The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 04, 1904, Image 1

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    BUtr Hi ...!, ;U Su,,,y
The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
Official Publi
cation of the City
and County.
. a
AT -1
We can handle po
tatoes now any day
that weather per
mits. Only well
sorted Early Ohio
Alliance Grocery Co.
In Alliance 16-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phone 391.
Call at the Midway.
Ablcy lc Wilson handle the only I'nlon
Mudc llccr In town. l-tf.
Matting and linoleum at B. F. Lock
wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
For Sale A No. 1 milk cow. Inquire
at this office.
Our spring line of carpets and rugs are
here. Call and see thorn. B. F. Lock
wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
Wastkd Well sorted potatoes.
A. D. Kodgi:rs.
Rowan's for flour, rye and graham.
For rent, eight room house. Ipquirc at
Rodgers' grocery.
Specialties in lace curtains, portieres and
couch covers at B. F. Lockwood Co's.
"Kitchen to parlor."
For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull.
Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec.
i'-'27-48. ;
For Sale Cheap National cash reg
ister No. 47 with tape; used one year.
Apply at this office.
A large assortment of automobile go-carts
and baby carriages at B. F. Lockwood
Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
Hcsidcncc for Sale,
new 5-room house, bath
Brand new 5-room house, bath room,
pantry and cellar. Two porches. Fin
ished throughout in hardwood. Price
$ik6oo. i-tf R. B. Hamilton.
Furniture and all house furnishings
from "kitchen to parlor" sold on easy pay
ments. B. F. Lockwood Co. "Kitchen
to parlor."
Ranch For Lease.
Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land,
four miles east of Bridgeport. For par
ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or
. John Hagerty, Bridgeport.
, One half dozen fancy leather seat quar
tered oak dining chairs, one fancy leather
seat rocker, one fancy library book case,
one birdseye maple ladies dressing table,
one fancy oak chiffonier or one fancy dres
ser; at George Darling's furniture store.
Carpet Weaving.
I am prepared to do all kimds of carpet
weaving. Leave orders at residence three
blocks east of Alliance National Bank, or
Star Restaurant. J. W. Johnson.
New Belts
New Skirts
In Latest Color
ing and Shapes,
at popular prices,
just received at
Armstrong Sells to Spry.
H. C. Armstrong surprised his many
friends last Friday by the announcement
that he had disposed of the well known
business establishment, the "Red Light"
saloon, and that the purchaser was none
other than the genial, good naturcd Simon
Spry. By this transaction it's simply an
instance of one popular man succeeding
another. Who ever has had business trans
actions with Henry Armstrong or have the
pleasure of his acquaintance know him to
be a man of his word, every time. Henry
has other business interests that will oc
cupy his mind and it is his intention to con
centrate such business so as to center it at
Sheridan, where he has been interested
for some time. It may be that Alliance
will lose this public-spirited citizen, much
to its detriment for in every move that
meant the advancement of the city's inter
ests Henry Armstrong was in the lead.
With such interests removed to another
point it will naturally require his personal
supervision which will sooner or later
mean a permanent change. We cannot re
frain from dwelling on the manly, open
manner which characterized Henry s rec
ord in Alliance, That good, old Scotch
blood, that never betrayed its origin, stood
out in the open, fearless but just, like the
gladiator of old, neither seeking favors nor
cowering, like some dogs, before an enemy.
God bless your good old spirit, Henry 1
As for the new proprietor of what is now
known as "The National Club" we can say
as much. Simon Spry has the confidence
of this community. He is a man in the
true sense of the word, and as we pre
vious said, it is a change of ownership in
which both parties have the confidence of
the community.
New Orders Issued.
Sheridan Post: An order has been issued
by the Burlington railroad company to
concentrate the general repair work of the
B. M. system at the Havelock shops, near
Lincoln. In compliance therewith there
has been a general reduction of shop forces
at the several division points along the
line. The shops at McCook, Neb., have
been permanently closed.
At Alliance and Sheridan only light run
ning repairs will be done in the future, the
heavy work being sent to Havelock. Twenty-five
men were laid off here yesterday.
These comprise machinists, helpers and
round house men. Some few others may
be laid off later, but it is not believed that
there wiU be 'a general reductionr The
force now employed in the Sheridan shops
comprise about 75 mechanics and laborers,
and the total number of employes in the
shops and yards averages about 200. The
monthly payroll approximates $15,000 to
There Will be a concert rendered in the
Methodist church for the benefit of the
church choir Wednesday evening, March
16, at 8 o'clock. Admission 15c.
Trio Piano, Clarinet and Violin.
Vocal solo Helen Broome
Piano solo Miss Edith Swan
Reading Irene Roupe
Vocal solo Mr. L. B. Stoner
Piano duet.. Misses Hamilton and Duncan
Quartette.. Misses McCorkle and Duncan
Messrs. Watson and Reeves
Reading Miss Lena French
Violin solo .Miss Pearl Bartz
Vocal solo Julia Darnell
Reading , Miss Cora Combs
Vocal solo Mrs. Win, Cruichshank
Piano solo Miss Mae McDermott
Vocal solo Mrs. Watson
Flag Drill.
Superintendent Smith Talks.
Lincoln Star: A rumor has been afloat
to the effect that there is to be a general
shut down in the mechanical department
of the Burlington road. It has been said
that the shops at Lincoln, Havelock. Alli
ance and McCook, were to be cut to an
alaming degree.
The superintendent of motive power, R.
D. Smith, said to a representative of The
Star yesterday that this rurhor was errone
ous. The action of the company is misin
terpreted by employes.
"We are going to make a slight reduc
tion," he said, "but it is only because of
the general decrease of business. Traffic
on the road is small, and it is the falling
off in business that has caused the com
pany to take the action it has decided to
"During the last winter the company
has hired a great many men, and has put
all its rolling stock in shop that it could, so
that it might be in shape this summer for
the St. Louis fair. We consider that if a
car has been shopped within one year, it
is in first class shape, and every car on the
B. & M. has been shopped within the last
eight months. All our locomotive, and car
stock is in first class shape. It is pnly at
the passenger car and locomotive shops
that there will be any cut. In the freight
car repairing department there is a de
mand for men and we are hiring all the
time," ,WWWWWwwwww.
D. W. Hughes, the ice man, has his
crop harvested and stored. Shipments
were made from Marsland, Bridgeport and
Sidney. The quality is excellent and the
patrons will have the satisfaction of indulg
ing in a pure article of congealed water.
Roadmaster Bowun of Seneca was In the
city Saturday.
C. W. Moats is on the sick list this week
with lagrippe.
Macaroni wheat for sale. C. H.Evans,
Marsland, Neb. 114
Walter Bell is around town shaking
hands with his many friends.
The Social Hour club met with Mrs.
Highland yesterday aftcmoou.
Ed Wright of the Alliance-Sterling run
left Saturday night to spend a week in
Conductor Dailey and brother departed
for Lincoln on 42 last Saturday night for a
visit of a week or ten days.
Simon Spry left yesterday for Pickering,
Mo., in response to a telegram stating that
his mother was dangerously ill.
Miss Estelle Bohn is ill with lagrippe
this week. Her sister, Miss Minnie, is
filling her place in the postoffice.
In today's issue will be found the semi
annual statement of the county treasurer,
showing receipts, disbursements, commis
sions and balances.
Gregory Zurn and A. G. Fritchcl went
out to Ernest Panwitz's, ten miles south
west of this city, to erect a new barn,
which will be 28x48 in dimensions.
Frank J. Dunn and Miss Tinza Goings
of this city were united in the bonds of
wedlock last Saturday by Judge Spacht,
The young couple are Willi known in this
Bids for the building of the new city hall
are advertised for in this week's issue of
The Herald. Also an ordinance author
izing and directing the issuing of bonds
for this purpose.
Bcuton Peer, the well known stockman
of Cleman, spent a couple of days in Alli
ance the latter part of the week. Mr,
Peer requested that the oflicial paper be
sent him for the next year.
Bro. Ellis of the Times made a "scoop"
over his brethren of the quill this week.
He got out a special edition Wednesday
not of his paper, however but an eight
pound daughter. Congratulations!
J. P. Newman of Scottsbuff and Miss
Edith Schumacher of York were united in
the holy bonds of matrimony at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. Glen Miller,
Wednesday evening, Rev. C. W. Ray of
ficiating. The newly married couple will
make their home on a ranch near Scotts
bluff. Dismer's restaurant was the scene of a
wedding last Thursday evening in which
the contracting parties received the con
gratulations of a host of friends. S. I.
McCoull was united in marriage to Miss
Blanche E. Holmes. The groom is an
employe in the train serviao of the B. &
M., and the lady of his choice though a
new comer to this city has a number of
warm friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rosenberger were
down from their ranch in Nonpareil pre
cinct Monday. Mr. Rosenberger is one of
the most successful farmers and stockgrow
ers in the county. Last season he raised
about 2500 bushels of potatoes and 1500
bushels of small grain which netted him a
snug amount. Mr. Rosenberger called at this
office and left an order for extra copies of
the illustrated edition.
The month of March was ushered in as
a most pleasant, spring-like day. The
rays of the sun from a cloudless sky
warmed the atmosphere to such an degree
as to make out-door recreation delightful.
But hoary old winter was not to be con
quered by such pacific tactics and the
second day of this month he landed a ter
rific norther on the tender part of the un
suspecting lamb. Tuesday night, the north
king sat upon his icy throne, surrounded
by a frigid atmosphere which extended
over a wide area of territory. Even the
modern sodom of Omaha, which is said to
derive heat from the infernal regions
beneath its surface, complained of the
sudden change.
Rev. A. C. Wunderlich, formerly of this
county but a resident of Germania. Big
Horn Basin, Wyo., for the last five years,
came in from Cheyenne yesterday, going
west on No. 41. The Herald enjoyed a
pleasant visit from Mr. Wunderlich. He
informed us that the Big Horn country is
developing rapidly and there is a great in
flux of immigration. Work will soon be
gin on the new Wyoming Central railroad
to be built by the Belgo-American Drilling
Trust, from Orin Junction to Lander,
Thermopolis, Cody and the National Park.
The road will be approximately 250 miles
long and will pass through the oil fields
which are being opened up in, central Wy
oming. It is announced that the new line
will be built in six months. Governor
Chatteron and Denver capitalist are inter
ested in the project. Mr. Wunderlich
thinks that the Big Horn country has a
great future. He will spend a day at
Crawford and expects to be accompanied
west by Henry Wohlers and bride, whom
he married a week ago, and several other
Mayor Oucchscnstcin a Candidate.
At the urgent solicitation of n majori
ty of the citizens and business men of
Alliance who believe that the adminis
tration of Mayor Hucchscnstcin and his
colleagues in the council has been for
the best interests nl the city, Mr.
Hucchscnstcin has consented to be
come n candidate for re-election to the
Mentally Unbalanced.
C. W. Hodges, who has been employed
in the railway paint shop at this place, has
been suffering with mental abberation of
late and realizing his condition at rational
moments made it known to the
county authorities with the request
that he be guarded. It seems that Hodges'
insanity is of a violent nature, and Sheriff
Reed placed him in the county jail after he
had been judged a fit subject for the
asylum, until the arrival of No. 42 Tues
day night, when he would bo taken to the
state institution at Lincoln. While alone
in his sell, Hodges secured the lid of a tin
pail and attempted suicide by cutting his
throat. He succeeded in inflicting a deep,
jagged cut from ear to ear, that almost
reached the jugular vein. When discov
ered, the insane man was covered with his
own blood, presenting a pitible sight. He
was, however, in a condition that enabled
him to be taken away the same night.
It is said that Hodges' insanity dates
from the time he fell from a car, some
three months ago, when he received a se
vere fracture of the head. Since the ac
cident he has not appeared rational at all
times and in fact has been growing worse.
Mrs. Hodges is away from home visiting at
School Notice.
On Monday, March 7, a beginners' class
will be formed in the primary department
of the schools, and all patrons having chil
dren to enter this class will please take
notice. Owing to the crowded condition
of the primary rooms, the full legal school
age five years must have been attained
to secure admission at this time. Very
respectfully, W. H. Bartz Supt.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere thanks
and appreciation for the many acts of
kinduess and words of sympathy from our
many friends in the time of our great sor
row and bereavement in the loss of our
beloved husband, son and brother. May
God's richest blessings rest upon you in
this life, and in the world to come crown
you with immortality and eternal life.
Mrs. Annis Butler.
Emily S. Butlbr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton.
James Montague, a well knowu stock
man of Dunlap transacted business in the
city yesterday.
W. A. Hampton, who contemplates a
trip through the south and Cuba, has been
indisposed and under the doctor's care the
past few days. Hence his departure has
been temporarily deferred.
Hotel Charters was the scene of a social
banquet Sunday afternoon tendered by Dr.
F. M. Knight to a large number of his
friends. The occasion was delightful, and
the host has won new laurels as an enter
tainer. Geo. Campbell, a splendid vocalist from
Denver arrived in this city last Saturday
and is attracting a great deal of attention
at Abley & Wilson's place, where, with the
assistance of illustrated pictures, he rend
ers interesting vocal selections both of
sentimental and humorous characters.
Captain Jim Cook, the big stockman of
Agate Springs, was in the city Tuesday to
attend the meeting of the executive com
mittee of the stock association. Mr. Cook
made The Herald a pleasant call and
pushed up his subscription a couple of
Bart Hubbard, the genial salesman for
Grommes & Ullrich, Chicago, whose lead
ing product is the celebrated National
Club bourbon, called on the trade in Al
liance Monday, Mr. Hubbard sold a large
order to Simon Spry who has named his
place the National Club.
E. I. Gregg, who resides southeast of this
city, was a pleasant caller at this office
yesterday, Mr. Gregg is one of the lead
ing stock-raisers in the county and it is
with pleasure that we will be able to pre
sent an illustration of his holdings
in the special illustrated edition of The
Herald. Mr. Gregg's son, Roy, who com
pleted a commercial course at Lincoln, ac
cepted a position with a Crete milling com
pany February i, as book-keeper and sten
ographer, to the satisfaction of his em
ployers. E. A. Feather sold his restaurant to
Thos. L. Alstot of Sidney last week, who
with his wife has assumed charge thereof.
Mr. and Mrs. Feather expect to remove to
their ranch for the summer at least. This
genial couple, who have served the public
in a most hospitable manner, will be miss
ed from the business circles of the city, but
we have confidence that Mr. and Mrs.
Alstot will sustain the excellent reputation
of this restaurant.
Mrs. Kcanlon Is ill with the grippe.
"Hud" Ruincr has an attack of rheu
Mrs. Jesse Heath
the sick this week.
is numbered with
Conductor D. H. Uriggs has returned
from his trip to Idaho.
Conductor H. H. Hough returned
Friday from his southern trip.
Conductor Lambert King returned
this week from his trip to the coast.
Mrs. Holdridgc will leave tonight
for St. Joe to select a new line of mil
linery. Dr. Howuan was called to Lakeside
Saturday to minister at the home of J.
H. Lunsford.
Mrs. Regan and Miss Mid returned
Wednesday from Chicago where they
made spring purchases.
Miss Nora Brown of Hcmingford vis
ited Mrs. Mcwhirtcr several days, re
turning home Monday.
Conductor F
working out of
A. Jluiiiiing is again
Alliancu after spending
a month on the ballast train.
Win, King was called to Omaha Sat
urday night to see his mother whose
condition is considered serious.
R. Johnson came up from Grand
Island Wednesday. Mr. Johnson is
undecided as to his future plans.
W. H. Kennedy lies gone to Edge
inont to take charge of the ballast train
between Edgcmont and Crawford.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Heming
way was made happy this morning by
the arrival of a son, their first horn.
Ed Mabiti, Will Kinsley, E. E. Ford,
II. F. GoodenoughaiulT. II. McCawl
less were down from Hemingford Tues
day ovening.
, John C. Grim and Miss Mary John
son were united in marriage Tuesday
evening, the ceremony being performed
by Rev. Ray.
For Sale Black English Shire stal
lion, four years old next June; weight
1425. He is a splendid animal, An
drew Tschachcr, Lawn, Neb,, resi
dence 7 miles south of Lawn.
Word reached Alliance last Saturday
that Miss Lulu Field died in Iowa of
typhoid fevqr. Miss Field was a popu
lar girl and has many friends here who
regret to learn of her death.
Clark Olds is down from Hemingford
today, Mr. Olds has decided to put
in an extensive machinery house at
Hemingford a description of which may
be seen in the Hemingford correspon
dence, .www.
The family of Win. Lamm visited
at the home of Postmaster T ash Wed
nesday and Thursday. Mr. Lamm
has just moved from Thayer, Iowa, to
Scottsbluff county where he has a val
uable 'w11-,.
Rev. Gudmundsen and wife of Hem
ingford were in the city the latter part
of the week. Services were held at the
home of Mr. Olstn Friday night. Rev.
Gudmundson recently visited Rev.
Garness at Lead City.
M. B. Quivey, who has charge of the
large output of potatoes the Alliance Gro
cery Lo., has stored at Hemtngtoru, has
about completed the task of shipping the
Box Butte "spuds" to the four quarters of
the land, where potatoes crops wero a
failure the past season. A large quantity
of these shipments were excellent seedlings,
which eastern growers were especially in
need of.
A movement was on foot to institute a
Knight Templar lodge in this city last Sat
urday night, and in fact every arrange
ment was completed for the occasion, but
as the old saw goes, ''There's many a slip
'twixt the cup and lip," this instance proved
no exception. Officers from abroad, who
were expected failed to materialize and
as a result organization will take place at
some future time.
Death of A. B. Adams.
Alhert H. Adams died Wednesday
afternoon at the home of his son, Fred
Adams in West Lawn, of heart failure.
Mr. Adams was born in Germany aud
was eighty years of age. He served
in the marine service during the Mex
ican war. His only sou is Fred Adams
who was employed in the shops here
until a short time ago when he was
tendered a position with the Home
stake at Lead. He arrived here yes
terday. The funeral service was held
at the home last evening by Rev. Ray
aud the remains taken to Missouri Val
ley, Iowa, last night for interment.
The Winter Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying,
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
h -.- -j,
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this colump will be
charged at the rate of'io cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Herald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for Bale nt this office.
Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work.
Sears building. 'Phone 213.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. wv.
Dr. Koons, dentist, Office upstairs
Norton block,
For storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co
70 cents for spuds atC. J. Wildy's, Hem
ingford. Fresh Jersey milk cbVfor sale. C. J.
Wildy, Hemingford.
Forest Lumber Co. make a spec! Ally of
manufacturing dipping vats.
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Picture framing, upholstering and furnl
turorepairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf
Notice! will not be respanBidle for
any debts contracted by my wife Winni
fred E. King. Wm, Kino.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb,
Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per
manently located in the Sears building,
first door west of Blackburn's store.
For storm windows and doors see Geo.
For Sale A quarter section of land,
ten miles northwest of Alliance; good
house, stable, granary, etc. 'Will sell
stock on the place if desired. Pete
Wcinel, Alliance, Neb.
1.0 no k niiiKrroHv.
ICovAi. II1UII1.ANDEH8 Alliance Custlo No.
4:1 meets very second and fourth Thursday
evening In W. O. W. Hull. Visiting Clansmen
eordlullv Invited.
B. V. Woods, c. W. Lkiiiy.
Sec'y. L. 1
L. O. T. M. Meets every first and third l'rr
day at Eugte Hall. Visiting Maccabees cot
Ulully InTltcd, Mas. ( O. Daveni-out, L. l
B. OP R. T.-llnrdHtniKRlc Lodge, No. 042
Meets every Sunday afternoon at 2.,
Eagle hall. Visiting brothers welcome.
J. A. Dunning, W. M.
M. Hargravks, Sec'y.
Open Day
and Night
' 1
JC flf JE )fc)J( 2JS $j(4(X''