The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 04, 1904, Image 8
Stock and Stockmen. Nebraska Stock HroMcr's Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. ModlsctU picslilciit, Hushtllloj H. M. Hampton, vice-president, Alliance; 12. M frcarlo Jr., secretary-treasurer, Uicnliitln. Kxccutlvo committee- B. I'. Myers, Inai It. It. Ktneald. ItliiKlium; Jolm Ilrrmiiin, Alllnncot.1. It. ViinHoskirk, Alliance; K. K. Ijowp, HnnlHi John M. Allium, Totter; It. M.Allen, Amwj It. I.Uco, LodKopolo; Ktcrt Eldrrd, Orlando; U. C. Hiirrls, Clmdron; h. W. Illckcll, Kimball; Itobert Qmliiim, Al liance; John Conway, Uiuming; J. II. Cook, AtA. H. Heed, Alllanrc. MOHI.KIt ,V TUIJ.Y, Jess Net). Block branded tinted f n cut f '-' I lellh- ft 7 a hown on .1 on cither side. AIhoJ-Ooiu cr side. Township XL and riliRe 43, HKIIIMj IIHOH., Hchlll, Neb. Cuttlo branded on rlfiht thigh or XV on right side. Town h I p 27 range 4J,Shcrldan county. WM. O'MAKA, Moomiiw, Nub. Cattlu hronded Onthollc cross on right hip. Horses brnnilfxl name on right shoulder. Hanch on H. W. 4 of section 30, CO. 45 and adjacent range a. im.r.iNo. llox Unite, Nob. Cuttlo branded ns I) cut on left hip, also with tho bar over Instead of under brand. Alsoouicft hide U'nelinwU .section 17. In towusmi rilugo 111. -'7. Cl'ItHAN UltOS., Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II (tarn) on leftside. Also ill on luft thiuh. UnderHlopc on left ear. Horses branded same as rattl) on loft Jit ' anil u on left shoulder. I JOS. NKUUl), Miillmla, Neb. On left side. N on left stdo J. It. Ncrud. Allium'?, Nub. 3 S connected any place mi loft xldu. Hnnge on head of I'lne Creek, Sheridan county. STOKM LAKE KANClI, UOIIRKTGItAIIAM, Clenmii, Nub, An In cut on right or luft hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O on ct Jaw. 1C MA MX, Hemlnuford, Neb. Cuttlo branded ilylnir horseshoe on left hip. us In cut. Ilomu ranch see. 25-27-50. llorso ranch in L'll-IH. ALLISON Lukcsldo, Neb. Cattle branded N-oi right hip, ltungo In Ttrp. 20, ra iiko 45, Slier- dan county. POINT-OK-KOOKB KANCH. JOHN OMvEKKU & PONS. Alliance, Neb. Cattle branded OK on left side: also ok and ok on left hide. Stockmen: It will pay yon to advertise your brands in this paper. -The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. KstrujcJ From the Dllllug ranch on or about tho sec ond day of Decumher lust a bright buy gelding work horse, whlto face, braudeif T on Jaw, Anyonu locating aunimal and notifying us will bo promptly rewarded. Kkuhkn Vi.iut. S-3t V. O. address, Box llutto, Neb, Esnray One smull thre-j ear-old black steer, weight about 900 pounds estrnyed from our ranch about the first of last August. He bore tho brand f" on right hip. Anyone locating this I I animal pleusg notify me ami re ceive reward. Dilliko IlllOd. St-3 P. O, address, Box liutte, Neb. fijT7 tSffrT MM&MMrilHHiH II. wSi naiNl" in T. .1. I) .WD, JVKMWMMM'Sk QCBffi HvrP 11. A. EASY WAY TO MAKE MONEY. American Raises Argument and Bets on a Sure Thing. In the eld days, when a sldo-wheelcr on tho Mississippi was the chief way Tor pcoplo to travel who were desirous of going south, an Englishman who owned a ranch was a passenger on one of these bootK. While en route ho had frequently been asked by a follow passenger, an American, to join In a game of cards, but tho phlegmatic Englishman declined the American's solicitations. Ono day the American asked the Englishman to piny n game of check' crs, and to he consented. After thrco or four moves had been made tho American Informed his adversnry ho had better take back the move he had made, as he was sure to beat him. The Englishman at once was on his high horse and Informed his rival he would not be dictated to. Tho American replied: "I did not nlctnte to you." "I never said you did. I stated I would not be dictated to." Again ho wan met with the answer: "I did not nictate to you." This angered tho Englishman, who again stated he would not be dictated to and that there wan no such word an nictate. "I'll bet you $5 thero Is," said the American. Tho bet was covered. With cool deliberation the American pulled n dictionary out of his pocket unu showed tho word nictate, meaning "to wink nt," saying: "This Is the se enth 5 bill I have won on that word to-day." A Beast of Superior Intelligence. "You may say what you please re garding tho superior intelligence of the human animal," remarked Cross cup oratorlcally, "bu I have at homo a puppy a common yellow puppy that is far more clever than some humans. '"iho other evening I carried home a bottle and Joyous anticipations. The former I Bought to open with a pate:ti corkscrew. For the first time in Us period of service the screw broke half tho cork off and on tho second tr pushed the remaining half Into tnc neck of tho bottle. "I took It out in tho kitchen ami labored with It for a while, trying to fasten tho spiral of tho screw Into tho iloating cork. Would you bellsvc It? Thnt pup crawled under the wail, tubs nt tho exact moment the cork dropped In and never showed so much us tho tip of Its noso uutll 1 Ashed tho bit of cork out wllh a rusty bu'Vn book. Then It came out and congra .. latod mo with mnny wngs of tho tall If that Is not superior Intelligence i should like to know what Is." "Superior to what?" asked li2nr ing. Crosscup eyed him as ono who would soek to arouco unpleasant' mem ories. "My wlfo tried to advise me ho Bald simply. Deerlng, who Is married also, s.iM "Oh!" Digging Well to Drain a Bog. An Ingenious Yankee who lives or tho west const of Florida adopted c novel method to drain a bog on his plantation. Ho put down a four-Inch well In the middle of his bog deep enough to tap the water bearing grav el. A nice flow of water was bnedur tered, which rose ln tho well nearly to tho surface. As soon as tho top of tho pipe was pnshed down to n level with the bottom of tho bog, the water In tho pond rushed down Into the well and passod off through sub-, terranean channels. In a few hours the bog was drained, Tho land has since been plowed and Is now a valu able truck farm. Scientists declare that wet lands ln many sections of the country can bo drained by this simple method. Care must be taken not to permit the well to fill up with rubbish, which might impede the ingress of the water. Plenty of Raw Material. "Grandpa," said the children, "tell us another story about the tlmo when you wero a young man and traveled with the show." "Well," said Grandfather Dutton, "when I was with Nixon & Kemp's circus, forty or fifty years ago, ono of my great acts was to .rot a boy to put an apple on top of 11a head and then I would stand ten ;aces away and shoot a rifle ball thnugh It." "Rut didn't you sometimes miss tho apple and shoot tho boy?" "Not often, but It happened once In a while, of courso." "What did you do then?" they asked breathlessly. "Do?" said Grandfather Dutton, shrugging his shoulders. "Why, some times I had to wait two or three min utes beforo I could find another boy, but not often. There are always plen ty of boys." Dr. Parkhurst and the Immigrant. An English visitor was talking to tho Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst the other day about the recent Tammany victory in tho New York city election. "I supposo it was due to tho immi grant vote," said the Englishman. "That's how Adam and Evo account ed for lt, Isn't it?" replied the doctor, "They said It was the fault of the Im migrant into tho garden. But if Adam and Kve had been decent people, the immigrant couldn't have troubled them." Christmas Box. Tho familiar term Christmas box comes from the old-time custom of placing alms-boxes in the churches Christmas morning to receive dona tions from the congregation for tho benefit of the poor. As the alms wero not given out until the next day, Dec. 26 came td be known as "Boxing day." RUSSELL 8AQE ON SAVING. Capitalist Is Glad He Knows the Value of a Dime. Russell Sage was chnttlng with a friend on tho subject of success. This friend remnrked that ho did not re gnrd Mr. Sage ns a wholly successful man because ho had not been able to rid hlmsnif of the saving habits of his curly days. Mr. Sage's friend was many years his Junior and ono whom ho was solicitous about, becauso of his recklessness In personal expcndl turcs. Turning on the Improvident one Mr. Sage said: "It Ir not much over a year ago when I used to hear even clerks in banks and brokers' offices speculating on what sort of nn automobile It was best to purchase; even the big brok ers could not sleep well for speculat ing over the proper horsepower for their automobiles. "What do they ask ono another to day?" suddenly queried Mr. Sage. "I'll toll you. They ask 'Where are tho transfer points on tho surface car system of New York?' I tell you," that a penny saved Is a nickel made and that a dime in the pocket is worth more than an imaginative dol lar In the stock exchange. This old man," he concluded, "knows tho dif ference between carfare and the price of an automobile, and ho can Indulge in either one he wishes to without worrlment as to who sees him do it or what Is the cost There ( seems to be a certain element of suc cess in being fixed in that way." New York Times. MIGHT HAVE BEEN WOR8E. Congressman Hepburn's Consolation for Piece of Bad Luck. Congressman Hepburn of Iowa Is nearly always unlucky In drawing a scat, but of late years he has been able io retain nis om seat, me member rates or a Romeo. The titles of some drawing it always exchanging with of our rcef!at nopuiar novels, which him. When ho first entered the house hftVG become household words, have ho drew about tho worst seat in tho often lmdergone extraordinary evolu lot As ho sat down thero ho was ; tlons ,n ortler to rcach tho flnal Batl8. grumbling over his bad luck, when ho t factory 8taBe. -Judge tho Obscure" looked across tho hall and saw tho wa8 flrst entitled "The Simple disconsolate face of tht man whom tons a name whlch gaVG piace at ho had beaten for tho nomination and tho vcry 1(1Bt moment to a later and whom ho succeedod In congress. Then bctter tltle( for ,,urIng Its appCaranco ho thought: "I'll bet that fellow would ln serlai form ln Harper's Magazine It uu mmaiieu wun even tins seat, ami nt once ceased to feel bad about his luck. The Economy of Modern Methods. Tho coke used In Iron furnaces Is made In the most approved manner. ' Coal straight from the mines Is passed through a plant costing many thousands of dollars, which saves all tho volatile portion. The tar and nmmonla are washed from tho smoko. tho latter being crystallized Into sul phate of ammonia and the former be- ' lng made Into pitch and creosote. Tho , gas from these ovens Is then con- I ducted to tho blast furnaces, where, in the process of iron making, it is forced through molten metal. Even i then it is not allowed to escape, but ' Is made to do service ln heating boil ers for generating power-producing steam. Each ton of coal thus treat ed yields 10,000 cubic feet of gas, 20 pounds of ammonia and 100 pounds of tar. The ammonia is used for ro-1 frlgeratlon and fertilization; tho tar 1b taken by roofing plants; and even the slag, the scum of the molten Iron, i is utilised In the manufacture of ce- ment. About tho only waste element is the heat escaping from the cooling . ingots of iron, and some enterprising genius may yet devise a plan of ator- re battery wnereoy tnis lost energy may be used to batch our chickens. Mrs. Dumphy." A Child's Poser. j .(Iogt hla rea8on, is it? An' how did Itel'-'ously Inclined parents aro jie do that?" more i .ta than not subjected to em- j "Well, Mrs. Dumphy," said Danny, barrasslng Inquiries by tholr small scratcnlng his head. "I don't know children who have not reached an ago oxactly. Ye see I wasn't close by where they are willing to take a the- whln lt happened'. But I do bo hear ologlcal subtleness for granted. A in. from t he rest o' the b'vs that ho question was propounded by ono child ' on whoso religious training much caro had been expended was not only a poser, but carried with lt a profound and world wide significance. The small boy had been trained to ask in prayers that he should "be made a good little boy." Ono day ho had been far from good and his mother was remonstrating with him. "God does not like little boys to be naughty," she said. "God wants you to bo good." "Then why does he not make me good?" fell from the baby's lips. "I ask htm often enough." Whist Authority Dead. Nicholas Browse Trist of New Or leans, who died of heart disease last week, was the hlr' "t recognized au thority in this ci ; ,.; on the game of whist. Ho Bcr" 0 I'd the Confederate army under (' . Kirby SmLh, prac ticed law Eiujequcntly, and was raised to an honorable position on the local bench. Steerage Immigration. Of the steerage immigration last year 233,546 were Italians, 82,343 were Poles, 79,347 Scandinavians, 70,203 He brews, 71,782 Germans', 35,366 Irish, 34,427 Slovak, 32,907 Crotian-Slovenian, 28,451 English, 27,124 Magyars and 155,550 of other nationalities. Mortality Among Employes. The annual mortality In the United States Is: For railways, one person killed for every 1,052 employes; for coal miners, one person killed for every 744 employes; for seamen in merchant vesselB, ono person killed for every 133. Children Now Have Rights. For picking up and kissing a little boy in the street a Birmingham (Eng.) man has been fined forty shill ings, or one month's kard labor, for assault. MAKES MONEY ON MOUSE FARM. Woman Embarks In Business of Breeding Fancy Rodents. Breeding white, piebald, black and Japanese mice Is t; e latest household Industry which is receiving attention. A woman living on tho northern out skirts of tho city has embarked In tho business quite extensively. Tho mice sell wholesale nt the rate of $10 per 100, and regularly, once every week, she dollvers fifty of them to tho lending bird and animal dealer, who sends them out to his customers in this and other cities. In this way sho earns ?5 every week, and $21 and $22 per week from tho other sales of her mice. It would be hard to Imagine, easier money than tho $5 which sho receives weekly for her "dwarf cat tle." Tho rearing of fancy mico In volves little or no work, and the pro ceeds are for the most part pure gain. She has at her home part of a largo room partitioned off, and the floor cov ered with Btraw and earth. This is her mouse farm. It must be cleaned up now and then, and new Btraw and earth put in for the mice, but aside from this, her only care is to feed them twice a day and keep their basin full of fresh water. The mice In crease at such a rapid rate that by selling fifty every week she 'is abla to keep the number down to about tho original limits. Washington Post I WHAT'8 IN A NAME? Proof That Popular Authors Think There Is a Great Deal. What's In a name for a book? The problem of christening children is a very small one compared with tho question of the proper name for a book. There are so many more to be taken Into consideration, for at the time of the child's appearance there is no developed characteristic In cvi dcnce to lntilcato whetner ho is a Soc wna imown ns "Hearts Insurcent." Sr Gilbert Parker's "The Right of Way" was at first in the author's manu script "Charlie Bell" and later "Char ley Steele," nnd "Tho Lane That Has no Turning," by the same author, was until tho time of Its going to press called "The Golden Spoon." Onoto Watanna's "Heart of Hyacinth" was originally "Evening Mist." It is now known to many that "Lady Rose's Daughter" was in manuscript "A Woman of Talent." Harper's Weekly. Broke It Gently. Danny O'Brien worked on the sec tion, and was as tender hearted a man as ever got drunk and cracked a pate with a shlllelah. At the tlmo of Pat Dumphy's great misfortune Danny was choBen by the section gang to break the news gently to Mrs. Dum Phy. "Good mornln', Mrs. Dumphy," said he. "Did ye hear about Pat?" "I heard nothing about him slnco breakfast," she answered. "Did he seem to be all right then?" "Sure he did." "Ye noticed nothln wrong wid Mb molnd?" '.'Nothln' at all. Phwhy do ye ask?" "Well, I hear that his mind do bo wanderin a little." "An' phwhat do ye mean bo that?" "I mean he have lost his reason, fell acrost the track an' a train cut hia head off." Brooklyn Eagle. Trouble. There's a human disposition to exagger ate a care. And to And the darkest quarter of a cloud, , And we never see the silver lining, tho It may be there We'd exchange a wedding garment for n. shroud! We look for what we're wanting. And discover what we're hunting. And we make our lamentations long and loud. We may have a little trouble, but we never stop to think That the other fellow probably has more. And from undertakings difficult we're very apt to shrink. Fearing we may fall as others have bt-fore; Yet It's little we are caring. For we spend our time despairing. And we make nurselvea a pessimistic bore. An unwritten law has cettled that a man cannot succeed If he wnbblea In despair at every Jar. But he's got to keep ambition on a full and steady feed And attach his hustle wagon to a star; Tho" your bridges may be burning. Here's a tip that's well worth learn- 'nK: Never make your troubles greater than they are. Baltimore News. Hannv Family Afloat. It there be any calling from which It might seem that the hand of woman was by nature debarred, lt is that of clerk on a steamer. There is a New Orleans family which gives such a theory as this the Ho, however. Capt. John Steckfus owns the packet ln question, and his clerk Is his daughter Llllle, now a pretty girl of 21. Two more of tho captain's daughters also assist about the boat. It is a happy family afloat. Foreign Vessels Carry the Freight. Less than 1 per cent of the goods exported from Cuba to the United fctateB is carried by ships flying the American flag. Ninety-eight per cent of tho freighting between the .V countries Is done by European ves . ;: Alliance Candy Co. 1 Manufacturing Confcctiona ries both wholesale and re tail. We ask the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. OUR MOTTOi "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries X That Can't he Beat In Town.... Queensware, Tinware amJ Enameled ware CALL ON. oxts fat "Saw A. D. RODGERS. iTime Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SA LT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points east and all points west and south. Tuains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time: No. 41 Passenger dally. Deadwood, Hillings, nil points north and west 10:35 a.m. No. 42 Passenger dully, Lincoln, Omuhu, Chicago and all points east 1:10a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ocdcn.Salt Lake. San Fran cisco and all Intermediate points, departs at No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, arrives at 1 :10 a.m, No. 43 Local passougfcr dally from Omaha, Lincoln and Inter mediate points arrives at.... 6:00 a. m No. 41 Local passenger dally, for Omaha. Lincoln und Interme diate noints. denarts at 3:10am No. 30JDally, oxcep Sunday, for points south und nest, do parts 7:50 a. m No. 30U Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives 4: 15 p. in. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any olnt ln the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables und tickets call on or write to J. KiiKiDEi.BAUOii, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. 000000000Q l TfottVv . Yvevce. $ 0 0 Fire f Insurance. HEMIrtGKOKD, Nedkaska. Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insures towu property ouly, aud tho Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property und live stock. Both arc reliable old line com panies JSTotetr'ia.l 'Work,. OJK000000 W. 2Yi. FOSK -"CLctloreer t Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. J3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingfokd, Ned. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style. . CHAS. BRUCKNER First door south' Charter Hotel. Best Coffees, I tat Teas, ; f Superior Flours, Ms LlliLfe! Carey & Brennan Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating Contractors & Builders ALLIANCE, NEB. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat anj' and all diseases known to the horse1 and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Ham North of Palace Livery. Tho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, etc .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance-. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, , ' Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour i Feed. 1 "Home Comfort Flour Is Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE 10S. WKST HI UK MAIN STKEET.. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD Alliance, Nebraska, 'Phone No. 5. THERE IS MUCH MERIT in our mixed drinks, bottled and ready for immediate use. The ingredients are of the highest quality and being accurately measured . and skilfully mixed are always unilorm and excellent. M These goods are specially suited for travelers' use. Manhattan cocktails, etc, etc. Our stock of high grade WINES AND LIQUORS is complete and the quality superior. THE RED LIGHT. y V; h