Ciias. E. Ford, President .A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. !U"6 S. K. Warrick. Cashier. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. if First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Directors: W. A, Hampton. . Surplus and Profits, $20,000 A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Colorado Coal. We have a new lot of Canon City Coal that sells like hot cakes because it is ' The Best. t Forest Lumber Co. 'Phone No. 73. Coffee Sc DoAd PROPRIETORS OP TIIE- Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUO BREWING CO . SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Other PopiHar lirauds. , . Parao.l'sr Trade Solicited. Goods Delivered to onv part of the city. Come and Us. Phone 206 Coal Company. Prices are pretty firmly fixed and we cannot always sell our black diamonds at the figures we would like to. But we do always see you get 2000 lbs. for a ton. Mrs. Keith L. Pierce isitod her pa rents Mr. nml Mrs. Ward several days last week, returning to her homo, til Hcminjiford Sunday. J. H. Edmisten of Lincoln was iu the city yesterday. Mr, - Eduli'lcn ex chnugod a farm iu Lancaster comity tor the Jos. Lyni'.i residence property in this ciy which he now offers for sale. It is very desirable property and a description thereof mav he seen in another column. HERE IS A BARGAIN For 30 Days Only. EH WCJV. EEE rflSr EH ViM kEEHei Dierks' Lumber Coal Co. 1 ) iamonds, Watches, A j Repairing in all its Branches. Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs . . flail orders promptly attended to." 1A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Proprietor. P. L. WILSON, Manager. RANCH SUPPLY STORE SELL Br. EVERYTHING MARSLAND, NEBRASKA. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drup Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully Grg, NVilAkfV tUAViVVil' wwww A pleasant meeting of the Royal Neighbors was held at the homo of Mrs. Uoldidigc Saturday evening. Mrs. E. II. Wilbur, state deputy of Beatrice was present and made an interesting addrcs3 which added to the evening's entertainment. Editor W. G, Purcellof U19K911 iiw spent a few hours in tiic city TliGSfk enroute home from Mitchell where lie instituted a Rebekuh lodge Monday night. Mr Puiccll is one of the best known members of the I. O. O. F. in the state, being Grand Marshal, Grand Encampment of Ncbrask, and a state deputy. Tut; Hi;rali acknowledges a pleasant visit from Mr. Purcell. Engineer James Devlin rcturucu the first of the week from his three months' visit at Philadelphia, his former home. Mr. Devlin says that while he enjoyed the visit with relatives and old-time friends the weather was something ter rible, being the worst experinced there in fifty years. "Uncle Jim" was glad to get back to the land of sunshine and all the boys were pleased to sou him. Miss Rose Howard will leave '.tomor row night for Grandon, Mo., having been tendered a position there as sten ographer with a lumber company of which Mr. White of the Forset lumber company of this citv is president. Grandon is only a short distance from St. Louis. Miss Howard will be miss ed by the young people and the Anona club of which she is a member, Them's our Sentiments." The Wyniore Wymorcan last week got out a splendid "Industrial edition." making a most effective showing for its town. Such work is a great benefit for the community, but as a rule it is done at a financial loss to the publisher. Lincoln Star. .Meeting of Mlinncc Cemetery Assoclutlon Notice is hereby given that there will bo a meeting of the Alliance cemetery association at the office of Win. Mitch ell, in Alliance on the 14 day of March, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m. to transact such business as may be deemed necessary for the welfare of the association. i Nelson Fletcher. R. M. Hampton. Trustees. M. E. Church Notes. IN ALLIANCE. The finely finished property formerly owned by Jo. P. Lynch, located threo blocks west of the court house. It Is mod ern throughout Eight rooms, electric lights, heated by turnace, has bath room, closets, pantry, and a collar all bricked in fine shape. 13am for horse, cow and buggy. Front yard set to slue grass and trees. Has brown stone and wood walks. Gas-pipe fence for enclosure. Two full corner lots, southeast frontj property new. Will sell this property for CnMi, of lake part cash, balance In cattle or horses. For information correspond with J. II 1SDMI9T1SN, Lincoln, Neb. MR Zehrttng will do nil kinds of sewing and guarantors satisfaction. Located first door west of Lock woods.' Help wanted at the Barry house. r "In The Good Old Summer Time" People bought their Staple and Ftiticy Groceries at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdy always get at .... GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone $0 Corbin Building 1 "1 A Story of Drowning. Browning himself couldn't always ex plain his meaning nt first rending. Dr. Furnlvnll, founder of the English Browning society, frequently consulted the poet ns to the moulting of somo passage In his works, "llless me," Browning would say, "I really have forgotten what I did mean, and ns I haven't got n copy of my works by mo I really can't enlighten you. Just lend me the book, there's n good fel low. I'll look It over nt my leisure and try to find out what was iu my mind nt tue time." (t. S&. Realisation. "Wo never rcnllzo the full value of a thing until we lose It," remarked the moralist. "That's right," remarked the practi cal man. 'especially If the thing lost wub Insured." Philadelphia Press. Tim ply. Muggins Youngpop Is going to have his baby christened Bill, Buggins How strange. Muggins Oh. I don't know. Ho came 011 the first of the month. Phila delphia Record. Lnugb, and the world laughs with you; weep, nnd the world laugh at you. St. LouIb Star. Bids for Construction of City Hall. I F. J. Brennan & Co.... I DEALERS IN" Drugs, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. I Paints, Oils and Wall Paper t E'.IRT AJ.!NAL Alliance. Nehrnskn. Farmers and Stockmen We are prepared to make you wells of any size or depth and furnis an abund ance of water for hand or wind power. Acheson & Joder T3?irTrrre?r3rft?iirf?3Y2VCT?rrT ty A SELECT STOCK OF Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . a Specialty -. w r. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray Phone 139. and Transfer Line W HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbij them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Harry Dunning O. I., fillbcrt Dunning & Gilbert Violin and Guitar Solos, Ducts, Mimics, etc. Music furnished for Parties, Receptions, and other social gatherings. Alliance, Neb. Fraesu of Wldlng Aluminum. A firm of Hanau, aermany, has sua. Meded In welding a'smfcw ? hoat the use of any metal, colder r acid. No seam can be deteetod, and the weld. ed pieces Can resist blows and tern perature rarlatlons as well as It there were no Joint The process Is a se cret one. Regular services will be held at M. E. church next Sunday. Morning sub ject: "The Importance of Buiding Rightly." Evening subject: "De prived of The Last Tallent." Class nleeting at 12, nobn; Junior League 2:30 p. in. Epwortli League 6:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30 p. in. All are cordially invited to attend. The Ladies Aid society will be en tertained by Mrs. Ira Reed next Wed ncsdas afternoon at 2 p. in. The regular monthly business and social meeting of the Epwortli League will be held at the home of Mrs. 13. V. Reeves next Monday evening at 7:30 p. in. All cordially invited to attend. Sunday school teachers meeting will be held at the home of Capt. V. R. Akcrs next Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. 111. Special meetings will be held at the church beginning the last week in March and will be conducted by Evangelist Rev. Dr. J. W. Mahood, and Rev. J . M. Tibbetts, gospel singer of Sioux City, Iowa. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so faithfully gave us help during the sickness of little Clifford, and their sympathy when death took him from us. The beautiful floral offerings helped so much to brighten our lonely home and our hearts as well. Your kindness, friends. will ever be a dear memory to US ernd will help us greatly to bear the loss of out" dear ' one. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. BOON, Lessees on School Lands Take Notice. On November 10th last, the Board of Educational Lands and Funds declared the following lands forfeited for non-payment of rental; E S W 16-24-49. N W N W 16-27-40, S i 36-22-49, all 36-28-50 N yi 16-27-52, located in Box Butte county Nebraska. If the lease holders desires to retain this land it will have to be redeemed before the land is advertised for auction, as the legislature passed a new law that lands could not be redeemed after same had been advertised for sale at public auction. In counties where the amount of land is small the board may conclude to lease privately. Geo. D. Eollmer, Commissioner P. L. & B. City of Alliance, Box Butte county, Ncbr., Feb. 27, 1904. Bids will be received by the city of Al liance for the construction of a city hall according to plans and specifications now oh file with the city clerk. Bids will also be received by the city of Alliance for the construction of such city hall according to plans and sp;cifications furnished by the bidder with his bid. All such plans and specifications filed by the bidder must be filed with Jas. H. H, Hewet(, city clerk, on or before March 14, 1904, at 7,30 o'clock p.m. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 5100.00, in favor of the city treasurer, as a guarantee cf the bid, and bids will close March 19, 1904, at 7:30 p. m. Said bids will be acted on March 19, 1904, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., and plans and specifications furnished by the bidder will be subject to the inspection of the city council or its building committee only from the time they are filed up to March 19. 1904. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the city council. 1 1-2 Jas. H. H. Hkwett, City Clerk. AIm. King Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clav Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 136. Order or Hearing on Petition o Settle incut of Account Stnte (If Nebraska, I Dux llutte Couuty. ) At acminly court, hold at the unty court room, in and for said county, February JO, A. D. ISAM. Present, D. K. Bpucht. county Juduo. In tho matter ot Miirthu Klloii Collopy es slute. On rcmllnir and llllnir tho flnul ui'CuunL (if Joiiu Hill. nauyliiKU Html Kottiuiiii-nt and ul- lowiinc oi nix account, uiuu on tno.iwui uuy or February, l(l, nnd for hi illKcliargo. Ordurcd that March fi. A. D. 1904. tit 10 o'clock n. m., is assigned for hearing mild pe nnon, wnt'ii un ixirHOiiB inierusiea in ham matter may appear tit u couuty court to ho hold iu mid fur said enmity, and show cuunu why tho prayer of putltlonur nlmuld not bo granted: und that notice of the pendancy of buUI potitlon and tho hcurlnK thereof, IwkItmi to all persona Interested In said matter hy publishing u copy of tills order in Tub Alli ance IIkmaui, u weekly newspaper printed in said county, for two successlvo weeks, prior iu haul nay oi neurin. II it. Hi', (A true cop),) I hi: A I, i'aciit, County Judge. fpIVh. MNo.10, Odinuncc No. 84. An ordinance authorizing and dircctliiK tho inhueof tho ncKOtiahlo coupon Imndaof tho tho city of Alliance, Nebrankn, to the amount of ulb'ht thousand dollars ($,(00) for tho purpose, of erecting, equIpnlnKundmuiu talninit u city hall and Jail buihlint; for municipal usu within said city of Alliance. He It ordained by tho mayor and council of tho city of Alliance. Section 1 That pursuant to a apoilul elec tion duly called and held In the city of AHlunce on tho 14 day ot December, 10.1, there Khali n and titers la hereby ordered insued the ucKoti ublo coupon bond of the cily of Alliance, to the amount elKhl thousand Uollars(.000.) Hald bondaahall bear date ot January s.iikm; shall omenueuiiu payuuieonzniiiinyoi .limitary. A. I). I W, but shall 1h redeemable at theop- -''- The placing of a few dollars monthlv in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank 2 will soon enable you to 2 buy a comfortable home. 5 V. M. Knioiit, President 5 W. II. UoilBlN, V. 1'nnldent . O. II. CoNNETT.Oashler. w 111 --'-'-bv 9e FIRE IVJELSON FJL1CTCH12R INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE rOLLOWINQ IN8URANOE COMPANIES. Hartford l'iro Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia, Phoenix of Illooklyn, Now York. Continental of Now York City. Magara Flro Insurance Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ijondon Liverpool. Iondou and Olobe Ins. Co, German American Ins. Co., New York. Fanners and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. . Office Upstairs, Fletcher ltlock. Alliance, Nebraska. Bain tionof thucity of Alllanco on the 2nd day ot January, uiu.orutauy inno uierearter: snutt hoof the deuominatiunof tl.OOUeach and num lorfr)mone(l) to elirbt (H), tx)th nuinlwr in clusive: shall bear Interest at tho rule of biz per centum per annum. paable annually on tueiiu uay 01 January in iticn year, wiucn aaid interest shall Ihj evidenced by proper coupons attached to each of aid londs; and liotu princlial and Interest of said Ixmds shall Ihj pujabloat tho hscal airency of thostato of Nebraska, In the city of New York, state of New York Section'.'. Hald IkjiuIs shall In) slKiird by the mayor attested by the city clerk, witli the corporate seal of the city o! Alliance afllxed to each (Kind; and thucity clerk shall enter upon thoproMr Uxtksln hlsothcuii full description it Mild bonds When so executed by the may or and city clerk tho said Ixmds shall lie for warded to tho secretary of statu und sUto au ditor for reL'lstratlon as hv law re!uli-ed. Section 3. Thu city council of thfl city of Al liance shall Indue time, season und manner, levy uitou all taxable property in said city, u tax butllclent to pay thu Interest on .aid bonds und the principal thereof at maturity. Section 4. This ordinance shall n In full lorco und etteet from und after Its passage, ap proval und publication. Ptusetl this 1st day of March 1101. Approved tills 1st day of March l'.VI. lAlUIH IIIJFIIHKNHTKIN, Mayor. Attest: Jas. II. H. JIewktt, City Olerlt. Palace Livery S. TBT. DDKSCII, Iroi. ONK block west of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NEW zniNDEN . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the 'Phone T2 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City, Nebraska. J