The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 11, 1904, Image 4

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    THbe Deraib.
T, J. O'KEEFE Publisher
J B. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at the postofhee at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through Irjo
mails, as second-class matter.
Display) per slnglo column inch per
month. '5
Business locals, per line first Insertion .10
Each inbsequcnt Insertion, per lino .05
Legal notices at statuto rates.
C3T Tub Hrrald Is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butta county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance.
Is Mr. Smitli a
the mcstiou.
polygamic? That's
And still thoy (the trust) insist that
there is no trust.
It may be that the members of
congress are strenuously opposed to
Morinonism, but of course that's not
admitting that some of them have not
" got the habit."
The gathering of Democratic news
paper men at Lincoln last week was an
interesting event. There were many
papers and speeches on vital questions
that proved intensely interesting.
Senator-elect Smoot is still patiently
waiting at the door of the national
capitol for admission, while the com
mittee is trying to corner Bro. Smith as
to whether ho is tho happy husband of
more than one wife.
Lincoln is to have two now sub-post-office
stations. The Dietrich investi
gation committee should postpone its
work long enough to include these new
offices. This would facilitate tho
labors of this body and lessen the
expense to the government. Or why
not establish a permanent committee
on postoffico scandals ?
President Roosevelt has at last found
some body aIio is willing to act as min
ister to the fever-breeding land of Pan
ama. He is John Barrett, present
minister to the Argentine Republic.
W. W. Russell, at present charge at
Panama, has been appointed minister
to Columbia, and Arthur W. Beaupre,
now minister to Columbia, has been
made minister to Argentine to succeed
Mr. Barrett.
Spunky little Japan is still at work
wiping Russia off the map. Tho latest
reports indicate that Admiral Yoghjos
krasi of the Mikado's fleet has bom
barded the port of Valjazmcnatoraxqy,
inflicting serious damage to the Rus
sian army under General Knockcm
stiffsy . On receipt of the news at St.
Petersburg, the Princess Eatacandlc
wyska went into retirement to fast for
an indefinite period. The news bus
not been officially confirmed however.
Verily strange things arc happening
in the republican camp these days.
The congressional committee for this
district met at Grand Island on the
25th of last month and attempted to
eliminate the common herd as a factor
in the republican councils. This con
gressional ' committee recommended
that the central committee of each
county appoint delegates to the
gressional convention. Just how
they expect the rank and file of tho republi
can party to feel bound to support a
candidate in whom they have had no
voice in choosing is difficult to under
stand. Moses P. Kinkaid must have
been afraid either that he would make
some bad break or that some stronger
man would conic out as a candidate to
induce him and his friends to resort to
such trickery to secure his nomination,
and that nearly eight months before
election. If he hasn't the backbone to
stand on his merits he is not fit for
congressman, and we predict that if his
nomination is secured, that by the
time election is over Moses will have
that "gone feeling" and his hench
men will be heard moaning iucoherently:
"O where was Moses
And what was he about?
O where was Moses when the lieht went
Change in Concert Date.
There will be a concert rendered in the
Methodist church for the benefit of the
church choir Friday evening, March
18, at 8 o'clock. Admission 15c.
Trio Piano, Clarinet and Violin.
Vocal solo ...Helen Broome
Piano solo Miss Edith Swan
Reading Irene Roups
Vocal solo. , Mr, L, B. Stoner
Piano duet.. Misses Hamilton and Duncan
Quartette.. Misses McCorkle and Duncan
Messrs. Watson and Reeves
Reading. . , M iss Lena French
Violin solo. Miss Pearl Bartz
Vocal solo Julia Darnell
Reading. Miss Cora Combs
Vocal solo Mrs. Wm. Cruichshank
Piano solo .Miss Mae . McDermott
Vocal solo. Mrs. Watson
Flag Drill.
Turkey dinner at Steen' cafe Sunday
night. vxnnnnnnnnn
B. P. Ankeny spent a couple of days In
town tho latter part of the week.
W. G. Simon son came over from Denver
tho latter part of the week, returning
A. C. McCorkle of Laramie, Wyo., vis
ited his cousin J. C. McCorkle a couple of
days last week.
For Sale Cheap 14 H. P. Fairbanks
gasoline outline, lu (good condition.
Apply at this office.
The social given by the Royal Highland
ers last evening Is reported to have been a
very pleasant affair.
Orders arc atready on file for over seven
hundred copies of Tiik Herald's Indus
trial edition to bo issued March 35.
Richard Brennan returned from his trip
to California Wednesday and reports his
brother Mat's health much improved.
Fred Raymond and wife were called to
Waterloo, Iowa, Sunday on account of the
serious illness of Mr. Raymond's mother.
Mrs. Fred Brennan is still confined to
tho bed. She don't seem to be recovering
very rapidly from recent attack of the
grippe. , www,
S. K. Warrick of the First National re
turned Wednesday from Broken Bow. Mr.
Warrick will spend a part of each week
there for somo time yet.
Prof. Gaylord of Hyannis was in the
city Saturday. Mr. Gaylord says that the
brick school building of that place has been
condemned and school dismissed.
Simon Spry retuned Tuesday from Pick
ering, Mo. His mother was Jaid to rest
Monday, He reached there in time to see
her alive. Simon has the sympathy of all
in his bereavement. '
L. L. Ashbrool: of Sioux county was in
Alliance Wednesday. Mr. Ashbrook and
other stockmen in that locality have been
notified 'to remove their fences from
government land.
Owing to the Sanford Dodge company
being in Alliance next Wednesday the con
cert to be given for the benefit of tho M.
E. church has been postponed till Friday
evening, March 18.
Lillian Tucker and her Big Stock com
pany will play three nights engagements at
tho opera house, commencing Monday,
March 21. The company numbers twelve
people and carry their productions com
plete. Seats will be put on sale at the
usual time and place. Prices 25, 35 and
50 cents.
Wreck at Mullen.
Owing to the breaking of the trucks of
the engine attached to passenger train No.
42, east bound, at Mullen Sunday morning
several cars were derailed and Brakeman
Oldershaw was injured so seriously that
death followed shortly after. With the ex
ception of scratches and slight bruises none
of the passengers were seriously hurt.
Oldershaw was standing on the platform of
a coach when caught and Conductor Zol
linger escaped serious injury at the same
platform. One of the cars struck the depot
and close to the operator's desk. The dis
patcher made his escape through a rear
window. The engine was manned by
Engineer Hawkins and Fireman -Tlllet,
Oldershaw's remains were shipped to the
home of his parents in Chicago.
Resolutions adopted by the Royal High
landers Castle No. 43.
Whereas, The angle of death has en
tered the home of Fair Lady Perry and
taken her daughter Minot
Resolved, That the entire Castle extend
their sympathy in this hour of sorrow, and
be it further
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the lacal papers and be re
corded in our minutes.
Mrs. M. Ella Beck.
Mrs. Cassis D. Hall.
Mrs. Julia IIoldridob.
Willie Lichte was to work this
repairing: their irrigation ditch.
Miss Anthony who was teaching
the Katen school district resigned.
A baby girl made her appearance at
the homo of M. P. Solberc, February
Iverson's have commenced seeding,
they are putting in spring rye at pres
ent. Miss Neeland closed a successful
term of school March 2, in the Dunlap
Fred Shaffer was granted the con
tract to superintend the Mirago irriga
tion ditch for another season.
Harry Bnrtlett, Tim Morrissey, Hugo
Lichte and Fred Ortman transacted
business in Chadrou recently.
Real estate agent, T. F. Allen and
C. H. Minicb, cashier of the First Na
tional bank of Crawford were in this
vicinity transacting business recently.
Harry Bartlett is in receipt of a let
ter from John Rissell, formerly of this
comity but now of Stanton, stating
that he was married in February; also
that his mother, who was in poor health
whan she left here, has entirely recov
ed and expects to return soon. His
brother Eric is in a hospital at Omaha
but the doctors are unable to do any
thing for him.
Will Gross returned to Reno Sunday
where he expects to work on the sec
tion. Misses Fanny and Nellie Borry took
dinner with the Misses Owen Sunday
Lula Kooker began teaching the
spring term of school in district No. 2,
last Monday.
Mrs. Frauk Peterson spent last week
With her five sons who are attending
school at this place.
J. O. Wilson and H. J. Wilson left
for Custer county Sunday morning
where they will visit friends and rela
tives. Jesse Wilson came out from Alliance
Sunday evening with N. C. Gibbs and
will spend a few days in the' hills with
Mrs. G. E. Rookcr and two sons left
for California last week where she ex
pects to spend several months visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. Fcnner shipped a car of horses
from here to Illinois Wednesday night
which ho purchased from H. P. Lar
son read' for market.
Jesse Wilson left for Merna last Sat.
urday with a car of horses. Dame
Rumor says he intends making that
place his home in the future.
Word has been received from J. C.
Berry that he reached Chariton, Iowa,
with bis horses looking very good. He
found his mother's health much im-
Edward E. Phippp came up from
Franklin Sunday morning to make final
proof on the claim of W. C. Phipps
who was drowned in a waterspout at
Mansfield last summer.
For 30 Days Only.
The finely finished property formerly
owned by Jos. P. Lynch, located three
blocks west of tho court house. It is mod
ern throughout. Eight rooms, electric
lights, heated by furnace, has bath roonv
closets, pantry, and a cellar a,ll. bricked in
fine shape. Barn- Tor horse, cow andl
buggy. Front yard set to Dlue grass and
trees. Has brown stone and wood walks.
Gas-pipe fence for enclosure.
Two full corner lots, southeast front,
property new.
Will sell this property for cash, or take
part cash, balance in cattle or horses.
For information correspond with
Lincoln, Neb.
Stallion Sale
At ALLIANCE, MARCH 18, 1904.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction without reserve, to the highest
and best bidder, at the Checkered barn
in Alliance on March 18,
Fifteen Head
Ten head of these stallions are com
ing 3 yeas old and weigh from 1500 to
1800 pounds; three dark grays and the
balance blacks and bays. These stal
lions are some of the best we have ever
raised, having plenty of size, bone and
Anyone wishing a stallion should not
fail to be at this sale, as you will see
the best bunch ever brought into this
state. Registered Certificate and a
Guarantee as a Breeder furnished with
each stallion. Time given if desired,
SINGMASTER & SONS, Keota, la.,
Under Management of North &
Robinson, Cairo. Neb.
Col. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer.
P. S. This will be the opportunity
of your life to procure a good stallion.
WiSrl aJJliltiKKf
Bids for Construction of City Halt.
City of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebr.,
Feb. 27, 1904.
Bids will be received by the city of Al
liance for the construction of a city hall
according to plans and specifications now
oh file with the city clerk.
Bids will also be received by the city of
Alliance for the construction of such city
hall according to plans and specifications'
furnished by the bidder with his bid.
All such plans and specifications filed by
the bidder must be filed with Jas. H.
H. Hewett, city clerk, on or before
March 14, 1904, at7 300'clockp.m. All bids
mustiW accompanied by a certified check
of Iffoo.oein favor of tho city treasurer,
as'h guarantee of the bid, and bids will
close March ig, 1904, at 7:30 p. m.
Said bids will 1ms artf-d on March 19,
1904J at7 30 o'clock p. m., and plans and
specicatjons furnished by the bidder will
be sutject to tho Inspection of the city
council or its' building committee only
from the time they are filed Op to March
19. 1904.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. .
By order of the city council.
u-2 Jas. H. H. Hkwktt, City Clerk.
Notice to Non-Kcsldent Defendants.
To Thomas A. Davidson nnd Mrs. Davidson,
first name unknown, wife of defendant,
Thomas A. Davidson. nOn-rcsldcnt defend
ants Notice Is hereby given that on the 10th day
of March. 1901. D. V. Shepherd, plulntllT. filed
bis petition In tho district court of llo.x Iluttu
county. Nebraska, wherein Thomas A. David
son and Mrs. Davidson, II rut numu unknown,
wlfo of defendant, Thorium A. Da virion, were
made defendants, tho object nnd prayer of
which wild petition Is to foreclose two lux lions
based on two certificates of tax sale dated
Beptemberl, lR9S.nnd February 1.1P01, respec
tively for Hie delinquent taxes for tho years
lRiij.lKvft.I8Wi nnd for subsequent taxes paid by
plaintiff for tho years 1KSJ7, ISMnnd 1W, which
certificates of tax sale were issued by the
treasurer of llo.x Hutte county. Nebraska, up
on tho following described real estate. sttuut
ud In tho county of liox Hutte, stte of Ne
braska, to-wlt: The northwest nuurter of
section 10. In towiMliipSO. orranue 41).
Tlie amount claimed by plaintiff upon bald
tax lien is the sum of f.Vl.77, of which sum $0.70
is for attorney's fee, witli Interest there
on as provided by law from the 6th day of
March 1S0I, the prU)cr of said petition is for
a decree declaring thu aforesaid nmount, to
gether with Interest thereon and costs, to be
a first and paramount lien upon tho nfortsatd
real estate and that t.ald real estate may bo
sold under an order of the court to satisfy tho
same, and that said defendants bo forever
lwrred and foreclosed of nil Interest or claim
In and to said real estate or any part thereof,
You are required to answer said petition 011
or before tho 18th day of April 1901.
II. l SllKi'llKlin. Plaintiff.
Ily Wim.iam Mitchell, ills Attorney. Mch 11
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Henry 0. Hoffman and Mrs. Hoffman, first
real name unknown, wife of defendant.
Henry C. Ilnlfman, non-resident defendants:
Notice. Is hereby given that on the 5th day of
March, 1P01, plaintiff filed her petition in the
district court of llo.x Hullo county, Nebrusku,
wherein V. II. Lannlng, trustee, Thomas
Krahm, beneficiary of W. II. Lannlng, trustee,
defendant, W. H. Lannlng, Henry (J.Hoffman
und Mrs. Hoffman, first real name unknown,
wlfo of defendant, Henry C. HofTmun, were
mado defendants, the object and prayer of
which said petition is to foreclose a tax lien
based upon a certificate of tax sale dated Jan
uary 3. IPO.', for tho delinquent tuxes for the
pears 1K)7, 1898. IKOtf.lBOO, and subsequent taxes
paid by plaintiff for the years 1P01 and 100-',
which certificate of tax sale was Issued by the
treasurer of Uox II u t to county, Nebraska, upon
tho following descrllMid real estate, situated
lu the county or Itox lluttc, state of Nebraska,
to-wit: .Southeast quarter of section 14, in
township -8. range 4s.
Thu amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lieu Is the sum of 5457, of which sum
$fl.77 is for attorney's fee, with interest thereon
as provided by law from the 1st duy of March,
1001. the prayer of said petition is for a decree
declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with
Interest thereon und costs, to bo 11 first and
paramount lien upon the aforesaid real estate
and that said real estatu imv i sold under
order of the court to satisfy the same, and that
said defendants be forever barred und fore
closKljif all interest or claim In ami lu said
real estate or any pan thereof,
You are reiiulrcd to answer said iietlilnu nn
or before the 18th day of April, 1SV4.
, , , M,A"V k. heki,, Plaintiff.
By Win. Mitchell, her Attorney, fp Mch. 11
Notice toNon.Kc.sIdcnt Defendants.
To John V. Hook. Mrs. Hock, first real name
unknown, wlfo of defeudaut, John W. lioek,
non-resident defendants:
Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of
March, 1V04, plaintiff, filed her petition in tho
district court of Hox Butte county, Nebraska,
wherein Tho McKlnUy-Lannlng Louu and
Trust company, V. 11. Ournahan, receiver of
Tho Mclvlnlcy-Lannlng Loan nnd Trust com
panjv John W. Bock, Mrs. Bock, first renl
numo unknown, wife of defendant. John V.
Bock, wero made defendants, tho object and
prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose
11 tax Hen based upon a certificate of tax sale
dated January 3. llXtt. for tho delinquent taxes
for the years 1S07. ikiib, imv. 1900. and subse
quent taxes paid by plaintiff for the years 1P01
and 190-J, which certificate of tax sale was
Issued by tho treasurer of Box Butte county.
Nobraska, upon the following described real
estate, situated In tho county of Box Butte,
state of Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest quarter
of section 5, in township -J7, range 47.
The amount claimed by plaintiff upou said
tax lieu is the sum of J37.0-J, or which sum, for attorney's fee, wlthintercstthereon
as provided by law from thu 1st duy of March,
1004, the prayer of said petition Is for a decree
declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with
Interest thereon and costs, to bo a first and
paramount lieu upon the aforesaid real estate
and that said real estatu may be sold under an
order of the court to sutisf y the same, and that
said defendants be forever burred and fore
closed of all Interest or claim In and to said
real estate or any part thereof.
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or beforo the 18th day of March, 1U04.
By Wm. Mitchell, her Attorney. fp Mch. 11
Notice to Non-Hcsidcnt Defendants.
To II. B. Ballard, Mrs. Ballard, first name un
known, wife of the defendant. It. B. Bal
lard, Barney McCalio. Mrs. McCube. first
name unknown, wife of defendant. Barney
McCabo, Thomas 1 loll Is, non-resident do
fendunts: Notlco is hereby given that on the 5th day of
March, ip4, Mary K. Heed, plaintiff. Hied her
petition in the district court of Box Butte
rounty, Nebraska, wherein V. II, Lannlng,
trustee, Thomas Frahm, beneficiary of W. H.
It. 11. Ballard, Mrs. Iiullard, first name un-
Kitunii, wiie ui uciuimani, it. u. uauaru.
Barney McCabo, Mrs. McCabe. first name un
known, wife of defehdant, Barney McCabe,
object end prayer or which said petition is to
foreclose a tax Hen bused upon a certificate of
tax sale dated January 3. 1V02, for tho delin
quent taxes for the years 1895, 18S9, 1900. and
subsequent tax paid by plaintiff for tho years
1901 and 1902. which certificate or tnx sale was
issued tiy the treasurer of Box Butte county,
Nebraska, upon the following described real
estate, situated lu the county of Box Butte,
state of Nebraska, to-wlt : Southwest quarter
or section 10, in township 28, or range 47.
The amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lion is the sum or f 31.90, or which sum
13.77 is for attorney's fee, with interest thereon
as provided by law from the 1st duy of March.
1904, tho prayer of said petition is for a docre
declaring the aforesaid umount. together with
interest thereon and costs, to be a first and
paramount lieu upon tho aforesaid real estate
and that said real estate may be sold under an
onierof tho court to satisfy the same, and thut
suld defendants be forever burred und fore
closed of all Interest or claim in and to said
real estate or any part thereof.
Yon are required to unswer&ald petition ou
or before the lsth duy or April. 1904.
Mahv E. Keeo, IMuIntlfT.
By Wm. Mitchell, her Attorne y fp Mch. 11
Clean up for Spring.
Those desiring to have their premises
cleaned of garbage, etc., or cess pools ren
ovated shpuld call on Howard Crews, who
will do such work promptly and with satis
faction. Phone 443. 12 iw
Bulls for Solo.
Will have a car load of full blood Her
ford and Durham bulls here about March
15. For sale at our yard in Alliance.
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court, within and for Box Butte
county, Nebraska, Foburary 2. 104. the
mutter of the estate or Harah R. Miller, de
ceased. To tho creditors of the said estate;
You Mre horeliy notified, tlmt I will sit at
Tho (Jaunty Court Boom In Alliance In said
county, on thofith day of August, 1101, at to
o'clock o. m. toYeeelve and examine all claims
ugaiast wild estato with a view of their ad
justment nnd allowance. The ttmo limited
for tho presentation of claims against said es
tate Is 0 months, from the second day of Feb
ruary, A. I)., 1001. and thu time limited fur
the payment of debts is one year from said
?nd day of Fcburary, A. D.. JU04.
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, this 2nd day of February, 1904.
(A truo copy) D. K. SPaCHT,
HKAL fp-Feb.S. County Judge.
Notice to Itcdccra.
To John Keeffe and John ICnechtcl:
You and each of you nro hereby notified that
on tho 9th day of June, 1P02, V. V. Stevens pur
chased at tnx sulo the southwest quarter of
section 1, in township '25 of range 50 in Box
Hullo county, Nebraska. That said land was
taxed in the numo of John Knechtel and that
said purchase of tax sale of said land was
made for the years ISM. 1899, and W00 nnd thut
subsequent taxes have been paid on said land
by C. O. Stevens for tho years 1P0I and UWi
That the said C. V. Stevens has sold and as
signed all his Interest in and to the said tux
certificate and said delinquent and subsequent
tuxes paid thereunder, to T. J. O'lveefe, who is
now tho owner and bolder of same. That tho
tlmo for redemption of the aforesaid laud will
expire on thu Uth day of June, 1W1.
Dated, AllUnco Nebraska, this lOtli day of
February, 1H04. f p-Feb 12 T. J. U'lvKnrr..
Notice to ltcdccm.
To John Keeffe and John Knechtel:
You und each of jou are luroby notified that
on tho 12lh day of June, UXfi, C.O Stevens pur
chased at tax sale, tho southeast quarter of
section 2. in township -'5, range 50 in Box Butte
county, Nebraska. That sairt land was taxed
la tho namo o John Knechtel nnd that said
purcbaso of tux sale of said land was made for
the years 1898, 1809, and 1900 and that subse
quent taxes have been paid on said 'and by O.
O. Htovens for the years 1901 and 1902. That
thesuldC.C. Stevens bus sold Und assigned
all his Interest lu and to suld tux certificate
und said delinquent nnd suliscqucut tuxes
paid thereunder, to T. J. O'Keefe who Is now
the owner nnhod Idcr of same. That the tlmo
for tbs redemption of aforesaid Jand will ex
pire on the 12th day of June, 1904.
. Duted Alliance. Nebraska, this 10th day of
February, 1904. f p-Feb 12 T. .1. O'KEsrc
Notice to Kcdccm.
To John lCccffo and John Knechtel :
You and each of jou lire hereby notified that
on tho 12th day of Juno 1902, V. (!. Stevens pur
chased at tax halo the southwest quarter of
section 2, In township 25. rnngo 50. In Box
Butte county. Nebraska. That said land was
taxed in the name of John Knechtel and that.
sain purcnase 01 tax sale or sum land was
made for tho years 18, 1899 and 1900. and
thut subsequent taxes have been paid on said
land by O. ('. Stevens for the years 1901 nnd
1902. That the said C. C. Stevens has sold and
assigned all his Interest in and to tho said tnx
eertltlcato and suld delinquent and subsequent
taxes paid thereunder toT. .1. O'Keefe who Is
now the owner aud holder of same. That the
tlmo for redemption of tho aforesaid land will
expiro on tho 12th day of Jnno 1904,
Dated. Alliance, Nebraska, this loth day of
February, 1904. fpFeblS T. J. O'Keefk.
Bond Notice to Land Owners.
(Bond No. 4tt.)
To Whom ItMayConcehn:
Tlio commissioner appointed to lay ont a
road between Hemlngford and Alliance, in
Box Butte county. Nebraska, lias reported lu
favor of tho road ns follows:
From thu point where tho west lino of
tho right of way of the Urnnd Island and
Wyoming Central Hallway Company In
tersects the section lino between sec
tion Hand 17 of township 27, range 49 V
southward along said right of way and of the
rcirular width of BO feet, execnt us herein men
tioned. Beginning nt 11 point 484(1 feet north
ward from the polut where tho railroad cross
es tho township line, tho south line of section
34. of township 27, rungo 49, tho west lino
of suld road Is made to angle westward 11 dis
tance of 100 feet, ut which point it is J ft! feet
from the center of tho railroad truck. Thence
It extends southward parallel to the railroad
1350 feet. Thence southward 850 feet to a
jKjlnt 250 feet from tho center of the railroad,
Thence 400 feet parallel to the railroad.
Thence 400 feet to u point ut thu regular dis
tance of 110 feet from center of railroad. At
u point 4000 feet southwurt;rrom the crossing
Of tho township lino above mentioned and on
tho southwest quarter of section I. of town
ship 20, range 49. said west line of the road
angles westward 550 feet to u jlnt lftl feet
from tho center or tho railroad. Thence 400
feet to a point lit) feet from the center of rail
road. At a draw In section 15, township 25, raugo
48, said road Is made to vary westward to it
olnt2S4 feet from center or railroad, and on
Ihe N. W. quarter or section 20 of sumo town
ship and range, said road is extended to n lino
150 feet west of center of railroad for u dis
tance of G74 feet. Said road terminating at
lino between section 26 and 35 of township S5,
rnngo 4H, nnd ul I objections thereto or claims
for damages must "bo filed In tho cnuntv
clerk's otllce on or beforo noon of the 7th day
or May, A. D., 1904, or said road will lie e.stab-
usueu wltnout rererenca thereto.
8. M. Smiskh,
4t-fp Fell 20 County Oiork.
In county court of Box Butte county, Ne-
urasKu, 11. iv. spucm, county judge.
Juines Graham, plaintiff,
A. A. Luthy, defendant,
A. A. Luthy, non-resident defendunt, will
tuko notice that on Februury 0, 1904, I). K.
tipucht, county judge in und for Box Butte
county, Nebraska. Issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of S48.35, In an action pend
ing before him, wherein .lames Graham is
plaintiff und A. A. Luthy defendunt, that
property of the defendant, consisting of
money, in hands or Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Hallway company, has been attached
under said order. Suld cause was continued
to the 25th day or March. 1904. at 1 o'clock p.m.
James Graham, Plaintiff.
By bis Attorney, Wm. Mitchell. f p 3-4
Sheriff's Sale.
NO. 1504.
By virtue of un order or salo Issued by the
clerk or the district court or Box Hutte coun
ty Nebrusku, upon a decree rendered by said
court in ravor of The Glrard Trust Oom
puny, a corporation organized under tho laws
of tho state of Pennsylvania, plaintiff, und
against Kosa Jandaana the unknown heirs of
Joseph Janda, deceased, defendants, I will, on
thu 12th day of April A. D. 1904, at 10 o'clock a.
m. on said day, at tho west front door of tho
court bouse In Alliance, in said county, sell
tho following described real estate, to-wlt:
The northeust quarter of section 27, in town
ship 27. north of rungo 52. west of the sixth
principal meridian, In Box Butte county, Ne
brusku, at public auction to the highest bid
dor for cash, to satisfy suld order of eule In
the fium of $1,083.44 and interest, cost and
accruing costs subject to all unpaid taxes.
... ., 8hcrlff of said County.
Attorney for Plaintiff. fp Me n
Sheriffs Sale.
No. 1531.
Bv virtue of an order if aili. IuvmpiI 1.1. n,
clerk of tlio district court of Box Butte coun
ty, .ourasKa, upon a necroe rendered liy said
court in favor or T. M. Lawler. plaintiff, und
against A. J. Bahcock, Mrs. Babcock, first
name unknown, wife or defendant. A. .1. Han
cock defendants, I will on Mm U'thdayof April
A. D. 1904. ut 10 o'clock a. III. on sahl day. ut
the west front door or the court lionee In AUI
ance, lu said county, sell the following de
scribed rctil estate, to-wlt:
Tho northwest quarter, section 10. in town
ship 25. north of range 48, west sixth principal
meridian, in Box Butte County. Nebraska, at
public auction to the highest bidder for cush.
to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of
(05.00 and interest, costs and accruing costs
subject to ull unpaid taxes.
Sheriff of suld county.
Attorney for Plaintiff. fpMrli 1"
In the district court
of Hot ButW county,
Myrtle Bowman, Plaintiff.
Clyde Bowman, defendant.
xo Clyde Bowman, non resident defendant
ou are hereby notified that on the loth day of
March 1KM, Myrtle Bowmair, plaintiff, filed u
petition against you In the district court of
Box Iluttu county. Nebraska, the out eel und
prujerof which ure to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that you have wilfully
abandoned the plaintiff, without good cause
for the term of two years lust past, und for
theciire and custody of the chlfd of plaintiff
and defendant. Blanche B. Bowman. Vou aro
required to uuswer said putltlouvn or before
Monday the 1 jlth day of April 1M1.
Myiule Bowman. Pliintipv
By William Mitchell, her Attorne,, ll9U
Guy Lockwood . .
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones Office 214. Res 205
Expert I.ndy
Attendant ..
Alliance, Nib.
OrncE Phone 180. hesidekce Phone 303.
Rooms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build j
lng, Alliance, Nob. Notary ln'ofllce.
E. I-L Boyd,
,. Attorney at Law ..
Collections given Prompt Attention.
North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEB.
J. E. MOORE, M. D.
Calls answered from office day or night.
Telephono No. 02.
Thirty jears experience. Diseases of
women und children and non-surgical re
moval of gall stones and cure of npcndlci
tls, specialties.
Office first door west of O'Connor's bakery. ;
'Phone day or night, 119.
H. H. Bellwood,
Holstcn Building, - ALLIA7 JE, NEB
Office in First National Bank block. Alll
unco Nebrusku.
Office two blocks north of Times building.
Phone 258,
Hours, 8 to 12 a. m.. 1 30 to 5 p. m.
A. D. NEW,
Bales cried In this und adjoining counties by
tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex
perience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con
tracts can be mado at Tub Heiiald office
whero references to Alliance citizens will
also bo given.
Contractor and Builder.
Turning and Scroll
Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estimates Furnished
Brick Shop West of Alllnnco Nutloual
Bank, Alliance, Neb.
PHONE 400, . .
J. Rowan
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At Pllklngton's old
stand, 'phone No. 71.
of flour we make many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in method of making and different
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
inu that we cannot recommend.
Parker House, milk and bread rolls.
If you have not tried them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
t V