The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 12, 1904, Image 4

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    'I 1
Zhc Derail
T, J. O'KEEFtt .
J U. KNtliST . .
. , . Publisher
Associate Editor
Entered at the postoflicc at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, ns second-class matter. ,
Display, per single column inch per
month 50
Business locals, per line first insertion . 10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal noticos at statute rates.
tf3T Tiik Herald is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butte county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
Born, Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs, II. H
Lewis, ft boy,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cavin aro spending
a couple days in the city.
County Clork Smyser will goto Broken
Bow tonight on business.
Miss Kcndrick of Marsland is visiting
the family of Dr. Bowman,
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McCoy is clown with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ray aro the happy
parents of a boy, born Wednesday.
Mrs. Dr. II. II. Bctlwood entertained a
number of ladies Wednesday afternoon.
The two children of Mr, ann Mrs. Ncal
Boon, who have been ill with pneumonia,
aro improving.
Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Hampton are the
proud parents of a daughter, born Wednes
day. WWWW
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mufrhcad spent Sun
day with the latter's parents at Hcming
ford. A fine new altar for the Holy Rosary
church arrivedthis week and wa3 placed in
The ladies of the Maccabees will meet
in Eagle hall Friday. February ig, at 2 p.
m. sharp, Important business.
H. C. Armstrong returned from Omaha
Sunday and went to Sheridan Wednesday.
Henry is buslqr than a "cranberry" mer
chant. Mrs. W. II. Zehrung will open her
dressmaking parlors next Monday. She
will go to Chicago this month to select a
stock of millinery.
W. J. Welsh, of McCook, deputy consul
for the Modern Woodmen is in the city.
Mr. Welsh has been engaged by the Alli
ance camp far a few weeks to solicit mem
bership for this popular organization.
.The members of Quick's Orchestra who
camo from Lincoln to furnish music for
the engineer's ball were Wm. Quick, Mrs.
Seidel, H. II. Husted, Robt. Hamil, Mr.
Putman, C. B Cornell, Wm. Hagenow,
Mr. Dailey and J. Pound. They returned
Thursday morning,
Tiik Herald is now comfortably located
in its new homo, all necessary "fixing"
been done and we believe there are few
offices in the state that are better equipped
in point of room, arrangement and light
than Tiik Herald. The latchstring is
always on the outside for everybody and
our stockmen friends who have writing to
do will find a pleasant oflico with desks
and stationery at their command.
Death of John Rccd.
John W, Reed died last Saturday after
noon after an illness of several weeks with
kidney trouble. Mr. Reed was fifty-seven
years of ngo and had seen much of frodtier
life, having freighted across the plains
from Omaha to Denver when a boy and
was also engaged in the same work in the
Black Hills. Mr, Reed located at Craw
ford when the town was started and resid
ed there till comiug to Alliance two years
ago. His sons, Charlie, Will and Robert are
well known railroad men of this city. Mr.
Reed was a devoted husband and father
and was respected by all who knew him.
The funeral sen-ices were held at the
home Sunday at two o'clock by Rev. C.
W. Ray of the I. E. church. The family
has the sympathy of a large circle of friends
in their sorrow. .
We shall never forget the kind words,
acts and deeds of all those who sought to
lighten our affliction in the loss of our hus
band and father.
Mrs. John W. Reru and Family
The following resolutions of condolence
were adopted by the Ladies Aid society of
the Methodist church of Alliance:
Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has
seen fit to bring bereavment to our sister,
Mrs. John W. Reed, by taking her beloved
husband, be it
Resolved, That the members of this so
ciety extend their sympathy in this hour of
sorrow and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the family, be published in
the local papers and also recorded in our
minutes Mrs, Geo. W. Young.
Mrs. Jas. Bbllwood
Mrs. M. B. Qujvey.
The Russans and Japs are at war in
earnest and the Japs have the best of the
scrap at this writing. The latest reports
state that four battleships and three cruis
ers of the Russian fleet have been sank in
an engagement Wednesday off Port Arthur.
Rcdfcrn Stockholders Yotc it at a
Special Mooting.
The Rcdfern Gold Mining Company
hold a special meeting of stockholders at
which nhc directors were authorized to is
sue $75,000 in first mortgage bonds.
The compaey is working through a New
York firm that gives assurances of having a
place to dispose of these bonds at once,
and ns soon as that can be accomplished
machinery will bo purchased for mining.
In the meantime the company is sinking
a shaft with a horse whim and at the
depth of about fifty feet the entire bottom
of the shaft is freo gold quartz from which
fitio specimens containing metallic gold
may be taken, a fine body of ore has also
been discovered on the north end of the
company's property nearly a mile north
from the main shaft on what is known as
the Blue Bird Claim.
The discovery while in the performance
of tho annual assessment work, the vein is
known to be eighteen feet wide and prob
ably wider.
Asseys have been obtained running all
the way from $18.00 to $36.00 per ton.
The company owns a vast tract of miner
al land in Pennington county along the
Burlington railroad at Redfern station.
There is on the ground a five stamp mill
that has been used for the purpose of dem
onstrating tho value of the ore. As soon
as the bonds arc sold it is the intention to
install a steam plant at the main shaft
which will be continued to depth.
This company has one of the finest pros
pects to make it one of the best paying
mines in the hilts. They have large bodies
of ore in sight which means a great success
to both the company and stockholders.
Just as soon as the company gets their
machinery in there will be no more stock
on the market for sale. The company
have some of tho best practical mining
men connected with them there to bo
found in the country, and there is no rea
son why this mine should not get to bo
one of the best dividend payers there are
to be found in tho country. It is ouly a
mutter of timo it takes time to raise, in
stall machinery and. develop property, as
soon ns all of this is done then the results
quick and fast.
There is no better business than mining,
tho statistics show that there are forty-five
per cent less failures in mining than any
other industries, tho failures are less, the
successes more pronounced and bring
more abundant wealth in less time than
any other industry in the world.
Gold mining is the one form of mining
now unaffected by trusts. Some of the
richest men in the world havo accumulated
their wealth, through investing in mining
stocks and mines, and we do not consider
that there are any stocks on tho market in
the Black Hills at the present time but
what will prove to be a good investment.
Small investments sometimes yield great
fortunes in a short time, and it is the only
way a man with moderate means can ever
accumulate wealth. The Black Hills to
day is the greatest mining center in the
United States, and any one seeking to in
vest in mining stocks, or mines, in the
Black Hills can do so with perfect safety,
and with the asrurance of good results.
Deadwood Times.
A number of Alliance citizens have stock
in the Redfern property. '
The Ecnce Law Imposition.
Deputy United States Marshal Homan
arrived from Omaha Sunday and on Mon
day served capias on W. Q. and A. J .
Simonson, Valentine and John King, John
and Herman Krause for the alleged fenc
ing of government land. These gentlemen
were indicted by the grand jury together
with a number of other residents of north
west Nebraska. The gentlemen accused
accompanied the marshal to Omaha and
gave bond for their appearance when the
cases are called for trial. All of them in
formed the editor of The Herald that
they have no government land enclosed;
some of them did have fence on the public
domain but removed the same when noti
fied. The Herald does not desire to criti
cise District Attorney Summers, the Unit
ed States Marshal or Special Agent
Defrees who has been representing the de
partment at Alliance. These gentlemen
are simply complying with orders of the in
terior department. But the idea of pulling
men down to Omaha, to satisfy a spiteful
neighbor in most cases, is ono of the many
farces of this administration. The Her
ald ventures to say that the Roosevelt
club to be organized in Alliance will not
have a single stockman on its list.
M. E. Church Notes.
Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. W. W.
Norton next Wednesday afternoon at 2;oo
p. m.
TheEpworth League has launched a
new enterprise. At each Sunday morning
service, ladies of the League will keep the
babies of mothers who desire to attend
church at that time. Mothers may leave
their babies at the M. E. Parsonage at
the home of Mrs,. Randall.
The spelling match given by Mr, War
wick's class at the M. E. church last Fri
day evening proved very successful in
evidence of which Mr. Warwick has been
required to give another next Friday even
ing, February 12. All come and spell.
Admission ten cents.
Sunday school teachers meeting will be
held at the residence of Mrs. H. T, Cary,
with Mr. II. G. Warwick. All teachers
are requested to be present. Meeting' was
held at the home of Mrs. R. T. Watson
last Tuesday and a large number were
notwithstanding the stormy
Regular services at the M. E. church
next Sunday. Morning subject. "The
Christian Alike the World." Fvcning sub
ecf "Go thy way Until a Convenient
Season. ' Class meeting at 12:00 noon;
Junior League, 2.30 p. m. Epworth
League G.30 p. m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening. 7-30 p. m. All are
cordially invited to attend.
The grand cpening of the ladies new
pool and billiaul pallors in the base
tnentT)f the Xbiudcn block, will take
place this evening. A. C. (Dad) John
son, the proprietor, lias just put in four
elegant new tables and the loom
is a parlor, sure enough. Gentlemen
must be accompanied by ladies. No
smoking allowed. Attend the opening
this evening.
For Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale, owing
to poor health, his ranch twelve miles
northwest of Alliance, consisting of ono
section of deeded land and a number of
leased quarters; sufficient range for 125
head of cattle; one hundred acres under
cultivation; over seven miles wire fence.
Good house, stable, granary and stock
sheds and windmill. Purchaser can buy
wheat, oats, barley, corn and potatoes for
planting; there are 36 acres seeded to rye,
good stand. Cattle and horses on place
are also for sale. For terms and further
particulars write or call on
Eric Rasmossen,
Hemingford, Neb.
It seems that stock-jobbing was a
part of Panama conspiracy and that
some in the confidence of the adminis
tration made hundreds of thousands of
dollars. It, is estimated that officials
are involved.
A new 'Iowa idea" has broken out.
A bill before the legislature makes it
necessary for a prospective bride and
groom to furnish certificates of repu
table physicians that they have been
thoroughly instructed in the course
prescribed by law concerning the causes
of diseases and the birth and rearing
of children.
The tuurout of a glittering troop of
cavalry to receive Governor Taft of
the Philipines and the mustering of an
other clattering company to enable
Secretary Rout to resume his position
as a private citizen are likely to have
important results. Foreign ambassa
dors in Washington are enquiring-, why
they cannot have some of this royal
pomp and circumstances, and members
of the cabinet visiting various parts of
the country wonder why they cannot
make their tours accompanied by the
gorgcousness of soldiers and a brass
band. It might surprise Washington,
Jefferson, Franklin, and even Lincoln,
but, as Senator Lodge remarked. "We
must be prepared for larger demon
strations. Visits The Old Home.
To The Alliance Hkiialu:
I wish to Inform your many ri'iiclors that I
arrived homo from my throe months visit lu
Northern Illinois Inst Friday and tlmt I hud a
most pleasant timo visiting my iiKcd mother
and many other relatives and friends untl tho
scenes of my childhood. I was given 11 very
warm reception by all; so much so, indeed
that it greatly endears them to me. 1 felt
ery sadut having to part with them, espec
ially my deur old mother who is nearly ft!
years of ai;o, lmt who retains her mental fac
ulties to u remarkable decree, hut Is very
poorly In health.
It 1ms been thirteen years since I last visit
ed there and of eourso thoru were many
chauKcs. My father hud died and ray mother
had left the old farm and moved to a commo
dious homo in tho town of t'uproii unil so I
hud my llrst taste of town III and found it
very pleasant.
The wuuther was very cold and wintry, with
lots of snow. The sound of sleigh bells could
bo heard and cutters seou llylim In oery dir
ection. This Is a very prosperous part of tho
country, farm laud being worth all the uay
from iftOOto f 110 00 uu ucre. Corn, hogs and
dairying is tho principal business of the farm
ers. Hut I did not like the cllmtitn; it Is too
damp and heavy; It causes much lung troubl
and catarrh, lu fact It is oulto sickly buck
there and I told them I would not live there
It they would give mo u farm, for I knew I
wouldsuoeumit to the unhe.dthlness of I tho
climate, for It was ctuudy and stormy most of
tho time 1 was them. 1 told them I was aolmr
hack to tho land of sunshine and pure air
again, tuougii 1 uiu nate to leave my momcr
and friends. Mus. E. J. kkkvks.
Open Day 1
land Nightl
.:. X - -
New Orleans Grand
Colored Concert Company.
I'hclan Opera House, Alliance. Mon
day ovening, Feb. 15. Prices 50 cents
to all parts of the house; childrcd 25c.
Seats on sale at Holsten's Drue Store.
starting Feb. nth.
Notice to Redeem.
T11 John KpofTo and .lohn Knechtol :
You unci cuchof ou are tlmt
on the l!.'th day of Junolfttt.C. ( toveng pur
chased at tax sale the southwest quarter uf
section 2, In township , Hinge 50, In Hox
llutto county. Nebraska. That said land was
taxed in the niimii of John Knechtol und thai
wild purchuso of tax salo of wild land was
made for the years iww, my and livo, and
thai subsequent taxes lunc Ihpii paid on said
land by V V .Slovens for the years liwl and
1 WW TliVt tlm said ( C. Stevens has sold and
assigned till his Interest In and to I ho s.vld tax
certificate and suld delinquent and subsequent
m Irani iiieremmur hi r, .1. u iveeie WHO IS
now tho owner aud holder of same. That the
time for redemption of tho aforesaid land will
expire, on the litli day of .In no 1WI,
u.iivu, Alliance, iseorasKa, tins lotn day of
February, 1001. fp-PehU T..I. O'lvEtu.
Notice to Redeem.
To Johu KeefTo and John ICuechlel:
You and each of you aro hereby notified that
on tho Olh day of June, HKtt, V. O. fcteiuns pur
chased at tax salo tho southwest quarter of
section 1, in township 25 of range 60 in Uov
nuiio county, curasKit. 'i mit nam limit wus
taxed in tho naniflOf .lohn Ifiu-cliiol nml tlmt
said purchase of tax salo of said lund was
inado for tho years isfw, 19J, and liioo aud that
suljsetiuent tues havo been paid on said land
bv C. 0. Stevens for the jeurs HKH and HOi
That thn said V. O. Stevens litis sold and as
signed all his interest In und to the suld tax
certificate and said delinquent und subsequent
tuxes paid thereunder, to T. .1. O'K'eefo, who is
now inu owner aim noiuer or same. Tliut tlio
time for redemption of tho uforcxiild laud will
explre'on tho lith day of June, HH)I.
Dutod, AlHniicu Nebraska, this 10th day of
February, 1P04. f p-i'eb VI T. J. O'Kt.Kt r.
Notice to Itcdccm.
To John KeefTo nnd John Knechtol:
You and each of jou aro hereby notllled that
on tho 12th day of Juno, lSKffi, O.U. Sim ens pur
cliUHod at tux sale, tho southeast quarter of
section 2. in township S5, range 50 in box Hutto
county, Nebraska. That saU land was taxed
Inthonamoof John Knechtol and that said
purchase of tax sale of suld lund was mudo for
the years 1898, 180!), and JU00 and that subse
quent taxes have been paid on suld land by (.'.
O. btcvens for tho years 1001 and iwe. That
the said CO. Stevens has sold and assigned
ill Ills Interest in and to said tux certificate
and said delinquent and subsequent tuxes
paid thorounder, toT. J. O'Kcefowho Is now
tho owner anhod ldcr of same. That tho timo
for the redemption of aforesaid land will ex
pire on tho 12th day of June, IP01.
Dated Alllanco, Nebraska, this 10th day of
February, 1P0I. f p-Fou 12 T. .1. O'lvEErE.
Taken L'p.
In Alliance, Nobrusku. January 28. 1P01: Ono
blue-gray gelding, with small ml spots on
hip and back and has 0110 white eyo; ago
about 13 years and weight about (130 pounds.
Ono light sorrel old mare, two whlto hind foet.
bob-tailed, weight nbont 7C0 pounds. Ono
sucking light bay mare colt, strip In forehead.
One light bay gelding, left hind foot white,
weight about 700 pounds, eight yenrs old. One
light buy mure, ago unknown, weight ulniut
800 pounds, whlto strip In forehead, both hind
feet white.
Tho above described property aro being kept
at UcbcIi's livery stable. Owner may secura
sumo by proving property and paying expen
ses. 51. A. Shay.
City Marshal.
Public Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that bids will bo re
ceived at tho oflico of tho county clerk at Al
liance, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, on
Junuury 12. lPOI. for tho lease of tho ixxr farm
and for lxmrdlug such paupers as may bo
committed to tho poor house by tho county
authorities and for washing and mending tho
clothes of snch paupers; such lease, lioard.
washing nnd mending to bo for the term of 0110
year, commencing March 1. HKH. Tho bidder
to submit 11 bond with his bid lu thesum of
$500. conditioned for tho faithful iorformanco
of any contract awarded him In accorduueo
with his bid. Tho board reserves tho right to
reject any and all bids.
Alllunce, Neb., Dec. 31, 1WI. tf. M Smvseii.
I'ouutj Merle
Sheriff's Sale.
U virtiieof 1111 order of salt' Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of Box H.ate coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by s-ild
court In favor of Tho nqultahlo IjiihI Com
paiiy, plalntltr.und against the Unknown heirs
ofVvin.Hlulr.l wlll.outhulflthdayof Fobruurv,
A.I). IIV4, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day. at tlio
west front door of tho court house in Alliance.
In said county, sell tho following described
realestnto, to-wlt:
Tho northeast tiuurtcr of section 27, In town
ship 28. north of range 48. west of tho sixth
prluclpal meridian, in Itox Hutto county. No-
lipficlr'i tit mililfi iiiiri1k l. I.I..1. i.i.i
dor for cash, to satisfy suld order of Hale lu
,1k. mini ... tlliY ..1 .) I... . .... ...
i..u ouu, i roti.i. uuu iiiiurusi. uosia unil ac
cruing costs taxed at $S.13. Subject to unpaid
, ,, Sheriff of said County.
W. O. Bimonsos,
Attorney for Plaintiff. 4-4
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court, within und for Uox Hutto
County, Nebraska, Junuury 10, 1004. In tho
mutter of the estuto of N'etta P. .Munchester.
deceased. To tho creditors of suld estate:
on uro hereby notified that I will sttat tho
County Court room In Alllanco in said county
on Friday, July 22,1001. to receive and
examine all claims against said estate with a
vlow to their adjustment and allowance. Tho
time limited for tho presentutlui of claims
against said estate Is six months from tho loth
day of Junuary, A. D.. 1004. und tho timo
limited for payment of dobts is ono year from
said 10th day of January, 1001.
Witness my hand and the soul of said coun
ty couit this Huh day of .January. 100(.
(A true copy.! D. K. SPAOHT.
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue of an order of sale issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty, Nobrusku, upon u decree- rendered by suld
court in favor of T. M. Lawler. plaintiff, and
agatust A. J. liuticock and Mrs. Ilubcock, llrst
name unknown, wlfj of A. J. Ilubcock,
are defendants, I will, on tho 23.1 day of Febr
uary, A. I). 1001. at lo o'c oek a. m. on said
day, at tho west front door of tho court house
In Alliance," in said county, soil the following
described real estate, to-wlt:
Northwest quarter, section 10, lu township
25. north rango 48, west sixth principal merid
ian, lu Hox Hutto county. Nebraska, at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to sat
lstV said order of sate. In tlin sum nf r.-, nn unrl
interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at
?.-j.ih, snifject to ail unpaid taxes.
,,, ., ShciliT ts.tid County
Wm. Mitch ell.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-i
Sheriff's Snlc.
ily vlrtuoof an order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of tho district court of Hox Uutta coun
ty Nebraska, upon a decroo rendered by said
court lu favor of D. A. Paul, plulutlff, and
against Martin Donovan und Mr ivinnin.
first tinnio unknown, wlfoof Martin Donovun,
jl it tr n rl .. , 1 ...III a 1. V,.I . 11
m.tniuim, 1 win, 011 iiiaju uay 01 rcuruury,
A. D. 1004. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at
tho west front door of tho court Douse In Alli
ance. In said county, sell the following des
cribed real estate, to-wlt:
Tho southwest rnnirtnr. kix-ltnn ' In limn.
ship SO, north rango 61. west sixth prlncliiat
meridian, lu Hox Hutto County. Nebraska, at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of
$0SS.:c, und interest, costs and accruing costs
wcu it,. -wvmo, nuujn-fc IU UlllK&lU UIAI'S.
Sheriff of said county.
Wit. Mitch el(.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-il
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court, within and for Hox Hutto
count, Nebraska. Feburary 2. ivoi, in the.
manor 01 tuo estaio 01 saran rj. .Miller, de
ceased To the creditors of tho said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit nt
The County Court Itooui lit Alliance In said
county, on tho 5th day of August, 1004, at 10
o'clock u. m. to rrcolvo aud examine all claims
against saiu estate, with a view of their ad
justment nud allowance. Tho time limited
for tho presentation of claims against suld es
tate Is 0 months, from the second day of Feb
ruary, A I).. UWI. and tho time limited for
tho payment of debts Is ono ear from suld
2nd day of Fuburury, A. I).. tOOt.
Witness my haifll and seal of said County
Court, this 2nd day of February, 1004.
(A true copy) D. K SPAOIlT,
IBKAL.1 f ii-Feb. 5- County J udge.
For a Full
2 Line of...
Staple nd
Best Co fees,
finest Teas,
f Superior Flours,
That Can't be Real
In Town.,..
ps, Tinware ttnd
y?&" Enameled ware
"JoXT5 fax 3a.T
Alliance Candy Co.
MauufacturinK Confectiona
rics both wholesale and re
tail. We ask the public to
inspect our goods. You will
find them tip top.
J. Rowan
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At Pilkington's old
stand, 'phone No. 71.
:: Udi rtaki'i jf ni
:: Embalming" Company.
Calls snswered promptly day or night.
Claude Humphry,
ilrs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant.
Residence phone 269.
Flour ! Feed.
41 Home
Is Our Leader. Try It...,
'PHONE 105.
Wm. James,
Dealer in
No. 5.
I have purchased the paint shop
of Albert JcLcson and am prepaired to
do all kinds of carriage painting.
People, if you have furniture you
want fixed I will call and get it- I
also do painting and paper hanging,
graining and first class sign work. All
work of the best aud satisfaction guar
Phone 194.
W. H. Zehrung.
Guy Lockwood
i:.MJui.Mixa -
Funeral Director and Hmbalmer
Phones Office 214. Res 205
Expert I.ndy
Attcnnont .. Alliance, Nfll).
i.onar. mKivTrmv.
ltovAi. HidiinsDEiis-Alllunco Cnstle No.
43 rueots cry second and fourth Thursdiy
evenlnir In W. O. W, Hull. Visiting Clansmen,
cordlnllr Invited.
E. P. W00111, C. V. JEFFEU8,
Sco'y. L. P.
Office Phone ISO. klsidence Phone 203.
Koonis 1, 2 and .1, KIr-,t National build
Inn, Alllanco, Nub. Notary lu olllce.
North Main SL, - ALLIANOE. NED.
E. H. Boyd,
,. Attorney nt Law ..
Collections given Prompt Attention,
J. E. MOORE, M. D.
Calls unswored from ofilce duy or night.
Telephone No. &!.
Thirty jeors exoorlenco. Diseases of
women and children and non-surgical re
moval of gall stones and euro of apendlcl
tls, specialties.
Oflico first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 2
'Phono d.iy or night, HP.
H. H. Bellwood,
Uolstcn Ilulldlng, - ALLIA? 3E, NEB
Offlco in First National Hank block. AU1
anco Nebraska.
Oflico two blocki north of Times building.
Phone 258,
Hours, ft to M a. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m.
aTdTnew! '
Sales cried in this und adjoining counties by
tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex
perience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con
tracts can be made ut The IIkkald offlco
where references to Alllanco cltirens will
also bo given.
Contractor and Builder.
Turning and Scroll
Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estimates Furnished
Rrlck Shop West of Alllanco National
Bank, Alliance, Neb.
PHONE 400.
of flour we make many varieties of
Each kind is different in shape, differ
ent in method of making and different
in flavor. Hardly necessary to say
that all are excellent. We make noth
ing that we cannot recommend.
Parker House, milk and bread rolls.
If you have not tried them, do so.
The PARDEE Bakery.
Moying Household Furniture
and Trunks a specialty ,
Phone No, i-Young's grocery, Alliance.