The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 04, 1904, Image 6

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T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
News in Brief
Tho only Important independent
states now remaining in Africa nro
Abyssinia nnd Liberia.
Tho strike of coal minora at Ells
worth, I'n., is ended, tho company Re
ceding to tho demnndfl ol tho men.
Within a mllo of Johannesburg
building contracts to tho amount of
over ten millions nro being cnrrled
Dr. Emmet, a grnndnephew of Rob
ert Emmet tho Irish patriot, has just
celebrated his golden wedding In New
York city.
Congressman Wllllnm A. Rccdor
was renominated by acclnmntlon by
tho republicans of tho Sixth district
of Knnsiw. ,
Paper flywheels nro coming Into use.
Tho tensllo strength ot pnpor Is enor
mous, henco Its advnntngo over Iron
for this purpose.
Oeorgo A. Brooke of Philadelphia
won tho racquet championship of tho
United StuteH by defeating Qulncy A.
Shaw, Jr., of Boston.
John Phillips, secretary of tho na
tional organization of hnttcrs, ami woll
Known In Inbor circles, died at Now
York, ngell C7 years.
At Clnclnna" tho convention of In
dependent telephono companies In tho
Ohio Valley convened with over 100
exchanges represented.
Switzerland Is inaugurating a sys
tem of itinerant school teachers, who
will visit and spend somo timo in tho
isolated outlying villages,
W. T. Stead has broken down under
tho strain of publishing his new dally
paper In London and has started for
South Africa for a complete rest.
Ma.Jor Arthur McClellan brother of
tho lato General Georgo II. McClcllnn
nnd undo of tho mayor of Now York,
died suddenly of heart disease ut Drlf
ton, Pa.
Harry A Zlllafro was hanged at ICit
tanning, Pa., for tho murder of his
wife. Zlllnfro, who was scarcely 22
years old, wan cool and collected on
tho scaffold
William Miller, probably tho oldest
engineer in service In tho United
Stntcs, has just been killed near Lead
vllle, Colo. Miller began railroading
llfty-two ycnrB ago.
Tho Sennto Committee on Com
merco authorized a favorablo report
nn tho nomination of W. D. Crum, to
bo Collector of Customs nt tho Port
of Charleston, S. C.
John Mllllknn, tho oldest editor In
tho Stato of Indiana, lives In Crown
Point, in good health and nt tho ago
of 89 years. Ho is still connected wit)
tho Lake County Register.
Advices have been received that nn
enormous tonnage of exhibits Is now
enrouto to St. Louis. Within two
weeks this freight will begin to nrrivo
on tho grounds In great bulk.
Prof. W. B. Morgan, Into of Rich
mond, Iii'l , oiKi ot tho rortmost of
Quaker educntoiB died nt Lowell, Kas.
Ho was promlueut in tho movement
that brought about coeducation in
Quaker schools.
Replying In tho Houso of Commons,
tho Chancellor oi tho Kxchequor, Aus
ten Chamberlain, said tho government
hnd no intention at present of rulm
posing tho tax on grain, which wns
abolished last year
Mrs. Dradley-Mnrtln, tho society
lender, who is now making hor homu
In England, has ordered twenty-soven
pairs of shoes rondo to her own lasf
from n manufacturer of women's foot
wear in Lynn, Mass.
Tho Right Row Joseph O. Hartzoll
inlsionary bishop of tho Methodis'
church, has Just returned to London
from a torn of tho African missions
extending ovet nlno months and trav,
ellng about 30,000 mlW.
Two men wcro lost by tho stenmer
York Castle, which arrived at New
York from Delagoa bay, In an uttem) I
to givo aid Sunday to tho America?
schooner, Willis L. Newton, 1200 mile-south-ast
of Snndy Hook.
Tho private car used by Presldeil
Lincoln during tho Civil war, and
which carried Ills body to Springfield
for burial, has been loaned to tho St
Louis Exposition or oxnibttlon In tin
Lincoln Museum by the Union Pacific
Emll Kuehnel of Manchester, N. H..
has a clock which It is believed wa
usod in (ho days of Columbus. On thti
upper part of tno wooden face Ij
carved a picture of tho great dlscov'
erer, wlhlo on tho lower part Is nentl)
carved "Anno 1492."
Tho heaviest man in tho British em
pire is dead from a cancer, says a
dispatch from London. Ho was Thom
as Longloy of Dover. His weight ex
ceeded COO pounds, whllo ho was six
feet ono inch in height, and had a
chest measurement of seventy Inches.
John Brltt, of Medorn, N. D., lias
written to tho authorities of tho Lou
isiana Paurchaso exposition that ho
can securo for the fair n log cabin
in which Presidont Roosevelt onco
lived on a ranch In North Dakota.
Tho Popo has sent a magnificent
chased gold chalic to tho church at
Quero, a town in tho Venetian prov
inces, to take tho placo of tho one
which had been usod thero for a cen
tury, but which was rocoutly stolen.
Captain Georgo Rroojno of tho Unit
ed States army, now stationed In Por
to Rico, Hied In tho United States su
premo court a suit for $250,000 dam
ages against Jamos P, Harbour and
his wife, Annio D. Harbour, for alleged
alienation of the affootlons of Captain
Broome's wife.
Two Battleships and Dispatch Boats
are Said to he Missing Survivors
of Sunken Transports not Allowed to
See Anyone.
ST. PETERSBURG. A dispatch ro
eolved here from Llao Yang, and dated
February 28, snys that Chlncso on tho
Ynlu river report that an advance
guard of Ruslan cavalry, which has
penetrated Corea for a dlstanco of
about 200 vcrsts across tho river, had
nn encounter with a detachment of
Jnpnneso nnd that tho Japnneso wcro
compelled to retreat and-fled, -leaving
their horses, which wcro seized by tho
Cossacks. General Llnovltch dis
patched cnvnlry anil n body of Infnntry
In pursuit and with ordors to occupy
northern Corea,
An offlcinl dispatch received from
Major Gcnernl Pllug, Viceroy Aloxleff's
chief of staff, which Is dated Febru
ary 28, says:
CHID TOO. Whllo tho Japanese re
port that their fleet was unscathed
in their latest attack on Port Arthur
they aro using every endeavor In at
tempting to prevent details of nny In
jury to the Japanese fleet from lcnklng
out. Survivors, said to bo from
sunken Japnneso transports, who
lnnded hero Saturday aro not allowed
to sco anyone. They will bo sent
homo on parolo. Tho original Japa
nese fleet in front of Port Arthur con
sisted of sixteen ships. Two battle
ships and n dispatch boat aro missing.
It Is learned from two sources that two
of tho missing warships wero taken
to Sascbo in a disabled condition. It
is being circulated among the Chlncso
that Port Arthur has fallen.
Tho Jnpancso Bailors who arrived
Saturday aro from the Jlnsen Marti
and tho BIshlu, two of tho five mor
chant vesels with which It was at
tempted to block tho entrance to Port
Arthur on tho morning of tho 24th.
Lieutenant Snlto commanded tho Jln
sen Maru nnd Lleutcnnnt Tarlshl tho
Bushlu. Tho latter was manned by
thirty men. Ono man of Lieutenant
Snito's command was killed whllo low
ering a bont on the Jlnsen Mnru. Tho
details of how tho steamers wero
taken Into the entrance to tho harbor
nnd sunk nro being-withheld by the
sailors, but Lloutonnut Snlto stated
that they got so cioso to tho Rctvlzan
that had they been tinned with rifles
they could have ltred lino ts crow.
When It was tound that the scheme
was a falluro they dropped anchor
nnd tho crews crowdeu Into tho re
maining boats. Thoy then blew up
the stenmers.
Burlington Announces Rate on Sugar
to the Missouri River.
CHICAGO. Officials of tho Burling
ton railway announced a rate on sugar
from Chicago to tho Missouri river of
2 cents less than the cut rate put In
effect by the Great Western.
Its(now rate will bo 10 conts per 100
pounds from Chicago to tho Missouri
river, 5 cents from tho Mississippi
river to the Missouri river nnd 7 cents
irom Chlcngo to St. Paul and Minne
apolis. Tho old roles on sugnr wero
27 cents from Chicago to tho Missouri
river, 22 cents from tho Mississippi
to tho Missouri nnd 14 cents from Chi
cago to St. Paul.
Tho Gront Western had made no
reduction in the rnto from Chicago to
St. Paul, nnd tho 50 per cent cut In
tho St. Paul rato by tho Burlington is
taken as an Indication that tho Bur
lington will become moro aggressive
in the prevailing wnr of rates.
Chartered by the Government and Lo
cated on the Grounds.
ST. LOUIS. To facilitate tho haft
tiling ot largo sums of money during
tho exposition periodseventeen of tho
largest banks and trust companies
of St. Louis have organized tho Bank
ers' World's Fair National bank, char
tered by tho federal government and
capitalized nt $200,000.
Tho specific purposo of tho bank Is
to have a convenient depository for
tho government funds, tho gato re
ceipts of tho world's fair and tho con
cessionaires, and for all those that
wish to deposit their money for safe
keoplng. Tho bank, which will bo lo
cated inside tho grounds, will ceaso
to exist with mo closo of tho exposi
tion. Kaiser Pleated with Railroad.
BERLIN Emperor William has tel
egraphed to Dr. Fischer, president of
tho Shan Tung railway, as follows:
"Tho.nowB of tho arrival of tho first
railway train at Tsl Nan Fu afforded
me much gratification. I congratu
late tho management upon tho suc
cess which tho German spirit of en
terprise has achieved in tho far east
and hopo your indefatigable labors in
China will bo rewarded with other
similar successes."
Loss of Wisconsin Capitol.
MILWAUKEE. Wis. A special from
Madison, Wis., says that Governor La
Folletto had a conference with a num
ber or stato officials to consldor slops
to be taken with regard to tho replac
ing of tho state capital, which was
practically mined by tho recent flro.
Nothing definite wns roachod at tho
conference, but It Is tho goncrnl iro
proftslou that tho govornor will call an
oxtra sossion of the logislnturo to take
action on the matter. Tho governor
aunouuuud that nothing would bo done
tor a few days.
Steamer Queen Takes Fire Off North
PORT TOWAdENI). Wash. After
suffering tho moRt harrowing experi
ence from lira and storm that, has ever
befallen a ernft on tho North Pnrlfls
const, tho steamer Queon put in here
Sunday to report tho loss of fourteen
About 3:4f o'clock Saturday morn
ing, whllo off tho mouth of tho Colum
bia river tho Queen caught flro in her
after saloon in some unexplained way.
With Indescribable swiftness the fire
gained headway and threatened soon
to envelop tho whole ship. To add to
tho horror tho heavy seas running
meant death 10 nny ono sent away in
tho lifeboats Tho flames became
more and more threatening until, when
It seemed a choice of deaths, Captain
Cousins ordered the lifeboats launch
ed. They were manned by tho crew
and ordered to remain close to the
ship. Into these tho women nnd chil
dren were placed. Hardly, however,
had tho boats been cast loose than, un
able to weather the fierce waves, two
oi them wero capsized with tho loss
above Indicated.
C ngressman Hitchcock Introdues
One for Relief of Marines.
WASHINGTON Congressman Gil
bert M. Hitchcock of the Second Ne
braska district has introduced a bill
for tho relief or the members of the
First. Second and Third marlno corps
nnd for otler purposes. The text of
tho blJl is as follows:
"That the clnlms for pay of tho
members di these corps who wero mils
t red into tho service or tho United
States under the order of Major Gcn
ernl John C. Fremont, dated Septem
ber 12, 1861, and also tho like claims
of legal representatives or tho deceas
ed members ot the said corps shall
hereafter bo referred to tho court of
clnlms of the United States for exam
ination and adjudication."
Tho bill gives full authority and Jur
isdiction to the court of claims to boar
and determine these clnlms and to en
ter final Judgments upon all or tho
questions of law und fact Involved
Governor Is Hanna's Successor ac
Leader in Ohio.
COLUMBUS, O. Now thnt it Is
claimed by the Hanna republicans of
Ohio thnt Governor Herrlck has suc
ceeded Senator Hanua as the domi
nant power In Ohio republican politics
tho following stntement mndo by the
governor with reference to the selec
tion of delegates to the national re
publican convention Is Important:
"I enn only quote from tho last let
tor that Senator Hanna wrote tho
last with tho exception of a pencil
note to the president on January CO,
the day of the Gridiron banquet: 'We
must organizo our full strength nnd
choose tho Roosevelt dclccatcs from
among our friends. "
Continuing, the governor said: "The
opportunity now arises for all good re
publicans to unite In the conduct of
tho party on broad lines in such a
friendly spirit as to eliminate all dif
The Tax Lien Foreclosure Case Comes
Uo for Discussion.
WASHINGTON Justice Day hand
ed down tho opinion ot the supremo
court ot the United States alarming
tho judgment of tho supremo court of
Nebraska In tho enso of Alvln P.
Leigh against Henry S. Green, involv
ing tax sales of property. The court
held that the owner of a tax lien may
foreclose the Hen upon notice by pub
lication, which shall bring in anybody
and everybody intended, and that in
tho exerlcso of tho taking power tho
states may delegato that right and
nuthorlty, as was done In tnls case, to
the purchasers of the tax sale, and
thnt such procedure is not violative
of the rights guaranteed by tho four
teenth amendment of the constitution.
Built in Philadelphia on a Rush Order
from Japan.
quonces of a rush order from the Jap
anese government for locomotives, a
locomotive plnnt hero has established
a now record by tho construction ol J
seven locomotives in a day.-
Tho engines ordered by Japan aro
for the military railroad that will con
nect Fusan, on tho southern coast of
Korea, with Seoul, tho capital.
Tho order, which called for twenty
locomotives to bo completed within
thirty days, was received lato In Jan
uary. Eight ot them have been
shipped to Fusan. The remaining
twelvo will ho shipped this weelc.
Russia to Present Her Protest.
WASHINGTON At nn important
conference, scheduled for Wednesday
at the State department between Sec
retary Hay und Count Cassinl, tho
Russian ambassador, Russia's protest
to tho powers against Japan's alleged
violation of international law will bo
communicated to tho Washington gov
ernment Shipping to the Philippines.
WASHINGTON Tho houso com
mltteo on merchant marine and fish
eries listened to tho nrgumonts of
many representatives of tho ocean
shipping industries of the country In
favor of tho FO'o-LlttlefloId uill. pro
viding that tho commerco between tho
United States and the Philippine is
lauds shall bo carried In Amorlcan
ships, but exempting tho inter-island
trndo In the Philippines from tho op
oration of tho navigation laws of the
United States, which are, under exist
ing laws, made applicable after July 1.
The Port of Wlju Opened to Foreign
Trade Kamlmura Says That the
Recent Naval Battle Was a Japan
ese Victory.
SEOUL The Korean government
hnB decided to order tho Korean
troops to join the Japnneso in the
Tho port of Wlju wns opened to for
eign trade Friday night. Tho llra
tlons to bo placed on trade nnd other
Incidental matters will be passed upoc
later. This action necessitates a har
hor, so Yongnmpo has been decided
Tho stnnding nrmy now consists ol
about 17,000 men wltn European moth
ods. In 189C It wns taken in hand bj
n Russian colonel with three commls
sloned and ten non-commissioned of
fleers, who retired in 1898. Tho royal
bodyguard of 1,000 men has been well
drilled, and periodically a draft ot
wcll-trnlncd men Is transferred from
It to tho other regiments of tho stand
Ing nrmy.
WASHINGTON-Vlco Admiral Kam
Imurn of the Japanese nay, In a dls
patch to tho Jnpanese legation hero
under date or Friday, says:
"According to tho report from thr
torpedo flotilla, which was sent roi
the purposo of rescuing the crews ov
tho stenmers sent to block up tho liar
hor at Port Arthur, tho steamer Hoko
kub on the left side of tho entrance
of the harbor near tho lighthouse and
the stenmer Bushlu outsldo tho en
trance wero sunk purposely by tho
Japanese by explosion. Tho steamers
Tenshinc, Buyo nnd Jlnsen sunk them.
solves on the east of the Lao Leshan.
All tho crows ot these steamers were
picked up safely. Our destroyers and
torpedo flotilla are unharmed. On tho
night of February 24 our destroyers
again went on n scouting cruise near
Port Arthur, Dalny and Pigeon Bay.
"On February 25 our main squadron
approached Port Arthur and bombard
ed the enemy's men-of-war and forts
from a distance. Wo saw the Novlk,
the Askoltl and tho Bnyan fleeing Into
tho harbor, It thus being apparent thnt
tho blockading operation had not
much effect. Our squadron then fired
Into tho habror and saw flames and
considerable smoke. Wo withdrew
after flftcen minutes' shelling. While
our cruisers wero thus engaged In fir
ing, wo snw one of the enemy's tor
pedo boats destroyed. Our squadron
received no damage.
"Vice Admiral Togo is still on tho
It Is Passed by the Lower House of
WASHINGTON Tho house passed
the naval appropriation bill Friday
alter having had It under consider
ation for a week, i nere wns n party
contest ou n number of proposals dur
ing the day, especially on nn effort of
different minority members to securo
an amendment to fix the prico or ar
mor plate at tho ilgures made by tho
Mldvalo Steel company. Several
amendments were ruled out on polnt:
or order and the republican lenders,
by parliamentary tactics, left the ques
tion of nrmor pinto In the discretion
of thft KPorntnrv nf tho nnvv An In.
tucwmi ukiuiui'i yh inuuo to nnvc
tho eight-hour law applied to all ship
construction, i ho contest over sub
marine boats was exciting and nn
amendment was adopted which leaver
tho question of the type of boat opor
but Increases tho amount of the. ap
propriation for such boats. Tho mi
nority failed to secure a record vote
on the proposal to recommit with in
Btructlons, the proposed instructions
being declared out of order.
Forty Thousand Disembarked at Che
mulpo and Other Points.
LONDON Cabling from Cho Foo,
February 23, a correspondent of tho
Morning Post snys 40,000 more Jap
anese troops liavo lauded at Chemulpo
and that lie has received confirmation
of tho report that somo Japanese have
landed at Pigeon bay, others at Ta
Lien Wan, and that nn engagement
occurred tho night of Fobrunry 12.
The correspondent at Seoul of the
Dally Mall reports a panic at Ping
Yang. Korea, which Is regarded as
heralding tho approach of tho oppos
ing armies.
According to tho Standard's corre
spondent at Seoul, tho Japanese bom
barded Port Arthur at intervals be
tween February 8 and 14, causing,
however, only slight damage.
Sign Arbitration Treaty.
PAUUTho foreign ofllce announc
ed tnift a'" treaty of arbitration be
tween Franco nnd Spain had been
signed, Tho terms aro identical with
tho recent arbitration treaties con
cluded between Franco and Great
Britain and Italy and Great Britain.
Press Feeders Again Fined.
CHICAGO For the second timo
J ml go Jesse Holdom lined tho Frank
lin union of press feeders $1,000 for
violation of an injunction which was
obtained by tho Chicago Typothetae,
charging the Franklin union with in
terference with non-union employes.
Besides lining tho union, Judge Hol
dom fined President Wednes $250 In
addition to a jail sentonco or six
months. Jeromo Collins and Harry
Brown, two other members or tho
Franklin union, were given short jail
sentences, ' . . .
jrem m:NT ok kat.r
On Crop Prrnntt. BEVEKAI. CHOICE 7AHR8.
bend tor list. J. MLLI1A1.1 , Sioux City, lows,
Do what is worthy ol reward and
desire none. Claudius.
Patience and earnestness are pass
words to success.
FIT? rertnynwiUyeurnl. vr f.tpernerroaMiefi after
I I u ilrt day- nw of Dr. Kllnc'i (Irrat Nerve Hettor
er. Fend for VIIKIJ WS.OO trial bottle nnd tmulie.
Ira. U. II. Kuxr,Ltd.,Ml Arvh Sttctt, I'tDidelpfcU, It
Not She.
"What's that you nro putting on tho
chandelier?" asked her old bachelor
"Mistletoe," she answered.
"Oh, I see. But aren't you afraid
or microbes? '
"What!" exclaimed tho pretty girl,
In artless surprise. "In the mistle
toe?" Chicago Tribune.
. rv
Tho Oat Wonder.
The Editor must tell its readers of
this marvel. It orlglnnted with the
largest farm seed growers in the world,
John A. Salzer Heed Co., La Crosse,
Wis. It hns stiff straw. Hands up like
n stone wall. Is white, heavy, nnd has
long ears, tilled to the tip with fat.
plump kernels. It is a great stooler, 80
stocks from one kernel.
to above address, you will got a sam
ple of this Oat Wonder, which yielded
In 1903, In 40 States from lilO to 310 bu.
per acre, together with other farm
seed samples and their big catalog.
CV N. U.)
Opportunity is the cream of timo.
It isn't necessary to erect a monu
ment when you bury animosity.
Use Red Cross Ball Ithie nnd make thorn
white again. Large 2 oz. package, 0 cent. "
A citldal thnt one should never
wnsto Is the stronghold of a good con
science. Some men are too busy to take a
rest until the undertaker gets them.
duce the brightest and fastest colors.
Seir-conquest is the greatest of vic
tories. Cheap Excursions to the South.
On February 1C, March 1 and 15,
the Kansns City Southern railway will
otrer to the public the extremely low
rate of $10.00 for tho round trip to all
points on the Port Arthur Route, in
cluding Beaumont. Port Arthur, Lake
Charles, Shreveport, Texarkana, Fort
Smith, Mcna, Do Queen and all inter
mediate points. Tho return limit on
these tickets will bo twenty-one days
from date of sale, with stopover privi
leges at all points south of Kansnr
City on tho going trip. Any informa
tion desired by the public rolntlvo to
these cheap excursions will bo cheer
fully furnished upon application to S.
G. Warner, G. P. and T. A., Kanswt
City, Mo.
Tho more "you say the less people
"Tr.e Odd KorearTFIag.
Tlie Koreans, who have lately re
called their minister In Washington,
attract attention for ono reason If for
no other. Their .peculiar flag adorns
thnir legation" "building. Tho body or
tho flag is white, and In tho center is
a design nbout the size or n foot ball
in reo nnd blue, looking very much
like huge entwined comma marks. On
tho top, bottom nnd tides aro short
linos of dots and dashes, reminding
one of the Morse code alphabet.
May Subpoena Roosevelt.
If tho suit Instituted by W. A.
Wales, an attorney of Einghampton,
against John Mitchell, president of tho
United Mine Workers, for $200,000
damages, comes up for trial at Blng
hampton, the defense may summon
President Roosevelt and Senators
Piatt. Quay and Penrose. Wales as
serts that In October ho proposed the
plan which resulted in the settlement
of the strike and that for his services
ho Las never been paid Louis N.
Ham'mci-llng, confidential agent to Mr.
Mitchell, says that President Roose
velt and Senators Quay, Piatt and
Penrose will bo called to testify that
the plan was formed before Wales
went to Wllkssbarre and made his
And His Daughter Matched Him.
Coffee drinking troubled the family
of a physician of Grafton, W. Va., who
describes the situation briefly:
"Having suffered quite a while from
vertigo, palpitation of the heart and
many other derangements or tho ner
vous system and finding no reller
from usual methods of treatment, 1
thought to see how much there was
in the Postum argument ag-inst cof
fee. "So I resorted to Postum, cutting
oft tho coffee nnd to my surprise and
satlsractlon have found entire reller
rrom all my sufferings, proving con
clusively the baneful effect of coffee
and tho way to be rid or it.
"I havo found Postum completely
takes the place or coffeo both In flavor
and In taste. It is becoming more
popular every day with many ot our
peoplo and is having great demand
"My daughter, Mrs. I-ong, has been
a sufferer for a long time from at
tacks ot acute indigestion. By the
dismissal of coffeo and using Postum
in it3 placo she has obtained com
plete relief.
"I havo also heard from many oth
ers who have usod your Postum very
ravorable accounts or Its good offects.
"I proscribe Postum In placo of cof
ree In a great many cases and I be
Hovo that upon its morits Postum will
come into goneral use." Name given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Look for tho famous little book
"The Road to Wellville." in each pkg.
Chen: Postal Service.
The cheapest postal service In tho
world is that of Japan, where letters
nro conveyed all over the empire for
two son about seven-tenths of a pen
ny. This Is the moro wonderful con
sidering the dlfflctiltios of transport
over the mountainous nnd irregular
country, while wagons can pas over
only a few of the chief roads and tho
steamers connect but a small number
of coast stations.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
it mercury will mrely demroy the irate ot smell
and completely drranpe i tie wbolo system when
entering It through the mucoiu aurfai-es. Such
article hould nrver Le nted except on prescrip
tion from reputable ph)i!r!anf, at the damme tbejr
will do la ten fold to tbr gnoA you can poxlDly de
rive from tbem. llall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J.Cbeney & Co., Toledo, O., contain no mer
rur).and U talen Internally, acting directly upon
tbe Mood and mil rout turfacet of the tyttent, in
buying llall'a Catarrh Cure bo ture you set tbe
genuine. It It taken Internally and made In Toledo,
Oblo. by r. .T. Cheney A Co. TcitlmonlaU free.
r-old by Druirultu. Price, '.le. per bottle.
Take Iltll'a l'atully l'lllt for constipation.
There are a few self-made men nnd
n lot of self-made blonde women in
the world.
Any girl who thinks ns much of a
man us she does of herself will do to
tie to.
Rtopn tho Conch anil
Works OfT tho Cold
Laxative BronioQumliio Tablets. PriceSoC,
There is one. school a Florida boy
delignts to get into a school ot mul
let. Tho ten commandments are good
examples of broken English.
Dcnance starcn ib guaranteed big
gest and best or money- reminded. 16
ounces, 10 centB. Try it now.
- - " r
To see what Is right and not to do
It Is want of courage. Confucius.
True happiness consists, not in the
multitude of friends, but In the worth
and choice. Johnson.
riso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of &
a cough cure. J. W. O'UaiSN, 822 Third Aro,
Xi., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900.
Occasionally n man manages to beat
a woman In an argument by keeping
his mouth shut.
A man who puts a new coat of kal
somlne on his past often thinks ho
has really reformed.
Jfor Sl.GC Money Order.
The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosse. Wis., mall postpaid 15 trees,
consisting of Apricots. Apples, Crabs.
Cherries, Plums, Peaches and Pears.
Just the thing for n city or country
garden, including the great Blsmark
Apple, nil hardy Wisconsin stock, are
sent you free upon receipt of $1.65.
you get sufllclent seed of Celery. Car
rot. Cabbage, Onion, Lettuce. Radish
and Flower Seeds to furnish bushels
of choice flowers and lots of vegetables
for a big family, together with our
great plant and seed catalog.(W. N. U.),
Knowledge is a treasure nt onco
priceless and imperishable. Glad
stone. ' If yon bad I2.0Q0.00 insuranco in the
AN'CiS CO. the past eight years it cost
you J34.00 for Fire, lightning and
Tornado. Do you know what Old Lino
Insurance would have cost you? Why
not invest about $40.00 of tho saving
In live stock, and soon buy another
farm? Write to tho Secretary for in
formation. B. R. Stouffer, Secretary,
South Omaha, Nebr.
Borrowing is not much better than
begging. Lesbing.
If tombstones are truthful tho cem
eteries contain more good peoplo than
ever lived.
You never hear any one complain
about "Defiance Starch." There is
nono to equal it in quality and quan
tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now
and save your money.
Faith is a smaller word than genius,
but it is a better guide.
Most peoplo would rnthor blame a
man for what he rtnesn't than givo
him credit for what lie does.
If you wish bonutiftil. clear, whlto clothes
nse Rod Cro-s Bull Bluo. Large 'J oz.
package, 5 cents.
A mother's tears are the name In all
languages. '.
It may be all right to give credit to
whom credit is due, but spot cash is
always preferable.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starch" does not
please you, return it to your 'dealer.
If it doeo you get one-third moro for
the same moqey. It will give you
satlsractlon, and will not stick to tho
Truth cannot bo e.xpressed where
sincerity is suppressed.
A good hand-me-down is bometlraes
better than a new mlsflt.
Cntzer'a Ilomo Bnllder Corn. $
So named beeaune DO acres produced
so heavily that its proceeds built a
lovely home. See Salzer's catalog.
Yielded In 1903 in Intl.. 157 bu., Ohio
160 bu., Ten'n. 9S Int., and In Mich. 220
bu. per acre. You can beat this record
in 1901.
what po Ton think or TnESE tields AUiuf
120 bu. Beardless Barley per nere.
310 bu. Salzer's New Nat. Oats per A.
SO bu. Salzer Spi-ltz & .Macatonl Wheat.
1,000 bu. PjedlKree Potatoes per acre.
14 tons of rich Billion Dol. Grass Hay.
60.000 lbs. Victoria Rape for sheep acre
160.000 lbs. Teoltite, the fodder wonder!
54.000 lbs. Salzer Superior Fodder
Corn rich. Juicy fodder, per A.
Now such yields jou van have. Mr.
Farmer, In 1904. if you will plant Sal
zer s seeds.
In stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co..
La Crosse. Wis., and receive their
great catalog and oti of faint m-mI
samples. (W. X U.)
It is impossible to patch up a repi
tatlon so the patches won't show.