The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 11, 1904, Image 11

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Stock and
Nebraska Stock Grower's Association.
A M. Modlsctt. president, Kushtlllc; It. M.
Hampton, vice-president, AlUtmcoi B. M
Eenrli Jr.. aecrotnry-treusuror, Ogalalla.
Kseeullvu committee K. P. Myers, Lonnj
IX. It. Klneald, Dinghum; Jolm Jlronniin, VutiHosklrk. Alliance; I'.. K.
Lowe, Hjanulsi John M. Admin, Totter; 1C
II. Allen, AtnoHi It. Mitt), I.odgcpo1oi Evert
Eldrod, Orlundot K. C. Iliirrl. Chndrous I
W. Mekoll, Klmlmllj Uobort Graham. Al
liances .(aim Conway. Dunning! .1. II. Cook.
AgstftsA. S. Howl, Alliance.
MOSI,Klt k TUhtiY,
3vta, Nl
Stook branded
as shown on cut
on either stdo.
AIwjJ-O on cith
er nldo.
Township SI
and ringo 43.
(Hill ILL 111103.,
Schlll, Noli.
Cuttlo branded
on right thltfh or
XV on right
Town Mil I p 27
range 4S,Shcrldan
Moomnw, Neb.
Cattlo branded
Catholic eroHH on
eighth!;). , ,
Horse branded
snmo on right
Knneh on 9. V.
M. of unction 30.
2P, 45 and adjacent;
Ilox llutto. Neb.
Cuttle branded us
I) cut on luft bl).
also wltli tho bur
ovor luxteitd of
under bniud.
Il'nch nwU
-KCctlon 17.
In township
rnngo 40.
Cnulou, Hloux
county. Nub.
(Cross II Crossl
on left Mdu. Also
Ul on left thlKli.
inter 8l ope on
loft cnr.
Worst's branded
ttnnie an cuttle on
left jaw and u on
left shoulder.
MlilllKhi, Neb.
On left side.
N on left sidu
J. 11. Nerud.
T. .1. 1) WO.
Alliance, Neb.
3 5 connected
any pluco cm left
side. ituugo on
bend of IMne
Crook, .Sheridan
Clenmn, Nob.
As In cut on
right or left hip;
loft eur cropped.
Hones branded O
on left Jaw.
Cuttlo branded
flylnjr horseshoe
on left hip. us In
cut. Ilonio
rauch see. !5-'.7
50. Ilorao ranch
In S0-4U.
Lnkwslde, Neb,
Cattlo branded
-JJ ourjghthln.
Ituiujo In Ttvp.
S5, range 45, Slier-
dun county.
Alliance. Nob.
Cattlo branded
OK on left side:
slso ok and "ok
on left bide.
Stockmen: It will
pay you to advertise
.your brands in this
paper. The Herald
has the largest circu
lation of any newspa
per in Western Ne
braska. Kstruycd
From tho DIUIni; ranch on or about tho bee
ond day of Decemtier lust a bright bay col dins
"work home, white face, brnnded T on Jaw.
Anyone locating annlniiil and notifying u
will bo promptly rewarded. Reuukn Vlikt.
'S-8t 1 O. address, Ilox Uutte. Neb.
One fctuall thre-year-old black Meer, weight
about ISO pounds ejtruyed from our runch
a boot tho first of last August. Ho bore the
brand on right hip. Anyone locating
this I 1 animal please notify me and re
ceive ruw-rd. Uillino Uhos.
2t-3' P.O. address. Box Uutte, Neb.
J o
f 2 XV
if JMtkcA AsV
flJP-l -fcfy.jTpTvJ fJi.
U. A.
viy T T i
y ' I " i i mi mm ( P"h
MVMUn. u.'Wm 4vSG
m iif i us n 1 1 m 1 1 F W
Easily Bottled Dispute Concerning
Ownership of Hens.
Magistrate Jormon onco spont a
itiroincr In n llttlo town In South
JcrHoy and made tho acquaintance of
a Justico of tho peace who held mora
offices than Pooh Dah himself, "Ho
wan," Bays Jormon, "a notary public, i
a storekeeper, superlntfendcnt of tho
Sunday school, n lay preacher, post
master, coroner, a farmer and a few
mora things thnt I can't recall now.
Ho was a shrewd old fellow, as a
decision in a caso that I heard will
go to show. Two farmers had a dis
pute about the ownership of somo
poultry, and ench plcadod his own
case. Each sldo had an equal num
ber of witnesses and thore was somo
tall swearing dono all round. If I had
been sitting on tho caso I would have
given it up nts a bad Job, or sent it to
court for trial. Dut that's Juat what
bo didn't do.
"I forgot to state that in addition to
all his other functions ho was IiIb own
countable. Tho hens were in court
In a coop and he ordered that a con
stablo should take tho coop to tho
roadway opposite tho farms of tho liti
gants and turn tho creatures loose.
And ho did tho job himself and got his
feo for doing it The lions settled tho
caso by going directly to one of tho
farms, and tho Justico declared that
they know thoir way home, and gavo
Judgmont accordingly." Philadelphia
Virginia Statesman Makes Distinct
"Hit" at the Hub.
Senator John Warwick Daniel of Vir
ginia was tho lion of the occasion at
tho recent dinner of the. Itoston Mer
chants' association. A Boston dally
declares that "from the moment tho
company was seated Mr. Daniel was
'the cynosure of all eyes. A certain
power radiated from his finely cut
countenance and somehow it seemed
as though where ho sat thero was tho
head of tho tablo. A genuine south
ron, a gentloman from Virginia, of tho
old stock, and of clearest titlo to tho
much-abused 'F. P. V.,' with all tho
graces and outward marks of that dis
tinction. With Good Effect.
It was at a clmmbor concert by a
famous string quartet, says tho Chica
go Journal, nnd tho two largo hatted,
chatty persons of tho matinco typo
who eat directly boforo tho music lov
ers wero so communicative as to their
affairs and those of nil their acquaint
ances thnt tho recital was of small
pleasure to the appreciative and long
Buffering couple directly in tho rear of
the conversatlonalisti,, "I am sorry
we could not havo heard moro of your
conversation," tho patient palo lovor
of muslo wrote on tho margin of his
program, "but tho violinist has Incon
siderately been making himself heard
from time to time. I nm sure, how
over, If you speak a llttlo louder he
will understand nnd give way to you."
"I would like to drop that in their
laps," he said, passing It to his com-
panlon with u savage gleam in his
eye. "but I don't quite dare."
"1 do, then," said the mild-voiced
young woman at his side, and in somo
sudden and Inexplicable manner tho
paper appeared beforo the eyes of tho
voluble persons before her. They
looked wrathfully behind them, only
to encounter a row ot Immobllo faces,
all eyes raptly regarding tho stage.
Thoy glared to the right and to the
loft of them, with no moro satisfac
tory results. Then they Bulked, which
had the desired effect, and the remain
der of tho evening was a distinct suc
cess in their vicinity.
The Wild Duck.
You love the mud flats where the wave
lets nreuu,
Tho blue of cea, the green recess of
The llashlne mirror of the nllver lake
Where in the breeze the golden reed
beds quiver.
Like Invalid, n chango of wind will
You haste to travel inland from the
But lusty strength your whistling pin
ions bnaBt
As through the clouds your marshalled
flight you take.
To .your staid brother ot straw-scattered
Scavenging placidly tho livelong day.
How like nnd yet how different you arel
Your twinkling eye Is ever on Its guard,
A distant human speck and you'rt
"While he scarce waddles fro:n the scur
rying car,
Westmln 'or Gazette.
Spain Is Waking Up.
A recent report from Bilbao states
that there is a very strong possibility
of the Import trade In nltrato of soda
and, sulphate of ammonia for agricul
ture purposes being considerably In
creased, owiug to the efforts to im
prove tho methods ot cultivation In
Spain. About 4,000 tons of mtrato
aro used every yea,r at Ullbao In th3
production of acids nnd chemical
Electoral Commission Survivors.
Only three of the fifteen members of
the famous electoral commission of
1877 survive ex-Senator Edmund3,
Senator Hoar and Gen. Eppa rfunton,
of Virginia. All of the flvo Justices
of the Supreme Court who sat on
tho commission long since passed
Steamers from Antwerp to Congo.
NegotintiouR nro proceeding be
tween the Congo Preo State and Gor
man shipping companies for the es
tablishment of a German-Belgian line
ot stoamers between Antwerp and the
Dog Has Broom-Stealing Habit.
A dog in Brandon, Vt., has acquired
the habit of stealing broomsand bring
ing them home. Already ho has
secured half a do?en, and his owner
caruiot .tna cut where he got them.
6atd to Depend Largely on Where
Seeds Come From.
An expert nurseryman says tho
hardiness or nonhardiness of trees de
pends largely upon where tho seeds
from which the trees in question
sprang came from. Satisfactory re
sults are seldom experienced by
planting n seed obtained from the
Sunny South, say. IJy planting seeds
gradually further north, however,
trees may be at length hardened and
acclimated until a seed from such a
tree may be reasonably expected to
thrive nnd mature its fruits.
Trees, llko people, acquire their
habits from tho climate in which they
live. Tho northern tree knows in
stinctively when the time has como
to ripen" its fruit The southern tree
follows tho same instinct, being n no
hurry, as there is little likelihood of
real cold. With transplantlngs further
north its habits changes.
Tho great trouble with most people
is that they want to Jump n tree
from South to North at one move.
This samo Idea is evident in tho at
tempt to bring .various fruit trees
from Russia to the northern United
Apples and plums from tho land of
tho Great White Czar have taken
kindly to tho below zero conditions
of tho gentlo Dakotas.
Effective System Recently Introduced
by James J. Hill.
James J. Hill has Introduced a new
economy on the railroads which ho
controls. Each engine has a tab kept '
on Its daily employment and against
it is charged every cent used for oil,
fuel, repairs and operation. Thus if
englno 200 Is found to be costing more
than engine 250 tho engineer of tho
former Is asked to explain. Tho samo
plan Is to bo extended to every car on
tho system. Then the conductors and
englnemen who mako tho best show
ing are to have bonuses.
Tight Clothes Cause Distress.
Some of the most eminent physl
clans in tho world declare with em
phasls that tight gloves, shoes and I
clothing havo a tendency to causo
colds and a great deal of suffering
during tho winter, no matter how
warmly a person may be clad. Ho
says: "Tight Bhoes on anyone's feet
will nrrest the circulation! and while,
of courHo, tho foot might not freeze,
It has no chance to get warm, and
thus Invites the cold, with a good pos
sibility of pneumonia stepping In to
chnrgo uji moro trouble to the tight
shoes. Tho same thing Is true, though
In a leseor degree, of tight gloves on
tho hands, and a tight collar or tight
neckband on a shirt is apt to causo
a cold in the head by interfering with
the veins in tho discharge of their
duties. Shoes and gloves that fit
snugly ought to bo worn in tho win
ter, but thoso that are tight are abso
lutely dangerous, extremely so be-
cnuso tho general public knows so
llttlo about It."
The Seven Ages of a Racehorse.
Flrrt. the fonl.
"Wobbly, and nurnl. g at Its mother's side:
And then the whinnying colt, with gentlo
And noftiy floating inane, frisking in pad-
Nlbblln,Kkiu.clou8 green. Then comes tho
F,"k!ck tmght l ""'' Wlth ma"y a
But later borne with grace. Then dally
xrnnti.'?!!llnon.n.rin. o. ,it
Month of pampering care, nnd trials on
a track.
Traveling, and racing under clever hands,
1 tiger to recordB make or break,
A. In cup or land fat purse. And then a,
ii. L-II Biiniiieu, uiiu am u veiling uiaier
!-...-.. ..i i j ...-,,, ... ,.
jiih vm of money earning nipped In bud,
For 1 1 n no more the soft caress of hand
And li' Km played his part. The sixth
ngi' shows
The horse of gentlo breed docked, and
drawing cab
With weary stride, eyes bulging and mark
of whip
On his shrunk shank; and the full, deep
And whistle.'' in TrsounU'0lfaVt scene of
That ends this strange, pathetic history.
For which 'twere mercy to Implore ob-
Bf.ns tan, sans sight, sans strength, Bans
Florence M. Ulalr in Rider and Driver,
Algerian Wheat.
Practically all the wheat grown
in Algeria is hard wheat. The total
product In 1902 was 21,000 metric
tons. Of the annual crop all but a
very small portion is consumed in
Algeria. The native population use
only the Algerian wheat, which ls
made Into bread, semoules and cous-1 7 black gloves 'for $1.50 and duly re
cous. The latter 1b a dish highly ceived the use of the hymnal in ex
esteemed by the Arabs and very ex- change for them on the following Sun
tenslvely used. The flour used for i day. Boston Herald.
breadmaklng and r'her cooking pur
poses by tho Eur.:.4a population is
The Really Clever Pose.
Thero is much more Intellectual
cleverness among the girls of to-day
than there was fifty years ago. A
flippant cousin says: "It does not pay
for a girl to be clever; men are afraid
of you if you are, and the other girls
hate you." The really clever women
are those who disguise their learn
ing, and poBe as amiable and charm
ing idiots. Ladles' Field,
Use American Money.
United States money Is extensively
used In the northern part ot Colombia,
and In many stores prices are quoted
In American gold.
Best Hated Man In Ireland.
The late marquis of SHgo enjoyed
the reputation of being ono of the most
ha Jed men who owned estates in Ire
land. Lord Mayor's Valuable Badge.
Tho badge worn by the lord mayor
ot London Is istudded with diamonds
to the value of 120,000.
Child Gives New Facts About District
of Columbia.
Commissioner Macfarland was the
chief speaker at tho dedication of a
new public school building in tho
northern section of the city. Most of
the pupils who were gathered in tho
big hall on tho first floor to sing the
national anthems and hear the ridvlco
of their elders fero quite young, and
the commissioner undertook to nmuso
them with a little story of a former
experience in a Washington public
school. Thi3 is what ho said:
' "Ono day I was visiting a certain
grado in a certain school, and tho
teacher thero was so kind as to ask
mo to question the children, so that
I could find out how much thoy know.
I didn't much relish being teacher
oven for a fow minutes, but, chlldron,
you don't know what, it Is to bo a com
missioner; I Just had to do it.
1 "Well, I stood up In front, and I
" 'Who can tell mo how tho District
ot Columbia is governed?'
"It seemed as if tho question woro
too hard, and I was sorry I had asked
it, because tho teacher had been so
i anxious to have her pupils 'show off'
before me. Then d little bit of a
girl raised her hand timidly.
"'Well, how is it governed, my lit
tle girl?' I asked, reassured.
I " 'Pleaso, sir, the District Is govern
ed by threo missionaries, and one of
them belongs to the engineer corpse.'
"That was news to me, you know,
and I had to resign my position to tho
real teacher, I was so surprised.'
Washington Star.
Mine Drainage Planned.
Mine drainage operations In South
Staffordshire, England, by which 40,
000,000 tons of coal may bo won from
flooded pits, are now contemplated
These mines havo been flooded for a
quarter of a century. The coal area
has been split up into various owner
sTiips, nnd before n drainage commis
sion came into existence each owner
was supposed to pump tho water from
his own pits. Somo of them failed to
do this and in tho end all of the pits
woro abandoned. A drainage commis-
sion has obtained power to pump out
the pits and has secured a loan of
$500,000 to do it with. Tho project Is
an extensivo and difficult one, but
.mining experts declare that It offers
no obstacles which modern engineer
ing resources are unablo to conquer.
Tho ro-startlng of tho mlnos menns a
large access of property to a district
thnt stands in urgent need of it, and
the prospect of restoring this long
abandoned Industry has created great
interest in tho neighborhood.
Learn to Stand Well.
Women who wish to preserve the
sllmness and the contour of their fig
ures must begin by learning to stand
This is explained to mean the throw
irig forward and upward of the chest,
the flattening of tho back and the
i shoulder blades held in their proper
places, and the definite curving in of
the small of the back, thus throwing
the whole weight ot tho body on the
This, in a great measure, preserves
tfae flguref becfluse jt keepg the mUB.
cles firm and well strung, and pre-
venU the sinking down of the flesh
round the waist, so common in women
ovPJ 30 wh,ch ls Prfectly ea8y to
' escape. Another thing to avoid is a
'ta(1 habit of going upstairs, as most
i , . . . . ... ..
women do, bent forward, with the
chest contracted, which, as well as
'ki. tiJlt ii,i., .
, being an Indolent, slouching manner
nf wnltrlnsr la IniiirlnuR tn tha Vmnrt
. " " " I- ....
- j i..
. and lungs.
A Yankee Trade.
The old Yankee skill at driving a
bargain Is not being lost. A woman
visitor at a fashionable resort on the
Maine coast last summer went to the
Universallst church in the placo the
"t Sunday morning of her stay, and
(.was politely shown to a seat. There
,- nn v.xmn hnnk hnivovpr hut ho
was no nymn D00K' oweer, but the
! occupant ot the pew behind her
reachcd over and ulaced one In hr
hands. At the close of the service the
visitor turned and thanked tho person,
saying as she was to attend that
church all summer she would like to
buy a hymn book. "Well," said tho
other woman, "I guess you can have
that book if you'll give me a pair of
black gloves, No. 7." Very well,"
said the visitor. The noxt day she
went to Portsmouth, purchased the No.
One Thing to Avoid.
Yes," said the great man, "I am
going to write a book of personal rec
ollections. I think I am prominent
enough to do that, don't you?"
"Oh, yes, you're prominent enough,
but I'd like to caution you about one
"What's that?"
"For the purposes ot publication,
don't recollect anything about promi
nent men now Hying."
"But they're just the people I want
to write about. Those are the kind
of reminiscences that will mako the
book sell."
"Oh, well, suit yourself, but remem
ber that I warned you."
"What's tho danger?"
"Why, Just as soon as you begin to
recollect things about them they will
begin to recollect things about you."
"I hadn't thought of that," remarked
tho great man. Cincinnati Post.
Woman State Librarian.
Miss Josephine Holgato of Olympla
has accepted the position of state li
brarian of Washington. She declined
the appointment when It was first of
fered to her, and was persuaded to re
consider the matter.
Alliance Candy Co.
Manufacturing Confcctiona
rics both wholesale and re
tail. Wc ask thot public to
inspect our goods. You will
find them tip top.
"PURITY, and
For a Full
Line of...
fat Teas,
n ml
That Can't be Beat
In Town,..,
Enameled ware
"Jouts ot 'JaVr
NBffsTime Table
.- - .AV4
Alliance, Neb.
ahd all points east and all points west and
Tuains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time:
No. 41 PiiHscnger dnlly. Deadwixid,
Killings, all points north and
west 10:35 a.m.
No. 42 Passenger dnlly, Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and ali
points east ,,... 1:10a.m.
No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver
Ogden.Snlt Lake, San Fran
cisco and all Intermediate
points, departs at 1:10 a.m.
No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrives at 10:10a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
Omaha, Lincoln nnd Inter
mediate points arrives at.... 0:00 a.m.
No. 44 liocal passenger dally, for
Omnlm, Lincoln and Interme
diate points, departs ut 3: 10a m
No. SOuDiilly. exceu Sunday, for
points south and west, de
parts 7:50 n.m
No. 308 Dully, except Sunday, from
south and west, arrives 4:55 p. in.
Sleeping, dining und reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point In the
United States or Canada. For information,
time tables and tickets call on or writo to .1.
Kkeidelbauoh, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
Fire .
Agent for tho Caledonian, ot
Scotland, which Insures town
Iiroporty only, and tho Colutn
ila, which Insures town und
farm property and llvo stock.
Both uro reliable old lino com
panies Notarial Work,
Will Cry Sales in This and
Adjoining Counties. . . .
OT Satisfaction guaranteed
4 you want to buy or sell ranch prop
t rtv lit if with mo
-I "' - ...... ... . .
Hemingfokd, Ned.
How About That
New Suit or Overcoat
For the Spring Season ?
We stand back of
Fit and Style
First door south Charter Hotel.
Plumbing, Steam and hot water
'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB.
Dn J. R. Taggart, D.V.S
Is prepared to treat any and all
diseases known to the horse
nnd cow. Special attention to
dentistry. All work guaranteed
Bam North of Palace Livery. Tho 101
SEE Jos. Carey & Co.
For house moving, well boring
making and cleaning cesspools
moving box cars, ete ....
Moying Household Furniture
and Trunks a specialty . .
Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance.
Good Table Board
Comfortable Rooms
Opposite Depot)
Alliance, Neb.
:: Undertaking and . .
:: Embalming Company
Calls snswered promptly day or night.
Claude Humphry,
ilrs. .Humphry, .
Lady Assistant.
Residence phono 269.
....... DEALERS IN
Flour i Feed.
Comfort' T
Is Our Leader. Try It...,
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
'Phone Alliance,
No, 5. Nebraska.
in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready
for immediate use.
The ingredients are of the highest
quality and being accurately measured
and skilfully mixed are always unilorm
and excellent.
These goods are specially suited for
travelers' use.
Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc.
"Our stock of high grade
is complete and the quality superior.
k -