The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 18, 1904, Image 4
H 4 x ij I. r u A ii h v: i V 1 i 1 RESTORED TO HEALTH. Many wank, Buf faring women do not know that thol'" Kidneys nro sick. Ilackuche tells of sick kidneys, and so do urinary disor ders. Sick kld neys mako bad blood, and bad blood makes bad digestion, h o a r t palpitation, dizzy headaches, nervous ness, sleeplessness, sclntlca, rheumatic pains und constant depression. Can't be restored to health until tho kidneys aro cured. Read how ono woman was restored by using Doan's Kidney Pills: Mrs. H. A. Vur. Sickle, 311 6th Ave., S. W. Roanoke, Ya., says: "Kidney trouble was hereditary In our family and I had been so continually allllcted with tho diseaso that I began to des pair of cvon temporary relief. Some times I suffered bo severely that I was conflnd to my bed. Tho aching In my back was Inteuto and tho kidney dis order caused 'nn excess of uric acid in my blood which Impaired my diges tion. ' I was compelled to deny myself of many of tho little delicacies of diet. Tho doctors diagnosed my caso as congestion of tho kidneys, I had about givon up hope when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, but ! took only a few doses when their curative powers wero proven to my satisfac tion. I have never been without them IMUio liouso since." Doan's Kidney Pills aro sold by all dealers; price 50 cents; or mailed on receipt of price by Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. Wrlto for free trial. Candor ever tho brightest gem of truo criticism. Disraeli. A light heart Is a lighthouse lor hearts. Insist on Getting It. Bone , grocers say they don't keep De fiance Starch because they have a stock in band of 13 cs. brands, which they know cannot be sold to a customer who has once eaod the 10 or. pkg. Defiance Starch for same money. Lovo is a great source of economy In a housenold. Halovy. When a woman gets into finances her sordid disposition shows up. I Dm sure Plso's Cure lor Consumption Bared my life three years oca Mrs. Tnos. Robbikb, Alaplo Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1903. Tho world likes to crawl at tho feet of tho man who never kicks. ATX. UP-TO-DATE nODDESBEFESB TJso Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes clean and sweet as when new. All grocers. Men take naturally to card games and speculation. Reached the Limit. When Herbert Spencer was In the habit of dining out with his scientific and Htfwry friends, a lady of conspic uous Vn-ntal ability and learning was generally ono of tho company and Spencer was invariably asked to take her down to dinner. His hosts thought theyuwore paying him a compliment in giving him tho most brilliant lady of tho company, but ho resented always being associated with tho samo lady. At last, when his host on ono occa sion said, "Mr. Spencer, will you tako Miss down to dinner?" tho phil osopher emphatically replied, "No, I will not," and another companion had to bo found for him. rv It Made Him Dizzy. When Paul Meyer, the new sub-con-certmeister of the Chicago orchestra, canto from Rig), Russia, he was not al lowed to play until ho had joined the musicians' union. The committee that examined him proposed to have some fun with nim, so tho most tangled piece of rag-tlmo they could find was put on tho music rack before him. Meyer took up his violin, studied the music, then essayed to play it. Then ho took a long rest. Twice more he tried it, then exclaimed: "Was 1st? It you have tho menu of a Chinese res taurant bring It out and I'll play it, but this stuff makes me dizzy." THIN DIET. '" No Nourishment In It. It's not easy to keep up when cof fee has so ruined the stomach that food won't digosL A Mo. woman sayB: "I had been an invalid for two years from stomach trouble caused by coffee, got bo bad I couldn't digest food and for quite a while I lived on milk and lime water nothing but that a glass of milk and lime water six times a day. In this way I managed to live, but of courso did not gain. "It was about 5 months ago I be gan using Postum Food Coffee; I did not need tho milk and lime water after that, for I gained rapidly and I can now eat a good meal and" drink from 1 to 3 cups of Postum each meal and feel fine. "I would, not go back to coffee for any reasonable pay. I like Postum better than coffee now and make Pos tum by directions on box and it is Just fine; novpr found a better way tc mako it than on box. Now this is all truo and you can easily prove It." Nume given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Postum Is a brew from field grains with all tho nourishment left in. It makes red blood and rebuilds partic ularly well whoro coffee has done damage as it does to nearly all who drink it. A 10 dayB' trial of Postum In place of coffee works wonders. There's a reason. Get the little book, "The Road to Wellville" In each pkg. i'S NEBRASKA STATE NEWS NEIGENFIND EXECUTION COSTS. After a Long Walt the Money Has Been P.-.ld Over. LINCOLN At last tin- expenses In curred by the stnto for tho execution of Nelgenllnd have been paid. The money wen tnken trom tho peniten tiary cnBh fund for the purpose and of tho last puyment made JGO went to Douglas county for the scaffold, and $130 is charged up to "execution ex penses." Of tho nmount allowed George Strykor, the Omaha specialist, received $73.80. In nil tho board of public lands and buildings appropri ated ?2Ga.83 for this execution and the payments have been matlo In Install ments from tho penitentiary cash fund, tho auditor having refused to audit tho account. Tho original bill hand ed In by the warden was for J300, but tho hoard thought this excessive. Be cause of all the squabble In settling the account or Nclgcnllond's taking off the board adopted a resolution to pay In the future only flfiO for an execu tion, tho warden to receive tnat amount and pay tho expenses. This was done In tho Rhea ease, and Stry ker received $73 for his pnrt of tho affair, though all of tho bill has not yet been paid. MUST USE THE WATER EARLY. Likely to Be Shortage for Irrigation Purposes Late In Season. LINCOLN State Irrigation Engi neer Dobson Is authority for the state ment that the farmers along tho North Platte who depend on Irrigation for their crops will run risks of not hav ing enough water unless they take their supply oarly while the river Is carrying away the spring rise. Ho says that tho small snowfall in tho mountains makes tho outlook rather poor for a normal flow lato in the sea son and advises land ownerH to How their lands In Juno or the beginning of July in order to have the soil thor oughly soaked when the crops need moisture. In this way he bclioves they can escape tho threatened diffi culties which confront them. Found Dead In Pasture. STELLA Jacob Mann was found dead in the pasture o. his brother a few miles northwest of Stella. Mr. Mann was a widower and had made his homo with his brother, John Mann, for a iong time. He was an eccentric character and rarely left tho farm. After dinner ho stnrted to an adjoining pasture to water the stock and ho was gono so long the family becumo uneasy and made a search for him, finding him dead, ap parently having been dead lor several hours. Ho Is supposed to navo died from a paralytic stroke. Fire at Peru Normal School. PERU, Neb. Fire threatened the Peru Normal school and for a time tho wholo building was expected to burn. Tho llro originated in tho up per stories of thivmatr- building-and burned through the lloor to tho rooms above. The authorities sent to Ne braska City for aid and a special was made up to take the local department down. Tho llro wns soon cot under control. Jails In Bad Shape;' - LINCOLN Tho State Prison asso ciation, In its annual report, vigorous ly assails tho methods employed in handling prisoners In the various coun ty jails and tho penitentiary. The matter will be taken up at a meet ing to bo held Tuesday night nt the Llndell hotel. Matinee Races May 30. BEATRICE At a meeting of the board of managers of tho Beatrice Driving association It wns decided to hold tho first matinee race In this city Decoration day, May 30. Hotly Contested Land Case Settled. NEBRASKA CITY In tho county court Mike Gardner of that city, charged with selling land without title, was discharged. This case was hotly contested, numerous counsel on both sides presenting the arguments. The defendant applied for a writ of habeas corpus and claimed that there was no intent to defraud and this was sustained by tho county Judge. Seized Barrels of Vinegar. LINCOLN Food Commissioner Thompson has seized a consignment of six barrels of vinegar sent to Au burn. The vinegar was manufactur ed in Paducah, Ky., and Mr. Thomp son claims that it Is made with acid instead of being of the pure elder va riety. Accidentally Killed by Brother. OXFORD George Lynch, 10 years of age, was killed in his home, four teen miles north of this place, by tho accidental dlschargo of a shot gun in tho hands of an older brother. The victim was struck In tho side, while seated at an organ, and died thirty minutes later. Young Girl Is Burned to Death. WYMORE A terrible accldont oc curred at tho home or L. W. Welch, living three miles oast of Blue Springs. Tho family had retired for the night, with the excoptlon of ono girl, who was Just ivady to go to hod and start ed to blow out the light. As she did so a terrific explosion occurred, the flames igniting her clothing ana n number or erticlos in the room. After a night of fearful ngony the girl died. The accident was duo to tho ract that tho lamp had been filled with gasoline instead or coal oil. NEWS IN BRIEF. , ii ta A nrnirlc fire In Mlra V'alloy. In Valley county, destroyed considerable ; property. Tho Stnto Banking board denied the application or tho Farm Land Investment company or Omaha to dc business In the state. Tho members of tho Tecumseh Christian church have called Elder C. W. Cooper of .Hartford, Kan., to tho pastorate thoo to servo hnlf time. The Germnus of the Lutheran faith have Just completed a substantial church four miles south of Grafton. The church wns dedicated Sunday. Thlrtj -three of the thlrty-tlvo coun ty ns&essors of Gago county met with County AssesRor W. W. Scott nml dis cussed tho new revenuo law as It per tains to assessments. A. K. Smith of Bralnnrd sold to Joseph Moravec anu Jacob Soktip four hundred and eighty acres of land in Hlchnrdfion township for $.,.,7fi0. This land is but little improved. JoHcphlno, the wife of Joseph Steele, of Falls City, died sSternl dp.. ago in Chicago alter n long illness following a surglcnl operation. Sho was brought home for burial, A movement Is on toot to organlr.o a building and loan association in Te cumseh and indications have it the plan will bo successful. Something over 200 shuros have ulrenily been subscribed. Word was received at Elk Crelk that Harvey Alspoch, a young inun residing east of that place with his brother In Nemaha county, met with a serious nccidentby having his foot caught in a horse power. At a mass meeting of voters in 1fc cumseh It was decided to glvo the lleenso question a direct vote at tho coming municipal election. Two can didates were chosen for each of tho offices to he filled and party politics will play no part in tho election. J. L. McLnln, a young mechanic who came to Humboldt during tho winter and opened a blacksmith shop, quietly took his departure tho other day without informing any of his creditors and friends of his intention. Tho barn-, eattleshed, granary and comcrlb belonging to J. A. McLaugh lin, one mile west or Edgar, took fire and wero entirely consumed. The fire Is supposed to have been set by sparks from tho engluo of a freight train. The coming of spring will mark tho inauguration ot a building boom in Humboldt and present indications are that more business niocks will bo erected than havo been put up during any year recently. Material is al ready on the ground for some of tho structures. The county commissioners of Col fax county have employed an auditor to go through tho county hooks, re quiring him to tlio a bond for tho correct and faithful performance of the work in tho sum of ffO.OOO. Frank K. Mooro has just completed such auditing of tho records of ex-Treasurer F. W. Shonka. Carbolic acid wns the method and a Northwestern refrlgorator car tho place chosen by Douglas W. Edwards, familiarly known to his friends as "Pete," In a successful attempt to enL his llfo at Fremont - Ho drank the liquid at 12:55 and died within' half nn hour thereafter. Ho was mar dfed and leaves a wife and two chil dren. C. Vincent, a representative of tho Farmers' Co-operatlvo Elevator com pauy, has organized a branch of tho association at Davey and ulso one at Prairie Home. At Davey he secured fifty-five members and $1,700 was sub scribed. Mr. Vincent said that the Hnylock association had marketed 24,(100 bushels of wheat since -iH or ganization and had saved the mem bership $800. J. H. Ludwlck, a pioneer furniture dealer of McCook, was found dead In bed. Deceased had been In poor health for months, but was feeling quite well upon retiring. Heart dis ease was cause ot sudden demise. Following Is a summary of the mortgages filed and released In Col fax county during me month of Feb ruary: Farm mortgages filed, 30, amounting to 967,130; released, 14, amounting to $13,232.31. Town and city mortgages filed, 15, amounting to $5,088; released, 12, amounting to $8, 072.C2. Chattel mortgages tiled, 2C, amounting to $8,250.25; released, 17, amounting to $2,958.02. Diving through a plate glass win dow, Virgil Kelloy, a man of 20 years, attempted to escape from the store or tho Sprngue Drug company, Lin coln, at an early hour. Ho was caught rilling the casn drawer by W. K. Sprague, who had stood guard over tho store during the night, suspecting that burglars had designs on tho place. The jkjIIco wero called and, after an exciting chase, Kelloy was captured. The habeas corpus case Instituted by J. A. Johnson of Omaha to sccuro possession of two daughters now liv ing with their grandparents In tho northern part of Gago county, Is he lug contested by every available means. A dispatch was received In Nebras ka City stating that tho oldest son or E. E. Bordwoll, who left somo time ago to mako his homo at Elk, Wash., had died from the Injuries received tho day beforo while coasting. Mr. Bordwcll was for years traveling audi tor for the Edwards-Bradford Lumber company. 28 Army Generals The Inventor DrlRodlcr-Cicncral King of Confederate Army, Writes: "I unhesitatingly state that I am convinced Peruna Is a mcdlclno that will effect all tho cures that Is claimed for its use." J. Floyd King, Washing ton, D. C. Ocncral Smalls, Beaufort, S. C, Writes: "I havo used I'cruna for ca tarrhal troublo nnd find it beneficial and to bo all that It promises, nnd freely glvo It my unqualified recommendation.1 Rob ert Smalls, General Abbott, of Washington, D. C, Writes: "I am fully convinced that your remedy Peruna is nn excellent tonic. Many of my friends havo used it with tho most beneficial results 'for coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble." Ira C. Abbott, 1)00 II. St.. N. ,W., Washing ton, D. C. Captain Yarncll, of Washington, D.C., Writes: "Your medicine, Peruna, I bc liovo to bo the best mcdlclno for catarrh on tho market. I havo taken only a small amount, and can sco very beneficial re sults." W. G. Ynrnell, 2;ej Lincoln street, N. 11, Washington, 1. (5. General McBridc of U. S. A., Writes: "I havo no hesitation in rec ommending Peruna to all persons who aro nfllictcd with catarrhal troubles." J. D. McBrldo, 450 Pennsylvania Ave, N. W , Washington, D. C. General Longstrcct of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I can testify to tho merits of Peruna, both as a tonio and a catarrh remedy. Peruna enjoys tho greatest repu tation as a catarrh remedy of any mcdl clno yet devised." James Longstroot, Gainesville, Ga. Oeneral Noskc of O. V. U., Writes: "I commend Peruna to thoso who nro troubled with colds producing catarrh as a most efficacious euro and as a. good general tonic." Chas. F. Nosko, 813 B St. N. W. Washington, D. C. ' General Erwln'f Recommend. "Many of my friends havo used Peruna as a dyspepsia remedy with tho most bene ficial results." John B. Erwlu, Wash ington, D. C. Brig.-Gcncral Schcll Benefited. "Peruna is indeed a wonderful tonic, and for coughs and colds I know of nothing better." F. M. Schell, Washing ton, D. C. General Duffield of the Union Army, Writes: "I havo used Peruna In my fam ily and havo found it a valuablo medicine, and tako plcasuro in recommending it to ill who suffer from catarrh of tho stomach 4r who rcqulro a tonio of efficiency." Tho Cairo, Washington, D. C. S ON RAINY DAYS WEAR fOWEftJj Waterproof i I ijic oiled' i 'rlSimW CLOTHING BLACK or YELLOW J . IT MACES EVERY DAY COUNT' 4 Mf JU wmikm f1 Adn r"t Hit. Km, Cmw4, CO A man's capacity for work has no limit in his mind. THE WAtfASH KAILROAD. East and South. Special rates on salo dally to all Winter resorts of tho South. Half faro round trip plus $2.00 on first and third Tuesdays each month to many points South. Tho only lino with Us own station at main entrance of World's Fair grounds. The Wabasli runs on its own rails from Omaha, Kansas City, Des Moines, St. Louis and Chicago to Toledo, Detroit, Niagara Falls and Buffalo with through connections be yond. All agents can route you via the Wabash. For World's Fair descrlp tlvo matter and all information ad dress, Harry E. Moorcs, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Nobr. Tho sight or a wrong is tho only commission the true man needs. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Uenance march you oiitain neiier return than poulble with nny otbor brand and one-third moro for same inouey. It is more profitable to read ono man than ten books. Many a man has lived to regret some early faults. You can do your dyeing In half an hour With PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. To withstand evil Is quite as neces sary as to do good. Mrs. Cralk. Right Alon A good thing lives and takes on new life, and so 2M4 . ,- Yl Send Letters of Endorsement t To of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-nHia, General Butler of South Carolina, Writes; "I can recommend Peruna for dyspepsia nnd stomach troublo. 1 havo leen using your mediclno for a short porlod and I feel very much relieved. It Is indeed a wonderful mediclno besides a good tonic." M. C. Butler. Brigadier-General Klrby Writes. "I can recommend Peruna to all who aro afflicted with catarrh." Gonornl D. T. Klrby, Washington, D. C. acn. Powell, Meeker Post No. 443, Writes: "After using ono bottlo of Pe runa I bceamo convinced of Its curutlvo qualities, and continued its mo to dutc. All symptoms or catarrh havo disap peared, yell coutinuaitB moderate uso a't a preventive, nnd an old man's tonic." W. H. Powell, Bollovlllo, 111. Gen. Sebring of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I can choerfully recommend your valuablo remedy Peruna as a very excellent tonic, and also good for coughs, colds, catarrh, nnd general doblllty." W. II. Sobrlng, 133 W. 4th St., Jackson ville, Ffo. General Lumax of Washington, D. C, Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your remedy as a permanent nnd cffectlvo euro for catarrh, colds and to any ono who needs an invigorating tonio; to build up their system." L. L. Lumax, 1003 10th St., Washington, D. C. Gen. Payne of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I join with my comrades in recommending Peruna to my friends aB an Invigorating tonio to build up tho sys torn." Gen. Eugcno B. Pnyno, 407 4th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. General Talley of Pa., Vol. U. S. A., Writes: "Your Peruna has been used by mo and my friends as a rellof for catarrhal troubles with tho most beneficial results. I am so convinced of tho efficacy of Pe runa tlu.t I do not hcsltato to glvo it my recommendation." Wm. Cooper Tnlloy, 713 D St.. N. E., Washington, D. C. jirovr jDOM'T FQRGLET Don't forget when'yoli order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more "yellow" looking clothes. no more cracking or doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis faction or you get your money back. The cost is to cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but 13 ounces Now, don't forget. It's at your grocers. ruNUFACTURED BV THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. Mr MEXICAN ustang Liniment cures Cuts, Burns, Brulnca. 'Mai? wbo formerly s meked 10 ! Clsrs row snole LEWIS'SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHT 3C CIGAR Your Jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria, 11L TRaDC MARK. aMy K i XllvVTu-' V ArrftW 1 VI I YUV? I . TyrvT General Ulgclory Cured. Gen. J. U. Illgelow, 1B1 O St., N. W., Washington, 1). C, writes: "Peruua bun mado mo well nnd It hn.i given mo more than ordinary strength nod spirit ror work." Gen. O'Beirnc of Washington, D.C., Writes: "As many of my frlonda and acquaintance hnvo successfully used your Peruna us a catarrh euro, 1 fool Hint it is an effective remedy, and I rec ommend it as slich to thoso suffering from that dlhcono as a most hopeful souroo of relief "James K. O'Bqirno, 200 Bread way, Washington, D. C. Gen. Chase, Ass't Ad). Gen'l, O. A. R. Writes; "Tho oxccllcnco of Peruna a uciiro or relief for catarrhal disturbances is well established. Many of my friends havo baen bonoilted by Its use." B. F. Chase, is Harrison St , Anacostla, D. a General S. S. Yoder of Ohio, Writes: "I havo found Peruna to k a wonderful remedy. I only used it for a short tlmo ohd am thoroughly satisfied as to its raorito." S. S. Yoder, Washing ton, I). C. General O'Connor of U. V. Legions, Writes: "If you nro suffering from ca tarrh or physical debility, Immediately coinmonco tho uso of Peruna. It has hoc of tho greatest benefit nnd sorvico 1o ninny of my friends." Dennis O'Connor, 73S 32nd St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Gen.Wrlght of tho Confederate Army, Writes: "I tako plcasuro in recommend ing Peruna. It is a rcmarkablo mcdlclno and should bo used by persons who nre in need of a good tonio nnd by sufferers from catarrh." Marcus Wright, ITU Corcoran St., Washington, D. C. Gen. Mawlcy of Washington, D. C, Writes: "I hnvo used Peruna and find It very beneficial for kldnoy troublo and espe cially good for coughs, colds and catarrhal troubles." A. P. Hawley. Gen. Urcll of Spanish War Veterans, Writes: "Many of my friends havo um1 Peruna with beneficial results ns nn effective remedy for catarrh." M, Emmet Urell, 813 12th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Other Army Generals who praiso Pa rana nro: Brlgadler-Oeneral Coot ot Wash. Ington, D. C. Oeneral Sypber of Washington, D. C Oeneral Mlddletoa, Hancock Regi ment, U. V. V., Washington, D. C. If you do not derivo prompt and satisfac tory results from tho uso of Porunajwrlto at onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your caso, and ho will bo pleased to glvo you his valuablo ndvico gratis. Address Dr. Hnrtman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. breaking. It MANAGER WANTED PTruBtwotthr lady or leotlemtn to manage bu?f .V 7 uuu u" Hujcinina termor; lor well and favorably known home ol iolidfiruneialttaix in. 820.00 atralcLt rath aaUryand eipeme, paid each Monday b check direct from lieadiuar lerv. Kipense mony aiiinneed; position pentur nent. Experience not n.ntiaL Address T. J. COOPEH, Manager, Como Block, CHICAGO, '.LU PORTRAIT AGENTS OurKooditbebeat. l'rlct, thelowe XialSiraetwilb Hanuiacturara andBaTe)Uonev l'rlctf the loweit. I'rouipt hlr- mruu. Dellrrrr of all portrait! guaranteed. Klt-vanl aaroplM aol roll, tree Hrul for ratalociia AiMrf- ADAM 7. KEOLL-CO.. ,w lj Building, Chicago. 4440mB The Old Reliable) St. Jacobs Oil keeps right alorg curing Pains and Aches Price 25c. and 60c, HMMf txm; ?