The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 18, 1904, Image 3
, it -2- aaWaaaaaaaaaaaaV'''nNLaaaaaaaaaaaaa B m AtfJlrffrF M PBSw"fxv5 2alaaaaPw!alLv .H "' IC.m "' ''".rf.j:jrr-' 5ty rn aH T -- -rm ---- BH severe cases and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Lydia E. Pinfcham's Vegetable Compound "Dkaii Hits. Finkiiam : I am no pleased -with tho results obtained from I-ydia 12. I'ltikliniii'H Vejtutublo Compound that I feel it a dutr and a privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for inoro than ilvo years will, ovarian troubles, caus. iupr au unpleasant dwcliarpe, a great weakness, and at times a faintnesa wuild cpmo over me Avhlcli no amount of medicine, diet, or exerciso fusin6il to correct our Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks ami waved mo from nn operation nil my -roubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy . uii. it inn iu iiuxruuu uio rcai, irue, gmteiui tcelmg that is 1Jl .'.' ,1.?,nrl' "U".1 wint t0 l('u ovwy sick and sufl'ering sister. Don't dally Avith medicines you know nothing about, hut tuke l,ydiu 13. Plnk Iiiwii'h Vejrctablo Coiunounil. and tnkn inv -wm-il fnr if v.m iv.h i. lijjeivnt womau iu a bhort thuo." Mns. Laura Emmon's, Walker ville, Out. Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. "Bbat. !uns. was troubled I and inilamed and if you tlirougii jKNind I 'know of dt m AS MEiJj BmP iv V 1 It is well to rvmemumber such lottera as nbovo when some driiffffist tries Tt i - V nuiuBiniHjf which iiu hnys is jum as ffooil " 'i Hat is In fUti(, ns no other tinMlicliif h.m mvi a record of cures as Lydia B. 1 Iium a ogctablo Compound ; ueecpt no other and you will be glad. l)on t Iiosltiitc to writ to Mrs. Pinklinm If there is anything ti i "?' tv H,tjkuess y do not understand. Sho will treat you with kindness and Iter advice is free. No woman over regretted writing lior and hIiq lias helped thousands. Address liynn, Mass. Sllinni ES,RJlll.T.l 7 "nnot fnrthwlth nrtxloeo the orle)nt Ulter iind ilgnntaret ot 3UIJU boTU wl. wMeU l I'roTd alooluta etiniilnaiien. w w w w JLyUU 1. Vlakhaai Modlolno Co,, Ijxxa, Mm. Many men tnko dellKht In calllug ittoutlun to thu good thurc Ik in thorn. Soon now tho opportunity. Why It Is the Oest ( hocattsa mado by &n oullrely dllTertnt proces. Doflanco Btarch is unlike any other, lettbr nud ono-thlrcl more Tor 10 conU. Girls who make fools of men usually niuko lasting Impressions. Discretion Is tho nftermuth of fool iHhncsH that ban cost too dear. Worlds Fair ST. LOUIS THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT of the tuta. It buildings mvlursjer.rostllrr iii.d lnuidHotuer than tlinso of imj- lirevlou KtpoxUioti. To hoc It as ll vrtll bo, Ret u " ICaty " Album ronUiltdnir view of all iirtnolprtl bulUllnan rcurcHluciM In colors la IhelilehrsttjiMuf lUhouruplilcnrl. I.mvos GtlO, ilelaohaiuln ntul hmtublo fur ftumluk'. Semi ST, fpnts to "KATY" Don 014. ST. LOUIS. MO. uii Ml Thtt FREE HomtSisad LANDS OF Western Canada Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. Million of acret ot munificent Grain amlGrar ins IjihIs (o lis had us a free cite, in l7 niircbasa tioui lt4ilwar Companies. LuruiCoipoialtuiK, etc. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS OimiI Crop, delicti! fill tllnmlv, apleniltil t iiiMil jmteui, Hrf;vl atK'lul comlllloiiK, eiioiitluuul rulliTuyudtniitagea.uud wealth aid ullliienre acquired clly. lb.- papulation of WeKifiii Canada iurrraied t&Mlutl bi immigration dunus tie lat year, orer 50.01A) iM-iut American. Untrlo nearest autlioiited Canadian Got rriqant Agnit for Canadian Alias an uiber iiitoimalton -ill ailJie. Supl of humiliation. Otiawa.Caiuiia' -W V llenactt. SOI New ok Uts Uuildins, Jatatia, Neb. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURBS catarrh of tho stomach. H -m Pinkitam: For Kovrrnl tmw T with ovarian trouble and a painful condition, which kept me in bed part ot Uvanan 1 rouble oi the time. 1 elttl so dread a surgical operation. " I tried ditl'erent roiuodio.s himfmr tn eot 1vHotv but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend who had been cured of ovarian trouble, through the use of your compound, induced me to try it I took it faithfully for three months, and at the end of that time was glad to llnd that I was a well woman. Health is nature's best irift to woman. loso it and can have it restored i.ytlla js. l'lnklinm'H Vegetablo Com- feel that all sull'ering women should this." Ma. .Laviia Hellk Cole. wan, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. mpos iiiii- Whon tho Hying mnchlno Is perfect ed wo can visit our caatles In the air. 00 tlu. Mocnronl Wheat Per A. Introduced by the IT. S. Kept, of Agr. It is a tromondous cropper, yielding In good land SO bu. per nrrc, nud on dry, arid lands, such ns are found in Mont., Idaho, the Dakotnx. Colo., etc., it will yield from 40 to CO bu. This Wheat and Speltz and Haiiim Hnrley nnd llromus Incrmls and Billion Dollar Grans, makes it possible to grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever soil is found. iCST SBND 10c AND THU NOTICB to the John A. Salzer 8rd Co., Ia Crosse, Wis., and they will send you free a sample of this Wheat nnd other farm seedB, together with their great catulojr. alone worth $100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. ("W. N. U.) Most men think they are quite as shrewd as most other men. Evory housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold i Water Starch for laundry use they j will save not only time, bocauso it nover sticks to the Iron, but because each package contains 10 o?.. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches nr put up In Vpound pack ages, and the prlco is tho same, 10 conts. Then again because Defiance Starch Is froo from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sel.l you a 1-oz. package it Is because lie has culm ii muni ne wisnes to (lispose r before h n,,ts nance. i uv niiuwti nun uf nance aiarcn lias ' printod on every package In largo let Iters and flgurec "t os." Demand 1 Deflanco aud save much time auu j money and the annoyance of the Iron j sticking. Defiance never sticks. When n man has been married a few years he loses his sporty air. Mrs. Wliialow'n soothing hjrnn. Forclilldrrn leettilDK. aoftena the curoa, roducci tn. IUmmatlou,aUajapalu,vur(wudcolIc. ilea bottle. Every woman feels sho knows how to till a plare Iu tho social world. Mutual Insurance Is the tnost popu lar. Ton yean, ago there was about $10,000,000 In tho Ftnto. Now, over JICO.000,000. one-half of all the Fire Insurance in the state, Is in Mutunl Companies. It Is also the oldest In surance In the world, aud is choapest, safest nnd best, und no company bet tor than tho STATE .FARMER'S MU TUAL INSURANCE CO. of South Omaha, Nebr., 3. U. Slouffer, Secretary. aUr- 'NEW (rwdV. i Hl. fK rt. 0 ' ' ' " ... r From th trtttri and luturti on aeeuraev ami forttheuoM, by Karl X. I'ralt. Oat 1'ark. IltlnoU. TJie accuracy library is for co-operation in informa tion on the For a rest tltno review o( the daily sources of better methods. enemies of easy errors and the friends of forethought, to re duce mutually expensive mis taker, of mechanical, commer cial and professional 2eoj)le. Advice leads us up to a stone wall thro ugh which few of us are able to pound a passage. Many times I have wished that 1 could wrlto you more closely on the scones where some of my lunch hour talks nrc given. This month I spent a halt hour at noon with some thirty mill men and while I interested them some they In terested me much. It would bo great recreation for me to have a bench In that mill and spend a half dny a week at It making con venient things for the house or play things for the children. It does me good to work with work ers and think with thinkers. Once I sat on tho bench with a judge. An other time I sat In a pulpit with a minister. Again I helped a farmer burn the brush In his applo orchard. For a few weeks I took charge of a college friend's medical nnictico in a village while ho wont to California for a vacation. I wish I could do your work for a week and let you do the things you wish to. What would you do If you had plenty of tlmo and money? What do you want to know more about? This Is what 1 want to know more about how to help peoplo get beyond that stone wnll tip to which good advlco loads them and there leaves them. It seems to mo I am too .slow in in teresting them in solf-cffort and I know too little about tho tools and how to use them. Just when I am ready to gtvo up some one tells me that I have helped him or her get through and then I begin with a now breath to en courage others and explain the plan of action. For a long time I have thought that Vrovldenco pushed mo Into this and that trouble to havo me learn how to get out in order to tell others how to get out, but now I am beginning to see that Ho jerks mo out when 1 nm ready to give up and sink. If Ho Is willing to Jerk mo out he certainly must be willing to do tho same by you or any one elso provided there Is a desire to live to do some thing worth doing. Even mental appe tites will run away with our caution if given a chance. My eye Is always ready to see an object with a story in it if It is in the interest of forethought. When n man showed me his inven tion nntl tohl me about his hopes, and how It cost him n hundred dollnrs to add to his invention tho discovery that ho could not get It patented then my appetite for objects ran away with my caution nnd I asked him to give me the hundred dollar model for my accuracy exhibit. To my surprise he gave It to me. I asked In confidence yet was surprised in getting it. Why should that be pos sible? It was a box' with a handle on top and as I lifted It a lessou was taught me lift things before you ask for them. It was too heavy for my use. My zeal went down right there enough to postpone carrylug It away that day and each time 1 thought of the box I either wondered how to use It or how to gracefully get out of taking It. The other day I Incidentally remarked to tho Inventor that my use for the box might bo limited to writing about it. Just so long as I havo a chance to leave tho box and hold on to his offer it is wise to do so as any dny t may discover how to make good use of his discovery. Never give tip on uccouut of fear or discouragement or regret or Ignorance. If I know more 1 might sustain my zeal that acquired a per plexity. Household Auditors. How would it be for a homomaktir to hnvo a critic come Into the house and audit conditions about onco every three months? Everybody Is likely to become bllud to neglect from habit and It takos a stranger's eyo to seo some such things. Or how would It bo for the home maker to visit some other homo then come in to her home us an Imaginary stranger ami look through the placo with critical eyes? Large firms pay men big Minis to go through their place and find fault and offer reme dies or Improvements. . This thought is duo to a communica tion, to my library, regarding a salt pail that had a place in a pantry but had not bad a bath for so long that when tho homomnkor discovered the condition she could hardly believe hor own eyes. Resist not evil but re sist temptation and make discoveries better than gold. There are Ood mines more precious than gold or diamonds. When you get Into a howling mad ness against nny person, placo, thing or conditions, write all the bad things you can think und send It to mo no other place. In my Arcade Index library of munu scripts and printed letters I have a plnco for hot shot, or shot" too hot to fire, except for some Fourth of July day, and then In the air. Whllo your letter of adjectives and advents is on the way to me you will be thinking out an original plan which will bo ten times better than tiring your vehemence toward a mark, if you should Are and hit the mark it might rebound to your disadvantage and if you should not hit tho mark it might give you rheumatism ot tho momory. This morning I thought that I would write a certain man n final letter. Tho man Is about as nice every other time I sco him as u mad bull, Ho treats you according to condi tions over which you havo no control but ho Is not the only porson In the world who has this clement of cjclo pcdla human nature. In placo of writing him that final letter I pulled In my excitement and rested my head. And what came to me! Just the best Idea that I have over had for that changeable acquaintance. It is the missing link in our negotia tions and will make us both good na turcd as it lifts our muddled subjects out of the swamp on the mountain side. Had I written him the final letter it would been a polite and dignified affair, but with some sarcasm between tho lines. Would you rather get a directly sar castic letter than one with cultured sarcasm? It seems to me that I would but rather than get either kind I pre fer a useful and original Idea that is a winner. The greatest dangers do notgive us our great est fears why be fear ful? Little, harmless things make people Jump and then these saute people will nover move a muscle iu fear when facing real terrors. Can we exercise our muscle-mind in a way to be toughened to the point of resisting any kind of unexpected events? Have you tried tests with others, either games or exercises, to grow a self-control that retains ltseir before startling things? ChHdron seem to be naturally In clined to do tricks and (turpi ises to train eacli other In self-control. Wise adults get their best Informa tion by studying children und those who enjoy old age are young In heart and ready for recreations. Study out for yourself some recrea tion which will benefit you and your friends there Is more pleasure in a beneficial than an Injurious enter tainment provided you put life Into It. Some excellent games havo been pushed aside, by young and old who need them, because they were con ducted In a half-hearted manner. Those who wish to do good should hunt up. bring out and animate these entertoinlng and useful pasttlmcs which have been shelved by mistake. Our ancestors knew two or three things we might learn to our benefit. For a half dozen thousand years there have been families somewhere in the world that had forethought enough to pass along from generation to generation n knowledge of life and its dally sources but even to-day not one family In a hundred Is living as wisely as they might live if a little more attention were given to syste matic cheerfulness. How We Influence Others. A man with some heavy bundles left his home to take tho nearest street car line. As ho passed the house of a neigh bor the latter camo out to join him aud offered to carry one of tho bundles If lie would walk down to the second car lino and catch an express train. The first man decided to do so and then a third man came out of his house as the two men passed. The third man Intended to take the first ear line but decided to walk down to the fast train service after the first man had reported his convertion to taking a walk. Then one man said that he supposed it was all right to cheat the street cars that way. The first car line only took thorn to a junction where they would have taken the fast train which they walked to. Another of the men said that It was all right to cheat the kind of car service the first line was giving. Now that Is a very common remark and probably all of us have made such spoechoc. nut that first car Una Is not mak ing any money and It is a fine friend when there is a storm or you have a bundle that's heavy and no one to help you carry it. We should give ovq.ii corporations justice or we will Injure our own judgment. LOOK FOR DIG BATTLE ON LAND. Russians Think Clash on the Yalu Rlvr.r Is Imminent. ST. ETKRSBUIKl. Tho only piece of important news up to this hour from the seat ot war was tho Associated Press dispatch from Port Arthur announcing a fresh attack on that plnco by the Japanese lleet. The L dispatch contained no details. Another telegram to the Associated Press from Vladivostok hns been re ceived. It makes no mention of light ing and it Ik nssumed that nil iu quiet there. Tho reports that Jnpan baa en tered Manchtirin west of tho Yala river and has reached Feng Huan Cheng, on tho Peking road, which Is tho Russian line of communication to the Yalu, cannot be confirmed. If the Information prtnos true a land engage ment of some magnitude Is Imminent, It cannot long be delayed, as tho Rus sians havo a heavy force south or the line, between Lluu Yank and Mukden, and they are also occupying strong po sitions along the Yalu. A Japanese column between them would bf In a desperate strait unless it moved ly the flank to take the Russians on tho Yalu In the rear and was energetically supported by a forward Japanese movement from Coren. ARE ON. THE RUSSIAN FLANK. Indications that Japs Have Secured Some Fine Positions. WASHINGTON The government here has received advices by cable trom Che Foo, opposite Port Arthur, to the effect that Japanese land forces li've appeared at Fung Wang Chang and nt Tashan. No details are furnished. The first named place is about for-ty-hve miles north of Antung in Man churia, and the latter is a few miles inland from the mouth of tho Yalu river. The naval officers here believe that this movement has placed tho Japan ese on the Russian flank, and perhaps in the rear, on their line of comment crllon. It Is believed that Tuesday's attack upon Port Arthur was a diversion per haps to cover the expeditious land movement of tho Japanese forces, who were probably landed from trans ports at some point west of the Yalu rlvor. FINDING PLACE FOR BURT. Report That Former President of the Union Pacific Is to Work for Czar. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. It is stated In local railroad circles, on authentic private advices from the far east, that Horace (I. Uu.'t, until recently presi dent of the Union Pacific, has been given a year's employment as an ex pert by the Russian authorities on communications nnd railways. They want him to make a repot t on needed Improvements for the Trans-Siberian road and the new Orenburg & Tash kent! railway. His remuneration will he $100,000 for making these two ex pert reports. Burt Is to consult with the Russian engineers on the problem of building around Lako Baikal instead of using a ferry system forty-eight miles in ex tent across the lake. He is also to criticise the alignment of the Siberian road and Its bridge and culvert work aud the rails. WAR REGULATIONS IN JAPAN. Rules Governing Corespondents of Newspapers. WASHINGTON In a mall report rrom Toklo February IS Minister Grls som furnished translations to the de partment of state of a number of im portant ordinances and regulations l elating to the state of war. Most of these have been dorlbed in tho press reports. Newspaper corespqoudents with the armies must receive their admission through their minister or consul. All of their correspondence, newspaper or private, must bo submitted to tho consor and there must bo no use of ciphers. Tho correspondents them selves are required to wear a white hand on ono arm, marked with Jap anese letters In red ink. stating their, newspaper connection, and no corre spondent will lie received who has had less than one year's actual ser vice on a newspaper. BUFFALO BILL WANTS DIVORCE. Colonel Cody Files Petition Asking Severance of Marital Ties. DENVER A petition for dlv.orco filed in tho district court of Big Horn county, Wyoming, January !), last, by Colonel Whllam F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), has Just been mado public. The complaint charges cruelty and alleges that on December 20. 1900, Mrs. Cody attempted to poison the plaintiff. Another pround on which the plaintiff asks a decroe is that tho marital rotation has been made un bearable to him by his wife's refusal to entertain his friends at his former home In North t'latte. Neb. Mrs. Cody, who Is at North Platte, denies her husband's charges and will contest the suit. Colonel and Mrs. Cody were married at St. Louis March 0, 18GC. Luetwin Needs Guns and Men. BERLIN. It was said in Reischstag circles that Colonel Luotwln, governor gouoral of tho Southwest Africa col ony, lias ashed for relnforcomonts to the number of 800 men and two mounted battorios. lie has fpttnd the Horroros to he mora numerous and hottor armed than he tmnnoged and they occupy a strong poaltlon which they are fortifying. Further, Colonel Luutwin is expecting difficulty In pre venting tho enemy from re-ontoring the parts of tho country he has al I ready cleared. SMc HFIStWs ha no terrors for the man bo weani SnWVER'S EXCELSIOR BWMB Stickers Warranted Water Proetf. ll 8AWYER'S OilocJ Clothing mail forallklndaof work. Oet only in" jrnuino ".i , - if ri-ur u-iri --",- . mil. write ror caiaiwui H.M. H' "" poie ;iir.. FrVAV- Corn miMuM" Kjfgj ft ehillttifa Hit norld t w 4u.t a eura i.rollfl, carlr. t!f rc4 corn tirl-tr ttto halter' Heme Ilallder, mroM be claifl 50 ar r tblt 6d csra jl.ldfd lohr.tlljln IW.'.ltatlli ntt nt(di balll a btiatMal bema forlbttiKljpoiffiMr. S aulat. twa tr tftraa at tb IfVlf our bad af till corn ta IWlt lr.r n. ptracrr. B Jain HmI, La rorta Ca.,In. lOObH. Dfr Bare. St O. K. Hletiltl, nl. C., O. 106 ba. pr aorr. Br Rlcbaril aparta, I.tki .'., Ia. lBHbx. par air. Br J. V. Walter, Ilsatblcm Ca., Trait. SSOIm.prrarr. Br I.artaca bcbtUUI, Uftmtw C., Mi.'t. ttS k. r.r acr. Br J. W. Hiiki Cr:lil Ca., Troo. S04ba. arr arrr. Ittf Slrtrnf, Riniom Ca , !?. P. 1,1 Hiprnfil la iro J;i. Yltlitt't b. rr aetf. jtn I will craw 0O bu r ta framil." National Oat. Fliarn.auitr piftt13p. lot wall arrrrabfra. It won't ll roar a?ra ta4ucletthia ;0Oba, Trj IU DlllloFi Dollar Grans. Mot talked ef grail In Atnerlra. Would h, aibim-l at ll.rir If It iletlrf Irff Ibaa 14 toaa af ip'.cndld ay per acre. For 10c. In Stomps and tba nania of tblt paper, wa will aladlaead Ton a let or rarra aeed aaBi)t, well aorta ftPXO ta tct a atari wilb, teactber vl b oar mammoth no pare lllwatratvr! m catalog, ararrinitir. 11 u norei. tiMaeAnll.andBarle Laearoal m beat.Tva root Oata, Tea Uat, Teoaiair, iciona Rape. Head tt), 104.10. daj. aWw-wrvi'H Zim FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Frerj and Post paid, enough to prove the value oi PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Pnxtlne U In powder form to dUtolve la water non-poUonotts andfaraupcrlortollqaM entlicptlcs containing alcohol which Irritate lollamad lurfaces, and ha ve no cleaniing prop crtUa. The content ot every box make more AntUeptlc Solu tion lasts longer goe further has more use in the family rail doe more good than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all scrcness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills FaxtineU invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wsisli wa challougo the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. 1 Us a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause- inflammation and discharges. .Ml leRilingdruggiits keep Paxtlne; tirics.COo. a box; If yours does not, snd to ua for It. JVou't ULo a substitute theroUnothlnglikePaxtlne. Write for the Freallox or Faxtlno to-day. .FXT0X CO., 5. Pope Bid?., Boston, Man W. L. DOUGLAS 3.8&3 SHOES HIS W. Ii. Douglas shoes hnvo by tlitilr excellent stjlo. easy-tltthiff, u u l superior WftriiiK uuiilltles, nchleveil tho largest wilo of nny shoes lu tho world. TI10V uro hilt nq rrrxvl us those that cost you S4 to S3 tho only difference Is the pclea. 00j totrijwlitre. Look for name ar- urico on lmttim. Ijiitlfrlaa nana f!nMn. E ColMklii,whlr1iUvr.Twlinre conceded to r V" "?t,r.a,,,"t J-t"t"'r yet im.dnced. -.. w... yc,.,. nnutraiiinian.xar.extra. (Trite for Catalog . .L.b0Bgln. Brockton. Mu CO OOO OO OO OOOO OOO 0000000000 THE LINCOLH IMPORTING HORSE CO Lincoln, Nebraska German Codcrj, PercJierons, English Sbire frencrj Draft MwiMMV and Belgians. a! . .iCEST tow of FIRST-'-LA51 suuioni of ai,y concern in all h nRo!,oER 50 "TO SELECT FRO..I. On arnvint- In Unco!., uk the Su.e farm itrjet car which run. d.r;i!r to our Bam. totrta an J tec m o writ. LE. Di.t.TcI.575 A U Sullivan, fltrr. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 121904 KUEgIiI3ni5M3?ni n...'irBt'!,HtKt Alt llSt FAI18. Bt Couh Bxruu. "raatea Oood. u naia. sola or arusBiata. liECEJ V 4ujQjX 1,1 I I n U m . j ri CgsP 7B sits j xm Xzjky 1 xini.ia I'm. &2z&t .rjaaaaav.At T 1 MW vmWr $ ft' j& m''AJ ft I B:alayv. 'I !HiHx is tHaBaaU?l -PaWv- Ia. ataaVwf'- uaa. aaaaMlga. JJtmlts nyngn J V