said
tax certificate and said delinquent und subse
quent taxes puid thereunder to F. II. Davison
who Is now the owner und holder thereof. That
tho time for redemption of the uhovo described
land will uxuiru on the Oth of J til v. ll4.
Alliance, Nubrusku, march 1Mb liui,
I1UILDINO. 'Phone 72
Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us.
Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co
Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs,
Cow and Horse Hide Robes,
Leatherand Saddlery Hardware
L. C. BURNETT, M'gr.
Nebraska City. Nebraska.
I Attorney for I'Jaintllf. fp Mch 12
i Mch. 1S-3W
F. U. Davisox,