The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 11, 1904, Image 7

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Chas. E. Ford, President
A. S. Rrbd, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents.
First National Bank,
Capital, $50.000..
M Hampton,
Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R.
Colorado Coal.
have a new lot of Canon City Coal
( sells like hot cakes because it is
The Best.
Forest Lumber Co.
'Phone No. 73.
Coffee Sc DoAd
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA PALE and Other Popular llrands.
. . Pamly "DTreicLe Solicited.
Goods Delivered to anv part of the city. Come and Us.
Phone 206
Dierks' Lumber Coal Co.
T"" iamonds, Watches,
Souvenirs .
Repairing in ail its flail orders promptly
Branches. ' attended to.
AI. O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician,
Is One of the Most
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Carefully
OomDOimded aa
Watches and
Fine Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
Dray and Transfer Line.
The only spring dray
Phone 139.
Hurry Dunning
O. I.. Gilbert
Dunning & Gilbert
Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets,
Mimics, etc. Music furnished for
Parties, Receptions, and other
social gatherings. Alliance, Neb.
S. K. Warrick. Cashier.
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
Surplus and Profits, $20,000
H G. Warrick. S. K. Warrick.
-Coal Company.
Prices are pretty firmly fixed
and we cannot always sell our
black diamonds at the figures
we would like to. But we do
always see you get 2000 lbs.
for a ton.
Gold Jewelry,
Up-to-Date Drug
Alliance, Nebraska.
about what to do with your Household Goods.
S, A. Miller will take charge of them; store their
in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir
wherever desired. Charges reasonable.
line in the city.
S. A. Miller.
ProoeM of YTeldiag' Aluminum.
A firm of Hanau, Germany, has sue
eteded In welding a! Mate m taout
tho use of any metal, solder vr acid.
No seam can be detected, and the weld
ed pieces can resist blows and tem
perature variations as well as If then
were no joint The process Is a o
eret one.
I Kcltli L. Pierce Is fully nuthorlwd to so
licit hubscrlptlom and job work and collect
And receipt for same, and transact all other
Dullness fn connection with hU position as an
accredited representative of this paper.)
Clark Olds was in Alliance Friday.
C. J. Wildy pays 75 cents for spuds.
Mrs. H. II . Funk spent Sunday in
Joseph Ktcjciand wife were in town
Mrs. J. F. Whelan went to Alliance
Friday evening.
C. J. Wildy sells coal nnd lumber
and posts cheap.
,C. J. Wildy has a line of Asphiwall
potato stool on sale.
Sherman Wright's boy was ill with
pneumonia last week.
H. R. Green and family spent Sun
day vith Thos. A. Green.
Tom Killccn and family visited
friends in Gitatd Sunday.
W. H. Ward is working in town re
pairing the Switzer house.
Masquerade ball, March 17, Green's
hall. Everyone welcome .
H. H. Funk had quite a severe at
tack of the grippe last week.
Black Percheron stalliou for sale at
C. J. Wildy's, Hcmingford.
There will be services in tho Catho
lic church Sunday, March 20.
Bradford Fcnncr and H. C. Allison
were in Hcmingford Monday.
Seed Potatoes Cal Wildy will take
your order. Leave it at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ncclaud spent
Saturday and Sunday in town.
Nellie Curry is going to school in
town boarding with Mrs. 13. E. John
son. Walter Langford sold a car of pota
toes to C. J. Wildy Saturday for future
Big reduction in overshoes, mittens,
gloves and all other winter goods at
Bushnell's store.
E. Mabin aud wife went to their old
home in Illinois to see Mr. Mabin's
mother who is very sick.
C . R. Polen and family have returned
from Oregon completely dissatisfied
with that section of the country.
Dr. Koons will do dental work at the
Commercial hotel in Hcmingfod Friday
and Saturday, March 18 and 19.
Dr. Koons, the dentist, will be at the
Commercial hotel iu Hemingford, Fri
and Saturday, March 18 and it).
Aspinwall potato planters, cutters,
assoiters, cultivators and diggers for'
sale at Wildy's, Hcmingford, Neb.
There will be a masquerade ball at
Hemingfoid, Thursday evening, March
17. Everybody come and have a good
M. B. Quivev gave a dance iu liii
warehouse Friday which was not' well
attended on account of the inclement.
weather. He will give another along in I
C J. Wildy shipped 100 cars of po
tatoes; paid at an average price of Gq
dents a bushel; at 600 bushel to a cat'.
is 60,000 bushels or S3G, 000 for "Spud
ville" farmers of Box Butte.
Anyone having views of Hcmingford
will favor Tim Herald by leaving
same with Keith L. Pierce. They are
wanted for the special edition and will
be returned in good condition. '
Commissioner Locr has a pair of
white calves twins whose mother is
all black. Mr. Loer is of the opinion
that this unusual occurrence presages
the election of a democratic president
next fall.
Telephone connection with the switch
board will be an established fact by
Saturday. Over fifty phones now are
in connection. The management hope
to see the list grow rapidly from now
A new Aermotor windmill has been
put up at the town well. A mammoth
supply tank is the next great improve
ment needed in the water supply line.
Then a couple of rows of trees could
be irrigated and the general barrenness
of the main street would be partially
W. B. Millctt has enrolled as 'a stri
dent in the International Correspon
dence school of Scranton, Pa., taking
a general book-keeping course. Tho
school has an excellent reputation hav
ing 42 students in Alliance who are
nearly all taking machinists or techni
al courses.
Meeting of AUIuhcc Cemetery Association
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the Alliance cemetery
association at the offico of Win. Mitch
ell, in Alliance on the 14 day of March,
1904, at 2 o'clock p. m. to transact such
business as may bo doomed necossary
for the wolfaic of the association.
Kulsok Flbtchuk.
R. M. Hampton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Irion left Sun
day for Miles City, Montana.
Burt and John Furman loaded a car
of hay Saturday ior Hill City.
Furniture and coffins cheap at Wil
dy's Double Store, Hcmingford.
Mrs. Bycrs sold her old gold riding
pony to Frank Hayden of Belmout.
Messrs. Quivey and Sanford of Alli
ance wereinthese patts buying potatoes
P. L. Wilson, manager of the Mars
land Ranch supply company has with
drawn from tho firm.
Dr. Ha it well of Crawford was dowu
to see Mrs. Henry Clark who was very
sick, but is better at present.
E. A. Tollman received a car of
stock, farm implements and household
goods from Hamburg, Iowa Thursday.
Dr. Park of the B. & M. relief staff
was in town Tuesday receiving appli
cations for membership in the relief
'"Daddy" Schultz, who has been
spending the winter with his family on
the Platto river has returned to this
Mrs. Maude James, daughter of E.
A. Tollman, returned to her home at
Hamburg, Iowa, the latter part of the
James Dickey of Alliance, a former
resident of this place, came up on 4 1
Friday to visit old friends, returning on
42 Sunday night.
John Sullenbcrgcr is notified by Coun
ty Assessor Lambert that ho has been
appointed assessor for Leonard and
Evergreen precincts.
The past week has been a great po
tato week, several thousand bushels
having been shipped out, the largest
amount having gone to Misspjiirl
Mrs. James Hollinrako and Mrs.
Kinsley from the east end of the pro
cinct were in town Saturday calling pn
friends aud doing some shopping.
Henry Shimek was in froPjputh
Table Saturday and took home with
lima gasoline engine which will fur
nish the power with which to run his
windmill hereafter.
Arthur Bennett, a Marsland boy who
went to Omaha some . mouths ago to
learn the barber trade, pefectcd him
self in hi3 profession and has located
in Lincoln where he is proprietor of a
three chair shop.
Willard Evans of South Table bought
a potato "cutter from L. Snow. One
hundred acres of the Evans farm will
be planted to potatoes which will neces
sitate six hundred bushels of seed and,
which at present prices, is worth f 420.
The dry open winter has not daunt
ed farmers in this vicinity at all. A
large acreage of small grain will be
sown, which no doubt is owing to the
fact that farmers have their own seed
and can afford to venture.
William Dewitt is called upon to
ipottrn the loss of his parents, both
having died inside of one week. They
resided at Crawford, having come there
from Missouri about one month4 ago.
The father was 70 and the mother 67
years old. wrwwwwww,
(Too late for last week.)
March entered very pleasantly.
Mrs. G. Rooker is able to be
after an attack of the grippe.
J. C. Berry shipped a car of horses
to Chariton, Iowa, last week.
Mrs. J. C. Berry and J. O. Wilson
made a business trip to Alliance Tues
day. H. J. Wilson of Laramie, Wyo., ar
rived here Sunday to visit with rela
tives. Misses Lucy, Fanny and Sophia
Wilson visited friends iu Reno several
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of Alli
ance attended revival meetings here
Saturday and Sunday.
Harry Briggs is paying a visit to his
mother Mrs. Patmore who lives ten
miles north of this place.
. Todd Berry returned to Alliance
Monday to resume his work, after a
ten days visit with his parents.
The revival meetings conducted by
Rev. Embree. closed Sunday night after
a week's duration. Rev. Embree is a
very able and enteresting speaker and
a great interest was maifested.
The Sunny Side bchool of six miles
north of here, taught by Miss Nellie
Berry, met in joint debate Friday after
noon. The question being "Resolved
that Washington deserves more praise
for defending America than Columbus
for discovering it." The Sunny Side
school winning the debate. The ex
ercises were largely attended aud very
much appreciated by all.
Help wanted at the Barry house.
In The Good Old Summer Time
People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and sof they will
the whole year through because he carries the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is what customers like
and what thdv always get at ....
'Phone 5O
I F. J. Brennan & Co....
Drugs, Perfumes
and Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
Farmers and
We are prepared to make you wells of
any size or depth and furnis an abund
ance of water for hand or wind power.
Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer
W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must
be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck
of each bottle.
Family and Mail Order Trade solioited
Goods delivered on short nptico
- w - '
The placing of jx few
dollars monthly in the
... ALLIANCE ...
National Bank
will soon enable you to
buy a comfortable home.
F. M. Knight, President
W. II. OoiiBiN, V. Preildont ,
O. II. OoNNETT.Giwhler.
- H
Hartford Fire Insurance Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Ulooklyn, Nuw York.
Continental or Now York City.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
Now York Underwriters, New York.
Commercial Union Attsuranco Co., London
Offico Upstairs,
Fletcher lilock.
Palace Livery Bam
S. H. DKSCH, Prop.
oni: 11 LOCK wkst or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
T1IF. NEW 7.MNDI:n . ,
l!L'Il.lIN(i. 'Phono 72
Nebraska Hide
Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs,
Cow and Horse Hide Robes, I Always
Leat ner and baddlery Hardware Reliable.
L. C. BURNETT, M'gr.
Corbin Building
Alliance, Nebraska.
m S
& Joder
to any part of the city. 'Phone 136.
- '' - yesei
- W -
Liverpool. London aud Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
I'urmers and Merchants Ins. Co.. Lincoln.
Columbia Fire Insurance Company,
Philadelphia Underwriter.
Phoenix las. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Alliance, Nebraska.
and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us.
and Leather. Co
Citj. Nebraska.